Story The Shoutbox Story: Contained Insanity

usagi froggy

Rhythm Heaven Enjoyer
Greetings! I would like for you, yes YOU to take part in the SB story. All you need to do is fill out this handy little form, and you WILL, not can, but WILL be in the SB story, at some point or another. This story will not be about what happens in the SB, but based on the world and people that make the SB. Before you go any further, let me tell you this is NOT an RP, but a story written by myself. Here is a small form to fill out if you would like to be in the story ^^

Appearance: (Your Shoutbox persona or appearance. You can use a picture or a description. If you choose to use a description, please be detailed.)

Personality: (I know most of your SB personalities, but this is for how you would like to be portrayed in the story.)

Role: (What role would you like in the story? I don't want anything vague either, I would like specifics. Like: Cookie Wizard who Helps the Hero in Arc 1. Or something like that.)

Property You Own: (Self-explanatory. I will need to know property and towns, cities, castles, swamps, etc. in order to write well about the SB.)

If I forgot anything, I will add it and ask you to add it to your form. I will update once every two weeks, since I'm a bit slow. ^^
Appearance: Robot sheep. A mecha big enough to fit a 5'2" girl, has curled horns, a golden fleece and a helmet that has the ability to be taken off. Called the Kagu-bot. Has laser functions, blaster-flying capabilities, and the only iron is kept in her right back hoof. Her bahn-weapon, lambshanks.

Whatever you imagine me in chat to be. Silly, ditzy, cutes, whatever. Until trouble is made and I must lay down the law >8U

Role: I don't know, the guide to the hero? secret agent? someone who appears a lot but is never explained?

Property You Own: The caretaker of all of shoutboxlandia (oh hey, a role), I make sure to keep track of what's in my shout. Including no corners.
Just under two inches tall. Made of fire, lava, and igneous rock, caries a silver ban hammer called Maxwell..
Personality: A helpful trollish creature with an odd obsession with round hat holding boxes, and fond of rules and following them.

Role: The 'diety' of a cult who grants wishes in exchange for sacrifices.

Property You Own: The Hatbox Kingdom where it never rains.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/CatOverlord.PNG.066cea02216e2cd1a050a133518a6097.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19490" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/CatOverlord.PNG.066cea02216e2cd1a050a133518a6097.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


A sly winged cat that thinks petty fights are amusing, doesn't like being called cute at all. Is normally helpful and sometimes does things for her own gain.


Cat Overlord, assistant to the King of Villains and helps the Hero whenever.

Property You Own:

Just a cave that she calls her home.



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Personality: Pretty much a troll, hot-headed. Likes to brood by himself and smoke. Social drinker. Doesn't take any BS. Likes to fight and can hold his own. Strangely, a neutral anarchist. Mentally ill but disguises it well.

Role: The incubus king, lord of all incubi and also I'm Satan. Experienced Spontaneous Ranter.

Property You Own: All of Hell and all of Hell's armies. Kagu's hat. :D

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Appearance: (Das a good question, I dunno)

Personality: Giggly and bubbly, but very sulky at other times.

Role: To cuddle all and play with their hair

Property You Own: Some peoples hair/laps

Personality- A tard of a Tank Girl who's a badass and likes to shoot people while driving around in her specialized tank, oh and she's got a tiny case of Bi-Polar. Who also loves to eat mint chocolate chip ice cream and Red Velvet Cake Poptarts. Has a giant soft spot for kangaroos.

Role- The girl who tries to help and ends up making a mess of things, at the most important times.

Property- My tank and my SB couch
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-5-31_20-29-30.jpeg.37a03bdd259985e738b2c5dffb0d3c0f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19492" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-5-31_20-29-30.jpeg.37a03bdd259985e738b2c5dffb0d3c0f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>This second one is kinda crude, because I'm only recently learning art, but you get the point.

Personality: Villainous and Evil, but still cultured, witty, and knows how to impress people with his impeccable sense of Style. Likes capes, large weapons, dark magic, and magic involved with the manipulation of the Hat element. He often uses hat magic to manipulate and trick certain people with an interest in hat boxes...he expresses his emotions through stabbing people. Angry? Stab. Saying hello? A nice greeting stab for you. Bored? A half-hearted knife in the gut for whomever is nearby.

Role: What role? The Villain, of course! The King of Villains! Not necessarily trying to deliberately cause people harm, but causing general chaos and unrest nonetheless.

Property You Own: Expansive throne room with inter-dimensional qualities, allowing whomever is inside to exit wherever they choose. It's like a TARDIS, bigger on the inside, but from the outside it looks like just a random doorway sitting out in the open, like something from Monsters Inc. The inside of the throne room is decked out with, of course, the Villain King Throne, as well as many other impressive additions such as villainous tapestries, various trophies of war, and various feline-related objects littered on the floor for his various pet cats, most notably, his favored NicoCat. Behind his throne sits an enormous mountain of wealth and treasure, guarded by five Greater Hat Elementals (Level 999).



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Very small, about 5'1. Slender. Has no color. All of the body is white, excepting the eyes, which glisten black as snake eyes with bright white, typically slit pupils.

Personality: Rather quiet. Speaks with a calm, slightly dull voice unless provoked, excited, or interested, in which it will turn either snappy, surprised, or intrigued in tone. Doesn't jump into conversation immediately, unless the topic sounds interesting. Has an affiliation with depressing topics, holds a liking for knives, small animals, & offering advice, and has trouble portraying affection without becoming bashful or feeling humiliated.

Role: The Holder of End Days; the personification of the apocalypse, basically. Assigned the task to eventually destroy everything and everyone, but is always way too lazy and unwilling to do so, since the process of bringing Doomsday is very long and complicated. Has some small powers that she mostly uses for comfort or menial purposes, even though they have the potential to cause harm if used correctly. Generally is the one the Hero or other characters go to for wise, down-to-earth advice about touchy, deep, or very serious problems.

Property You Own: An office. It's a monochromatic little place, with a very simple desk in the middle holding the typical items - paper, pencils, a computer, clutter from apparent work - as well as cabinets lining the back wall with many things, some typical, some very strange, in their drawers. The door is rather intimidating, being bordered by odd, black-and-white flames and in the more shadowy areas of the ShoutBox, but upon entering, you'll find that it's a very normal-seeming little office room.
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5'5, Brown hair, Brown eyes, dress and jeans.

She always has hearts floating around her head...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Chibime_20140402052320.png.8cc10243be2d23d46d1a5570d8ebc97d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19495" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Chibime_20140402052320.png.8cc10243be2d23d46d1a5570d8ebc97d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Ricia-chibi-2.png.63a27cf72908de28a4c9909b67961ee2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19496" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Ricia-chibi-2.png.63a27cf72908de28a4c9909b67961ee2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ricia friendly and approachable. She is very calm and tends to just go with the flow. However doesn't like large groups of people and tends to float away without a word when things get too intense. No seriously, she just floats away. She likes to give hugs to people and snuggle them, specially when they are down. Her favorite things to call people: Love, Doll, Girly, Chicka. Her signature move for approval is a thumbs up. She has trouble telling people's genders... even if it is blatantly obvious. She also loves Cats, Hearts and a has strange obsession for the color light blue. Has a pet Green Octopus named Mr. Sin. Whom she put's on the end of a stick to hit people with when she does battle.


Gives anyone advice they need when they are feeling down, like they can't continue on any longer. Has a tendency to appear out of nowhere and disappear just as fast, leaving wise... and maybe not so wise and irrelevant encouragement.

Property You Own

Owns a small cottage at the top of a hill in the middle of the world~



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There is no corners in the SB, it can not be contained!!!!! 


Personality: A crazy old loon elf, that loves to show off, and be lonely. (and he loves attention)

Role:Crazy Elven Lord that gives the hero a side-quest to find the magical elven cookie

Property You Own: A small forest and the castle inside it.

Personality: Goddess is a bundle of many things but if you had to narrow her down to just a few she is seen as independent , helpful to a degree, can appear to be a puppy and has a short fuse. She doesn't like many but tries her best (not really) to cope with others. She mainly sticks t o a group to who she knows the best and to others can come off harsh or distant. She has a rude yet funny sense of humor, mainly lying in her threats and dark jokes. Other than her very slim nice side she finds herself to be more sinister so she uses evil characters such as the goddess of eris , shiro, Yuno and others as signatures or anything quote related. When do evil things she bases them off the joker, always laughing and smiling while she plans out her evil deeds. She is rarely seen which she has no issues with since she is more anti social than anything. However if you call for her or ask she will appear much like when people call for the gods.

Role: Goddess is a jack of all trades. If you need advice she will try her best. If you need anything dealing with building a character she is best in that field than most. She is also seen as one to explain things depending on the topic. She comes and goes but mainly lurks, watching over everyone.

Property You Own: Under the sea in a time dimension where the area around her is like the universe with different stars that create her monsters. She tend to sit and lie in a pool of bubbles that show her the world and what is happening. She also own many monsters.



Top picture is what Noah looks like, but can turn into a chibi form.
Personality: Lazy old guy, but has a versatile mind that can switch from that of a child, to an old coot. Thinks the scientific inquiry has two steps: Poke it with a stick, write down results. Noah also tends to lazily lounge on the SB couch and sleep when there is little going on. He also tries to jolts the SB to life when activity is low. Noah dislikes it when people ruin the inside of the SB with table flipping and pooting/farting (*glares at Nico and ForgottenBlood)*) Noah enjoys Classical music, and just enjoy the presence of others.

Role: Semi-senile chrono-wizard that simply likes taking naps on the SB couch, socializing/associate with others. (Pyro, Kyrsta, Backlash, Paranoia etc.) Also is a fountain of knowledge of random stuff and has the power of Google at his finger tips. Could be like Professor Paradox from Ben 10

Property You Own: Nothing really. Just typically hangs out and lounges on the SB couch. Perhaps Broken-Angel should open up a pub there. That would be nice. Also, a giant clock head on his back that has a poop ton of gears that enable him to travel through time/space.

Other: As a Chrono-wizard, Noah can travel through time and appear in places. Some places he can't access (Goddess' realm and requires permission to enter The Villain King's TARDIS like room.) and Traveling has its side effects such as headaches, lost of sanity, etc. Also, he can't interfere with time and simply does it to enjoy the scenery or learn things.
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Normal (non chibi) version of that, but some times can poof into chibi form when needed

Personality: Myserious and impulsive, she likes to help others and offer advice; when shes not prowling around in the shadows and pouncing on friends.

Role: No idea? Helpful Ninja that poofs in from time to time and randomly offers advice. Can also fight when needed but does not kill, only maims, scars and knocks out.

Abilities: Teleporting Via poof, dark energy blasts, healing and reviving others, immune to fire, excellent at stealth. Preferred weapon: Staff and whip

Property You Own: The Safety Fort with in the tree of safety. A place with in the SB that is a safe haven from harm and conflict. If anything of that nature happens with in the fort the person is immediately poofed out of the fort. appearance
Alright! So, keep those characters coming! I have decided the characters I shall be using in the first arc~











So, now, keep in mind that for this first arc your character will be very minor or not appear at all. So just be patient, folks who aren't in the first arc! ^^

The Pooka


“You may ask what I am or who,

I do not mean to misconstrue,

For semblances I have not few,

I change anon and change anew.

So do not think me foolisher,

If I should winnow, bleat or purr,

For whether feather, fleece or fur,

I am the Pooka, be quite sure.”

Nature: The Pooka is one of the Faery Folk—that legendary people of yore, comprised of magical, mystical, mercurial beings from the Celtic Otherworld—sprites and sylphs, goblins and gnomes, troll-folk and mer-folk and all manner of soulless, eldritch creatures.

More specifically, a Pooka is a sort of half-wild hobgoblin. These strange creatures are by turns gregarious, mischievous, dangerous, or any combination thereof. Among the differing breeds of Fae—who come in an insensible variety of shapes and sizes—Pookas are the most well reputed for their shape-shifting abilities. It is a generally accepted belief that they can take the form of any beast or bird known to the British Isles. Goats, horses and dogs were their most common manifestations, although their true form was that of a hairy goblin with combined features of those selfsame animals.

Personality: Bubbly, capricious, chipper, cowardly, cunning, curious, dance-prone, deceitful, deviant, effervescent, evasive, feral, fickle, folksy, flippant, friendly, gregarious, grumpy at times, impish, loutish, melodramatic, mischievous, musical, opportunistic, passionate, protective, raucous, savage, selfish, stubborn, swift, teasing, territorial, unpredictable, wild, wily.

Idiosyncrasies—Speaks in folksy country-lingo. Doesn't like being touched or pursued by non-fairies. Carries a faery flute and a brass bollock dagger, and also plays a mean fiddle.

Role: I came up with the idea, Toasty so put me in there somewhere or I'll gobble you up! Heehee, jus' teasin'.

Abilities: As an inherently magical creature—albeit not a very diligent one—the Pooka can perform subtle feats of enchantment in his own fashion. Faery magic is similar to human sorcery, but less ritualized in nature, and worked through simple gestures or signals. The Pooka's talents in this area are somewhat limited by laziness and lack of ambition, but it is within his power to blow a snuffed candle back into life, for instance, or dip his hand into a pail of milk and make it curdle.

Tuirgin—Druidic Animal Shapeshifting: The Pooka shares a primal affinity with the denizens of the forest. He can communicate with them, influence them and as a practitioner of the Druidic metamorphosing magic known as Tuirgin, he can adopt their shapes at will. The billy-goat is his forte but a dog (typically an Irish Wolfhound or a Welsh Springer Spaniel) is his favoured form for blending in with humans. He commonly transforms into an otter for swimming and a lark for flight. Other characteristic metamorphoses are wolf, rabbit, squirrel, chipmunk, raccoon, badger, fox, cat, stag, boar, beaver, hedgehog, hawk, sparrow, owl and rook. His eyes are always golden in any form, something he can't hide.

Glamour/Gramarye/Feth-Fiada—Illusion and Invisibility: Other fairies and people with the sight can see through his glamours. Cold Iron also dispels his magics and renders him helpless and stricken as if by illness. Contact with anything made of iron burns him.

Property You Own: The Pooka sometimes hangs out in the Shoutbox Tree, but he usually sleeps in any number of hob-hole tunnels he's dug out throughout the shoutbox landscape, which are usually too small for most human-sized folks to crawl through.
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Appearance: The avatar, a grinning black haired boy with a larger than average build, who tends to sigh a lot.

Personality: You know me, Toasty. :3

Role: A protagonist, coming back to the land of Shoutbox after prolonged journeys in the outside land of Irl. What new wonders and fun times could await him in his return?

Property You Own: A seemingly endless collection of Coro-dolls, useful for quick escapes and sneaky manoeuvres. They haven't been used lately though. Owns no land or other real property, except for the clothes on his back.
Appearance: I am a short girl of 5'0 with lightly tanned skin and short brown hair that falls unevenly to my shoulders in a tangled messed from a lack of brushing. My eyes change from red, green, and violet and I wear a assortment of different types of clothing, though i prefer to stick to a black tanktop with a brown leather vest that has three long strips of leather, that start on the left of my chest and moved to right where they are tied to three tarnished copper loops. I wear dark wash skinny jeans with the left side roled up to my knee and the other down with a few singed holes in them. I NEVER WEAR SHOES HIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I carry around a black baseball cap covered in little red z's. This hat is my weapon, and seems to be a never ending storage compartment holding everything from shovels, to random portals out of peoples stomachs (the hat even has a village of friendly taco elves and it is known to hold the souls who have called me short.)

Personality: Just however you think of me in the SB.

Role: I shall be THE GRAND person thing...... Hmmmm this is hard what shall my role be. I know... I shall be that chick who may, or may not be working for the enemy and may or may no betray the hero's of the land of the shoutbox

Property You Own: My house is locked 8 miles north, then 27 miles east there you will find a dark hole. Go get a gun, then drop it inside the hole and listen for a noise if you hear a noise then I am home and My house is that gas station you bought the gun at from across the street. That just happens to be in a tree.

First up i have no set appearance, but how i picture myself half the time based on RL feels would be an overly androgynous boy of about 12 or 13 years.


However when it comes to personality, and the trouble Kaine often finds himself in, his shoutbox persona is more like this.


May possibly contain horns and an ill temper...

Personality: Goofy, playful, random, imaginative to an extent, Loud, foul mouthed, gets bruised ego easily, then argues, screams, cusses, gets banned, Always trying to troll people in a playful manner but sometimes in a rude manner. Not usually successful, but sometimes results im outstanding humor and laughs.

Role: The troll that once you find, can literally Never... get... rid.. of... ever... >D. Always gives his opinion of said subject. Not always useful but will make damn sure you know what he thinks of the situation.

Specialties: Always has an unlimited number of sprinkles to share with the world. Much like sand, they find their way into your eyes and every nook and cranny that you DON'T want them in. Can turn into a calico kitty with black white and orange coloring, and more recently can turn into a goat as well. Said cat and goat lick many, many things that probably dont need to be licked.

Property You Own: Use to own a corner. Then Kagu ban thoses. Then i use to sulk under the couch, but apparently im not allowed that anymore either, currently claims shame pit as his own.

Shame pit is kind of like a crater. you can roll in and out of it, fall in it, trip into it, get thrown into it. It has a small house with games, TV, oreos. Said house is made of glass, has a bed, a shower, and a guest room, or 5.

Down in the center is the endless pit. In it we throw everything from the trash, to zombies, to many dark things. Somehow people can always climb out.
Appearance: I'm a freaking shapeshifter. As long as it's an animate object that I've been. Like the Ninja Kitten, or a human. It matters not, and something reasonable. No tutus. You decide how I look, as everyone does!

Personality: Nice, unless made mad. Is easily angered. Generally calm about doing what he/she does.

Role: The villain who's going to either kill the hero, mess the hero's mind up, or die trying. Maybe a combination of them.

Property You Own: Ninja Kitten Kingdom, a tank, the truck that is my avatar.

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