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Fantasy The Revolution (reboot)

Kalista illea

She look at him and nodded in understanding of what was going on. She then look at Serricia on how she talk to the minatour as she look at him "wweee...wwwiiilll ppprrrooovvviiidddeee yyyooouuu fffoooddd aaannnd wwwaaarrr aaasss yyoouu wwiiissshhh!!!!" She told him and added "ppllllleeeaaassseee tttaaakkkeee aaaa ssseeeaattt wweeerreee wwweee ssshhhaaalll dddiissccusss wwhhyyy iii hhaaavvveee bbbrrrooouugghttt uuu aaalll hheerreee" she said while moving her hands and stop as she walk beside Serrica "did u think he understand what we are trying to tell him?"

@Warb @Allibi
Gorelok's breathing calmed and he became less agitated when he was promised food and fights. Cocking his head as they introduce himself, his cowlike ears rotated to face the two. Understanding dawned in his eyes and he responded by smashing a fist against his chest, saying in an almost proud tone, "Gorelok. Man Eater." When Kalista started talking, he cocked his head even further to the point it was almost parallel to the floor. Pointing to Kalista, Gorelok turned to Serricia and remarked, "She talk weird."

@Astaroth Suzumiya @Allibi
"I think he thinks that you sounded like a fool."

Serricia whispered back with a snicker after the words. Doubting that the Minotaur would like to stay to hear the conversation, she beckoned a servant to come to her across the hall. Whispering her instructions into her ear, Serricia watched her face turned into an utmost shock, before the maid passed a quick bow to her, and in quick jogs left the throne room. Seeing the maid leaving the room, she turned her body to face Gorelok. In a clear and subversive tone.

"Gorelok. Eat ? Or stay and listen to Kalista plan ?"

  • If Gorelok were to chose to eat, she would lead the Minotaur out of the throne room, and into the dining hall. To be honest, the dining hall wouldn't be the place that she would be bringing him. As the old castle's dining hall have already been partially collapsed, the roots of trees growing everywhere in it makes it near impossible to clean up. Instead, Serricia will lead Gorelok to an open courtyard that is placed outside of the kitchen, a makeshift kitchen, where the a firepit have been made, and tents were set up with long tables and benches.

    The scene at the courtyard was rather chaotic, as everything that she have whispered into the ears of the maid have just been ongoing. The chefs ran in and out of the kitchen, bringing in chunks of varieties of meat. From game to lamb, two of the butchers were busy skinning and preparing them at the far end of the kitchen. The chefs ran from that end to here, taking the slabs of sliced meat, and rubbing the spices onto them. Some of the maids that were suited into these kind of work, are also giving a helping hand to them. There are big cuts of meat, and literally just the whole leg of a beef, or venison just being spiced up for this occasion.

    There are also vegetables. Minotaurs are bulls to start of with...

    In all honesty, no one in the castle knew what Minotaurs liked to eat. They're just trying their best not to disappoint a guest invited by the princess.

Kalista illea

Kalista look at them as she sign at the meanatour "okey tgis might be getting out of hand" she sign and sat down "o.k.e.y Go.od Ge.re.lok pl.ease t.ake a. Se.at" she told him with a sign taken a ballpen and a quil as she start writing on something and waited. Also hoping the minataur wont go burserk on something and start destroying the whole empire.

@Warb @Allibi
Gorelok nodded and thought for a second. He was hungry, he was always hungry. But he had eaten that deer head, so he wasn't AS hungry. And this Kalista promised fights, she promised food if he followed her. So he would stay with her, that way he would get food AND fights. Nodding at his decision, Gorelok spoke, "I stay. I sit." He looked on as Serrica ushered a seat for him, curious about the foreign object. Walking up to it, Gorelok cautiously sniffed at it. Seemingly satisfied with his examination, Gorelok plunked himself down upon the chair. It creaked and sagged in protest, but it held firm. Crossing his arms, Gorelok waited for something interesting to happen.

@Astaroth Suzumiya @Allibi

Kalista Illea

Kalista look at them all as she smile in satisfaction as she count them all one by one but wait...she know they are not 5 here but 6 and 7th was the titan so were did... she pause she recalled her outburst and remembering that the lil girl follow that titan but why isnt she in fear of him? never mind all is that she is needed in the team so she must find the both of them if it has to.

whils looking around she would rather want the Guards to come along and guide her but he move her thought and look at the Gorelok as she look at him and he looks like someone who can talk with a titan due to his form of skill and might. deciding upon her decision she stand up "Ggggaaarreeelllooookkk ccaaannn uuu cccooommmeee wwwiiittthhhh mmmeee iiinnn tttthhheeee wwwooodddsss iii hhhhaaavvveee sssooommmeeeeooonnneeee tttoo fffiiinnnddd sssooo wwweee cccaaannn ssstttaaarrrttt wwwwiiilll uuu cccooommmeee wwwiiittthhhh mmmeee????" she ask him slow and nicely so that he can understand her words even thoe he called her weird she cant help but to smile in her own foolish ways.

@Warb @Allibi
Artagan had remained rather Silent as the two newcomers arrived, once again they were losing focus of what had to be done, but that of course was normal for this band of brigands "Ain't he a biggun" the hunter mumbled to himself, his eyes glued to the Mighty Minotaur who called himself 'Gorlock' "I would suggest we just start without them, at this rate we will be here for weeks without getting anything done. As said before, we need to work in pairs or trios at most to complete missions, which we also need. Those that are missing should be put into groups together, while we can establish some sort of plans here for now, sound fair Princess?" he suggested, getting rather impatient with the group"

@Astaroth Suzumiya @Warb @Allibi And the rest of you

Fran Cait Husky

"This better be worth my time, or else" the blue-haired girl thought as she approached a rather large castle, it appeared somewhat destroyed with a few broken windows here and there, but apart from that, it looked fine. She noticed the large door At the entrance had a few guardsmen standing around it, most likely going to bring her to the leader of the organization and stepped towards them before being led to another room not too far away. She didn't like this at all, as she walked through a large room, her footsteps echo'd as she walked, and once through the second door into what appeared to be a throne room with some people standing around on the inside, She stayed where she was by the door, prepared for anything, it wouldn't have been too hard to run away.

This had all begun because she had heard of some warriors some sort of force against the two queens called "The Revolution" and had thought it might have been a good idea to check it out
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Trust said:

Fran Cait Husky

"This better be worth my time, or else" the blue-haired girl thought as she approached a rather large castle, it appeared abandoned with a few broken windows here and there, but apart from that, it looked fine. She noticed the large door was already open and stepped inside before hearing some people's voices in a room not too far away. She didn't like this at all, as she walked through a large room, her footsteps echoing throughout the entire castle as she walked, and through a second door into what appeared to be a throne room with some people standing around on the inside. She stayed where she was, prepared for anything, it wouldn't be too hard to run away.

This had all begun because she had heard of some warriors some sort of force against the two queens called "The Revolution" and had thought it might have been a good idea to check it out
aannnddd again itsnot abandon just destroyed
Trust said:

Fran Cait Husky

"This better be worth my time, or else" the blue-haired girl thought as she approached a rather large castle, it appeared abandoned with a few broken windows here and there, but apart from that, it looked fine. She noticed the large door was already open and stepped inside before hearing some people's voices in a room not too far away. She didn't like this at all, as she walked through a large room, her footsteps echoing throughout the entire castle as she walked, and through a second door into what appeared to be a throne room with some people standing around on the inside. She stayed where she was, prepared for anything, it wouldn't be too hard to run away.

This had all begun because she had heard of some warriors some sort of force against the two queens called "The Revolution" and had thought it might have been a good idea to check it out
and there are guards waiting in the entrance did u not read my post well? xD

Kalista Illea

"yes it is such a good idea Artagon" she said as she look at everyone and groaning a lil becuz for some reason a titan dint accept the offer and the lil girl is missing... "when we are done with this we will tell the late comers our dessissions Artagon... and after this i shall go to thw woods and find the young girl where ever she have went too... i cant right anymore member missing in this kind of stage" she spoke as she open the book.

"everyone since we are going up into ground we have to eliminate one or the royal Servants from the queen of chaos starting of with the weakes of the tree " she spoke as she take out an image from a folder beside the table


"her name is chi.. her race is Uncuficient... she have three powers her power is one Blood Destruction Chi sends daggers, targeting enemies and is able to deal physical damage or death to opponents that get cut with her daggers through the use of bloodstreams two Red line she is able to catch under magic circles she hides whenever in a battle and last of all that is and three Bloodline she is able to manipulate enemies when they are caught in her Red line spell with the use of strings." she said as she take a deep breath "so if u are planning for a team we surely can do some sepperation or all agains one "

@Aragon @Warb @Allibi


Royal Guard

the guard look down at her and inspecting her carefully, she was a young innocent looking girl. his eyes then stop when he saw her holding a paper witch the Princess has order him. he look at his fellow guards as they salute at him and open the door for the girl to enter inside

"Follow me" he spoke as they walk inside the entrance she could already see the trails of blood and crack in the walls. they will notice the maids are cleaning up area and some maids stop and look at the blood stained around the floor and walls as they cannot help but to cry remembering the great memories they have all shared and now banished with pain that cannot be healed

the Guard did not seem to take heed of it and keep walking to the hallways as they reach up the Throne room. the door was close as he turn around to face the both of them "this shall be my stop...u may now enter Princess Kalista is waiting for your arrival" he spoke as he open the door for her since there are too many arrival that went inside and keep broking the door and all the enginneer are soo tired to keep up on fixing the door.

"Well what is your name"Zcara asked. She crossed her arms over her chest and stopped walking " im sorry i didnt ask before i was preoccupied " She smiled slightly and waited for Kamina to respond to her

@Alaster Von Grim

Fran Cait Husky


Fran nodded to the guard in acknowledgment as he left her side."I regret wearing a combat skirt" she thought to herself as she walked silently towards the room, a few people there already along with what appeared to be the leader wearing a red cloak along with some armour along with long, white hair. Fran gave a small wave and took her place at the back, coming in just in time to hear her say something about the Queens' royal servants

@Astaroth Suzumiya

Kalista Illea

Kalista look at the opening door "well hello there i see you have recieve my uncles letter..." she spoke as she walk close to her and inspecting her every movement looks like she has a great match in combat she will be every usefull in the fight more or less she is glad to have her in her team.

"my name is Kalista Illea welcome to the resistance please take a seat and take a rest we shall start the meeting later on when everyone is complete nor if u like u can listen to our main conversation and plans for the first attack on the two sisters" he told her as she walk and stand back baside Artagon "now lets get back to bussiness"

@Aragon @Warb @Allibi @Trust
Astaroth Suzumiya](announcement!: everyone get back in the empire ... witch is the safe zone ofcourse ... and to the once who are out shall be hunted ... by the two Queens Royal servants ...just to make the rp more interesting... Good luck ) @Aragon [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36295-lostrose/ said:
(Mia is still in the castle.;3: she hasn't moved.

LostRose said:
"Well what is your name"Zcara asked. She crossed her arms over her chest and stopped walking " im sorry i didnt ask before i was preoccupied " She smiled slightly and waited for Kamina to respond to her
@Alaster Von Grim
"Yeah with trying to make me cross dress"

Kamina said as he looked back at zcara with a scowl

"My name is kamina now leave me alone"

He said before he walked away into the darker part of the woods

(Suzu if you want kamina back you'll have to get him personally)
Kalista illea

She look around her comrades with a smile as she waa so worried about the girl... poor girl the titan must have left her all alone in the woods .

"Everyone... i am very thankfull for all of u that has jpin ipon my team.. really i am but first i must find our missing comrades but i shall be back... and please while i am gone Aatagan ( @Aragon @KingsPlague @Allibi @Comet @some who i forgot to mentiom sorry

As kalista walk to the wood he seem to notice some trails yet she have to ve careful from the servants sight

"LIL GIRL! TITAN WERE ARE U ALL?!" she said as it was starting to get dark and more deadly they have to hey into a much safer place when she found them

@LostRose @Alaster Von Grim
Mia Mia stood up, watching the leader of the group walk out to go find the obnoxious Titan and a little girl. She jogged to catch up to her, sighing and putting a hand to her temple. "I can help. The forest has eyes you know." She smirked at that, walking beside her.

"Nature powers lets me talk to the trees and the forest. They will most likely know where they are." She said, her antlers glowing a blue and gold color to light up the area around them.
@Astaroth Suzumiya @Alaster Von Grim @LostRose

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