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Active [The See - Frontier] A Helping Hand. Part 3: Bargaining.

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is currently not open to be joined, but do let me know if you'd be down to join future RP's of mine.

What to expect out of character:
The RP is planned to be the third and final part of three relatively short ones. The first one was about Ryan arriving back home to explain what happened to his girlfriend. The second one was about journeying to the destination. This third part will be about getting unmaimed after arriving.

What to expect in character:
Ryan sets off into a journey into the See to get unmaimed from loosing a hand during a failed tribulation attempt and having previously prepared for the journey that took him on a long trip through the See he finally arrives to meet with the one that might be able to fix him up. He'll just have to convince her.

Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Get unmaimed.
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – See about getting her missing finger and missing toe back.

Healing Garden
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://copilot.microsoft.com/
Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

As arduous and tiring as the trip through the See had been, with its various dangers, traps and long periods of bad weather, the group eventually made it to their destination. A place that Tisiphone had only introduced as 'The Healing Garden'.


“Right, before we enter, a few final notes.” She said, stopping at a distance, with their destination in sight. “The one living in this area is a dryad. All these gardens are her home, with the house merely being build for guests. She tends to be a rather nice person, but don't let your guards down. She will be testing you in her own ways.”

With that, Tisiphone continued on into the garden. As the rest would follow (Ethel and Aileen included), they would spot someone folk working in the garden.



A bird was digging through the dirt with her claws, seeming to till the soil through it.



A fox was carefully burning down certain plants through some fire magic, likely targetting the weeds, little by little to avoid damaging the surrounding plants.

Amice Bellamy


Finally, a small and young looking gnome was working to plant new seeds. Digging holes and carefully dropping seeds in them, after which she'd drag over a bucket of water that she could barely carry herself to water it.




“Hath we arriveth in heaventh?” Ethel asked, confused as to how drastically the scenery had seemingly changed.



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

“We actually made it... finally. It's so pretty here... it reminds me of Sootspire Mountain. Our little secret area.” Aileen would state to Ryan, her eyes tearing up a bit after they'd finally arrived at their destination after such a long and harsh journey through dangerous lands.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan held the urge to drop to his knees and flop down. Tisiphone finally said it. They made it. As much as the sights were pretty and fascinating, Ryan was tired, and his enthusiasm was low as a result. At least in some ways. The exhaustion eased the tension he had prior to embarking on this trip. Ryan treaded carefully to avoid stepping on something or someone that could turn this into a terrible time. Seeing a bird, a fox, and a... tiny human, tending to a garden with all the care and precision in the world.

Ryan's mild reaction grew when he saw Aileen. "All thanks to your initiative. I appreciate it. A lot. I won't waste the chance you... all of you, have given me." He wrapped his sole arm around her, holding her close as they walked wherever Tisiphone would direct them to. Having learned to follow her instructions to the point. To the best of their capabilities, that is.
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Get unmaimed.
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – See about getting her missing finger and missing toe back.

Healing Garden
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://copilot.microsoft.com/
Languages: Common | {Sylvan}



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

She smiled, tired but satisfied. She hugged him back firmly. “It's only natural, no? To do this much... but I feel like I could sleep for an entire day...” She looked around. She wanted to ask Tisiphone what they should do next, but the Fae was gone. “Ehm... what should we do now?” She had no clue what would be 'rude' or 'normal' or 'expected' or anything like that.




Ethel wasn't going to be too much use here. As bravely as she'd put in some fighting during their trip prior, she had now taken off some armour, laid down a bed of grass and was solidly asleep.

Amice Bellamy


It was the gnome that eventually called out. “Ehm... are you three also here for miss Eirlys?” She didn't dare approach them, but she seemed rather curious.
Ryan Kylieth

"I have no idea, honestly" Ryan admitted. Without Tisiphone there to guide them, Ryan felt that he should tread with the utmost care. He certainly didn't want trouble after the arduous journey that brought them here.

Trying to find a clue as to what to do, but finding none, made the tiny human addressing them a very welcome surprise. Ryan stayed quiet for a moment, trying to recall if the name the fairy said was mentioned by Tisiphone. It didn't ring any bells. "I apologize. I'm not really sure. A guide brought us here. She should be able to answer your question..."
Tag and character goal:
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Get unmaimed.
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – See about getting her missing finger and missing toe back.

Healing Garden
See of Chearon, ???
From: https://copilot.microsoft.com/
Languages: Common | {Sylvan}



AI'ed & edited version loosely based on https://rick_dj.artstation.com/projects/3dvyDg

“O... right.” She realised Ryan had no clue either and honestly... looking at Ethel... She just sat down in the grass for a bit, then lied back a bit and... was sleeping mere moments after. Exhaustion from the long trip having caught up with her as well.

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

“A guide?” She looked around. “I think I saw a woman head towards miss Eirlys, but I'd not be able to go ask, because not everyone can go there. It's a ehhh {closed off} ehmm... not {accessible} ehhh no-go-garden place.” She tried explaining in broken common with Sylvan mixed in.

She then looked at Ethel and Aileen. “Why are they sleeping there? Do they not like beds? Are you also going to sleep here? There are beds there.” She'd point at the house.

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