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As the bell rang, signaling the end of the day, the class filed out, though Uryu stayed behind to avoid being caught in the rush of students dying to escape the academic prison. Behind lenses glaring beneath cheap fluorescent lights, his eyes swept over the faces that'd become all too familiar within the last few months. He watched as the majority, like Ichigo, Orihime and Chad, acknowledged him light heartedly before merging into the corridor; whilst others, like Tatski, ignored him entirely though they'd become acquainted at the least. Mostly through questioning glances exchanged, his entirely apathetic whilst her eyes burned with inquiries like
what did you all really do last summer? Even if he wanted to answer, he couldn't form it all into words properly. Shock had faded the day he left the Soul Society, but the fact he'd gone there, was considered part of the Ryoka's that saved it, and wasn't opposed to helping again should the need arise... Those truths were hard for him, the sworn Quincy, to acknowledge.

"Yo, Uryu," He heard Ichigo's voice, which routinely shattered his introspection.


"Class is over, let's go." His boyish grin spread, an added gesture that really meant he didn't care if the teen tagged along, he just wanted to make sure he was alright.

"...Right! Hoizu," He glanced towards her seat, which was only one desk down from his own, brows furrowed almost apologetically for momentarily forgetting they planned to take the long way home, before it got too late.

The hollow threat had become considerably less worthy of his worry, he'd hardly had to string an arrow since their departure of the Soul Society. Of course his own safety wasn't really the point, though Hoizu could more often than not take care of herself, her well being was one of his top priorities, like he was for all friends, though this was a little more intense. She shared his burdens in a spiritual sense the other's couldn't quite understand, and for that reason he was willing to risk it all for her, even if she wasn't exactly at risk to begin with. Assumedly, the Shinigami had unimaginable tension with reconstruction, recovery and their issue with captain betrayals, but that wasn't of his concern unless Ichigo was rushing back in with his Zapakuto held high. Of which didn't seem likely, which was rather relieving for the whole lot. "Sorry. Let's get going."

If it wasn't for the Hollow threat, Rei wouldn't have ever stepped foot into the World of the Living.

From what she'd been exposed to throughout her childhood within the Rukon district, both the souls that came to reside there and the stories passing Shinigami would tell, it was a disgusting place. True, she wasn't the child of a noble family, and thus was one of the few poverty stricken children to actually carry any kind of traditional values and further more live by them. But when she heard of the brave Reapers that risked their lives for lowly spirits, the ones that turned District 80, where she was unfortunately born, into a place of filth and murder, she couldn't help a loss of sympathy, as well as an urge to break away from the reputation of her birth place. Only during field trips in the academy, and later meager assignments up until her time as lieutenant, did she ever cross the borders of the Seireitei and endure the Plus's (Spirits haunting the world residually) that typically seemed deserving of their torment.
That was harsh, better not let the Old Man hear me feeling that way, she caught herself and let out a soft exhale, delicate hands propped on her hips as she and the lieutenant of squad nine idly patrolled the streets of Karakura.

Though smaller in acres and populace, this town was a spiritual hotspot, mainly for hollows - while issues like that which happened with Aizen were far more pressing, the latest meeting with the Captains all concluded letting up on security here would be foolish. They also wanted the pair to check up on Ichigo Kurosaki, his entourage, and lieutenant Abari, who'd decided to act as a normal student of their high school whilst keeping an eye on them for their own safety. Rei didn't know either lieutenant very well, Shuhei even less than Renji, which made what seemed like leisurely strolls through the human world a bit uncomfortable. He seemed more than willing to strike up conversation with her, but Rei was too distracted by all the spiritual clutter here to be very amiable. Kids were rushing out from the high school just a few blocks away, a cluster of intense spirit pressure alerted the pair that both Abari and Kurosaki were together, but other than that, it was just a whirl of dormant humans.

Her demeanor seemed to shift considerably as the spirit of a feline rounded the neighborhood corner. Almost immediately she scooped the cat up in her arms, hugging it to her chest whilst attempting to pick up on spiritual pressure from any other direction. "I don't sense anything wrong," She murmured, whilst the creature purred, vibrations tingling against the woman's skin. "Even you need to pass over though," she told the animal, scratching it's small head and earning a long whine in response.

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Hoizu heard the bell ring, signaling the end of classes for the day. Most of the other students rushed for the door, excited to get going after another long day of Hell. Hoizu herself didn't really enjoy going home, since the death of her brother hung heavily in the air, making simply entering her home suffocating. She'd gotten to the point that she avoided her house at all costs, only going home when she really needed to. Usually, she spent time with Uryu after school, or went to the library, telling her parents she was studying. Though they were protective of her, they hadn't much cared where she went lately, not enough to do any investigating, anyway. Hoizu didn't really go and do anything she wasn't supposed to, but occasionally she went out and got a coffee or something. Staring out the window, eyes not really focused on anything, she listened to the conversations around her, wondering what it was like to be a normal teenager. Thinking that sounded so... Cliche, really. But it was the only way she could describe the people in school who didn't have the burdens that she, Uryu, and the Shinigami had. Though personally Hoizu didn't think that the Shinigami had it worse than she and Uryu, she understood that they too, had burdens. She'd met them, but hadn't really connected with any of them. She was too shy, too used to avoiding people, to be a good conversationalist. She stuck to speaking to Uryu, and that had worked so far. She really didn't see any need to make friends with anyone else, when she already had him.

Hearing Ichigo speak, Hoizu turned her attention from the window and watched, face expressionless. He was so energetic and seemed to happy all the time, she wondered how he could possibly do it all. She always felt like she was drained of energy, and never had enough happiness to last, though when she thought it, it sounded quite pathetic. It wasn't that she was depressed, she just didn't have the same enthusiasm about things that everyone else did. Hoizu saved her energy for things that mattered to her. As Uryu turned his attention to her and spoke her name, she nodded and stood, flattening her skirt. She didn't really like the school uniform, and to save herself embarrassment, she wore a pair of black leggings with it every day. It was just more comfortable if she didn't have to worry about her skirt flying up and flashing everyone.

"Eh? Sorry for what?" She asked him, shrugging as she picked up her bag. She hadn't realized he had anything to be sorry about. After all, it seemed both of them had been in their heads, and had forgotten that they were taking the long way home. The way she saw it, they were both responsible. Leading them out of the classroom, Hoizu didn't bother rushing. She had plenty of time to get home, and she figured she'd better enjoy the walk and the fresh air, before she got back into the suffocating gloom of her house. It was getting warmer outside, and Hoizu was glad for that. She really didn't like cold weather, and she especially didn't like ice. Turning to Uryu, she sighed, rubbing her temple. She had a headache. "Are we still on for this weekend? My parents are going to my Aunt's, so we'll have my house to ourselves." She grinned and poked his arm gently. "You know what that means!" She added, her voice teasing, giving him an over exaggerated wink.

Shūhei wasn't feeling one way or the other about entering the World of the Living. He was generally a pretty peaceful guy, and not much bothered him. He wanted to do everything he could to protect anyone possible from the Hollows, and if that meant going to the World of the Living to protect the Humans, then so be it. Shūhei didn't find Humans disgusting, like many of his fellow Shinigami. He wouldn't say he liked them, either, necessarily, but that was how it seemed for a lot of things. He hadn't really met enough Humans to judge them, so he stayed neutral. Shūhei knew that the woman he was with, Rei, Squad B Lieutenant, disliked Humans, and seemed quite disgusted with the World of the Living in general. He hadn't spoken to her before, but he knew of her. It wasn't unusual to not know a fellow Shinigami personally. Shūhei didn't really talk to a lot of them- he was a little shy when it came to speaking to other people. He wasn't the type to simply approach someone and start up a friendship, especially not a woman as pretty as Rei.

The town they were currently in was interesting, it was a "Spiritual Hotspot" as many Shinigami had described it, and Shūhei found it fascinating. It seemed Hollows were drawn to the town, which made it dangerous for anyone living there, but more so for the Humans that were particularly in tune with their spiritual side. As they walked, Shūhei tried to strike up a conversation with Rei, despite his usual shyness, but it seemed she was more concerned with their mission, and didn't really answer him. Of course, this discouraged him slightly, but he didn't let hit dampen his spirit. He was rarely ever upset, so it was very hard to make him lose his calm attitude, even though he would admit it had kind of been a little embarrassing when Rei ignored his attempts at conversation.

Shūhei smiled as Rei picked up the spirit of a cat, and began to pet it. He could hear the little creature purring, and he reached out a hand to join in on the petting. Animals were always a welcome sight, and he couldn't help but grin when he saw one. Before he could actually begin to enjoy seeing the cute little creature, he heard a roar and felt the ground rumbling beneath him. Turning, he saw a Hollow running towards them, most likely after the feline spirit. Pulling out his Zanpakutō, Shūhei stood ready to fight. As the Hollow got closer, he made a run towards it, hoping to jump and get a good hit, but the Hollow simply slammed him out of the way, into a nearby building, creating a crater where he hit.

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It was only natural Hoizu would brush off his apology, much like himself, she was prone to falling deep into introspection. He always made it a point, in some manner or another, to let her know she hadn't been forgotten - at least by him, considering her shyness tended to lessen the acknowledgement received from the others. The group tried to befriend her, especially considering she was another rare soul that understood their lifestyle beyond classrooms and hormones - but there was a gap between Hoizu and everyone, everyone but Uryu himself.
He didn't really mind that, considering he'd established a distance between himself and everyone else, even the ones he restored the world with. Sharing his personal space with one person was enough, even that had it's restrictions, but considerably less than with others.

- You know what that means!

When the context of her exaggerated response registered, Ishida could have fainted at what she said, only flushing more dramatically upon the realization Ichigo had yet to leave the room. His friend's eyes were wide with disbelief, jaw left hanging though he hadn't the slightest clue how to make a remark to that. The strawberry head seemed to match the shade of red spreading across Uryu's face, before vanishing from the room with speed comparable to flash step, not at all eager to be caught up in something he wasn't aware of to begin with. The Quincy eyed his childhood friend, adjusting his glasses perched on reddened cheeks, "Was that really necessary? Of all the times to make an implication..."

He left the classroom alongside her, deciding on the opposite hallway of the group he'd come to be so familiar with, strides long and brisk.
With my luck, he and Orihime are conspiring right now, I'll never hear the end of it, remembering the short time his curvy acquaintance had been convinced he was taken with Rukia, encouraging constant interaction between the two and making anything he did some sort of ploy to win her heart... killing the accusations was brutal, and the flirty teasing that Hoizu emitted made this time seem even more legitimate. Down the stairway and out the back way, let the minor tension fade with the passing breeze, focusing on the passing spirit pressure and then guiding the female beside him around the building, getting them back on track for a bit of a lengthy trip home. "To answer your question," He started, once the jubilant cacophony of departing students died down. They were almost immediately shaded within the first of many residential streets, walls guiding their sides and the occasional memorial vase, stray or garbage can their passing company. "I still plan to come over," His smile was brief, but there.

Only to fade instantaneously with the echo of a not so distant hollow's screech. "That's the problem with plans," He adjusted the strap of his bag on his shoulder, head perked up in the direction of the distant presence. "Mine are always interrupted."

Beneath her palm, the feline's soft fur turned to bristles, though it's following hiss faded against the increased, atmospheric pressure drumming within Rei's ears. Her companion was beside her one moment, and effortlessly tossed aside the next, colliding with the nearest structure, decimating the construction. "Lieutenant!" Her golden eyes were fixated on the hand hovering above her figure, the shadow like an eclipse in her view, size in itself four times her build. She flash stepped to the side when the palm met the ground, the after shock screwing with her balance. The feline leapt from her hold, darting out of sight which enabled Rei's mobility - with two palms facing the monster, she recited from memory, "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!" Red light emanated from her finger tips, briefly paralyzing the foe though it was obviously capable of breaking that spell in very little time. Kido was a life saver.

She took advantage of the breather, attempting to glide away from the beast and aid her comrade in standing - foolishly she left her back open for merely a second, and felt the consequences as razor sharp claws dug into her side, leaving a crimson trail as her agile dodge was interrupted. Internally, she ached, but screaming wasn't in her nature - before the beast's hand completely retracted, she unsheathed her katana and sliced the wrist, severing it's limb and scoffing at the monster's bellow. It's other arm was countering her sword play, however, and she just barely shifted from it's outreach, appearing on the rooftop nearest her companion and casting a glance his way, there wasn't a chance that throw had wounded him critically, but she worried all the same, brows furrowed as her mind attempted to get up to speed with their sudden change of circumstances.
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Hoizu enjoyed seeing both Ichigo and Uryu blush. It was a double win for her, and she smirked, hiding it behind her hand. It was just the way she liked to joke, the way she'd always joked with Uryu. They'd known each other for ages, after all, and had pretty much gotten used to each other. Even so, she knew that Ichigo didn't know that. He wasn't part of their little jokes, and so to him, it probably seemed like Hoizu was actually hitting on Uryu. Which of course, was even more hilarious to her. She would never actually flirt with Uryu- not in a million years. Sure, he was good looking, but they were too close to ever think of each other in such a way. Just the idea made Hoizu want to crack up, but she held herself back, not wanting to laugh around people that didn't know her well. She reserved all emotions for home, or when she was alone with Uryu. It was probably weird to everyone else, since she was sure she seemed emotionless. Following along, Hoizu smiled at Uryu's question. "Of course it was. It was nice to see you so flustered. You look cute when you blush." She laughed, knowing that they were alone now. As Uryu informed her that their plans were still in tact, she heard a distant roar and sighed, smile vanishing from her face.

"You're just bad luck." She stated, hoisting her bag higher up on her shoulder. Looking in the direction of the roar, Hoizu saw a cloud of dust rising, and knew that the Hollow was causing damage already. Nodding to Uryu, she began to run in the direction of the dust, wishing that she could be a normal teenager, and not even notice what was going on.

As they got closer, she spotted two Shinigami fighting the Hollow, but it looked like they were outmatched. Of course both she and Uryu had their Kuinsh? Kurosu on them as always. Hoizu first ran over to the male Shinigami that had been knocked down, and looked him over, offering him a hand up. He took it and thanked her quietly, before looking around for his partner. After taking a moment to see that she was alright, he took off running at the Hollow, jumping up to slash it with his Zanpakut?. Hoizu took the chance and shot an arrow at the Hollow, distracting it so that the Shinigami could get a hit. The Hollow was particularly large, and seemed dangerous. Though she didn't know either of the Shingami, she couldn't allow them to get hurt. Of course, by taking the Hollow down, she was also keeping the city safe, as well as everyone in it, which included Uryu.

Hoizu knew he could take care of himself, but she still felt protective of him, and would willingly risk her life for his. As she watched, the Hollow disregarded the Shingami who had slashed it with his Zanpakut?, and came straight for her, swiping at her roughly. Hoizu managed to jump back in time, avoiding most of the damage, but at the last second, it hit her leg and sent her crashing to the ground. Wincing, she pushed herself up onto her knees and stood, biting her lip at the sharp jolt of pain that spread up her leg and into her hip.

Sh?hei Grimaced when he opened his eyes, feeling pain in his back right away. The blow hadn't knocked him out, luckily, but it had hurt, and he knew he was going to be sore, at the very least. Before he could manage to get up on his own, a young teenage girl appeared and offered him a hand. After a moment's hesitation, he took it, and she hoisted him up, before turning to back to the Hollow. Sh?hei looked around, wondering where Rei was, and if she was injured. After spotting her on the roof of a nearby building, he allowed himself to relax, glad to see she was safe. He felt irresponsible, having let himself be caught off guard like that, and hit so violently. Rei could have been badly injured, and he could have possibly caused a big problem for any nearby Humans.

Letting out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding, Sh?hei gripped his Zanpakut? and charged forward, determined to help, despite the pain in his back. He wasn't going to quit until he couldn't move anymore, no matter how big the Hollow seemed. It just wasn't the way he did things. Sh?hei charged forward and jumped high into the air, slashing down at the Hollow with his Zanpakut?, managing to slice the Hollow right in the neck. It didn't seem to even sense the wound, though, as it appeared the teenage girl had shot an arrow at it.

She was a Quincy. Looking down at her, he noticed that she wasn't alone. The Hollow slashed at her, and caught her leg, bringing her down. Sh?hei took another try at the Hollow, stabbing into it as he ran behind it, and the Hollow roared in pain, turning in his direction. Jumping over it, he made his way to the rooftop where Rei sat, and took a moment to sit next to her, wondering if she was injured at all. He hadn't seen what had happened after he'd gotten smashed into the wall.

"You alright?" He asked her, watching as the Hollow went after the second Quincy down below. Glad that they had help, Sh?hei was sure that Rei wouldn't be. She didn't seem to like anyone, and these were two teenage Quincy. Obviously he wanted to be able to defeat the Hollow themselves, with just himself and Rei to take it down, but it was stronger than it appeared. He hadn't expected it to be able to send him flying so easily, and he felt slightly embarrassed that it had happened so quickly. Even so, Sh?hei wasn't about to let that stop him from helping. He'd known that there had been an increase in Hollow activity in the city, but he hadn't imagined they would be so strong. He wondered if the others that had been coming around had been as strong as the one they were facing now. If so, it was going to take more than just himself and Rei to take them down, and she was going to have to either accept the fact they needed help, or have someone else continue the mission with them.
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What is she doing? She needs distance, a vantage point, she -

Uryu was too conflicted to aim properly, stringing the arrows with enough intensity to nick the surface of his fingers. His eyes were trained on the approach his friend was taking, his grip loosening immediately when he witnessed her slender body hitting the ground with a smack,
damn it, Hoizu! Both bolts missed, whizzing by the creature within just enough proximity to catch it's attention. The shriek pierced every pair of ears within miles, and every step following became progressively faster, causing a consistent trembling, indicators that he needed to back up. A bead of sweat trickled along his back, cold against a subtle breeze that didn't seem appropriate for this level of tension. A fist rose and slammed down to his left when Uryu attempted to close more distance between himself and Hoizu, his eyes darting to the Shinigami that he'd officially deemed useless, glasses accumulating smears from the kicked up dirt. He let two arrows fly, slicing through the hole in the creature's chest and taking advantage of the chance to near her again.

"...Can you stand?" He asked, though his words faded as it became obvious weight on that leg was not happening. Though he was planning to try and get her on her feet somehow, there was an offensive attack closing in too fast - he slipped his arms under her body and took an immediate leap backwards, huffing slightly as the creature absorbed two hollows that'd broken through the sky, increasing in size and regaining not one limb, but three more. "Damn! Where's Kurosaki when you need him? Hold onto me," He told her, and put farther distance between them and the beast - the opposite of what he wanted to do, but she came first, that was non negotiable. "Couldn't have been as simple as pizza and a movie."

Similarly, there were times he wished he could have a day without interruption, though normalcy was far fetched from the time he was a child.


You alright?

Interest piqued by the unexpected arrow ripping through the sky, the steady flow of blood leaking from her left side and the dulling throb that followed nullified considerably. With one hand pressed on the wound, her mind not computing basic first aid when engrossed in their unexpected allies, she could only bring herself to nod in response to Shuhei at first. That, and aside from her own Captain, he was the first to ask her status, genuinely, in battle. With everyone hell bent on pushing through open wounds and tendon tears, she was surprised to hear him take what would usually be deemed as 'not that bad' into consideration. Her eyes met his and she added another nod, "Mhm... I'm relieved to see you are, too. But they won't be much longer."

Quincy's, she was aware one had breached the society along with Kurosaki, but as the male that acquainted the archery savvy female manifested a similar bow, readied a bolt and fired, Rei found herself increasingly inquisitive. During her visits with Kurotsuchi, a man as crazy as he was brilliant, she learned of his many experiments on the Quincy - over two thousand test subjects, to be exact. Around the time he'd conducted his 'tests' the faction had become a dying breed, said to have gone extinct, though that myth was broken with the appearance of one. She disagreed with live experiments, doing like her fellow reapers and turning a blind eye to an undeniable past. Rae didn't believe history lessons, often arguing they were tweaked over the years and lost their truth, the argument between killing hollows and a last Quincy vying for peace just wasn't a debacle she could form an opinion on, for all she knew those were just what the central 49 made up.

When she attempted to straighten her spine, her side protested with a weak mass of muscles cringing and more blood - with a sharp exhale she ignored the discomfort, and beckoned for Shuhei to help her find her balance, one weak hand on his shoulder, heels digging into the roof top for support. "I'm going to shield the archers and split it's mask."

Her figure flickered and faded, appearing meters from the pair where she murmured, "Enkosen," and manifested an arc shield to lessen any potential blows against the two. She disliked having their recon interrupted, but at the moment, if she could help it, everyone was her responsibility, taking out the thread was imminent.

"Don't try anything, this is what we're here for," She told them both assertively, though she'd be surprised if they actually heeded her words. "I'm already wounded, come fight me!" She provoked the beast and began to flash step her way towards it, gripping the hilt of her sword and murmuring the release phrase of her shekai. "Claw at their soul, Shugotenshi!"

Rei's transformed Zanpakuto split down the center of her blade, into what resembled the upper and lower jaws of a lion. She motioned the tip of the sword at it's foe, and both sides shot forward with ferocious intent, clamping down on the torso of the enemy, releasing, and then sinking jagged ends of silver into the mask. A bellowing laugh emitted from the beast as the blade continued crushing the material and emitted the sound of a shattered soul. "This isn't a victory. You're just prolonging the inevitable."

The beast dissipated, and while the message rang heavy in the ears that received it, Rei seemed to pay little mind. "Should'a done that earlier," Grimaced the golden eyed woman, who retracted and sheathed her sword, sighing to herself as the hollow disappeared and from the nearest bundle of trash cans emerged the feline from earlier, innocent as ever.
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Hoizu didn't even have time to answer before Uryu was grabbing her and leaping back, taking them away from the battle. She felt like a failure, knowing that she'd ruined their chance at having a shot at taking the Hollow down. As she held tightly to him, he retreated even more, and she knew it was useless to tell him to let her fight. She wanted to continue, but it looked like her fight was over, and so was Uryu's, based on the female Shinigami's actions. Watching closely, she sighed as the Hollow disappeared. Hoizu looked at Uryu and shook her head. "It never is." She replied, wishing that it could be that simple sometimes. Hoizu knew that her leg had been injured, but hopefully not too severely. She had things to do, and she couldn't handle having a serious injury. Holding onto Uryu for support, she put some weight on her leg and immediately took it off, feeling the same sharp pain up her leg and into her lip. Growling quietly in frustration, she glared at the ground, as if it was responsible for her injury. She wanted to smack herself- she'd been too cocky, thinking she cold turn away from the Hollow and be safe. She'd never really gotten too cocky before, but it appeared that she had let all her past victories go straight to her head. Sighing, Hoizu laid her head on Uryu's shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I've hurt my leg pretty badly, I'm going to need your support on the way to my house." She felt defeated, though she was still alive and intact. Hoizu didn't like to be the injured one in any situation, but it seemed she always managed to hurt herself one way or another. She was typically pretty clumsy, so even in regular situations, she often hurt herself. It was silly, but she always felt that being clumsy somehow made her less of a Quincy. Uryu was so elegant and graceful, and yet there she was, tripping over nothing half the time. It was beyond pathetic. Even her parents had told her so- but then again, they didn't really seem to be proud of anything she did, and constantly found ways to put her down.

Hearing footsteps, Hoizu opened her eyes and straightened up, one arm wrapped around Uryu's waist. It was the male Shinigami. He had a small smile on his lips as he approached, slightly limping. It seemed he was hurt, and so was his female partner. He grinned and put a hand on his head, seeming almost embarrassed. Clearing his throat, he let out a laugh.

"Hey, thanks for helping. I'm Sh?hei, and this is Rei."

Hoizu nodded, smiling weakly. "I'm Hoizu. This is Uryu. You guys alright?" She asked, looking at them worriedly. She knew of some healing techniques, passed down by her grandmother, and they both looked as if they'd been injured. Rei more so than Sh?hei. Hoizu frowned, wondering if she should have told them their names, but figured there was nothing she could do now that they were out. "I could, um, take a look at your wounds, see if I can do anything." She offered quietly, shrugging.

Sh?hei nodded when Rei spoke, watching as she jumped down to use her shield and help the two Quincy. He jumped down, too, waiting to see if she needed his help, figuring she wouldn't really appreciate it if he jumped in and did something stupid. As the two teenagers backed up, she managed to defeat the Hollow, and it disappeared. Rei was injured worse than he was, but she was able to stand, which was a good sign. Once the Hollow was gone, Sh?hei sighed in relief and rubbed his back where it was aching. The Quincy girl had obviously been injured, judging by the way the male was holding her. It appeared she couldn't walk on her own, and he guessed she'd really hurt her leg. By the look on her face, she seemed to be angry at having to be helped, and Sh?hei totally understood that. It seemed like no one wanted to have to be helped, everyone wanted to be able to do things on their own. Even he did, sometimes. But he'd come to learn the positive side of letting people help you, and he no longer found it irritating. He wanted help, most of the time, sometimes finding himself afraid of the violence he would have to commit. Sh?hei didn't like to be violent if he could help it, and he didn't feel that he deserved his rank, but he'd let it go a long time ago, and had resigned himself to doing what was needed. He just tried to avoid violence whenever possible, though he knew it was rare that it wasn't needed.

Walking over towards the two Quincy, he smiled, feeling slightly embarrassed that he'd been injured so quickly. He felt embarrassed about the whole situation, feeling that he'd acted far too rashly, and it had ended up with him getting injured, and almost ruining the whole fight. Of course, the Quincy girl had gotten injured too, so she probably felt the same. Rei, though injured, had managed to get rid of the Hollow, so she couldn't possibly feel the same. At least, he hoped not. She'd done far better than he had, and he admired her for that. Despite not really knowing her for today, he found himself feeling grateful for her presence.

"Hey, thanks for helping. I'm Sh?hei, and this is Rei." He told the two Quincy, pointing Rei out. He didn't know if she wanted the two teenagers to know her name, but he figured there was no harm in it, now that they'd all fought together. And if she did mind, he was sure she would tell him.

The girl offered to take a look at their wounds, and Sh?hei laughed it off, waving a hand in her direction. "Ah, no, I'm fine.. But maybe Rei.." He turned to look at her, raising an eyebrow. He didn't know how she felt about it, but he figured she needed to be looked at more than he did. If she didn't want the help, that was fine, they would leave and get help elsewhere. But it was still nice of the girl to offer, especially since she was injured herself.
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"I'm just glad it's nothing we can't fix," Came his voice, softer than one would have expected. He wanted to reprimand for her risky approach to this evening's events, but that expression on her face - the one of wounded pride and anticipated failure, his least favorite glare and pout - he just couldn't bring himself to made a point right now. Unlike most, Uryu didn't bother with appraising his self worth through a lack of personal progression in battle - he had to make a decision, eliminate the threat, or preserve the degenerating health of his friend. The latter was non negotiable, thus he couldn't get rid of the hollow and had to leave the work up to the soul reapers who, admittedly, weren't as useless as he'd deemed in the beginning. Of course he wished her injury hadn't occurred, but he hadn't any control over her, Hoizo would do what she felt was right in the moment, all personal detriment aside. "Just remember you don't have to run off by yourself next time. I walk you home for a reason, not just so you can antagonize me," his humor was half hearted, faltering as the soul reaper introduced himself and his uninterested comrade.

"Thanks," Came the young Quincy's short reply, his nod was friendly enough, but only if he knew they were acquainted with Ichigo would he relax a little more. He glanced at his friend, "You should focus on yourself, not healing strangers. They have an entire squad waiting on them back at the Seireitei."


Golden eyes flickered up beneath thick, black lashes at the mentioning of her name. Introductions were generally useless and risky, but considering who she was with, if Shuhei wasn't worried, she'd bite her tongue. The first mentioning of her existence, she nodded, retaining a bit of an amiable vibe with a ghost of a smile, though immediately she returned to her little project. Tearing the fabric from her robe and tightening it around her bare waist, uncaring of her lack of discretion considering her skin was lathered in crimson liquid anyways; basic medical approach, cut off the blood circulation to prevent further blood loss. The sight of her own wounds and attempting to mend them actually unnerved Rei more than she was willing to admit, due to a lot of criticism in her academy years for being overly sensitive and crying over every bruise and nudge; she was pressured to feel ashamed of whining over battle wounds. "Thank you, but there's no need," She answered after a bit of 'bandage' tightening, responding to both the lieutenants consideration and the quincy's offer. She had a bottle of sake, steaming rice and some wild stories from Rangiku waiting at home though, the sooner she left...

"Hisagi! Rei!"

"Uryu! Hoizu! What happened?"

Simultaneously, Rei and Uryu sighed at the familiar voices shouting unnecessarily loud from down the street. The pair exchanged weary glances, before focusing their attention both Renji and Ichigo, both of which were robed and ready for a battle they'd already missed.

"You're a little late," Ishida murmured, gesturing to Hoizu's wounded leg, and then the impact that over powered hollow had left on the street. "Didn't you get the vibes? hear the screams at least?"

"We managed," Rei added, reluctant to admit it wasn't just a two man job.

"Doesn't look like it," Abari poked her wrapped up rib side, earning a slap on the hand in response. "Touchy! -"

"You should come back to the clinic, especially you, Hoizu," Ichigo offered, peering around as if disappointed to have missed the action. His zanpakuto rested against his backside, one hand on the helm and the blade glimmering in the setting sunlight - they really could have used that about ten minutes ago! "We're open, dad's dying to be useful."
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Hoizu smiled softly at Uryu, nodding, knowing that he was always there for her. It was a comfort, but she also didn't want to depend on him too much. She felt that she needed to prove herself somehow, and it wasn't possible if she was constantly depending on Uryu for help or support. But it appeared she'd have to do so anyway, since she'd gone and hurt her leg like an idiot. "I suppose..." Hoizu said, shrugging. She was the type to heal anyone who needed it, just because it was something she could do. She didn't care that the Shinigami were strangers, they'd helped defeat the Hollow, and that proved that they weren't horrid. They hadn't yet attacked them, so she didn't feel that they were a threat. Hoizu's attention turned to the two loud mouths running down the street, and she sighed, leaning heavily on Uryu. Just being around them drained her energy. Where did they get the energy to be so loud all the time?

Looking down at her leg, she shook her head. "I'm fine." She kept her conversations with Ichigo to a minimum, not sure how to really speak to him. She knew him, through Uryu and school, but she really didn't know him. She was awkward around other people, and she didn't think she would feel comfortable going to his father's clinic. "Let's go, Uryu." She said, turning to look at him. She just wanted to go home and have their weekend start. Her leg would be fine, after she soaked it in the bath and rested for a while. It wasn't life threatening, and she knew it would heal fine- there was no break or sprain. Probably just a huge bruise, which was something she was used to. Though she was covered well for the most part, there were numerous bruises all over her body, thanks to her father's beatings.

Uryu didn't know about them, and she wasn't about to tell him. It was the one thing she kept to herself, too afraid to tell Uryu, too scared to let him know how weak she really was. She'd never fought back against her father, and she couldn't explain to Uryu why she didn't. It was a secret she would take to the grave.

Sh?hei let out a quiet chuckle when Uryu told Hoizu not to heal them. He seemed very protective over the girl, and Sh?hei wondered exactly how close they were. By the way she was leaning on him, he assumed they were a couple, but it appeared that he was wrong. Neither of them seemed to have any romantic feelings for the other, so perhaps just very close friends. Turning to look at Rei, he sighed. She was injured pretty badly, but he couldn't force her to allow the Quincy girl to heal her. As he was about to suggest going back and letting their own people heal her, he heard to voices. Turning, he shook his head. Renji, late for the fight as always. It would have been helpful to have the two of them earlier, when the Hollow was actually alive, and hurting them, but at least they'd come at all. They were pretty loud, and Sh?hei wondered how it was possible for two people to create such a loud noise together. He himself was generally quiet, in fact, it seemed the whole little group was quiet, besides the two who had just arrived.

"A clinic?" He asked, when Ichigo spoke. "Rei, we should go get checked out. You don't look so good." He turned to her, frowning. She really needed to be looked at, at the very least. He couldn't really help her, but if someone with healing knowledge could, then it would be best to see them. "We can go back right after." Sh?hei assured her, knowing she was eager to get back and away from the World of the Living. He didn't really mind it, now that he was here, and he kind of wanted to stay and explore some, but he knew she was uncomfortable, and so he would go back with her as soon as she wanted.

Hearing Hoizu reject the offer to go to the clinic, Sh?hei frowned. Her leg was pretty bad, it seemed. But he didn't know her even close to well enough to tell her she should go to the clinic. Plus, it seemed she was uncomfortable with the new arrivals. She had withdrawn into herself, though Sh?hei didn't know why. Turning to Rei, he put a hand on her shoulder gently. "I know you don't want to stay here, but I would really appreciate it if you went to the clinic and got checked out."
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"Hoizu..." Though a little torn internally, he knew from the way she spoke the decision had been made; better than anyone, Uryu knew the discomfort that she felt around other people, her disposition clammed up considerably, a shyness befalling her pretty face.

Naturally, he wanted to ease the tension, even if it meant leaving behind friends for a while, and more importantly, ignoring an obvious medical issue. With one arm around her waist for support, he skirted a little in the direction of their residential street, offering a neutral side glance to the reapers, more so acknowledging Ichigo than the others. Apparently swapping names and fighting with these two hadn't been any kind of risk, considering how at ease the strawberry blonde was - but like he'd promised upon returning that summer, unless circumstances are considered emergencies, Shinigami weren't his allies, being around this many was just unsettling. "Guess that's that, be seeing you, Kurosaki."

He ignored his friend's scoff, and started heading home, careful to keep her weight heavily against himself, offering his strength just enough to keep her walking, but not be entirely carrying her. Not that he minded, at all, in fact it seemed like the better method - but she wouldn't have it, and with her of all he people he wasn't really inclined to argue. "You're stubborn. We're getting you in hot water the minute we're there, if your legs any worse I'll carry you to the clinic myself," He told her lightly, once they'd neared the first of two blocks, friends fading behind them. Maybe with a parental intention too heavy for two kids and a light wound, but he felt slightly responsible, and was intent on making sure she was better, both for her own sake most importantly, and to keep her parent's from questioning their outings. Not that they seemed to care enough, which was always to his chagrin, but he didn't need anyone coming between them with inquiries about injuries he couldn't explain well enough.


The gathered reapers watched the Quincy's round the corner, once their figures had disappeared down the street, Kurosaki hunched a little and rubbed the back of his head in a nearly sheepish manner. "She's always calling the shots for such a quiet kid, I hardly see him outside of school," He murmured, a little disappointed to see his friend head off so soon without so much as his characteristic rebuttal. He'd tried invites to lunch or Karin's soccer games, but when Hoizu was involved Uryu was booked and distant, too focused on her comfort to hang around with the usual gang. Which he tried to respect, though at his age it just didn't make sense - couldn't be a couple thing, it just didn't seem likely. Then again, he wouldn't be able to tell, and Inoue's 'woman's intuition' was about as credible as Rukia's hollow illustrations.

"Who needs'm," Abari shrugged with a lack of concern, eyes cast to the sky for a moment before they flickered to Shuhei, who was admirably trying to Rei to care about her own wound. He grinned a little at her lack of response, though it faded as he noticed the slight buckle of her knees.

"But Shuheiiii," Came her meager whimper, her informal tone an indication of her weakening state. Cheeks paling and her balance wavering, the delicate woman teetered to the left, easily being caught in Renji's light hold, who noted the light fabric wrapped around her waist was wet, her wounds were bleeding through still. Her head drooped and she seemed to completely give up, hardly the strong persona she sometimes attempted to be. He lifted her up, gesturing that he was willing to carry her back so the other lieutenant wouldn't have to - not that it was any less foreign to the guys, neither of the three were very familiar with her. "Shut up already," he murmured to her, and followed behind Ichigo, who led the four back to the family clinic.

"I'm not the expert, but she's probably lost enough blood to keep my sisters from discharging her," Kurosaki mentioned, kicking open the front door and switching on the lobby lights. It was rather cold, dimly lit, but peaceful - at least until his father would show up, for now it was up to the teen to pretend he knew how to address her torn side. Renji laid her down on one of the hospital beds, kicking back on the nearest sofa meant for guests. Ichigo assumed when Hisagi said he was fine, he meant it, and didn't further press regarding any injuries - not that he could really help anyways. He rolled out a few things, inclining forward and attempting to tell a sewing needle from an ice pack - when the entire atmosphere was shattered before it formed with a shriek, "

Dodging his father's failed attempt at a flank, he kicked the air, knocking the older man back and baring a comical scowl, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?"

"YOU NEED TO BE ON GUARD TWENTY FOUR SEVEN, SON!" Whined the man who prodded at his face, taking the ice pack for himself, unaware he had a patient in need.

Ichigo snatched it back, "THAT'S FOR HER, ARE YOU BLIND?"

"Hmm?" His father cast a glance to the woman who'd succumbed to her injuries, lying nearly motionless on the bed. "Ahh, that's pretty serious."

"YEAH, GO FIX HER," He barked, tossing the second ice bag at his father.

Hoizu was glad that Uryu didn't even try to argue with her. It wouldn't matter, she'd still refuse to go to the clinic. She was stubborn, and Uryu knew that quite well. As he supported her, she tried her best to walk along, placing very little pressure on her injured leg. She felt useless, with Uryu practically carrying her, but there was nothing she could do unless she wanted to mess her leg up even more. Hoizu was stubborn, but not stupid. If she messed it up any more, then she really would have to be carried, and that would be beyond embarrassing. She'd probably die right then and there. As they began to leave, Hoizu managed to catch Ichigo's eye, and could see he wasn't happy about the situation. She wasn't sure if it was because she was refusing medical attention, or if he was angry because Uryu was leaving with her-- again. She was always taking up his time, and she knew that Ichigo and the rest of them liked him- well, kind of. And wanted to be friends with him, but it seemed like there was no room for them with her in his life. Nodding slightly to Ichigo, to show her appreciation, he looked surprised for a moment, but nodded back, a slight smile on his lips.

"I know, I know. I'll be fine, though." She assured him, sighing. She had already planned on soaking it in the bath, and she really didn't need to be told she was stubborn. But that was just how it was between them. She didn't mind- it wasn't meant as an insult, just the truth. "I might need help in the tub. You should probably take a bath with me." She said to him, grinning and letting out a little laugh, always enjoying teasing Uryu. It was her favorite thing to do, because it was just so easy. It was a bonus if someone heard her, like earlier when Ichigo had. That just made it even better, because it made people question their relationship.

As they continued on, her house finally came into view. It was a traditonal style house, with Tatami floor and Sh?ji screen doors. Of course, that meant that there was pretty much no privacy, because you could hear everything, but Hoizu had grown used to it. She was practically mute at home anyway, so it didn't matter. Her parents knew of her friendship with Uryu, but they didn't know that they spent weekends together, or spent time at each other's houses. Her parents would never approve, being old fashioned as they were, they didn't think males and females should interact unless they were married, basically. At home, when her parents were there, Hoizu was even made to wear Kimono, and she didn't have a computer or cell phone--- not that her parents knew of, anyway. It wasn't like they searched her room, so she kept her electronics hidden in her closet.

As they reached her front door, which, surprisingly, was a regular door- Hoizu pulled her key out and unlocked it, sighing as they entered. It smelled of Jasmin and tea, as usual.

Slipping her shoes off at the front door, Hoizu had Uryu help her upstairs to her room so she could get some clothes. She had regular clothes besides Kimono to wear, she just wore them when she went out or when her parents weren't home. "Alright, now, onto the bath!" She called out, patting Uryu's back roughly.

Sh?hei watched as the two young Quincy went off on their own, seeing the frustration on Ichigo's face. He had the feeling that the two Quincy spent a lot of their time together, but it seemed that the strawberry headed boy wanted to spend time with the male Quincy as well. Of course, Sh?hei didn't know anything for certain, but he was generally pretty good at reading situations and people. He stayed quiet, however, knowing it wasn't his place to speak up about any of it. He didn't know anyone involved well enough, and he certainly didn't know the situation well enough. Plus, he had more important things to worry about. Looking back to Rei, he saw she was obviously not doing well. As she protested, calling out his name, Renji grabbed her. She seemed as if she was about to fall, and though Sh?hei had reached out, Renji had gotten to her first. When he pulled his hand away, it was stained red with blood, not a good sign at all. Biting his lip, Sh?hei was glad that he wasn't the only one there to help Rei. He knew he could carry her easily, she was pretty small, but he wasn't sure he could get her back in time to help. With the idea of the clinic being so easily accessible, Sh?hei was glad that Ichigo had arrived when he had.

Following behind everyone, he took a look around the city as they walked, taking it all in. Rei was going to be aright, he was certain of that, and worrying did him no good. All he could do to help was stay calm, and weirdly enough, looking around at the city was helping him do so. Sh?hei enjoyed seeing all the different types of buildings as well as the different plants that grew around them. It was beginning to warm up so everything was blooming, including the trees, which brought a lovely pink flower to the surface, and the streets were covered in them. Sh?hei looked towards the group and realized he'd fallen behind, so he jogged up to them, sighing as they rounded the corner and came to the clinic's doors.

Entering the clinic, Sh?hei watched as Rei was laid down on a table, and he took a seat in one of the empty chairs nearby. He would stay out of the way and let Ichigo and his father do what needed to be done, since he had no idea at all. Ichigo began to gather the things needed, and then suddenly a loud yell sounded, and Sh?hei jumped in his chair, eyes wide. It was unexpected, and it had startled him. Watching with slight shock, he saw what he assumed was Ichigo's father enter and begin to fight his son. Ichigo soon ended it, and focused his father's attention on Rei. Sh?hei didn't know if the fighting was a regular thing for them or not, but it was a little crazy. His father took a seat next to Rei and examined her, pulling out the things he needed to stitch her up. After numbing the area, he began to sew her wound together, which to Sh?hei looked pretty painful-- but he knew from experience that it wasn't all that bad. After it was sewed up properly, he cleaned the area and bandaged it, before washing his hands and turning to the group.

"So, who are these two?" He asked Ichigo, leaning against the counter. Ichigo shrugged. "I actually don't know." He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck, looking to Sh?hei for help. Sh?hei cleared his throat and smiled. "I'm Sh?hei and this is my partner, Rei." He gestured to her, assuming that the man already knew who Renji was, but just in case, decided to point her out.
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Uryu felt the rough pat on his back and sighed a little, though there was a ghost of a smile following. She toughed through the injury and that, he admired - it was so like her. Perhaps dodging the clinic wasn't a mistake, thinking about the relatively serene atmosphere between just the two of them in a quiet house, compared to Kurosaki, his friends and the trouble that always followed, he was grateful for the breather. Stepping over the bathroom threshold, Uryu got down on his knees and started up the bath water, a slight groan emitting from the dial as he rotated it to the left. He let one arm hang over the side of the tub, finger tips emerged in the slowly rising, room temperature water. "Can you manage?" Came the question, followed by a slight nod referencing to her undressing.

Course he'd help if she needed him too, but the implications she'd made earlier started to creep back into his thoughts, bringing a sense of discomfort from both the awkwardness and the fact he wasn't entirely opposed to helping her.
I am not Keigo, he thought critically, "I can stay in here, if you'd like - I'd rather not, but I will if you think you need the support."

A ghostly steam started to spread from the corners of the bathroom window, and a slight series of pricks against his finger let him know the water was more than warm enough, "Should be the right temperature to ease any aches, and soothe any swelling. Do you need any pain medicine or anything?" He didn't even know if her parents kept anything conventional, like over the counter products, here. He rose from the floor, hands outstretched with a gentle extension, "Come on, I'll help you in."


Behind half lidded eyes, Rei watched the other's interact, mumbling a word of thanks to the father, though other than that she remained reclusive. After laying down, she'd realized how tired her body was, well aware it'd been another instance of her pushing herself harder than necessary - the injury was almost a blessing, an excuse to just lay there lazily. Being idle gave her the first chance that day to really examine her surroundings, in a way that would absorb where she was a craft a memory as opposed to just a method for scouting out enemies. Hisagi was always admiring the view, but if it wasn't the Serieitei, Rei wasn't really interested - oddly enough, however, looking around at the clinic, she was brought back to her childhood within the lowliest Rukon district. There was a cozy, nostalgic feel here, one that made her uncomfortably comfortable - she shifted a little, eyes falling to Renji who seemed more lax than she'd expect one of her own to be. Then again, he was far better acquainted with this realm, and these new faces, than she even hoped to be. "You sit back so casually," Her tone was light.

"Why not? There's no reason to be on edge, not that I'd try to explain relaxation to
you," She scrunched her nose at him, his responsive smirk was amusing.

"Reminds me of home, kinda," She mumbled, gently resting her hands on her stomach, head falling to the other side where she swept her gaze over her partner. That was the second time he'd taken the initiative and introduced herself alongside him, she offered a half smile this time, more aware of his sociable efforts. "Thanks," She told him, and then uttered the same thing to Ichigo and his father.

"Why'd they send two more for recon? Abari wasn't enough?" Ichigo grinned maliciously at the reaper, who seemed incredibly agitated by that remark " Why you little - "

"Just for good measure. It was a good call, considering what we came across today... I wouldn't really think three soul reapers were needed for one hollow, but... I'm... Glad the Quincy's showed up when they did," She admitted, lashes resting against her cheek bones as she closed her eyes. "It was over powered, has to have a little more significance than average."

"Yeah," The strawberry blonde leaned back against the counter, eyes on the ceiling, "Wish I would've noticed it sooner."

Renji scoffed, offering a tenacious grin to the teen as he responded, "Your senses are weak -"






"HAHAHA, THAT'S MY BOY!" The father joined in, earning a glare from both reapers.

"Take it outside," Rei yawned, unaware they'd all taken a moment to just stare at her sudden order.


Hoizu smiled as she leaned against the doorway to her bathroom, watching Uryu fill her tub and test the water temperature. He was always so sweet, caring for her. She could easily run the water herself and test it, but Uryu was the type to do it for her, simply because she was injured. "I think I'll be alright. I won't lie- you staying in here sounds nice. But I think I can manage.. As for pain medication, we have none, so I'll suffer."

Blushing slightly at his offer to help her in, Hoizu shook her head, waving him off. "N-no thanks! I'll be fine on my own, you dirty man!" She laughed lightly, and pushed him towards the bathroom door. Despite teasing him, she was actually quite shy when it came to any actual actions that could be considered romantic or sexual.

She smiled as he left, and she shut the door behind him, holding onto the wall for support as she removed her school uniform. She wasn't the type to have Uryu help undress her, even if she liked to tease him about it. Hoizu wasn't the type to actually follow through with any of her little teasings, and she knew that Uryu knew that. It was good, too, because some guys would actually probably expect her to follow through, and then things would get messy.

After undressing, she took her time to slowly lower herself into the hot water before shutting the little shower door. It was frosted glass, so you could see her outline, but you couldn't actually see anything if Uryu happened to walk in. Pulling the door open slightly, she cleared her throat and called out to Uryu, knowing he would be waiting for her on the other side of the bathroom door. "Uryu! Can you get me some clean clothes? I forgot!" She laid back in the tub, closing her eyes as the hot water soaked her body. It felt good, and the pain in her leg began to ease up.

Deciding she might as well wash herself off while in the tub, she grabbed her shampoo and began to massage it into her scalp after dunking her head under the water. After rinsing it out, pouring water from the faucet onto her hair, she put the conditioner in and sat back, letting it soak in. Yawning, Hoizu was actually afraid she might fall asleep, so she quickly washed her body and then finished washing her hair out, before getting out and wrapping a towel around her wet hair, and then one around her body.

Putting some weight on her leg, she noticed it was stiff, but not painful as it had been earlier. She sat on the counter and waited for Uryu to bring her some clothes, not caring if he saw her in a towel.

Sh?hei was glad to see that Rei seemed to be well enough to speak to everyone. She seemed to possibly be in a better mood, too, but he couldn't be sure about that. Maybe this was how she normally was when she wasn't fighting a Hollow. He couldn't blame her for being distant when fighting- he usually was, too, but he was also a friendly guy and liked to get to know those he was fighting with. It helped him feel like he had someone to protect, which made him feel the need to work harder, to save his partner. But so far, he didn't know anything about Rei, and yet he was still intrigued by her, and wanted to protect her. But obviously she wasn't the type who needed protection, and she probably wouldn't accept it, either.

As Ichigo and Renji began to fight, Rei told them to take it outside. They all looked at her for a moment before standing abruptly and running out the doors. "Sh?hei, you coming?" Ichigo asked, obviously hoping that he would get some help against Renji. Sh?hei shook his head, waving Ichigo off lightly, a weak smile on his lips. "Nah, I'm going to stay here with Rei."

Ichigo's father let out a laugh and ran towards the doors, and the three of them left together, leaving the clinic empty and quiet. Sh?hei stood and walked over to Rei, taking a seat on the stool near the bed. "How are you feeling?" He asked her quietly, feeling a slight blush on his cheeks. She was a very attractive woman, and he was nervous just being near her already. He didn't know how she would react to his concern, and he didn't want to offend her somehow.

He also hoped Ichigo wouldn't be offended that he didn't go with them. He wasn't feeling up to another fight so soon, in fact, he really just wanted to take a nap.
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Dirty? Did it come off that way? Hoizu's light shoves were the only force driving him towards the door as he thought over his actions, cheeks dusted red as he was finally facing the corridor, awkward scenario at his back. Since when would that bother her, anyway? Her reaction triggered a whole new avenue of considerations, most prominent - how much of her flirting was entirely all talk. The majority, he'd always figured.

Leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest, Uryu considered to consider this and that before the earlier events of their day flashed across his mind, which was usually the time his subconscious was urging him there was more to consider, that that situation was far from resolved. Over powered hollow, three Shinigami in a little town like Kurakara - and Kurosaki, along with Renji, might have had a terrible sixth sense, but bad enough to miss the creature the entire duration of their fight? Had it been a matter of proximity? It certainly wasn't trying to hide it's spiritual pressure, both he and Hoizu felt it with or without a bellowing roar to direct their attention. He didn't have any connections to make, just a giant gap of possibilities. Debilitating would just exhaust him, luckily there was a beckoning for his attention from the bathroom - unfortunately...

Uryu! Can you get me some clean clothes? I forgot!

"...Clean clothes?" That wasn't the escape from introspection he was hoping for, but nevertheless, she was depending on him.

He peeked into her room, glancing behind his shoulder before stepping inside - without her here, regardless of his pure intent, it felt a little awkward. Subconsciously observant, whilst approaching where she kept her clothes, Uryu was absorbing her room, wondering if there were any changes he had missed - he did it in Ichigo and Inoue's house too, always wondering if there isn't something about them he missed, or any indication of potential trouble. But, despite his concerns, Ishida came up empty, which enabled him an exhale of relief and a small smile at the nostalgia that came with a room that hadn't changed much - neither had Hoizu. There was intense hesitancy when it came to... underwear, he grabbed the first bit of feminine fabric that poked out, tucking it beneath comfortable sleep wear, and made his way from the room a little too eagerly, cheeks tinted red. Focused on
not focusing on the apparel at his finger tips, he pushed the door open, eyes flickering up behind slightly steamed up frames to see his beloved friend - fair skin hidden beneath a mere towel.

"Here," He held out a hand, averting his gaze. He didn't have boyish curiosity, that was deemed disrespectful, Quincy's put women's integrity as a top priority, which was the real reason he had a hard time looking at her... with so little cover up. That, and... she was gorgeous as ever. Honestly though, he thought, straightening up a little and leaning in the doorway for a moment,
Hoizu could sport a paper bag and still look-

Wait what?!

"I-Is your leg better?" He asked, taking a step back over the threshold and closing the door.


Talking with Lieutenant Hisagi until she fell asleep was probably the best thing for Rei, his voice calmed her mind, and his pure intentions lowered the guard she wouldn't admit she had. Falling asleep on someone was extremely uncharacteristic of her, what wasn't was pushing herself to her limits and beyond, and then passing out due to unacknowledged exhaustion. Some would deem it rude, but he of all people had to know it was only natural given her state. When he left she didn't know, it was a little into the night that he'd received an order to return to the Soul Society as soon as possible. Trusting the other's to watch over her, he'd slipped away back home, feeling a tad guilty for leaving her in the one place she didn't want to be... But maybe it'd be good for her.

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Hoizu couldn't help but grin when she saw Uryu's blush. He was hardly the type to blush a lot, and seeing it made her feel slightly giddy. Crossing her legs daintily, she smiled and jumped off the counter, putting some pressure on her leg. "Much better." She told him enthusiastically, nodding happily. Turning to the mirror, she wiped the steam from it and examined her reflection in it, sighing as she pushed on the bags under her eyes. She looked tired, and she was tired. "Alright, now get outta' here." She told Uryu, turning to him and pushing him out again, shutting the door. After getting dressed, she brushed her hair and left it down, knowing it would dry quicker that way.

Meeting Uryu in her room, she slumped onto the bed, laying a pillow behind her back. Flicking on the TV, she attempted to stay awake, but couldn't, and soon she was asleep, head lying on Uryu's shoulder. Her dreams were confusing and dark, and when she woke up, her heart was pounding in her chest. Opening her eyes, she saw that she was practically laying on Uryu, and she sat up quickly, letting out a little laugh. Looking out the window, she noticed it was almost night. "Sorry.. I guess I was pretty tired..." She mumbled, yawning.

Standing, she stretched before putting her hands on her lips and looking at Uryu. "Want to get some dinner? We can order something.." She told him, not feeling in the mood to cook.

Renji, after fighting both Ichigo and his father for a while, returned inside just in time to see the male Shinigami leaving. After speaking to him for a few minutes, Renji entered the room where Rei was sleeping. He didn't know her personally, but he knew of her. So far, she'd not left much of an impression on her, but he'd barely gotten to speak to her. It was getting dark now, which meant she was going to have to stay the night. Renji didn't really feel like waking her up, worried that she'd be angry, so he took a seat on the nearby couch and stayed to watch over her. Eventually, he fell asleep too for a little while.

Hearing some shuffling, Renji woke a while later to see that Rei was still sleeping. Standing, Renji stretched before wandering around, seeing that Ichigo was still awake. After aruging with him for a while, Renji returned to Rei's side and took a seat next to her. "Rei. Yo. Wake up." Renji said quietly, poking her arm. He wanted to make sure she wasn't dead. Plus, she'd been sleeping for a while, and he was hungry. He wanted to eat, but he wanted to see if she wanted anything before he got himself food. If she did, it would be his job to get her some too. She really shouldn't move in her condition, and he wasn't about to make it worse just because he was lazy.
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Kicked back on Hoizu's bed, Uryu thought of the millions of things he could, and probably should, be doing - projects in advance, mastering sewing techniques, keeping tabs on his friends, analyzing the hollow from earlier. Yet his body had taken to sinking into her mattress, head rested back on her fluffed up pillows, closed as to shush his mind. His breathing was level and calm, lungs absorbing the familiar scents that emanated from his childhood friend and her environment, arms positioned behind his head, just barely acting like a pillow for the female that'd fallen asleep at his side a while ago. He knew she was nodding off even flipping through channels, and made it a point not to shift as her eyelids met, lips neutral and full in her sleep, weight shifting onto his almost instinctively. It wasn't the first time she'd fallen asleep within such proximity, he knew the caress of her breath and the intensity of her dream depending on the tremble of her eyelids - he'd observed her sleep for a while before he felt himself nodding off a little, jawline pressed to her head whilst his own sense calmed.

Hardly a minute had passed, he swore, when Hoizu rose up with a jolt, sheepishly excusing how close they were physically, unaware she'd made one hell of an impact against his bottom jaw. He cast a glance to the side, rubbing along the bone in a forced, casual manner, "D-Don't worry about it, I know you're more tired than you let on."

He wanted to touch on what'd broken her from such soft sleep, but she was on another subject right away, already on her feet and waiting for his response. "What'd you have in mind?" He wasn't especially hungry, though treating her to something came as a natural gesture.


Rei. Yo. Wake up

Feeling a little nudge against her arm, Rei's golden irises revealed themselves immediately, taking in Renji's hovering face, and then the fact she was still in the clinic. The stale air made her chest heave a little, the distant buzzing of fluorescent lights agitating her mind - her expression was disappointment when being presented with her surroundings. Shuhei's presence was no longer with her, which encouraged her to sit up and further inspect what was going on - her side throbbed in protest, however, her hand instinctively clutching where it hurt and back on her elbows she fell. With a huff she finally acknowledged the man beside her, "What's going on? Did Shuhei go back home?"

"Why didn't he take me?" She whined a little to herself, brows furrowed at Renji, though the grumbling of her stomach interrupted potential complaints. Being hungry agitated her a little more, but just as quickly she exhaled, nearly white locks billowing against her breath. "Hey, you should make me something to eat, I'm starving," Her tone was soft, but comically expectant, lashes batting against her cheeks.


Hoizu stared at Uryu for a moment, feeling the pain in her head from his lower jaw. "Oh, sorry! Did I hurt you?" She asked him, leaning forward to look at him closely. She hadn't realized he'd fallen asleep on her when she'd woken up, but feeling the pain in her head now, she was sure she knew what had happened. Poor Uryu. Smiling, Hoizu rubbed her head gently, feeling bad for jumping up so quick. She wasn't even sure why she'd done it, honestly. She had fallen asleep with him plenty of times in their lives, but it seemed lately that everything was making her nervous about him. Pushing the thought from her head, Hoizu took a moment to think about what she wanted to eat. She wasn't really sure, so she sat back down on the bed, head in her hands, thinking.

"I don't know what I want. It was just the first thing that popped into my head when I woke up." She admitted, letting out a little laugh.

Hoizu didn't often think before speaking, and it usually ended up with her in situations like this. She was hungry, but not enough to actually get anything at the moment. Sighing, she looked at Uryu. "Let's wait a while. I'll decide while we do something... Like watch a movie." She grinned at him and stood, going over to her shelf that was full of books and movies. Pulling a few out, she showed them to Uryu. "Which one?" She asked, having chosen three different horror films. They were her favorite.

Renji shrugged at Rei's question. "He was called back for something. He didn't have time to wake you, but I'm sure he would have. Seems like a nice guy." He sat back in the chair he was in and looked at her, rolling his eyes at her attempt to be cute. She was cute, sure, but that wasn't the point. "Fine, fine. I was about to get myself something to eat, anyway." He grumbled, before standing and strolling from the room. Making his way to the kitchen, he spotted Ichigo grabbing his own dinner. "What did you make for me?" He asked, as Ichigo turned and glared at him. "Nothing for you. Guests only." He turned away and began spooning some rice and vegetables with some sauce into two separate bowls.

Renji reached for both of them, but Ichigo grabbed the second one before Renji could. "I told you- none for you." He grinned and walked out of the room, leaving Renji to grumble under his breath. Grabbing an empty bowl, Renji made his own dinner before returning to Rei. Handing her the bowl that Ichigo had prepared, Renji took his own and began to eat, swallowing loudly. Ichigo was such a little snot sometimes, honestly. Renji would have to duel him again later, just to put him in his place.

Looking up at Rei, Renji opened his mouth before remembering that it was impolite to speak with your mouth full of food. Swallowing it loudly, he took a breath, almost choking on his food. "So, how are you feeling?" He asked her, shooting her a small smile.
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Uryu nodded, though it was uncharacteristic of his friend to speak before she approved of her own thoughts. Assumedly it was just tiredness that had her rambling just a little, he found it a bit charming, and just shook his head with a muffled smirk. Which instantly faded at the mentioning of her personal cinematic collection. Not those cheap horror films again... The only thing I fear about them is their lacking quality. The depictions of possession are entirely inaccurate. Ichigo would never stand for it.

"Uh, how's about the one with the possessed kid?" He suggested nonchalantly, though in truth he didn't have a preference, it was Hoizu that seemed to favor that one the most. Biting back his opinion really wasn't in his nature, though again he tried to, for her sake. Sugar coating might not have been
her thing, but Uryu just had this self conscious tendency around her, around women honestly; act as they might, one too many harsh critics of their interests and they start to lose their light. "It's um, got a good ending." His smile was half hearted, the male went to unnecessarily wiping a tissue along the lens of his glasses, attempting to occupy what his eyes might give away.


Damn it, Hisagi... she assumed he really did try to think of a way to get her home, but wished he'd thought a little bit harder 'cause this clinic's atmosphere was not suiting her. Hearing their exchange in the kitchen piqued Rei's interest, how were they even residing in the same town together while butting heads like that? "Hey, feed me before you kill each other!" She told them with a whiny tone, grimacing at the slight tug amongst her stitches as she shifted her weight on the little bed.

Hands folded on her stomach, she awaited the lieutenants return, half expecting for another duel to break out before she even received a meal. Much to her relief, however, the tension died down, and Abari was on his way back with a bowl extended for her retrieval. "Oh, you mean after that over sized hollow shoved his talons through my kidneys and some stranger sewed up what was left? I feel
great," she responded, it was hard to tell whether or not she was being playful or a brat - likely the latter. The steam arose from her meal, caressing her face - both that and the warmth of the bowl brought to her attention she was cold. "Aye, Renji, get me a blanket will you?" She asked him, gaze fixated on her bowl. She stabbed at a vegetable, cursing as it dropped from her chop stick because of the angle and rolled down her robe - "I can't eat like this, will you prop up my pillows? And not these pieces of cardboard, I want a real pillow," She told him, as if he were her caretaker. In Rei's mind, however, she was 'helpless' and he simply had to do what she asked.

Hoizu grinned and shook her head, bending over to reach back into her shelf, on the last row. Pulling out another film with a triumphant grin, she showed it to Uryu. "This one is new! Even I haven't seen it!" She told him happily. She was proud of herself for not watching it without him. She had an addiction to horror films, and had ended up hiding the film so she would forget about it, in order not to watch it first. She wanted to watch it with Uryu and see his reaction. Smiling, she put the movie in her DVD player and started it, picking a blanket off the hangers in her closet as she made her way back to the bed.

Sitting next to Uryu, Hoizu wrapped herself in the blanket and cuddled up to Uryu, getting nice and warm and comfortable. She enjoyed their friendship being so casual and comfortable. She could do this without feeling awkward, well, usually she could. But she found herself blushing. Unsure why, she sat up and pushed herself slightly away from him, worried that she was acting strange.

Deciding to focus on the movie, she pressed play when the menu popped up, and she sat quietly, totally into it. As the movie went on, it actually got really good, and as such, began to scare her. Hoizu jumped back at one part and yelped, grabbing onto Uryu for protection. Cuddling into him, she held onto his arm, watching the film with one eye, the other hidden against him.

Renji glared at Rei when she responded sarcastically. He'd only been trying to be nice, but it seemed she was in a foul mood. Or perhaps this was just how she was. She was acting awfully familiar with him, and he found himself getting quite irritated. He'd heard stories about her attitude, but he'd never actually met her, so it didn't concern him. Now, however... He was wondering if he should just snatch the bowl from her hands and dump it out, honestly. Looking down at the bowl, he was considering it, but then sighed loudly, knowing that if he did, it would only make Ichigo come after him.

Putting his own bowl of food down, Renji stood and looked around the room for a blanket. Not spotting any, he was about to leave before she asked for a pillow, too. Turning to her, Renji crossed his arms, shaking his head. "No way. Not with you talking to me like that! I'm not your caretaker, you know. I'm your equal." He sat back down and began to eat his own dinner, ignoring the requests she'd thrown at him. He wasn't about to bow down to her and do as she asked, not until she treated him better.

Looking up at her, Renji glared, wondering exactly who she thought she was. "Jeez, I thought people were just making up stories about you. But I guess they weren't." He shrugged, as if he was just talking to himself, but he knew Rei would hear it. That was his goal, after all. He kind of wanted to fight with her, odd as it was.
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The ravenette acknowledged her diligent efforts for a better film with a slight nod, a little ashamed at his earlier thoughts with the way she lit up, which was an alluring sight in itself. He wished she would more often - if watching a few terrible movies was what'd keep her light going, complaining didn't really seem like an option anymore. Leaning back against the headboard, he welcomed her small figure at his side like a missing part of his own body, shifting comfortably, eyes on the screen though he was simultaneously adjusting to her warmth. She had a familiar, endearing spiritual energy - it mixed well with his, like a dose of dejavu and reassurance mixed together in a tenacious aura. Focused on the acknowledgement of what it was like to be beside her, eyes however occupied with the opening credits, it'd taken him a moment to realize she had edged away. That was unusual...

...And so the movie played on.

It wasn't as terrible as he thought it'd be. Better quality, less cringe worthy effects, decent dialogue and lacking the clichés that usually had his gaze wandering. Lacked anything he'd say was relevant to horror, however, which encouraged him to express a bit of amusement as his childhood friend clutched at his arm, avoiding the screen with him as a shield. An action reminiscent of her younger self, her consistent dependency on him no matter the age - he placed a hand on her head, a gentle stroke to the hair for reassurance, his lips tugged upwards at the corners. "Honestly, Hoizu, no wonder you're jumping out of bed - you can't even handle what you're watching," He told her, though his tone was more on the affectionate side than scolding. His arm rested lightly around her torso, the other folded behind his head.


Eyes wide at his unexpected comeback, the Shinigami fell back in her seat, bonking her head lightly on the wall (that could have been softened by that pillow she asked for) and wincing. What a loud mouth, and to think he got this upset over a few mere requests. "Well if you hadn't shown up so late I wouldn't need you to help me so much..." She shied away from his little eruption, though her lips were pursed in a bratty manner. Her demeanor dissipated however, when his grumbling caught her attention. "Stories? What stories?" She frowned, and when he looked back down, gaze fixated on his bowl, she lifted a piece of broccoli from her fork and chucked it at him, face scrunching up at him. "Fine, I'll just sit here and get hypothermia because of your superiority complex."

All in all, she really was chilled - goosebumps littered the porcelain skin concealed beneath her robe, hairs raised and her nose just the slightest off shade of pink. Not that she had a decent ounce of fat to combat the crisp, midnight air filtering into the dimly lit clinic. "Oh, you know what? I'll do it myself," She slammed her bowl down on the night stand, pushing up with all her might on her wrists despite the torment she was forcing her sides to endure. Swinging her long legs over the side of the bed, the stubborn woman pushed off and balanced herself for a moment, breathing rather heavily against the pain, whilst glancing around for something warm to put on. After all, their airy attire wasn't suited for weather changes. "Where does that blonde keep... anything..." She sighed and stepped off, forearms shaky as she tried to support herself - Rei was known for a major lack in upper body strength, so this was just kind of sad.

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Hoizu huffed angrily at Uryu's comment. She was totally fine with scary movies. She was brave, she wasn't scared at all. "I'm not even scared." She told him, crossing her arms and moving away. She stuck her nose up in the air, acting offended. After a few minutes, she got drawn into the film again, though, and her fake offense disappeared as she, once again, grew scared. She wouldn't admit it in that moment, but she was glad Uryu was there with her.

As the movie came to an end, Hoizu found herself clinging to Uryu again. She'd always done so, even when they were children. She could easily defend herself if needed, but she just felt so safe when she was with Uryu. He'd always protected her, and she'd come to depend on him to do so. It was probably actually a huge burden to him, but she'd never even thought of it like that. She wondered if it was. Determined to ask him, she wondered what his answer would be.

Looking up, she hadn't realized how close they were, and her lips met his for a moment. Eyes widening, she realized what had just happened, and she pulled away, flailing her arms. "W-Woah! S-Sorry! Oh man, oh my gosh. I was just-- and then you were---"She sighed and shook her head, face bright red and on fire.

Renji did feel slightly guilty when Rei fell back and hit her head. But even so, he couldn't stifle the laugh that popped out of his mouth, and he looked down quickly as his bowl of food, not wanting her to get angry at him. It was already too late though, as she flung a piece of broccoli at him. Letting out a sound of disbelief, Renji picked up a glob of rice from his bowl and flung it at her as she stood. It landed with a wet "splat" on the her back, and slid down onto the floor.

Laughing, Renji had to take a seat. His sides hurt from laughing so hard. And then Ichigo entered. "What are you doing?!" He called out angrily, pointing at the rice and broccoli on the floor. He glared at Renji, who shrugged and gestured towards Rei. "She started it." He told him, shrugging as he finished his own food.

As Ichigo turned to confront Rei, Renji pulled out another glob of rice and flung it at him this time and it landed in his hair, sticking to it. Ichigo turned, and with a gleam in his eyes, picked up Rei's discarded bowl and flung the whole thing at Renji, who ducked out of the way. "Hey!" He called out angrily, as Ichigo ran from the room. Renji sighed and turned to Rei. "This is your fault!" He told her, as he grabbed a blanket from the shelf and held it out to her, seeing she was cold.
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Uryu couldn't tell if Hoizu was just that engrossed with the movie, or if she had something on her mind. Her expression mirrored introspection, something that he highly doubted the movie required - it didn't really even have context, just a lot of jumpscares following unnecessary, heavy silence as to play up suspense. Curious as he was, he figured she'd say something when she wanted to - his gaze fell and he watched her, motionless and invested in whatever was on her mind, though regretted the angle he'd watched at for as soon as she'd reached her peak in thought, they'd smacked lips.

Not even long enough to have any meaning, Uryu was ashamed at how affected he was - skin prickled with heat, face mirroring the same cheery red hers was - not even the subtle wave off and adjustment of his glasses could take a casual approach at deterring attention from the scenario. Instead of letting it die off in an awkward air, Hoizu apologized profusely, stuttering enough to make him think it'd had the same affect on her as it did his slightly trembling heart. "Ah, d-don't mention it," He was on his feet without even thinking, attempting to control his mind so it wouldn't tread on territory like
I like the taste of my childhood friend. "You know I think I'll just head home and eat the leek soup Orihime left in my fridge the other day, call me if your leg hurts or you notice a change in spiritual pressure."

He didn't wait for an answer, just vanished from the room. There was no recovering from a kiss - especially one like that, one that was accidental but had a weight to it in his mind that it shouldn't have.
Damn you Hoizu, it's never just a movie with you, he thought with an exasperated sigh, damn me for not being able to recover enough. Blood rising indicates enough that she'll never let me live it down.


Rei scowled in their direction, no longer struggling quite like she had been, though she still needed to support herself against the little bed. Helpless in pursuit of her requests, she remained and watched the pair exchange shouts, huffing as the attention was directed on her, generously, by the lieutenant. Tongue clicking on the roof of her mouth, Rei responded, "If you had just gotten what I asked for-!"

She'd missed the flung rice, but the bowl that shattered against the back wall made her cringe - "Honestly, boys," She said as if her own childish actions hadn't contributed to this. As the strawberry blonde fled, Renji made his second accusation against her, to which she would have glared in response to - if he wasn't handing her the much needed blanket. Relief washed over her, but the adventure back to the front side of her bed - even if she were to crawl - was a dreadful possibility. So, naturally, it was his job to help her get comfortable again. She dropped the blanket on the foot of the bed, and rose up her arms, a child's indication of 'pick me up!' Renji being a bit of a stranger made this seem more inappropriate than it was, when in all actuality there were a few individuals back home that'd been 'honored' with the task. At least she didn't weigh anything.

"I need your help you big lug," She told him, the arm on her bad side lifting up considerably less. "...Please?"
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Hoizu was surprised to see Uryu's face light up, too. He rarely got embarrassed, but it seemed the small instant their lips had touched had been a bit much for him. Hoizu was ready to laugh and forget it, turn on another movie or something, just to make it less awkward, but then Uryu was getting up and leaving. He didn't even give her the chance to respond to him before he was out of her room, and then the house. Hoizu sat on her bed, a little stunned at how quickly he'd left, and a little hurt too.

Once Uryu was gone, she had the time to reflect on how embarrassing the situation was. And even more, she had time to reflect on how it had made her feel. She'd actually really liked it, and her heart had sped up. She'd wanted to kiss him again. It just wasn't something she'd ever think she could feel for Uryu, and it made her feel incredibly awkward, and she was actually glad that he'd left. She wasn't sure how she was going to face him now.

After taking the time to freak out, she eventually went to sleep, and had weird Otome type dreams about Uryu, only adding to her awkwardness.

When she woke up in the morning, she remembered that she and Uryu had plans for the day, so she quickly sent him a text. "Hey! Sorry, but I can't make it today. I'm not feeling well." She put a sad smiley at the end and sent it, before her phone vibrated, alerting her to a text. "Eh? That was quick..." She said quietly, before seeing it was a text from Keigo. He was asking her to hang out. Hoizu didn't really know him, but she decided it was better than sitting around all day.

After choosing a relatively cute outfit- A pink ruffled skirt, with black leggings, a white t-shirt with a bunny on it that had heart eyes, and her pink fluffy cat coat, paired with her black boots, she grabbed her purse and slipped her phone into it, before leaving.

Once she finally met up with Keigo, he asked her if they could go to get something to eat, and see a movie. "If you're paying." She told him, letting out an especially girly giggle. She was working it, for sure. Kiego laughed and nodded, a huge grin on his face. They took the long way, after Hoizu told him she wanted to enjoy the fresh air for a while. "Sooo, you're not dating Uryu?" He asked, and Hoizu let out a nervous laugh, face blushing. "What?! No! Of course not!" She hit his arm gently, laughing, her nerves making her seem as if she was actually interested.

Renji rolled his eyes but picked Rei up, bridal style, and set her gently into bed. She was pretty cute, despite her bad attitude, and he couldn't resist a damsel in distress. After setting her in bed, he went back over to the small bench type thing and laid down, pulling a second blanket out and over himself. "Well. Goodnight!" He called out, closing his eyes. Surely Rei wouldn't need his help now, not since they were both in bed. Renji just wanted to go to bed and have the next day go better. Maybe Ichigo wouldn't be such a pain in the ass.

Renji woke early in the morning, and sat up in his little makeshift bed, yawning. His body hurt from the awkward position he'd been in all night, and he had a crick in his neck. Sighing, he looked over at Rei, and shook his head, taking a moment to study her. She looked so peaceful and sweet in her sleep. She could fool anyone, he was sure. A soft smile spread across his lips, and he got up to go look for some breakfast.

Renji wandered into the kitchen and saw Ichigo was standing there, making something. He handed Renji two servings without a word, and Renji wondered what was going on. He tensed up, ready for a sneak attack. As he went back to the room, he set the food down gently and tapped Rei's arm gently. "Hey. Get up. I have breakfast."
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Arriving home, Uryu spent the entire night attempting to occupy every empty corner of his mind, to no avail of course. Regardless of how many threads he sewed together, the comforting snip of fitted scissors, the feel of fabric beneath his finger tips as he smoothed down hems, the steady beat of the sewing machine - nothing took his mind off the feel of her lips, or the following expression of horror that far outmatched how she'd reacted to the actual horror film. He must have made her three gowns throughout the night, one of lace, the other trimmed with frills, the third perhaps a little too Antoinette for her taste - but he thought it'd look beautiful. She always occupied some part of his mind, but that night she was all he could think about - and it terrified him to be so comfortable with his thoughts revolving around her.

He mapped out the street where they'd encountered that hollow, writing up an in depth analysis comparing it's strength to those he'd fought since summer - and accidentally wrote her name out in the first equation. He strung his bow and shot three quivers behind his house - missed every target, mind too focused on something else. The sun was rising by the time he'd worn himself out so bad he couldn't get past the living room couch - the realization that'd hit him before falling asleep was that he'd been trying to ignore the fact he liked what happened.

"Damn," He thought to himself, one arm resting on his forehead whilst he lazed back against the sofa. "I do like her."

Hey! Sorry, but I can't make it today. I'm not feeling well. : (

Oh. Anything I can do? - he responded instinctively, his hand falling against the couch, phone clutched in his hand as he awaited her response. The silence, most notably a lack of cellular vibration, cajoled him into a deeper sleep than he'd anticipated. A couple hours of much needed rest passed before he felt his hand vibrate and yelp - it was only Kurosaki, asking if he'd like to come to Karin's soccer game. With Hoizu's lack of response, the ravenette decided he had nothing better to do, and agreed to meet the strawberry blonde midway within the next hour.

Why isn't she responding...?


Rei wasn't sure when she'd fallen asleep, sometime after Renji had sat her down - maybe it was even when he lifted her up, just struggling to walk despite her injury had really exhausted her. Morning came all too soon, she ignored the slight sway of blinds letting dawn light pour in, and the sound of leaving footsteps - probably Abari's. Her eyelids felt heavy when she forced them open at the sound of his voice and the mentioning of breakfast, golden orbs on the towering lieutenant. They seemed sad - she felt somber, having relived that evening walk with her fiancé before her life fell apart in her dreams that night. It flooded back into her mind, and with it, a heavy sense of pity for herself - despite the blanket, she felt cold all over, she mumbled sleepily, "...I don't think I'm hungry, but thank you."

"Eat the damn food, or else I'll have wasted the last of our rice on two people I can't stand," Ichigo called from the kitchen with slight agitation, to which Rei sighed, took the bowl and spent the next few moments just moving everything around with her fork. "We're going to Karin's soccer game today."

Rei ignored what he said, assuming he was speaking to Renji - but the blonde poked his head in from the kitchen, scowling, "AYE! THAT MEANS YOU TOO!"

"I'm not obligated to attend anything, especially when I don't even know what it is," She sneered.

"A bigger audience helps her play better, it's the least you could do considering we patched you up," He responded with a non negotiable tone, brows furrowed, expecting her to cave.

"I don't even know what a soccer is!"

"I don't care! You're going! Urahara's bringing a gigai for you to change into."

"I don't want to go to some human thing!"

"You don't have a choice, the Soul society requested you stay longer anyways," he held up her phone and taunted her with it from across the room, "I saw the text. You're going to the soccer game. I can't just switch out if a hollow or worse shows up, so it's up to you and Renji."

"Unbelievable..." She mustered her best look of disapproval, pulling her blanket over her head and grumbling beneath it.

Hoizu ignored Kiego's questions about Uryu, and continued walking, giving him the hint that she didn't want to speak about it. After he finally followed her, they went to lunch, and then straight to the movie. Though the movie was actually quite good, Hoizu found herself bored. She wanted to watch movies with Uryu. But she just couldn't. Not after what had happened last night. Even just thinking about it made her cheeks burn, and her heart race. How could she possibly face him, knowing that she had a crush on him? He was Uryu.. Her childhood friend. How could she like him as more than that? She didn't know how he would feel about it, and she didn't want to ruin what they already had.

After the movie was over, Kiego asked her what else she wanted to do. Hoizu was about to tell him she wanted to go home, when he received a text message. "Oh, it's Ichigo. He's invited me to Karin's soccer game!" He sounded so excited that Hoizu had to wonder if he was looking forward to seeing soccer being played, or if he was excited about seeing Orihime, who Hoizu was sure would be coming along as well. "Want to go?" He asked her, grinning. He looked so excited that she couldn't possibly turn him down, so she nodded, letting out a loud sigh. Kiego grinned and text Ichigo back, letting out a loud 'whoop' of joy. Hoizu shook her head, following him as he led the way.

When they arrived, It seemed they were the first ones to do so. Some of the soccer players were there setting up, but not many. Kiego took a seat on the bleachers and Hoizu sat next to him, a little too close for comfort. But she didn't bother moving, since she knew the bleachers were going to fill up, anyway. There always seemed to be far too many people at these things. Crossing her legs, Hoizu sat back and waited for everyone else to arrive. She didn't normally go anywhere without Uryu, but she was avoiding him today, so it couldn't be helped, really. She'd even avoided his text message, though she felt guilty about it.

Renji frowned down at Rei when she said she wasn't hungry. He didn't understand how it was possible, honestly. He was constantly hungry, and quite enjoyed eating. It seemed Ichigo was the same way, with how much and how often he ate. Hearing Ichigo's voice from the kitchen, Renji bristled. "Maybe I'll just throw this damn rice away, then!" He called out, crossing his arms, refusing to even look at the food. Hearing that they would be going to Karin's soccer game made Renji groan. He didn't understand soccer. But Karin was nice, and he had to find some way to repay Ichigo's family for letting him stay there. So, he would attend. It didn't seem that Ichigo would let him out of it, anyway.

"You're gonna eat your breakfast, or you won't get anymore food the whole time you're here." Ichigo growled loudly from the kitchen. Renji picked up his bowl and ate it slowly, glaring at the blank wall. He hated Ichigo sometimes. But he knew that he wouldn't be able to take it if his food supply was cut off, so he did as told. As Rei ignored Ichigo's plans for the day, he popped his head in, telling her she needed to go, too. Of course, Renji had read the text from the Soul Society, as well, and so he'd already known she was going. Judging by the look on her face, she wasn't happy with it at all. Renji found himself smiling as he finished off his breakfast, setting the bowl down on the counter.

Leaning against the wall, Renji grinned at Rei. "Big baby." He called out to her, shaking his head. She really didn't seem to like the Human world at all. After Ichigo finished his own breakfast, he began to force Renji to help pack things for Karin's soccer game, and told Rei to get ready. Renji was forced to carry most of the things that they would be needing, and he grumbled angrily as he dropped yet another thing and had to pick it up with his arms already full. Ichigo turned and glared at him. "Quit yer' grumblin'. You're staying here for free, so you gotta' do somethin'!" Renji sighed and vowed to challenge Ichigo later. He'd make him bet that if he won, he wouldn't have to help out anymore.

"Aye, Rei, you ready?!" Renji called, turning to wait for her.
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Big baby

With her nose scrunched, Rei responded with a bratty face, cheeks a tad puffed as she had just finished off her bowl, hungrier than she'd been aware of. Reasoning behind her attitude wanted to surface - there was a need for self analysis, to acknowledge what exactly made her dislike this world so much. Deep down, she knew. But if there was any hope of her surviving today without ending up a sobbing mess, all thoughts of that fateful day three years ago had to be suppressed until she could nearly, tangibly, swallow them. And so she tried.

Kisuke had sent his kid helpers to drop off her gigai - changing into it, adjusting to it's less limber limbs and weighty feel, sporting feminine attire, it just further plastered the scowl on her porcelain face. Honestly, a little lace sun dress? Who does he think I am, Rangiku?

Smile and be of service, came the similar, encouraging phrase both Ukitake and her mother seemed to engrave on her mind - so with a grumble that didn't match her intentions, Rei nodded to Renji and took a few things from him, the lighter stuff, but enough to keep him from dropping anything else. She looked at him for a moment - the first considerate gaze since they'd crossed paths here - and offered a half smile at the most. Then did the same to Ichigo, who acknowledged her with a boyish grin of his own, before escorting his little sisters who'd come bolting down the stairs alongside his father, out the door.

"I'll fall in line and follow you, don't really know where anything is," She told Renji, nodding her head to the door for him to go first. She started for the threshold when an unfamiliar voice sang out 'DONT LEAVE MEEEEEEE! I'M PART OF THIS FAMILY TOO, WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!'

A little, plush figure slammed into Rei's back, clutching on and then popping up behind her shoulder, "Eh? You're not Ichigo. Ah, well, to the soccer field!" He pointed onwards, but the young woman had to take a minute to figure out what he must be, grabbing him by the head and holding him out before her.

"Just what are you?"

"Ichigo's best friend, the almighty Kon!"

"Charmed," She murmured, examining him for a moment, before Ichigo popped back inside to see what the hold up was and grimaced.

"Mod soul for my gigai."

"Ah, and here I thought I'd seen it all," Sighing heavily, she agreed to act as his caravan.

"Hurry! My beautiful princess and her sacred valley await!"


"Who all's coming, Ichigo?" Karin asked him once they'd locked the front door behind them, and were engulfed in the afternoon sunlight outside of the clinic.

"Chad, Orihime, Tatski said she'd try to make it - oh, and Uryu. I asked Keigo too - "

"WHY? I HATE HIM! he's a total pig." Karin barked, earning a hushed plead not to shout from Yuzu.

"Cause he cries in secret when I don't invite him, I don't want to hear about it later."

"WELL WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR? LET'S GOOOOO!" His father shouted, leading the pack down the first of a handful of streets. Oblivious to everything, it was likely he didn't even know Rei and Renji were coming along, more so that she'd slept in his clinic and had yet to leave.

Switched up the order for the sake of events!


Not even an okay, what's she up to? He couldn't possibly imagine Hoizu too busy to text him, anyone else sure but there wasn't an excuse that'd justify how long she'd made him wait thus far. All he cared to know was whether or not she was alright, he'd even walked past her house first to see if, by chance, she was home. No answer. With no way of finding out (of course he could take things farther, but he wasn't the type to beg for acknowledgement) he finally headed to the soccer park. Even with his nap and pit stops, he'd arrived at the same time as Ichigo and his family, nodding to the strawberry blonde that ushered him over, though almost immediately upon crossing the bleachers, Ichigo called out, "Aye, Keigo! We're over here, you idiot! That's the wrong team's bleachers!"

Though uninterested in the male that always seemed driven by his hormones, Uryu had to do a double take when he followed the target of Ichigo's voice, and saw Hoizu cuddled up beside Keigo. Even staring right at her, he couldn't believe it truly was her - she didn't even acknowledge his figure, and that stung. This is where she'd been? Planning an outing with the people he hung out with, a date with that barbarian of all individuals, and couldn't even bother so much as to text him about it? She thought he wouldn't be here? What about the plans for today she'd gone on about all week? Considering how much time he spent thinking about last night, his feelings and most importantly what those feelings could potentially bring into existence - he felt like his pride had been shattered. Genuinely thrown off for the first time in a long time, he seemed completely out of it upon nearing the bleachers, sighing heavily as he attempted to concentrate and choose his seat wisely. Yuzu and his father screamed throughout every game, and Ichigo's spirit energy was admittedly too strong for him to be near sometimes - that odd soul reaper tagged along, but he was just a walking ego. Yet then, there was that female from yesterday - the Shinigami he'd paid little to no mind to, just enough to remember she'd finished off that hollow and kept Hoizu safe with a kido shield.

She was shifting uncomfortably on the metal seats, hand above her eyes to block out the sun, hair the shade of cotton candy and her eyes like caramel - nothing like Hoizu, he inwardly sighed and stepped up three rows to sit beside her. All was well until his hand brushed hers, her orbs seemed to liven and flicker to him - which sort of caught him off guard, considering where his mind was. With a slight slouch and half smile, he offered a half wave, the blaring sun rays casting an angelic light around her - "We met yesterday."

"I remember," Came her voice, just barely worthy of the word cordial. The two fell into the silent portion of the audience as Karin ran out in her uniform, ignoring everyone's high fives and instead demanding no one embarrass her. She was also bribing a team mate to kick the ball in Keigo's direction, though no one else heard that part. Her team rallied up, sporting bright blue, whilst the other team, dawning crimson, gave the first kick, sending the ball flying, though Karin caught it with ease - obviously going for most valuable player. Whistles sounded off and coaches encouraged the kids to keep trying, a cacophony of gaming sound effects just a few feet from the stands.

"So... You know Ichigo?" Uryu asked after a moment, peering from the corner of his eyes at Hoizu, though he shifted his attention to the Shinigami after a moment.

"No. I had to come to repay him for his hospitality," She almost sounded angry, to which Uryu had to smirk, though he seemed out of character, asking questions to people he didn't really have the intention of getting to know. Anything to keep his eyes from wandering
over there.

"Hospitality? I didn't know he knew the meaning of that - "

Footwear smacked against his face, leaving a red print across his cheeks, "Don't know the meaning, eh?!"

Uryu pushed his frames up the bridge of his nose, waving off his friends outburst, which only seemed to enrage him more. Rei rolled her eyes, chin on her palm, elbow on her knee. "I don't even know what a soccer is."

"It's a sport. The point is to kick the ball into the net, and accumulate more points than the opposing team -"

"Fascinating. Why are you over here?"

Uryu seemed taken aback, brows furrowing, "I was invited!"

"No, I mean sitting here instead of with your friend," She pointed towards Hoizu without any discretion, eyes dull, "Are you avoiding her?"

"Don't point! And w-why-"

"Cause you walked away from me yesterday with my side torn open, there's no way you actually want to explain this soccer thing to me. Go face your problems!"

"You're far from accurate," He scorned, "I just thought I'd try to get to know-"

Nudging Renji, tugging profusely on his sleeve, Rei whined, "Can't you make the Quincy go away? He's infecting me with his human knowledge!"

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