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Quest The Solemn City Characters



Just warming up
The Solemn City.png

  • Person in woods.gif

    The Solemn City is a survival horror roleplay that will demand that you outwit, and outmaneuver vastly more powerful enemies to escape their grasp. In a world long where the Fallow, nigh god-like entities hunt mortals (you) to achieve complete extermination, you are among the few that are still alive. One way or another, you stumbled into the Burrow and were taken in by Papa who fed you, taught you, and raised you. The first lesson you learned? Avoiding a fight is almost always your best option.

    Brought to you in partnership with Coyote Coyote

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Tobias (Tobi)


16 y/o



non-combat ability.

Micro hearing- Ability to hear even the smallest sounds from about the distance of a football field. This is especially helpful not only for making up his lack of sight but with his job as hunter.



1) Incredibly sensitive to the environment around him- Because his eyesight is going bad, Tobi has learned how to get around with his other senses. He prefers to walk around barefoot in order to feel the earth beneath him and anything nearby or below. He can hear a mouse skitter a mile away, and can even smell different scents that would otherwise be almost nonexistent to others.

2) Efficient with setting traps- Tobi often relies on other things to do the hunting for him. Setting traps in the surrounding area to hunt is the best way he can carry out this job. He often risks a lot in order to set them, but the payoff seems to be worth it for him.


Has a knack for making and therefore fixing broken traps or similar appliances.


How did you find the Burrow?


Your first instinct upon seeing a monster is to?

Run and hide, as it should be for everyone. Who in their right mind would fight a gigantic beast when the risk is so high?

Your siblings are teasing you about something. What is it and how do you react?

Tobi is no rookie when it comes to getting picked on, but being at the burrow has toughened him up a bit. The kid has gotten teased on for his lack of sight, catches that would be considered less than sub par compared to Achilles's, and ESPECIALLY his cautiousness with practically everything. Tobi has learned to deal with it and even embrace it some, although he wouldn't be caught dead admitting to actually enjoying it. He knows it's all fun and games, and views it as affection from those he's close to.

Listening to the story of the Witch of the Woods again makes you feel?

Tobi would never call Papa a liar, but he believes the Witch of the Woods might be a bit far fetched. Was there some bigger, scarier entity out there? He had no doubt, especially with the things he'd seen. But come on, a witch? He'd believe it when he saw it... or rather felt it.

— PT.2

Papa took you in. Cared for you. Scolded you. Loved you. What was your relationship with him like?

Loving. At least on the outside. Tobi trusted Papa with everything and looked up to him more than anyone he had in his whole life. Sure, there may have been some resentment against the man for not saving his cousin, but that was on him too, so he couldn't be too mad. However, anxiety and worry are a cruel and invading thing. Tobi often wonders if Papa would still have taken him in and loved him just as equally today considering all of the choices he has made since Papa has been gone.

What is your favourite memory of the Burrow? Least favourite?


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Name: Ari
Pin by FoxyPups on My Story Characters | Anime drawings boy, Dark anime  guys, Cute anime guys

Age (12-19): 15
Gender: Male
Power (non-combat ability):
Ari is blind in the traditional sense, but his mental map can visualize the world extremely clearly in a large radius. He can 'see' behind him, around corners, etc. Solid barriers stop him from 'seeing' through stuff, but this mental map lets him zoom in and observe small details extremely well. Beyond that, Ari can sense movement in the distance with decent accuracy, especially if it's fast/large.

Role (only one): Scout
Skills (two):
Ari has the ability to spot the materials that would be the most useful for others. He can identify the freshest/least infested herbs, the cleanest water, etc.
He's really good at climbing trees and boulders. Not much else to say.
Talent (one):
Despite his lack of eyes, Ari is very surefooted and coordinated, with swift, quick, and accurate movements.

Character Development

How did you find the Burrow?:
...not that it mattered for him. Ari could see things perfectly well, crouching quietly in the forest. His parents were miles behind him in the woods, dying of their injuries. He wept no tears for them; no, the water in his eye was from the rain that dripped from the grey sky. He was strong. They were weak. Ari had ran from the jaws of death. Those who had stood and fought were weak. You didn't win by fighting. You won by running.

A drop of water rolled down his cheek once more. Ari mumbled, "You run and you win, you run and you win, you run and you win."

It was the last thing anyone had ever said to him before they fought. They stood and lost. Ari trudged forward for several more minutes in silence before coming to a halt. There was...something. A crack in the ground. It was far too large to be made by an animal. Maybe there were other humans. Strong ones. Ones who wouldn't die. Ari started forward again with renewed energy.
Your first instinct upon seeing a monster is to?:
...and Ari froze. He plucked the last two leaves from the stem and slipped them into his pouch before getting on all fours. Checking in the direction of the sound, he found a terribly disfigured thing. He frowned at the flowers, still full of leaves. Papa would be disappointed if he didn't have everything, but...

"You run and you win," Ari whispered to himself.

He got up and made his way back towards the Burrow quietly and carefully.
Your siblings are teasing you about something. What is it and how do you react?:
"...White-Eye! What's in this tree?" He pointed towards an old tree log that had fallen long ago.

Another kid chimed in, "Let me see!" She stared at the log in concentration before suddenly letting out an ear-piercing scream and jumped three feet into the air, coming down laughing.

"It was one time, guys," Ari told them. "You try looking into that ant nest and see how you react."

He sighed as the response came, consisting of laughter and more teasing.

Do not attack head-on, when your enemy expects it. Fight in a more subtle way. Cause them discomfort or inconvenience. Nothing that can get traced back to you.
Listening to the story of the Witch of the Woods again makes you feel?:
...and scoffed. "Kinda interesting, but don't care."

The boy next to him, who went by Keer, frowned at his response. "Well, if you aren't careful, you'll die."

"Ugh." Ari rolled his eyes. "You're always so melodramatic. So annoying."

Keer leaned onto him jokingly. "That's why I stick around you!"
Papa took you in. Cared for you. Scolded you. Loved you. What was your relationship with him like?:
...finished his story with a harrowing moral. Ari nodded along, and of course, he agreed with it. A part of it, at least.

Ari raised his hand and asked, "Well, shouldn't the moral be that the humans should have run better, not-"

Papa told him wearily, "No, we've talked about this, White, the mis—"

Ari interjected, "—Ari—"

"White," Papa continued, "the mistake we made happened before these things came for us. How could we be punished for something we didn't do?"

"Well, maybe the monsters wouldn't have killed—"

"Ari..." Papa said quickly. "Stop this."

Shutting his mouth at the mention of his actual name, Ari sulked internally.
What is your favorite memory of the Burrow? Least favorite?:
...patted off the dust on the painting of his friend Keer. Ari didn't know what colors were, but apparently, he hadn't used the right ones to draw War. They'd had a great time laughing about it. The details were perfect, or at least, Ari thought so. Keer's hair curled over his shoulders in the exact same way they did in real life. His clothing had the exact same rips and creases in it, and even the tree bark Keer was sitting on was a perfect replica.

But apparently, in the drawing, the bark was purple instead of brown, Keer's hair was orange instead of brown, and his face was green instead of tan. Whatever those colors were. Ari took the painting out of Keer's closet space, soon to be filled with someone else's, and put it in his own. He closed his eyes, letting tears pour down his cheeks.

Why didn't you run, Keer? Why didn't you win?

He could still remember that exact moment when Keer had been snapped in half. It was a curse, not a blessing, that Ari could see everything in excruciating detail.
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scroll me!

some details !

some details !


The Doctor

Name: ''The name's Quinn, occasionally Q if I like you enough.''

Age (12-19):

Gender: Female

Power (non-combat ability): ''The one thing I can do that got me stuck in my current position is the ability to exponentially speed the healing process of myself or others. Minor scratches and things of that nature heal within a minute, puncture wounds depending on the depth around 3 min, larger gashes and wounds take at least 2 hours and broken bones 3-5 days based on the type of break. Poison on the other hand has to go along with the ingestion of antidote. Not sure what would happen if I tried to reconstruct an organ or work on an amputated limb since no one wants to volunteer as a practice dummy. Also, hate to be the one to say this but I'm not a god so large scale healings take everything outta me. Like blackout, coma for 2 days, useless piece of Burrow meat. Small things can be done and finished, big pains that require 4 or more hours of my time to just get the patient out of the danger zone take everything I have. I'M LOOKING AT YOU ACHILLES, I'll stop the bleeding but the rest is up to you dumbass because other people need my healing hands later.''

Role (only one): ''Somehow these idiots chose me to be the Doctor... I can think of a lot more interesting ways to spend my time outside of healing booboos and owies.''

Skills (two): ''As far as skills go, I have a full understanding of human anatomy which is necessary for my power. The other skill would have to be my Knowledge on which herbs can be mixed to assist in healing and which produce atrocious toxins. Now the problem is that I only know the plants by name and not necessarily by how they look...because they literally all look the same to me. Which is why I'm often bothering our precious Olivia because she's a plant mom and knows what her kids look like.''

Talent (one): ''Huh a talent, well if beauty counts that'll work right...What do ya mean that won't work. The only other thing that could be considered a talent is my sewing talent. Not only can I repair clothing and fabric, I can suture a human resulting in a near perfect healing. Granted when I first started on squirrels they looked like horrible zombie hybrids but ya live and ya learn.''

Character Development

How did you find the Burrow?: ''As embarrassing as it is, I was running through the woods when I was younger. Now let's just say that running full speed with your eyes closed after punching a monster in the mouth was not the smartest move, not sure what kind of balls I had at that age to think that a punch would save my younger sister from death. Needless to say, I ran directly into a tree trunk and blacked out. Next thing I knew, Papa was taking care of me and told me that my sister was more than likely dead. So i really had no choice but to stick around.''

Your first instinct upon seeing a monster is to?: ''I have to actively fight the intense urge to square up with them. I always wonder if it is the one that stole my sister from me. Now I just lay low and control my breathing.''

Your siblings are teasing you about something. What is it and how do you react?: ''I fully support teasing them with double the effort. Hell, I love teasing the others whenever I get the chance.''

Listening to the story of the Witch of the Woods again makes you feel?: ''Irritation. No further comment, it pisses me off just thinking about it.''

Papa took you in. Cared for you. Scolded you. Loved you. What was your relationship with him like?: ''Like anyone else would say, he was like a father figure. More importantly, he was like a professor to me that provided me with an endless source of knowledge. Sure me and the old man had issues when I first got here but after a year or so I was a better kid in a lot of ways.''

What is your favourite memory of the Burrow? Least favourite?: ''Others might not think like this but my violent first year here was one of my favorite source of memories. I was rougher than some of the boys in the way I had tried to escape multiple times only to be dragged right back by the old man. My least favorite would be the first time I discovered my healing abilities after accidentally healing the injured kill that had been brought in. You're never really prepared to fight a now fully healthy buck in an enclosed space.''

♡design by neon reverie, coded by uxie♡
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  • a


coded by weldherwings.
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"We'll be okay. Just stay by my side."







keen eye
"I'm afraid I'm not all that interesting to say the least..."

Daphne has lived on this planet for thirteen years. During that time, she's learned how to stay silent and observe, a cautious girl after watching too many half made plans fall apart at the seams. There's a kind heart about her, a knowledge that cooperation and trust seems to work better in most situations. Her silent observation, however, has also brought about a curiosity, an interest to test the waters despite an understanding that their current way of life had kept them, well, alive.
"Before I found the Burrow? There isn't much to tell really..."

She only remembers her mother. Even then, its a blurry image, one speckled with too much red to be what her mother had looked like before. It had been her that taught Daphne about how silence was important to survive, and that hiding was not a cowardly thing, but something that allowed you to survive. Attacking those monsters would only spell danger and death, learning how to navigate their place with ease. There was something that naturally helped her, and while the two survived together for quite sometime, they weren't enough to keep out of trouble.

Silver hair was tied up, berries filling the basket to the brim. Their camp wasn't too far away, a smile as she went to proudly display her find. It was plentiful there, a garden with all their needs and more. The girl hadn't spoken, but her excitement was in the way she moved, the way her face lit up only to fall into shock. Her mind couldn't process what was before her, frozen in time, sure that she would be the next meal after her- her... The shock fell away, a mental curse for how she could be caught off guard. It was lucky that they hadn't heard her or seen her, ducking behind a tree before beginning to walk away in silence, not looking back, simply waiting for the noise of when the beasts would find out.

It never happened. The walk continued, legs continuing the movement despite not having any energy to continue further. The basket remained with her, yet she couldn't taste them anymore. They were bland, her mind still in shock despite everything else having returned to normal. No words spoken, the girl continued on until she found others. People. It was then that she let herself stop, knees buckling underneath her.

"We've found some interesting ways to survive. We had to."

There are a few different skills and talents that Daphne has built up or found along the years. There is a gratitude towards all of them, an understanding that her survival would be more in question had these not helped her along the way. Silencing her steps took some concentration and awareness of her surroundings, but could work for quite some time. It was part of what made her a scout, allowing her to patrol and map out areas without gaining the awareness of the ones that lurked about. Observing had always been a skill the girl had had, able to pick out father off berry bushes or notice that a plant seemed to be moving strange. The charting came later, a skill that only got better with time as her recollection practiced scale and figuring out how to define where Daphne was on a map. Ciphering was more just an interest, a way to write things quickly or send messages to others without noise. Again, it took practice, but eventually her mind trained on looking for these patterns and deciphering what messages meant and how to reply.

Her instinct upon seeing a monster has changed a bit- rather than stiffening, Daphne hides, watching where they stand versus where she can safely leave and notify the others to stay away for the time being. Tears may swell in her eyes, but they don't fall like they used to.

"Papa knew more than the rest of us. There's comfort in knowledge."

Her interest varied in Papa's stories. Daphne was of the belief that this was not deserved- her mother had been so kind, how could she deserve death? And yet, there seemed to be quite a bit of truth to what he said. So she listened, taking it as stories more than realities. She would grasp for the tendrils of truth that floated in his words, tucking it closer to her chest. But most of all, his stories seemed to connect everyone- while it forced blame on the wrong people, the entire Burrow knew these stories and would listen. It allowed for a strange connection, and a way for him to live on after death. A part of her wanted to meet this Witch of the Woods, but Daphne didn't want death. And yet, perhaps her mind thought it would end this cycle of current life.
"Everyone here is family- what else would they be?"

Her least favorite memory at the Burrow was the day after arriving. Legs sore and in an unknown place, Daphne could do much as her skepticism only grew, unsure of the people around her. However, they had taken care of her, so her trust grew, holding onto the others. Never before had she been alone, the girl didn't want to start now. There seemed to be very little choice in the matter- if they allowed her to stay, she would stay.

No- her least favorite memory was the second time she encountered a monster, once the girl was back on her feet and able to help out again. It had caught her off guard, unprepared more for her reaction than seeing one of these creatures. Tears spilled and her mind went blank, quiet sobs as she was stuck in one place. It was lucky that she hadn't treaded far from the Burrow, Guardians able to help distract the beast away from the encampment. Daphne had received some annoyed stares and whispers after that, a newfound determination to prove herself worthy as scout- what was later found to be a normal reaction for Daphne whenever teased or others were annoyed with her. Perhaps that was what had allowed her to keep the spot.

Her favorite memory is a little secret, or at least, that's what she suspects. A wolf that she had spotted when out scouting. The distance led her to believe that the hunters wouldn't find the creature, and it seemed starved. The next morning, her scouting brought the animal back again. This time, however, Daphne could offer food, hesitant as she wanted to care for the creature. It had worked, finding the wolf more and more as she scouted out the area around the Burrow. Sometimes it would leave for weeks at a time, and yet the wolf seemed to have survived for quite some time. She just hoped it would continue to survive. Some of her food always found it into her pocket just in case.
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  • Appearance: 6'~ tall, slightly muscular albeit lean frame, angular & gaunt features, dark shaggy hair, piercing blue eyes

    Name: Roman

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Power (non-combat ability): Maius Imperium - Sparingly, Roman can flood his bloodstream with Adrenaline and endorphins, greatly increasing his Senses, Strength, and Speed. This power can be trained to higher durations and can currently be used for roughly five minutes up to three times a day. In minor cases of extension, fatigue is the most common consequence. However, Pushing beyond these boundaries can result in damage, sometimes permanent depending on extent of exertion, to his muscle fibers and nerve endings.

    Role: Guardian

    Skills: Acrobatics - Roman has spent years training himself to get up, around and under obstacles of any kind and is quite flexible so as to facilitate that.
    High Stamina - In the realm of physical exertion, Roman is unparalleled, Having spent years training his body to keep going no matter the cost
    Talent: Situational Intelligence - When it comes down to the wire in the most dire of moments, Roman can quickly make the best call
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Name: Olivia.
Age: 17.
Gender: Female.
Power: Green Fingers | An innate connection to plantlife, Olivia has the ability to feel the needs and properties of herbs, flowers, vegetables and fungi through touch. This extrasensory experience translates to her in the shape of emotional and/or physiological responses (e.g. nauseousness & disgust, pain & fear, etc).

Liv's ability mostly aids her in caring for plants, as well as determining whether something that seems tasty is truly edible.

Role: Cook.
One damn good salad: Given her intuitive connection to plants and her line of work, Olivia is well accustomed to the herbal gifts offered by Mother Nature. As a result, Olivia has become a walking encyclopedia on the subject of herbalism, albeit a suggestive, faulty and strongly opinionated one.

II: Hand me the knife already: Though her preferences admittedly lay within the green repertoire of cooking colours, there is no going around the many shades of red these days. Thanks to having prepared plenty of meat-filled meals, Olivia is a proper butcher and well-versed in preparing and analysing various animals.

Talent: Resourceful | Olivia has always had an eye for being practical, knowing how to use her resources diligently and effectively. This habit of hers proved very useful in a kitchen with a small palette but a large burden, for she ensures that nothing is wasted.

Character Development

How did you find the Burrow?:
Like many others: as a lost child, through a sliver of luck. Olivia had long said her goodbyes to family, now attached solely to the warm hand of her older brother. It was at his pace that she followed through the monstrous wonderland, eyes aimed at the ground in crippling fear of what would appear before her.

In truth, Olivia had already accepted the fate that was certain to come. She never wanted to be defeatist, but seeing the horrors devour all that made her heart beat was deeply demotivating. Fate, however, seemed to have different ideas, for gloomy eyes glimmered as footsteps caught her gaze.

Tracking human presence like hunters, Olivia and her older brother, Thomas, crossed paths with a burrow citizen that would inevitably lead them to their entry into the Burrow.

Your first instinct upon seeing a monster is to?:
Run- well, that is if her fight-flight system even allows her to move. For someone with such a loud and confident presence, Olivia isn’t exactly someone that does well in the heat of danger. Given her lack of proper combative skills, she likely wouldn’t be able to fend for herself, though she would certainly never give up. Death won’t get her that easily.

Your siblings are teasing you about something. What is it and how do you react?:
To Olivia, plants are like children. She names them, talks to them, and cares for all their needs as if her life depends on it. Some of her siblings have found it funny to mock her for this maternal attitude, but she paid no mind to it. They would know the cost of it all when their next meal would somehow taste a bit.. odd.

Teasing Olivia means war, a long one at that. One prank or insult will be retaliated against with two, and she will continue her calculated spree until she ends up on top. People need to know who’s the queen of the imps.

Listening to the story of the Witch of the Woods again makes you feel?:
Critical, curious, and conflicted. How does one fear something they’ve never seen, of which they know nothing but mirrored words and biased descriptions? Olivia has never passed a chance to ask the dozen questions that plagued her mind, but now she’s left in an endless wilderness of mystery that intrigues her as much as it inflicts her with dread.

Papa took you in. Cared for you. Scolded you. Loved you. What was your relationship with him like?:
Difficult? As the walking and talking embodiment of ‘all bark, no bite’, Olivia wasn’t exactly an obedient dream child. Though she would always do as told, verbally, Liv was always a fighter. Her opinion would accompany every decision Papa made, and her questions would fill the void of every ambiguity in his stories. Critique was always her main tongue, and that resulted in plenty of scoldings.

At its core, however, Olivia’s bond to Papa has always been one of love. To this day, she proudly upholds his love for flowers and protects his floral remnants with every inch of courage nested in her body.

What is your favourite memory of the Burrow? Least favourite?:
Her most favourite memory is as sweet as it gets, literally. She will never forget the taste of her honey-glazed pecan baked apple with homebrewed jasmine tea. Olivia made sure that every opportunity Papa gave her to ‘make a little extra’ wouldn’t go wasted, and this was by far her most prized creation. It was well-received too, although she did admittedly threaten to starve anyone that had the audacity to dislike it. We don’t talk about that part, though!

The least favourite memory, unfortunately, turned sweet into bitter.

Thomas was an optimistic, friendly soul who preached selflessness even in the bleakest times. His attitude was the total opposite to Olivia, prioritising gratefulness overall, even if that means remaining ignorant and limited. He was a good person, but, unfortunately, the brightest lights are the easiest to track in the dark.

After Papa’s death unchained some of the Burrow’s reckless hearts, Thomas went out in the dark to search for a friend that was stupid enough to disobey. He never returned, and his disappearance breached the very fabrics of his sister. To this day, Olivia maintains that her brother is alive and well, and she will never condone anyone saying otherwise.
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  • Appearance:
    Height: Approximately 5'6
    Name: Vyelis
    Age : 18
    Gender: Female
    Power: Artisan Mode - They can enter a mode that enhances/heightens their ability to craft things, allowing them to quickly and efficiently build/repair things in vastly reduced time, notice flaws/mistakes, tell the quality of the product before it's finished, and even surpass master artisans/crafters. While in this mode they will typically suppress their conscious mind, essentially turning it off, placing them in a trance-like state where they act as if they are programmed. They will snap out of this mode when one of the following happens, they complete the task, the time limit they gave for the mode runs out or they are snapped out of it and willing choose to disable the mode.
    (Fun note, this mode will also enable them to be productive and do tasks even in their sleeps.)

    Role: Craftsman

    Skills :
    Sleight of Hand - They are able to use dexterous hand movements designed to manipulate objects and deceive opponents, this skill is useful for deception, prestidigitation, thievery or anything else that requires precise movements, and they can do this with great coordination.
    Enhanced Reading/Writing/Drawing - They can read, draw and write at almost a unrealistic speed, when it comes to reading they can do it while still retaining all of the information they read. They also have intuitive knowledge on how to pronounce any word in a language that they know.

    Talent: Science Intuition - They have a extraordinary innate skills with the study and utilization of the field of science to produce mass inventions, conduct experimentation, and perform accurate calculations. They have vast intuitive understanding in a variety of branches of science and are able to use their intuitive scientific expertise for various purposes.
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• c o r b i n •

[name:] Corbin Hale
[age] eighteen
[gender] male

[role] doctor
[power] pain absorption and sedation - Corbin has the ability to take away someone's pain but sadly not the entire illness or disease. For that, he relies on his superb mental abilities to use and utilize everything they have such as medicine supplies or medicinal herbs. His power works like a powerful anesthetic. He can make them fall asleep depending on how much ability he is using. Truly it is helpful since their supply is not exactly unlimited. The effectiveness of his ability lasts at least 2 hours. Three hours at most. The only downside of his ability is that Corbin feels the pain he's taking away. Every ounce of it and with the same intensity what the patient is feeling. The pain will only last as soon as Corbin has absorbed them all.

- Corbin mastered how to assess the patient using his senses. He was taught where and what to inspect, tap and palpate. He also has a knack on determining whether the body part is fractured or sprained. Popping a joint back to place is an easy task. He even mastered in making splints and how to wrapped bandages efficiently.
- He is quite handy in identifying which herbs are medicinal, edible and poisonous. With the right ingredients, he can make effective tinctures and salves.

strong willed and ingenious- with the lack of having an actual medical equipment, one must learn how to improvise and adapt to overcome the challenges. That's where Corbin excels. He may not have the physical strength (an understatement), but mentally, he is more than capable. He is quick witted, resourceful and has a sharp eye for details. He may not have all the answers, but Corbin is willing to risk his life just to figure it out.

Corbin has dark brown eyes and messy dirty blond hair. He stands in an average height of 5 foot 10 inches and weighs nothing but 130 pounds. His father often joked that if the wind blew slightly harder, he would be takenaway. Or if monsters were to catch him, they would only use him as a toothpick and nothing more. He has a crooked smile that hints mischief but he is a trustworthy fellow. Corbin is awkwardly lanky and sometimes can't differentiate his right or left foot. But what he lacks of foot work, he made it up with hand and eye coordination. He has good and steady hands when it comes to doing his assigned task. He might look a little uncoordinated but he is more than capable of doing things.

how did you find the Burrow?

Corbin is raised in The Burrow but the location where he was born was uncertain and it is fine by him. He loves their place. And as if his life can't get any more sullen, depressing and world-weary, he never knew who his parents were. He was found at the very entrance of their safe haven with no notes or any indication of who he is and where he came from by the surly resident doctor named Matthias who took him in. He raised and treated him like a son and Corbin saw him as father and savior. In return, he became an apprentice and ended up as a replacement when Matthias passed on.

your first instinct upon seeing a monster is to?:
Freeze and pray that he wasn't spotted. Corbin believes that there is a time to be brave and a time to surrender. Don't get him wrong, he is no coward nor a craven but he knew better than to act recklessly especially if the odds are not in his favor. But when it comes to monsters surrounding them, if there's a chance, he would definitely stay hidden and study the creatures up close. Know thy enemy, he was once told. Studying them might give him more knowledge or ideas that he could potentially use for the benefit of what remains of mankind.

your siblings are teasing you about something. What is it and how do you react?:
Corbin is an only child or as far as he knows. He's not the most social person and would rather stay with his father and watch him work than play with other kids. But it could be said that his flaw could be that he is a little gullible when it comes to things that he's not certain of. After knowing or realizing that it was all a jest, Corbin would likely study or ask whatever it is. No matter how stupid it sounds. The only thing he could not study is his uncoordinated feet and it is something that he is personally annoyed at and at the same time learned to accept it.

listening to the story of the Witch of the Woods again makes you feel?:
He is scared and anxious knowing that such a creature exists. Of course, it could be an old wives' tale. A story being told to children to make them behave. But knowing the state they are living in; it is more than possible that it could be true which made him a little more curious at the same time cautious. If by any chance it is true, then can the witch cast magic to ensnare her victims like in one of Matthias’ stories? Or what have they done in their past lives to be reborn living in such troubling and dangerous state? Questions flood his mind that sometimes he is getting a little paranoid and overwhelmed.

papa took you in. cared for you. scolded you. loved you. what was your relationship with him like?:
Papa, in Corbin's point of view, is more like a lore himself, a deity that walks on earth. Like Father Christmas! Another vague tale his father figure told him when the weather is getting slightly colder every year. Even though it was Matthias who saved him, he still owed his life to Papa for creating a haven for them against the harsh reality they are living in. If Matthias is busy, it is Papa who tells him tales and stories. He’s the one who taught him things that Matthias does not know or just forgotten to share. Papa made him feel like he is worth saving and that he has a place in their colony. And much more importantly, he taught him the value of life and family.

what is your favourite memory of the burrow? Least favourite?:
His most treasured and the most painful memory begins and ends with Matthias, his father.

He was the one who fed, bathe, washed his poopers and basically raised him when he was nothing more than a mere 3-month-old baby. He taught him how to shave even though he basically lacks facial hair. Matthias was the one who grilled him day and night, asking him questions and teaching him things regarding his trade and position in The Burrow. From identifying herbs and their uses to practically mending broken bones and popping joints. If he chose to, he could easily paralyze, or even kill humans with just a couple of doses of a specific plant. Apart from his talent in medicine, he's also fond of literature. Though he only had two books that survived, he taught Corbin all the stories that were taught to him by his own father. His favorite was a book by Edgar Allan Poe, it is also where he got Corbin's name which basically means "Raven".

Every time the weather was nice, he can't help but to reminisce about their moments even though it's been three years since his passing. The old man just slept that night and he never woke up. A smirk was even etched on his lips when Corbin went up to find him.

If Corbin closed his eyes, he could still hear Matthias voice barking orders, or his heartfelt laughter. And if he listens more carefully, he could actually hear his heart breaking from longing.
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"The sunset may be the only beautiful thing left."
  • POWER - Timeless
    "With time comes opportunity."

    Oz is acutely aware of the precise time of day at any given moment.
    Even while underground or otherwise distanced from the sky.​

    SKILL - Breathless
    "Be calm. Be quiet. Be still."

    Oz is capable of holding his breath for up to 7 minutes without pause.
    This promotes stillness, reduces sound, and slows his pulse.​

    SKILL - Two-track Mind
    "Two heads are only better than one if they're in sync."

    Oz is not easily overwhelmed by simultaneous information;
    Allowing him to multitask to an exceptional degree.​

    TALENT - Second Nature
    "Nothing in this world happens simply by chance."

    Oz is unconsciously able to recognize obscure patterns and react accordingly.
    Example: Predicting the weather with surprising accuracy.
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filler! ignore

filler! ignore

filler! ignore

filler! ignore

filler! ignore

  • arabella



♡design by low fidelity, coded by uxie♡

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