The Serpent's Cross [Signup]


That guy who's not around much right now
Previously documented information (idea thread)

Dr. Jerry Palavick's Notes (info & OOC)

Current Events (rp)

Thread Rules:

-No OOC in the rp thread unless brief, and in parenthises at the end of an actual post. There is an OOC thread, feel free to use that.

-Later the signups will be expanded upon. Until such a time, only humans and synths are acceptable. I will only accept one synth for every six approved humans, I suggest that only more advanced roleplayers take the role of a synth.

-Include a species category in your signup to prove to me that you have read the rules.

-Try to avoid one line posts, occasionally it's unavoidable, but should you consistantly make one line posts, I will have you removed.

-Do not post until you have been approved

-Read the idea thread for information on the act zero and technology, if unsure of technologies in some areas, ask about them in the Info & OOC thread.

-Remain up to date on Dr. Palavick's Notes (link above), they will be a part of the roleplay, and can give valuable insight.

Crew Dossier:





(Rank and) Role: (what you do aboard the ship, and if military, your rank)


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((I'm not much of a Sci-fi person, but I do enjoy RPs like this. I've read the idea thread and the Notes and found it absolutely brilliant (: ))

Name: Freya Youngblood

Age: 24

Sex: Female

Persona: An easygoing woman, Freya gets along with most people and isn't easily ruffled. She is a hard worker and loves her line of work. She finds the idea of other worlds simply fascinating and secretly dreams of meeting an intelligent alien species firsthand.

(Rank and) Role: Freya works in the Agricultural department on her designated ship. She works as a biological genetics engineer. She changes the genetic makeup of crops and livestock to adapt to harsher space travel environments and other worlds, once they find them, while still being essentially the same creature they started out with.

Biography: Freya was born on Earth, living in the rural southern part of America, until she was ten. Due to a family tragedy, they moved, though because the reason for their moving was so great, they left Earth entirely and settled on the planet Saturn. Freya lived on the rural Saturn until she was eighteen, where she moved to Mars for her college education. She stayed on Mars for two years, taking core classes and delving into her major, agriculture genetics. She then moved to Neptune, where she furthered her studies and accomplishments up until she was asked to join the three ships that would be making a pilgrimage outside of the solar system. Of course Freya said yes.

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Species: Human

((Whoops, my bad...xP I skimmed over that part))
Designation: Seems to call itself "Quote",and responds only to such.

Age: 75 year old chassis,two months since last firmware update.

Sex: Male chassis,male voiceprint.

Personality: As a synth,Quote is bound to Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics,where,in order of precedence,

1) A robot must not bring harm to a human,through action or inaction.

2) A robot must obey orders from any human,unless it's result would violate the First Law

3) A robot must protect it's own existance,unless it would violate the First or Second Laws

As such,Quote sees the world in black and white; Humans and their orders are white,while anything that violates the Laws is black,with no middle ground. Quote speaks very little,but has been known to come up with unorthodox solutions to problems and situations,thanks to expanded data storage bays,and has taken to keeping numerous external data drives. Due to it's bent for silence,people are generally unnerved by it's presence.

Rank: Primary Data Proccessing,Bridge Crew. He just takes data and proccesses it for the rest of the Bridge Crew.

Biography: Serial number XATM092,Quote is a Synth built with more storage space than most others,allowing for a greater reference pool. During it's lifespan,Quote has passed through many hands,from private companies,to government interests,and now to a colonization effort as a glorified calculator.

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Just ignore the puppy and the skeleton.

Race: Human Synth
Name: Jonah Miller

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Persona: Easy going, passionite, determined and one helluva dancer.

(Rank and) Role: Pilot (shuttle, fighter ect...) is also qualified to operate much of the machinery like walkers and cranes.

Rank: Sargent.

Biography:Born to a, Israelite father and an American mother and raised on a farm in Australia, at the age of 18 Jonah joined the Space Corps where he was trained on Mars and on 3 separate space stations and 2 ships, he earned his fighter lisence at 21 and his other utilities lisence (cranes, walkers ect...) at 24, he was assigned to one of the 3 colony ships after putting in a request 3 months ago, he is also one of the very few Jews in the space corps.

He graduated the military Academy at the top of his class, he is most proficient in fighter craft but still scored well above average in the bomber simulations.

he also has several implants in his body for things like better eyesight, more adrenalin ect...

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Species: Human

Noa Zahavy






Noa is a generally, all-around good Samaritan. She wants nothing more than to do her part to help others and the world. She has great aspirations for all her students and strives to be the best role model for them that she can be. As far as human relationships goes, she very good at listening, though she does not reciprocate. Noa will very seldom speak of her own troubles for fear that she will burden them. Noa was always a burden to her family and friends in Israel and now that she has freed them from her problems she has promised to never bother another soul.

Noa loves reading and writing and finds the written word a Godsend. Much of her philosophy is derived from the numerous writers and philosophers she's sat down to read.


Professor of Psychology. Dr. Zahavy is the onboard psychologist for the high ranking officers, the captain, and any political officials that may need her assistance. In her free time, she assists the less well-off with group counseling and anger management. Everyone needs help and she will never stop serving her kind.

She also has a M.D. in General Medicine with a concentration in Neuroscience.


When Noa was born, she had ten sisters and three brothers. All have since grown and become quite accomplished men and women. With two very wealthy Jewish parents, Noa never wanted for anything. This did not, however, alienate her from those not as well-off as she. With almost every waking minute, Noa dedicated herself to help those in need, providing whatever services she could.

Since then she is a well known philanthropist and one of the best Psychologists in her field. Noa was actually surprised when asked to accompany some of the superior officers and politicians on the journey to find a new home.

Whatever she can do to help.



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Name: Mark Hydrick

Species: Human

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Persona: Curious and a natural genius, He has an unquenchable thirst for the unknown, and always sees things through.

(Rank and) Role: Chief Civilian Contracted Engineer (effective rank as Warrant Officer) He makes sure things don't fall apart. The go-to guy when that green light that's never supposed to go off turns red.

Biography: Was the son of the late Dr. Hydrick. One of the leading scientists who helped develop the colonial ships. At the age of 17, he was already working on fighter craft technology alongside his father. After his father's passing he used his connections and impressive work skills skills to wheedle himself a place on one of the ships. Although he's not technically a military personnel himself, he's worked with military contractors all his life, and knows how to handle himself in rough situations.

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Jona Marcellus Roe








Focused and efficient, Roe takes his job seriously. Although being kind natured towards others, Jona tends to distance himself emotionally from most people, partly because of professionalism but also partly because of a personal tragedy.

(Rank and) Role:

Major. Chief of Security. Roe's duty is to ensure the security of his assigned ship and the saftey of it's crew.


The Roe family have had seven generations of military men and as the eldest son, Jona's carreer choice required little deliberation. Born in London, England, Jona live for the earlier parts of his life on Earth, however when he was fifteen his family moved to Mars where he attended a military academy for boys. After graduating, intead of enlisting immeadiately, Jona decided to enrole in a three year university course majoring in weapons technology with minor in disaster management, which would enalble him to recieve a commission at his graduation. During his studies, he met a girl named Selima, whom he married shortly after graduating.

Jona seemed to have it all: a lovely wife, a commission as a lieutenant and a promising future. Over the course of the next nine years Selima gave birth to two children, a boy and a girl, and Jonah had been promoted to a captain. One day, after returning to his stationed base after a peacekeeping mission, Jona received a call from his mother. There had been an car accident, and Jona's life wasn't as fufilling anymore.

Dealing with the death of his family, Roe threw himself into his work. Five years passed, and Roe had just beed made a Major when he was contacted by a member of the Serpent's Cross Organisation. His experience not only in combat situations but peacekeeping missions and leadership and management made him a candidate for a security officer onboard one of the massive colonising ships. Serpent's Cross offered him a chance at the possition and, with nothing to truly keep him in the Sol system, Roe accepted.

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Name: Christan Nixon

Age: 32

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Persona: Christan is light hearted off duty but he's all business on the job, the security of the ship always comes first, even if it's not in the interest of of the crew. Christan will protect the corporations property at all cost, making him a perfect company man. Recently Christan has begun to question some of the practices of the Corp but he keeps these thoughts to himself, while continuing to look into the inner workings of the corp. Nathan is not a one trick pony, since his first duty is to the ship he takes time to learn all the operations of the ship just in case he's called on to step in for an injured or dead crew member.

(Rank and) Role: Lt. Commander, XO to ship's Security Chief Officer

Biography: Christan was head hunted by the Serpent's Cross from the NYPD, as a detective for them he became sick and tired of the corruption that now infested itself in the now Corp own police department that now seem to be more of a organization of Stormtrooper then a force to protect the people.

Christan is a gifted investigator and highly intelligent, as well as a trained sharpshooter from a brief tour with NYPD Swat Teams. He's well trained in close quarters combat that one would encounter on board a star ship, as well as O-g combat. On his down time you can often find Christan playing poker with the other crew members.

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Name: Meisha Keon

Age: 21

Sex: Female


This girl is devoted to her job, so much so that she is a perfectionist in her own way and dislikes it when people do her job. Not one to ask for help in her own area of expertise, and is somewhat rebellious if those over her order otherwise. Both intelligent and considerate, she has faith in herself to do things right although it may take a little longer.

Role: Operations Officer; handles communications, sensory systems, internal system controls, schedules resource, hardware and system usage.


Meisha’s mother died when she was eight, leaving her with two younger brothers and a depressed father figure. The situation, although sad in itself, made her grow up fast as she had to urge her father into work every day. She also took care of her two younger brothers when he wasn’t at home, but that all changed when her father remarried five years later.

It was a woman she was rather estranged from, as she tried to avoid her as much as she could, which in turn made her father upset. The girl was young though, and didn’t quite accept her even when she left the house at the early age of sixteen. Meisha used the money from her mother’s inheritance to enroll herself into a university.

She didn’t exactly plan to get her role on the ship, it just happened to work out that way; she still loves the job all the same.

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Species: Human (whoops x3')
Name: Kathleen Mirth Tracheal or KT

Age: 30

Sex: Female

Persona: KT is a very reserved person and doesn't talk too much about her personal history. She doesn't take jokes well either and can be seen as a ***** by many people. KT is very hard-working and very dedicated to her job. KT is tough as well and very rarely complains or cries. KT may also seem very reckless as she doesn't always stop when something is too dangerous.

(Rank and) Role: KT is one of the top astronomers around. She has devoted almost her entire life to the study of stars and space and other planets. Anything deal with space or planets (whether they are inhabitable or not and other things concerning a planet) KT will most likely know. KT is also ex-military and is known mostly for her skills with various weapons from that time.

Biography: KT was born and raised in a somewhat stable environment, although she was exposed to violence as well from a young age. But KT was also a sickly child as well and for most of her young life, she would stay at home. She had a fascination with the stars and the way space worked and so from an early age, started to learn all she could. Once she reached legal age, KT applied for the military and served for at least six years. Upon her sixth year serving KT was found out to have a rare disease that was slowly killing off her nervous system and would send her into periods of paralyzation at it's worse and numbness in her limbs at it's best, she was dismissed. KT began to take extreme measures for her condition, but now resorts to injecting herself with a serum design to slow down the disease but will not stop it. After being dismissed, KT drove back into her space research and eventually found herself heading into space.

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KT has marks on her arms as well from injections, but keeps them well hidden. She is of a medium height and build. She keeps her hair cut short as to not get in her way.

Species: Human
Name: Wilfred Werner (People or comrades mostly call him by his nickname "Teufel")

Sex: Male

Age: 27

Rank and role: Feldwebel (sergeant), His job is to feed the crew in the ship and also the supply sergeant on weapon and arms in the ship

Persona: Wilfred is a heatless soldier however that not very true about him. He likes to help people but when people give happy smile, he can’t return a smile back because of his habits. He will randomly get a breakdown when no one around in that time. Wears a gas mask all the time when or off duty but people rarely see his face. However he fellow orders down to the paper no matter the task is he will do it.

Biography: He is a born in full military family which has it's roots up to the unification of Germany. In childhood he learn some the guns from his grandfather. On age 18 he join the army and during this time he was in 5th division. This division preform the mostly deadliest task in few battle: like going into enemy lines with out any support from tanks or aircraft. On age 20 he fell in love with a woman who’s was name Tanya, who was in the 98th engerineer division. It was when he was happy before the events that occur to change his emotions. It was when his infantry division 5th and with another infantry division the 13th was place to protect the 98th engerineer division in the Mars civil war Campaign in there missions. During the last years of the war the 5th ,13th infantry and 98th engerineer division were massacre near the Mars major key cities Cyris. After that time, only Wilfred was on his knees with Tanya on his hand couldn’t shed a tear for her or his comrades. The 142nd armor division found him there and then rumors about him start to come about the heartless. In the reports of the Mars civil war campaign it never mention about the massacre, only few higher chain have reports about that event. Wilfred was assigned to one of the three colony ship to be their cook or armory/supply sergeant.



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I'd like to point out that any military characters are former military. The Serpent's Cross is a civilian organization. (Just a reminder)

Name: Michael Jasik

Age: 29

Sex: Male

Persona: Out of her two children, his mother praises one as the light of her life, and that child isn't Michael. Ever since he was little, Michael has caused nothing but problems. His reckless and daring attitude has had him stuck in countless of troubles. And he never learns. With that thick head of his, Michael keeps making the same mistakes and has yet to find a way out of the problems he creates. He has no real life goal and is in no way ambitious. Many call him a good-for-nothing, and they would be right. His positive traits, few as they are, include his natural optimism (which contributes greatly to his recklessness) and his resilience. No matter how tough life is, Michael always bounces back, even if the people around him do not.

(Rank and) Role: Corporal. Security Officer.

Biography: Michael comes from a long line of good-for-nothing family. Born on Earth, he and his older sister are abandoned by their drunk of a father as soon as Michael turns seven. Michael resents him more than anyone, even their mother. As a child, he proves to be nothing but a burden. While his older sister, Abigail, tries to help their mother out, he spends his time getting into fights and failing classes. When he turns fourteen, his overworked mother becomes ill with a sickness none of them have the money to cure and dies. Abigail raises him ever since, but his attitude never improves. After graduating from a public college with the lowest GDP possible, Michael does a variety of labor jobs, but eventually ends up enlisting in the army. It turns out that he is noticeably talented in the area, but his irresponsibility and indiscipline have prevented him from getting promotions. On a twist of fate, Michael is recognized by someone from the Serpent's Cross and gets the job as a sort of a grunt.

Species: Human

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(Any spots left???)

Name: Ryan (real name is Ambrositas, named after the Orders God of Vengeance.

Age: 28

Sex: male

Rank and Role: Security officer for the elites. Of course, that is just a fake...

Persona: Ryan (Ambrositas) is an ice cold killer. As a member of the powerful organisation 'The Order', he has been trained from birth to kill. On the outside, Ryan might seem a pretty decent guy: nice, easy-going, and good with his hands. But on the inside... He is someone who has never experienced love or friendship. By the old Nightangel motto: 'An Assassin doesn't have friends: only targets', Ryan kills, and is good at it.

Biography: Ambrositas was taken from Earth just before the first Rob-war. The Order has a particular dislike for Robots, and it has indoctrinated her followers into believing all robots are evil. After his kidnapping, Ambrositas was taken to the Training centre of the Order: the spaceship Saferaty. Here, Ambrositas was shaped into a first rate Assassin, the highest rank of Order students. Now, two years after his last assignment, the Order has ordered 'Ryan' to infiltrate onto the outgoing spaceships, to secure a place for the Order in the far stars. His real mission is a Topsecret: even Ambrositas himself doesn't know it yet...
I'll need to go over some things about this:

1: You read the night angels, good on you. (completely irrelevant)

2: There was never a robot war. Synths were programmed from the beginning for a hard-stop should they break any of the three laws, the designers had seen robots of fiction.

3: What would an assassin have to do on a colonization vessel? The common assumption is that they won't be coming back, so there would be no real reason to send anyone to kill crew members unless they agreed with the Cross' goals and wanted to make martyrs out of them. To kill anyone on any of the ships would only influence more people to colonize outside our solar system.

Currently Not Approved!!
This is simply astounding... Intelligent life, right here! Finally I have something to truly do, not just to putter about, answering questions of the foolish colonists!

Whatever these things are, I'll call them Valkyries for now, in keeping with the name of their homeworld, they seem to have evolved solely for the purpose of doing close-quarters battle. Secondary eyelids keep them from losing view of their opponent in a bind, and with dense musculature, it's evident that they're likely able to lift three to four times their own body weight with little training beyond their norm. Assuming that their entire species is similar to what I assume is this male hunter we got to see, they're likely not very superstitious, and act practically before their emotions betray them. I suspect a very warlike nature if that monster is average here, and it looks like Valkyries eat those things...

Anyways, minute changes to bone structure, but with the thickness of this one's brow, I'm going to guess that their bones are thicker, and likely more dense than our own. Four fingers and an opposable thumb, their bodily structure seems to be very similar to humans. Is it perhaps that humanity is near the top of the evolutionary ladder?

Culturally, based on this one's garb, I'm going to hypothesize some similarity to our own Norse past; convenient really. Now, I've no idea how they think compared to humans, but I'd predict that it would likely be more confrontational than our own.

~Dr. Jerry Palavick~

(If you want to sign up as a Valkyrie, PM me for more details)

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