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Fandom The Siren's Song

Raised by Polish immigrant parents in America, Dannica discovered her abilities (which included flight, super strength, and avian communication) at a young age. Though she was always unsure of whether or not she was meant to be a superhero, she knew that she wouldn't be able to live with herself, if she knew that she had the ability to help people and chose not to. She found that, as tentative as she may have been, she loved it. Odds are, she would've spent her whole life helping people—if it wasn't for the accident. While slowing a crashing plane, Dannica was pulled into the turbine. Her legs were mangled, requiring prosthetics from the knees down, and her body was heavily scarred in various areas. When she awoke, dazed and in unbelievable pain, the government officials who had recovered her informed her that, due to her accident, she had failed to stop the plane, and everyone on board had died. Overwhelmed with grief and guilt, Dannica consented when they offered to wipe her mind. She forgot the entire life she'd led, and was fed the belief that she was reliant on medication that helped her anxiety. (In truth, it suppressed her superhuman abilities.) She was left to fend for herself with no memories and perhaps, left to her own devices, she could have made a happy life out of that. But she was not left to her own devices, and as a result, she's led a miserable existence ever since.
dannica ilona endicott
35 years old
Dannica has always been the soft-spoken sort. Gentle by nature and with a distaste for conflict, she initially worried that she may be too timid for hero work. However, she possessed a quiet sort of strength that made her, truly, perfectly suited for the job. With her warm energy and overwhelming kindness, she was the sort of hero people felt comfortable with, the type they felt they could depend on and confide in. Don't let that lead you to believe that she was some meek mouse of a woman, though. Oh no, quite the opposite. Despite what her kindly nature may have made people think, Dannica's always possessed a razor sharp wit, and an absolutely wicked sense of humor. It's only that she has to feel comfortable for these traits to make themselves known. She's a born nurturer, fiercely dedicated to those she loves and determined to make the world a better place in whatever little way she can manage. Even once her abilities and her memories of her superhero work were wiped away, Dannica never gave up trying to help people, however inconsequential her means may have been. That, at its core, is what makes her a hero.
Just as it her personality may not at first seem fit for her line of work, one wouldn't guess by glancing at Dannica that she's a superhero. She's not tall, standing at only five feet and three inches, nor is she imposing, with her narrow physique and willowy limbs. She looks, in a word, delicate, and that perception certainly isn't helped by the rest of her features. She has a round, almost cherubic face that makes her appear younger than she is, with a dainty nose and rosy cheeks. Combined with her fair, smooth skin and big blue eyes, she's found that she gets compared to a porcelain doll surprisingly often. The cherry on top is her hair: colored a deep, rich brown and carefully maintained, it hangs to her hips in loose waves, though she usually has it pulled up in some way. Then there's the matter of her legs. From the knee down, both of her legs are replaced with metal prosthetics. They're clunky and awkward, but at least they're functional.
Now, here is where that "miserable existence" comes into play. See, in the wake of having her memory erased, Dannica found herself in the company of Thomas Endicott. An ex-government official who quit his job only days after she was released from custody, he'd always be wildly infatuated with her superhero alter-ego. So when he found her wandering the rural streets where she'd been abandoned, disoriented and confused, he pounced on the opportunity. He took advantage of her vulnerable emotional state and lack of clear memories, convincing her that he was her husband, and she was severely mentally ill. Through years of gas-lighting and manipulation, he's managed to get her almost totally under his thumb, working constantly to please him and stubbornly ignoring the whispers of memories in the back of her mind. The one good thing to come from Dannica's otherwise unhappy life is her daughter, Helena. Nicknamed Nellie, she's the light of Dannica's life, and her loyalty to her far exceeds any loyalty she feels toward Thomas. The two are close as could be, so it should come as no surprise that when Nellie started exhibiting unusual powers, she went straight to her mother. Baffled and conflicted, Dannica's been trying to help her daughter learn to control her newfound abilities, while also battling the faint memories that they're bringing forth.

danni & helen
Dannica and Helen had known each other, back when they were both doing hero work. In fact, they'd been rather close, good enough friends to reveal their secret identities and then, down the line, a quite happy, if entirely secret, couple. It was actually through Dannica that Helen met Bob, as he was an ex-boyfriend of Dannica's who she was still exceptionally close friends with. At the time, Helen hadn't liked him very much. In the wake of Dannica's assumed death, Helen initially went through a period of extreme rebellion, and then, as that began to peter out, started growing close to Bob as they tried to help each other cope with Dannica's death. When romantic feelings began to blossom, they both grappled with them for a while, conflicted about whether their shared past with Dannica made a relationship inappropriate, before coming to the mutual conclusion that she'd want them to be happy, and getting together. It's not until years later, when they've married, had children, and dealt with both Syndrome and Evelyn Deavor, that Helen sees Dannica again. It happens totally by chance, when Helen passes the Endicotts on the street while walking Jack-Jack in his stroller. She tries desperately to reach out, but Thomas hustles Dannica away. Still, despite Thomas telling her to forget about it, the event has Dannica rattled—as does the fact that she knows the woman's name. Secretly, Dannica looks Helen up in the phone book, toying with an idea she's never even dared to consider. But now, with Thomas's controlling, abusive behavior getting worse and Nellie's budding powers threatening to draw that attention to her, Dannica is forced to consider that leaving, frightening as it may be, might be the safest option. When Thomas has an outburst that threatens Andromeda's safety, Dannica decides she can't wait anymore. As soon as he leaves for work the next morning, she takes Nellie, and she leaves. Heart pounding in her chest, she shows up on Helen's doorstep, and what can Helen do but invite her in.
code by valen t.
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