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Fantasy The Revolution (reboot)

"Hey im not a runt " She stated slightly angry. Zcara continued following him " Please dont go sir " she was trailing behind him at a distance. She sighed and was going to give up " Great my first ever freind is going to leave " she mummbled to herself and slowed her pace.
Kiro was already seated and soon saw Zcara and waved her hand. " hey over here!" Kiro said as she waved her hand over to zcara. Her first ever freind in 16 years. Who knew. Kiro smiled happily as she was still seated but thare was a open seat next to Kiro @LostRose
"I'm not your friend"

Kamina said as he walked without looking back at zcara

"You don't even know my name since no ones asked for it"

He added becoming more agitated

"WHY THE FUCK ARE U ALL LEAVING DO U ALL THINK THIS IS SOME LAUGHING JOKE?!" she said as she look at all of them in anger "I FUCKING TOLD U ALL TO SIT THE FUCK DOWN NOW!" she said in pure stress they cannot start like this the world is dying and they have to do something "Guards! lock the gate pass and wait for the late comers"

@Aragon@Alaster Von Grim @LostRose @KingsPlague@Anyone els i miss
Kiro looked back and soon looked up at the princess. " I just go outside for breathers." Kiro said as she looked up with her blue eyes and looked around. " What are your intentions on this princess. " She asked with curosity she didnt know what was going on but she wanted to save the world..but she would need assistance. @Astaroth Suzumiya @LostRose @Alaster Von Grim @Anyonee else I missed
"ALREADY FUCKING TOLD U GUYS TO NOT GO OUT! AND GET THE FUCK INSIDE THE THRONE ROOM IS FULL OF AIR BECUZ THE FUCKING WINDOW IS BROKEN NOW IF U ALL DO NOT LISTEN TO MY DAMN ORDERS I SHALL LICK U UP IN THE VANES OF THE EARTH UNTIL U ALL ROT IN PIECES! DO U ALL UNDERSTAND?!" she told them as she stomp her feet going around the thrown room and holding her temples together "why are they acting like this? they should be all weary to whats happening yet they all act so calm and persistence? so they want the earth to disappear by the hands of the sisters?" she said a bit crying now. she dont wanna fail her uncle specially her Subjects they long for peace but peace she cannot show them. she need something... a plan to compromise by this chaois. something that could help her into this war.
(rp is now available to post )


Kalista Illea

Kalista look at everyone and breath calmly "sorry about my outburst but now... we must discuss the fight we are about to enter... first of all we cannot just get into the two sisters becuz they have allys, Gurads and 3 loyal ." she stop and open the Solamoon book "and if we arent careful we will all end up dead or a toy for them"

she take a deep breath "im sorry to say this but i cant trust some of u... some of u might be spy nor just here to kill me..." she then face them "you all should be careful upon your actions, were you all are going and were u are all sleeping... next time u might wake up your will be a servant to the both of them "

now let us begin our main discussion she said taking out a box showing a big map of Heaven and hell and the image of the two sisters with their loyal. subject

"before i begin do u have any suggestions? "

@Aragon @KingsPlague @LostRose @Allibi ( @Alaster Von Grim to be updated in the post )
" I suggest we all go in groups and split up, This was not my idea. the credit goes to the man in the cloak. Kiro points to Atagan, I can not take his credit. But on my own suggestion we could possibly sneak in and possibly getting past the guards. ( @KingsPlague i forgot ur characters name. i apiligize)" Kiro states as she keeps her self quite through the rest of the meeting. Kiro didnt speak anything else for embarissment. @Astaroth Suzumiya @KingsPlague @Alaster Von Grim @Comet @LostRose @Anyone else i freakin missed
Mia Mia stayed in the corner, sighing when everyone left her alone then listened to what the girl has to say. "Again, I was dragged into a war I don't want to be in. I grew up not fighting, I don't want to fight. I can heal, but that's it. No fighting. I'm a doe, we run from danger, not go towards it." She scoffed, watching the Titan leave the room.
Gorelok was eating. This was not an uncommon occurrence, in fact it was to blame for his lateness. Not that Gorelok knew he was late, he was not aware of such things. Ripping off the head of the deer he was carrying like an apple from a tree, Gorelok took a lazy bite. Discarding the rest, Gorelok shoved past a dense packet of trees and looked into a clearing. Inside the clearing was a ruined keep, Gorelok hated keeps, or any buildings really. Too different from forests. But Gorelok also didn't like this forest, because it was too different from his home forest. Here everything was natural, everything was bright, everything belonged. Gorelok didn't belong.

Snorting Gorelok, ripped a tree out of the ground and threw it some singing birds. That made him feel better. Turning his gaze back to the keep, Gorelok walked at it. Gorelok hated a lot of things, but he'd put up with them if there was food and fights at the end of it. And Gorelok had been promised both by the little man, before he ate him that is. Getting closer, Gorelok stomped into the keep. He was vaguely aware of some armored humans protesting his arrival, but anyone that tried to stop him was violently shoved out of his way.

Gorelok came across a big door. There was some chitter chatter from the humans about a throne and a princess and him being forbidden. Gorelok didn't understand big words like that. Pushing the doors open with a great CRASH Gorelok stomped up to the most important looking one (Kalista) and said, obviously struggling with the words, "Yoooou seeend man?" At this Gorelok reached into his back and showed a peace of cloth ripped from the clothing of the courier sent to him.

@Astaroth Suzumiya

Kalista Illea

Kalita look at Kiro and Artagan as she nodded "it truthfully looks like a great idea but too risky when her Loyal Servants is roaming the area morning and night so first of all we must eliminate their servants one by one to the weakest and to the strongest" she said as some made Scream in fear.

wondering what was the commotion some guards came inside as a Minotaur open the door and showing her the paper with his booming Slow Voice as some of the Engineers face palm becuz they have just finish fixing the door of the Throne room

Kalista order the guard to lower their weapon and go to their main area at once. she walk close to him and look at the paper "i see u have receive my Uncles letter... only that is in a destroyed Cloth" she said as she look at him. a strong nominator is very helpful for Victory "please take a seat do we can now begin our concussion "

@Aragon @KingsPlague @loverose @Warb @Alaster Von Grim
(Gorelok can't read, so instead of having a letter sent to him the courier just told him the message.)

Gorelok snorted at the big words and stomped in frustration, he didn't understand them. Always so complicated with humans, never simple. He hated that. Struggling again with his grasp of the language, Gorelok spoke again, "Big words, big words. Bah!" Sticking a thumb to his chest, he said, "Iiiii fiiight. Iiiii kill." Turning a finger on Kalista, he continued, "Youuu bring me food. Youuu bring me fights. I fight for you. No food, no fights? I leave. Si-seem-saym-" Stomping again with his hoofs, Gorelok howled in rage at the complicated language. Breathing heavily from rage, he finished, saying, "Seempall." (Simple if it's not clear what that word is supposed to be."

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Ahhhh...she lost it...again.

Serricia smiled, and as natural instincts kicked in, her hands motioned to cuffed her ears. Those course barbaric words that is not befitting of a princess, she need not hear them loudly. She even took a small jump as Kalista stomped on the ground. And when she have finally calmed down, she moved her hands aside, and rested them at the front.

It was so much serene in the past.

She had flashbacks where the time when they've only begun to gather here, when it was only Kalista and her. As Serricia rarely speaks to Kalista, only probably greetings at some days, the place was tranquil. Kalista didn't really broke her princess etiquette then either, only in the past before they were forced....


There's no salvaging the door now.

She silently pitied the people that have tried to take care of the castle as best as they could.

Watching as the Minotaur came in, she went into a slightly alarmed state. As a Minotaur would be in the grey line in between friend and foe, she spread her legs a little, and widened her stance in preparation for surprises, her hands remained at the front of her, her face remained the same kind smile she bore moments ago. Hearing the minotaur speak, and the piece of cloth in his hands, she lowered her alert stance. Why would king Meliodas even go to the length of informing a minotaur ? That, she could not fathom. The king's wisdom may just simply be out of reach for her right now.

"We will bring you food." She spoke slowly, yet clearly,"We will bring you fights." she swallowed her saliva, careful that she might have spoke out of turn before the princess, or her will. But nonetheless, she felt compelled to at least satisfy the Minotaur, if not the group of people that have gathered here.

But first.

"I am Ser....riiiiiii.....ciiiiaaaaaa."

"She is Kaaaaaa....Liiiiiiissss....taaaaaa."

@Aragon @LostRose @KingsPlague

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