The Secret war (early concept, Advice needed)


New Member

Brief summery:

I am soon going to be writing a series of books titled “Realm of Darkness” It is a supernatural/fantasy story, set in the modern day. However this little verse that I have created, also has a rather rich past to it, and has a number of important events that have happened within its timeline. For a while I've wanted to create a roleplay about a certain event, called: The Great civil war.



Former friends, Ekon Helmer and Ragnar Solsberg find themselves at odds with one another, as their views of humanity clash. Ragnar sees the humans as a vile race, who have only brought pain and untold misery into the world, through constant war, and killing in the names of their false idols. He believes that this world is far too good for them, and thinks it should be ruled by the supernatural beings, who have had to live most their lives within the shadows. Ragnar comes to them as a beacon of hope, promising to set them free, and to make a better world for them.

Ekon admits this race is somewhat flawed, but believes that they can improve, that they can evolve. Many years ago, Ekon's father had formed “The Order” This is an organization and government body, created by a group of sorcerers named “The Elders” their purpose, was to bring peace to a world of chaos. To protect the weak, and the innocent and uphold the law. To act as a government to the supernatural beings all across Europe and around the world.

Swearing an Oath by his father, and The old gods, Ekon promised that he would not allow Ragnar's plan for global genocide to see the light of day. Aligning himself with Dwarven and Elven Kings, Humans, vampires and a band of werewolves simply known as “The Brotherhood” along with those who already Served The Order, Ekon had gathered a formidable army to fight against his old friend.

But Ragnar isn't short of Allies either, as vampires, elves, dark magic users, soon come to his aid. Also, The one eyed king, soon finds himself aligned with Cronak, The Orc king of the north, together they form “The Rebel Coalition” With large armies formed on both sides, they clash within the heart of Europe, the fate of humanity hangs within the balance, and the outcome of this war.

My current plight:

I have a million different ideas and plans to implement into this roleplay, but I see best to start out small, then gradually build on the idea over time. These are some of the questions and/or Ideas I have for you. Constructive criticism is encouraged.

  • Should there be two roleplays for this, One for The Order, and the other for The Coalition So people can choose what side they want to be on?
  • This is a war themed Rp, and there are multiple outposts scattered around Europe. Should each outpost have its own roleplay? I feel this would be a way to keep groups small, so the roleplay section of each outpost, doesn't get too overcrowded (given that, if enough people join in)
  • Members can submit one to four characters, each; is this a good idea?
  • Character Deaths: As stated before this is a war themed Rp; though a character can only die, if the Roleplayer/Author of the character, is okay with it. If you're in this Roleplay and one of your characters is killed in battle (or in any other incident) You can simply make another character (if you wish)
  • I have a few more ideas, but I hope to present them to you in due time. As of now, it's pretty early in the morning, and I am still a little bit groggy. I hope to tell you more about what I have planned.

Does this sound like something you would be interested in? Have anything else to add? Questions? Criticisms of any kind? Just leave them in your response, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Thanks for reading.

Hello Sweetcheeks.

I accidentally stumbled by your post as I was looking into the Roleplay Discussion area. I have read what you wrote here and now I'm writing my opinion. This comes from a person who wishes to publish his own series of books, a franchise, with it's own and unique world.

What I find the most difficult in writing my story, is the past. Like yours, my story starts at one point, the relationships between the protagonists and antagonists inside the story are based on either what happened before the starting point or what happened after the starting point. You need a solid background. Foundations of kingdoms, famous people who helped their civilization evolve, heroes (since yours is a war themed, I believe that every world like this needs heroes, be them dead or alive, for example, Achilles, who fought in the Trojan War), great kings and queens. All this help shape the world you are building and it gives a touch of realism into it!

Also, let us not forget about cultures and traditions! Those are also key elements. It defines individuals, like the orcs you mentioned, they could have a warrior-type culture, where, for instance, becoming a Chieftain or a King, requires to battle to the death the previous leader. The victor claims their throne and becomes ruler over his people. Or maybe the elves could be, as they are always portrayed as tall, beautiful mystical beings, with a vast knowledge of the arcane arts. All this, must be written. It shapes the world you're making and it shapes it's inhabitants!

Creating a map is not necessarily that important, but it not only allows your readers, or in your case, role-players, to understand in what world they live in, it also helps you. You chosen Europe. An Europe with elves, orcs and magic is not quite...interesting, at least for me, UNLESS, they live into a secret society where humanity, except for a small margin, is aware of their existence. My suggestion about location would be to change it, create your own world with it's own geography. But that is only one opinion, others might like the idea. You don't have to change it, it's your story, you can do whatever you wish with it.

I shall a couple of things and I would be done with writing all this. I hope you have, well-made characters. An example, or a question, rather, could be, why did the one eyed king allied himself with the orc king in the North? What are his reasons? Could it be he owns the orc king a favor? He doesn't want to be alone when the war comes to him? Both the one-eyed king and the orc king are war-like people and they join together to slash, loot and ruin everything in their path? Or maybe is it because they are scared? This is one of the many things you have to do with your characters! You have to write how they are, how they became kings, what relationships they have with others, all that stuff is necessary in creating a vast, complex and wonderful world, where whoever ventures inside, they will have a blast!

I'm sorry if I wrote too much! I intended on writing a criticism, but ended writing a little tutorial ( if you could call it like that). Well, except for the location. I would suggest to change it, make look more like a "Realm of Darkness" style! Other than that, work on your characters a lot!

As for the role-play, I believe that two different role-plays from each faction's point of view is interesting, however, difficult at the same time. The actions from one role-play affects the world in the other world and vice-versa, and it might turn out to be rather frustrating.

Each outpost having it's own role-play? It's a really great idea, but it might be like the faction thingy. Each outpost actions might affect the other and it might turn into a mess!

Character's deaths are always sad! Especially if it's your character! HOWEVER, the story will look more real, feel more real, not like those stories where the protagonist miraculously survives a battle against four massive dragons, kills them both, defeats three archmages and saves the princess, all by himself.

I'm curious to see what ideas you have. Put everything on the table. Bring every idea, since it will be needed when creating a world! The more ideas, the vaster the world and the greater it is! I hope I sorta helped you! If not...oh well, it might help others who wish to build their own world! Good evening. (11:58 PM when this post was made, my time zone)


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