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- One on One
- Group
paris paloma
Through the forest and pasts the rivers, a mighty storm broke out. A stroke of lightning had struck a tree, causing the wood to light on fire. Cats howled, rogues, loners, kittypets that strayed too far-it didn't matter, the cats needed to leave and go somewhere. Even the rain didn't calm down the flames that licked the vegetation, charring the bark into charcoal. Only just so many cats made it out on the completely other side of the woods, yet they were lost. Most of those who had no homes like kittypets had lost the only shelter they could afford.
Without missing a beat, someone steps forward to get attention of all cats that were there. Some were shaking, hiding swollen bellies are just naturally too old to react quickly. Yet, most of the group was set in average warriors. Warriors. Once everyone listened in onto the speaker's speech, there was a prompt blown into the wind. "We've lost our homes, we've lost our prey, now we're stuck here on the ends of grey. But I've got an idea, one that can solve things, so long someone trusts me." Everyone turned out to be stunned by the cat's bold proposal, however everyone was itching to hear an escape route for another chance at life.
"We'll travel north, where the sun sets and the opposite direction the moon rises. If cats can't keep up, we'll help. For now, we're all in the same situation. We might not know, and maybe even hate, each other, but for the sake of finding a better place other than these dusty lands, follow my lead." After another moment of silence, rows upon rows of head nods shook the pack. The main cat was pleased, turning their tail to the rest and already padding off. The beginning of something new was already brewing.
The main idea of this is to have a traveling group of cats, found together due to the same or similar problem, trying to relocate and claim a new home. Once they find a nice area to settle down in, though, they realize defense is something they need to up their game on. The clan's future name will be named Shellclan, for the sakes of the camp being near a sandy beach cove. A rainforest mixed with deciduous follows around many acres, ponds similar in Shadowclan plopped occasionally on the territory. Rocks, pebbles, and vines trickle down alongside waterfalls in the distance, and all kinds of prey continue to fill anycat's bellies. Would you bother to join in?
Shellclan might experience wars with other traveling rogues, deaths of very close friends, and maybe even exiles. Any drama can be created, so long we've plotted together enough. But for now, Shellclan is still in the making.
The traveling group eventually appoints this cat as their leader, having them take most responsibility in keeping things in order by having final says in arguments. As the leader, the cat that takes this role is supposed to carry the rest of the [forming] clan, guiding them with signs from starclan. The Deputy and Medicine Cat is working alongside them, making sure that not one cat has too much power, but rather several share the same burden.
Once the traveling group has finally found a home to settle into, they all realize they need a leader. The leader sees signs from starclan, and so they are chosen. Yet, upon the leader's decision, another cat is called forward just before moonhigh arrived and named as The Deputy. This role is like the Leader's backup, ensuring that the [forming] clan is watched if the Leader needs to leave. Patrols are assigned by this cat, and half the respect given to the leader should be sent to the Deputy.
Medicine Cat
Unlike the leader, the medicine cat is able to share dreams with starclan and get prophecies. Prophecies are little stories that can foretell the future, depending who it was going to. This cat supposedly has the best knowledge of herbs, yet is still in their own training of learning since the clan has only just formed. However, the status against a Deputy's call verses a Medicine Cat's call weighs heavy on the second par, meaning Medicine Cats are highly respected in general. They have been ordered by starclan themselves to not get carried away from duties by getting mates.
The rest of the traveling group members that help around the clan by doing their duties; hunting, defending, patrolling, and whatever else comes to mind. No other clanmate should hurt another, as all clanmates should respect each other (said in the Warrior Code). These cats do not have abilities to speak with starclan, and are rather normal. Warriors are free to mate, or just grow old before retiring. When hunting prey, the Queens, Elders, and Kits must be the first to be fed. The medicine cat comes right after, and only then can everyone else feast.
Young cats under the age of twelve moons/months that traveled alongside the clan when they were in just the beginning of time, or perhaps they used to be kits born into the clan-whatever it is, their duty is to train to be a warrior. The leader and deputy beforehand speaks to the warrior who would mentor them, and then would announce a ceremony. After a final assessment, and passing, would an apprentice become a warrior.
The elderly, the expecting, the caretakers, and even the unborn to newborn are one of the most cherished cats in the traveling group. The elders have retired, less when the clan is first starting, but even still they are rewarded with praise for their hard work, and what they did when they were young. The queens help give more cats to flourish the clan, however there will be a need to balance things as prey can be a problem. Kits must reach the age of six moons before becoming an apprentice.
rule one.
OOC will be onsite, same with everything else, but I do expect this to be pretty active. I dislike spamming, and waking up to 50 notifications from RPNation, so reign yourself in to a certain extent. Joining in on the collaborating lets me know that you want to continue roleplaying, and even if it isn't warrior cat or rp related, it lets me know more about you. I want to know what my roleplayers are comfortable and/or not comfortable about along the way, so feel free to run by things with me anytime!
rule two.
Roles are first come first serve for the majors, and I'd like to cap elders to two maximum if anything since Shellclan hadn't even been formed and it wouldn't make much sense to see old cats like that walking for so long. You can take as many roles as you want (for the minors), but if you have either Deputy or Medicine cat, do not try to get both. I've already taken leader. Just say in a comment what you want me to reserve, and I'll do it!
rule three.
All RPN rules shall naturally apply to this, but I wanted to possibly restate some things and add my own too. When we roleplay, I want you to make sure you have perms to do something with another cat (such as blinding, killing, fighting, relationships, etc) before doing it unsaid. A medicine cat apprentice role will unfortunately currently be unavailable, but I will talk to the medicine cat creator later on rp when they will need an apprentice, and if they want one. Side characters like loners are allowed, but only for a certain extent-unless joining Shell clan. If they are just a hop out and leave character, I'll give a sign when I'm allowing them inside.
wet rocks,
shells gleaming
fandom, juvenile, fantasy
spots open
A Lot
can be answered
โกcoded by uxieโก