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Fantasy The Revolution (reboot)

Kiro looked up at zcara, " That..would be nice." she said as she smiled. " What should we do about that titan? we could put him in a dress" Kiro said sarcastically as she smiled. " If we both go on a mission together it would be awesome!" Kiro said as she laughed a bit she wasnt one to laugh much but she could always pull it off-ish...

Kiro soon looked around and soon looked up. "
Crazy jernoy to get here huh.?" Kiro said with curosity in her voice. @LostRose
"I can jump on him and hold him down while you get the dress" Zcara was taking it seriously and smiled like a goofy kid. Zcara got up dusted her dress off and walked over to kirito " Shall we do that??" She said excitedly and had a childish gleam in her eye.
" Are you sure he wont get mad?" Kiro asked as she smiled. " You got the dress?" Kiro asked as she got ready to sneak up on the titan. " Question..how will get the dress on the titan if he is like 6' ft somthin." Kiro asked with curosity as she had that " Lets - prepare- to -dress- someone - up" Look in her crystle blue eyes. @LostRose
Zcara grabbed her bag and pulled out a old dress she quickly gave it to Kirito. "Ill jump on him you figure out the rest" She said sneaking up on the 6ft man and getting ready to jump on him. she giggled quietly and looked over at kirito for signal to go
Kiro nodded and soon Hid in the shadows preparing to run. " Lets do this" Kiro said softly as she readyed to run. Kiro was in the shadows a good angle to jump on the 6ft man. she was really warming up to Zcara. While everyone was occupied kiro got down low and hid. @LostRose
Comet said:
Mia Mia huffed, her glare becoming more harsh. She stayed in the corner, but sat down also, giving him a wary look. "You don't listen. I said don't touch me, yet here you are still trying." She growled, holding the energy ball in her hands.
She saw the others leave and giving her space, but this giant doof.
"I'm not touching you"

Kamina said as he looked at the orb

"I'm trying to make you more comfortable"
Zcara jumped on Kamina and attempted to hold him still "Kirito now!" She said as soon as she was on Kamina. "Sorry about this be we are really bored"she said sweetly to kamina to keep his attention on her. She smiled and giggled happily as she waited for kirito.
Kiro jumped onto the wall and backflipped with the dress in her hands, Kiro soon jumped onto kamina and slid on the dress with a bit of a struggle from the waist down. Kiro wasnt gonna give up. Kiro kept working with the dress. and after 2 minnutes the dress slid on, nicely-ish..

" and done." Kiro said as she back flipped back onto the ground. " i am one to like combat. and acrobatics." Kiro said as she put her hands in her pocket. @Alaster Von Grim ( sorry ) @LostRose
"Was that necessary"

Kamina said as he stood up and walked over to kiro

"Your not bad looking"

He said as he started to flirt with her

Kiro soon punched Kamina In the gut with hard fury. " Don't you ever flirt with me." Kiro said as she walked out of the room and went outside to see a rock. Kiro soon sat down to enjoy the clear weather, nice skies.

Kiro needed a break from flirtatious boys, she didnt like flirting boys on her. all she would do is beat the shit outta them. Who knew what she would do the next moron who tried to flirt with her. She always interaction. and she wanted nothing more the less to do with...flirting-ish people.
@Alaster Von Grim
Zcara gulped and ran for her life down the hallway to avoid karmina abd his wrath. She quckily hid behind a suit of armor with a sword and sheild.

After a while she took the sword from the armor " Its handcrafted steel with a golden and broze handle , its dull yet it could still do some damage if it is wielded correctly. By the wear on the blade and handle it must be as least 100 years old" She placed it back and looked over the sheild " Steel with Titanium at its weak points , Cow hide leather straps and the Coat of arms for the royal family is magnificent after at least 20 years of continued use"
Kiro soon headed back to see her weapons by the old temple. " Mind as well use em." Kiro murmerd to herself as she grabbed her swords and dagger and put the dagger away and grabbed the buster swords and ran infront of the armour not relizing it was Zcara. Kiro was known for good swordsmanship. And good combat. Mostly with swords not magic. @Alaster Von Grim @LostRose
Zcara duck back behind the armor and stayed still in fear of being found . She peeked out and started rambling on about the make of the armor and such. All the knowledge came from her mothet who was a royal armor and weapons smith.
Kiro had her sword pointed at kamina " Leave. my. freind.alone" Kiro said in a bitter and cruel voice. " The princess dosnt want anyone getting hurt so i wont hurt you but i will warn you. piss me off ur screwed" Kiro said as she put her swords away and walked away. @LostRose @Alaster Von Grim
Its Kalista not kaliste ahahahah

Allibi said:
A loud crash echoed, followed by a mild shake by its shockwave travelled around the walls and hallways. A small frown furrowed over her face, the harmonics of the melody disrupted by a brute act. She stopped, her fingers rested upon the piano keys, and sat there in a moment. Part of her wanted to go and investigate the sound, but the other part of her wanted to just stay put, and continue the melody. From where the sound originated, she could tell it was from the throne room, a level below. It could mean that the princess would be in danger. The two sides inside her struggled furiously. And while her inner parts struggled, she listened.
There isn't a sound of struggle clashing of swords to be heard.

And that simply meant that the crash was an accident. Maybe some old part of the building finally collapsed over its time. However, her train of thoughts were disrupted. And seeing that she could no longer go on with another song, at least at the time being, she stood up from the small bench. After folding the top of the grand piano to a close, she picked up the book she left on the piano. With her left thumb she flipped the book open onto the book mark that she left. A quick glance to make sure she placed the book mark at the right page, she shuts the book with her left, before slowly, casually, strolls down the stairs.

A group of maids were just ascending to the top of the stairs. Meeting them, she enquired about the loud crashing sound. Their respond of the event didn't faze her as much as they expected. Dismissing them with a smile, she continued down. At the bottom of the long stairs, then a turn here and there, she found herself on the right side of the pair of doors that lead to the throne room. The engineers were just having their finishing touches to it, making sure that whatever legacy the door held before-time might be preserved.

She waited for a while, and watched the commotion happening inside the throne room from the outside. She waited until the man that smoked the pipe to finish, before setting herself to the front of throne room doors. Turning herself to face Kaliste, she passed on a quick bow, to give honour and respect to her princess, before she walked into the room. She kept herself quiet as she walked, stopping herself on the right of Kaliste, before turning herself to face the crowd.
Kamina glared at kiro and bent her sword back

"I try to be playfully and I'm repaid with threats, you humans make me sick"

He said as he walked past her putting on his shades
Zcara didnt notice anything she wasin her little world once again staring of in to space still rambling on about the armor.

You cant help but think if she put the efoor she does into her own world the meeting would have gone smoother and no freak out would have happened in it.
Kalista Illea

Kalista look at all of them as her blood started to boil in pure anger. Why were they all fighting. Why was that titan going up on them all. She never thought this through. Gripping her hands her eyes start to glitch into red "EVERYONE OF U DAMN FUCKERS!!. " she salm her left feet in the floor that leave a crack "STOP THE FUCK NOW!!!!" She said as the empire started to rumble and her words boom reaching the woods "IF I FUCKING SEE ANYONE OF U FUCKERS FIGHT AGAIN I SWEAR!" She said as she look at them. Stopping and taking a deep breath calming herself down.

"Now i want u all place your weapon in the sides RIGHT NOW!" She deman them. She was sorry hav to be rude but its the only way to talk to them clearly.

"I want u all TO SIT DOWN and i speak my words IS THAT FUCKING CLEAR?!"

@Aragon @Alaster Von Grim @lostross @KingsPlague @Anyone els i miss
Kamina walked towards the door and glanced at zcara out of the corner of his eye, pure rage emanating from his being as he left

"You dare order me, insolent child"

He said looking over his shoulder

@Astaroth Suzumiya

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Kiro was back outside sitting on a rock and meditating, she had a bit of a anger problem, her weapons were put away. Kiro soon heard Kalista Illea yelling. Kiro flinched as she got down from the rock and headed back inside, Kiro didnt like yelling so she did what ever it took to get people to shut the fuck up.

Kiro soon saw the titan and murmerd under her breath so no 1 could hear. " the titan is acting like a child " Kiro murmerd as she sat down and waited for further orders. @Astaroth Suzumiya @Alaster Von Grim
Zcara quickly snapped back to reality and followed Kamina quietly wondering what hr was doing and where he was going . She didnt need rush back to the room as all her weapons were in there case on the table far away from her " Hey mister where are you going ??" she asked suddenly behind kamina looking worried and slightly scared as she could sense the rage from the 6ft man , being only just under 5ft zcara couldn't really do anything but speak up or stand infront of him to block the path. She had chosen the one that meant if he was angry at her and wad going to attack she would have time to react

@Alaster Von Grim
Kamina put his hand on zcaras head and moved her out of the way

"Beat it runt"

He said his voice seething with pure rage before he walked past her not even giving her a sideways glace


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