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Colosseum The Saint of Steam


Reproductive Fiend Extraordinaire

Name: Akukho Kwanto

Nickname: The Saint of Steam, The Sorcerer King, The Worst Best Elementalist

Theme: "Polymorph" - Arkasia

Accent: Simulacrum of Speech.

Gender: Sexless, Male Identifying

Race: Dasimbi (Formerly a Half Elf.)
Dasimbi are mechanical lifeforms animated by the soul of a powerful caster. The less abominable answer to lichdom, where the body is not corrupted into a necromantic being, but is instead constructed from machinery. They have skin made of interlocking metal plates, muscles of spring and elastic, veins filled with lubricant that is magically replenished, bones of much stronger metal, and analog runic organs to match their original living organs. The last keeps them sane, as integrity of body is a requirement.

He weighs 540 lbs/244 kg and stands at 6'4"/1.93 m

Innate Element: Elementalist, Water and Fire Primary and Secondary.

Birth Star: The Sorcerer. He was born under the star of the Sorcerer, as his people have 15 months and 15 major stars between those months. Each star is indicated in the same way as Zodiac signs.

Alignment: Lawful Evil (3x3) Social Impure (5x5)

Main Class: Sorcerer - One who is innately born with the ability to manipulate the world around them. Control the elements on a fundamental level without hearkening to ancient studies, arcane texts or profane deities. Sorcerers have a tendency towards superiority complexes because their power is wholly their own, rather than gained or taken.

Class Archtype: Elementalist - Sorcerers, Wizards, Warlocks and Mages can select to focus on any number of schools of mysticism. Those who choose the school of elementalism manipulate the very makeup of the world itself, the pure elemental energies of nature.

Secondary Archtype: Spellsword - Magic users who find the blade completes their soul are able to channel the magical power they have dominion over through their weapon. They enhance the raw power of the weapon and themselves, achieving a synthesis between equipment and wielder.

Prestige Class: Mystical Cavalier - A rare synthesis of spellsword and cavalier, when one is able to achieve mastery over mounted combat atop their mastery of weaponry and magic. Mystical Cavaliers can rarely achieve a level of mastery where they no longer need a mount, and can fight equally mounted and unmounted, as well as manifest a mount of their own.

Fighting Style: Akukho is a three pronged hybrid warrior, synergizing magical ability with dueling and mounted combat. Utilizing his magic to manifest an elemental mount in the form of a wheel of magma and stone and molten metal. Shifting between mounted and unmounted to confuse his opponent and force them to fight on his terms, Akukho controls the flow of battle beginning to end. His fighting style is more fluid and adaptive than static and defined, he follows certain similar paths to achieve victory, but never the same way twice.

Signature Technique - Elemental Interplay Mastery: As an Elementalist Sorcerer he claims dominion over the natural elements of the world through the use of implanted gems in his mechanical body. He was never a master of each element, but rather a master of the interplay of elements. Each crystal was chosen not for their strength but for their interconnection to other levels. The collective interplay allows him to manipulate the combinations of elements to the fullest of his ability, rather than focusing his efforts to mastery of pure elements. Forward thinking like this built the Machine City that he resides in, the addition of magic to manufacturing opened endless possibilities.

The implanted crystals, with the exception of the Metal and Electric gem, are positioned directly in line with the assumed position of the chakras within the bodies. They are carved in layers, each one corresponding to the chakras that they represent, with the primary chakra directed upward. The Metal elemental crystal is embedded in his right foot and the Electric crystal is embedded atop the ringed horn crown on his head.

Earthen Mookaite Jasper:
-Element: Earth
-Color: Red
-Chakra: Root
-Secondary Chakra(s): Solar Plexus, Third Eye

Saturated Carnelian:
-Element: Water
-Color: Orange
-Chakra: Sacral
-Secondary Chakra(s): Root, Solar Plexus

Burning Peridot:
-Element: Fire
-Color: Yellow
-Chakra: Solar Plexus
-Secondary Chakra(s): Heart

Breathing Ajoite:
-Element: Wind
-Color: Green
-Chakra: Heart
-Secondary Chakra(s): Throat, Third Eye, Crown

Lively Blue Celestite:
-Element: Life
-Color: Blue
-Chakra: Throat
-Secondary Chakra(s): Heart, Third Eye, Crown

Luminous Charoite:
-Element: Light
-Color: Purple
-Chakra: Third Eye
-Secondary Chakra(s): Root, Solar Plexus, Crown

Celestial Dolomite
-Element: Void
-Color: Pink
-Chakra: Crown
-Secondary Chakra(s): All

Shining Hematite:
-Element: Metal
-Color: Silver
-Chakra: Planetary (Drawn through Root Chakra, but external in source. Is not drawn from a specific planet, is more esoteric in definition of "Planetary.")
-Secondary Chakra(s): Root

Sparking Chalcopyrite:
-Element: Electricity
-Color: Gold
-Chakra: Heavenly (Drawn through Crown Chakra, but external in source.)
--Secondary Chakra(s): Crown

Sorcerous powers are drawn from a powerful internal well of life essence, referred to as chakras, strengthened through use of catalysts such as gems and artefacts. While he is capable of manipulating each of these elements innately, these crystals heighten his power to a staggering level.

The degree to which he is capable of mixing elements is so advanced as to achieve functionally impossible combinations.

Fire and Water: Steam
Fire and Earth: Lava
Fire and Metal: Molten Metal
Fire and Air: Smoke
Fire and Void: Pressure (Cavitation Bubble)
Fire and Electricity: Plasma
Fire and Light: Holy Fire (Abstract: Damages undead and demons to a much greater degree.)
Fire and Life: Coal

Water and Earth: Mud
Water and Metal: Rust (Abstract: Clings to metal and ruins edges.)
Water and Air: Vapor
Water and Void: Ice
Water and Electricity: Direct Charge
Water and Light: Focused Light Ray
Water and Life: Null

Metal and Air: Null
Metal and Void: Instant Welding (On contact with other metals, instantly fuses to them as if they were welded.)
Metal and Electricity: Magnetism
Metal and Light: Reflection (Abstract: Reflects whatever strikes it with the same force that it struck with.)
Metal and Life: Blood Manipulation (Direct body to body contact.)

Earth and Metal: Null
Earth and Air: Sandblast
Earth and Void: Hardened Stone (Vacuum packed mineral.)
Earth and Electricity: Glass
Earth and Light: Null
Earth and Life: Plant Growth

Air and Void: Depressurization
Air and Electricity: Static Field
Air and Light: Null
Air and Life: Null

Void and Electricity: Zero Point Bolt (Perfect Vacuum perfect conductivity.)
Void and Light: Solar Flare (Pure radiation to a level to blast skin off of a body.)
Void and Life: Null

Electricity and Light: Holy Lightning (Abstract: Damages undead and demons to a much greater degree.)
Electricity and Life: Body Empowerment (Self applied, improves body movements and mental prowess ten fold.)

Advanced fusions of elements, consisting of 3 or more, are done on the fly and consist primarily of reactions that can only take place in the existence of other interplays. Such as pistons being vacuum sealed so steam can't escape.

It is absolutely necessary to state that there are two different methods of elemental application that can be employed, and their application is immediately noticeable in the different application.

-Manifestation: Manifested elemental offenses are performed by generating the elements necessary and directing them. The elements themselves are magically formed, but their existence is drawn from somewhere else in reality. When they are formed, they are no longer magical. They are directed and can be controlled by the second method of application.

-Manipulation: Manipulated elemental offenses are performed by altering the state of the elements and controlling them as if they were an extension of the body.

Enhanced Traits:
With a body made of runic machinery he is far more physically capable than even the most physically fit, genetically perfect organic lifeform. His skin is hardened steel interlocking plates, his muscles are cables and springs, his bones are tungsten plated, his pseudo-organs are bronze. The durability of the body allows him to perform absurd feats of strength, speed and resilience. He can sunder armor with a blow, break bones with his grip, and tear skin with his fingers.

Though much heavier than a man the body is so many degrees stronger that it can move much faster and more efficiently. Able to turn every joint 270 degrees before reaching the absolute limits of flexibility. A single full bodied blow, using the full weight of his mechanical form, can devastate the body of even fully armored and well trained fighters. Shattering bones, bursting organs, puncturing skin and sending shockwaves through the soft tissues.

His mind is unrestricted by the form of flesh, there is no lagtime between thought and action, and there is a much faster processing speed. Casual thought sits at five to ten times the speed of human thought. In times of great crisis or stress this processing bumps to fifteen to twenty times that of the human mind.

Physical Feats:
Predicted and captured a Displacer Beast mid jump, catching it just as it phased back into reality.

Was fired upon by an army of soldiers, whose arrows blotted the sun with their saturation, and prevented four hundred arrows from hitting his body. Leaving a neat five foot diameter circle of unsullied earth in the midst of a totally pin-cushioned battlefield.

Broke every bone in a Storm Giant's body, using a club three times his own size and twice his weight.

Tore the jaw of an Ancient Golden Dragon clean from its head, when it swallowed him whole. He then used the dislocated jaw to strangle it, by mounting his neck and pulling from behind.

Has arm wrestled a member of every species he has met, and won.

Magical Feats:
He is an omnidirectional body caster, where he can utilize any element or interplay of elements from any point on his body.

Developed a specialized mount that could be used equal parts as a weapon and ride to elevate himself in combat. It is known as the Hellwheel, and it operates as the ultimate distinguisher between himself and other mounted warriors. The use of a steed, no matter how mighty, puts one's physical abilities in the control of one that you must control vicariously. Through the use of the Hellwheel, he has total control over his movement without any restriction. He has found that the only ones capable of matching his cavalry ability are Centaurs.

Operates a machine weapon known as the "Whitesnake." It is referred to because of its ivory handle and shining white blade. Through use of elemental interplay, this mechanical tool is able to shorten into a longsword or extend into a bladed lucerne hammer. It extends and contracts at his will, it acts as a part of his body.

Though he is no master of the elements, he has dueled a master of every single element in single elemental combat and bested all of them. Matching element with element, he used his combination of skill and prowess, he bested them through cleverness rather than raw magical power.

Again, despite his lacking mastery of elements, he is capable of impressive feats for each element when pushed to their absolute limit. Range and Potency are sliders, effectively, he cannot use it at maximum potency and range at the same time.
-Fire: Melt Steel on Contact or 10 Feet/3 meters
-Water: Cut through Steel or 10 Feet/3 meters
-Earth: Lift 10 tons of Earth or 50 Feet/15 meters
-Metal: Tear iron from blood on Contact or 5 feet/1.5 meters
-Air: Cushion a sundering blow from a demigod who broke a mountain with a single blow or 50 feet/15 meters
-Void: Consume all of the magic that makes direct contact with a seven inch diameter orb of emptiness or erase all of the air in a 5 foot radius, creating a bubble of emptiness. (The larger bubble is less potent, but still totally empty. The smaller orb is concentrated conceptual nothingness.)
-Electricity: Totally lock up the muscles of a dwarf or 10 feet/3 meters
-Light: Burn the retinas out of any who look at the light source. Light magic is potent and only diminishes at very great distances.
-Life: Raise the recently dead, so long as their body is still warm and blood is still oxygenated. Life magic is potent and exclusively short ranged.

Whitesnake: A merging of machine and magic, ivory carved from the teeth of dragons, star steel that descended from the heavens in ancient times. Its materials alone are so durable that the very act of forging this weapon took ten lifetimes to finally work into shape. The runes carved into the length of the handle and blade took another decade alone, further adding to the durability and innate regenerative ability of the weapon itself.

When matched against magical weaponry of equal or lesser caliber, its magical nature is levied as an equalizer. On contact with magical artifacts it reads the durability, enhanced magically or otherwise, and raises the force to make the strength and durability of both the artifact and itself meaningless. Totally rendering the enhanced nature of the tools meaningless. Obviously this has no effect on weaponry that raises its effectiveness through things such as elemental magic or energy.

The tool Whitesnake is directly connected to his own magical alignment. It feeds directly from his body, allowing him to manipulate its extension and collapsability directly, as well as channel his interplayed magic elements straight to the striking point.

Drakeskin Cloak: A magic nullifying and virtually indestructible elastic cloak that can be stretched to cover his entire body. Only works against basic magic, spells that would fall under the category of cantrips. It is mostly a cosmetic piece, but it has its uses.
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