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Fantasy The Revolution (reboot)

Artagan Patch



The hall was beginning to fill slowly with the rather odd group of beings that had gathered over the past few hours, he had sat down again on his chair and was still puffing his pipe, thinking about what had been said by the princess. Was a revolution something he could afford to take part in? If he left now he would make it back in time to finish the assignments he would have gotten, but he expected this escapade to take longer and so he removed the golden arrow from his tree. He had gone too far to turn back now, and these very rowdy kids would not make this whole 'Overthrowing both Queens' easy, but if it had to be done, he would do so "May I suggest something?" Artagan said, rising once again from his seat "We are obviously quite a large group of individuals, but I feel we should always work in pairs, missions work best with few people and not with many. So if we do go through with this, It will take time, planning and coordination." he said, adding "If so I would Gladly join this little...whatever you wish to call it." shortly After.

A loud crash echoed, followed by a mild shake by its shockwave travelled around the walls and hallways. A small frown furrowed over her face, the harmonics of the melody disrupted by a brute act. She stopped, her fingers rested upon the piano keys, and sat there in a moment. Part of her wanted to go and investigate the sound, but the other part of her wanted to just stay put, and continue the melody. From where the sound originated, she could tell it was from the throne room, a level below. It could mean that the princess would be in danger. The two sides inside her struggled furiously. And while her inner parts struggled, she listened.

There isn't a sound of struggle clashing of swords to be heard.

And that simply meant that the crash was an accident. Maybe some old part of the building finally collapsed over its time. However, her train of thoughts were disrupted. And seeing that she could no longer go on with another song, at least at the time being, she stood up from the small bench. After folding the top of the grand piano to a close, she picked up the book she left on the piano. With her left thumb she flipped the book open onto the book mark that she left. A quick glance to make sure she placed the book mark at the right page, she shuts the book with her left, before slowly, casually, strolls down the stairs.

A group of maids were just ascending to the top of the stairs. Meeting them, she enquired about the loud crashing sound. Their respond of the event didn't faze her as much as they expected. Dismissing them with a smile, she continued down. At the bottom of the long stairs, then a turn here and there, she found herself on the right side of the pair of doors that lead to the throne room. The engineers were just having their finishing touches to it, making sure that whatever legacy the door held before-time might be preserved.

She waited for a while, and watched the commotion happening inside the throne room from the outside. She waited until the man that smoked the pipe to finish, before setting herself to the front of throne room doors. Turning herself to face Kaliste, she passed on a quick bow, to give honour and respect to her princess, before she walked into the room. She kept herself quiet as she walked, stopping herself on the right of Kaliste, before turning herself to face the crowd.
Alaster Von Grim]"I wouldn't hurt you little girl" Kamina said before he tried to look inside Mia's shield "Can you come outside and play" @Aragon @Aragon [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25673-alaster-von-grim/ said:
@Alaster Von Grim[/URL] @KingsPlague @LostRose[/color]
"That's not the world we live in anymore and it's rude to hide yourself when someone's talking to you"

Kamina said then started to pry open the shield, he opened slowly despite the fact he could break with easy

Mia Mia squeaked when he started to open up her shield. It quickly dispersed, Mia jumping out of the chair and running across the room and moving the ball of energy out of her antlers into her hands. "I said don't come close!" She growled, her body clearly showing her fear.
@Alaster Von Grim
" if i were you, i would get used to war. Were gonna be in one, miss," Kiro said as she looked up her crystle blue eyes pale as if nothing were in them..exept a black pupal. " I got used to being alone. But war, this will be my first war against chaos." Kiro said as she gavethe titan a sharp look. " i hope this war goes well...all of you.."

Kiro looked at the princess " I think small missions are the best. we cant take on this war in one huge clast. that may cause our fates to be secured. I think what this young gentleman, has a good point on groups. " Kiro said as she looked at atagan, ( i spelt that wrong...sorry) " Missions are the best. " Kiro said before she un crossed her legs but kept her arms crossed. @KingsPlague @Alaster Von Grim
Zcara poked kamina on the shoulder " Your scaring her , i think you should stop " she said calmly " you need a more gentle and kind approach " Zcara knelt down beside the sheild and waited for kamina to stop. She hummed to herself and smiled softly at the girl in the sheild.

"hey its okay he wont hurt you trust me" She said quietly and crossed her legs sitting quietly.
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Artagan smiled slightly "I feel like we should leave the Deer Girl be for a bit, all of you are trying to calm her down by approaching other and pushing the others away, it's obviously scaring her that you are all approaching her to calm her down. So just leave her be and lets try and group ourselves in what we do best, this will make our missions easier and hopefully we have a greater chance of success if we plan and scout properly." he explained with a puff of smoke escaping his lips every few moments.

Xian Aulmorde

? Forbidden Codex ?

First came a letter. Then came the decision of leaving his humble abode for the first time in six years, and finally, it was a trip to a forest. Well, a forest different from the one that he himself lived in. Perhaps his reason for joining this supposed "Revolution" wasn't quite as noble as those of the others that might have been joining, but if it would appease his mother's spirit by uprooting the chaos in the world, then it was reason enough for him to at least consider joining the fight. Besides, what else was he going to do other than rot away in the forest of Nerua?

Now that he had actually reached the forest ruins of Seitouki, Xian could see that it didn't feel all too different from the forest of Nerua. It very much gave off the feeling of the ordinary, just the way he liked it. Most likely, it was to hide the ruins that it contained inside, making it a suitable place for the headquarters of a rebellious group. Either that, or it was a suitable place for an ambush due to its seclusion. Naturally, Xian hadn't dismissed the idea of the letter simply being a trap. Perhaps, someone had somehow figured out the identity and location of the "Forbidden Codex," a name that should have honestly been long forgotten. With how quietly and simply he had been living his life after that time of discord, he doubted that anyone could possibly approach him with the motive of revenge, but it was never wrong to be prepared for the worst scenarios.

With such precautions in mind, Xian had found himself a spot on the roof of the manor that had been designated as the supposed meeting place for the rebels. He had confirmed that the people inside meant no harm and truly were gathered there for the purpose of a war against Yami and Taiyo. However, the members gathered were a bit...skittish, to say. From what he heard, there was first a misunderstanding with the titan and then a rather troublesome encounter with a child who was likely to have been a sheltered princess of some sort.

Upon determining that the situation was calming down a bit, Xian flipped down from the roof and softly landed on the ground with a little creative use of his abilities. Sidling into the room to avoid the chaos, Xian gazed around the room in search of someone who could, perhaps, give him a little heads up on what exactly was going on. Spotting someone who seemed calm enough and out of the fray, the man walked towards a woman standing next to a pair of rather impressive looking doors. He offered her a disarming smile as to display his non-hostile intentions.
"Good day to you, little miss. I realize that I am quite tardy, but would you mind pointing out the leader of this group? It would be much appreciated."

no slide

Status/Mood: A tad bit worried

Location - start: Forest entrance

Location - end: Seitouki ruins - Inside the manor

Mentioned: People in the room

Interactions: Serricia Malonde

Items Gained: --

Items Lost: --

Notes: --

Kiro sat and listined on the conversation with everyone. " Everyone seems to have freinds...i will always be alone." Kiro said softly as she looked out the window. she wasnt one to be talkitive. She was just gonna sit and be apart of a war, possibly ish. Kiro looked around the room, the room was old, abandond, bricks, gravle and much more was on the floor, just a simole throne room and people seated around it. nothing more nothing less. Kiro kept her basic face as she began to look out the window. @ anyone in the room.
LostRose said:
Zcara poked kamina on the shoulder " Your scaring her , i think you should stop " she said calmly " you need a more gentle and kind approach " Zcara knelt down beside the sheild and waited for kamina to stop. She hummed to herself and smiled softly at the girl in the sheild.
"hey its okay he wont hurt you trust me" She said quietly and crossed her legs sitting quietly.
KingsPlague said:
Artagan smiled slightly "I feel like we should leave the Deer Girl be for a bit, all of you are trying to calm her down by approaching other and pushing the others away, it's obviously scaring her that you are all approaching her to calm her down. So just leave her be and lets try and group ourselves in what we do best, this will make our missions easier and hopefully we have a greater chance of success if we plan and scout properly." he explained with a puff of smoke escaping his lips every few moments.
Mia Mia curled tighter up into a ball in the corner, seeing all the others come towards her. The energy ball growing in her hands as she gave everyone a hard warning look. They proceeded towards her with cation, but she knew that the softest things could attack.

(So short, I'm so sorry.;3;)
Kiro soon got tired of all the commotion and she soon got up and went into the shadows again. She didnt want to do anything. she just wanted to fight, to be alone. Thats the way her life was. simple, easy, But her life would be forever changed. war, distruction, death. all the things she couldnt deal with much longer. as kiro sat she soon saw a energy ball, she was curious upon to what it was for so kiro walked over to see it was a young girl. She was scared..but of what? @Comet
Zcara got up and dusted off her dress before walking over to Kiro "Hey i noticed you were looking a bit lonely , I'm Zcara Veron. I hope we can be friends!" She smiled at the other girl. "Over there we have Kamina , hes the guy with blue hair the resident ladykiller or player" She giggled slightly. She quickly covered her mouth to stop herself laughing and cleared her Throat.
" name is kiro, or my revolution name, Kirito" Kiro said as she got up revealing what she looked like. " so the titan, he dosnt look much like a titan." Kiro said softly as she smirked. " I have never had freinds. To be honset" She said as she put her hands in her pocket. " I never was one to interact much" she said as she smiled and looked at the titan. " I wanna assume he is somewhare is the 6ft if he is that tall." Kiro said as she thought for a few moments. " 6'8 im not 100 percent sure." Kiro said as she smiled a bit. the smile was faint but people could see the smile. @LostRose
"Well you have a friend now " Zcara smiled and waved at kamina happily . "You can call me Matyr if you wish Kirito. I really like your revolution name it is cooler then martyr". She sighed and walked over to kamina and pet his head since he was sitting down "Hehe im actully taller then you now" she said almost like a child having fun. Zcara never really grew up since she ran away at 11 or 12 and never had an adult show her how to be more mature .

She sat down next to kamina and crossed her legs gazing off into space once again in her own little world mummbleing to herself like a conversation was going on in that small world in her head.
Alaster Von Grim]Kamina took of his shades and smiled at Mia "Your going have to do a lot more than just glaring to scare me" He said as he sat crossed legged [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32994-comet/ said:
Mia Mia huffed, her glare becoming more harsh. She stayed in the corner, but sat down also, giving him a wary look. "You don't listen. I said don't touch me, yet here you are still trying." She growled, holding the energy ball in her hands.

She saw the others leave and giving her space, but this giant doof.
" i lost my family at such a young age, I almost had no purpose to live. When i turned 14 I was sent to a orpahange thats whare i stayed for the past 2 years. When i turned 16 I left and came here" she said as she looked up and soon looked at Zcara. " I had no interaction at my orpahnage. I guess...thats why my interacting skills are so poor. and my social skills." Kiro said as she rubbed her head a bit and smiled sheepishly. @LostRose
"Im only 14 , I lost my mother 2 or 3 years ago to suicide and my dad walked out on us when i was really young. Good riddance though he was a dead beat drunk who hit my mother and me. For the past 2 years i have lived in a abandoned temple in the middle of nowhere , I act like a child who has no social situations , we are not that different Kirito" Zcara smiled and went back into her own little world.
" true, We are almost 1 in the same." Kiro said as she smiled a bit. " My parents died when i was about 7 1/2 or so ish..." Kiro said as she smiled at least we can figure out our pasts. together. @LostRose
"Leave her Alone Kamina, if you keep trying to break the girls barrier she will only get more upset, and I don't really want to find out what sort of magic a deer girl such as her is capable of" Artagan said, laying a hand on the Titans shoulder and shaking his head slightly. Some beings never respect boundaries.

@Comet @Alaster Von Grim
"Im sorry that happened to you Kirito" She stayed sat next to kamina but facing kirito. "I wish that didnt happen to you2 She smiled slightly and looked out the window . "Once this is over you can come back to the temple with me if you want so you are not alone anymore and you have someone who understands what has happened"

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