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Multiple Settings The Short Life of Maxy

Cez Bloodblade

One man, many minds.
((I've just joined RpN and this is my first post. So bare with me. :D ))

Maxy suddenly woke up and rubbed his eyes. The sun was already rising up. He dashed forward towards to dense forest in front of him. After manoeuvring himself through the roots and bushes, he finally reached an empty spot with short grass.

He hears a roaring sound from nearby. When he gets close, he's shocked. He's looking at a:

1) Bear

2) A young girl with a bloody mouth

3) Dragon
The bear pounces towards Maxy. With him resisting, they roll over to a nearby lake. Maxy gets hold off a twig and stabs the bear's eye. The bear growls and steps back. Maxy lunges forward, aiming for the bear's heart. He stabs it till it slowly dies. He finds something shiny. At the same time, he hears multiple roars coming from four directions. He:

1) Investigates the object.

2) Snatches the object along with the bear's blood dripping flesh and runs.

3) Ignores it and runs for his life.
Maxy escapes the bears and falls into a ditch nearby. He waits for a few minutes till the bears disperse away. From the bleeding carcass, he retrieves a golden pendant. He examines it closely. There's something described there.

Your blood is the key to the kingdom.
He brings the pendant close to him. After a few thoughts, he:

1) Pours his blood on it.

2) Throws the pendant away.

3) Keeps it in his pocket.
[QUOTE="Cez Bloodblade]Maxy escapes the bears and falls into a ditch nearby. He waits for a few minutes till the bears disperse away. From the bleeding carcass, he retrieves a golden pendant. He examines it closely. There's something described there.
He brings the pendant close to him. After a few thoughts, he:

1) Pours his blood on it.

2) Throws the pendant away.

3) Keeps it in his pocket.

3) Keeps it in his pocket.
what have we got to lose? 1)
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The pendant immediately reacted. After vibrating vigorously in his hand, the pendant flies midair and shines brightly with a crimson hue. But suddenly a black aura surrounds it.

What have you done, you fool! This blood is impure. It is tainted by the gore of a beast. Now suffer in hell. HAHAHAHA
Poor Maxy immediately gets teleported into an unknown dimension. Multiple bear-like demons pounce and feed on him. With the power of regret, he conjures up a note and teleports it onto earth.

The note had a blood stained title:

The Short Life of Maxy
The End.

What's there to lose? Everything! xD

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