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One x One The Secret of the Seventh Sea — Characters

Zante Grett



Zante stands at a strong 5’11’ with a stocky yet surprisingly agile build, light yet visibly muscular. His skin is tanned from years spent outside in the Lician daylight, his hands rough and covered in little scars and scrapes. His general aura is one of roguish dangerous charm. Handsome, yet cold. His icy blue gaze gives moments of fleeting almost angry intensity, but more often feels detached, perhaps even empty. His hair is kept in an unruly mop which sometimes covers his right eye – he’ll brush it out of the way but it stubbornly refuses to be tamed. Perhaps his most distinctive feature is the long, thin scar which runs from to the bottom of his well-defined cheekbone.

Zante puts a lot of value into how he dresses, both when adopting meticulous disguise and when going about his daily business. He generally aims to dress both smart and functional, topping off outfits with fancy cloaks with rich embroidery whilst always concealing a bulky belt equipped with a menagerie of trinkets and tools. He favours dark colours, especially blues and greys. When on the job, he wears a distinctive theatre-style mask which covers only the left side of his face. His dress sense has earnt him a number of aliases – most commonly ‘The Half-Masked Thief’, but also ‘The Gentleman Thief’.

A scoundrel and a rebel, Zante is a rogue of exceptional talents, and none of them the sort by which a man makes an honest living. A man of many masks, he’s street-smart, quick-thinking and limitlessly resourceful, capable of playing a thousand different roles and leaving his victims none-the-wiser. One minute he’ll play the part of the charming flamboyant gentleman, the next a ruthless crook. A self-styled bad-boy, he carries himself with cocksure charisma and a sense of invincibility - whether proudly recounting tales of his criminal exploits, dodging and parkouring away from pursuers or plunging his trusty knife into your abdomen, the same sly smile remains on his face. A madman’s smile, an idiot’s smile, an adrenaline junkie’s smile. Almost like the world is a game to him and he’s found a cheat code. No challenge is beyond his ability to find an ingenious, playful solution. His charisma and his infamy draw people to him, but his tendency to backstab everybody around him has left him few allies and an increasing trail of bitter rivals. Quieter moments reveal a man far more methodical than he usually lets on, though he is quick to pull the curtain over and change the subject.

The man behind the mask, the real Zante, remains a distant enigma. Coasting on the adrenaline rush of a life lived constantly on the run, he’s driven by a compulsive desire to prove himself, no matter the cost. Pushing people away has become his default defence mechanism, afraid of letting people see the man within for fear of disappointing them. Though there’s compassion and kindness somewhere beneath those stony eyes, he’s forgotten how to find them. He’s hardened himself to his deep-set desire for personal growth – embracing his status as a master criminal excuses a multitude of sins and destructive behavioural patterns. Arrogance and self-loathing are, after all, two sides of the same self-destructive coin. He daren’t pause and reflect upon some of his crimes for fear that he might cripple his conscience. His insatiable desire to prove himself is connected to a deep sense of emptiness which no successful heist can fill, which he inadvertently perpetuates through pushing people away. His fierce self-sufficiency and proud independence have left him struggling to build lasting connections, perhaps out of fear of disappointing people around him, or an awareness of the hollow person he’s become. Though his charm and attentiveness allow him to quickly see through people, he’s completely blind to his own deepest desires and needs, slow to trust and quick to change the subject away from what he really wants.

Zante is also driven by his complex relationship with his older brother Virge, a one-sided sibling rivalry which blends envy with pride and heart-felt affection. Zante arrives in Kael chasing his brother’s last known footsteps before his disappearance. His arrival also serves as an excellent business opportunity – no thief has succeeded in stealing the legendary ‘Jewel of Kael’. Until now…

Zante was born Paxia, an island city near the abyssal border between Licia and Teztra. As a commoner, his father Avanti spent most of his time conscripted in the army, only able to return home for one month every year to reunite with his wife, Marsia, and two boys, Virge and Zante. Food and finance were hard to scrape by – Licia was losing the war, and badly. Nevertheless, Marsia kept a brave face and tried to raise her boys with a hopeful smile. As the Last Great War reached its dying stages, the allied armada of Vequa and Teztra, financed by the merchants of Neo-Utopia, broke through the front lines of the Lician Navy. Recognising that defeat was within sight, the Lician army summoned their remaining warships as a last line of defence, which clashed against the alliance in the skies above Paxia. As a distraction tactic, the Teztran commander ordered his fleet to bombard the city below; what wasn’t torched in the initial attacks soon found itself reduced to rubble in the crossfire of the desperate battle to come. Thus, in a cruel twist of fate, both Avanti and Marsia perished within hours of each other on the same battlefield, leaving behind the infant Virge and the baby Zante.

Too young to remember any of the battle, Zante grew up alongside his older brother in an orphanage in the ruined city, with no memories of his parents of his own, only second-hand tales. Despite reparations paid by the Sheikhs of Teztra after the Neo-Utopian Treaty saw the end of the war, restoration efforts were slow, with much of the foreign aid being gobbled up by the Lician Elite, the greedy noble class who were more interested in restoring the beauty of their manors and gardens than feeding hungry commoners. Whilst some of the children were traumatised by their memories of the war, Zante was blessed with the ignorance of having been too young to remember anything different. The orphanage owners – three widowed ladies who themselves had lost everything – were kind and well-intentioned, but the sheer quantity of orphans packed into their walls meant even from a young age Zante and his peers spent a lot of time unattended, fending for themselves.

As the children grew older, a natural hierarchy began to emerge within the group. As one of the older children, Virge quickly gained an aura of paternal maturity beyond his years. Well-mannered and well-behaved, he drew the respect of both the other kids and the orphanage matrons, who gave him special responsibilities in assisting with teaching and organising housework. The ladies would never admit it, but Virge was very much their favourite child, who they loved lavishing with praise. When he wasn’t helping out around the orphanage, Virge spent much of his time indoors exploring the orphanage’s library. Having taught himself to read, the matrons often encouraged him to pursue his gift for academia, purchasing him new books as special treats. Nevertheless, his favourite books were always fictional, tall tales of gallant knights and heroes from other worlds who saved lives and changed people.

In contrast to his brother, Zante spent most of his time running amok on the ruined streets and getting up to all sorts of mischief. Braver and bolder than most of the other kids, he’d always turn out to be the ringleader when the kids got into trouble. He was equally as popular among his peers but the absolute bane of the orphanage matrons’ existence – having tried various forms of discipline, they soon gave up all together, not bothering to waste what limited time and resources they had on an apparent lost cause. Pushing him to be more like his brother only seemed to make the boy do something even more foolhardy. Despite the wedge that was being forced between them, the two brothers still enjoyed each other’s company, and Virge often entranced the illiterate Zante by reading him his favourite novels. As he grew older, Zante found that his fellow orphans were unwilling to join him in his increasingly reckless antics, but this didn’t stop him. Whilst Virge taught the orphans by day, Zante spent the nights honing his craft as a pickpocket, climbing onto roofs, sneaking around the streets and sparring with other young rebels.

When Virge turned 18, the matrons held a ‘graduation ceremony’ in appreciation of his assistance over the years. Taking to the stage, Virge surprised everybody by announcing that he had decided to not take up a scholarship offer for Licia’s university, and that he would instead be joining an Adventurer’s Guild. Despite their initial doubts, the matrons were soon overjoyed when newspaper trimmings chronicling the young adventurer’s discoveries in the field reached Lician soils. These achievements served as further material to lambast Virge’s ‘failure’ of a brother. Without the presence of his brother, who had been by his side since birth, Zante grew increasingly restless, which resulted in increasing trouble. The city had been restored but he missed the wild playground of how things were before.

Three years later, shortly after his 16th birthday, Zante vanished overnight, a stowaway on a merchant skyship. Within a couple of years, his name also found its way to the newspapers, though under vastly different circumstances. A rudimentary hand-drawn mugshot of a young man with a snarling grin with the following text underneath: ‘WANTED: Zante Grett, alias ‘The Half-Masked Thief’'. As Virge’s discoveries grew in number, so too did the number in the ‘reward’ section under Zante’s mugshot, as rumour mills within the associated press began to draw connections between well-known robberies and the young thief. Left to fill in the gaps to make newspaper stories that would sell, publications varied dramatically in their narration of events. Whilst some condemned him as a black-hearted villain and spun increasingly melodramatic tales of his nasty character, others depicted him with an almost cult-like admiration as a flamboyant enigma. After all, nobody else would leave a calling card at the scene of a crime and still get away with it.

Zante is skilled with a variety of weapons, blessed with natural athletic talent which has been honed through years scrapping on the streets. Whilst able to hold his own in a swordfight, his weapons of choice are a set of combat knives which he can keep easily on his belt and hidden under his sleeves. Even if you think he’s been disarmed, there’s always another knife hidden somewhere, ready to save him from a sticky situation. Many of these knives are expendable, but there is one knife which is precious to him. An ornate weapon with intricate engravings on it its hilt, he only ever uses it for close combat so as to never be without it. It almost feels like another part of his body to him. In addition to his hidden knives, Zante has recently acquainted himself with a particularly dubious inventor from Neo-Utopia, who has outfitted him with a mechanism built into his shirt that acts as a hidden crossbow. The invention is a work in progress, not yet battle-tested and not very easy to reload.

Among the many criminal skills Zante learnt in his first years out on his own, the young thief finally learnt how to read. Though his remarkable drive and one-track focus on his criminal antics leave him little spare time, his fleeting downtime is often filled with reading, both local history, news and fiction. However, his handwriting remains woefully poor and his spelling leaves much to be desired.

Reyna Mathilde Claribel Patrixe

Some have adopted 'Rey' as a nickname.


Reyna is lithe of a delicate frame at 5'3", and at first glance a young and wide-eyed woman. She holds herself with an uptight posture, and carries an air of dignity as expected of a young noblewoman, but inevitably lacks any notable muscle or athleticism. Though her appearance is anything but meek or unassuming: mossy green eyes reflect an almost childlike fascination and joy, their surprising warmth conflicted starkly by her long, flowing white hair. Such an uncommon trait, Reyna is easily identifiable in a crowd to her chagrin. She is quite pale for her years spent indoors with a slight spattering of freckles across her nose, but otherwise almost entirely unmarred skin with perhaps only a handful of tiny, near unnoticeable scars from childhood escapades.

Underneath, someone can catch her more solemn glances reflective of a refined and confused woman, a flicker of frustration simmering below the surface. Reyna is most at home in dresses of various styles adorned with embellishments not suited for travel, revelling in the beauty of craftsmanship across the full spectrum of colours and expensive fabrics. She does not even own a cloak to at least drape, never having had a need. Practicality in dress is merely beyond her consideration.

Reyna is a sheltered Baron's daughter, desperate to find herself. One would expect a soft-spoken girl of polite manners, which she is expertly trained in albeit not well-practiced. Any who encounter her quickly discover she desperately does not want to fit the mould crafted her for, with a bold strength of spirit. If anything she is better described as outspoken and headstrong, seemingly confident in what she wants whilst at her core being deeply unsure. Her worldview is a keyhole, but her desire to slam open the door and experience and see all the world has to offer lights a fire in her eyes and truthfully her only driving force as a form of rebellion. Though sporting an undeniable passion, it is rather unfocused resulting in a girl who is easily excited and enthusiastic.

She is well educated, and hard-working in her studies, enjoying the feeling of improving and learning. It is also clear she is naturally clever and perceptive, paired with a sharp wit and tongue. The unfortunate mix of education and naivety results in Reyna as a rather obtrusive figure, with her exceptionally curious nature as she relentlessly questions all that she encounters. She does not accept 'no' or brief answers, having becoming accustomed to a majority of her whims or requests being fulfilled with little thought. Though her stubbornness portrays her spoiled upbringing, it remains a solid thread underlying her being: she does not know when to quit, and has a fairly black-and-white view of the world. Her status results in different treatment, something which she has grown to abhor and wishes to shed in preference of finding who she wants to become, yet it is rather impossible to shake with how clearly she stands apart from those around her.

Scepticism, particularly of the world she does not know, has been ingrained in her over the years, but it cannot overcome her naïve views and overtly idealistic hopes leading to an inner turmoil. Rebellious by nature, Reyna is resistant to do what is demanded or requested of her, yet she feels deeply and expresses compassion and kindness. Something easy to prey upon and manipulate, especially as she is less adept in concealing how she feels and often does not care to try at all. Reyna is a generous soul, actively interested and comfortable in helping others, perhaps a desperate ploy to build connections that she's always lacked or a genuine act, even she is unaware of her inner complexities. She despises being crossed, however, with a venomous vindictive streak for those who have wronged her.

There is a melancholy to her that she avoids, a mourning of everything she could never be, and a burgeoning wisdom beyond her years and experience that only need to be tempered or shattered by life. Reyna suspects there is more to why she was raised in an obscure fashion, but cannot or refuses to fathom why in favour of looking towards a future that now seems within grasp.

Reyna was born to the Baron Patrixe on the isle of Kael situated in Vequa; there she would remain. She never learnt who her mother was, and only knew her father as a distant yet seemingly omnipotent, omnipresent figure. In her early years, he was oft away in negotiations surrounding the end of the Last Great War. The man may claim his instrumental role in aligning Vequa with Neo-Utopia though he was little more than a vote, and following actions were an opportunistic effort for business, trade, and exorbitant wealth.

As such, Reyna grew up in lavish conditions, a new dress of silk and gems from Irrea each week and countless staff to collect whichever exotic fruit she wanted to try. Her world was limitless, so long as she obeyed one rule—she was not to leave the Patrixe Manor, situated at a higher altitude than the rest of the infrastructure and people of Kael. It was lonely: no siblings, no children her age to chase through the frosted grass, only adults who folded to her any whim, except where it was against any order of her father's.

She was warned by all those around her that it was dangerous outside, with the rising rates of criminality and restlessness amongst the lower classes. Reyna began to learn people had attempted to break in a multitude of times, to steal their wealth, to harm her, or to otherwise take the Baron's fabled treasures, and Reyna was afraid. She clung to the butlers and maids, and soon her tutors too. Reyna revelled in their attention and praise, and found herself enamoured with learning and reading, the safest and only way to experience the world beyond. The cosmic clash of the Titans, the complex wars spearheaded by man, and the fictional stories of princesses, knights and rogues filled her time.

Some memories of her childhood are spotty, for the days continuously blended into one another. Though she always remembered when her father returned home, as a dim stillness settled across the Manor. He cared little for the books she had read, or the new instrument she was perfecting, but would question her magic. Reyna never had anything to report, to his chagrin. Everyone around her assured her she was special, and plausibly powerful, but Reyna was not convinced she cared whether it was true or otherwise. Instead she began to push against his demands, and would test the limits of her existence.

And so Reyna began to wonder if they were trying to keep other people away from her, or her away from other people. She argued with her father, asked questions to which answers were refused, and her endless world inside a Manor suddenly felt smothering. The Baron's puppet strings on Reyna began to sever as she rebelled, becoming a cumbersome child. And so she was fifteen when she first attempted to sneak out, having fantasised for years. At the darkest hour of night, a maid whom she'd confided in spoke in hushed whispers of a worker's back routes through the manor. Reyna decided she would leave and engage in the festivities commemorating the peace secured by Neo-Utopia. Her attempt was thwarted by the lead butler, and she never saw the maid again.

She only tried twice after that, once at sixteen and once at eighteen. At sixteen, she managed to evade the staff, but miraculously found herself becoming groggy and collapsing into a dreamless sleep and awakening in her bed. Increasingly, Reyna is unconvinced and confused by the world fed to her, and only wants to see for herself.

Reyna has not abandoned the hope she may leave and it would be remiss to say her will is slowly whittling away, though she fears another failed attempt.

Though rather sheltered, her education was thorough with the finest tutors recruited to visit and teach regularly on the sorts of things kept to books and not the streets. Theology, history, sciences, languages: all of which she excelled in, partially attributed to being mostly the only thing of interest. It also meant other, new tutors would be brought in and widen her world, if only slight as ever. She was also engaged in various etiquette lessons and other skills, such as learning to play a handful of instruments. She's dabbled in nearly all creative pursuits in vain attempts to fill time, becoming fairly adept at embroidering, sewing, crochet and art with paints and charcoals.

Reyna presumes she has some magical potential—her father, after all, is something of a pre-eminent mage and has been constantly pressuring Reyna into practicing magic. In one of very few acts of rebellion she can muster, Reyna does not respond to his aggressive demands. Truthfully, though, most magic users show some potential unintentionally as they grow or feel the connection, and Reyna has had neither possibly resulting in her rebellion being misplaced, pointless stubbornness. Yet that little voice continues to question...
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Supporting Cast

Major Characters

Anard Fletching, alias Captain Clockwork
If you asked somebody to draw the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word ‘pirate’, the resulting drawing would probably look a lot like Captain Clockwork. A broad-shouldered giant of a man, the captain stands at a bulky 6’5’’, and whilst the advancing years have blessed him with a beer belly, he’s still clearly very muscular. Jet black hair cascades out in unruly waves from beneath his wide-brimmed captain’s hat, and a raucous, booming laugh is never far from his wide, toothy grin.

Known for years as ‘Captain Whiskey’, he adopted his new moniker after the loss of various appendages lead him to seek out mechanical alternatives. In place of his missing right hand, he has a mechanical slot onto which he can attach one of several weapons. In place of his missing left leg, he has a mechanical prosthetic equipped with several tricks. Both of these are usually kept hidden under his baggy captain’s coat. And finally, in place of a pirate’s traditional eyepatch, he has a surgically-attached clockwork monocle with lens of various intensity and zoom which serve as a built in mono-binocular. Once built purely to counteract shortsightedness in one eye, his over-reliance on this fancy tool has now left his other eye weak, which means he's often seen squinting.

Clockwork presents himself like as stereotypical pirate – loud, brash and full of macho vigour. His stories of high-seas swashbuckling are as limitless as his appetite for liquor. He laughs in the face of danger, spits on the feet of authority, and stops at nothing to defend the honour and safety of his crew, who are like family to him. His charisma and boundless energy is infectious and draws people to him. The big man also has a big heart, protecting his friends with fierce loyalty and showing surprising levels of compassion for a reckless vagabond.

This bombastic character is a front for the real man within, who is far more intelligent and calculating than he ever lets on. Whilst he’s disarming you with endless alcohol and tales of foolhardy adventure, he’s actually sizing you up, figuring out your weaknesses. In the rare, quiet moments when the mask slips, you’ll instead find yourself sat with a contemplative, almost morose figure full of worldly wisdom, weary cynicism and regretful self-loathing. He values self-expression above everything else, especially other peoples, even when this self-expression is antagonistic towards his own wellbeing – this can lead to a surprising sense of paralysation, especially when it comes to taking another person’s life. Though the thrills of life on the run and his care for his crewmates keeps him going, there’s also a sense of aimlessness to his behaviour, almost like he lost his purpose somewhere along the way.

Born in Licia, the young Fletching was a promising soldier whose intelligence and skill as a military tactician saw him quickly rise through the ranks of the Lician navy. Not much is known about his upbringing, but from his position of power within the army he soon grew familiar with the various inequalities of Lician society. This sense of widespread injustice motivated him to work tirelessly for his cause, and he claimed many lives as a member of the infamous Lician ‘Azure Platoon’, a small, merciless attack squadron whose name spread fear across the central layer. He justified killing after killing as necessary for the defence of Licia, which he vowed to change by rising to the top.

Before his conscription, the idealistic Fletching had married his childhood sweetheart and soon fathered a daughter. As reward for his mounting war-crimes, the Lician navy paid the Fletchings handsomely, giving the young soldier’s family a life of luxury in the Lician capital. Though she had once shared his ambitions, she grew increasingly aware of the growing disconnect between the man she had once loved and the monster who stood in front of her. Until eventually, after a dramatic argument, she stormed out, taking his infant daughter away and fleeing the capital, terrified of a man she now barely recognised.

In the aftermath, the penny finally dropped for Fletching. He had sacrificed everything, and yet all this time he had still remained powerless to change the deep-set injustices of the world around him. Soon after, he deserted the army, the Azure Platoon fading into obscurity soon after without their master tactician. As the Lician defences crumbled and the last bastions of the navy were decimated in the final days of the war, Fletching had already garnered a name for himself as an outlaw and a pirate. In the aftermath of the last battle, Fletching eventually discovered that his wife had perished, gone without ever getting the chance for him to say goodbye.

In the decades that followed, Fletching gradually made a name for himself in the criminal underworld. Whilst generous towards his fellow outlaws, his disdain for the noble elite never left, and a number of high-profile robberies on the seas have seen him to ascend to the rank of #9 most wanted criminal. He wears his infamy with a proud grin. In time, the pirate learnt that his long-lost daughter had in fact survived the law, having been taken into refuge in the convent of healers after demonstrating a natural ability for light magic. The pair have a complex relationship, with Fletching’s adoration for his offspring remaining somewhat unrequited.

Outside of drinking, Fletching’s favourite hobby is inventing. His mechanical limbs and specialised ‘eyepatch’ are all his own inventions, although he did get a helping hand from a certain Neo-Utopian inventor. His private quarters are full of various trinkets and gadgets, most of which have failed to see the light of day. His skyship is a stolen Lician warship which despite looking rather worse for wear is outfitted with various modifications to help it adapt to the varying conditions of each sea, along with an exorbitant amount of cannons. Her name is Marjory, and he refers to it with fatherly love.

Antagonists & Other Characters
Admiral Asulpus

An imposing man of great presence, whose brown eyes burn with an icy passion, always dressed in tidy uniform and a tight cravat. Maintains a muscular fit physique despite his advancing years, and his balding hairline is hidden under his naval hat, what little grey hair he still has left grown into an impressive shoulder-length mane.

Once one of Vequa’s most feared commanders, Asulpus now serves as a high ranking officer under the unified government. He hates any and all criminals, perceiving the law as a strict absolute and any transgression of it no matter how minor as an unforgettable sin. As such, he pursues criminals relentlessly, and his success in capturing a number of high-ranking rogues has gained him widespread infamy. He is driven by neither riches nor desire for fame, but the desire to see his twisted vision of justice carried out – ironically, he will even twist the laws he claims are absolute in order to achieve his goals. His strict perfectionism and high standards mean even his own crew are terrified of him.

Greil Agbannon

A tall, dark-skinned man of Irrean blood with a strong build and a quiet aura. Even his bald, shaved head bulges with muscles. His eyes are a distinctive, piercing blue. Carries himself with a serene, peaceful aura.

Greil is the faithful, competent butler of the Patrixe family. For over a decade, his watchful eye has kept Patrixe manor in order, and his martial prowess has proven instrumental in stopping the many trespassers who sought to gain possession of the manor’s legendary treasure. Polite, refined and surprisingly warm mannered, yet capable of harsh discipline. He is also a faithful member of the Vita Alleulu, an ancient faction of mercenaries who exert a quiet influence over the noble families of the central layer, subtly driving decisions in service of their mysterious purposes. Mysterious purposes that seem to revolve around Reyna Patrixe...

Dr Tarkin Goth

A lanky, skinny man whose pallid skin clings to his bones, and whose dusty clothes hang loosely from his elongated limbs. His eyes are hidden behind thick, shaded glasses, giving him an uneasy presence where you’re never quite sure where he’s looking.

Once an army medic, Goth’s eccentricity and fascination with conducting his own experiments saw him set up his own workshop in the lower levels of Neo-Utopia. He’ll work on projects for anybody, fraternising with all manner of shady characters providing they’re willing to finance his experiments and allow him the creative freedom he’s forbidden under the law. His peculiar manner and total lack of people skills have earnt him few friends.

Shanna Fletchin-Bettinelli

A slight young woman in her mid-20s. Though she lacks her father’s giant presence, she has inherited his jet-black hair and emerald eyes.

Shanna is mild-mannered and reserved, in many ways the opposite to the father she has attempted to disassociate from. Nevertheless, his rebellious blood clearly runs in her too – having sworn to a life of celibacy and sacrifice to heal others like all light mages, she decided to run away and pursue her own goals. She also shares his big heart and compassionate nature which, coupled with her general naivety, has frequently lead her into dangerous and ill-advised situations. She has recently eloped with the son of a Vequan nobleman, running away in pursuit of her forbidden love. Neither she nor her sheltered beau are well-equipped for life on the road.

Chitho Ben Santor

A tall, wiry man of Teztran descent with long silver hair tied back behind his dark bandana. His narrow, vacant eyes betray nothing about his age, which could be anywhere from 20 to 40. His expression is impossible to read.

A silent yet ruthlessly efficient member of the Clockwork Crew who joined for unknown reasons a couple of years ago. His private, antisocial nature has earnt him all manner of nicknames and jibes from the rest of the Clockwork Crew, but his skill with a blade has saved the pirates from many scrapes. Appears fiercely loyal to Fletching and provides a threatening presence in tense negotiations.
Supporting Cast

Major Characters

Baron Eldridge Patrixe


With greying black hair and green eyes flecked with hazel brown on the background of a pale complexion, the Baron Patrixe paints a picture of cool collectedness. There is never a hair out of place in how it is gelled down, even if he has worn a hat for hours, the man hating to appear as anything less than meticulously put together. He is only ever found in expensive tailored suits and pointed, shined leather shoes. He cuts a tall, slender figure standing at 6'1", but is never without his walking cane doubling as a focus, topped with a fine crystal. He always carries a pair of spectacles, though only requires them when reading and is thus only occasionally spotted wearing them. Notably, one of the few features that sits outside of his curated image, is a small helping of freckles on his face.

An exceptionally reclusive and enigmatic man, if not somewhat off-putting. He seems to be quite the mourner, having only become further reserved following the passing of his wife. Little is known about the Baron Patrixe beyond rumors in the general population. Eldridge chooses harsher words even were kinder ones may be sufficient and they are often fairly detached. Though, he generally portrays the perfect image for a noble, considerate and representative of the people of Kael, balancing the line of diplomatic and ruthless enough to ensure smooth political discussions that may benefit them. He is a patriotic man, with Vequa being one of his most sensitive points, along with his wife: genuine care manages to shine through the coolness.

Underneath his mostly inoffensive exterior, he is rather controlling, for if things are not done in the ways he desires or demands a frighteningly cool anger reveals itself. It is only furthered revealed in his scheming, calculating nature. He is a man playing a game of chess, with the foresight of ten moves ahead his opponent had not even begun to consider. Some could reasonably liken him to a spider, flies unaware they are in his web before their fate is sealed. Eldridge is a scholarly and wise man, and shockingly down-to-earth should he properly engage in a conversation, with a wealth of life experience beyond the typical noble.

Eldridge Patrixe was born to the Baron Patrixe himself, and is of Kael origin. As the eldest and only son, what was required of him was well-defined, though often precarious in the war-ridden state the nations faced. Vequan nobles were relatively insulated from conflict itself, and had no requirement to volunteer for the military, but Eldridge chose to serve his nation due to his strong magical abilities, often finding himself the tool that provided a much needed edge in battles. He only served for a meagre three years before exiting honourably at his whim, such a luxury not afforded to his fellow soldiers.

It is said he then spent one year at a temple refining his magic, before returning officially to the circles of nobility and poising to take the title of Baron Patrixe from his aging father. He married only one year before his father passed, becoming the new Baron Patrixe in an increasingly hostile environment. Eldridge was amongst the most passionate in Vequa in seeking a solution, and assisted in spearheading the secretive agreement with Neo-Utopia.

Eldridge and his wife, Estelle, were a comfortably private pair but suitably public enough for a noble figures, appearing at the required balls, events and festivals, though particularly the commemoration of peace each year. Then came the tragedy of the loss of his wife to inextricable illness, only a few short years after their marriage. He had no other family, and according to all he had never had a child with his wife and was thereby left alone. He has never made an effort to seek another wife.

As such, rumors spread of his immense wealth and even of a particular jewel guarded closely in his personal manor. The Baron Patrixe was rarely at home, some whispers claiming his absence was driven by heartache, though he spends his time productively with other nobles of Vequa, and in Neo-Utopia discussing and closing business deals that serve to further the prosperity of Kael and himself. Though, not all of his time away from the manor appears to be accounted for by these ventures.

The current Baron Patrixe is renowned for his business prowess, but more so for his magical aptitude. Being of Kael and Vequa, he is inclined to the element of air and wind, but has portrayed a rare mastery over it. He can swiftly dispatch of invaders to his home with a flick of his cane, leaving them begging for air itself. His cane is not for walking—though his initial appearance wouldn't leave one shocked if it were—but rather, the focus he often upgrades or replaces to channel magic.

Antagonists & Other Characters

More coming soon, probably!

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