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Realistic or Modern ๐‘ป๐‘ฏ๐‘ฌ ๐‘น๐‘ถ๐‘ผ๐‘ต๐‘ซ ๐‘ป๐‘จ๐‘ฉ๐‘ณ๐‘ฌ โ€” ๐˜ข ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฏ-๐˜ง๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ต๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜บ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฐ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฑ๐˜ญ๐˜ข๐˜บ.


cheers for spring; for life; for a growing soul

a tale as old as time โ€”



a roleplay by erzulie erzulie + demonology demonology .

the premise.

May, 1995. A strapping Noble's hands crinkle the edges of the parchment. Their eyes roam over the words once more. You are one of nine students, the letter reads. Congratulations. Realization dawns, forming a pink sheen on their cheeks. "ยกMamรก!" they call out, running off and letting the Imperial acceptance drift to the red oriental rug below.

Another, across the country on the port of Azul, pushes crates back and forth. Off the ship and back on. An exchange of cargo. The routine numbs the mind to such a degree that they do not hear their young brother's howls across the salted air. "It's here!" he calls. Something flaps in his hands, creating a sharp, cracking thunder sound. They look up when he reaches their peripheral. The paper in his hands is a sail, swaying back and forth in the wind. Set to carry them out of here.

August, 1995 The first of the Master's students to reach the Imperial Academy of Nephilim is the first to receive a tainted, black envelope on their doorstep. They open the crooked and warped wooden door, stepping out to the sweating hallway, when their heeled toe edges the letter. "What's this?" they voice out, unconcerned and unconscious. It's plucked from the floor, cold to the touch. The seal breaks tantilizingly with ease, the black cardstock slipping out as though the envelope were a lacey slip. Something about the secrecy it denotes speaks to the hand that holds it. The eyes that devour it. You are invited... it begins, To The Round Table Society. They grip the edges of the letter as one holds the hips of a lover โ€” gently. They think, with fascination as warm as the hall and fear as cold as the envelope, So the rumors are true...

Another envelope, but its effect does not enchant โ€” it casts derision. A graduate, one who already wondered if joining the notorious, yet illustrious Imperial Master's ranks was really worth it. They had no other options โ€” it was either the Department of Fables, Cultures, and Histories or they'd return home, in debt and with nothing of Nobility to show for it. After they pluck the invitation off the floor, they open it, skim it, wrinkle their nose, and fling it onto their side table, like a dead rat from its tail, and continue unpacking. A roommate picks the creamy, weighty paper up, asks, "You're not gonna go? Just to see if they're pullin' your leg or not?"

The skeptic shakes their head, lugging another box onto their mattress. A scoff, some shuffling of cloth-wrapped knicknacks, and they add, "And get kidnapped? No soy tan tonto." Picking up the voidic envelop, they toss it in the trash with an ominous thunk!

When another ends up at their doorstep, they throw it out too. Another a day later meets the same fate. It is not until, in place of a quietly placed envelope, a pert knock comes to the door. When they open the door with an impatient huff, they are greeted by a tall woman, whose dim smile plays out across her lips, shifting into three different shades throughout the conversation that follows. She hands the skeptic an small booklet of the same smooth, black paper. "The basement," she tells them carefully, casting a raven, chiffon scarf across her neck despite the heat. "After class on Monday". With an imperceptible nod, the woman recedes, heels clacking down the linoleum of the dorm hall.

Echoing the thoughts of eight other students, they lean against the doorjam, watching a spide spin her web, and think, Mierde... they were right.

Hi there! Welcome to The Round Table, an urban-fantasy, choice-based roleplay set in the fictional country of Nephilim. Our cast are graduate students of the Imperial Academy, attending its exclusive Master's Program of Fables, Cultures, and Histories (MFCH). During their first week in the MFCH program, they are invited to The Round Table Society. Historically, the Society is fascinated with all things regarding The Round Table, a group of soldiers responsible for saving Nephilim from Spanish occupation. The Table's exploits are commonly written about in Nephi fables, myths, and legends on a similar level of fascination that Sir Arthur and the subsequent canon received. Beyond the Table being a piece of Nephi culture, the groups' leader, Grand Duke Samael, is the founder of the Imperial Academy.

Scrutiny follows after those who attend the Academy's MFCH program โ€” cultish behavior tends to manifest in the group. Furthermore, The Round Table Society's interest in the Nephi canon goes well beyond mindless occupation. As our cast quickly learns, the rumors were true: the Society seeks to find Duke Samael's tomb, to pull Lilith's sword from his body, and receive his Final Wish. Given membership to the Society is compulsory to all who enroll as a MFCH student, our cast has no choice but to search for Duke Samael.

However, it will be their choices after they are inducted that decide Fate's hand. The Round Table is a CHOICE-BASED roleplay, meaning your mods will be presenting your characters with choices at various crossroads, and your character's choice will impact the plot.

Lastly, information about Nephilim, the Imperial Academy, the Master's Program, and the characters of the Round Table fable are located HERE. You can also read on to learn about the rules and the roles.

โ€” Erzulie + Demonology

reborn once more.


Please be aged 18+. Additionally, Discord will be required for OOC activity, including plotting.

We ask that you try to post one every two weeks at two or more paragraphs per post. However, if muse is low, you're on a time crunch, there's not enough going on to justify posting more than a few sentences, short posts are more than acceptable.
Plotting + OOC engagement is just as important due to the size of this group. Please, please keep us mods in the loop if you anticipate not being able to meet our posting requirement, as otherwise we will be waiting on a post from you. With that, please note that we are NOT ghost-friendly; just shoot one of us a quick DM if you're no longer interested! Not only would we like the opportunity to get your muse up again, but we'd also like to wish you well if you've chosen to leave!

Applications are NOT first-come, first-serve. B/c of this, you're welcome to apply for the same role as someone else, unless noted as already taken. We will only accept characters with phys. descriptions or realistic faceclaims.

Please be respectful. Bigotry or bullying of any kind will not be tolerated. Be considerate of other writers, especially as this group is small! Allow each character to have a spot in the limelight, plot with each writer, etc.

AN IMPORTANT NOTE: Our roles are written with the history of the ORIGINAL Round Table members in mind. You will see if you look at the expanded information for a role that there is a section labled as "The Incarnate" and this is the only required information for your character. The rest is up-to-player, meaning you can use whatever amount of the info provided as inspiration for your character. Our characters are intended to mimic, in some way, the histories of the Round Table, but they are not exact reincarnations. Go crazy, get creative, and ask questions if you have them!

the imperial students.

the roles.

SAMAEL โ€” The Grand Duke responsible for ending the war with the Spanish Empire. He died by Lilith's hand after peace had been reached and the Imperial Academy erected. His incarnate is a Scholarship Recipient and a non-Noble. TAKEN BY ERZULIE.

LILITH โ€” The Great Betrayer and Samael's wife. She murdered him in cold blood, seemingly seeking power of her own and to usurp the Duke who came from no Noble blood. Her incarnate is of a Noble House. OPEN.

OSE โ€” The Inheritor. The man who sat on the Duke's right-hand side. A bastard of a Noble bloodline, he fell into fortune and fame by the end of his life, having married Uzza, a Noblewoman from a great House, and inherited the responsibility of tending to the Duke's heirs, fortunes, and grounds following his passing. His incarnate is of a Noble House. TAKEN BY DEMONOLOGY.

MALPAS โ€” The Strategist. The woman whose mind stood behind the entire resistance, counseling the Duke and the Nephi armies on how to best create an asymmetry of power with the brutal Spaniards. Her incarnate is of a Noble House. OPEN.

BELIAL โ€” The Uprooted. Once a spy and assassin for the Spanish Empire, he came to kill Samael and wound up joining the ranks of the Round Table. His incarnate is a Scholarship Recipient and non-Noble. OPEN.

VASSAGO โ€” The Enigma. An orphan in Spain, much mystery enshrouds the Round Table's blacksmith. Their incarnate is a Scholarship Recipient and a non-Noble. OPEN.

ELIGAR โ€” The Sword. A fortuitous General, Eligar began as a Spanish soldier who was caught by the Round Table and later joined their ranks. Many say Eligar's ferciousness on the battlefield and collaboration with Malpas turned the tides of the war. Her incarnate is a Scholarship Recipient and a non-Noble. OPEN.

MORAX โ€” The Bomb. Specializing in chemical combinations, Morax is known firstly for their talent with explosives and second for their rumors regarding a penchant for arson. Their incarnate is a Scholarship Recipient and a non-Noble. OPEN.

UZZA โ€” The Shaper of the New World. Joining the Round Table late into the war, Uzza hails from a particularly powerful House that continues today. Her primary role was an archer, but after the war ended, she served as a powerful politician alongside her husband, Ose. Her incarnate is from a Noble House. OPEN.

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ยฉ weldherwings.

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come and join >:3
I'm in
added; please do let me know when there is a discord I really love this idea <3
Weโ€™ll be opening the discord once characters are accepting! If you have any ideas or questions feel free to message us.

The cs is now linked within the code above.
Can you post an uncoded version? The roles and guidelines seem to be overlapping on my phone. Anyway, I remember how cool this was last time so I may just apply again!
Can you post an uncoded version? The roles and guidelines seem to be overlapping on my phone. Anyway, I remember how cool this was last time so I may just apply again!
If youโ€™re having trouble you can always view the lore here! Iโ€™ll get an u coded version up soon if that doesnโ€™t help.
Okay so weโ€™ve created a temporary discord in case anyone wants to run any ideas by us or has any questions.
Hello!! I just wanna formall express my interest in this. I do have a question tho.
Do we have to be unique or have achieved something extraordinary to get into the course? Or at least have a recognisable enough character. Initially, I thought of the course as like the elites of their respective field. Because, at the moment, Iโ€™m finding it challenging to find something prominent for my character to do or to achieve.
Hello!! I just wanna formall express my interest in this. I do have a question tho.
Do we have to be unique or have achieved something extraordinary to get into the course? Or at least have a recognisable enough character. Initially, I thought of the course as like the elites of their respective field. Because, at the moment, Iโ€™m finding it challenging to find something prominent for my character to do or to achieve.
Hi, Iโ€™m glad that this caught your eye! So it depends on what type of student youโ€™re going for. In terms of scholarship students theyโ€™d have to be extraordinary by default. If theyโ€™re a noble it nice if theyโ€™re extraordinary but they have it easier than scholarship students most definitely.
Hi, Iโ€™m glad that this caught your eye! So it depends on what type of student youโ€™re going for. In terms of scholarship students theyโ€™d have to be extraordinary by default. If theyโ€™re a noble it nice if theyโ€™re extraordinary but they have it easier than scholarship students most definitely.
Okie!! That makes more sense. Thanks for the clarification. It was much appreciated. At the moment, this is the blurb I have about my character's discipline. Is this alright?
Cryptography. Enrique has helped the country of Nephi get recognised in the cryptography community worldwide. He researched the solution and the full decryption of an old encrypted journal. The journal belongs to Beatrix Potter, a Victorian lady. His paper led to a better understanding of Victorian society, art and literature, science and nature, politics and society, and Beatrix's hopes and frustrations. This paper also earned him the Best Paper Award 1993, given to him by the International Association for Cryptologic Research.
Okie!! That makes more sense. Thanks for the clarification. It was much appreciated. At the moment, this is the blurb I have about my character's discipline. Is this alright?
Cryptography. Enrique has helped the country of Nephi get recognised in the cryptography community worldwide. He researched the solution and the full decryption of an old encrypted journal. The journal belongs to Beatrix Potter, a Victorian lady. His paper led to a better understanding of Victorian society, art and literature, science and nature, politics and society, and Beatrix's hopes and frustrations. This paper also earned him the Best Paper Award 1993, given to him by the International Association for Cryptologic Research.
hi there! im demon, the other mod of this lil diddy. That definitely works!
are you still interested in apps or have you filled up? amazing premise,

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