The Secret Sanctum (OOC) [Superfolk]

Is it possible to get a thread for player-created material for both characters and Megalopolis? That way, we have a central venue for this sort of information.....
That depends on the material...character possessions should be on your sheet (including properties), people you know should be in ProFile in Other. I will make a Megalopolis Travel Book thread that will be for location profiles (no commentary/banter), and that can be posted in by anyone. Other things would probably merit independent threads.
Well, I have a couple of items that relate to Dylan - things like albums and whatnot - that I'd like to post. I'll just put that in a new thread. I also have an interview - I'm assuming it's ok to put that in the newspaper thread?
Just making some final tweaks on my chara, after understanding the rules a little better. Trying to scale him back to be a bit more human, skill, and equipment based, but still sticking to the same idea I had. n_n Just informing you just so it doesn't seem like im ignoring this place.
Hey, guys. Sorry for the long wait. California has less internet than I had estimated. The game will start proper in a couple days.

Coming soon! Superfolk issue #1! "Calling All Cars...and Superheroes?!"
Ack. xD THought I posted here already. Sorry! But, seeing as game isn't up yet, i'm not too late. :3 Look forward to issue #1!
It would have been up sooner, but I got sick (ridiculously rare occurence, with really bad timing), and I still kind of have to catch up on studies.

If I can get the intro post up in the next few hours, I will be happy.
Yowch, don't force yourself. Know how rough it is being sick (tends to be a bit sickly himself... Not sick enough to actually stop him from doing anything, just sick enough to be bleh.) @.@
It doesn't help that I have a good 9 or more hours of my waking day where I can't even think about anything gaming-related for more than a minute at a time. My schedule will relax next week, but with luck, I can start sooner.
If I might offer a suggestion? I've done this in other games I've played on this forum, and it is extremely helpful when creating my posts. Put your character's name in bold at the top of each post. This way, you know who is saying what when you go to write your own...
Things that cause the GM to delay: schoolwork, and forgetting that one of the players has an Alternate Power mechanic for Gravity Control, and dreading trying to figure out the rules workaround.

Anyway, the scene shift is up, and the text should cover about two pages of the metaphorical comic (three if we put a big splash page for the big leap), which I think is appropriate to introduce the main villain for the issue. Most GM posts will probably be a bit shorter than the ones up so far have been.
TherealBrickwall said:
..... forgetting that one of the players has an Alternate Power mechanic for Gravity Control, and dreading trying to figure out the rules workaround.
What is the problem ? Considering I'm the player with those alternate powers ?
The problem is that I am silly and forget to read things. Don't worry, it shouldn't happen again.

Domino: Just use an offsite roller like invisiblecastle and posts the results here.

P.S. Yes, this kid has a super-level car. I told you he's the main villain of the issue.
Yes, me. School has been kicking my ass as far as allowing time for me to work through the stuff I need to GM. Still haven't quite gotten the next stuff ready. Am trying to. I don't want to put the game on 'hiatus', because the instant I do manage to sit down and get it all done, I wanna pick right back up, but consider this official notice that I am a bit bogged down.
Cool. Completely understandable. Real Life can do that sometimes.

Just so you know, I will be out of town this weekend, so I will not have access to the internet. As such, I will be unable to respond to any posts. I will be returning on Sunday, but I'm not sure what time. I wanted to tell you so you are aware.
I'm sure everyone's heard about the new edition of M&M/DC Adventures that will be coming out in a bout a week. Will we be sticking with 2nd Ed.? I figured we would, since that's what everyone's familiar with, but it's a question that has to be asked. Because, you know, the bright and shiny will be hear soon!

And yes, I will have it in about a week's time. Gen Con ho!

From what I'm reading it's not really a 3rd edition, Vanman. It's more of a ... ooh, nice, we bought rights to be allowed to write four DC Universe books. Let's try and please them.
No. It's a new edition. They're moving away from the d20 origins (like getting rid of the actual stat numbers, and just going with the bonuses they give) and they're cleaning stuff up. It's a new edition. Trust me.
I will decide if we change edition after I have read the new edition. It depends on how much I like the new system, and how easy it is to switch all y'all's characters over.

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