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Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group

  • intro


    paris paloma


    hrough the forest and pasts the rivers, a mighty storm broke out. A stroke of lightning had struck a tree, causing the wood to light on fire. Cats howled, rogues, loners, kittypets that strayed too far-it didn't matter, the cats needed to leave and go somewhere. Even the rain didn't calm down the flames that licked the vegetation, charring the bark into charcoal. Only just so many cats made it out on the completely other side of the woods, yet they were lost. Most of those who had no homes like kittypets had lost the only shelter they could afford.

    Without missing a beat, someone steps forward to get attention of all cats that were there. Some were shaking, hiding swollen bellies are just naturally too old to react quickly. Yet, most of the group was set in average warriors. Warriors. Once everyone listened in onto the speaker's speech, there was a prompt blown into the wind. "We've lost our homes, we've lost our prey, now we're stuck here on the ends of grey. But I've got an idea, one that can solve things, so long someone trusts me." Everyone turned out to be stunned by the cat's bold proposal, however everyone was itching to hear an escape route for another chance at life.

    "We'll travel north, where the sun sets and the opposite direction the moon rises. If cats can't keep up, we'll help. For now, we're all in the same situation. We might not know, and maybe even hate, each other, but for the sake of finding a better place other than these dusty lands, follow my lead." After another moment of silence, rows upon rows of head nods shook the pack. The main cat was pleased, turning their tail to the rest and already padding off. The beginning of something new was already brewing.

    The main idea of this is to have a traveling group of cats, found together due to the same or similar problem, trying to relocate and claim a new home. Once they find a nice area to settle down in, though, they realize defense is something they need to up their game on. The clan's future name will be named Shellclan, for the sakes of the camp being near a sandy beach cove. A rainforest mixed with deciduous follows around many acres, ponds similar in Shadowclan plopped occasionally on the territory. Rocks, pebbles, and vines trickle down alongside waterfalls in the distance, and all kinds of prey continue to fill anycat's bellies. Would you bother to join in?

    Shellclan might experience wars with other traveling rogues, deaths of very close friends, and maybe even exiles. Any drama can be created, so long we've plotted together enough. But for now, Shellclan is still in the making.




wet rocks,

shells gleaming


fandom, juvenile, fantasy



spots open

A Lot


can be answered


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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Most likely will join, not taking any majors since I've done that too often XD
Are faceclaims drawn or realistic?
Most likely will join, not taking any majors since I've done that too often XD
Are faceclaims drawn or realistic?
I don't mind any type! So long it's not A.I.
However, I think I'll be doing a drawn one, myself, simply because Warrior Cats seems like the type to use that instead of realism.
It's your choice!
Could I use a foreign born oc that joins the clan in rp? he doesn't bite, like Chuuyas here..
Could I use a foreign born oc that joins the clan in rp? he doesn't bite, like Chuuyas here..
Are you asking before or after the traveling group make the clan?
At the start of rp, cats just reach the newfound Shellclan territory
So you'd have to wait to use them until later on
But yeah, if that was what you meant.
yep, after! thank ya
You would/should make another character beforehand, one in the traveling group, so ya' can roleplay at the beginning too though
one step ahead of you, just figuring out what role would fit best ^^
Interested! Recently got back into the warriors fandom and would love to join!
interested in playing a caretaker ,,, probably expecting - i have yet to decide
interested in playing a caretaker ,,, probably expecting - i have yet to decide
Lovely addition to the cast! Hop into ooc when you wish.

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