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Fantasy The Shin Metsu Academy (AFGY IC)



Bored Ancient
DuckPrince DuckPrince JulesX JulesX B E A R B E A R Japanime Japanime vielpotato vielpotato Cara Cara

And we’re off! To start everyone will get up a starting post, and afterwards you post on interaction. Group posting is encouraged in a one on one conversation, but don’t get too carried away haha.

It’s a warm summer’s evening in the tall and rigid mountains of Southern Norway. Hidden from any sort of radar or detection device, deep within the tall and almost jagged looking trees lay the Shin Metsu Academy of Adept Protection and Development. It’s the off season for classes and such other activities, a Summer Break if you will. At this time new students are arriving by many different ways to finally arrive at this monumental academy for these special people. Many of the current residents are going about their own daily routine, and some are on their way to greet the new arrivals and hopefully make some new friends.

The entering courtyard that’s lies beyond the large metal gate surrounding the premises is decorated with all sorts of exotic and beautiful plants and flowers all in full bloom for the season. A water fountain sits in the middle of it all, taking the form of a dragon spewing water instead of fire from its mouth.

“The stage is set, the characters are ready. It’s time for a new year.”
Akira Ito
Akira was honestly scared. It was a silly thing to think.. an 18 year old young man being scared of going to a school campus. But he was terrified...

The teen shakily fiddled with his bag as he and other newcomers were dropped off. He wasn't excited for the welcoming. He wished to just.. disappear without being noticed but he still hoped to make friends. Aaah! This was so confusing! So many contradictions! Thanks to the people that took care of him leading up to the trip to the academy, he had been given new clothing, shoes, essentials. Since it seemed like, with the Academy being so far removed from normal civilisation, they wouldn't be able to just.. take a cab to a city and splurge money. That thought gave Akira comfort.

Shuffling farther into the courtyard, hands shaking more than before as people were showing up. He instinctively began moving to the water fountain, it was so pretty. He sat down on the edge of it, fiddling his bag without much of a stop in sight. Would anyone like him? Would anyone even want to talk to him..? Considering how he looked like he'd get a panic attack if anyone even looked at him funny, he knew people would probably stay far away from him. Maybe he should've accepted the anxiety medication he was offered by the hospital....
Jade woke up early, had her usual jog around the courtyard, then took a nice long shower and went down to grab her hot chocolate.
Today was a big day for the school, a lot of new students arriving, some excited, others confused, just like the last year the years before. She could remember the first day she arrived to the school. she was freaking out, but most the students were welcoming and the teachers were very understanding and warm. And ever since she got used to the environment she swore to return the favor and try help as many newcomers as she can..
After finishing her hot chocolate she went out to the courtyard, people started arriving already and she made sure to make herself look free and ready to help.

She helped few students around, explaining to some how to get to the cafeteria or the head office, and assuring others that there was no need to be worried and that everything will be fine. Then looking around she saw a boy sitting on the edge of the fountain,he looked worried so she thought that it was a good idea to go and check on him.

when she came near the fountain, she cleared her throat to let him know that she was approaching. " Hello, I'm Jade" she greeted with a smile not knowing what else to say.

DuckPrince DuckPrince
Siren Jaeger
Step. Step. Step. A lone figure surrounded by nothing but shrubbery and trees walked alone a winding forest path. The person was dressed in a pair of black pants, a white t-shirt, black and red converse, and a red coat with white wool lining the hood. The zipper was undone, which didn’t help much considering how warm it already was but the figure didn’t be seem to mind. His name was Siren Jaeger, and he wasn’t like normal people. The Russian is what humans refer to as adepts. Excelled human being with the capacity of superhuman abilities through the power of septimal energy. Siren was a pyro adept, and controlled what he referred to as Hellfire. This all combined with his red glowing eyes, all too many people have thought him to be a demon. But not to worry, he was just a normal but abnormal adept.

As the young man paced the dirt path, it took a corner which led to more tree but a large metal gate could be seen on the opposite end leading into a massive and colorful courtyard. The closer he got, the better he could see the array of bright colored flowers which brought a small smile to the corner of his mouth. Despite his gruff and tough demeanor he always had a soft spot for the beauty of nature.

Eventually, Siren arrived at the gates which swung open upon him stepping up to them. “How inviting.” The Pyro grunted to himself before stepping onto the grounds. There were various students up and about conversing and doing their own thing, which made him feel somewhat outcast among them but he didn’t care. There were two people sitting by the fountain, one of whom introduced herself as Jade to the other. The boy looked rather anxious, but Siren found it best not to draw any more attention to him. Making his way on his own, he approached one of the flower beds and admired the plants growing.

Mentions: Cara Cara DuckPrince DuckPrince

The first day of school has always been something that made this particular female nervous, why was that? well, because she was never used to having people around her to begin with! man, this girl would have so much anxiety going to this school. she was a newly transfer student from a different academy, everything was a new concept to her and she was sort of looking forward to it but overall, not entirely. what she was looking forward to was none other than the music room, hell, that's the only thing that she'll probably be looking forward to. don't take it personally, this particular female is just... not well with other people, she is too timid for her own good and could get a little hostile when she is frightened by someone who she has never ever met in her entire life! her name is estelle, estelle 'la noir descotaux, some might've heard of her name due to the fact that she was a from a fairly wealthy family. this daughter was known to be quiet but changes so much whenever she is involved with music. a music prodigy? fortunately, she was! how could that surprise anyone? estelle has been taking lessons since she was two, just because she had enjoyed it so much.

Ah... there it was, as the limousine rolls up in front of the unfamiliar scenery -- luscious greenery decorated and surrounding the academy as if it were a fortress and great mountains that had created an extra layer of protection. her heart pounded against her rib cage, left hand slowly travelling up to her where her heart was and clutched onto the article of clothing. "Breathe..." she had reminded herself before biting down onto her bottom lips, she was filled with anxiety and she couldn't entirely handle it properly. the limousine soon pulls up in front of the academy, the white pristine academy towering over everything and everyone that stood in front of it. was it too late for her to back out now? most likely, her parents would be disappointed if she had just backed out without even experiencing the first term!

The door of the limousine opens up by her chauffeur, "Young mistress, we have arrived." the chauffeur had stated before the young girl stepped out of the vehicle, her long locks of moon washed silver hair flows along with the wind, shimmering and glimmering with shades of luminous purple and cold icy blue. one of her hand had to reach up to her locks of hair to hold it behind her ear or else it'll get in her view -- the academy that towers in front of her. bright pools of golden crystals glistening due to the reflecting light from the white exterior. this is going to be the place that she is going to be staying for a while, might as well get yourself ready for how many people will be in here and be ready as to how she might have to talk to people. speaking of which, her heart has not thumping loudly from earlier, it seems to be getting louder and louder, faster and faster.

Her body was really giving up on her, estelle had started to feel lightheaded soon enough because of how much anxiety that had swelled up from the time that she had stared at the building. right after the chauffeur had took out her suitcase and her guitar case, the male had drove away without turning back. he had done his objective that had been handed to him by the descotaux family, soon he was out of sight and it took this female to get herself together. noir swung the guitar case over her shoulders before started rolling her suitcase but she had come to a stop, looking over to the side where there were waterfalls. the sound of water rushing seems to have at least soothed her, the scenery was decorated with plantations and it also had soothed her mind. her heart seems to have at least found a calm. everyone was conversing with each other and this female felt so... different from other people. her golden hues seems to have glued to the ground before scoffing, she didn't need this before continuing her little exploration.

Flowers, flowers everywhere! this had made her feel so warm on the inside and it had definitely gave her some sort of inspiration, although the inspiration was drawn over to music. she would have to come back out when the moon rises. soon a flash of bright red had caught the female's eyes, raising her head from the ground of flowers up to male that was dressed in a red coat. bright sunshine gold locks, from the back, noir could already tell that this male was taller than her, although they are far. shaking her head, noir wasn't planning on saying anything, it might just make her feel more anxiety once again. what a shame, oh well, stelle took steps towards where she could've seen the waterfall better. closing her warm golden crystal hues and just listening to the sound of the wind, howling. the water crashing against itself, washing along the rocks at the bottom. the scent of flowers and plantations filled the air. the cool air accompany by the warm sunlight. everything seemed perfect but not quite, she had still hear voices of others and it made her feel uneased...
Mentioned: Siren77 Siren77
Interacting: n/a

[class=Notes] // Code by @AgWordSmith Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// [/class] [class=Background] background:url(https://media.giphy.com/media/3ohhwNqFMnb7wZgNnq/giphy.gif); position:relative; padding:20px; height:200px; width:200px; transition: width 3s, height 3s; // This is the background image as well as the backgrounds beginning size// [/class] [class=BackgroundFull] height:410px; width:99%; transition: width 1s, height 1s; //the back ground at its full size// [/class] [class=Hide] display: none; //hides what needs to be hidden// [/class] [class=Image] float:left; margin-right:20px; border:2px SOLID Black; line-height:0; width:200px; height:200px; border-radius:50%; overflow:hidden; background:url(https://imgur.com/8YsGvz3.jpg); background-position: 20% 5%; cursor:pointer; transition: width 3s, border-radius 3s, height 3s; //border around image and its starting size// [/class] [class=ImageFull] width:180px; height: 160px; border-radius:10px; overflow:hidden; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 20% 5%; transition: width 3s , border-radius 3s, height 3s; //the image's full size// [/class] [class=Name] float:left; width:calc( 100% - 35%); font-size:50px; text-align:center; color:#9aa4e2; //How the Name looks// [/class] [class=Text] float:left; background-color:rgba(77,77,76,0.7); width:calc( 100% - 35%); height:300px; overflow:scroll; overflow-x:hidden; padding:10px; font-size:15px; color:#b29ae2; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 10px rgba(77,77,76,0.6); //how the text looks// [/class] [Script class=Image] set addedClass 0 set fadedIn 0 //allows the script function below to work by setting variables// [/script] [Script class=Image on=click] if (eq ${addedClass} 0) (addClass ImageFull) (removeClass ImageFull) if (eq ${addedClass} 0) (addClass BackgroundFull Background) (removeClass BackgroundFull Background) if (eq ${addedClass} 0) (set addedClass 1) (set addedClass 0) if (eq ${fadedIn} 0) (fadeIn 1000 Name) (fadeOut 1000 Name) if (eq ${fadedIn} 0) (fadeIn 1000 Text) (fadeOut 1000 Text) if (eq ${fadedIn} 0) (set fadedIn 1) (set fadedIn 0) //makes it possible to click between the bigger and smaller sizes// [/script] [div class="Background"] [div class="Image"] [/div] [div class="Name Hide"] Estelle 'La Noir Descotaux [/div] [div class="Text Hide"] The first day of school has always been something that made this particular female nervous, why was that? well, because she was never used to having people around her to begin with! man, this girl would have so much anxiety going to this school. she was a newly transfer student from a different academy, everything was a new concept to her and she was sort of looking forward to it but overall, not entirely. what she was looking forward to was none other than the music room, hell, that's the only thing that she'll probably be looking forward to. don't take it personally, this particular female is just... not well with other people, she is too timid for her own good and could get a little hostile when she is frightened by someone who she has never ever met in her entire life! her name is estelle, estelle 'la noir descotaux, some might've heard of her name due to the fact that she was a from a fairly wealthy family. this daughter was known to be quiet but changes so much whenever she is involved with music. a music prodigy? fortunately, she was! how could that surprise anyone? estelle has been taking lessons since she was two, just because she had enjoyed it so much.

Ah... there it was, as the limousine rolls up in front of the unfamiliar scenery -- luscious greenery decorated and surrounding the academy as if it were a fortress and great mountains that had created an extra layer of protection. her heart pounded against her rib cage, left hand slowly travelling up to her where her heart was and clutched onto the article of clothing. "Breathe..." she had reminded herself before biting down onto her bottom lips, she was filled with anxiety and she couldn't entirely handle it properly. the limousine soon pulls up in front of the academy, the white pristine academy towering over everything and everyone that stood in front of it. was it too late for her to back out now? most likely, her parents would be disappointed if she had just backed out without even experiencing the first term!

The door of the limousine opens up by her chauffeur, "Young mistress, we have arrived." the chauffeur had stated before the young girl stepped out of the vehicle, her long locks of moon washed silver hair flows along with the wind, shimmering and glimmering with shades of luminous purple and cold icy blue. one of her hand had to reach up to her locks of hair to hold it behind her ear or else it'll get in her view -- the academy that towers in front of her. bright pools of golden crystals glistening due to the reflecting light from the white exterior. this is going to be the place that she is going to be staying for a while, might as well get yourself ready for how many people will be in here and be ready as to how she might have to talk to people. speaking of which, her heart has not thumping loudly from earlier, it seems to be getting louder and louder, faster and faster.

Her body was really giving up on her, estelle had started to feel lightheaded soon enough because of how much anxiety that had swelled up from the time that she had stared at the building. right after the chauffeur had took out her suitcase and her guitar case, the male had drove away without turning back. he had done his objective that had been handed to him by the descotaux family, soon he was out of sight and it took this female to get herself together. noir swung the guitar case over her shoulders before started rolling her suitcase but she had come to a stop, looking over to the side where there were waterfalls. the sound of water rushing seems to have at least soothed her, the scenery was decorated with plantations and it also had soothed her mind. her heart seems to have at least found a calm. everyone was conversing with each other and this female felt so... different from other people. her golden hues seems to have glued to the ground before scoffing, she didn't need this before continuing her little exploration.

Flowers, flowers everywhere! this had made her feel so warm on the inside and it had definitely gave her some sort of inspiration, although the inspiration was drawn over to music. she would have to come back out when the moon rises. soon a flash of bright red had caught the female's eyes, raising her head from the ground of flowers up to male that was dressed in a red coat. bright sunshine gold locks, from the back, noir could already tell that this male was taller than her, although they are far. shaking her head, noir wasn't planning on saying anything, it might just make her feel more anxiety once again. what a shame, oh well, stelle took steps towards where she could've seen the waterfall better. closing her warm golden crystal hues and just listening to the sound of the wind, howling. the water crashing against itself, washing along the rocks at the bottom. the scent of flowers and plantations filled the air. the cool air accompany by the warm sunlight. everything seemed perfect but not quite, she had still hear voices of others and it made her feel uneased...
Mentioned: Siren77 Siren77
Interacting: n/a
[/div] [/div]

Last edited:
{Mitsu Suzumebachi}

It'd been a long plane ride and an even longer drive to reach this place. She had been eager to reach the school. She crawled out of the car, tipped the poor driver, and walked out with an absolutely massive luggage cart. Most of her belongings, like her clothes, technology, and even pieces of disassembled furniture was placed here. But she also had a large backpack that she was carrying. She carefully secured it to her shoulders. She pushed her luggage cart and walked towards the building.

Mitsu would love to make new friends, yes, but she had to get everything secure before she lost anything. Once she did that, she'd be free to explore and talk to the people she'd be living with. At least she could spread her legs (and wings) out on the way in. Even her antennae wiggled around.

The air was so clean up here. She took a whiff of it while she stopped to admire the dragon fountain. "This place is amazing!" She yelled, literally vibrating with excitement.
Siren Jaeger
As the young Russian admired the flowers, he felt someone looking at him as most people normally do. That feeling of a gaze that sends shudders down your spine and make you feel uneasy. Turning away from the flower bed, Siren caught sight of a girl whom he could only describe as... bright. Such brilliant white hair that reflected the very sunlight in the sky, almost like she was her own star. Hell even her clothes screamed shiny, not in an irritating way of course. Compared to her, Siren looked rather drab in his old red jacket and plain colored clothing. The pyro averted his gaze from her before recollecting his thoughts.

His possessions should have been mail delivered by his own request so he wouldn’t have to haul them around when he was making his voyage to Norway. Siren payed for all of the transportation, but right at the end ran out of money so he had to hike the mountain path to get here. Better go see if they’ve arrived...

With his destination set, Siren walked away from the garden and headed into the front entrance of the large and spacious academy. Upon arriving at the front desk, a woman greeted him and inquired as to what he was after. He asked where he could pick up his luggage, but the woman gave him the unfortunate news that mailing had been delayed and his things wouldn’t be here for a couple hours.

With too much time to kill and no idea how to spend it, Siren thanked the woman before leaving the front desk and heading down one of the many hallways in the facility. Eventually he stumbled upon the music room where he wasted no time in heading inside. There, resting center stage in the middle of the room was a glossy black grand piano. He hadn’t seen an instrument of this variety in over five years...

Stepping up to the beautiful instrument, Siren ran his finger over the white and black keys greeted by the familiar touch of their smooth surface. Hesitantly, Siren sat down and thought for a moment before playing one of them the few songs he remembered. The Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven.

Estelle lets out a soft sigh escaped her pink lips, she had enough of this outdoor for now, if anything somewhere to sit down would be nice. why? probably because she dying to at least play with her instrument that had been hanging on her back the entire time. placing her hands back onto the handle of her suitcase, the girl stood up straight, turning her full attention over to the academy. soon enough, the full attention was snapped towards to a young female shouting and it seems like she was carrying a load of stuff. what is this? did the girl literally packed her whole house and stuffed it into the bag and the luggage? taken back by how much stuff the energetic female had own, noir looks down at her own belongings before back over to her's. to contrast of their belongings were a bit too large.. she, herself, doesn't think that someone would need that many belonging but then it might've just been her. "I've never seen someone so excited..."

Shaking her head, the female needs to learn about minding her own business which means like now. noir doesn't want to get herself involve with people that are way too energetic, she doesn't have anything against them. it's just that she just can't keep up with that much energy, it was an unfortunate thing but maybe she'll learn to adapt to it later on in this school year. if she plans on staying here, she'll have to learn to adjust to the people here or even earn new friends but right now is not the time. the girl wants to first adapt to one person at a time or to at least feel comfortable with her new surroundings. everything was still pretty new to her, so estelle needs to at least take things one at a time. first thing first, she wants to find the music room since that'll probably the place that she'll stay in the most when she has a free time.

A deep breathe was taken into her system before her bright golden crystal orbs looks up at the building one last time, the pristine white exterior of the building was nice. maybe she will get used to this whole academy thing that she had gotten herself into. her left hand gripping tightly upon the handle of her black suitcase, the girl's right hand pushes open the door before walking in. inside of the academy was also just as grand looking as the outside, it was breathtaking as this was definitely a lot larger than her home. snapping out of her little daze, estelle shakes her head before continues her little adventure for the music room. her heels clicked against the clean marble floor that seems to reflect the lighting coming from the outside and from the lights that hung above her head. her eyes were glued to the interior designs and also the signs that hung in front of each room.

How hard can it be? just looking for a music room, it shouldn't be that hard -- it has been 5 minutes since she had started wandering inside the academy, turning corners and entering a new hall. this place is like a maze, she doesn't even know where she was at! was this how her parents' guest was reacting when they had entered their home? probably... ah, now she understood it.. although as big as this place is, noir didn't seem to quite mind it, it was a lot quieter in here than it is compared to the outside, so many students were conversing with each other outside. it was soon enough when she had heard a familiar instrument playing an also very familiar tune, her eyes seems to be scanning all around her. without a second to waste, the daughter of the descotaux family picked up her pace. if she can hear the piano, it means that there was a music room nearby!

Due to this wealthy female's excitement upon hearing the familiar instrument - piano, estelle had found herself in front of the music room in no time. her eyes wanders up and down the door before seeing it was already open but not fully, the transfer student placed her hand on the door and pushed it open slowly. ah... a familiar flash of red was in front of her, it was the exact same male from earlier that was looking at the flowers. due to her wearing heels, noir had tried to take quiet steps into the music room, a little difficult to do but she had managed. she didn't want to disturb this male that was playing but she was happy to see someone playing the piano and well, being the only person in the music room or else she would've f r e a k e d.

When the piece was finished playing, estelle was gently putting her suitcase at the side of the music room and sliding her guitar case off of her back, placing it on a chair gently. turning herself around upon her heels, the "noble" daughter had clapped her hands with a sweet smile upon her face. "That was really well played, as well as this music room.. it's acoustics is just perfect." noir had stated as she had slowly paced around the large music room, the windows that decorated the window shows the view of outside over the mountains. everything was just perfect! she could not have asked for more, well actually, she could. the female turns her full attention back on the blonde male, "Would you mind if i ask for you to continue playing?.. i'm sorry to just interrupt you, i just find it nice to hear someone play.. i'm terribly sorry if i had interrupted you and that you had wanted to be alone.." soon enough she had realized, where was her manners?! "Ah... i'm sorry for my terrible manners, i don't know what happened to me. my name is estelle, estelle 'la noir descotaux."
Mentioned: JulesX JulesX

Interacting: Siren77 Siren77

[class=Notes] // Code by @AgWordSmith Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// [/class] [class=Background] background:url(https://media.giphy.com/media/3ohhwNqFMnb7wZgNnq/giphy.gif); position:relative; padding:20px; height:200px; width:200px; transition: width 3s, height 3s; // This is the background image as well as the backgrounds beginning size// [/class] [class=BackgroundFull] height:410px; width:99%; transition: width 1s, height 1s; //the back ground at its full size// [/class] [class=Hide] display: none; //hides what needs to be hidden// [/class] [class=Image] float:left; margin-right:20px; border:2px SOLID Black; line-height:0; width:200px; height:200px; border-radius:50%; overflow:hidden; background:url(https://imgur.com/8YsGvz3.jpg); background-position: 20% 5%; cursor:pointer; transition: width 3s, border-radius 3s, height 3s; //border around image and its starting size// [/class] [class=ImageFull] width:180px; height: 160px; border-radius:10px; overflow:hidden; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 20% 5%; transition: width 3s , border-radius 3s, height 3s; //the image's full size// [/class] [class=Name] float:left; width:calc( 100% - 35%); font-size:50px; text-align:center; color:#9aa4e2; //How the Name looks// [/class] [class=Text] float:left; background-color:rgba(77,77,76,0.7); width:calc( 100% - 35%); height:300px; overflow:scroll; overflow-x:hidden; padding:10px; font-size:15px; color:#b29ae2; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 10px rgba(77,77,76,0.6); //how the text looks// [/class] [Script class=Image] set addedClass 0 set fadedIn 0 //allows the script function below to work by setting variables// [/script] [Script class=Image on=click] if (eq ${addedClass} 0) (addClass ImageFull) (removeClass ImageFull) if (eq ${addedClass} 0) (addClass BackgroundFull Background) (removeClass BackgroundFull Background) if (eq ${addedClass} 0) (set addedClass 1) (set addedClass 0) if (eq ${fadedIn} 0) (fadeIn 1000 Name) (fadeOut 1000 Name) if (eq ${fadedIn} 0) (fadeIn 1000 Text) (fadeOut 1000 Text) if (eq ${fadedIn} 0) (set fadedIn 1) (set fadedIn 0) //makes it possible to click between the bigger and smaller sizes// [/script] [div class="Background"] [div class="Image"] [/div] [div class="Name Hide"] Estelle 'La Noir Descotaux [/div] [div class="Text Hide"] Estelle lets out a soft sigh escaped her pink lips, she had enough of this outdoor for now, if anything somewhere to sit down would be nice. why? probably because she dying to at least play with her instrument that had been hanging on her back the entire time. placing her hands back onto the handle of her suitcase, the girl stood up straight, turning her full attention over to the academy. soon enough, the full attention was snapped towards to a young female shouting and it seems like she was carrying a load of stuff. what is this? did the girl literally packed her whole house and stuffed it into the bag and the luggage? taken back by how much stuff the energetic female had own, noir looks down at her own belongings before back over to her's. to contrast of their belongings were a bit too large.. she, herself, doesn't think that someone would need that many belonging but then it might've just been her. "I've never seen someone so excited..."

Shaking her head, the female needs to learn about minding her own business which means like now. noir doesn't want to get herself involve with people that are way too energetic, she doesn't have anything against them. it's just that she just can't keep up with that much energy, it was an unfortunate thing but maybe she'll learn to adapt to it later on in this school year. if she plans on staying here, she'll have to learn to adjust to the people here or even earn new friends but right now is not the time. the girl wants to first adapt to one person at a time or to at least feel comfortable with her new surroundings. everything was still pretty new to her, so estelle needs to at least take things one at a time. first thing first, she wants to find the music room since that'll probably the place that she'll stay in the most when she has a free time.

A deep breathe was taken into her system before her bright golden crystal orbs looks up at the building one last time, the pristine white exterior of the building was nice. maybe she will get used to this whole academy thing that she had gotten herself into. her left hand gripping tightly upon the handle of her black suitcase, the girl's right hand pushes open the door before walking in. inside of the academy was also just as grand looking as the outside, it was breathtaking as this was definitely a lot larger than her home. snapping out of her little daze, estelle shakes her head before continues her little adventure for the music room. her heels clicked against the clean marble floor that seems to reflect the lighting coming from the outside and from the lights that hung above her head. her eyes were glued to the interior designs and also the signs that hung in front of each room.

How hard can it be? just looking for a music room, it shouldn't be that hard -- it has been 5 minutes since she had started wandering inside the academy, turning corners and entering a new hall. this place is like a maze, she doesn't even know where she was at! was this how her parents' guest was reacting when they had entered their home? probably... ah, now she understood it.. although as big as this place is, noir didn't seem to quite mind it, it was a lot quieter in here than it is compared to the outside, so many students were conversing with each other outside. it was soon enough when she had heard a familiar instrument playing an also very familiar tune, her eyes seems to be scanning all around her. without a second to waste, the daughter of the descotaux family picked up her pace. if she can hear the piano, it means that there was a music room nearby!

Due to this wealthy female's excitement upon hearing the familiar instrument - piano, estelle had found herself in front of the music room in no time. her eyes wanders up and down the door before seeing it was already open but not fully, the transfer student placed her hand on the door and pushed it open slowly. ah... a familiar flash of red was in front of her, it was the exact same male from earlier that was looking at the flowers. due to her wearing heels, noir had tried to take quiet steps into the music room, a little difficult to do but she had managed. she didn't want to disturb this male that was playing but she was happy to see someone playing the piano and well, being the only person in the music room or else she would've f r e a k e d.

When the piece was finished playing, estelle was gently putting her suitcase at the side of the music room and sliding her guitar case off of her back, placing it on a chair gently. turning herself around upon her heels, the "noble" daughter had clapped her hands with a sweet smile upon her face. "That was really well played, as well as this music room.. it's acoustics is just perfect." noir had stated as she had slowly paced around the large music room, the windows that decorated the window shows the view of outside over the mountains. everything was just perfect! she could not have asked for more, well actually, she could. the female turns her full attention back on the blonde male, "Would you mind if i ask for you to continue playing?.. i'm sorry to just interrupt you, i just find it nice to hear someone play.. i'm terribly sorry if i had interrupted you and that you had wanted to be alone.." soon enough she had realized, where was her manners?! "Ah... i'm sorry for my terrible manners, i don't know what happened to me. my name is estelle, estelle 'la noir descotaux."
Mentioned: JulesX JulesX
Interacting: Siren77 Siren77
[/div] [/div]

Akira Ito
Akira hoped no one would approach, he was distracted, shaky and scared. He figured people's hearts were in the right place but.. he wished they wouldn't follow through on it. Akira will just make a fool of himself... He didn't want to make a food of himself, he didn't want to be laughed at.

Hearing footsteps, it didn't dawn on Akira that someone was walking towards him, because, well, he liked to believe he was rather invisible and not that inviting. So when a girl, as he'd assume, going by normal social standards, spoke, Akira jolted in fear, his whole body jerked and well.. he started tipping back. Panic set in as he fell into the fountain, body shaking and breathing coming out in short, panicked gasps. I want to hide.. everyone will see me and start laughing.. I don't want to be made fun of....

Akira's eyes watered before the pressure from the stress that's been building in his head just.. burst like a dam, and the water around him seemed to shake more than normal and then rise, forming a bubble around Akira, and then filling it. Wih Akira inside, no air able to reach him which should be essential to a human. Akira was sitting now, curled up with his knees hugged to his chest. Why did he come here..?

Mentioned: Cara Cara
As Jade spoke her name she felt as if she slapped the kid instead of greeting him. His eyes started watering and he looked as if he was having a panic attack. Jade took a step back not knowing what else to do ' Stupid.. you are very stupid. He should come to you, not the other way around. He obviously didn't need any help, why did you approach him' Jade starting thinking of a way to make this stop. Suddenly the water from the fountain started shaking and a water bubble formed around him. Jade was shaking now and she tried to help him " Please stop, I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry." she said trying to calm him down ' That is a very stupid thing to say' she thought to her self ' Ok think.. think' She can see him curled up.. so he must be scared " It's ok.. look, I'm scared too. But it'll be fine I promise" she tried again with a calm voice somehow trying to calm both of them. " You can't stay without air, it'll be bad to your health. Look I took a step back, and no one here is going to hurt you. so please just calm down" she hoped that it'll work. It was the first time something like this happened and she didn't know what to do. she didn't even know that tears starting falling down her face. she was so focused to try to calm him down.

DuckPrince DuckPrince
Siren Jaeger
Time seemed to flow by so quickly as the blonde sat at the piano and played to his hearts content. By this point he was on the third movement of the piece, which in his opinion was the most fun section of the whole Sonata. Of course, due to his lack of practice for the past five years he had some trip ups and slip of notes. For the most part though, his hands worked expertly across the pianos keys. Quickly playing and dashing his hands around the piano, pounding out the cords where necessary and letting the movements fluidity take hold.

During his wonderous reunion with this beloved instrument, Siren thought he heard a footstep behind him but didn’t think much of it as it was probably just someone outside. Eventually the Pyro reached the very end of the piece, slowing down in rhythm and letting the pace drag to the very end. Singular clapping startled the young man and almost caused him to fall off the bench, but by some luck he managed to keep his composure. Turning on the bench, he was expecting to see a professor or even a veteran student. But instead, he saw the girl from before. Siren was speechless until he realized the girl had complimented him. Get it together man! Say something!

Erm, I uh... Thank you. I agree the sound quality in this place is tuned to perfection.”
As the young woman looked about the room, Siren allowed himself to get a better look at her. Of course he may have been staring for a little too long as before he knew it he as being addressed by her again. He’d expected to be asked to leave the room as judging by the case she brought in with her she was going to practice, but instead Siren was the one asked to continue playing.

“Sure, I guess I can keep you entertained for a little bit.” He said with a chuckle. “It won’t be the best as I’ve been out of practice for a long time. But if it’s what you want to hear I can’t deny you that request. Don’t worry about me though, I wasn’t doing anything important. I was wandering around looking for something to do when I found this place.”

Siren was on the brink of turning around to continue playing when the girl spoke up again. Even he had forgotten to ask her about her name. Estelle ‘La Noir Descotaux, such a vibrant name. Matched her demeanor, personality, and overall look quite well. “I’m Siren, Siren Jaeger. It’s not as impressive of a name as yours, but I suppose it fits me well enough.” The Pyro said with a chuckle. Letting off a soft sight, small sparks of flame could be seen on his breath. It had been a long and eventful journey, but he was finally here and surprisingly already making friends. Of course he couldn’t speak too soon, as he may end up doing something to drive this girl away as he’d done plenty of other people.

“So, Estelle. Is there any pieces you’d like to hear? My knowledge isn’t that broad but some input never hurt.”
Interactions: B E A R B E A R

Mentions: N/A

When the male had fallen into silence due to her complimenting him, estelle could feel her heart picking up their pace and started thumping, louder and louder. she had anxious as to how she might've said something wrong. she wanted to back out of the room, the female really wanted to just back herself out of the room so that she doesn't have to see anyone again and possibly try to find somewhere else. although that thought was beaten down when the taller male had finally said something, the moment of silence seemed like forever to estelle. she wasn't exaggerating, for someone like her a little moment of silence could seem years to her but it also depends on the situation and in that moment, she felt like it was forever. loose moon-washed locks slips past her shoulders and framing her face as soon as she nods her head a little, her hands had latched onto each other, fiddling and rubbing her fingers.

Entertained for a little bit? she couldn't help but to furrow her brows when she had heard the choice of words, it was kind of the first time she had heard someone put it that way. estelle was just a little bit.. shocked although her facial expression didn't betray her feelings, she seemed composed. "Ah.. it's fine, it's fine if you're out of practice. i get that sometimes, especially if i had focused on another instrument for a long time." noir kind of lowered her voice on the last sentence, why was that? ashamed? no, not really.. it was a mixture of feelings of slight embarrassment and her feeling as if she had spoke too much. let's say the daughter of the wealthy wasn't used to talking, at least talking this much. yes, this is a lot compared to her usual days.

Siren Jaeger. for some reasons, estelle had enjoyed the sound of his name, it had a nice little ring to it. "Ahah, no, no, it's not that impressive. it's just pretty long to write but i like your name, it has a nice little ring to it, siren." the petite female had stated before a small chuckle had escaped her lips, noir couldn't help but to smile. oh, she had noticed the sparks that had escaped the male's lips, it was like little fireflies but she knew it wasn't. everyone was different in this school but the same, she knew it already but it was the first time she had actually seen someone around her age to have done something "abnormal". walking over to where the piano was and where the male had been sitting. "You reminded me of a baby dragon."

In her mind, the little sparks were like a baby dragon trying to breathe fire but only managed to have ember fly around before disappearing. she slowly transitions from besides the piano to behind the pianist that was going to play her something, with the male questioning as to what shall he play, estelle thinks for a bit before leaning towards the piano keys and placing her right hand onto the F key and Ab key, the beginning chord of clair de lune, pressing it down at once before smiling. "How about a simple one, canon in d." it may have been simple but it had such a sweet melody that noir couldn't help but love.

After leaning close to the keyboard, the female turns her head to face towards siren before blinking, was she not aware of that he was literally like... there. noir noticed their distance before she had immediately took steps back to go wander off on the other side of the music room, out of panic. running her hands through the loose locks of silver, glistening like an opal under any sorts of lights, the female looks over at a shelf that held other instruments. all but the instruments that she wanted to play with, besides the harp in the corner which she can play but she wasn't going to. although, it is absolutely beautiful and breathtaking. well... maybe she isn't going to play it but she'll just strum a couple of strings upon the harp.
Mentioned: n/a
Interacting: Siren77 Siren77

[class=Notes] // Code by @AgWordSmith Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// [/class] [class=Background] background:url(https://media.giphy.com/media/3ohhwNqFMnb7wZgNnq/giphy.gif); position:relative; padding:20px; height:200px; width:200px; transition: width 3s, height 3s; // This is the background image as well as the backgrounds beginning size// [/class] [class=BackgroundFull] height:410px; width:99%; transition: width 1s, height 1s; //the back ground at its full size// [/class] [class=Hide] display: none; //hides what needs to be hidden// [/class] [class=Image] float:left; margin-right:20px; border:2px SOLID Black; line-height:0; width:200px; height:200px; border-radius:50%; overflow:hidden; background:url(https://imgur.com/8YsGvz3.jpg); background-position: 20% 5%; cursor:pointer; transition: width 3s, border-radius 3s, height 3s; //border around image and its starting size// [/class] [class=ImageFull] width:180px; height: 160px; border-radius:10px; overflow:hidden; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 20% 5%; transition: width 3s , border-radius 3s, height 3s; //the image's full size// [/class] [class=Name] float:left; width:calc( 100% - 35%); font-size:50px; text-align:center; color:#9aa4e2; //How the Name looks// [/class] [class=Text] float:left; background-color:rgba(77,77,76,0.7); width:calc( 100% - 35%); height:300px; overflow:scroll; overflow-x:hidden; padding:10px; font-size:15px; color:#b29ae2; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 10px rgba(77,77,76,0.6); //how the text looks// [/class] [Script class=Image] set addedClass 0 set fadedIn 0 //allows the script function below to work by setting variables// [/script] [Script class=Image on=click] if (eq ${addedClass} 0) (addClass ImageFull) (removeClass ImageFull) if (eq ${addedClass} 0) (addClass BackgroundFull Background) (removeClass BackgroundFull Background) if (eq ${addedClass} 0) (set addedClass 1) (set addedClass 0) if (eq ${fadedIn} 0) (fadeIn 1000 Name) (fadeOut 1000 Name) if (eq ${fadedIn} 0) (fadeIn 1000 Text) (fadeOut 1000 Text) if (eq ${fadedIn} 0) (set fadedIn 1) (set fadedIn 0) //makes it possible to click between the bigger and smaller sizes// [/script] [div class="Background"] [div class="Image"] [/div] [div class="Name Hide"] Estelle 'La Noir Descotaux [/div] [div class="Text Hide"] When the male had fallen into silence due to her complimenting him, estelle could feel her heart picking up their pace and started thumping, louder and louder. she had anxious as to how she might've said something wrong. she wanted to back out of the room, the female really wanted to just back herself out of the room so that she doesn't have to see anyone again and possibly try to find somewhere else. although that thought was beaten down when the taller male had finally said something, the moment of silence seemed like forever to estelle. she wasn't exaggerating, for someone like her a little moment of silence could seem years to her but it also depends on the situation and in that moment, she felt like it was forever. loose moon-washed locks slips past her shoulders and framing her face as soon as she nods her head a little, her hands had latched onto each other, fiddling and rubbing her fingers.

Entertained for a little bit? she couldn't help but to furrow her brows when she had heard the choice of words, it was kind of the first time she had heard someone put it that way. estelle was just a little bit.. shocked although her facial expression didn't betray her feelings, she seemed composed. "Ah.. it's fine, it's fine if you're out of practice. i get that sometimes, especially if i had focused on another instrument for a long time." noir kind of lowered her voice on the last sentence, why was that? ashamed? no, not really.. it was a mixture of feelings of slight embarrassment and her feeling as if she had spoke too much. let's say the daughter of the wealthy wasn't used to talking, at least talking this much. yes, this is a lot compared to her usual days.

Siren Jaeger. for some reasons, estelle had enjoyed the sound of his name, it had a nice little ring to it. "Ahah, no, no, it's not that impressive. it's just pretty long to write but i like your name, it has a nice little ring to it, siren." the petite female had stated before a small chuckle had escaped her lips, noir couldn't help but to smile. oh, she had noticed the sparks that had escaped the male's lips, it was like little fireflies but she knew it wasn't. everyone was different in this school but the same, she knew it already but it was the first time she had actually seen someone around her age to have done something "abnormal". walking over to where the piano was and where the male had been sitting. "You reminded me of a baby dragon."

In her mind, the little sparks were like a baby dragon trying to breathe fire but only managed to have ember fly around before disappearing. she slowly transitions from besides the piano to behind the pianist that was going to play her something, with the male questioning as to what shall he play, estelle thinks for a bit before leaning towards the piano keys and placing her right hand onto the F key and Ab key, the beginning chord of clair de lune, pressing it down at once before smiling. "How about a simple one, canon in d." it may have been simple but it had such a sweet melody that noir couldn't help but love.

After leaning close to the keyboard, the female turns her head to face towards siren before blinking, was she not aware of that he was literally like... there. noir noticed their distance before she had immediately took steps back to go wander off on the other side of the music room, out of panic. running her hands through the loose locks of silver, glistening like an opal under any sorts of lights, the female looks over at a shelf that held other instruments. all but the instruments that she wanted to play with, besides the harp in the corner which she can play but she wasn't going to. although, it is absolutely beautiful and breathtaking. well... maybe she isn't going to play it but she'll just strum a couple of strings upon the harp.
Mentioned: n/a
Interacting: Siren77 Siren77
[/div] [/div]

Last edited:
Akira Ito
The white-haired young man was perfectly fine in the bubble, he could breathe although he was still panicking. So stupid.. stupid stupid stupid..! He looked at the girl he could hear through the water like it wasn't even there, and although usually everything he'd hear would be just a blur, he did see clearly she wasn't as close and she didn't appear like she would laugh at him or something..

He then noticed her tears. Why is she crying..? He watched her before the bubble rippled and slowly sank back down, Akira just as dry as when he was sitting on the edge of the fountain. He rubbed his eyes, still shaking. He never managed to calm down before, so this was new but, no one ever cried because of him.. It was odd.. He couldn't bring himself to speak so he just.. stayed in the fountain, at least not crying or using his power anymore.. Maybe she.. maybe she'd be nice...

Interactions: Cara Cara
Jade was really relieved when the boy finally came down, she took a very small step forward making sure not freak him out again " Are you okay? god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out like that" she asked placing her hand on her heart which was now beating too fast. She realized she was crying and tried to calm herself down wiping away her tears.
She didn't really know why the boy freaked out but she totally knew the feeling of being scared and wanting to hide somewhere. she gave him a soft look instead of saying sorry again. " I was helping the new comers settle in, I saw your bag and I thought I'd come say hito you as well" she tried to explain herself.

DuckPrince DuckPrince
Siren Jaeger

A grin came over Sirens face at the remark of his name. A rare sight, but most people’s wouldn’t know that about him. He’d always been proud of his name, both for its meaning and the reason it was given to him. Jaeger, meaning Titan. It always gave him a sense of power, and reminded him of how strong he’d had to be these past many years to get where he is now. Granted, he had to leave behind his parents, his home, and rid himself of his innocence in that fighting arena. But in the end it was all worth it. “Thank you, though I think it to be bland I have a lot of pride in it. I was named after my grandfather, and so his name is mine. So I’ve always been taught to carry that name with dignity in respect to him.”

Alright that’s enough of your life story there bud. Siren thought to himself. For man you years he’d fallen into the false idea that no one cared about who he was or what he’s been no through, but even though he’s presently overcome such nonsensical thoughts he still has a bad habit of returning to those thoughts. “It’s quite the mouthful, but it’s quite catching especially on paper I’m sure. A name like that will not be easily forgotten.” Siren flashed her a smile. “Well, not to me that is.”

After Estelle’s next remark Siren couldn’t help but laugh a good bit. He’d been called a lot of things in his lifetime. Demon, Monster, Brute. But a Baby Dragon was not of those norms. Due to his unfamiliarity with this new name, Siren wasn’t sure wether to thank her or awkwardly smile. Figuring that both options were awkward as hell, he decided to share his own thought of her. “This might sound really abstract but you remind me a lot of a Star. Just because your overall appearance is, well kinda shiny looking. Then there’s you’re name, Estelle. It’s really similar to the Spanish word for Star which isn’t Estrella. I dunno maybe I just sound crazy.” The Russian said with a laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Canon in D... One of the very first pieces that Siren had learned to play as a boy. It’s simple cords and arpeggio progressions were hard to forget. It was as engrained in his mind as his natural ability to fight. He can still remember sitting at the old piano in his home while his mother scolded him for playing the cords so loudly. It was a simple piece yes but it reflected some very powerful emotions with his happy melody and light cords.

“A musician with an appreciation for the simple music. Always a great thing, and such a special song at that.” The Russian said with a grin. Prior to him beginning to play the beginning cords of the piece, he noticed that Estelle was oddly close to him. Then suddenly she had pulled away and began venturing around the room. Siren supposed that was his que to begin his little performance for her. As the initial cords rang throughout the room, Siren couldn’t help but think of his mother and father. Before he’d began his voyage to Norway once he’d escaped the fighting arena, he’d sent a small letter entailing his safety and his destination. That was a couple weeks ago and he wasn’t sure if he’d ever get a return letter here at Thebes Academy. All he could do was hope they were safe. Oh how his heart ached to see them again.
Interactions: B E A R B E A R

Mentions: N/A

Nodding her head, acknowledging of what the male had just told her about his name, "It's always good to have pride in your own name, but that just makes your name a little bit more special. it has some sort of history behind it." estelle had stated, her hands interlocked with each other behind her back, her heels quietly clicks around as she had walked around the music room with both curiosity and interests for the instruments within this room. no matter how many times she had thought of this, this place was just beautiful and perfect in many ways, she just love this room. it was definitely a lot different than when she is at home, at home, stelle is usually by herself with the instruments but not today. it was actually quite nice in all honesty, she couldn't deny how nice it actually was to have someone there to talk to you about everything that comes to your mind.

"You can call me estelle or noir to make it less of a mouthful but it indeed does stand out a lot more..." The female knew it was a mouthful, it was still a mouthful for her to say but she had adapted to it. again, like she had said before, taking pride in your own name is a good thing and she is showing that she takes pride in it by saying her full name whether or not it's a mouthful. her name means a lot to her, her mother had given her this name and it had meant the stars in the dark, pass the hillside -- with the saying of her mother telling her that whenever someone dies, they become the stars to protect and guide their loved ones. as "talkative" as estelle was with her mother, she had kept those words in her heart as it seems to have a lot of meaning to her. hearing the previous statement that siren had said made this female subconsciously smile.

Well that was also a first for her, no not the part about reminding people of a star but the part that she was "shiny" to him. estelle tilts her head to the side when the male had stated that she looked shiny, although she decides to not question it because there wasn't any use of questioning about it. she'll probably figure it out like later on in life or not, it all depends on how she perceives other people's thoughts into her own view. "You're right, my name does mean star but in french instead, rather similar but not quite." noir had stated, but he was indeed correct about everything he had said about her. it was the fact that she was also capable of doing something with the stars and the moon, but she can't reveal too much of that, now can she?

Estelle had been playing with music for almost her entire life, she is capable of figuring out if they were lying about how long they've played or not. so far, everything seems to be true about him being capable of playing the piano, since he was just playing beethoven and most of his piece aren't that easy to play. to learn it by heart? that's definitely not something a new person can do, playing with an instrument isn't just an overnight success thing, it takes a lot of time to at least be capable of title as decent and there is definitely always room for improvement. each different person plays an instrument differently, depending on how much emotion they put into it and how they had felt for that song. if you're not enjoying it, then what makes you think your viewer would enjoy it? noir just thinks that music is just another form of way to project one's emotions.

Canon in D was supposedly a cheerful but it seemed a little... sad? noir couldn't quite place her fingers upon it, slowly but surely this female went over to where her stuff was and sat down onto the ground besides it. picking up the guitar case and held it in her arms as if she was hugging it, estelle watched siren play the piano, her golden crystal orbs just watched and observed the movements. this song is definitely capable of being used as a warmup piece as this whole piece is just a scale but played differently. when the piece had ended, estelle leaned her head against the case of the guitar before blinking her eyes, "You don't seem.. all too happy." noir had pointed out, she wasn't sure if that was something she should've said which is why she had pointed it out rather quietly.
Mentioned: n/a
Interacting: Siren77 Siren77

[class=Notes] // Code by @AgWordSmith Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// [/class] [class=Background] background:url(https://media.giphy.com/media/3ohhwNqFMnb7wZgNnq/giphy.gif); position:relative; padding:20px; height:200px; width:200px; transition: width 3s, height 3s; // This is the background image as well as the backgrounds beginning size// [/class] [class=BackgroundFull] height:410px; width:99%; transition: width 1s, height 1s; //the back ground at its full size// [/class] [class=Hide] display: none; //hides what needs to be hidden// [/class] [class=Image] float:left; margin-right:20px; border:2px SOLID Black; line-height:0; width:200px; height:200px; border-radius:50%; overflow:hidden; background:url(https://imgur.com/8YsGvz3.jpg); background-position: 20% 5%; cursor:pointer; transition: width 3s, border-radius 3s, height 3s; //border around image and its starting size// [/class] [class=ImageFull] width:180px; height: 160px; border-radius:10px; overflow:hidden; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 20% 5%; transition: width 3s , border-radius 3s, height 3s; //the image's full size// [/class] [class=Name] float:left; width:calc( 100% - 35%); font-size:50px; text-align:center; color:#9aa4e2; //How the Name looks// [/class] [class=Text] float:left; background-color:rgba(77,77,76,0.7); width:calc( 100% - 35%); height:300px; overflow:scroll; overflow-x:hidden; padding:10px; font-size:15px; color:#b29ae2; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 10px rgba(77,77,76,0.6); //how the text looks// [/class] [Script class=Image] set addedClass 0 set fadedIn 0 //allows the script function below to work by setting variables// [/script] [Script class=Image on=click] if (eq ${addedClass} 0) (addClass ImageFull) (removeClass ImageFull) if (eq ${addedClass} 0) (addClass BackgroundFull Background) (removeClass BackgroundFull Background) if (eq ${addedClass} 0) (set addedClass 1) (set addedClass 0) if (eq ${fadedIn} 0) (fadeIn 1000 Name) (fadeOut 1000 Name) if (eq ${fadedIn} 0) (fadeIn 1000 Text) (fadeOut 1000 Text) if (eq ${fadedIn} 0) (set fadedIn 1) (set fadedIn 0) //makes it possible to click between the bigger and smaller sizes// [/script] [div class="Background"] [div class="Image"] [/div] [div class="Name Hide"] Estelle 'La Noir Descotaux [/div] [div class="Text Hide"] Nodding her head, acknowledging of what the male had just told her about his name, "It's always good to have pride in your own name, but that just makes your name a little bit more special. it has some sort of history behind it." estelle had stated, her hands interlocked with each other behind her back, her heels quietly clicks around as she had walked around the music room with both curiosity and interests for the instruments within this room. no matter how many times she had thought of this, this place was just beautiful and perfect in many ways, she just love this room. it was definitely a lot different than when she is at home, at home, stelle is usually by herself with the instruments but not today. it was actually quite nice in all honesty, she couldn't deny how nice it actually was to have someone there to talk to you about everything that comes to your mind.

"You can call me estelle or noir to make it less of a mouthful but it indeed does stand out a lot more..." The female knew it was a mouthful, it was still a mouthful for her to say but she had adapted to it. again, like she had said before, taking pride in your own name is a good thing and she is showing that she takes pride in it by saying her full name whether or not it's a mouthful. her name means a lot to her, her mother had given her this name and it had meant the stars in the dark, pass the hillside -- with the saying of her mother telling her that whenever someone dies, they become the stars to protect and guide their loved ones. as "talkative" as estelle was with her mother, she had kept those words in her heart as it seems to have a lot of meaning to her. hearing the previous statement that siren had said made this female subconsciously smile.

Well that was also a first for her, no not the part about reminding people of a star but the part that she was "shiny" to him. estelle tilts her head to the side when the male had stated that she looked shiny, although she decides to not question it because there wasn't any use of questioning about it. she'll probably figure it out like later on in life or not, it all depends on how she perceives other people's thoughts into her own view. "You're right, my name does mean star but in french instead, rather similar but not quite." noir had stated, but he was indeed correct about everything he had said about her. it was the fact that she was also capable of doing something with the stars and the moon, but she can't reveal too much of that, now can she?

Estelle had been playing with music for almost her entire life, she is capable of figuring out if they were lying about how long they've played or not. so far, everything seems to be true about him being capable of playing the piano, since he was just playing beethoven and most of his piece aren't that easy to play. to learn it by heart? that's definitely not something a new person can do, playing with an instrument isn't just an overnight success thing, it takes a lot of time to at least be capable of title as decent and there is definitely always room for improvement. each different person plays an instrument differently, depending on how much emotion they put into it and how they had felt for that song. if you're not enjoying it, then what makes you think your viewer would enjoy it? noir just thinks that music is just another form of way to project one's emotions.

Canon in D was supposedly a cheerful but it seemed a little... sad? noir couldn't quite place her fingers upon it, slowly but surely this female went over to where her stuff was and sat down onto the ground besides it. picking up the guitar case and held it in her arms as if she was hugging it, estelle watched siren play the piano, her golden crystal orbs just watched and observed the movements. this song is definitely capable of being used as a warmup piece as this whole piece is just a scale but played differently. when the piece had ended, estelle leaned her head against the case of the guitar before blinking her eyes, "You don't seem.. all too happy." noir had pointed out, she wasn't sure if that was something she should've said which is why she had pointed it out rather quietly.
Mentioned: n/a
Interacting: Siren77 Siren77
[/div] [/div]

Akira Ito
Akira was still shaky, still scared but knowing the fact that the girl just wanted to help and probably also because of the fact that she ended up crying too, he eased up a tiny bit, enough to interact on a more normal level than shaking like a scared stray dog. "I-I-I'-m.. sor-sorry..." He whispered, not really that happy since his voice was so stutter-y and small. He sounded so weak. And he was. Akira was a complete pushover, even people younger than him could make him do stuff with just a few words and a glare or cold, hard eyes.

"I-I... I'm... no-not.. good with people..." He managed to sputter out, shaking still. "Do... y-you.. know where th-the dorms a-are?" He managed to ask, luckily. Akira just really wanted to hide away in whatever dorm he was assigned and hope his roommate wouldn't be an asshole.. He just wanted peace.. He wanted music and a nice big sketchbook and some pencils. That's all he needed. At least with that question, the girl would be able to do what she set out to; help newcomers.

Interactions: Cara Cara
Siren Jaeger
“I suppose that makes sense considering both languages stem from Latin, the origin word of course being Stella. Now, when I said mouthful earlier I didn’t intend it in a disrespectful way. But, I think just calling you Estelle would do me better than trying to say that all myself.” He let off a laugh. “I can barely speak English correctly let alone Pronounce French.”

Sirens fingers continued to move gracefully and almost effortlessly across the keys, keeping the rhythm and dynamics of the piece concrete. Yet during all this his mind still remained on his parents. Him being the negative person that he was he of course thought of the worse case scenarios. Perhaps the mob hunted them down and punished them for his own escape, or something else that took them from him. A car accident, illness, something like that was common to happen in his home town. Or perhaps they forgot all about me, and moved on with their lives after I was taken. I mean their troubles were over after I was gone, I suppose I can’t blame them... Siren snapped from his dark thoughts and shook them from his head. He knew his parents better than that. They’d gone through so much trouble for him, to think such things about them was beyond disrespectful. The most he could do was wish them the best and hope that they were safe.

As the final progressions of the piece came to a close, Siren let them slide gracefully over the keys before letting the piano rest. He’d gotten so lost in thought that it took him a second to realize the music was over. Estelle’s remark on his piece snapped him back to reality, and immediately knew what had happened. In letting his thoughts linger on his mother, and home, he’d accidentally let the usually cheerful tone of the piece get lost in a sea of insecurity and homesickness. It’s funny how badly the past can still hurt even years after the events that transpired. Quickly the Pyro brushed off her words as well as the emotions from earlier and thought up a response before running a hand through his course blonde hair with an awkward look.

“Nah, I’m fine honestly. What’s not to be happy about? I’ve finally arrived at this place, and hey I’m already making a friend as well.” It wasn’t painfully obvious that he was trying to avoid the question as best as he could. After all that was a tender subject for the young man, and he didn’t want to bother Estelle with his personal problems. “I probably just go to the mood of the song wrong or something like that. Like I said, I’m out of practice so I was bound to slip up at some point.”

Great work Siren, way to ruin the mood man.
Interactions: B E A R B E A R
Mentions: NA
Last edited:

Her brows furrowed together before tilting her head to the side, leaning it against the pure white guitar case before looking up at siren as soon as he was done. her golden hues flickers with something before it had returned back to its usual look, glimmering and shining like a star. "You're a terrible liar..." her thoughts was speaking for her but she had never stated it, she just seem to have frown upon what the male had said. estelle trusts her instincts and it was leaking all over the music piece, she was sure that this male was lying to her by now. "Alright... if you believe that's the reason, then i guess there's no reason for me to pursue on that topic." the half french and half korean female had stated before her eyes travels down.

"Are there any other instruments in this room that you play?" The female finally had asked, usually she knows a lot of people that plays the piano but also another instrument or a talent that they also acquired throughout their lifetime. placing the guitar case onto the ground, laying it flat so that she could click open the locks that kept the case shut tightly. noir flicks open the lock and looks down at her guitar, a sleek matte black matte guitar with six strings, being both an electric and acoustic. it was from lunars guitar, a fauna dragon, she had this guitar for about almost five years. keeping the guitar in the case, she stood up and stretched her arms above her head which had caused for soft grunts to escape her lips.

She looks over at the fire wielder before blinking her eyes, crouching down to turn the guitar case towards herself and picks up the guitar, putting the strap of the guitar over her head and wearing it. "A little duet maybe?" sliding the guitar to the side as she had went over to pull a stool over to where the piano is located at. she sat down and tilts her head to the side with a smile, if anyone walks in right now, she'll probably have a bit of anxiety but not that much. since it seems like anyone that comes into here can at least play with an instrument or knows music, so it is pretty nice. "Do you think you know how to play "say you won't let go" by james arthur?" the young female had questioned while blinking her eyes, hopefully he knows.

A light hum came from her, she had no idea of what song she was humming and just starts to pick at the strings a bit before muting it, repeating it a couple of times but with a different chord -- creating a random tune. soon enough she had muted the guitar once again and that was it, she stopped playing to look over at siren. "I'm taking that you've been in this academy for a while?" couldn't help but to giggle a little, keeping a small smile on her face before sighing. "I'm a transfer student... new to this whole... having other students around me situation.." pointing over at her suitcase when she had stated that she is a transfer student.
Mentioned: n/a
Interacting: Siren77 Siren77

[class=Notes] // Code by @AgWordSmith Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// [/class] [class=Background] background:url(https://media.giphy.com/media/3ohhwNqFMnb7wZgNnq/giphy.gif); position:relative; padding:20px; height:200px; width:200px; transition: width 3s, height 3s; // This is the background image as well as the backgrounds beginning size// [/class] [class=BackgroundFull] height:410px; width:99%; transition: width 1s, height 1s; //the back ground at its full size// [/class] [class=Hide] display: none; //hides what needs to be hidden// [/class] [class=Image] float:left; margin-right:20px; border:2px SOLID Black; line-height:0; width:200px; height:200px; border-radius:50%; overflow:hidden; background:url(https://imgur.com/8YsGvz3.jpg); background-position: 20% 5%; cursor:pointer; transition: width 3s, border-radius 3s, height 3s; //border around image and its starting size// [/class] [class=ImageFull] width:180px; height: 160px; border-radius:10px; overflow:hidden; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 20% 5%; transition: width 3s , border-radius 3s, height 3s; //the image's full size// [/class] [class=Name] float:left; width:calc( 100% - 35%); font-size:50px; text-align:center; color:#9aa4e2; //How the Name looks// [/class] [class=Text] float:left; background-color:rgba(77,77,76,0.7); width:calc( 100% - 35%); height:300px; overflow:scroll; overflow-x:hidden; padding:10px; font-size:15px; color:#b29ae2; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 10px rgba(77,77,76,0.6); //how the text looks// [/class] [Script class=Image] set addedClass 0 set fadedIn 0 //allows the script function below to work by setting variables// [/script] [Script class=Image on=click] if (eq ${addedClass} 0) (addClass ImageFull) (removeClass ImageFull) if (eq ${addedClass} 0) (addClass BackgroundFull Background) (removeClass BackgroundFull Background) if (eq ${addedClass} 0) (set addedClass 1) (set addedClass 0) if (eq ${fadedIn} 0) (fadeIn 1000 Name) (fadeOut 1000 Name) if (eq ${fadedIn} 0) (fadeIn 1000 Text) (fadeOut 1000 Text) if (eq ${fadedIn} 0) (set fadedIn 1) (set fadedIn 0) //makes it possible to click between the bigger and smaller sizes// [/script] [div class="Background"] [div class="Image"] [/div] [div class="Name Hide"] Estelle 'La Noir Descotaux [/div] [div class="Text Hide"] Her brows furrowed together before tilting her head to the side, leaning it against the pure white guitar case before looking up at siren as soon as he was done. her golden hues flickers with something before it had returned back to its usual look, glimmering and shining like a star. "You're a terrible liar..." her thoughts was speaking for her but she had never stated it, she just seem to have frown upon what the male had said. estelle trusts her instincts and it was leaking all over the music piece, she was sure that this male was lying to her by now. "Alright... if you believe that's the reason, then i guess there's no reason for me to pursue on that topic." the half french and half korean female had stated before her eyes travels down.

"Are there any other instruments in this room that you play?" The female finally had asked, usually she knows a lot of people that plays the piano but also another instrument or a talent that they also acquired throughout their lifetime. placing the guitar case onto the ground, laying it flat so that she could click open the locks that kept the case shut tightly. noir flicks open the lock and looks down at her guitar, a sleek matte black matte guitar with six strings, being both an electric and acoustic. it was from lunars guitar, a fauna dragon, she had this guitar for about almost five years. keeping the guitar in the case, she stood up and stretched her arms above her head which had caused for soft grunts to escape her lips.

She looks over at the fire wielder before blinking her eyes, crouching down to turn the guitar case towards herself and picks up the guitar, putting the strap of the guitar over her head and wearing it. "A little duet maybe?" sliding the guitar to the side as she had went over to pull a stool over to where the piano is located at. she sat down and tilts her head to the side with a smile, if anyone walks in right now, she'll probably have a bit of anxiety but not that much. since it seems like anyone that comes into here can at least play with an instrument or knows music, so it is pretty nice. "Do you think you know how to play "say you won't let go" by james arthur?" the young female had questioned while blinking her eyes, hopefully he knows.

A light hum came from her, she had no idea of what song she was humming and just starts to pick at the strings a bit before muting it, repeating it a couple of times but with a different chord -- creating a random tune. soon enough she had muted the guitar once again and that was it, she stopped playing to look over at siren. "I'm taking that you've been in this academy for a while?" couldn't help but to giggle a little, keeping a small smile on her face before sighing. "I'm a transfer student... new to this whole... having other students around me situation.." pointing over at her suitcase when she had stated that she is a transfer student.
Mentioned: n/a
Interacting: Siren77 Siren77
[/div] [/div]

Siren Jaeger
Siren’s crimson eyes averted the golden pair of Estelle’s. Her gaze made him feel almost guilty for lying, as he could easily tell she was on to him. The young man was pleading in his head that she wouldn’t inquire further about it all, as he really was not in the mood for a therapy session with a woman he’d just barely met. It wasn’t anything against her of course, as surprisingly he enjoyed her company. Which was odd considering how usually Siren was not a fan of people as a whole. Luckily, she let him be. A sense of personal boundaries, definitely a desirable trait when it comes to looking for companions in this world. Perhaps if they got to know one another better Siren would eventually tell her his history. Maybe...

The Crimson eyes sparked back to life after Estelle’s next question, surprised that she was interested in his musical abilities. When it came down to it the piano was the only instrument he knew how to play. He could take a solid rhythm on a drum set but nothing fancy or worthwhile. Siren was racking his brain trying to come up with something, but knew fully well there was not a chance he could bull crap his way through this on an instrument he’d never played. As much as he hated to admit it it seemed No was the only answer he could give.

Then, upon Estelle mentioning the song she wanted to do the duet with him on. Siren got an idea, though he wasn’t sure if it was a good one. Say You Won’t Let Go was a pretty popular song, and he’d heard it a couple of time on the radio when tuning in to American Radio stations. Though for some weird reason he could only get signals from a strange place called Idaho. Moving on though, he’d heard it enough to be familiarized with the lyrics. Everything in his mind was telling him not to do what he was about to but, he didn’t want to let his new friend down.

“Well aside from being mediocre at the drums, I’ve dabbled a little bit with singing. And by that I mean I’ve sung along to music and that is the extent of my practice. Erm.... I dunno maybe it’s not such a good idea.” He said with a small laugh before rubbing the back of his head. Maybe he could just keep rhythm for her on the drums and call it good. It wouldn’t be the most entertaining thing for him but it would atleast let them try the whole duet thing.

Siren walked over and pulled up a chair next to the girly. All the while he was admiring the sleek black and downright beautiful looking instrument she held in her hands. What the price for an instrument such as this must be was beyond him, but he was certain he could never afford something like it. “Actually no It’s my first year here as well. In fact it’s actually my first time meeting and interacting with other Adepts. So in other words, it’s my first time not being the only abnormal person in any given place. It’s gonna be weird getting used to but I’m sure it’ll be interesting as well.”
Mentions: N/A
Interactions: B E A R B E A R

Estelle understands the boundary of keeping things to themselves, that's how she was to begin with which is why she never pushes her limits when it comes to questioning things. she understands her boundaries especially when you're merely strangers with each other, it's like how she prefers if nobody questions about her history. everyone has their limits of how open and what they want to share with others, tucking loose silver locks behind her ears, her golden crystals stares down at the ground with one of her hand resting on the guitar and the other holding the neck of the instrument. her shoe gently tapping on the ground and noir was quietly humming to herself, spacing out for a moment as music notes were just playing in her head.

Her attention was snapped back over to siren's voice, her golden hues looks back up at the taller male -- meeting his own pair of blood red ruby gems. "Dabbled a little bit of singing? The drums?" noir had repeated the male's same words before nodding her head, a smile played across her pink lips. she had never met someone around her age that plays percussion all usually plays guitar, piano, violin, other instruments along that. oh she was just curious as to how that's like for others, she had learned a couple of chinese instruments -- gu zheng, gu qin, pi pa, and dizi. other instruments that she had learned due to her being interested in them were a ukulele, piano, 6 strings guitar, and a harp. "I've never met someone around my age that plays a percussion instrument but i would love to hear both of those, i mean as long as you're comfortable with showing it to me."

The chair being dragged over closer to where this descotaux daughter had sat, stelle looks over at the male before blinking her eyes. the male's blood red eyes seems to be wandering and admiring the guitar that had held in her hands. couldn't contain herself, the girl just let out a soft laugh escape her lips, "Interested in it?" she had questioned, keeping her left hand muting the strings and seems to have just strummed the guitar, although you don't hear the chords being played but you can hear the "muted" chord. u dd uud, a little strumming pattern she likes to fiddle around with, it wasn't the main strumming pattern she fiddles around with but it was just the first one that came to mind. "Ah.. i see... although you do seem like you know this academy well enough to wander." noir had pointed out before shrugging her shoulders a bit, somewhat brushing away the topic.

"It's also a first for me to see other adepts.. nobody back home is an adept except for one of my teacher. she had taught me a little a little but that wasn't what she was paid to do." noir had smiled subconsciously thinking about her teacher - mrs. willis. she was a fairly tall female, around 5'11" and she was a pretty skinny. locks of auburn red and bright blue eyes that completed her whole appearance. she was like another mother to estelle and it was a nice feeling to have, although she didn't talk to her as much as she did with her actual mother. mrs. willis was her harp teacher, after her parents and noir had talked about coming here after being accepted, she hadn't seen her in a while. "You're capable of dealing with flames... it's an interesting thing to be capable of controlling.." the girl had commented although her eyes were glued to the guitar.

Guiding her left hand to placing it into a gm chord before strumming it gently, switching over to an am, then an em... she had continue that quietly while she had been speaking to siren, estelle was listening to all of the things that he was saying to her, so don't worry about her not listening. "Fire can be destructive but can also be rather peaceful." the girl had randomly commented, in all honesty, she was curious about what everyone else can do. was there anyone similar to her? was there anyone similar to siren? did every adept have a different ability than others even by just a little? what are the possibilities and what are their limits? can they lose their abilities? million of questions had flooded her mind as she had let her thoughts wander..

"The things we can do are limitless but also limited... destructive yet not. all of this is just a big topic, filled with questions but no answers for us. how peculiar.." estelle had finally said with the same smile playing "say you won't let go" by james arthur on her guitar. she gently sways from side to side with her eyes glued to the instrument, on general basis, she doesn't play for people unless they've done the same for her or unless you're her parents. which nobody is in this academy and siren had played the piano for her, so she's just a bit more carefree about playing her guitar next to him.
Mentioned: n/a
Interacting: Siren77 Siren77

[class=Notes] // Code by @AgWordSmith Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// [/class] [class=Background] background:url(https://media.giphy.com/media/3ohhwNqFMnb7wZgNnq/giphy.gif); position:relative; padding:20px; height:200px; width:200px; transition: width 3s, height 3s; // This is the background image as well as the backgrounds beginning size// [/class] [class=BackgroundFull] height:410px; width:99%; transition: width 1s, height 1s; //the back ground at its full size// [/class] [class=Hide] display: none; //hides what needs to be hidden// [/class] [class=Image] float:left; margin-right:20px; border:2px SOLID Black; line-height:0; width:200px; height:200px; border-radius:50%; overflow:hidden; background:url(https://imgur.com/8YsGvz3.jpg); background-position: 20% 5%; cursor:pointer; transition: width 3s, border-radius 3s, height 3s; //border around image and its starting size// [/class] [class=ImageFull] width:180px; height: 160px; border-radius:10px; overflow:hidden; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 20% 5%; transition: width 3s , border-radius 3s, height 3s; //the image's full size// [/class] [class=Name] float:left; width:calc( 100% - 35%); font-size:50px; text-align:center; color:#9aa4e2; //How the Name looks// [/class] [class=Text] float:left; background-color:rgba(77,77,76,0.7); width:calc( 100% - 35%); height:300px; overflow:scroll; overflow-x:hidden; padding:10px; font-size:15px; color:#b29ae2; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 10px rgba(77,77,76,0.6); //how the text looks// [/class] [Script class=Image] set addedClass 0 set fadedIn 0 //allows the script function below to work by setting variables// [/script] [Script class=Image on=click] if (eq ${addedClass} 0) (addClass ImageFull) (removeClass ImageFull) if (eq ${addedClass} 0) (addClass BackgroundFull Background) (removeClass BackgroundFull Background) if (eq ${addedClass} 0) (set addedClass 1) (set addedClass 0) if (eq ${fadedIn} 0) (fadeIn 1000 Name) (fadeOut 1000 Name) if (eq ${fadedIn} 0) (fadeIn 1000 Text) (fadeOut 1000 Text) if (eq ${fadedIn} 0) (set fadedIn 1) (set fadedIn 0) //makes it possible to click between the bigger and smaller sizes// [/script] [div class="Background"] [div class="Image"] [/div] [div class="Name Hide"] Estelle 'La Noir Descotaux [/div] [div class="Text Hide"] Estelle understands the boundary of keeping things to themselves, that's how she was to begin with which is why she never pushes her limits when it comes to questioning things. she understands her boundaries especially when you're merely strangers with each other, it's like how she prefers if nobody questions about her history. everyone has their limits of how open and what they want to share with others, tucking loose silver locks behind her ears, her golden crystals stares down at the ground with one of her hand resting on the guitar and the other holding the neck of the instrument. her shoe gently tapping on the ground and noir was quietly humming to herself, spacing out for a moment as music notes were just playing in her head.

Her attention was snapped back over to siren's voice, her golden hues looks back up at the taller male -- meeting his own pair of blood red ruby gems. "Dabbled a little bit of singing? The drums?" noir had repeated the male's same words before nodding her head, a smile played across her pink lips. she had never met someone around her age that plays percussion all usually plays guitar, piano, violin, other instruments along that. oh she was just curious as to how that's like for others, she had learned a couple of chinese instruments -- gu zheng, gu qin, pi pa, and dizi. other instruments that she had learned due to her being interested in them were a ukulele, piano, 6 strings guitar, and a harp. "I've never met someone around my age that plays a percussion instrument but i would love to hear both of those, i mean as long as you're comfortable with showing it to me."

The chair being dragged over closer to where this descotaux daughter had sat, stelle looks over at the male before blinking her eyes. the male's blood red eyes seems to be wandering and admiring the guitar that had held in her hands. couldn't contain herself, the girl just let out a soft laugh escape her lips, "Interested in it?" she had questioned, keeping her left hand muting the strings and seems to have just strummed the guitar, although you don't hear the chords being played but you can hear the "muted" chord. u dd uud, a little strumming pattern she likes to fiddle around with, it wasn't the main strumming pattern she fiddles around with but it was just the first one that came to mind. "Ah.. i see... although you do seem like you know this academy well enough to wander." noir had pointed out before shrugging her shoulders a bit, somewhat brushing away the topic.

"It's also a first for me to see other adepts.. nobody back home is an adept except for one of my teacher. she had taught me a little a little but that wasn't what she was paid to do." noir had smiled subconsciously thinking about her teacher - mrs. willis. she was a fairly tall female, around 5'11" and she was a pretty skinny. locks of auburn red and bright blue eyes that completed her whole appearance. she was like another mother to estelle and it was a nice feeling to have, although she didn't talk to her as much as she did with her actual mother. mrs. willis was her harp teacher, after her parents and noir had talked about coming here after being accepted, she hadn't seen her in a while. "You're capable of dealing with flames... it's an interesting thing to be capable of controlling.." the girl had commented although her eyes were glued to the guitar.

Guiding her left hand to placing it into a gm chord before strumming it gently, switching over to an am, then an em... she had continue that quietly while she had been speaking to siren, estelle was listening to all of the things that he was saying to her, so don't worry about her not listening. "Fire can be destructive but can also be rather peaceful." the girl had randomly commented, in all honesty, she was curious about what everyone else can do. was there anyone similar to her? was there anyone similar to siren? did every adept have a different ability than others even by just a little? what are the possibilities and what are their limits? can they lose their abilities? million of questions had flooded her mind as she had let her thoughts wander..

"The things we can do are limitless but also limited... destructive yet not. all of this is just a big topic, filled with questions but no answers for us. how peculiar.." estelle had finally said with the same smile playing "say you won't let go" by james arthur on her guitar. she gently sways from side to side with her eyes glued to the instrument, on general basis, she doesn't play for people unless they've done the same for her or unless you're her parents. which nobody is in this academy and siren had played the piano for her, so she's just a bit more carefree about playing her guitar next to him.
Mentioned: n/a
Interacting: Siren77 Siren77
[/div] [/div]

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Jade sighed as the new kid spoke " you don't need to apologize, I'm the one who scared you. I'm really sorry I didn't mean to" she said with a smile.Then the kid mentioned the he wasn't good with people and he asked if she knew where the dorms where " umm.. yeah, they are in that building, last floor" she answered pointing at one of the buildings near the fountain. she didn't want to talk anymore so that she couldn't make him uncomfortable.

A Lot of kids arrived now but Jade didn't have the energy to interact with them. She thought that she will go sit somewhere and read a book. and if anyone wanted to ask for something or talk to her, she'd be gald to help. But she won't go near people if they didn't approach first that's for sure. " I'm glad you okay, I'm gonna go now. See you around" she said to the new kid and left to find her some place to sit.

DuckPrince DuckPrince
Akira Ito
Akira listened to her before nodding. He was very glad she didn't try to talk to him more, he really wasn't up for that. He managed to thank her before he slowly climbed out and grabbed his bag. He watched her leave while patting his pant legs to make sure they were all dry before walking towards the building she pointed to. Hemanaged to found the lady that had the keys. Once he managed to sputter out his surname, Akira signed the paper and received his keys.

He made his way up, luckily not getting too tired from just walking up stairs. After getting nearly lost, he managed to find the room and tested if it was unlocked. Locked.. I guess they're not here yet... He thought as he unlocked the door and stepped inside. It was.. such a nice room... he quickly scurried to the bed by the window, sitting on it and hugging his bag. I should ask if it's okay to take this bed...

Indirectly mentioning: Siren77 Siren77
Mentioning/Interacting: Cara Cara
Siren Jaeger
The Russian chuckled a good bit at her response to his rather pathetic knowledge of other instruments. But he still appreciated that Estelle wanted to hear him. “I’d be more than happy and comfortable to show you sometime, though I think the drums are a little bit too incoherent with a song like this. So I guess singing’s the only option I got for our little duet. Don’t judge me though.” In all honesty he had no problem singing, it’s just the fact that he’s never done it in front of other people before. So what he might consider to be a somewhat decent voice could turn out to be a tone deaf nightmare for the ears to behold. Ah well, there’s no going back now.

Estelle’s words snapped Siren awake from being entranced by the guitar. Giving her a sheepish smile, he nodded his head a few times. “It’s such a fine looking instrument. I’ve always wanted to learn the guitar but I’ve never had the opportunity to. They were always too expensive wherever I went, even for basic acoustic ones. But now seeing this fascinating and downright beautiful instrument before my very eyes, it almost reminds me of being a child again. Getting so happy just go and admire the guitars from a shop window.” Siren shrugged is shoulders, “Maybe I can save enough money to buy one someday, thought I doubt it’ll be anything like the one you hold now.”

Know the place well enough to wander? That was an odd way to put it. All he’d done was look at a map of the place and follow it from there. “Let’s just say I’m used to finding my way after getting minimal direction.” Siren said with a chuckle, “Besides as the old saying goes, not all who wander are lost.”

Nodding his head to what she said, Siren looked off to one of the windows in the room. “Back home most adepts were treated as outcasts. If they weren’t beaten, stoned, shot, or in any way killed by normal citizens. The mob would find them, and if they could they would take them away and use them as entertainment for fights and such other things. I was fortunate enough to not become a part of all of that.” It seemed the young man hadn’t learned his lesson about lying. Although this time he’d done a better job about hiding it all.

When Estelle mentioned his ability, Siren could help but smile. This would be the first time he’d be able to share his powers with someone. “I wouldn’t call it just normal flames. My power consists of a little something I like to call,” The pyro outstretched his hand and a bright purple flame came to life that was about the size of a Baseball. “Hellfire.” As the purple flame danced around in his hand, Siren listened to Estelle’s description of fire. Nodding his head, the closed his hand and let the heat disappear. “Destructive is a good way to put it.” Siren would know this better than anyone else. “But I agree, there’s peace in it as well. Like a nice lit campfire, or a flickering fireplace.”

“So, what is it that you can do? What abilities have you received?” Siren was greatly intrigued by the woman and figured there had to be something special about her abilities. Though he could never think of what specifically her powers might be, as any ideas he had didn’t seem to fit with her. So finally he’d be able to get the answer he wanted to know.

“Well this whole adept thing is relatively new. I mean as of right now there aren’t many people like us. Sure there’s a few but we’re a vast minority compared to our normal human counterparts. So it’s difficult right now for any of us to understand our abilities and ourselves. The most we know is that we’re the next step in the human genome, although for what reason we’ve adapted this way is a question for another time.” As the guitar began strumming, Siren felt peace in the vibrant chords. Slowly, he began humming along with the melody before working himself up to softly singing along with the tune. It wasn’t long before he was audibly heard next to the guitar, singing the lyrics as best as he could remember them. Some of the higher notes were difficult for him to reach so he took them at an octave lower in pitch.
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