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Fandom The Sacred Twelve (Closed) - A Percy Jackson Roleplay



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Camp Half-Blood was supposed to be a safe haven. A place where demigods around the country even world could gather, train and most importantly learn how to protect themselves. What went wrong?

It started off subtle. A camper on a seemingly-easy quest went missing, never to be seen again. Which was already enough to send a red flag. The same day, rain and gushing winds started. Of course, with the Camp's magical boundary, the sole area of camp remained dry and unharmed however, the mortal world was battered with heavy rain, high-speed winds, tornadoes, hurricanes and even earthquakes. The one thing that alerted and alarmed the camp the most was the fact that eventually started experience things that never happened before. Rain drops or even sometimes harsh winds started effecting camp from inside. From inside the boundary. Something no demigod had ever witnessed or encountered. The weather outside was not even supposed to bypass the boundary in the first place. The whole camp was alarmed and on edge these past few months.

It didn't take long to figure out that something weather related was occurring and that ultimately was aimed towards the weather gods. Something happened but none knows of what actually happened. It was later that Chiron managed to find out what happened. It was in fact behind the weather gods. Some died, some went into hiding from the threats that surfaced, Some kidnapped. Only that or they were not the only one that were targeted.

Around the same time a bit after, the twelve Olympians seem to have also gone missing in action. The camp's atmosphere was rather tense. Such a situation and state of crisis, yet, no prophecy was being given out. No quest being sent. The Olympians had all but disappeared, staying in Olympus every day, not communicating with their children as per usual. Even Mr. D seemed to have migrated back to Olympus. If anyone thought that communications between the gods and their children... think twice now. When will a prophecy will be set free?

Coded by Invidia | Hidden Scroll
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It was not just the camp boundaries that had been acting weird. Even Felicity was. Waking up at 7 am in the morning was not something she did on a day to day basis. Not quite. However, the tension that the campers were under seemed to have effected her that way. Everyone around camp was running around camp like a headless chicken not knowing what to do because with all this havoc already, no guidance or prophecy was given. How could that be?

Knowing Felicity, she would rather be lounging in the usual sunlight of day rather than all these clouds and winds. They were messing with her hair and to top it off the weather had been given her nothing but migraines. She forgot what those felt like years ago when the camp boundaries were properly functioning. It was only a few minutes later that a buzz was heard throughout the cabin followed by multiple groans of her siblings. As counselor for the Aphrodite Cabin the female made sure they at least contributed in aiding the camp. Of course she didn't want her cabin full of bimbos to be excluded. It was tough but Fee can be very much persuasive till everyone accepted. So she set up a rule; When the alarm clock strikes, everyone up on their feet and ready to start the day. By the Gods how it was killing her. Turn of events she was actually waking up before the alarm clock actually struck.

Her cabin was a strong believer of beauty sleep and being interrupted always caused war in the cabin of love. Ironic is it not?

That being said it was mandatory so Fee stripped the sheets off of her and swung her feet at the edge of her bed stifling a silent yawn, stretching her physique. Gods she hated mornings. If only she could talk time into taking longer when it came to mornings. But to her dismay, it couldn't happen. That being said the female pranced her way to her storage chest taking out her outfit for the day. Wearing olive colored shorts, her orange camp shirt with a jean jacket and matching olive flats. Despite not feeling it today, she still wanted to look her best.

As she walked by the bunks she slipped sheets of her siblings' bunks earning her a trail of annoyed groans, "Come on sleepy heads, beauty sleeps are over." Fee chided as she settled at the make-up table which was full of cosmetics. One thing that needed some work, despite natural beauty, was her face. She felt slight darkened under eyes from the lack of her sleep. It was horrendous and needed to be dealt with. Nothing like no eye concealer cannot fix, hopefully. Followed by nice lashes and some nude colored gloss to complement her rather tanned complexion. She would doll herself up tonight for the camp fire no issues there. She already had some fair suitors to which she declined. Looking at herself in the mirror she frowned this and there as she contemplated whether to put her hair up or down. Repeating it a couple times.

"I suggest you keep your hair down." a male shared his suggestion, "It makes your face look less puffy."

She let out a gasp as she looked at her face. It did seem a bit puffier due to lack of sleep. Cameron, her brother was right. She pouted and let her natural wavy locks down, "How dare you?? Though I hate to admit you're right." Fee hated what this lack of sleep was doing to her but if she didn't follow her own stupid rule than she wouldn't be a good figure. That being said she got up and faced the blonde male, "You guys going at the springs today?"

Cameron let out a chuckle, "If the weather permits it. Yeah, that's a thing to worry about now. We're heading to grab a bite before. See ya around Fee." the male bid her farewell before emerging out of the perfume infested cabin with a group of her siblings. Felicity's stomach let out a grumble, signalling that she should probably do the same thing. Sprinkling a little vanilla and strawberry perfume she felt a confidence boost to her signature scent. With that she headed out for a yet another brand new day of tension.

The female groggily made her way to the Dining Pavilion, trying to make herself look presentable, succeeding nonetheless. Even though if anyone remotely close to her saw her, they would pick up the fact she was in a disastrous state. Groggy Fee is a no good Fee. Keeping an eye out for her friends, she hoped it would be that one day where she attracted every single camper. It was natural but she felt horrible. Grabbing her breakfast, she made her way towards the table of Aphrodite near her siblings and sat down before setting the plate which contain a little bit of salad and some chicken bits. She was starving but felt no energy to eat. Gods she needed a jolt and boost, "Why can't it just be night again? Eugh." with that she popped a piece of chicken between her lips and chewed slowly.

Location Cabin 10 > Dining Pavilion | Mood Groggy | Outfit ❤❤❤ (Camp Shirt instead)
Scenario So...so starving.
Parent Aphrodite | Item Demeter

Coded by Invidia | Hidden Scroll
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Violets started turning into a nice orange to expose the beautiful morning that uncovered. Narcissa had been on the roof of Hermes' Cabin all night. Enjoying what the night provided. Silence. It was so peaceful. At least the little peace that the camp had to offer during these times. She could hear owls cooing in the distant forests all around. Panicked, trying to seek shelters from the horrible weathers that was occurring. Totally out of control.

At least, last night was fairly quiet and calm considering the previous ones. She couldn't remember the last time she had a proper night on the roof. It seemed that it was her bed rather than the crowded bunks in Hermes Cabin. Speaking of which, it was about time she moved out. It was only about a week ago that her mother, Nyx 'claimed' her officially in Camp Half Blood. Being embedded in darkness for the second time in her life was something she totally didn't mind. It was about time. She was growing so tired of the fact that she was getting mistaken for a child of Hades all the time. For a fact she was not as strong to be the daughter of such powerful gods. Quite the contrary. In fact, if it wasn't for her skills in fencing and well acquainted with her rapier, she would be incapable of fighting and just hide in the shadows. That being said it was no longer her and her closest friend here, the daughter of Lyssa, Olivia that knew Nyssa was a daughter of Nyx. Now that she was officially Camp Half-Blood claimed.

Speaking of Olivia, she had to have a little chat with that raging blonde. It always amazed her how such a little blonde could unleash so much rage. How, was beyond her. With a nice stretch she scooted off and carefully led herself down Hermes' cabin to find her fellow blonde friend, hoping she would be somewhere around.

Location Cabin 11's Roof | Mood Confused | Outfit ☾☾☾
Scenario Another night... Another day.
Parent Nyx | Item Hades
Tags: Olivia ( Play On Words Play On Words )

Coded by Invidia | Hidden Scroll
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[ outfit - hermes ;; location - cabin 11 > dining pavilion ;; mood - what the fuck kyle ;; tags - n/a ]

"Kyle, where the fuck is my shirt?"

It was tough living in the Hermes' cabin; the constant of stealing and hiding belongings, wind gushing around due to a kid rushing around trying to find their phone and the faint smell of axe deodorant. It had been four years ago when young, rebellious Ronan entered the camp and he was still struggling to get by. The cabin was bustling with life, kids from all different backgrounds speeding around and bumping into each other. It was still a weird concept for Ronan to wrap his head around, all these kids were related to him through his father, Hermes. For his entire childhood, Ronan always lied about his father being the Irish God, Colin Firth, he didn't realise that it was true - well, half true. Ronan stomped around until he found one of his half-brothers, Kyle, relaxing on his bed with earbuds shoved in his ears.

"Kyle, Kyle!" Ronan cried, grabbing an innocent pillow from the floor and slapping against Kyle's head. Kyle jumped slightly in shock, pulling his earbuds out with an annoyed look flashed across his face. "What?"

"Where's my shirt? I let you borrow it last," Ronan sighed, throwing the pillow at an empty bed.

A small ginger female appeared leaning against the door frame with a smirk face and her bright green eyes magnified by her thick glasses, "Actually Ronan, you gave it to Harrison last," The female grinned, pushing her glasses back.

Ronan chewed the inside of his cheek, he was not in the mood for the cabin's Miss know-it-all. The brown haired male groaned, plastering a plastic smile at Miss know-it-all, "Don't you have a spell to cast, Weasley?"

His voice was blunter than he intended; Ronan felt regret bubble in his stomach yet before he could get a chance to apologise, Miss know-it-all rushed away with her ginger hair flowing behind her. "Dude, that was harsh."

Ronan tiredly rubbed his hands on his face, shooting Kyle a sharp glance before wandering back to his room. The cramped room was decorated in movie posters, old clothes were scattered across the floor and none of the beds were made. Ronan wandered toward a drawer, groggily pulling out a shirt out of the mess inside the drawer. Recklessly and gawkily, Ronan changed into a semi-clean outfit, tripping over small land mines of clothes. Ronan wasn't even sure if he owned the shirt in the first place, but the Hermes kids were extremely open with each other, only because everyone had the ability to manipulate the locks.

Once he was finally dressed, Ronan strolled out and headed outside, shoving his hands in his jeans pockets and began to make his way to the dining pavilion. It felt like entering his cabin once more. The loud wave of chatter crashed over him as Ronan groggily grabbed himself breakfast, picking up an off-white plate and throwing anything edible onto his plate. Ronan spun on his heels and noticed Felicity sitting down eating chicken, looking like an evil twin replaced her instead. Ronan scoffed at the sight, hearing his stomach grumble for food before heading towards the Hermes table and began munching down on his food while his siblings loudly shouted over him.


"Wake the fuck up, bro."

Piper laid on top of her brother's back, confused on why he was still sleeping, since it was, you know, morning. Out of the two of them, usually, Pierce had to drag Piper out of bed when it came to camp. She was surprised he wasn't feeling up to par with his camp counselor persona. Piper hummed as her brother started to rustle underneath her, rolling off of him onto the small, but available space left in his bed. She stared up at the ceiling of Ares' cabin while Pierce groaned, sitting up. "Fine, fine, thanks."

Piper sat up next to him with a big smile, getting up out of his bed. "Just doing my sibling duty." She smirked. "You know I get priority over these other aggressive ass sibs of yours, anyway." And she wasn't wrong, she could tell from the way Pierce rolled his eyes with a small smile. They'd gone through way too much and were still blood, even if half of hers belonged to Apollo and his other half belonged to Ares. Plus, dealing with their mother was a quest in itself.

Pierce yawned as Piper rifled through his dresser for a nicer shirt, because the one he was wearing? Definitely wasn't enough. Piper picked up his camp shirt, making sure it was the one she'd just washed. Boys were so damn filthy, but it seemed like the Ares cabin was worse, due to their BO. She was thankful Pierce let her clean his shit while he was out, otherwise all the sweat he expelled would just join the rest of his siblings' weird smell. Pipes knew it wasn't easy, being in charge of all of them, and making sure they all got through their drills, having certain people out for night watch...Piper didn't know how he did it. She thought he was stressed enough at home, but it seemed like this stress he welcomed. He'd rather be here.

"Yeah, yeah. As my sister, you're the only royal pain in my a--" The shirt Piper threw at him hit him clean in the face, effectively muting the rest of his sentence. A hundred points! Her accuracy was still there. She stuck her tongue out as Pierce grabbed the shirt off of his face and narrowed his eyes. "Keep your shitty opinions to yourself, P." She teased, closing his dresser. "I'll see you in a bit at breakfast, yeah? I gotta return something."

Pierce's face softened as she came over and placed a kiss on his forehead. "Bye, sis." He said, but she was already out the door. He rolled his eyes. Apollo campers never stayed still, he'd thought, and he was correct.

Piper continued on her way, watching as a ginger-haired Hermes camper left her cabin, seemingly upset. Oh. That was probably her fault. Piper took the shirt that was tucked in her back pocket out, holding it on her arms just in case Ronan was nearby. He'd let her borrow it after she'd made a mess with some paints, which was very sweet of him. She'd meant to return it to him earlier, but she'd been distracted with going over songs for the bonfires that would be coming up. Oops. Anyway, she'd washed it just to make sure any paint residue hadn't managed to get on this one, too. Knowing Ronan, and the rest of the campers who were groaning about how hungry they were, she'd find him eating. Piper rolled up the shirt as neat as she could before stuffing it in her back pocket again.

Piper followed the crowd, for once, saying hello to the campers who came over to her to chat with a smile. She felt way more at home here than with her mother, and she was thankful her brother had convinced her to send Piper here, too. She could understand why he loved it so much. Once the campers dispersed when they met the entrance of the dining pavilion, Piper stepped in, scanning the room for the brown-haired boy she was looking for. She grinned when she found him, immediately heading over. She knew she was supposed to eat with her siblings - gotta bond, and everything - but this seemed important, especially since that Hermes camper hadn't looked too okay.

Piper found herself humming again, waiting until Ronan had swallowed his food before she rested her forearms gently onto his shoulders, her curly hair coming down on top of his. She ignored how wild his siblings were - she found it quite amusing, actually - before speaking up. "Did you piss off one of your siblings today, Roe?" She said, a teasing hint in her voice. She knew he probably wasn't a fan of the nickname, but she couldn't help it. Even she had one. "Over something I still have to give back to you?"




Daughter of: Apollo
Item: Artemis' Bow & Quiver
Location: Ares Cabin -> Dining Pavilion
Mood: Up and at 'em!
With: Pierce (formerly), Ronan
Tags: nymphadora. nymphadora.

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Son of: Ares
Item: Apollo's Lyre
Location: Ares Cabin -> to Dining Pavilion
Mood: Feeling Off
With: Piper (formerly)
Tags: N/A

Pierce was in a weird funk that made it difficult for him to get up that morning.

As the feeling settled into his body, into his bones, even, Pierce gritted his teeth. Whatever this feeling was, it seemed to inhibit his movement.

He sometimes got like this the days before little quests, before big quests, before the Oracle would tell them something was wrong...okay, so he got the feeling a lot, what of it? The annoying party was that Pierce could never distinguish which problem it would be until it came up. The feeling, which Pierce was only able to classify as "sinking", tended to stay with him for a few hours after he woke up, and it was true to its habit as soon as his eyes had flickered open that morning. He felt exhausted. He wasn't sure what to do.

Somehow, Pierce thought, there must have been a force that called out to the siblings in your life like a beacon, because he heard the cabin door open and a familiar whistle. He didn't say anything as his sister - real, not god-related - did her usual bit. As she laid on top of him, reminding him of the times when they were young enough to actually play this game, Pierce then, and only then, let out a grunt. He didn't move, however, and that seemed to get her talking.

"Wake the fuck up, bro."

Pierce had to admit, having his sister Piper here with him at camp, in the setting where he felt most comfortable, was so much better than having her at home. Pierce had felt horrible about leaving her the first night they'd been separated, knowing that dealing with their mother wasn't a walk in the park. He knew that summer was the longest they had ever been separated. The moment Pierce had come home, he'd tried to get her into the camp, but since she hadn't been claimed by Apollo yet - that didn't come until right before the next summer - she had no reason to go. It had been infuriating.

Of course, the next summer was when her mother had let the cat out of the bag. Almost at the same time, the two Donovan siblings had deadpanned that there was a reason, now, wasn't there?

Pierce started to move, and Piper did the same, fitting herself into the small space left in his bed. Father, they really were too old for this, but he found himself playing along, anyway. Piper had that kind of way about her. He groaned, sitting up, rubbing the back of his neck as he centered himself. After he'd taken a breath, realizing the sinking feeling had lifted a bit due to his sister's behavior, he spoke. "Yeah, yeah, thanks."

He couldn't see it, but he was certain Piper had a grin on her face. He was right, as she moved out of his bed and found her way to his dresser with a big smile. "Just doing my sibling duty." She said, and he rolled his eyes in response. Pierce could keep himself clean on his own, but Piper just had to make sure everything was fine. He couldn't stop her, and hey. His clothes always smelled fresh, and he had to admit she was right about the smell. He had no idea what to do about that. "Yeah, yeah." Pierce responded dryly. "As my sister, you're the only real pain in my a--"


Pierce felt the shirt hit his face. He should've expected that. When he removed the shirt to glare at his sister, he was met with her blowing raspberries in his direction. Classy, Pipes.

"Keep your shitty opinions to yourself, P." Piper closed his dresser and began walking over. "I'll see you in a bit at breakfast, yeah? I gotta return something."

Pierce's expression changed slightly as Piper kissed his forehead. It was the only thing that reminded him of his mother that didn't make him cringe. He couldn't be mad, now. Dammit. "Bye, sis."

She was already out the door before he'd finished talking. Of course. Something else he should've expected. Piper was pretty popular around camp, so she went everywhere, did everything. If he saw her for longer than a five-minute interval and it wasn't a bonfire, he deemed it a miracle. It was pretty much the same at home, but there was a different air about her. Even she seemed less stressed just by being at camp. It was doing her a lot of good.

Pierce got up, deciding that a shower might calm him down some more. He would've taken the time to go out to the creek, if his body had let him get up earlier. There wasn't any time for that, now. He had to get to breakfast and get back on schedule, or be clowned by his god siblings for being a shitty camp counselor. Ugh.

After fifteen minutes in the shower and five minutes dressing, Pierce donned the shirt Piper had given and stepped out of his cabin with a yawn. He was good to go, now. All he needed was some breakfast to start the day, and seeing his siblings unnecessarily fighting over their good to get him in a better mood. Pierce walked along the path towards the dining pavilion, enjoying the breeze that came along. The weather was so nice, but for some reason, the sinking feeling that stayed in Pierce's stomach still wasn't letting up.

Father, he hated it.

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Finn was, as per usual, on the hunt. Not for monsters or random forest creatures, no, not today, but for news. The dreariness around camp had been dragging on him like a weight around his ankle, and it was time for that to end right about then. He'd been doing everything in his extensive power to lighten people up, be it by convincing the Hermes kids to do some harmless pranks or by exchanging gossip with his favorite girls, the daughters of Aphrodite, the one group of demigods he would never sleep with, which was a rarity for him. After all, whether one counted godly relations or not, they were basically his siblings, particularly due to his relationship with the counselor, Felicity, the woman who was his every half in every way but romantic. Not that he deigned to mention that little tidbit to her boy toy, Flint.

He shook his head in amusement as that thought hit him. Ah, poor Flint. He'd simply wanted an attractive female to roll around with, and look where the poor bastard was. Neither of the pair would ever admit it, particularly to each other, but one touch was all it took for Finn to know the truth - their feelings for each other went beyond a convenient hook-up. It was easier for him to tell with Fee, and he constantly teased her for it, but she liked him, and he seemed to be head over heels, and he was certainly jealous enough to be more than a hookup. What was stopping them? Beyond their crippling pride, of course. Finn's money was on Flint. The poor guy was in over his head, he had no idea how to handle a daughter of Aphrodite. He was simply out of his league, and Finn loved it.

His eyes focused on the table that he always ended up sitting at, ignoring the chiding looks he received from Chiron and the other campers when he did so. He slid to a seat next to Fee, raising an eyebrow at her. "Oh, honey." He said, grimacing slightly. Her features were a bit puffy, which was something that pointed surely to her not getting enough sleep. She wasn't a morning person, why was she already up and at them? "I hope Flint hasn't seen you yet. You are in serious need of a beauty nap." He admitted, stifling laughter. With as perfect as she usually looked, it was always fun for him to tease her when she wasn't a complete beauty queen. "Where is that macho, macho man, out of curiosity? And, while we're on that topic, why are you messing around with him and not his brother? Because he is something to look at." He smirked, snagging a plate and filling his goblet up with coffee, black.

"Seriously, why are you awake already? You look ready to kill, and I'm way too pretty to die." He asked innocently, though his eyes told a completely different story.

Location Dining Pavilion | Mood Groggy | Outfit Casual
Scenario ???
Parent Eros | Item Aphrodite
Tags: revalia revalia - Felicity

Coded by Invidia


Olivia grinned unnervingly at her opponent, cocking her head slightly just to add to the look of insanity on her face. The bulky Ares camper in front of her probably didn't have the brain cells to realize that strength wasn't the only component in a fight, and she never fought fair, so a look of confidence was already on his face. After all, he was the son of the god of war. What shot did a little girl have against him?

"Go easy on me?" She asked in her best, little-kid voice, which was a bit strange with her overlarge grin. But he fell for it, scoffing slightly and looking at one of his siblings for a split second. And in that second, she disappeared, making him pause. She ran forward, dropping to a slide at the last second so a wave of dust and sand went straight into his face, making him stagger backwards. A wordless groan of rage left his mouth, but she didn't hesitate, jerking back to her feet and kicking him in the gut as hard as she could. They were fighting with fists, no weapons, which was probably another factor in his overconfidence, which was something she intended on curing him of.

While he was off balance from his temporary blindness and the kick, she hooked her foot around one of his ankles, trying to knock him off his feet. Unfortunately, she'd greatly underestimated how heavy the ass was, and she did nothing but look like an idiot for a split second. Her foot immediately found a new target, right in the crotch, and he was on his knees in an instant, almost whimpering in pain. She tried to dance away from the increasingly-angry camper, but he got the drop on her, lashing out like a snake. His arm, which was the approximate size and weight as a club, slammed into her side, sending her sailing, making her hit the ground of the arena hard. She could feel a wetness on her knee, she'd probably scraped herself. It didn't matter. What mattered was that she was bleeding, and that was all she needed.

The pain didn't disappear. It just stopped being an issue. She could still feel it, right under the surface, pulsating with every step she took, but it was easily ignored. She ran as fast as she could before jumping, slamming her fist against his jaw. It was the only way she'd be able to reach, was to look like a bad action movie star. A Superman punch... Ridiculous. Nonetheless, it worked, and she was moving once again, kicking the back of his knee with every bit of strength she had, waiting until he was falling to whip her elbow around and slamming it against his neck, making him gag loudly.

"Huh. Maybe I should've gone easy on you." She said, as innocently as possible, brushing the dust off of her. The battle haze was fading, returning the pain to her side and knee, but she ignored it, walking to the bleachers and sitting easily, unclasping her armor and setting it aside, leaving her in a camp shirt and jeans.

Location Training arena | Mood Enraged | Outfit Battle armor
Scenario Fighting
Parent Lyssa | Item Hermes
Tags:Open for Interaction

Coded by Invidia


"Your father is a god, Peter! He can take care of you, better than I can!" The words resounded in Peter's head as he glared up at the head table, looking at the overweight 'god.' What a ridiculous idea. That old man wasn't a god anymore than Peter himself was. So... Half, at best. He was the only one sitting at the Dionysus table, due to his father's loyalty to his immortal wife. Apparently, Peter's mom was just a momentary lapse, which somehow made it better. It could be worse, he figured. Cabins like the Apollo and the Ares, they had a ton of kids. Their godly patron had no problem screwing as many mortals as physically possible, at least Dionysus wasn't that bad. But that didn't make Peter like the ass.

He got to his feet after he filled his plate, finding the smallest and most burned piece of bacon and tossing it into the sacrificial flames, dropping nothing else in except a splash of water from his goblet in the hopes that it would douse the flames. But somehow, it only made the flames grow higher, stronger, which should've been, like, physically impossible. Quite frankly, that was his sacrifice on a good day. Usually, his food had no place in those fires, he had no desire to give Dionysus any more calories that he clearly didn't need.

Did smelling food smoke give a person calories? Food for thought, perhaps.

He could be training. Hell, it'd probably be smart. But he'd spent his entire life training, that was all there was to do at camp. He hadn't heard about any parties that night, though he thought there was a campfire, maybe. Or perhaps his days were getting confused again.

He popped a grape into his mouth, looking around as he did so. He needed to talk to someone before he went insane, he needed something out of the ordinary. He saw Finn and Felicity talking nearby, which he was absolutely sure that he wanted to avoid. He saw Piper, who he wasn't sure if he'd ever spoken to, and was half-tempted to approach her before she sat down with one of the Hermes guys, whose name he couldn't quite recall. He couldn't find Aeron yet, which was the person he wanted to talk to. The son of Hades was usually a good laugh, which surprised some people. Aside from the sibling rivalry, he was a decent guy, especially when he was away from his older brother, who had a tendency to set the poor guy off.

Location Dining Pavilion | Mood Mildly Conflicted | Outfit Plaid
Scenario Parental Conflict
Parent Dionysus | Item Dionysus
Tags:Open for Interaction - Mentions cinnabuns cinnabuns revalia revalia Play On Words Play On Words Kiss My Axe Kiss My Axe

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[class=bar] height: 8px; width: 100%; background-color: #CB9DB7; [/class] [class=title] text-shadow: 2px 2px #CB9DB7; font-size: 32px; text-align: right; line-height: 0.62; [/class] [class=image] background-size: cover; height: 25em; max-width: 45%; float: left; [/class] [class=text] font-size: 13px; box-sizing: border-box; height: 26.8em; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=scroll] width: calc(100% + 0.5em); max-width: 100%; height: 26.8em; overflow: auto; padding-left: 1em; padding-top: 1em; [/class] [class=small_img] height: 5.25em; width: 5.25em; background-size: cover; display: inline-block; [/class] [class=information] background-color: white; opacity: 0; margin: auto; margin-top: 0.9em; height: 23.1em; width: 90%; transition: 1.5s; text-align: center; [/class] [class name=information state=hover] opacity: 0.8; [/class]
hover over the large image.
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location: inside the pavilion
outfit: link + black combat boots
mentions: demeter siblings
interacts: felicity, finn
tags: revalia revalia , Play On Words Play On Words

[div class=title style="text-shadow: 2px 2px #7EBD92;"]lily hewitt[div class=bar style="background-color: #7EBD92;"]
[/div] [div class=text] [div class=scroll style="line-height: 1.6;"] Lillian tended to wake up earlier than most campers, typically before dawn. Seeing the sun crawl up the sky tended to put her in a good mood, and she liked to be with the plants that she could communicate to. Lily often called herself a Disney princess, like Snow White, but instead of animals being her friends, plants were. Some people said such a thought was silly, but Lily liked to revel in the idea. Who didn't want to be a princess? But of course, a demi-god would have to do.

A quick glance down from the tree she was seated on indicated camp was stirring awake, meaning she'd have to get down before someone came asking questions, and also, she could go find someone to talk to. Preferably one of her friends, but anyone would do. Lillian leaped down from the tall, twisted branch, landing on the forest floor with a slight thud. She brushed off her hands, jogging towards the strawberry fields. It would seem counter-intuitive, heading away from people, but Lily could hardly stand the food that appeared on her plate in the pavilion, and intended to take strawberries to snack on instead. She reached the edges of the field, grasping a few berries that were a sickly sweet red.

Lily then began walking towards the pavilion, a small handful of strawberries cradled in her grasp. Once inside, she sat at the Demeter table with a slight huff, and a few of her siblings stared quietly at her and the berries in her hand. "What? We all know the berries are the best food at camp." She smiled, and they murmured in agreement, returning to chatting and dining on a variety of breakfast meals, which she couldn't bear to look at for longer than a second.

Lily's eyes scanned around the room, before landing on Felicity, none other than her best friend. And yet, with just a simple gaze where Lily could make out any details of the other female's features, she could tell Fee didn't seem to be having a great day. That simply wasn't acceptable. Every day could be a good one if you had the right perspective, and Lily was determined to find it for Felicity. The brunette stood, striding through the buzzing hall, directly towards the Aphrodite table. From afar she could tell Finn had already noticed the daughter of Aphrodite seeming to be in a drowsy mood.

She reached the table, and perched on the Aphrodite counselor's leg. "Forget the chicken." Lily grinned, perhaps slightly mischievously, as she unfurled her hand, offering and exposing a few remaining strawberries. "A strawberry for your thoughts?"

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location: past the ares' cabin, towards the pavilion
mood: tired, but what's new
outfit: link + white sneakers
mentions: noah (hecate child)
interacts: pierce
tags: cinnabuns cinnabuns

[div class=title style="text-shadow: 2px 2px #CB9DB7;"]stella beaumont[div class=bar style="background-color: #CB9DB7;"]
[/div] [div class=text] [div class=scroll style="line-height: 1.6;"] Stella had stayed up all night, much to her siblings' dismay, attempting to complete an enchantment. She'd already tried twice in the past two days, but it failed.

Now she resembled a zombie, with dark bags under her eyes, and slow movements. Stella groggily crawled out of her bed, and already, most of the Hecate cabin had gone out. Luckily they didn't rely on her to wake them up in the morning - her cabin counselling duties only really involved organizing activities. They didn't need her to be able to eat breakfast, but she groaned inwardly, knowing Chiron would still be irritated.

Instead of getting ready for the day to begin, Estella grasped a book on one of the small shelves in the Hecate cabin, climbing back into bed and letting her eyes drift across the pages and her hands deftly flicking when she was done. Despite the failures of the past two days, she was determined to find a way to make the enchantment work. Stella had been reading for hardly five minutes, when a pillow slammed right in her face, making her drop the book and sigh. "Noah."

"What the hell? How'd you know it's me?" the younger boy whined.

"You are the only Hecate kid who throws pillows at people and calls it a 'good prank'." Stella used mocking air quotes to emphasize her sarcastic tone, and she watched as Noah's spell of invisibility wore off. "Now go on, eat some breakfast." She signaled with her head, and he stormed out, glancing back angrily at Stella's unwavering smirk. She climbed out of bed for the second time in the day, though with a little more vigor.

Stella pulled out an outfit that was surprisingly coordinated, considering her skills in such a domain were sub par. If only being a demi-god also boosted their ability to be stylish, which, she supposed, was something that happened if you were a child of Aphrodite. She donned the outfit, before walking outside and stretching her arms up and yawning. Her blue eyes moved from left to right. The camp on first glance looked rather abandoned, though Stella knew it was simply because most people had already amassed at the pavilion. As if on cue, her stomach grumbled when her eyes settled on the pavilion in the distance.

Her feet began moving before her brain even agreed to the idea, and thus, Stella was on her way towards the pavilion. Stella noticed a male up ahead, and for the hell of it, jogged slightly to catch up. She let her eyes linger on him, whom she instantly recognized as Pierce, a fellow cabin counselor she often sparred with, staying silent for a moment, before speaking up with a tiny smirk on her lips. "Looking a bit tired, hey?" The question didn't exactly sound like it came from honest care or worry, due to her lack of emotional tone other than sarcasm. Pierce did look worried, and she was curious about what was on his mind, but Estella already knew she wouldn't be able to give emotional support if he needed it.

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Aeron's morning started as every morning did for him - he was awake well before the sun rose. He spent a couple hours reading while he waited for the rest of the camp to be up and moving, since most of them were lazy as hell, including the one he tried to bother every morning. Once it was the appropriate time, he set aside his book on swordfighting techniques and stood, stretching broadly. His first stop was, as always, the forges. Not for himself, gods, no. The last time he'd tried to make something in the forges, he'd lit his arm on fire, he still had the burn scar, he tended to avoid open fires if at all possible. No, his target was not to forge, but instead the person in camp who was most obsessed with forging. His big brother, Flint Lockwod.

Their relationship was... Complicated. For one, they were half-brothers, only on the mortal side, which was rather uncommon. And secondly, Flint... Hated him. He'd never said it out loud, of course, that would've made it too real, but it was obvious. For one, Aeron's birth had complicated their mother's living situation greatly, they'd been poor before either of the boys were born. The last thing she'd needed was another kid. Then again, she hadn't really needed the first either, but Flint chose not to mention that. They'd never had a brotherly bond, not even close to what Flint had with his godly siblings, which was a bit hurtful. He knew that, the moment he stepped into the forges, he'd just be sent out, but he'd try anyways, because he didn't want to despise his one living family member, because he sure didn't count Hades(was he even technically living?) or his one creepy sibling, who scared the living daylights out of him.

He took a deep breath before walking into the forges, watching his brother work on something that looked surprisingly dainty. Usually, he was making some huge sword or battleaxe, but it almost looked like a ring. "Hey." He said, stepping a bit deeper into the forges, the heat already sweltering.

"What are you doing in here? Trying to catch on fire again?" Flint grunted, setting his project down and looking at Aeron with a look that could only be described as completely uncaring. Like Aeron was just another irritating camper, someone of no consequence.

"Just wanted to talk. We're brothers. Brothers talk occasionally." Aeron shrugged, taking a peek at the ring that his brother had been working on. "A rose? That isn't too girly for you?"

"It's not for me." Flint said, though his face softened slightly, for two reasons. One, based on the rose, the ring was for one of the many people Flint liked more than Aeron, his... Girlfriend? Hookup? Whatever she was, Felicity. And two, the fact that it was one of his projects, the one thing that could make Flint crack a smile at Aeron. Flint picked up the ring and pressed on the rose, letting it transform in front of Aeron's awed eyes into a miniature crossbow, made of a rose gold type of metal with engravings on either side. It was gorgeous, no doubt, and looked like it had taken a surprisingly long amount of time.

"It looks good. For Felicity?" Aeron guessed.

"Yea, she needs a weapon." Flint sighed, his face hardening once again as if he had remembered who he was talking to.

"It's... Bedazzled, Flint." Aeron said, suppressing a smirk.

"They're gems, kid. Thing's probably priceless in the mortal world, with as many gemstones as I embedded in it. Is question time over, because you can leave, you know." Flint snapped, and Aeron instinctively took a step back, knowing his brother wouldn't hesitate to test out that weapon on him.

"I have to get to breakfast, anyways. But... Good talk." Aeron said, trying to not look as scared as he felt. That was probably the longest conversation they'd had since Aeron arrived at camp.

He walked briskly to the dining pavilion and looked around, his gaze first landing at his own table. His creepy sister was there, so that was out. He noticed Flint's girl, Felicity, at the Aphrodite, with some very not-Aphrodite people beside her. And finally, he found one of the few people at camp that genuinely liked him. Ignoring the looks he got when he did so, he sat down at the nearly-empty Dionysus table, beside Peter. "Well, I talked to him and he didn't even stab me. I'm telling you, it's progress." He shrugged, looking around until he found a large bowl of mashed potatoes, which he shoveled onto his plate. He ate them at every meal, to the point where it was basically an addiction. "I'm telling you, I don't think there's a thing I could do to make him happy except off myself, which I'm really not in the mood to do today. I don't think he thinks about the fact that I know all of the embarrassing stories. Peter, I know about the Food Police. Do you know how embarrassed he would be if I told anyone about the Food Police? But no, he doesn't think about that blackmail, he just hates me anyways." He said, stabbing his mashed potatoes bitterly before taking a bite.

"Now I'm in an immediately better mood. How was your morning, Peter? Anything new and exciting happen?" He asked, smirking slightly.

Location Hades Cabin > Forges > Dining Pavilion | Mood Annoyed | Outfit Camp shirt and Jeans
Scenario Trying to Socialize
Parent Hades | Item Zeus
Tags: Play On Words Play On Words Mentioned, revalia revalia Mentioned, ShadyAce ShadyAce Mentioned, CtrlAltDelicious CtrlAltDelicious Interacted With

Coded by Invidia


Flint's conversation with Aeron left him as irritated as it always did. Why did the kid have to try so hard? Wasn't it obvious by then that they weren't ever going to be close, going to be the stereotypical, there for you through anything brothers? Mostly because Flint couldn't stand the kid?

He tried to get back into his work, he really did. But no matter what he did, he couldn't bring himself to give a damn about the ring after that. Besides, it was mostly finished, all he had to do was finish one of the engravings. He forced himself to take a beat and pick up his steel pen, turning the crossbow back into a ring and writing as carefully as he could on the outside of the rose-gold band.

Queen Bee - Felicity

Simple, he supposed, but his usual nicknames for her were already engraved on the actual weapon itself, with Beauty Queen on one side and Princess on the other. The latter was more her preference than his, he called her Beauty Queen pretty much every time he spoke to her.

He tucked the ring into a ring box that he'd bought at a mortal store, which had gotten him some disappointed looks from the elderly cashier. Probably thought he was just some idiotic teenager who'd knocked up his girlfriend or something. He sure as hell was not marrying Felicity, and he had no doubt that, if he had knocked her up, she would've already come by to kill him, the ring was a weapon, nothing else. One that had taken him several months to make to his liking, but that wasn't important.

He stepped out of the forges and walked immediately to the dining pavilion, spurred on by his growling stomach. Normally, he sat with his siblings at breakfast, since none of them were really morning people, it was just a quiet affair. As quiet as the Hephaestus cabin could be, that is. But the moment he saw Felicity, his plan changed, and he made a beeline for her, sitting across from her, not yet looking at her normal little posse, particularly at Finn. "You alright there, Beauty Queen?" He asked, winking at her. He wouldn't give her the weapon yet, he had no doubt that half of her siblings would pass out if they saw him giving her a ring(which was almost enough motivation to do it), and he wanted to give it to her in private, when it was just the two of them, and nobody would see it if she laughed at him. She was one of the only people who he gave a damn if they laughed at him, most other people, he'd just punch and move on.

He looked at Lily and nodded in greeting, giving Finn nothing of the sort. He didn't particularly like the son of Eros, didn't like how touchy-feely he was with Felicity, how much every syllable he spoke oozed flirtiness. It made Flint particularly angry, and that was something he tried to avoid before noon.

Location Forges > Dining Pavilion | Mood Pissed | Outfit White undershirt and jeans
Scenario Trying not to break something
Parent Hephaestus | Item Hephaestus
Tags: Play On Words Play On Words ShadyAce ShadyAce revalia revalia

Coded by Invidia


It was as if on queue people started to appear as she was about to munch on her chicken bit. She merely choked, alright choked on it when a familiar male slid into the seat next to her as per usual. None other than the son of Eros, Finn. The person that she clicked upon meeting in camp. Her partner in crime. Her other platonic half. However, it was not his presence that nearly caused her to die on the chicken bit, but his comment about how she looked like a puffed up cloud. In the name of her mother's sake that she so adored, she hoped that out of all the demi-gods that roamed this camp, the son of Hephaestus would not show his face near this table. It would be a hecka lot embarrassing.

As she was still coughing, trying to not die from that little crusted devil, she was too busy to noticed that another graced them with her company. She came bearing gifts. Feeling the slight weight of the fairer brunette on her leg, Fee managed to get herself to stop chocking, managing to swallow the piece of damned chicken down. That was not so hard. It only resulted in her features to be more broken from the struggling tears. She could not have her luck be worse this morning. It was simply embarrassing. A rare occasion for the beautiful daughter of Aphrodite.

The child of Demeter could not have worded it better, "Yes! Screw the chicken..." the brunette's kaleidoscopic eyes seemingly sparkled with the sickly sweet red berries. It was only later realized that they were only watering from the struggle she had with that bit. That nasty bit. Lilian always changed her mood to the better. Even without wanting to. The other female just shed out of her positive and vibrant vibes as she speaks. "Don't mind if I do!" Fee exclaimed before she took one berry in her perfectly manicured hand and took a bite out of the strawberry, which was the same shade of red as Felicity's full red lips. As when it came to sharing her thoughts, automatically also addressing Lily, her gaze reverted back to the cheeky and smug grinned Finn and his concerned questions and teases. "As far as I was concerned, his little brother is still yet under aged for me. As much as a good looking site as he is. I don't simply do boys, even if they are something to look at, Finnie," Fee commented with a thoughtful look on her face, using his own wordings as the subject of their conversation passed through the pavilion. "However I must admit... blood sure is a powerful thing."

The female gently took the fork in her hand in order to dig in her salad whilst responding to his further questions, "I'm awake because I made this stupid rule for our Cabin to contribute instead of being in the background, you know? But I'm starting to regret that decision very deeply. But no the macho, macho man has not yet showed his f---" It was as if on queue, the macho macho man had magically appeared, halting her words with his own 'You alright there, Beauty Queen?'

Felicity almost squealed as she dropped her fork from the surprise appearance, in her clumsiest way possible. In a way it was helpful as it was an excuse to hide under the table. She did exactly that. One second she was sitting upright while the other she was down 'reaching' for her fork but she simply did not play it cool. Like at all. If anything, Finn, even maybe Lily can grasp that she did drop the fork on purpose. They both knew, even though she wouldn't say it herself, that she cared deeply by how she looked when the son of Hephaestus was around. If not excessively. Even if they were simply casual hook-ups. Or so they thought.

"U-Uh... I'm alright. Early morning is all!" the daughter of Aphrodite muttered from underneath the table. Embarrassed by her disastrous state. She looked at Finn from underneath the table and gave him one look. One glare. A glare that spoke out, 'Get. Rid. Of. Him. NOW!', her call in distress. Even if she didn't want to. All she could picture was that winked that melted her heart, she usually responded with a lip bite. Not freaking hiding under the table like that. Uncool Felicity. So uncool.

Location Dining Pavilion | Mood Groggy | Outfit ❤❤❤ (Camp Shirt instead)
Scenario S.O.S... Beauty Emergency.
Parent Aphrodite | Item Demeter
Tags: Finn ( Play On Words Play On Words ) | Lilian ( ShadyAce ShadyAce ) | Flint ( Kiss My Axe Kiss My Axe )

Coded by Invidia | Hidden Scroll
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Son of: Ares
Item: Apollo's Lyre
Location: -> to Dining Pavilion
Mood: Grumpy
With: Stella
Tags: ShadyAce ShadyAce

"Looking a bit tired, hey?"

Pierce already knew someone was behind him, but once he heard Stella's voice, he relaxed a bit, knowing it was a friend, not a foe. The Hecate camp counselor had been someone he liked to spar with, as her magic could do well against his brute strength, and it helped to ease him knowing his sparring partner wouldn't be easily bruised. No matter, Pierce still took it easy on her, as he did everyone. He was always worried he'd strike a little too hard one time, and he couldn't live with doing that to anyone. So for now, when she seemed to give a little bit of a damn into what was going on in his head, Pierce just let out a huff.

"Nothing to worry about. Just the usual 'Ares kid senses are tingling' bullshit." He replied as smoothly as he could, eyes focused on the pavilion ahead. There was no point of getting into what could or could not be going on, since he got this feeling before moments of varying danger - it could just be a visit from his father, or the Oracle could say something, or, even worse, a bunch of his siblings were planning something behind his back. He really hoped it wasn't the latter, as he was already on edge and he didn't want to blow up at them. It was never a pretty sight. Pierce could never put his finger on it, so he tried to stuff the worry down, tried to ground himself as he and Stella continued walking to sustenance. "It's probably nothing, just a shitty morning. It'll be better after food."

Pierce opened the door to the pavilion and held it open for Stella, his eyes glancing around the hustle and bustle of breakfast. Just seeing everyone move around, going to get their food and talking with their respective siblings seemed to put Pierce in a better mood. He was quickly reminded what camp was supposed to be for: enjoying time with the people you care about. Times like these really showed that to him, and it warmed his heart a bit.

Then, of course, one of his siblings stabbed the other with their fork, and he groaned. He'd have to do something about that in a minute, he thought bitterly, looking away from the scene as the stabbed camper responded in turn by using a spoon - yes, a spoon - as a weapon against his attacker. Father Almighty. When did Pierce teach him that? Pierce could see the action in his peripheral vision, but his eyes went from his sister hanging out with an Hermes camper and then settled on one of his best friends in the midst of her very own beauty crisis.

Yikes. Pierce watched with amusement as Fee dropped her fork and went under the table to grab it, surrounded by Finn, Flint - probably the source of her crisis, honestly - and...oh.

Pierce felt like he hadn't seen Lily in a while but seeing her there, still holding the strawberries she'd probably offered Felicity, made him smile a bit. There she was, trying to bring light to a situation. It was something he was certain Fee appreciated. Pierce made a note in the back of his mind to say hello to her after he handled his own sibling crisis, a little nerved that Chiron would say something to him if he let the fighting go on any longer. "Babysitting calls." He rolled his eyes at Stella, who he knew understood his plight. It was like they were all children. "I'll speak to you later."

And with that, he headed off, immediately going to grab his fighting siblings as the others cheered them on. So stupid.

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Finn watched with amusement as Flint entered the proximity at the worst possible time, and did nothing to help Fee when she ducked under the table. “She’s embarrassed.” He translated for the son of Hephaestus. He saw Fee’s look of immediate S.O.S. and sighed, knowing she’d likely stab him with the fork if he didn’t intervene.

“Excellent timing, though, tough guy. I had a question. Could you design me some new arrows? I feel like mine aren’t totally wind resistant, and I want something unique.” He shrugged, hoping the possibility of something to forge would entice the man from teasing Felicity. After all, even a guy needed hobbies, right? And Flint was damn sure a man with an obsession.

“If you have the time, of course, I would hate to distract you. What did you have planned for the day?” Finn’s eyes sparkled with mischief, and he knew Flint would know why. He’d seen the ring, and the weapon it contained, a few times during its creation, when the son of Hephaestus wanted feedback. He’d seen it less than a week before, and had been told that it should be done within days. After the months of work the guy had put into it, it was gorgeous, and perfect for Felicity, no doubt. But the guy sucked at creating a romantic setting, he’d probably screw up the delivery.

“Come on, Fee, I’m sure he’s seen you in more... shall we say vulnerable times? I mean, surely you’ve bared it all.” Finn laughed, grabbing Felicity’s arms and giving her a pull to entice her out from under the table. “I really don’t think he cares if you have bedhead. It’s not like he owns a brush.” He reminded her, eyeing Flint’s characteristically messy hair. Seriously, would it kill him to run a comb through it? Slap a hat over it, even? He constantly looked like he’d just walked through a forest fire, Finn really didn’t know why Fee was shy. Or obsessed, for that matter.

Location Dining Pavilion | Mood Anused | Outfit Casual
Scenario Trying not to laugh
Parent Eros | Item Aphrodite
Tags: revalia revalia - Felicity ShadyAce ShadyAce - Lily Kiss My Axe Kiss My Axe - Flint

Coded by Invidia


Flint raised an eyebrow when Felicity disappeared, as suddenly as if she'd teleported away. He vaguely listed to Finn give some half-assed attempt to make him leave, and finally looked at the son of Eros. "I'll set one of my brothers on it. Maybe Ty, he needs something to do." The first time in years he'd handed a job off to someone else. Man, he really didn't like Finn. "No plans." He said tersely, looking at Lily instead. "Anyone care to explain why she's under the table, or are we pretending that didn't happen?" He asked conversationally.

He slid away from the table slightly, lifting the tablecloth and poking his head under, which was about as much of his bulky frame as could fit under the small space. "I knew I was ugly, but usually, you don't run from me." He noted, feigning a note of over-dramatized hurt. "He's got a point about the hair, Princess. I really don't give a damn how you look. So can go ahead and sit on the bench so I can continue checking you out uninterrupted? Because this is giving me a crick in my neck." He said bluntly, raising an eyebrow. To him, she looked the same as always. Beautiful, of course, slightly intimidating. The unnaturally natural beauty of the Aphrodite cabin, it always made him just a little uncomfortable. The bedhead, the puffy eyes, not only did he not care, he really didn't notice in the first place. "Come on, we're waiting." He noted, straightening and dropping the tablecloth, letting her make that choice. Really, it was almost insulting. Why the hell would he care if she wasn't 'looking her best,' or some other Aphrodite bullshit? He was used to being around people who smelled like smoke and burnt hair, who hadn't left the forges for nine or ten hours, usually slightly disfigured. Besides, Felicity didn't have to put any effort in to be the most gorgeous girl in camp, it just... Happened.

He pushed that thought from his head immediately. Way too rom-com-esque, he was sleeping with this girl, nothing else. "Is there anything here that isn't diet or sugar-free or whatever? I'd like some real food." He noted, looking around the Aphrodite table until he found a plate of bacon. He took the entire thing, moving it to be in front of him and biting into one slice, smiling at Lily. He liked her, she was simple. Not dramatic. Before meeting Felicity, she would've been his exact type - low maintenance. Strange how quickly that changed. "So, any fun news, Finn? Since you're one of the gossip queens around here, right? Hear anything interesting?" He asked, his tone deceptively light. There was only one kind of news he was interested in, and it certainly wasn't who's-dating-who. He'd gotten rained out of the arena just days before, something that wasn't supposed to be possible within the protective boundary of Camp Half-Blood. So why, all of a sudden, was it raining and storming and being altogether not-sunny? If anyone in camp knew anything about it, it was either Finn or Felicity, solely because they would've heard it through some grapevine.

Location Aphrodite Table | Mood Confused and Anused(bully) | Outfit White undershirt and jeans
Scenario Having the time of his life
Parent Hephaestus | Item Hephaestus
Tags: revalia revalia Play On Words Play On Words ShadyAce ShadyAce

Coded by Invidia | Hidden Scroll


As the young black haired girl started to ponder on possible locations her friend could be, she narrowed it down to two. Either the Pavilion or simply schooling someone in the arena, as per usual. Deciding to go with her gut feeling, no it wasn't just her stomach grumbling, she headed towards the training arena to see if her hunch was right. Upon entry, her eyes fell towards the center where two occupants were, seemingly about to have a go at one another. Good, she came just in time for a nice morning brawl. Only one of those occupants was the girl that she was looking for. Splendid.

Nyssa started lifting one leg over the other, motioning over the bleachers before settling on the third row from the back to watch. Olivia was playing the innocent girl face and that poor bloke would do wrong to fall for it. Big mistake. Nonetheless it was fun to watch a big guy get trumped and beat down by someone twice his size, smaller. Olivia amazed Nyssa on how she fought. Quite a lot. Even when they sparred they never went easy with one another. Then again Nyssa's main mode of fighting is her own rapier.

The female adjusted her dark shades on her eyes so they propelled the light of day away from her eyes. It physically hurts if a ray were to hit them, hence why she constantly ran around with shades, even inside. If it wasn't for these shades that her own mother gave her, she wouldn't know what to do. Sure, she saw everything dimmed and dark but that was better for her. She saw better when she is in the dark.

As her friend was send plummeting against the wall she remained seated. She knew better than to be worried for Olivia. Most definitely. The fight was only just starting. Clearly. The tables turned when the small bundle of rage was released and the guy met his defeat. When Olivia entered her haze, she was a machine. A machine that went to the bleachers to take a seat. A seat that Nyssa eventually hopped towards before sitting down next to the blonde who seemed to feel the pain hitting her by now, "Someone got their morning lash out over... want to grab a bite after that trashing you did, Liv? Or you in the mood for something else?"

Nyssa usually had lunch at the Hades table, with a particular son of Hades she had gotten to know these past two years she had been in camp and became quite close. It was nice to have more friends, at least more than one. The pair needed themselves to blend in, being they recently came these past two years and from an outside camp. Apart from Aeron, whom they 'recently' found out they were no siblings as she was a daughter of Nyx, not that she didn't know, there was also her own sister, Estella. This was another story. That was a surprise for her. She did not expect to be reunited with her sister like this. However, the pair were still trying to patch things and slowly get to know each other like they never did when they were merely kids.

Location Arena | Mood Not Surprised & Famished | Outfit ☾☾☾
Scenario Letting off some steam?
Parent Nyx | Item Hades
Tags: Olivia ( Play On Words Play On Words ) Mentions Aeron ( Kiss My Axe Kiss My Axe ) | Estella ( ShadyAce ShadyAce )

Coded by Invidia | Hidden Scroll
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Peter patiently continued eating while waiting for Aeron to finish ranting, which he knew could take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour. That hadn’t been a fun morning. “While I’m loving this brotherly conflict, it makes me really glad I have no siblings.” He noted, stealing some of Aeron’s potatoes and immediately grimacing. It was breakfast. What was wrong with this guy?

He glanced over at Flint when he saw him, raising an eyebrow. Damn, genetics had been good to the Lockwood family. Both brothers were damned fine. “Well, since we’re on the topic of your brother, I’m pretty sure his girlfriend is doing something inappropriate under the table to him.” He smirked, watching Felicity duck under the table. He knew she wouldn’t risk her reputation like that, but it gave him a laugh anyways. “My day was as boring as always. Sacrificed some burnt bacon to Pudge, sent him some hateful prayers, and then talked to my sibling-obsessed friend. I don’t know why you try so hard with him, seriously. I mean, do you really think you’ll have that brotherly bond, through better or for worse? Wait, is that marriage? Same thing.” He chuckled. “Maybe it’s because I have no siblings, but I don’t see the point. It’s just a waste of time to keep trying when he clearly doesn’t give a damn. After all, he has plenty of large, slightly terrifying, replacement siblings.” He shrugged, eyeing the Hephaestus cabin.

“You going to the arena today? Maybe you can keep stalking your brother and match up your training times! That’ll win him over.” Peter snorted, taking another bite of his own breakfast. His normal, non-mashed breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast. “Or we could skip that, and just like, throw food at him. Tell me honestly that it wouldn’t be more fun.” He snickered. Well, at least he found himself amusing.

Location Dionysus table | Mood Upbeat | Outfit I don’t want to link it again
Scenario Hanging with a friend
Parent Dionysus | Item Dionysus
Tags:Interacts with Kiss My Axe Kiss My Axe , mentions Kiss My Axe Kiss My Axe , revalia revalia

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[div class=image style="background-image: url('http://journalnyc.com/stories/paris/photos/L1060802.jpg'); flex: 1 1 270px;"] [div class=information]

parent: hecate
item: poseidon's trident
location: the pavilion
mood: neutral
outfit: link + white sneakers
mentions: felicity (and co.), nyssa
interacts: pierce
tags: cinnabuns cinnabuns

[div class=title style="text-shadow: 2px 2px #CB9DB7;"]stella beaumont[div class=bar style="background-color: #CB9DB7;"]
[/div] [div class=text] [div class=scroll style="line-height: 1.6;"] Stella let a small frown play on her lips, thought it was more out of confusion than sadness. Pierce's answer was cryptic, but she knew better than to question further. And he said it himself - it was likely nothing. Most of the time, Stella had learnt, that was always the case. Other than some extreme weather around the globe. It concerned her slightly, though Estella still chalked it up to being the weather gods throwing a temper tantrum. And her mother hardly communicated with her anyways, so this strange behavior in camp, in her opinion, was uncalled for.

"If you're not better after food, you're just wrong." Stella commented, now walking beside Pierce towards the pavilion. As they got closer, she could make out the sounds eminating from the room more clearly. The pavilion was a hub of activity, and today was no different. The pair stayed silent until reaching the entrance, where Pierce displayed some of his gentlemanly charm. "If there was an award for 'being a gentleman', congrats, you won it." Stella laughed as she stepped through the doorway that Pierce held open for her. It felt good to see most campers laughing and smiling. It had always been that way, every day, but recently, Camp had adopted a somber, threatening tone. Everyone felt like something had to happen and that was all they could think about. She couldn't understand - why worry now, when nothing has actually happened? People should be enjoying the present. No quest had been given, so everything was still fine according to her.

Stella turned to Pierce just as his lips curled into a slight smile. But she didn't comment, instead bringing two fingers to her brow, saluting Pierce with a lopsided grin as he spoke. "Good luck." Pierce left, immediately walking over to the Ares table. Estella stood at the doorway, letting her eyes scan around. She first noticed her other Hecate siblings, just as a small explosion and smoke poured out of someone's drink. After widening her eyes for a beat, Stella laughed, and continued looking around, noticing a group forming around the Camp's resident Queen Bee. If Estella had to be honest, she hadn't talked much to the girl, but the Aphrodite kids certainly knew how to escalate small calamities into something much more. Something she never really liked. But they also knew how to live life to the fullest. Something Stella could always admire.

Eventually her eyes rested back on the Hecate cabin's table, noticing every one of her siblings' drinks emitting a dark smoke. "Oh, gods." Stella muttered, walking over to them. She could already hear Chiron in her head. Becoming a camp counselor was virtually non-paid babysitting, but she certainly wouldn't trust anyone else to do it right. She took a glance at the Hades table as she walked, though the young female she was looking for wasn't there. Ever since Nyssa had arrived at Camp, the Beaumont sisters had been becoming closer and closing the rift established in childhood. And she loved annoying her sister. But alas, she had to deal with her godly siblings at the moment, whom she loved just as much.

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hover over the large image.
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parent: demeter
item: athena's gorgon shield
location: inside the pavilion
mood: literally just trying to help
outfit: link + black combat boots
mentions: stella
interacts: felicity, finn, flint
tags: revalia revalia , Play On Words Play On Words , Kiss My Axe Kiss My Axe

[div class=title style="text-shadow: 2px 2px #7EBD92;"]lily hewitt[div class=bar style="background-color: #7EBD92;"]
[/div] [div class=text] [div class=scroll style="line-height: 1.6;"] Lillian couldn't suppress the grin on her face as Fee took the strawberry, and beamed with her successful mission. Felicity looked happier already. She continued to respond to Finn, and Lily was happy enough to sit there and listen to the conversation. Felicity spoke of the devil, and surely he arrived, causing the daughter of Aphrodite to squeal and duck under the table, leaving Lily sitting on the chair.

She got that strange feeling that someone was watching her, but a glance over to the pavilion entrance revealed only Stella, a daughter of Hecate she sometimes helped in collecting herbs. Lily felt her heart sink, though couldn't identify a reason why. The brunette redirected her attention to the small group on the Aphrodite table, composed of very little Aphrodite offspring.

Lily stayed silent as Flint brushed off Finn's request, before shrugging and innocently playing on the question Flint asked her, "Pretending what didn't happen?" As the bulky son of Hephaestus leaned down to talk to Felicity under the table, Lillian turned to Finn, confusion upon her facial features, alongside a frown. "Should we... do something?" For she honestly didn't know how to help Felicity when Flint was the cause of her discomfort. Nothing ever seemed to work, to Lily's dismay.

Before she could get a worthwhile answer, Flint came back up in search of food. Lily smiled back to Flint, who she was on decent terms with. They weren't close friends or anything, but their connections with Felicity made them acquaintances, or friends at best. Again, a question that riddled her mind often, what on Earth was Felicity's and Flint's connection? It had always seemed beyond what she could comprehend. And the girl didn't mind, as long as everyone seemed happy, she was as well.

Flint then began conversation with Finn, allowing Lily to not-so-inconspicuously slide down to meet Felicity under the table, whilst abandoning the remaining strawberries on the table. "I promise it's not as bad as what you're thinking." Lillian pouted slightly and whined, "Come on!" Lily held out her hand for a moment, before grabbing Felicity's perfectly manicured hand, clambering out into the open and trying to pull the other female out. She looked around, hoping not too many people were staring. And she hoped Fee wouldn't hate her for bringing the daughter of Aphrodite out of her 'hiding' spot.

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[ outfit - hermes ;; location - dining pavilion ;; mood - hasn't she suffered enough? ;; tags - cinnabuns cinnabuns ]

Ronan quietly munched on his food, eyeing his wild siblings as they laughed with childish smiles and threw bits of salad and chicken at each other. The male sighed, rubbing his eyes with his palms as he tried his best to ignore his rowdy siblings; his metabolism wasn't high enough to deal with the Hermes' cabin. The teen jumped slightly when he felt the light pressure of another body lean against him and the feeling of gentle hair brushing against his neck lightly. Ronan glanced up to see Piper smiling at him.

"Did you piss of one of your siblings today, Roe?"

Ronan grumbled as he spun around to face Piper properly, mustering a tired smirk on his lips as he ran a hand through his bed-ridden brown hair. "I would never do such a thing, Pipsqueak," Ronan teased back, "What gave you that idea, anyway?"

"Over something I still have to give back to you?"

Ronan rose a curious yet tired eyebrow at the curly-haired girl, noticing a familiar camp shirt in her clutches; he gulped and plastered a smile on his face, "That's where it went! I had to fight an army of speedy skinny kids in order to find it," Ronan half joked as Piper handed him the shirt back to its rightful owner. As his brown eyes wandered around the dining pavilion, Ronan noticed Miss-know-it-all roll her eyes and rush away with her fiery red hair following behind her in a graceful swish. He chewed the inside of his cheek before standing up from his seat, picking up his empty plate while he towered over Piper with a smile.

The Hermes kid wandered over to a table and dumped his dirty plate, leaning against the edge of the table with his arms as support while he watched flocks of demi-god kids rush over to it-girl, Felicity. Ronan rolled his eyes at the sight and glanced towards Piper with a sarcastic look flash upon his face, "I wonder what's happening with Princess, over there," Ronan nodded towards Felicity and the crowded Aphrodite table, "Must've bat an eyelash loose, poor girl," Ronan mocked, altering his Las Vegas accent into his aunt pretentious English accent that decorated her condescending voice. The teen twirled on his heels and flailed a dramatic hand, "Hasn't she suffered enough?"


"I would never do such a thing, Pipsqueak. What gave you that idea, anyway?"

Oh, so now he had a nickname for her. Okay. She liked it. Piper stuck out her bottom lip in a slight pout at it, though, just to mess with him as he turned to her. "Pipsqueak? Is that really what you think of me?" She said innocently. He looked exhausted - had he not gotten enough sleep last night? She found herself a little troubled by that, but instead of focusing much on it, she took the shirt from her back pocket and raised an eyebrow, the smile still on her face as she saw him gulp and fix a smile on his own.

"That's where it went! I had to fight an army of speedy skinny kids in order to find it."

Piper chuckled, and before a piece of toast could hit Ronan's face, courtesy of one of his siblings, she successfully caught it. She ignored the 'ooohs' coming from the other side of the table. "They don't seem that much of a threat to me. Surprised I was your rival all along?" She winked. Her eyes scanned the room and she noticed both Stella, one of her good friends, and then she saw the red-headed Hermes camper from earlier walk off, seemingly still in a mood. "Though you might have to apologize to her - what the hell did you say?" She couldn't distinguish if the girl was mad because she was right about something or just mad. She had a feeling, somehow, that it was the latter.

Piper's arms, which had been resting on Ronan, lost their resting spot as the Hermes boy stood up. Her free hand ended up on his chest because of it and she found herself not minding that in the slightest. When he picked up his plate she placed the piece of thrown bread onto it. Suddenly she felt a bit of hunger. "Gimme a sec." Piper moved quickly to grab a bowl from the food line, putting a bunch of grapes into it before returning to Ronan's side. She plucked one off the stem as Ronan spoke, meeting his eyes as he rolled them.

"I wonder what's happening with Princess, over there. Must've bat an eyelash loose, poor girl."

Piper chewed as she followed his nod, noting the spectacle. She ate a few more grapes but swallowed right before his dramatic rendition of his aunt, and thank her father for that, because she immediately started to giggle in response.

"Hasn't she suffered enough?"

"There's only one way to answer your question, and you know your ass isn't interested in it." She replied after her giggle fit had ended, eating another grape before continuing. "Besides, it's Fee. She'll be alright, she likes the attention. She just needs the right type." This probably wasn't the "right" one Fee had wanted, but there wasn't anything to do about it now. She had a feeling Fee would be just fine after she got a little less people surrounding her for the purpose of messing with her.

Piper ate the last few of her grapes and was surprised she felt full, but hey. She usually didn't eat much in the mornings, anyway. She placed the bowl down near Ronan's near-empty plate, looking around again and catching her brother making eyes at Lily before he noticed Piper had seen him. Pierce's eyebrows furrowed and she just gave him a pleasant smile, knowing that he hated being caught in those moments.

"I have a mission that's far more important than that, anyway." Her lips curled up into a grin. "Would you like to be my Ron Stoppable for the day?"




Daughter of: Apollo
Item: Artemis' Bow & Quiver
Location: Dining Pavilion
Mood: What's the sitch?
With: Ronan
Tags: nymphadora. nymphadora.



Just as she thought things could not get any worse, it did. Now she really wanted the earth to just swallow her whole. Count on a person like Finn to exactly do that. However, gods knew how long she would have stayed underneath the damned table if he did not do that. Even though she died internally. That was how he typically answered her S.O.S unlike Lily who actually provided her with strawberries. Hers was simply more pleasant, juicy and sweet!

As the son of Eros proceeded to speak she wanted him to simply shut up at that point. Feeling a slight tug she was reluctant to reveal herself but she did grab the fork she 'assumingly' dropped. As much as she was tempted to just stab his leg with it, a familiar brown messy head of hair popped and penetrated her hide-out, after listening in on the conversation the two boys were having. As she saw the familiar face peer underneath her kaleidoscopic eyes widened as a soft smile at his words danced on her plump rosy lips. He sure did have a way to make her heart skip joyfully. As many man she bedded, with Flint being one of them, he had something. She fell for him head over heels and that was not something Fee typically did. He appreciated her for not only her outside beauty but also her inner. He also clearly did not give a flying fuck about how she looked so why should she bother? Yeah... she always loved it when she was her best. That being said, the small slender figure of her female best friend, Lilian, slid underneath who told her reassuringly, the third person that told her she looked alright, even though she did not believe it, she decided to creep her way out of her hideout. With a soft sigh, she took her hand and with Finn's tug she slowly emerged, feeling the light hit her skin from the depths of that damned table.

As she finally graced the table with her bed-headed beauty, Felicity gave a smirk to the son of Hephaestus, "Well then, we shouldn't let you crook your neck to check me out further more, hmm? However, calling yourself ugly is too low even for you, tough guy." or so as Finn says so.

On addition to Flint's comment, Fee passed her plate of food his way. "I hope you don't mind my left over chicken salad. I can assure you it's real food. Plus, I'm full for the morning," the female muttered before settling on the bench, having a sip of warm hot chocolate from her goblet. Oh how she loved some hot chocolate in the morning. It was to her like coffee is to most people. Looking over to the son of Eros, "Yes, Finnie? Any interesting news you like to brace us with this fine morning? At least for now. Because nowadays we can certainly experience weathers that I almost forgot how they felt like. The weather gods are surely either fed up or rebelling rather. Because this is really getting out of hand." Her gaze scanned the sudden filled pavilion.

Location Dining Pavilion | Mood In-taking Pride | Outfit ❤❤❤ (Camp Shirt instead)
Scenario Guess it's not that bad.
Parent Aphrodite | Item Demeter
Tags: Finn ( Play On Words Play On Words ) | Lilian ( ShadyAce ShadyAce ) | Flint ( Kiss My Axe Kiss My Axe )

Coded by Invidia | Hidden Scroll

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