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Fantasy The Rise Of Heirs - Lore


Grade A Bitch
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check

    1. No Godmoding
    2. No killing another person's character without permission
    3. No Insta hits/kills
    4. You don't walk away from every fight unscathed, so keep that mind
    5. I want at least a paragraph or more of text with each post. Proper grammar and spelling, and written in third person
    6. If things get a little to spicy, fade to black
    7. Fuck language restrictions
    8. This to will have some heavy themes, so please keep this in mind
    9. Arguing IC is to be expected, but I will kick people out if you cause unnecessary drama OOC
    10. Have fun!
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Name: Brightstone

Description: Brightstone sits in a very hilly landscape surrounded by the forests to the north, and landscapes to the east and west, and swamplands to the south. It is naturally fortified due to how it sits on a large mound and is also fortified with walls. The Adventurer's Guild sits in the middle of the town making it easy to find for both the young recruits and the recruiters seeking members for tasks. All around the outside, though mostly on the east and western sides, Brightstone is surrounded by wheat fields.

Important places:
The Adventurers' Guild: Home to the main mercenary guild of Kalder and if you are given entry to this guild, you won't have to worry about a lack of jobs or things to do.

General Store: The main general store is located in between the southern gate and the Adventurer's Guild and supplies most of what the town needs in commerce as well as rumors.

The Rusty Harpoon: This Inn/bar is the go to place for most people in the city for good times, alcohol, and just to relax after a hard day's work.

Morgan's Smithy: (Sir) Morgan runs this armory with his wife Beatrix and they're well known for each of their skills; Morgan with his hammer and Beatrix with her needle. They supply about 60% of the guild's weapons/armor/repair jobs.
Name: The Dragonland


Description: A region full of dragons and dragon related creatures, where you have to be either a culture that has coexisted with dragons or just plain crazy to live here. The areas within can vary due to the various types of dragons and their elemental powers.

Important Places: More Coming Soon/Open
  • High Dragon's Nest Mountain: Deep in the very heart of the Dragonlands is the High Dragon's Nest which is actually a giant mountain. Here she gives birth mane raises her young before they fly out during adolescence to grow into full grown dragons. Places is more infested with dragons then an ant hill with ants.

Anythingn else you want to add: This isn't the only place to find dragons but general is the only place this populated with them. Not everyday is fry and dine on the travelers day.
Brigands' Monastery
In the salt wastes of the eastern grasslands, beyond Faylen's Golden Plains, where kings' armies dare not tread, lies the Brigands' Monastery. A formidable stone fortress home to the anti-pacifistic order of religious warriors. Few who have sought to destroy the order have ever reached the walls of the Monastery. The cost of uprooting their foothold being so high, most rulers are willing to overlook the presence of such a violent order.
Important Places:
The Grand Library

Underneath the main chapel, carved into the desert bedrock is the Grand Library, in this cool space all the collected knowledge of martial wisdom is collected for the disciples to study.

Name: Ungluck Assassin's Guild

Description: They’re an eccentric band of assassins that care not for the background of those that they employ. Moreso of the strange rule that they have: once a target has reached the hold of Ungluck and either plead for their life, pays for it, duels an assassin that was meant to kill them, or joins their ranks, the target becomes untouchable. The guild returns the money to their client and asks them to make it again so the contract is renewed, and they would be free to eliminate the target once again. Another perk is that, once a target becomes a member of the guild, no one would be allowed take a contract on their lives, even going as far as having a group within the guild that protects its own members. After all, while anyone can join the Ungluck guild, no one may ever leave.

Location: Somewhere in Kalder. There are many branches, and messengers are all over the place. They even use misleading emblems and sigils to confuse rival assassin guilds and to hinder the righteous plots of the lawful.

Services: Just because the Ungluck is an assassin's guild doesn't mean that it only does assassinations. Sometimes, they can be hired, among other things (and strangely enough), as an esteemed cook, enchanters, blacksmiths, and healers. There is one service that clients like to order due to its theatricality: the Ceremonial Ungluck Death. It consists of driving a target crazy by, first, inciting their paranoia to dangerous levels, hunting them down in every nook and cranny until nowhere is safe, giving them a message courtesy of the client, then making them draw up a will or some such (questionably voluntarily), before either killing the target or having the target kill themselves. Very rarely do the clients want the targets live, but it does happen from time to time.

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Nerish Glyphs

The Glyph system is the main form of writing used in Nera today, and was developed during the long reign of Queen Setymis Merrandis, just after she united the Nerish tribes into one sovereign nation. Although Nera once had its own language, it has since fallen out of daily usage, its knowledge preserved only by scholars and the educated nobility. However, the people continue to use ancient glyphs to write the Common Tongue instead of the horizontal script favored by the rest of Faylen. Designed with efficiency in mind, glyphs are divided into blocks which each represent a syllable. Each block must have at least one consonant (or placeholder), and one vowel. Depending on the region, blocks and words may be separated with a line of some sort (as seen in the top left image), though this is not universal.

Glyphmarks Glyph tattoos, or glyphmarks, are of vital importance to Nerish culture and society. Marks, written in the Old Nerish language on arms and hands, represent aspects of a person's life such as social class, marital status, profession, place of birth, etc. This makes it simple to judge an Nerishman's worth and esteem based on a single glance.

Upon birth, an Nerish priest will mark the child's left shoulder with glyphs denoting the caste he/she was born into, followed by birthplace. When a person reaches adulthood, the back of their left hand is marked with the glyph Vath or Vathir (man or woman) as a rite of passage. From then on, further marks will accumulate over time in accordance with any other life milestones.

The glyph for Dann (Bond) marked on a person's left wrist signifies that he/she is married. Stripe marks may wrap around the left forearm, each representing one child sired.

The right arm is reserved for marks based on personal achievement rather than birth and family. Skilled workers receive a mark on the right shoulder indicating their field. A surgeon would have the glyph for Health, a businessman the glyph of Commerce, and so on. Additionally, they might receive stripes around their forearm, one for each year they have spent practicing their profession. Those who have performed an exceptional act of valor may have the glyph for Glory bestowed on their wrist by a clergyman (a Medal of Honor, if you will). Marks on the right hand are given only to those who have committed an Unforgivable Crime (rape, murder, sacrelige, etc.). Such criminals are more or less cast out by the rest of society, deemed untouchable and profane. It is frowned upon to offer aid, shelter, or solace to those cursed with the Unforgivable mark.

Ordained priests are the only ones allowed to have facial marks, and are in fact required to undergo a ceremony in which the glyph of their patron god is tattooed on their forehead. Slaves recieve marks on the nape of their neck.

(More to be written)
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The Brigand Monks
Many years ago, in the most primitive and warlike times, a young man by the name of Mori set out from his fishing village on the southern coast to seek out work in other places and find his fortune. As the day wore on, the light faded, and as Mori passed through a valley in the grasslands, he found himself under attack from all sides by a savage bandit clan. Having only a sword and his walking staff, he fought for hours, through hunger and pain and fatigue. Beset by so many opponents, he was pushed to the very limits of his abilities. There at the very edge of his life, it is said that he understood everything. Battle had pushed him so far from the mundane human practices he had been raised with that he had found a natural state. In this heart of battle he was one with all things, and because of that, nothing could kill him. Weaving masterfully between swords, spears, and arrows, Mori the Enlightened defeated the bandit clan. He forgot the purpose for which he had set out from his village, and instead dedicated himself to that state of enlightened combat. It is said that he could see the entire universe in the breadth of a single sword stroke.

Over the years, Mori garnered followers, many of whom were hot-blooded young people who craved the rush of battle. He drilled these disciples rigorously, trying to teach them to find their natural warrior's state, the fighting style which would bring them closer to enlightenment. These disciples would go out into the world when they felt they could train no more. Wandering from place to place they would set upon bandits and noble warriors alike. This earned them the title of "The Brigand Monks". Nowadays these monks are struggling to remain neutral in the face of the invasion. Some Imperium Commanders have bounties set out for the heads of monks, others seek to persuade the order to one side of the war or the other.

Name: Margraviate of the Schwarz Meer

Description: It's one of the heavily defended areas of Khora due to its positioning. It's usually encountered by pirates who think they'd have an easy time of entering the kingdom through a channel rarely used. It has many stations littered around various strategic locations, the soldiers of the margraviate using complex signals to relay information.

Important Places:
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    This is where the seat of the Margrave and Margravine's family are located. It’s the center of commerce, ships coming and going at all times of the day. The Margraviate sports a large navy, constantly patrolling the channel, some having them at sea. Usually, the ships out in the ocean have more tendency to be attacked, but their officers are more experienced, having low casualties. Veteran pirates knew better than to chase the ships, though, since there’s almost always an ambush waiting for them.

    Since the fall of the Altara Margraviate to Imperium hands, however, experienced pirates managed to enter the channel, setting up shop in the forests in order to ambush Imperium ships. There have been some raids in other stations, and the Imperium made a blockade of ships to protect the city in anticipation of a large pirate raid.
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Name: Vergen
Description: It’s a town of commerce in Khora with few Imperium presence.
Important Places:
  • This is Geneva’s current home, the place where she always returns. It’s just a measly apartment that is nondescript and looks like any other, unless someone decides to break in wherein they’d find the doors and windows to be heavily locked. If they managed to get past that, they’d find the room trapped and poisonous. In the room, there’s a single bed, drawer, cabinet, table, two chairs, and a window where an array of plants are laid out.
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    The complex, Heim, is owned by Bote, an Ungluck assassin, where half of his tenants are normal civilians from all walks of life, the other half members of the guild. He usually works as the deliverer and messenger for the members, but, as a civilian, works as the town’s potion-maker.
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    The inn is a popular meeting place for Ungluck assassins to unwind. They can gather information from other places here, converse with other people be it civilians or assassins, or pick up some nightly companion if that is their wish. The inn makes an apple pie so delicious that the assassins dubbed the baker an honorary Ungluck member, without the baker’s knowledge, of course.
Eazim Forest
The Eazim Forest is something of local legend for the country of Venning, as it is generally believed to be the home of many kinds of fey, such as spriggans, treants, fairies, nymphs, and more. These creatures are usually considered to either be long dead or but simple myth, due to no one having seen any in centuries. But, what is most interesting is the fact that Eazim Forest is truly one of their last bastions on Faylen that is not on ground ruled by the elves.
Draco Paladine

While Paladine can take the form of either a warrior clad in platinum armor, he can also take the form of a Platinum Dragon. Those high enough in his church claim that he visits them in their dreams, giving them quests or purpose. Paladine has been around since the beginning, but had little popularity due to the dark times that the world faced. Upon the creation of the more evil creatures, such as Ogres, Trolls, and Orcs, Paladine appeared to the great Hailax Silverspire, who would eventually use the power of his God to drive back against the darkness.

Paladine's church, at first, had little power and was typically ignored by any major empire; despite Hailax saving a good chunk of the ancient Erathian Empire from an invasion of an orc horde. Still, the church continued to survive in a very small town, eventually becoming a great holy capital- Palanthas, deep within the heart of Erathia. The struggle with the church was finding priests and clerics that would run it properly, and though Paladine's light was real, he only revealed himself to a select few, making the clergy far too weak to have any sway in any government. As fortune would have it, however, Erathia faced yet another crisis- a scourge of undead assaulted the land. Led by a terrible lich, him and his necromancer disciples were able to take over most of Erathia, until they reached Palanthas. Hailax's time came once again, as he assaulted the undead attack with his blade, Gilean. Driving back most of the horde was easy, for the church was small yet gifted in the arts of magic, and with Paladine's light they were able to destroy much of the host. Unfortunately, the curse of necromancy kept the dead ones alive, and the assault was seemingly endless.

According to legend, Hailax was actually slain by the lich, and defied death through Paladine's might-returning from beyond and destroying the Lich where he stood. Evidently, without the lich the rest of the invasion faltered, and Hailax led the church to take back the empire.

The Church became quite popular after that, and became Erathia's only religion that actually thrived. As it were, Hailax retired from fighting, and became the church's Arch Bishop. The clergy grew and grew, to the point where it was stronger than the crown, and Paladine's light shown throughout the world. His clerics now go around trying to help the world whenever possible, finding light in the darkness that thrives away from Palanthas.

FireMaiden FireMaiden


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Name: Kingdom of Velendar

Description: The Kingdom of Velendar is a nation of Dark Elves set deep in the mountains of this world. A civil war broke out within the Elven race, with the purer strain of Elves emerging victorious. The defeated Elves fled into the mountains, where they established camps and outposts. Without the resources of their hated kin, the Dark Elves had to adapt to their new landscape. Mighty cities were carved into the very mountains themselves, often leading Dark Elf and Dwarf factions to engage in bitter wars as the newly named Velendar expanded its borders.

Under the leadership of the First Archon, Velendar stands as the more prominent and powerful Dark Elf Kingdom across the known world, able to muster mighty armies to march to war. However, due to their nature, the legions of Velendar fight each other as often as they fight outsiders, and the ever constant skirmishes with the Dwarves prevent the Dark Elf hosts from marching out against the world at large.
Important Places: Velen'sar, the capital city of the Kingdom of Velendar. It is the largest city within the mountain ranges the Dark Elves call their home, spread out across several mountains. It stands at the head of the mountain pass into the Dark Elf territory, and is the only known location outsiders are able to travel to and frequent. In the center of the city, suspended by stone bridges and pillars is the Hall of Archon's, where the First Archon and the Council conduct matters of state.
Anything else you want to add: Dark Elves are generally hostile towards outsiders, and as such Velendar doesn't look kindly to travelers. They are allowed to enter Velen'sar without too much trouble, though passage deeper into Dark Elf territory is strictly forbidden. Dark stories and legends abound of foolish adventurers and merchants who tried to sneak past the ever vigilant Crimson Guard. Some of their bodies are still on display to this day.

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