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Realistic or Modern the royals - open


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
[class=container] height: 400px; width: 400px; margin: auto; border: 10px solid #aa7768; [/class] [class=containercont] height: 400px; width: 400px; background: #aa7768; [/class] [class=pic1] height: 150px; width: 150px; background: URL(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/09/eb/75/09eb758937213e4962be95023fbf60af.gif); background-size: cover; background-position:; border-radius: 50%; border: 4px solid white; margin-left: 15px; position: relative; top: 10px; [/class] [class=pic2] height: 150px; width: 150px; background: URL(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/77/b4/42/77b44252fc80580e548c4331ce0cf390.gif); background-size: cover; background-position: -50px 0px; border-radius: 50%; border: 4px solid white; margin-left: 15px; position: relative; top: 65px; [/class] [class=border] border-left: 2px solid white; border-bottom: 2px solid white; border-top: 2px solid white; width: 11px; height: 200px; margin-left: 8px; margin-top: -195px; [/class] [class=border2] border-right: 2px solid white; border-bottom: 2px solid white; border-top: 2px solid white; width: 11px; height: 200px; margin-right: 219px; margin-top: -207px; float: right; [/class] [class=header] font-size: 40px; color: white; text-align: center; margin-top: -170px; margin-right: 200px; [/class] [class=textbox] border-top: 1px solid white; border-right: 1px solid white; height: 140px; width: 200px; float: right; margin-top: -70px; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=scroll] height: 98%; width: calc(100% + 17px); overflow-y: scroll; [/class] [class=text] text-align: justify; width: 180px; border-top: 8px solid transparent; border-right: 8px solid transparent; border-left: 8px solid transparent; font-size: 11px; color: white; [/class] [class=pic3] height: 100px; width: 200px; background:URL(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e6/5f/e3/e65fe3791b7d889146443488aacf24c1.jpg); background-size: cover; float: right; margin-top: -255px; border: 2px solid white; [/class] [class=y] background: transparent; padding: 7px; height: 80px; width: 180px; transition-duration: 1s; color: transparent; [/class] [class name=y state=hover] background-color: #aa7768; opacity: 0.8; color: white; height: 86px; width: 186px; [/class] [class=title] font-size: 40px; color: white; text-align: center; margin-top: -320px; margin-right: 15px; float: right; [/class] [class name=codetag] font-size: 9px; text-align: center; margin-top: -12px; [/class] [div class="container"][div class="containercont"][div class="pic1"][/div][div class="pic2"][/div] [div class="border"][/div][div class="border2"][/div] [div class="header"]ukiiyo's[/div] [div class="textbox"][div class="scroll"][div class="text"]hello and welcome to my partner search~ i've been really craving some period dramas or royal aus, so i thought this would be the perfect way to see if anyone is interested in doing that as well. historical events aren't required if you are unfamiliar with them, so don't worry about that. i just want to have fun while messing around with such a fun setting and characters

i will be the most active on sunday and monday because those are my days off and i like to pop on and rp for a little bit of time. if you ever feel like i haven't talked to you in a while, just send me a message and i'll update you on why i'm taking forever. well i think that's everything for now so feel free to read all the rules and prompts i have listed below~
ღ ღ ღ
♡ cs's and a minimum of two paragraphs per post are required. i am a detailed roleplayer but i will match your posting length
♡ romance is always a key part of my roleplays, sorry i'm a hopeless romantic
♡ i personally am more comfortable making female characters because of personal reasons but i will happily make a male if you want to double~
♡ all romantic pairings are okay with me
♡ i will use realistic fcs only
♡ posting at least twice a week is a must or else i will lose interest
♡ i really enjoy ooc chats because i'm able to flush out characters and relationships
♡ i will roleplay either on rpn or discord
♡ please pm me if you're interested because i don't get a lot of notifications

fandoms -
♡ downton abbey
♡ pride & prejudice
♡ reign
♡ victoria

prompts - tumblr prompts included
♡ Muse A is a prince/princess and heir to the throne and Muse B is the commander of their guards. Muse A needs to leave for a long trip and Muse B needs to keep them safe during the journey. The problem is, they discover a plot against Muse A’s life. Will they manage to keep them safe?

♡ The country is at war and the capitol is under siege. Muse A is the last living royal descent, Muse B is their faithful soldier. Muse B needs to get Muse A out of the city and back to their regrouping troops so they can take the country back.

♡ Muse A and B are both of royal blood and are forced to marry for the good of both of their worlds as it’s a part of peace declaration between the nations. They see each other for the first day on their wedding day.

♡ Muse A is of royal blood, unhappily married with muse C. Muse B is a young and dashing knight/noble lady who serves in the court. Muse A takes a liking in them, finding long forgotten happiness by their side. How far will they let the things go?

♡ Muse A is of royal blood, muse B is a low born. Muse A takes Muse B to court as an entertainment.

♡ Muse A and B are a young ambitious married couple who plots to get them power. Will they succeed? How much will they sacrifice in the game of thrones?

♡ Muse A and B have been engaged since the young age of three but have never met each other. They have heard each other's voices behind closed doors but that's it. Now they meet for the first time on their wedding day. Can they truly fall for each other even though they've never met till now?

♡ Muse B didn't know they were royalty until the royal messenger arrived at their home and told them and their mother they were invited to the castle for an important discussion. Now the only heir to the throne, they must learn their duties as a royal and all that comes with it. Marriage and betrayal alike.

♡ Muse A, a diplomat was invited to the kingdom to accompany Muse B during a very important ball, teaching them the ins and out of court. They never expected the paintings to dull in comparison to Muse B, but they did.

Muse A was hired as the newest servant to the castle, charged with mostly taking care of Muse B. This was completely fine, despite the player ways of the royal. Of course, things got complicated due to the fact Muse A isn't just a servant, but a spy with a mission to kill the heir to the throne. How can you kill someone you've fallen in love with?

♡ Unhappily married since the age of 18, Muse A is looking for anything to get them out of the bind they have been trapped in. Only, they didn't expect themselves to find a solution in the painfully attractive Muse B, known for their charms and ways with their partners. Fighting against the rules and vows, Muse A must decide if they fall under the spell that Muse B has cast, or if they stay true to their loveless marriage with Muse C.

♡ Muse B, a poor painter with an exquisite gift, gets hired by the wealthy Muse A, supposed to paint portraits of them and their fiancé. As time passed, Muse B found themselves helplessly in love with Muse A, but they had nothing to offer them. How will this scandalous relationship turn out? [/div][/div][/div] [div class="pic3"][div class="y"]
open ღ
[/div][/div] [div class="title"]partner search[/div] [/div][/div]
[div class="codetag"]coded by ukiiyo[/div]
hello and welcome to my partner search~ i've been really craving some period dramas or royal aus, so i thought this would be the perfect way to see if anyone is interested in doing that as well. historical events aren't required if you are unfamiliar with them, so don't worry about that. i just want to have fun while messing around with such a fun setting and characters. i will be the most active on sunday and monday because those are my days off and i like to pop on and rp for a little bit of time. if you ever feel like i haven't talked to you in a while, just send me a message and i'll update you on why i'm taking forever. well i think that's everything for now so feel free to read all the rules and prompts i have listed below~
ღ ღ ღ

♡ cs's and a minimum of two paragraphs per post are required. i am a detailed roleplayer but i will match your posting length
♡ romance is always a key part of my roleplays, sorry i'm a hopeless romantic
♡ i personally am more comfortable making female characters because of personal reasons but i will happily make a male if you want to double~
♡ all romantic pairings are okay with me
♡ i will use realistic fcs only
♡ posting at least twice a week is a must or else i will lose interest
♡ i really enjoy ooc chats because i'm able to flush out characters and relationships
♡ i will roleplay either on rpn or discord
♡ please pm me if you're interested because i don't get a lot of notifications

♡ downton abbey
♡ pride & prejudice
♡ reign
♡ victoria

prompts - tumblr prompts included
♡ Muse A is a prince/princess and heir to the throne and Muse B is the commander of their guards. Muse A needs to leave for a long trip and Muse B needs to keep them safe during the journey. The problem is, they discover a plot against Muse A’s life. Will they manage to keep them safe?

♡ The country is at war and the capitol is under siege. Muse A is the last living royal descent, Muse B is their faithful soldier. Muse B needs to get Muse A out of the city and back to their regrouping troops so they can take the country back.

♡ Muse A and B are both of royal blood and are forced to marry for the good of both of their worlds as it’s a part of peace declaration between the nations. They see each other for the first day on their wedding day.

♡ Muse A is of royal blood, unhappily married with muse C. Muse B is a young and dashing knight/noble lady who serves in the court. Muse A takes liking in them, finding long forgotten happiness by their side. How far will they let the things go?

♡ Muse A is of royal blood, muse B is a low born. Muse A takes Muse B to court as an entertainment.

♡ Muse A and B are a young ambitious married couple who plots to get them power. Will they succeed? How much will they sacrifice in the game of thrones?

♡ Muse A and B have been engaged since the young age of three but have never met each other. They have heard each other's voices behind closed doors but that's it. Now they meet for the first time on their wedding day. Can they truly fall for each other even though they've never met till now?

♡ Muse B didn't know they were royalty until the royal messenger arrived at their home and told them and their mother they were invited to the castle for an important discussion. Now the only heir to the throne, they must learn their duties as a royal and all that comes with it. Marriage and betrayal alike.

♡ Muse A, a diplomat was invited to the kingdom to accompany Muse B during a very important ball, teaching them the ins and out of court. They never expected the paintings to dull in comparison to Muse B, but they did.

Muse A was hired as the newest servant to the castle, charged with mostly taking care of Muse B. This was completely fine, despite the player ways of the royal. Of course, things got complicated due to the fact Muse A isn't just a servant, but a spy with a mission to kill the heir to the throne. How can you kill someone you've fallen in love with?

♡ Unhappily married since the age of 18, Muse A is looking for anything to get them out of the bind they have been trapped in. Only, they didn't expect themselves to find a solution in the painfully attractive Muse B, known for their charms and ways with their partners. Fighting against the rules and vows, Muse A must decide if they fall under the spell that Muse B has cast, or if they stay true to their loveless marriage with Muse C.
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Hi! I was going through your prompts and the 4th one really sparked my interest. I was wondering if we could talk and maybe start a roleplay

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