The Shadowfall Wolf Pack


Magic Eight Ball
Here are the sign ups! Please, please try to be as descriptive as possible.









Love Interest?:


Name: Enyalias (pronounced: Eh-nye-ah-liss)

Gender: Female~

Age: 14 (In people years, idk)

Rank: Alpha (maybe? if not Omega :) )

Family?: nope

Personality: overly excited at new things but calm and collective when doing business. Aggressive towards strangers but will listen before attacking, but she ain't taking none of their crap.

Mate?: nope nope nope

Pups?: nahh

Love Interest?: not yet

Other: will tear apart anyone who tries to threaten the pack.

Description/Picture: Silver coat with a black ragged stripe starting at the muzzle and going down her back to the tail. Her tail is fully black and she has a brownish mark (imagine a blob) under her left eye. Her left back paw is a black colour, while under her feet are white.

Done :)

Check out my role play >>> <<<
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Name: Xobic

Gender: male

Age: 13

Rank: Beta

Family?: nope


Xobic has a heart of gold, as well as being a loyal and grateful subordinate to Enyalias. Xobic has also been shown to be a very forgivable person even if his friend is corrupt, or how evil they are, no matter how many innocent people they've killed, and even if they're about to kill him.

Xobic is also a very serious man,Xobic tends to growl when angered. Despite being a gentle person, he is cold, ruthless and calculating when fighting. Once he is done fighting, however, he reverts to his gentle, giant self.

Mate?: nope

Pups?: no

Love Interest?: Enyalias

Other: he is bigger than the other wolves in the pack


((come join my role play if you want to ))
Name: Silver

Gender: Female

Age: 6

Rank: Omega

Family?: Brother, Shadow

Personality: Silver is a quick witted wolf, who is often annoyed by her older brother. She is a very fast runner, and is usually seen darting in and out of trees around the forest. She doesn't care for the drama in the pack unless in involves her. Silver has a quick temper like her brother, but she isn't as violent. However, Silver is known to never, ever back down from a challenge. She would risk her life to prove herself to another wolf. Silver is usually found practicing her hunting or laughing with a group of wolves. She has many friends, and tries to reach out to the lesser of wolves. If a wolf makes a remark about her, she is usually growling, fangs bared, at their throat. She had never come to blows, though, and she forgives easily.

Mate?: None

Pups?: None

Love Interest?: None, she is still searching

Other: Silver has an odd talent- she loves to sing. Though she's never shown a soul, for singing is very unknown among wolves. Her voice is as beautiful as herself.



Name: Shadow

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Rank: Omega

Family?: Younger sister, Silver

Personality: Shadow is undeniably arrogant, though he is generally friendly to all the wolves around him. He is upbeat and popular, much like his sister, though isn't really interested in any wolves outside of his group. He is, however, very quick to anger and to attack anyone that insults him, his friends, or his sister. He generally thinks highly of his fighting skill, and is admired by those who see him. Popular with the she-wolves and other omegas, he is looked up to- but he is honestly not happy with his life. Not that he would ever show it, but he wants to settle down and have a family.

Mate?: None

Pups?: None

Love Interest?: None really

Other: When he gets the chance, Shadow secretly loves to be alone. If only someone could understand him...


Name: Accalia (A-ka-lia)

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Rank: Medicine wolf

Family?: Nah son

Personality: Accalia has loved to help others ever since she was a pup. She will stop at nothing to assist others, even if it means risking her own life. Accalia tends to shy away from arguments. She's a very passive wolf and gets along with others easily.

Mate?: None as of yet.

Pups?: Nope

Love Interest?: Not yet

Other: She as learned near all there is to know in the art of medicine, however her fighting skills are severely lacking. The most she can do is swiftly evade her enemies. Despite this she does not hesitate to travel through the midst of a battle if a wolf is wounded.

Description/Picture: She is of small stature, which helps her to be quick on her feet. Her coat is a light blown, with splotches of white across her face and along her back. Her paws are also white. Her eyes are a bright, intelligent blue.
Name: Lightening

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Rank: Alpha

Family?: Not Yet


  • Funny
  • Will always protect the pack
  • Aggressive when needed too

Mate?: Not yet

Not yet

Love Interest?: Silver




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/sleepless_by_yumpy-d5l5c0i.png.c3c00e9ac08fdcee7b7d64d94fca7c8c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14640" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/sleepless_by_yumpy-d5l5c0i.png.c3c00e9ac08fdcee7b7d64d94fca7c8c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>











Melody is a cold heartless person who refuses to let herself get close to anyone, for fear that she yet loose someone else...


None, and she doesn't plan on ever having one.


Melody was not always a loner as she is now, nor was she so distant. Once, long ago, she not only belonged to another pack, but she also led it. Melody's past is long and horrible, and there are only a few who know of the terrors of her history. She dares not talk of the things that have led her to become the cold wolf she is, however this is her story.

Melody was born to an inexperienced loner during the heart of winter. Her father had died long ago in a battle against a bear, but that is a story for another time. It was not long before her brothers and sisters died of hypothermia, and she herself came close. If it wasn't for the help of a another female, of whom the name remains unknown, then Melody nor her mother would have lived through that winter. After the horrid freezing temperatures, her and her mother welcomed the warmer temperatures of spring. Melody was taught at a young age that when you were a loner it was the survival of the fittest. She became very fit at a very young age as had her mother. As time when on and Melody grew up, her and her mother became inseparable. They were the best hunters in the forest.

Her life had been decent for a lone wolf, but there was something in her that wanted the comfort of a pack. At a young age, she and her mother began the rise of the greatest pack in the history of wolves. It began with one rogue male then more loners came and more, till the pack had grown to the size of nearly sixty, and Melody led them all. Each of them respected her strength of a leader, but there were still those who were hungry for power. It was at the actions of one wolf that let her to the way she is. Vladimir had been one of the first wolves to join the pack, and it was he who was the first to leave. Behind the back of his leader this treacherous wolf began to spark something dark within his pack mates, and it was not long before the battle. The pack split into two sides. One was led by Melody and her mother, the other led by Vladmir. They clashed in a battle that nearly destroyed them, this epic battle was heard throughout the wolven world. In this battle her mother was killed, as were the rest of her pack mates. The scene of the battleground after the battle was over was horrendous.

Ravens picked at the remains of wolf bodies. Blood was splattered everywhere and there were nearly fifty bodies, ripped apart all over the ground. A dark fog seemed to creep into the clearing. The sun had fallen and now the moon shone clearly in the dark sky. Blood dripped from her muzzle, splashing onto the ground. It was then that she realized that she was laying on the ground, her side ripped open, and her body covered in her own life blood. She was dimly aware of someone lifting, and carrying her away from the horrible scene...
Everything that happened that day was...truly horrible. She wouldn't have survived if it hadn't been for their beta. Destan carried her away and brought her to a human. For he knew that only the two-legged creatures could have healed her wounds.

Melody was rushed to the veterinarian's, where she recovered. It was there that she was bought by a dog fighter. The man brought her to a desolate building where he kept all of his K-9's. Melody became a fighting dog, going up against not only dogs but also other wolves, most of which were males, but still she won. That was until she went up against Diablo. The doberman had come from afar to face up against the undefeated wolf. The faced off in a bloody battle that he ended up winning. Again she would have died if it hadn't been for Hope. She was used for breeding and the two of them had become very close. Hope had known that Melody wouldn't be able to defeat Diablo, so she had managed to escape, and in doing so she and Melody got free of the dog fights. Hope had mated with Diablo's father, and so it was how she managed to escape without being killed by her son.

They escaped to the forest, where they met Destan. He greeted Melody happily, but the only thing that he did was remind her of the battle. The three of them managed to survive until the day came when a hunter arrived in the forest. He shot and killed Hope, as well ad Destan. Yet she managed to escape. It was after that that she began to ask herself why she always lived when her friends died. Her heart began to harden and she promised herself that she wouldn't let herself become close to anyone else. That promise didn't last very long, for she came upon a pup who had been abandoned by its mother. She called him Felix. Melody nursed him back to health and she became like his second mother. She taught him how to hunt and they became so close that when the day came when he died, Melody felt as if a part of her had died with him, and in truth a part had.

They were hunting when a mother bear felt as if her cubs had been threatened. It charged them and when Felix tripped the bear attacked him. He didn't have a chance. Melody was enraged by the pain she felt. She attacked the bear and in the end she killed it. It was later that she found two bear cubs dead from starvation. She had killed their mother and they had died because of her rage. She was furious at herself, but most of all she was sad. "Everyone I've ever loved is dead... I'm truly the only one left. God kill me now..." She lost it. Her heart had broken and she wished that all that time ago she had during her first winter. Then perhaps Eden would still be alive. As would Destan and Hope. Felix's mother may not have abandoned him. The bear and her cubs would still be living. This way she would be the only one dead, instead of being the only one alive.

As I said before, her past is long and horrible, full of betrayal and loss, and very few happy times...


Felix - Dead

{Love Interest}



Melody is a very beautiful female, she attracts the attention of many males, but never returns the attention.



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