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Multiple Settings The Soldier Princess


The land of Vespes has oft struggled with war, often over the rich resources granted to each land, as rulers look with greed at each other's holdings, wanting to take it all for themselves. Because of this, war was an almost constant thing, and so the culture, ideas and creations that sprang up as a result were tempered by this fact. Men and women both were taught the basics of fighting as even those who did not live by the sword could still die upon them, and no man wanted to see his family turned into a prize.

Magic, rare and poorly understood, was seen as a tool of war and those who possessed its power were State weapons, destined inevitably for the military to serve their country by killing with mystical arts, and the first question asked of any new creation was 'how would it fare in a war'?

Then peace... an unsteady peace, but a peace none the less swept over the land; a gift many said, after centuries of uncertainty and battles that created scars on the landscape and mutated nature from the magics thrown around.

Peace... wonderful peace.

It would only last 100 years.

In the grand kingdom of Askerta, the aging king has been gifted with three children; two elder sons and a daughter who has her mother's pride and her name is Mora, meaning 'new dawn'.

But Mora would prove be the catalyst which would spill the country back into war, for after so many decades of conflict there were few left who knew peacetime trades such as farming and so raiding had begun by those who had no other skill than killing, it was a dangerous situation.

And then Mora's pride was the flame the lit the powder keg; by striking the prince of the neighbouring country of Vauld.

She had been due to wed him to seal the alliance between the two countries, but the Prince of Vauld was vain and refused to even entertain the idea of living in Askerta, the two entering into a bitter argument. Threats were displayed, insults thrown and as the two arrogant nobles ego's collided, something had to give, and so Prince Luka of Vauld slapped the mouthy Princess Mora of Askerta, stumbling her into a dining table.

That should have been where it ended, as Luka had done something that threatened the peace and would demand an apology and reparations from his country but Mora took it a step farther, her own temper exploding like a volcano, she grabbed a nearby knife and cut the prince, slicing his face open and blinding one eye. In her fury, she had caused the die to fall.

Many would say that the Prince's actions had ensured the war but it didn't matter for when the two nations went to battle, their allies and the opportunist nations all joined in, everyone looking to grab something for themselves.

Furious, enraged beyond reason, King Varlu decreed that Mora was to be taken to the army and forced into service on the battlefields as punishment for instigating the war. She would only been allowed back and acknowledged as a noble once Vauld fell, and only if she survived.

That was seven years ago.

Now King Varlu and his two sons stand on a hill overlooking the city and its final push, he has no idea if his daughter is alive, nor the brothers know if their sister still lives, but her actions have caused the death of unknown thousands. Still, today is the final battle for the city....


I would play Princess Mora, you could play a brother or someone else, and see where it develops. I had no plans after this starting so it's anyone's idea, such as maybe she starts her own nation or returns to home, who knows?
So, you interested?

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