• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‘๐„๐•๐„๐‘๐ˆ๐„ โ€” app thread


๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ซ๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐ž
application thread
01. the roles.

roles are NOT first come first serve. call that competitive i guess. if you take issue with this, then this might not be the rp for you.

i am looking to fill up the cast with the following archetypes. feel free to interpret them how you like and flex all your creativity muscles. (within reason. for goodness sake please don't go too far off the rails.)

( :

๐จ๐Ÿ. ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฌ๐ฐ๐ž๐ž๐ญ โ€” ๐Ÿ โ€” ๐ญ๐š๐ค๐ž๐ง
sweet and impressionable, a living, breathing example of beauty and grace. not to mention the newest debutante on the market and as naive as they come. you dream of finding true love โ€” you know, the kind you've read about in your books and fairy tales. you're a lamb for the slaughter, willing to follow where anyone may lead you. anyone can clearly see you have absolutely zero experience when it comes to dealing with the outside world. and in addition to your newfound abilities, you're in for a shock for what's soon to come.

๐จ๐Ÿ. ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐œ๐จ๐ฅ๐ โ€” ๐Ÿ โ€” ๐ญ๐š๐ค๐ž๐ง
you have a reputation for being cold, stand-offish. you think you're better than everyone else around you. you also have a reputation for turning down each and every single suitor that comes your way. and while you enjoy dancing and flirting and playing your little games each season, you know in your heart that you are utterly unwilling to settle for less than you deserve. and so far, no one noticeable has caught your eye.

๐จ๐Ÿ‘. ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฌ๐ž๐ง๐ฌ๐ข๐›๐ฅ๐ž โ€” ๐Ÿ โ€” ๐ญ๐š๐ค๐ž๐ง
you're not a dreamer. you know better than that. you know what is expected of you and know that, as a woman, your best bet at living a comfortable life is with a husband at your side. but there's another motivating factor behind your marital pursuits โ€” it's the fact that your entire family's fortune is completely gone, not even a penny to your name. your father handled all the accounts, but after his sudden passing last month, it was discovered that he had terrible financial management skills. that, and a raging gambling addiction. now, it's up to you to save the family from a life of squalor.

๐จ๐Ÿ’. ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ๐œ๐š๐ฌ๐ญ โ€” ๐ฆ โ€” ๐ญ๐š๐ค๐ž๐ง
you're a bastard. that much is clear and known to everyone in the ton. but โ€” as it so happens, you're the sole surviving son of a wealthy duke, or earl, or viscount, or other. the details of it matter not. when people learn of your last name, they completely forget about the fact you were illegitimately born at all. you're new to high society, and a stranger to their customs. they are entirely foreign to you, and because of this you find yourself at odds with everyone that is a part of it. your only true place of comfort is at the reverie. there, at least, you've been able to find companions just like you.

๐จ๐Ÿ“. ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ข๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ž๐œ๐ญ๐ฎ๐š๐ฅ โ€” ๐Ÿ โ€” ๐ญ๐š๐ค๐ž๐ง
you're the book smart one. you have zero interest in the marriage market and finding a husband any time soon, and prefer to spend all your free time educating yourself on current events. key note: you tend to view all situations with reason and logic. but even as the brains of this entire operation, sometimes getting everyone to listen to you can be difficult. after all, you're a woman. and there's no possible way a woman could ever be useful for anything other than her looks.

๐จ๐Ÿ”. ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฌ๐จ๐ฉ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐ข๐œ๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ โ€” ๐ฆ โ€” ๐ญ๐š๐ค๐ž๐ง
the spitting image of the perfect gentleman. the eldest son from a very respectable family and possibly the most eligible bachelor this season. and last season. annnd the season before that. the only reason you haven't married yet is because you're incredibly picky. you're not quite sure what it is you're looking for, yet you hold firm to the belief that you will know it when you see it. whenever that is, really. at the same time, however, your new role as the leader of the reverie has pulled you away from enjoying all the events this season has to offer. your appearance at balls and soirees has become rare at best. and when you do show up, all the mothers of the ton descend upon you like hungry vultures, eager to pair you up with their daughters.

๐จ๐Ÿ•. ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ซ๐ฎ๐ญ๐ก๐ฅ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ โ€” ๐ฆ โ€” ๐ญ๐š๐ค๐ž๐ง
or is the word sociopath more fitting? one moment you're open and welcoming, the next you've got your knife to another man's throat. there's a reason you're one of the most valuable people at the rev. your connections around the city run deep, and your pockets are even deeper. but beyond that, everyone knows you're the one to rely on to get something done, no matter how dark or despicable. and you'll do so efficiently. unflinchingly. without batting a fucking eye.

๐จ๐Ÿ–. ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐š๐ซ๐ซ๐จ๐ ๐š๐ง๐ญ โ€” ๐ฆ โ€” ๐จ๐ฉ๐ž๐ง
you are energetic and witty and charming โ€” and also a complete total fuckboi rake. you have zero desire to marry or have children just yet, and are intent on enjoying every bit of your best years doing whatever and whoever you so shall please, never-mind society and their silly expectations. you like to indulge in all of life's pleasures as often as you can, and have a reputation for leaving a number of broken hearts in your wake. like the sophisticated, you haven't found what you're looking for yet โ€” or so you say. but unlike him, you have no problem wasting anyone's time. in fact, you're a master at it. perhaps, though, it's only a matter of time before somebody plays you for the fool you truly are.

๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ—. ๐จ๐ฉ๐ž๐ง ๐ซ๐จ๐ฅ๐ž โ€” ๐Ÿ โ€” ๐ญ๐š๐ค๐ž๐ง
an open role. interested applicants must pm me the title of your potential role and brief description for approval before applying.

๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ. ๐จ๐ฉ๐ž๐ง ๐ซ๐จ๐ฅ๐ž โ€” ๐ฆ โ€” ๐ญ๐š๐ค๐ž๐ง
an open role. interested applicants must pm me the title of your potential role and brief description for approval before applying.

02. profiles.

here is the information i would like you to include in your profile.

note: they do not have to be fancy-coded. plain text works just fine by me!

the necessities must be included in one way or another.

name | age (18-28) | appearance (mainly covered by a picture, but feel free to describe their wardrobe or other markings/scars if they have them) | height | family | personality (include likes and dislikes and fears and things like that) | history (flesh this sucker out) | magic (include strengths and weaknesses) | sexuality | birthday | role applied for | username

03. the rules.

READ EVERYTHING. i will know if you don't.

don't pm me asking to change lore. the lore is already written. read it. remember it. follow it. i will, of course, be happy to answer any questions you might have if something confuses you. just drop me a pm and i'll get back to you as quick as i can!

i will not โ€” WILL NOT โ€” make special exceptions and/or bend the rules for your character. it ain't gonna happen. don't argue with me on this. you can try, but you'll be wasting your time. lmao.

don't be a dick.

note โ€” your character can be as big of an asshole as you want them to be, because that's what makes stories fun and interesting. but i expect players to treat each other with respect. sus behavior WILL NOT be tolerated what-so-fucking-ever.

post on time. (within reason. there will be quiet spells, because life happens.)

if you ghost, you're getting killed off. nothing personal, just business.

if you need to go mia, just lmk and we'll work something out.

post length varies. anywhere between one paragraph and a thousand words will work based on the circumstances we find ourselves in. this is not the place for literacy snobs. if this bothers you then you can fuck right off.

REAL LIFE FC'S ONLY. AI IS PROHIBITED. written descriptions are acceptable. if you app with an illustrated FC or AI i will take that as you blatantly not reading the rules so in return i will not even look at your app.

on shipping โ€” because people really like to get bent the fuck out of shape about this โ€” it is encouraged but IS NOT REQUIRED. yeah, i know this is a bridgerton-inspired roleplay, but i want everyone to feel comfortable. DO NOT FORCE/PRESSURE SHIPS ONTO PEOPLE. it is okay to politely ask, but if another player says no thanks, then leave it at that. if i catch wind that you're being pushy, then you're getting the cut. plain and simple.

anyway, i know all this makes me sound a bit harsh and unapproachable, but i promise you i am anything but. i simply enforce strict boundaries in this rp so everyone can have fun and enjoy the ride. if this bothers you, then you're welcome to go somewhere else. otherwise, i look forward to having all of you along!

yours truly,

a humble gm.

04. links.

code by @leviathan.
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alec townsend.
the sophisticated, played by elanara

lord townsend was born twenty-seven years ago on the thirteenth of may, 1873. he is the eldest son of the late earl and countess of scarcliffe โ€” richard and amelia townsend. they passed away many years ago โ€” a story he rarely talks about. not even with his sisters victoria and felicity. currently, he is the head of the family. he divides his time between launching felicity, his youngest sister, into society, occasionally making appearances at social events, as well as his activities with the rev, the latter of which has been consuming much of his time as of late.


height โ€” 5'10"
weight โ€” 175 lbs
build โ€” fit, lean muscular
sexuality โ€” heterosexual
scars/markings โ€” none


personality โ€” the perfect gentleman both on paper and in person. well-mannered, articulate, and polite. the perfect gentleman. kind and generous. down to earth. open minded and easy to get along with. surprisingly, very humble for a man of his status. he's hardly arrogant at all. walks with a sense of quiet confidence. doesn't brag, doesn't boast. is very aware that there are those who are far less fortunate than he is and that makes him grateful for everything he has. socially, alec prefers to remain quiet, only speaking when he has something of importance to say, though he isn't afraid to speak his mind, either.

isn't the biggest fan of parties but will attend them from time to time. lately, he's been attending more of them, though mostly against his will at his sister's behest.

alec takes his role as the rev's leader very seriously. ever since he joined their cause, his view of the world has changed dramatically. though he rarely shows it, he is very cynical and mistrusting of everyone around him and finds it hard to see the good in others. this is especially noticeable when he constantly scrutinizes each of his sister's callers with an analytical eye, and doesn't shy away from interrogating them with hard questions, often turning them away.

likes: walking, chess (he's good, but he's not that good), quiet early mornings when he has the house all to himself, boxing matches, brandy over wine,
dislikes: dancing, social galas, the prospect of marriage, any of his sister's potential suitors,
fears: that he'll suffer the same fate as his brother and mother.


magic โ€” his magical ability manifested around the age of seventeen. it all began with something as simple as a handshake. the moment their skin made contact, he was able to hear that person's most inner thoughts and feelings. and when he held the hands of his dying mother, he was able to feel her pain. all of it โ€” with every nerve and tendon and fiber of his being, until she drew her last breath.

it's safe to say he tries to avoid physical contact with others as much as possible.

other abilities include moving objects with his mind.


he can only hear thoughts by touch through his palms. prolonged physical contact will cause head trauma, either in the form of a short headache, severe migraine, or in some cases, complete unconsciousness. he is unable to read amnesiacs and impulsive actions. he also cannot translate the thoughts of an individual that speaks a different language.



Many donโ€™t know that there was another son before Alec was ever born.

Benjamin was two years older than him. Aside from age, he and Alec looked the same, talked the same, acted the same. Though he seemed like a normal boy to anyone else, it soon became clear to the family that something about him wasnโ€™t quiteโ€ฆright. Alec barely remembers it, but they were at a wedding one day, and when the bells tolled, Benjamin quickly descended into an uncontrollable fit, his face and body contorting in horrible pain.

Alec still remembers the judgmental looks from the other families in the church that day as his brother shrieked in agony.

Ever since that day, Benjamin never left the house.

The doctors said it was an illness of the mind. First, everyone suspected cancer. But when he didnโ€™t die as quickly as they expected him to, they suspected it to be something else. An affliction they could not exactly pin-point. And that made treating him that much harder.

Everyone in the house was told to be as quiet as possible, and all drapes closed to keep out any piercing light, for even the slightest noise or spec of light could trigger an episode. Anytime he fell into a fit, he was given laudanum to help him sleep. But even the effects of that wore off in time. And soon enough, nothing could give him relief.

Many years later, it became clear to Alec when his own powers manifested that his brother might have had some abilities similar to his, but he simply wasnโ€™t strong enough to carry them.

Perhaps it was merely a strange anomaly, he thought. According to his grandmother, there had been no other sourcers in the family after her own mother had passed. However, illnesses similar to what his brother suffered from was a recurring theme on her side of the family. It was, unfortunately, something his mother suffered from as well. By the time she reached her late forties she began to experience symptoms of dementia. And within ten years, she was gone.

The rapid acceleration of her disease shocked everyone. After all, they were expecting her illness to be slow, drawn out over the course of many years. And since his father had been killed the previous year in a horseback riding incident, Alec was made head of the estate. The responsibility of caring for his dying mother and handling the affairs of the house was an enormous undertaking. Despite the stress of it all, he managed it well.

But then came the day his mother finally died.

After that, everything changed.

He still remembers clutching her hands as she took her last breath. How everything rushed to the surface. Every last thought, emotion, and physical feeling of pain flooded his head, overwhelming his senses to the point where he fully blacked out. He didnโ€™t regain consciousness until days later. By that point, his grandmother had arrived from London. She had hoped to arrive sooner, but a terrible storm had ruined the country roads, making travel next to impossible. When Alec's sister Victoria informed her of what happened the night mother died, though, she knew โ€” Alec had inherited the source. He was the right age, after all, with it only being a few weeks before his eighteenth birthday.

Not wanting to waste any time, his grandmother sat Alec down and got straight to business. It was all "sourcer this," and "the rev that." Alec had just barely processed everything that had happened when she dragged him to The Reverie, introducing him to other sourcers that possessed extraordinary abilities. It was there he has spent the majority of his time these past ten years, grieving his mother while also learning and training his abilities to their fullest extent. Helping the other sourcers in their cause to sweep the city clean of corruption while also trying to balance a normal family life.

Recently, his grandmother passed away due to natural causes, leaving him all alone to usher his youngest sister into society. And now that he's been elected the leader of The Reverie, his hands have never been fuller.


richard townsend โ€” father โ€” deceased
amelia townsend (nee abbott) โ€” mother โ€” deceased

aurelia abbott โ€” grandmother โ€” deceased
benjamin townsend โ€” brother โ€” deceased
victoria newbury (nee townsend) โ€” sister โ€” age 22 โ€” alive
felicity townsend โ€” sister โ€” age 17 โ€” alive



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the ruthless.

full name

Adrian Anthony Argyle






January 18th







body mods


Face Claim

Christian Bale (young)

eat your young




In all chaos there is calculation

In life, there are winners and losers. Adrian Argyle is a winner, he has made sure of that. A man of ambitious nature, success is Adrian's drug of choice. Taking after his father, Adrian is a shrewd and decisive man of action. He is able to quickly assess a situation and then do whatever it takes in order for a favorable outcome. He thrives in high-pressure scenarios, using his strategic thinking and brazen mercilessness to get his way.

Adrian understands how to gain an advantage by using people. Although on the inside he has a heart of stone, on the outside he comes across as a warm and charming young man. He isn't quick to burn bridges and tries to keep his relationships with people pleasant, just in case they're of use to him in the future. Manipulating people is second nature to him. These days, it's difficult for Adrian to truly care about anyone but himself, but he is capable of harboring great amounts respect for those he deems as ambitious and/or intelligent. If you manage to gain his favor, he's a valuable ally, as those of the reverie are well aware.

Beneath the surface, Adrian is a much more cold and calculating person than a stranger would expect. He is a guarded person, not allowing many to get to know him past the exterior. This helps him make difficult decisions, often at the expense of others. To him, sentimentality and kindness are weaknesses to be exploited, which is why he has no time for such emotions.


Money, Card Games, Chess, Reading, Nice Clothing, Dancing, The Scent of Blood, Wine, Intelligent and Ambitious People


Accidents, People Lacking Decorum, Strong Perfumes, Citrus, Getting Blood on his Clothes, Bright Colors


Loss of Power, Lack of Control, Poverty



Arnold & Caroline

Arnold and Caroline Argyle were the talk of the ton. A "perfect match" so it was said. Both high in status, handsome, well-mannered, cold-blooded killers. Arnold came from a long line of successful businessmen, known for their callus plans of action. Caroline was also high-born, coming from a family with great connections, known for their involvement in the social season.

Arnold Argyle was unenthused about marriage, strategically wanting to find the most noble and powerful match and be done with the whole thing. Helen wanted the same thing, to gain power through a match- and she was determined not to let anyone get in her way. Arnold found Caroline to be a suitable woman from the start, so he pursued her. But, when he caught her in the gardens of a ball one night, threatening another girl, he was head over heels in love.

What was initially going to be a marriage of convenience turned into a flurry of passion. Once they were wed, they strengthened both their families, having more wealth and influence than ever before. They started trying for a child right away and to their delight they succeeded in producing a male heir right away. Arthur Argyle was brought into the world with a silver spoon in his mouth, his every need catered too.

Adrian's Birth - Childhood

Arnold and Caroline's second child was not much different. Another boy, also brought into a position of privilege, only three years later. Adrian Argyle. Although both boys were immensely privileged, Adrian felt the distance between them grow. Arthur was the heir, Adrian was the spare. Neither Arnold nor Caroline were particularly affectionate parents, but the energy the did spend on their parental duties was mostly given to Arthur. Adrian craved that attention, and he hated Arthur for getting it.

Adrian did not love his parents, but by god he respected them. Especially his father. He found himself fascinated by talk of business deals and negotiations he could barely understand as a child, but desperately wanted to. He constantly burned with ambition, trying to learn more, do better. He'd listen in on conversations and ask questions until his father would grow annoyed. Despite this, Arnold saw the potential in Adrian, as well as his glaring weakness- a desperation for attention.

So, Adrian was sent off to boarding school in hopes that the distance from his family would stop his need for their approval. And over time it worked. He buried himself in his studies and eventually he got the message that simply wanting his father's approval meant nothing, he needed to be an achiever in order to gain respect.

While Adrian was off at school, around the age of thirteen, he received the news that his mother was with child. This announcement was unexpected, as Helen was perceived as well past childbearing prime, but not unwelcome. Nine months later Adrian got a letter saying he gained a baby sister- Hester. The letter also included some tragic news. His mother had passed away in childbirth.

Adrian returned home to mourn with his family. In his boarding school years, he'd returned occasionally, but never for long. During this period, Arnold saw the boy had eliminated his critical weakness. Adrian was invited back home for good, to study his father's business and become an asset. He began studying under his brother, who had been around the business for a long time, being primed to take over. However, Adrian noticed that in living a life where everything got handed to him, Arthur had gotten vain and lazy, a weakness. Still, Arthur was seen as the heir, so he remained constantly above Adrian no matter what he did.

Adrian learned the ins and outs of business, studying relentlessly, becoming strapped with killer instinct. He had made his father proud, and as he got older his father made it clear by bestowing him with more responsibility. He wasn't the heir, but he got what he wanted. Approval. However, everything was shattered on the eve of his eighteenth birthday. His father had died. The doctors said it was a heart attack. Adrian had a place in the family buisness, but Arthur took over.

Coming of Age - Adulthood

A few weeks after the death of his father, Adrian went to his brother's office to discuss business. He'd found Arthur had made a few weak business discussions that gains him some fast money, but were bad for business in the long run. As the brothers exchanged words, things got heated. Both men felt as though they were the superior sibling. A verbal conflict became physical in the heat of the moment, and Adrian gained a cut on his hand. In his anger, the blood from the cut shot forward, striking Arthur and creating a cut on his face.

The fighting ceased and the brothers found themselves in a shocked silence. Being the new patriarch of the family, Arthur knew of the source, and from he fresh cut on his face he knew Adrian was possibly capable of great harm. Adrian had no idea what was going on as his blood lingered in the air, eventually coming back into his hand as he willed it to. Arthur explained what he knew, jealous that Adrian was gifted with the source and he wasn't. This new discovery delighted Adrian. He may not be the head of the family, but he held all the power.

With his power and wits combined, Adrian began to pull the strings. Although his brother was the figurehead of the Argyle family, Adrian was the one really in control. He was ruthless. But, to society he was well-mannered and charming, so he gained connections and influence quickly. Joining the others at the reverie, he quickly became a great asset. He was willing to do anything to keep himself and those at the reverie safe and in power, nothing has ever mattered more to him.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.


Blood Manipulation: Adrian has the ability to shape and manipulate blood.


Bloody Combat: Adrian's control over his blood is extremely advanced. He is able to create things such as powerful tendrils to strike an opponent, or sharp daggers of blood that can tear the flesh.
Healing: Adrian can use his abilities to aid in healing himself. He is not the most practiced at this and isn't a miracle worker, but he can do tasks such as clotting blood to prevent blood loss and speed up healing.


[TW: Self-harm]
Mutilation: In order to effectively be able to manipulate his own blood, especially for combat purposes, Adrian must create an opening for the blood to come out of easily. He carries a sharp pocket knife with him at all times for this reason.
Blood Loss: Adrian is susceptible to blood loss, he must ensure he does not take too much blood out of his own body and return the blood he may use back to his body to avoid too much lasting damage.
Emotionality: Adrian's magic can be influenced by his emotions, which is why he tries his best to keep his head clear. He is particularly careful when making physical contact with people, as that is when he is most likely to accidentally harm other's, and Adrian hates accidents.




โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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done i think (the box scrolls now)

Cordelia S. Darlington
the intellectual
i. Surface

full name โ€”
The Honourable Cordelia Sophie Darlington
nicknames โ€”

  • Cora: A common shortening.
  • Lia: Mostly only used by Miranda, from when she was little and couldn't handle the many syllables of 'Cordelia'.
age โ€”
birthday โ€”
October 2nd, 1876.
sexuality โ€”
Bicurious, but she has not entertained much thought on it.
role โ€”
The Intellectual
writer โ€”

ii. appearance

height โ€”
5'5" (165cm).
scars/markings โ€”
Befitting her status (and her seemingly lifelong preference for books) Cordelia's skin is almost entirely unmarred.
wardrobe โ€”
Though always dressing within the latest fashionโ€”lest she earn her mother's scorn from beyondโ€”Cordelia's tastes tend to be a bit more muted. Any lace or frill will be slightly less eye-catching whilst her fabrics' colors and patterns need not be as bold. For Rev activities, Cordelia employs a shirtwaist ensemble or ladies walking suit, often more reminiscent of the emerging working woman than a noble lady.
general description โ€”
A picturesque lady, Cordelia has light golden threads oft spun into soft curls or otherwise tamed in chignons, though her hair naturally adopts a more frizzy, wavy texture when unkempt. Her eyes are alike crystalline water: clear and blue, holding a cold clarity within them. She has a svelte figure of subtle curves, and a youthful face pairing high cheekbones with otherwise full cheeks. There is an elusive nature to her beauty, for it is hard to point to anything notably remarkable.
faceclaim โ€”
Kathryn Newton.

iii. personality

Undoubtedly, Cordelia is a uniquely intelligent woman. Cleverly chosen words, perceptive observations, capable of holding any sort of conversation (albeit with clear preferences, her patience is not endless), and a fast learner at whatever she next challenges. Though exuding a quiet confidence, Cordelia can be quite obsessive, strict and perfectionistic. Regardless, she remains independent and much too strong-willed and stubborn for a woman of nobility. Entirely unafraid to speak her mind, Cordelia merely knows how to portray herself tactfully so as to not draw ire when required, and rarely allows her sharp tongue and wittiness to get the upper hand and be expressed unfiltered. Some may get the sense she portrays an extremely edited version of herself to the world, though Cordelia would plainly argue that is true of all in society, especially women. Within her tempered exterior is someone easily excited and fascinated, finding the joysโ€”or lessonsโ€”to be taken from everything around her.

Cordelia appears as though she is more than at ease with people making assumptions about her intelligence or their comments that she simply must get her nose out of those books and search for a husband, responding with tight, polite smiles, though an astute eye would notice how it makes her grind her teeth and bite her palm's skin with clenched fists. Despite her frustrations, she has no qualms twisting the presumptions in her favor, adopting the simple-minded woman and playing people like pawns when they think they are in controlโ€”for women thought so littleโ€”should she need to do so. If she were to be underestimated, Cordelia ensures it becomes her strength, not her loss.

However, Cordelia compartmentalizes and rationalizes: there is nothing that cannot be explained away with a few expertly crafted sentences drenched in logic. An expert at deflection, she prefers not to deal with her emotions, and another's she will approach as a matter of fact. That's not to say she is cold or emotionless, rather, her passion, loyalty and (possibly brutal) honesty blaze bright. Though truly dealing with emotions, she has determined, is rather too complex and distracting to be approached. She holds this equally true regarding the marriage market. In doing so, she enables herself to continue educating and reading freely.

Generally Cordelia is not one to purposefully draw attention to herself, to some level self-effacing and certainly not seeing herself as superior. There is always more to be done, or more she could do. She is hard-working, with a fervor that she always has something to prove, her stubbornness leading her to become frustrated with herself at times. Cordelia is often willing to place helping another higher than her own general well-being (though no one more than her sister), particularly where it involves research in some way. She woes being viewed as a pushover or soft, and will never be forced into such a position, but never troubles over being seen as kind.

likes โ€”
Reading (her tastes are extremely wide and varied), peppermint tea, cycling, libraries, walking, stargazing, citrus fruits, tulips, the coolness of silk, chess, writing in her journal, poetry, pearls.
dislikes โ€”
Dust, crowded rooms, ill-fitting gloves, long carriage rides, inefficiency, assumptions, liars, rats, being told what to do, surprises, circuses, croquet (she is quite terrible), oysters, hail, meaningless small talk.
fears โ€”
Claustrophobic, losing her only sister to her illness, drowning and large bodies of water.

iv. background

family โ€”

  • Edgar Darlington Sr., the Baron Ainsworth | Father (62) | Alive
  • Sophie Darlington, nรฉe Cooper | Mother | Deceased
  • Edgar 'Ed' Darlington Jr. | Older Brother (25) | Alive
  • Theodore Darlington | Younger Brother (21) | Alive
  • Miranda Darlington | Younger Sister (16) | Alive, sickly
  • Oliver Darlington | Younger Brother (16) | Alive

history โ€”

Second born was not so bad: her father had his preferred heir as a first born, soon followed by her younger brother. Cordelia sat in-between, largely unnoticed. Her father was much too busy, but her mother doted on her only daughter happily, though she was oft away. Between two brothers, though, led to much teasing and jostling that she equally partook in.

Ever the curious child, Cordelia was shunned and turned away for her relentless questions, desperate to know how and why about everything. It was only her mother that fanned the flame, appeasing her curiosity and placing seeds in her head that she could learn whatever she wanted. She would poke her head into the sessions of her two brothersโ€”learning math, science, history, politics, where she was relegated mostly to instruments, embroidery, or only simple lessons with governesses. In the past, she did not understand why. At least she joined them for some lessons, tutors noticing and praising how she learnt Latin faster than both her brothers.

Sophie gave birth to twins Miranda and Oliver had been born when Cordelia was 6. She was elated at having a younger sister (slightly less so, at another brother). But even from when Miranda was only very young, she was ill, and they cycled through many doctors, some finding various methods of managing her symptoms acceptably, but never a cure. She always seemed to fall sicker than the last time. Sophie still nourished Cordelia's natural inquisitiveness, but Cordelia noticed it was like her mother had lost her spark after the birth of the twins, despite rarely seeing her.

Soon after, Cordelia was brought into the same lessons with her brothers, and given extra material by the tutors as she excelled. Sometimes their father would visit and converse with the tutors, and he would praise his sons, barely sparing a glance to her. He complimented her once on her French skills, when she so clearly surpassed her brothers. She heard through whispers her father would only allow her to stay in the same lessons so long as more feminine studies excelled and her prospects of marriage were not lessened. One math lesson she spoke up to him, asking what he thought of her progressโ€”and learnt swiftly to not ask again.

Cordelia remained silently driven, regularly going above and beyond. Much of her extra reading concerned medical textbooks and developments, and of the most current events. But she always made time for little Miranda, to do her hair or run outside or whatever she wanted. "Lia," Miranda would cry, and Cordelia would answer.

At 13, Cordelia's mother fell ill with influenza and passed rather quickly. Their last conversation held apologies, assurances Cordelia would understand why she was rarely around, a filled leather-bound journal pressed into her hands, and two simple promises the young woman still carries with her. Both their tears kissed the journal, a concoction of regrets to span past and future. Her youngest siblings did not quite understand, her other brothers held no connection to their mother, and her father was frighteningly stoic.

Without pause, her father explained it was time she focus primarily on preparing to become a woman for debut. As though omnipresent, he now scrutinised her every lesson, noted every slip up, and chastised whenever she would tend to Miranda in neglect of her own obligations. As the nature of her lessons slowly shifted, it was her few spare hours where Cordelia continued her own learning and reading. The years were best characterised as a tug-of-war, and somewhere along the way, Cordelia understood what her mother had meant. Despite his best efforts, she remained sharp and defiant, and is truly thankful for how he taught her one of the most important lessons, in how to gauge limits and frame her language strategically.

The night before her 18th birthday, the Source had made itself evident. A storm raged outside as she stood in her father's study, the flickering candlelight casting dancing shadows upon his face, his anger painted in the highlights. There her father, Lord Ainsworth, had explained the Source, how it had skipped the past generation of Darlingtons, and disappointingly landed in her hands, and in turn the responsibilities she now faced. His stern gaze left one thing unspoken: he resented her for what she had somehow stolen from either himself or his eldest.

Maybe, there was a part of her that resented the Source too. A cruel, cosmic joke tying her to her family, invisible strings to play her as a puppet in a theatre of her nightmares.

Though she has now entered society and the Rev, Cordelia is still single-focused in her pursuit of knowledge, and the thought of marriage could barely be considered secondary. Especially now with two deaths that she cannot immediately, unequivocally explain.

v. further

magic โ€”
The eve of her eighteenth, Cordelia became something of a ghost. At some point her head had come to rest on an open almanac, and when she awoke it was a haze, roaming aimlessly through the manor's halls unseen, drifting past closed doors without opening them. She thought herself dead.

strengths: Cordelia can will herself or anything she has contact with to be truly invisible. She cannot be seen by the naked eye, nor any enhanced means. She finds it easy to slip in and out unnoticed, or move objects discreetly. The effect is instant, and she has developed enough that activating it is (almost always) within her conscious control. Cordelia can affect only smaller parts, such as one limb, or one page of a book, it need not be everything or nothing.

weaknesses: Cordelia does not truly disappear. She can still be heard, touched, or detected by her lingering perfume scent noted by the more keen observers. And ever since that first night, she has never been able to phase through matter in the same way, she can only will herself or objects in her immediate possession or contact invisible. Most of her thinks it was merely apart of the delirium and it was imagined rather than an unknown depth her ability may have. Extended periods leave her disorientated and exhausted, the kind one feels in their bones. She has fainted before from over-exerting, or temporarily lost her vision. Maintaining invisibility requires focus and energy that can be easy to let slip. She has not been able to make another person invisible, but believes it may be theoretically possible.

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Username: jones573
Role Applied For: The Sweet

Name & Title: The Honourable Lady Surina Chaurdri of Pembroke
Age & Birthday: 20 years old, born August 7th of 1979
Appearance: Surina has medium brown skin with warm undertones, and large, expressive brown eyes. Her long black hair is usually styled up as is the fashion of the era, and though it usually has just a gentle wave to it, she does also wear it curly at times. She gravitates towards warm colors for her wardrobe, but can be easily swayed if the fabric is particularly nice or the salesperson particularly complimentary.

Face claim: Charithra Chandran

Height: 5โ€™3โ€, petite build
Sexuality: Bisexual? Honestly, Surina has never really thought much about it. She has had crushes on her female friends, but hasnโ€™t recognized them as such- She has always dreamed of marrying a dashing young man who would sweep her off her feet and treat her as she believes she deserves, and she hasnโ€™t considered much else beyond that.

Family: Surinaโ€™s only immediate living family is her older brother: Ravinder Chaudri, the Earl of Pembroke. He is 27 and inherited the title of Earl from their maternal grandfather four years ago. Their parents died when Surina was six in a house fire, and the two were mostly raised by their grandfather and his staff. Their grandmother on their fatherโ€™s side was a Sourcer, as well as the late Earlโ€™s paternal uncle. Surina and Ravinder have some cousins on their fatherโ€™s side, but they are not close.

Face Claim: Dev Patel

Surina has an effervescent demeanor, and is nearly always smiling. She always looks for the good in people, even when they fail to show it to her- Some may see that as naive, but Surina is a big believer that everyone deserves a chance to be their best self. Even if she has to pry said self out of a tightly closed shell.

She is rarely daunted by mean spirits or awkward conversation lulls, and prides herself on being a social butterfly that knows how to navigate uncomfortable situations with grace and ease. Despite her rather outgoing- and talkative- personality, she can be a good friend to even the most introverted of people, as she is (usually) aware of when her conversational skills are not needed and enjoys sitting in relative silence with those who are more comfortable with that.

Surina is a very accomplished young lady- She paints and draws, she is wonderful at the pianoforte and the flute (and decent enough on a harp), she is very sharp with numbers and mathematics, is well learned in topics of social and natural sciences, follows current affairs enough to hold a stimulating discussion, is conversationally fluent in French, Italian, Hindi and Bengla and is, of course, an excellent dancer. She takes great pride in these things, and while she doesnโ€™t necessarily look down on those who arenโ€™t as accomplished, she certainly judges those who find her activities to be frivolous.

Though Surina is a strong advocate for others and will intervene if she believes someone is being mistreated, she is not great at standing up for herself. Sheโ€™s mostly had her brother to do so for her, but as she enters society she will not always have his immediate protection.

Because of her brotherโ€™s protective nature (and the fact that her debut was delayed), Surina still has a largely innocent-minded view of the world- Oh, of course she knows that people can be cruel to others and that terrible things can happen. However, it hasnโ€™t really occurred to her that such things might happen to her. She has spent her life being doted on by her brother and their family staff, being praised by tutors and loved by friends- Why shouldnโ€™t she expect that these things will continue no matter where she goes or who she meets?

Likes: painting watercolors, dancing, going to art exhibitions, rides through the countryside, her brother, being admired and liked, floral hair ornaments
Dislikes: playing the pianoforte, gambling/betting, being on boats or ships
Fears: total darkness, being married to someone who does not love her, out of control fires, deep water

Fire based powers, such as manipulation, generation, and immunity to flame.

Close range: Surina has excellent control over fire that is within 10 feet of her, and can make it do nearly anything she wants. Within 5 feet, she has so much control that she can even burn writing into something with tiny letters.

Immunity: Surina seems to be completely invulnerable to fire, even her hair, nails and eyelashes. This is very handy if she accidentally catches herself on fire (which has happened more times than she would like to admit), but has done a number on her wardrobe.

Summoning fire: Surina can create fire where none exists, but she finds it very difficult to do so and has a much easier time just manipulating fires that have already been lit. She carries a set of matches on her person for this reason.

Long range: At about 15-20 feet, Surinaโ€™s control over fire weakens substantially, especially her ability to reign it back in once it starts spreading.

Reliance on hands: Surina can direct fire with thought alone, but this is risky as she might get distracted or loose focus- And loose control of the fire as well. Instead, she uses her hands as an accessory to motion what she wants the fire to do, directing both the flame and her thoughts as one.

She was six, when it happened. She remembers burying her face in the crook of Ravinderโ€™s neck as he held her in a deathly tight grip, looking away from the fire as it consumed their childhood home. She remembers her maid wailing beside them, the other servants and survivors clustered about them on the lawn.

She doesnโ€™t remember her parentโ€™s funeral very well, except for her grandfatherโ€™s stern face afterwards, when he explained that they would live with him from now on. She remembers the way he put his hand on Raviโ€™s shoulder and gave him an encouraging smile, and said nothing to her.

Growing up, she always wondered- Did he prefer Ravi because Ravi was a boy, and his heir? Or was it because the fire had started in her room, presumably by a candle she had knocked over. And then, of course, she developed herโ€ฆ Abilities. She knows she didnโ€™t have them when she was younger- she just knows she didnโ€™t, she couldnโ€™t have- but the doubt keeps her up at night sometimes.

She was a precocious child, bright and well mannered. She excelled in her lessons and charmed the adults she met. She was trained to be an excellent wife, hostess and member of society from a young age, attended the most prestigious of finishing schools, and was eager to make her debut in London as soon as she could. She probably would have debuted younger, had her grandfather not died. Her brother was suddenly the Earl of Pembroke, and though he had also been trained for his role, it was abrupt and he had little interest in introducing his sister to society while he learned his new title and responsibilities.

And then halfway through Surinaโ€™s 17th year of age, unusual things began to happen. The gas lamps flared in the dining room when she got excited. The fire in her bedroom spilled out of itโ€™s cage when she had her night terrors, and even more oddly, she could reign it back in simply by wishing it so. Before their grandfather had died, he had passed the knowledge of the Source onto his successor, so Ravinder suspected his sister might inherit it, and he eventually sat her down to discuss it because it was only getting more and more extreme as time went on.

Surina was excited. She was afraid. She was nervous to join the others at The Reverie, a role unlike the one she had been preparing for all her life. She also needed to learn control. The next few years, Surina spent considerable effort learning to master her new power. She still has the occasionalโ€ฆ Flare up, but it is generally much better and she can completely control herself in public. Between training with her brother and the other Sourcers, she feels confident she is ready to both enter society, and to help improve it.

Her excitement is palpable- But how long will it last?

(Note: There is, of course, more to the story of the mysterious house fire that killed Surinaโ€™s parents, though itโ€™s not what she suspects. Maybe sheโ€™ll learn- or remember- more about it, someday.)
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Blessed be the daughters of Cain, bound to suffering eternal through the sins of their father committed long before.

Ethel Cain



full name

Cressida Blake


CeCe, an old childhood name that she often disregards. Cress, a more acceptable moniker provided by her peers.




February 14th, 1876


Mixed race, Dagestani & European origins





song name







130 lbs

hair c.


eye c.

Dark Brown


Aubri Ibrag in The Buccaneers



"You used to be fun," pouted her youngest sister Lottie one night, her lower lip jutted, eyes downcast, & nose sniffling. She was a true picture of sorrow, yearning for the woman that once was.

Like a dagger to the heart. Cressida inhaled sharply.

"I know."


Life can be a cruel thing, and Miss Cressida Blake understands this most of all. Fate a most vexing mistress, she was dealt a hand least suited of all to survive the courts, the game.

With a deceased father & a mother who believes too purely in the luck of things (some have called it delusion), Cressida finds herself wholly & completely, alone. The primary inheritor of the Blake estate & heiress to her father's title, whispers say that the ever so prim, ever so demure Miss Blake was once a thing of wonder. Fiery, flirty & a wildcard pulled straight from the devil's deck, the Marquess once lived a life with no worries, because, to put it simply, she'd had none. Her father was always discrete in concealing his vices, & her mother- although often marked unconventional, was a controlled woman. Yes, back then, things were simple- ideal even; life had allowed her to roam free, to enjoy needless luxuries, revel in silly little diversions.

... Until suddenly, the rug was pulled out from underneath her legs, & she fell, tumbling face-first into adulthood. Into consequence.

On the eve of her father's passing, Cressida had been rid of everything she'd ever known. Met with a hollowed, lifeless body, she had yet to let reality settle before realization had struck: Nothing would ever be the same again. The loss would wound them for eternity, and an eternity after that. But, with four pairs of teary eyes gazing up at her, she wordlessly accepted that title of, saviour. Fingers trembling, tears threatening to spill but never quite kissing the floorboards, duty beckoned her in the ghostly hours of pale moonlight, & Cressida followed.

Four mouths to feed, four lives to look after. Three young children & one mother so grief-stricken that she couldn't bear it, had become something of a lollygagging madwoman - a sight so scandalous in a life of nobility. Now, gone were the pursuits of happier days, gone were the flirtations, the adventures, the petty dramas. With no one to turn to, it was all up to Cressida to carry on her shoulders, to save.

From that day on, Lady Blake was born anew. A cautious, deeply watchful woman, some say that she inhabits a particular kind of nervousness, with her constant subtle fidgets here & there, flittering looks & pursed lips. As if always at a stand-still with herself, unsure yet asserting confidence nonetheless. It's true that she is slow to form opinions, deeply afraid of saying the wrong thing, of displeasing those whom she desperately needs to impress. After all, Cressida is, before anything else, calculated. Not of ill-intent but of desperation, nowadays every move has a motive, every word weighs heavy.

At the rev she isn't much different. Always reserved, always neutral, afraid to reveal herself & the true nature of things. She is friendly, but oft tries to maintain a dull, forgettable presence. Though she is diplomatic, and with this, Cressida is quite the peacemaker -both amongst her peers & her own premises- being the eldest of four girls, it is only natural that she knows how to diffuse petty arguments, even between the most unyielding, most uncooperative adults.

And so, level-headed by definition, Cressida bears a cross of responsibility, & assumes it in any given environment. With an almost maternal figure, to her peers & to her family she is reliable, offers words of well-lived wisdom though evidently she is still young, & still learning herself. Despite the fact, Cressida is heavily guilty of constantly taking others underneath her wing, of feeling the need to guide those who seem to need a little bit more help. Unfortunately, to the wrong eyes, this can appear as controlling if not pushy.

There are times however, when Cressida's tendency to overthink & to over-worry makes her a frantic being, consuming her so blindingly that she becomes despondent, dejected, feeling as if though she has failed everyone. Bearing mood swings so drastic that they become dangerous. Sometimes her emotions beget explosive reactions, her old self peering through the shining show she so carefully puts on. Strong opinions, strong values, most unladylike, sometimes have a way of escaping. Her patience is only so forgiving, and the stakes of her family's future is able to push her to extremes at times.

Henceforth, due to the Blakes' situation, there has not been a single moment wherein Cressida has been able to relax. Almost as if elsewhere, her most common disposition is that of something distracted; her thoughts constantly buried in this one's debut, in that one's tutoring alongside her father's egregious debt, it's suffice to say that whatever dreams, whatever thrills Cressida once indulged in, lay neglected in the far corners of her mind. Entirely too busy, though her previous way of living has granted her advantage of the ins & outs of the community, she hardly ever utilizes it anymore. Hardly one to take risks, to stick out too much, Cressida wants only this: to ensure her family's security, even if that means putting her own happiness aside.


the theatre | (previously) reciting plays with her sisters | taking care of her sisters' hair before an event | (previously) archery | going to the market | (previously) billiards | watercolour painting | picking wild berries | long walks | gossip (though she would never admit it) | routine | lit-up fireplaces | physical affection | conversations that last well into the night | stargazing from her veranda | shooting clay pigeons (previously)


trying to fall asleep at night | when someone undermines her authority | gambling | too much chaos | lack of cleanliness | tight corsets | any form of sewing or needlework | snarky remarks hidden under a smile | drunk men | nasty rumours | the smell of oil


not being able to save her family | bringing shame to her mother & sisters (for which they do not deserve) | public humiliation | bugs | not finding a wealthy suitor in time | failure | the dark | her own sacrifices & the future they might bring


rational | attentive | empathetic | organized | dependable | loving | creative | thoughtful | humorous | kind | responsible | nurturing


uptight | fraudulent | at times, disjointed |cowardly | detached | indecisive | protective | emotional | convoluted | distrusting | elusive | scheming | controlling | jittery | distracted



On the date of her birth, there was said to be a most vicious storm. Blankets upon blankets of snowfall draped hastily over the estate, snowflakes so heavy that they blinded the eye. Flashes of white, violence cloaked in beauty, peace was never a friend to Cressida, not since the day she was born.

Her mother's screams bellowed far into the corridors, echoing with every push, with every second the clock ticked, as if the home itself had come to life. That pain of motherhood being the first of many. Cressida's piercing cries followed only hours later, at the strike of midnight, when the rest of the court lay in a deep slumber. The snowstorm a thing of the past, its consequence lay glistening, perched upon every surface imaginable.

Although the journey of Cressida's becoming was tumultuous, some would say even deadly, she'd had fate on her side. Or so she thought.


Born to the great Marquess Frederick Blake & his wife Lady Amina Emirov, unlike many children of the court, Cressida had been welcomed eagerly into the world, despite her gender. Some speculate that this is because the sweet Lady Blake had had quite the dangerous pregnancy, so vicious that her own life was ripe for the taking. Others say that they were simply an unconventional pair, never much minding for tradition nor for approval.

For as long as she could remember, Cressida's parents were both happy people, both determined to allow her to make her own way in the world, to pursue her heart's desire, never mind what others thought. And so, her childhood was, in a sense, chaotic. Filled with an explosion of memories, Cressida was exposed to different experiences since the day she was able to walk. From horseback riding (which she had little luck with), to archery & painting, for many years, Cressida's whole world revolved around learning, more than just literature and academics, but life in itself.

Of course, the classic tutorage had occurred, but her father was keen on her exploration, on her forming her own viewpoints. She recalls fondly the days where he would wake her up - just her at the crack of dawn, to walk somewhere, anywhere & talk about life, about what
mattered in those special moments. Naturally, the family was growing every few years, and so was their reputation, so those early mornings were few & far in between, but she treasured them greatly nonetheless.

It was not until Cressida had grown into a fine young woman, did she realize the tears in the seams. Up until the age of 13, her mother had bore no heirs, no men but only lovely little women. In the courtyard she was made aware of this, teased profusely by her peers. Some ratty boys would proclaim that she would belong to their family upon marriage, and to this she threw a flurry of blows. But deep down, Cressida was afraid. What would become of her?

However, those worries were soon squelched when her father allowed her to use his rifle one day, amongst a crew of his towering friends remained the lively Cressida, shooting clay pigeons. That very same night, before retiring to her chambers - and she remembers this as if it happened yesterday - her father told her this:

"You have been my pride for so many seasons my darling CeCe, and you will continue to be so, long after I'm gone... All this" He waved drunkenly "is going to be yours."
If only she knew now not to accept, Cressida would have done so quickly.


Life went on like this- happily, unapologetically, without many difficulties. Until the eve of her 18th birthday, Cressida awoke with a start. Thunder. Her heart pounded against the confines of her rib cage, windows rattling against the blows of raindrops. Something was amiss, surely. It was to be her debut in the coming season, & only a few days prior had her mysterious aunt Beth passed away. She heaved a sigh, it was just nerves, she thought. It had to be.

But it was never just nerves. The morning after, rain poured again ceaselessly, defiantly. What was said to be a calm winter, had brought nothing but icy, sharp & angry rain that continued to the very edge of the week, when her father sat her down, having noticed her antsy behaviour & the unexpected change in climate.

.... He called it The Source. Something magnificent, something other worldly. His sister Beth had possessed it, and now the torch was hers to carry; only, it seemed to have manifested in the most peculiar of ways: the weather.

Propelled by her emotions, it was realized early on that Cressida's newfound ability could be disastrous, sending carriages into spirals upon icy roads, subjecting the ton to hot-white thunder-strikes & floodings. The only way to placate her was to keep her happy, to manage her anxieties.
Finding out how was a whole ordeal in & of itself & resulted in a few injuries, mainly upon herself.

The Reverie- or Rev as people called it, was an entirely new world to her. Met with others whom she'd known previously & strangers alike, for a while, Cressida doubted the fact that she belonged. A spoilt & naive girl from a spoilt world, she grew comfortable with them in a matter of weeks, unnafraid to unwind. At a certain point, she would've even considered a few of them friends. Now, however, she doesn't belong for entirely different reasons and seemingly, has returned to square one.


It was the midst of January, a month before her birthday. She remembers wincing as her bare feet met the cold touch of the creaky floorboards, how they seemed as frozen as the earth, how the pit in her stomach began to grow. Something was terribly wrong. With an oil lamp clutched tightly in her hands, its small flame encapsulated by darkness, Cressida descended down the corridor, beckoned by the low sobs & shaky whispers coming from her parents' chambers. She pushed open the door, revealing a sight so jarring that she remembers it even now, could paint it from memory if she no longer wished to forget it.

Her sisters - all three of them - splayed upon their mother's feet, a heap of sorrow as they held one another tight, their knuckles bone-white, limbs entangled, comforted only by the maternal presence of Lady Blake. The widow looked over upon her entrance & whispered weakly,

"It's your father," she spoke

"He's gone."


That was only the beginning. The next morning, Cressida realized that her father had granted her far less than he'd promised, nearly a decade ago. Her eyes spread wide as she looked over the accounts- acting now as the head of the family. Each fund, each investment dwindling, leaving them with little else than their own pride to their name. It seemed, that the more she studied these documents, the more that she glossed overt every page, that Cressida wondered if she ever truly knew the man whom she called father.

Excessive drinking, gambling & overall debauchery signified nothing of the man who used to tuck her in every night, who'd taught her how to waltz better than with any teacher, who'd held her in his arms as a babe. The skies darkened. A storm slowly began to brew.

Cressida had to act quickly, but how? She had no real career, no real prospects, never mind no real skills- well, none that would make her a pretty penny. Her lifetime spent on silly pursuits were just that - silly pursuits. All of that knowledge yet nothing to make of it, Cressida felt imprisoned in her own body, entirely helpless. And what would the courts think?! What of her sisters, who still required schooling?! What about her poor mother, who was growing too frail to live in squalor, to help provide?! The storm grew thunderous, rattling the windows violently.

She screwed her eyes shut, chest heaving with each slow inhale & exhale. 5...4...3...2...1.

Images of distant laughter, echoes of the jubilant squeals of her sisters played against the backdrop of her eyelids. One donning a painted-on moustache, the other heavily made-up to be a princess- or was it a fairy? She couldn't remember, but the clouds seemed to have parted, her shoulders relinquishing into a relaxed drop.

Deep down, Cressida knew what she had to do.

Marriage. It was something that she'd hardly taken an interest in, even as a girl. Feeling as if her youth, her figure, her mind was too precious to be wasted on suitors so early. But with so little time, with so little promise, Cressida had to let tradition win. For her younger sisters, for her mother, she would make a sacrifice so great.

This was especially hard to explain to her sisters. The very sisters who'd urged her long ago to travel across Europe, to take to the stage, to make a name for herself the way she'd always wanted. The very sisters she would be doing this for.

But fathers die and dreams go with them, Cressida learned this the hard way.





Marquess Frederick Blake

56. Deceased. Once the object of her most doting affections, now an enigma. Cressida doesn't know whether she loves him, hates him or simply misses him.

Lady Amina Blake

50. Alive. Sometimes called the Lady dowager, prior to her husband's sudden passing, Mrs.Blake was a zany, incredibly warm woman. Inviting in more ways than one & constantly with an artistic project on the side, she now remains in a state of perpetual grief, often found wandering the halls of the Blake estate, muttering nonsense underneath her breath. The sight wounds Cressida greatly.

The Daughters of Blake

Athena Blake. 17. Alive.
A most recent thorn in Cressida's side, Athena seems to have a penchant of stirring trouble in the courts. Desperately wanting to be treated as an adult- to help, she is unfortunately offen dismissed by her elder sister, growing resentful & more reactionary as time goes on. Defiant, fiery & with a mouth that makes others halt within their tracks, she is most regretfully, the spitting image of Cressida in her prime.

Pandora Blake. 13. Alive.
A sly, provocative little thing. Unlike her sister Athena, Pandora prefers to watch from the shadows rather than partake within the splendour. But not out of shyness, no, never that. She only wishes to enact strategy using her wit; calculated, and perhaps the most intelligent out of all her sisters, Pandora is often found bickering with her oldest sister, Athena.

Hestia Blake. 8. Alive.
Perhaps the only remaining innocence of the family, there has come upon a certain agreement between the elder Blake girls. You can call them names, you can insult them horrifically, hell, you could even resort to physical blows. But you never
touch Hestia. Three very different women united by a small young child, Cressida feels as if she's already failed her other sisters. But with Hestia? With Hestia she stands a chance, with Hestia it's not too late. And so this begs the question of, who needs the other more?

Lord Arthur Vaughan

24. Alive.
A childhood best friend, Art & Cressida met at the age of nine & three quarters, as she was attempting to make haste & steal pastries during an exceedingly dull gathering. Feeling a pair of eyes follow her as she snuck into the kitchen, there he stood, one-legged, & grinning ear to ear, hardly managing to carry a handful of pastries of his own.

That was only the beginning of their shenanigans. Now that years have passed, Cressida considers Arthur (or Art as she likes to call him) her closest friend & confidant, with his witty humour, sarcasm & ability to just listen, many have assumed that the two would eventually come to marry. And she reckons that she would've, had he not largely preferred men.


The Source


Funnily enough, like the gods of Olympus Cressida's source resides in Weather Manipulation.


With enough passion it seems, Cressida's abilities can become all-encompassing, targeting the community she currently resides in, and its residents. With a heavy advancement in forging hurricanes, hail & lightning, with enough focus she's been able to bring down large objects, such as buildings (that one shed had been an accident). Furthermore, often triggered by her emotions, Cressida is able to control her powers better than most, having learned long ago how to manipulate not only her abilities, but her own psyche.


But, much like the earth, even the most beautiful things can be dangerous. And Cressida finds herself having to be more careful than most, as the strength of her abilities can harm even the innocent. And so, constantly trying to self-regulate - in fear of losing control, Cressida has been known in more recent years, to accept indifference, even when she desperately needs an outlet.

Furthermore, the time it takes to conjure her source is relative to her own reactions. It could take a minute, it could take even a second, much of the time Cressida's powers struggle to happen entirely at will, and she relies heavily on using them to play defense rather than offense.

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it is in your self-interest to find a way to be very tender

jenny holzer

the nomad


full name

lady beatrix augustina bishop


trix (only by her brothers)




lesbian (shh it's a secret)


november 24th


the nomad

puella in somnio







requires shapewear to have any semblance of a figure; is otherwise slender and lithe, almost athletic.


dark and curly, though prone to flyaways. when she's not attending a ball, it's often plaited and curled at the nape of her neck, but for formal occasions, she opts for something piled rakishly high.


so dark as to be almost black, often lowered in disinterest or framed by an unimpressed raised eyebrow

notable features

beatrix has prominent, arched features - her father's strong jaw, her mother's high cheekbones, and a nose that is sharp and proud, perfect for looking down at those she does not care for. in her clothing, she favours dark, earthen tones, though there is a stark difference between how she dresses when she is amongst the ton and when she is squirreled away at the rev; when dealing with matters of the source, trix has a habit of 'borrowing' her brothers' clothes so that she might be of more practical use. her height and sharp, boyish features set her apart from many of the other women in high society, though she seems to have found a way to turn this into a gamine charm.


amongst the regular attendees of high society balls, beatrix cuts a dark, angular figure. she devotes only the necessary time to her appearance, relying on the mystique of her aloof personality and unusual looks to draw suitors in, and is never the one to debut a new fashion trend. her facial expressions are rarely well-concealed; boredom and disdain are clearly visible with her thick expressive brows and hooded eyes. some might say that it's a wonder that she's had as many suitors as she has, considering her manner is so dismissive, but it seems that some of beatrix's appeal lies in what a singular creature she is. one could call her handsome, instead of pretty.



it seems that lady bishop takes little pleasure in the trappings of the ton.

each season passes much the same: she stands away from the gathered groups, doesn't partake in the gossip, and has little time for the newcomers that she ought to be welcoming into the circle. her mind and heart seem to be constantly elsewhere, and she makes no effort to act otherwise. given her long absences from society, her friendships are few and far between, and though she has been made many offers, she rarely offers potential suitors so much as a lingering glance. though it would be easy enough to see malice in this behaviour - and many understandably do - the truth is that beatrix loathes returning to london. she is admittedly exacting in her tastes and has little desire to do anything other than what brings her most pleasure, but she truly bears no ill-will towards her peers. it seems that beatrix is largely unaware of the hostility that can be interpreted by her manner.

when spending time with peers who share her interests, beatrix can be far more sociable. she is a gracious host, often eager to tour the library and her own modest collection of artifacts and trinkets from across the world. she is adept at both music and her favourite pastime, chess. away from the confines of ballrooms and parlours, when she is free to roam the grounds of her family's estate, she seems to relax and engage genuinely in conversation. she may even display a hidden fondness for those who are brave enough to tease her, or flash her boyish sense of humour. even then, however, she always seems to keep people at arm's length and a wall eventually returns between herself and others. not wishing for her penchant for women to be exposed, she is as unaffectionate in her female friendships as she is with her male suitors.


chess, well-bred horses, sharp winter winds, bitter tea, girls who make her laugh, shooting, falconry, archaeology, hearing other languages even if she doesn't understand them, gambling (as a treat)


overly-sweet desserts, those who seem desperate for attention, rooms without windows, geese, men who are poor dancers, smog, rare meat, constrictive dresses, nosiness


an inability to mask her emotions - especially negative ones, quick to make judgements on first meeting, a lack of desire to change her ways or improve on her flaws, a poor singer


intelligent, witty, well-learned about the needs of those on her estate, an adept horserider


being caught at the rev in her brothers' clothes, finally being forced to marry someone she has no interest in, somehow losing the source and returning to mundane life again



even as a young child, beatrix had little interest in all the expected trappings of the ton. she interacted with 'desirable' peers only when her parents "strongly encouraged" her to do so, and she was otherwise content either with her own company or that of her older brothers. whether they were instructing the farriers in the stables, out shooting on the grounds, or poring over their finances with lord bishop, it was rare that they were not accompanied by their little shadow of a sister, watching with curious eyes. before she reached womanhood, her brothers and some of the household staff called her 'the little lord', though this was swiftly quashed once she became of age.

at her own insistence, she received a comprehensive education; beatrix was determined to enjoy the same lessons that her brothers once had, and her parents were weak to the demands of their youngest child, as many parents are. as her brothers crossed over from childhood into adulthood, she found herself growing lonelier and lonelier. though her eldest brother remained on the estate to aid his father in managing the land, her other brothers were all scattered to the winds, pursuing marriage and honour and all those other things that tempt young men away from their family homes. she wrote letters - copious letters, detailing her daily life in childish detail - but slowly, their replies dwindled. by the time she was ready to enter society, beatrix had all but given up on forging new bonds that could compare to the adoration she still felt for her absent brothers. if not for the source, she might never have made friends.

her powers and her greatest passion became known to her in almost the same moment. her eldest brother was hosting a friend of his who had just returned from the excavation at tell el-hesi, bringing with him a number of artifacts to flaunt. in the air of great excitement, nobody remembered to shoo beatrix away, and thus she pored over the pottery fragments alongside tobias and his friend. the candlelight flickered low over the inscribed clay, and beatrix tentatively reached out to brush her fingertips over the toolmarks along the edge. all at once, she felt as though she was somewhere else. gone was her brother's cologne, the heat of the fireplace, the murmur of conversation; instead, she felt the sun beating down on her scalp, and heard the low of cattle and the exchange of words in a language far from anything she had ever heard before. she could almost swear that she could feel the rutted earth beneath her feet. and then it was all over. she blinked herself back to reality, and dismissed the entire thing as fanciful imagination. only days later would she finally approach the guest and ask how one might go about visiting a dig site, and she was uncharacteristically delighted to hear that she would be most welcome.

from then on, beatrix became an infrequent presence in her own family's home. she returned to england for every wedding season, of course, though suitors never seemed to hold her interest, and she would do her best to fulfil obligations to birthdays and christmasses, but aside from that, it seemed that archaeology had infatuated the young woman. she travelled to palestine and iraq, visited rome, lingered in museums and ingratiated herself with as many people as she could. away from the ton, much of her strangeness melted away - it was not that she chose to conform, but instead that her manner of dress and comportment barely raised eyebrows at dig sites. she indulged herself in wearing breeches and suits almost daily, excusing it as practicality, and found that other women did the same. a passion for travel and ancient history had been kindled, and there was only one thing that kept beatrix tethered to london at all: the source.

after the first incident, there was a long period without a reoccurence. beatrix was more than willing to attribute this 'vision' to her excitement, or else her imagination - though she'd never been particularly imaginative, even as a child. however, bit by bit, things started to unfold. she experienced deja vu almost daily. she dreamed of friends, and received letters from them the very next day. time and time again, she would reach out to touch an artifact and find herself momentarily transported back to the time of its use. even then, she would still have found ways to excuse it all, until her grandmother passed away and she was urgently recalled to the family estate. there, she found that a letter had been bequeathed to her that detailed everything: the source, the reverie, beatrix's new obligations and the world she was to be thrust into. reluctantly, she turned her back on the rest of the world, and returned to london and to the ton for the foreseeable future.





earl clemency bishop

beatrix's father, aged 82, member of the house of lords. earl bishop is an imposing and methodical man, known for the stern manner with which he treats both his family and the tenants on the estate - and for his swooping mustache, which has not waned with age. beneath this grizzled exterior, however, is a compassionate father and a man who is surprisingly willing to offer assistance to those in need. many a tenant has a story of rent being covered by him, storm damage being repaired by his own hands, and the visits from the bishop children laden with gifts.

countess ernestine bishop

beatrix's mother, aged 74. she shows her age far less than her husband, unwilling to be confined to the estate and to be dressed in frumpy, unbecoming gowns. she delights in hosting visitors and travelling to visit friends in distant parts of the country. there are some who attribute beatrix's reluctance to accept a proposal to her mother's flighty nature, but ernestine has actually lamented beatrix's habits on many an occasion.

lord tobias bishop

beatrix's eldest brother, 45. toby has taken on much of the management of the bishop estate now that his father is an old man. he is married with children of his own, and has taken to badgering beatrix incessantly about his desire to see his little sister married and as happy as he is. there have been times when trix has worried that he is aware of her lack of interest in men.

the hon ambrose bishop

beatrix's second eldest brother, aged 40. though ambrose married young - the youngest of all the bishop children, becoming engaged at the end of his first season - he was widowed not long after, leaving him with neither wife or children. he spent over a decade travelling after his loss, returning only for fleeting visits to the estate where the growing distance between he and his family became more and more apparent each time. once he had run out of money, he decided to come home for good. these days, he largely deals with the more appealing aspects of estate management, and is beatrix's favourite companion for riding and shooting.

the hon augustine bishop

beatrix's third eldest brother, aged 34. he had several unsuccessful courtships before eventually marrying in his late twenties and moving into a house not far from the bishop estate. privately, he has discouraged beatrix from pursuing a marriage at the pace that the other bishops urge her to, and believes that she should consider travelling or pursuing further education instead. his wife, however, is incredibly traditional, and trix's relationship with her brother has been strained by his wife's desire to let her own opinions be heard too.

lady calliope arnwick

though beatrix has largely tried to avoid flirtations with other women, she had one dalliance when she was 20. lady arnwick was visiting along with her parents, and the two young women took to each other quickly. long walks around the grounds turned into furtive meetings and sneaking into each others' chambers at night, and beatrix grew attached far quicker than she would have liked. eventually, the two knew that they would have to go their separate ways, and the lingering hurt has further hardened beatrix's hard to courtship.




through a number of methods, beatrix is able to have visions.

she is most able reliably trigger or direct these sights via the handling of objects relevant to the subject of her desired vision, though this is not always successful. while handling artifacts, she was often subjected to visions of those who had made or used the items; similarly, when holding items belonging to people she knows, she is able to channel glimpses of their potential future. in these visions, she often inhabits the viewpoint of a witness to the event, rather than a third person overview of the entire scene.

on occasion, visions come to her unbidden. this happens most often when someone or something is weighing heavily on her mind, or if she is rundown. in these cases, beatrix sees visions without direction or connection to herself; these may be of strangers, or of time periods that she cannot quite decipher.


gaining insight into the past and future has been invaluable to beatrix. it has provided her with sights that most historians could not even dream of seeing - though she is unable to share this knowledge with them, of course. her glimpses of the future have allowed her to avoid trouble on a number of occasions, and during times of strife, she relies on these to reassure herself that things must improve eventually. once she learned how to better channel her waking visions, she has had far more success in applying her abilities to work at the reverie.


her abilities have proved a little difficult to control, though not for want of trying. beatrix has taken to wearing gloves no matter the setting, to avoid unwanted visions prompted by touching another person or item. there have been times where she has unwittingly exposed herself to unpleasant sights - though the future is visible to her, she has learned that it is rarely within her grasp to change it, and she has been witness to a number of misfortunes befalling those she cares about - hence her gloves. forcing too many visions in a short span of time exhausts her rapidly, and her abilities grow even more difficult to control. visions begin to come thick and fast, showing her sights unconnected to anything she had been trying to see, often for extended periods of time. she often struggles to sleep, as her dreams flit between nonsense and visions of what is to come.

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the cold

z berg

NAME: Helena Rose Chamberlain
D.O.B: January 1st, 1875
AGE: 24 years old
GENDER: Cis-Female
ROLE: The Cold
WRITER: junegloom

HAIR: Blonde
EYES: Green
NOTABLE FEATURES: Downturned mouth, button nose, small scar on right forearm from a childhood accident
FACECLAIM: Florence Pugh

SELF REPLICATION- Helena can create exact copies of herself. They are extensions of her, so they will act and think the same way she does. If she has one or two, they can complete more complex tasks, but the more she makes, the more simple the tasks need to be. Additionally, they may be less โ€œsolidโ€ if she has many of them. While they appear corporeal, they can be passed through like a ghost. The more copies of herself that she makes, the more exhausting it is for her. While they are separate from her Helena does not know what they are seeing or hearing, but once she becomes singular, she gains their memories as if they were her own. If one of her doubles is hurt or killed, Helena does not receive the same injury, however, once she recalls her doubles, she will feel what they felt and it will often exhaust her.

PERSONALITY: Like most ladies of her station, Helena is polite and can conduct herself well in social situations. She genuinely does enjoy socializing and conversing with others. However, it is quite difficult to get past the walls she built between herself and others. She is very careful about who she lets in. With a judgmental eye, she can be harshly critical of others, though she does not voice her opinions. She often keeps how she feels about someone to herself, so it is difficult to discern where you stand with her. The exception to this is when she truly dislikes someone. For those people, she ices them out completely. She sees no need for insults and arguments but has little patience for stupidity or incompetence.

Nevertheless, this is all because she is confident in herself and what she believes she deserves. She does not feel like she needs to be liked by everyone, but she does feel quite deeply. When she does let someone in, they will find that she is surprisingly sentimental. A loyal friend, she will do anything for those she loves.


Socialization, reading, dancing, croquet, the theatre and symphonies, clear spring days, sweets, floral arrangements, fine wines, embroidery


Cold tea, incompetence, scratchy fabrics, poor manners, card games, operas, bitter foods, wet clothing, knitting, idleness


Having a terrible marriage, dying, being unable to move, suffocation

Helena Chamberlain is the oldest of two children born to Winnifred and Albert Chamberlain. Her younger brother, James was born a year and a half after she was. Her childhood was, for the most part, typical of children of her position. She was raised by governesses and tutors that shaped her to be a lady in society. However, her parentsโ€™ relationship was volatile.

They were not violent towards each other, but they hated each other bitterly. Winnifred and Albert were not a well made match. Instead, they entered into the first opportunity for marriage presented to them. On paper, it all made sense. They were of equal status and the families would both benefit from the arrangement, however, their own family would suffer for it. Helena didnโ€™t know what happened to spark such hatred as it existed for as long as she could remember and neither parent would speak about the other to her.

While Winnifred and Albert hated each other, they both loved their children dearly, which is probably what saved the children from having a completely miserable upbringing. However, Helena couldnโ€™t forget the screaming arguments she so often overheard. They tried to argue away from the children, but their voices carried throughout the house. They would put on a genial act for social events and going out in public, but it was a mess behind closed doors. The couple mostly kept to opposite ends of their manor, limiting the time they had to interact with each other.

Shortly after her eighteenth birthday, Helena found she was gifted with the source. It was an accident really. Both her parents requested her presence at the same time and she was torn on what to do. Choosing one over the other would surely cause some sort of friction. As she paced around her room, she realized she heard a second set of footsteps. She froze and turned around to find herself staring at a most unexpected guest. Her own self. Truly an exact copy, though she was not simply a projection that mirrored all her actions. She was independent.

That is when she was told of the source and began going to the Rev. It was so easy for her to keep her whereabouts secret, as sheโ€™d just leave a double of herself home so that the others would be none the wiser. As time passed, she pushed herself to learn the extent of her abilities, growing in strength so that she could use her magic to the fullest extent that she could.

Around the same time, she debuted into society. Helena made a vow to herself that she would not make the same mistake her parents did. She would never settle for a less than perfect suitor. She didnโ€™t need true love for a marriage, but she refused to consider anyone she could not have a successful partnership with. To date, she has turned down every single suitor that has pursued her as none have measured up to her high standards. Her family is starting to become concerned that her limits are far too harsh, but Helena does not care. She would much rather die a spinster than live in the same hell that her parents have.

Albert Chamberlain | 47 | Father | Alive
Winnifred Chamberlain | 46 | Mother | Alive
James Chamberlain | 23 | Brother | Alive


helena chamberlain.

designed by bad ending. & coded by xayah.แƒฆ
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Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.

Benjamin Disraeli


sรธren adel.

full name

Sรธren Jude Adel.


Ren, Jude.


Cisgender male.


28 years old.


October 19th.




The Outcast.






6'1โ€ // 184cm.


163lbs // 70kg.

hair c.

Dark brown, thick curls.

eye c.

Dark brown, almost black.


Mesomorph. Muscular & lean.


Dev Patel.

Sรธren Adel finds himself towering over many an individual. With thick black curls that fall into his eyes or the warm brown doe eyes he possesses, he is often appraised as curious. His smile is disarming; where most expect an unassuming, frigid lord, he is anything but. He wears clothes that suit his status -- albeit, a little bit too big due to needing to tailor his former lordship's clothes. He favors cold tones: blues, purples, dark neutrals. It is his mother who encourages him to dress in friendlier shades, often mentioning he will gain more favor within society if he presents himself with friendlier intentions. He also wears a pin in his cravat, the family crest that his father passed down after his passing.



Sรธren is viewed as an overtly collected man. Poised and controlled, he's always one to remain unencumbered and keep things light amongst mixed company. He is often driven by his high ideals and a deep desire to be understanding to those who would greet him with contempt. He is a natural empath, an inspiring and encouraging individual who loves his friends and family wholeheartedly. However, with the way he presents himself to strangers, first impressions tend to dictate that people see him as unfeeling. The status of 'bastard' also dampens all the warmth people might regard him with. He tries his best to negate these stereotypes; although, his kindness is rarely extended to people who are cruel to anyone beyond himself.

As a flawed introvert, Sรธren finds himself at home in his mind. Although he has never given anyone doubt about his emotions, his signs of affection are guarded and secretive even to those close to him. He is a very intuitive man which guides him in even the direst circumstances. He uses this trait to connect with others on a deeper level because he is capable of giving most living things their dignity and keeping their humanity in his mind. Yet, Sรธren does not extend himself the same courtesy. From what he has seen, polite society is only labeled that as a means of differentiating themselves from the working class. He is very aware of the difference he is perceived with. Seeing as he is not a full-born heir, he has been subject to ridicule all due to his father's adulterous actions; especially since his mother was considered 'exotic' and poor.

Being a bastard is a sore point for him. How can it not be? Growing up, he was subject to ridicule in a more direct way. He was more angry as a child -- more prone to violence. As he aged and grew into himself he mellowed. When he was granted Lordship, the insults became passive-aggressive and petty digs that left him unphased. What good would come from it except ruining his reputation further? There are a few people in polite society and even the Reverie that he feels slight resentment towards. But, why allow them to see his true emotions? So, he buries and hides his feelings until he's as collected on the inside as he is on the outside.

positive traits

Compassionate, humble, observant.

negative traits

Withdrawn, unconventional, stern.


Chai, cats, rain, libraries, gardening.


Snow, storms, mushrooms, wet socks.


Drowning, suffocation, and ghosts.



Born in London, England, Sรธren was aware that he was meant to be a secret from a young age. His mother was a seamstress, dressing Lords, their wives and children were frequent clients of her skillful talents. He hadn't recognized the curious, often judgemental gazes of the women around him until he had heard whispers of the word 'bastard'. It had struck him; why did it follow his name so closely, the word spoken with such distaste he could feel it in the air? He had asked his mother the next evening what it meant. She had looked so ashamed that he had tried to drop the subject. He was six years old; his older sister had worn the same unsure expression, glancing between the pair curiously. Rana, his sister, had gone to bed that evening while his mother mentioned needing to speak with him. Her confession had been jarring; how he was the son of a lord who had been born out of wedlock and a dubious case of adultery. His father had quietly denounced him, sending his mother away with a lump sum of cash to pay her off. His mother had been married herself when she had his sister; but, the pair had separated after the affair. Left to fare for herself, his mother had used to money to make her own business in order to keep her children from starving.

He grew up knowing he was unwanted on his father's side. But, strangely, it did not phase him. He had his mother, his sister, and the shop to assist with. He went to school, learned languages, and developed an interest in gardening and piano. He learned to be kind and compassionate, knowing he was different and unphased by the teasing he would often be affected by. He learned right and wrong and loved his life ardently without pretense. And then, his father visited him. Lord Laurence Adel looked nothing like him. He was tall with fierce eyes and wrinkles around his pale skin. He had visited while Sรธren had been out, running an errand under his mother's guidance. The shock of meeting your father at fourteen after he had spent so long being denied still confuses him. His father had been stern, with a look of unsure concentration on his face, as he admitted he wished to speak with him. His father confessed he had no other male heirs; at least, not yet. He had asked Sรธren to give up his home life to be sent to a boarding school. He had every intention of allowing Sรธren to be his heir; only if he put in the effort to be a proper English gentleman in order to be granted Lordship after his father's passing.

Sรธren could have laughed. Why approach him now? When he was now considered a man and working to ensure his mother and sister would not suffer. He had given into his father's wishes to some degree. He'd taken to tutors, learning math, science, and history. He learned languages and fencing, learned chess, and to his own intrigue, he learned the language of flowers. He was an educated man, living in the slums of London. And then, when he was nineteen, his father suddenly collapsed on his estate and passed away. The Lord Laurence Adel of Kedleston had died and Sรธren was the only male heir. Imagine the true *shock* of a young man of nineteen being granted Kedleston Hall in Derbyshire, one of the finest estates in the county. He was at a loss. Maneuvering around his father's widows, his half-sisters, their servants... it was all a struggle. Pair that with his new-developing powers and he truly was unsure of his future.






Laurence Adel.

His father and the reason why he was granted lordship. He had only met the man a handful of times before he passed away two years ago. With no other male heir, his father had left his estates, his lands, and his title to his estranged bastard.

Heba Vonhra.

His mother. He loves her ardently and enjoys spending time with her even after he has been granted the title of Lordship. He would do anything for her; although she never asks him for anything.

Rana Vonhra.

His older sister and the bane of his existence sometimes. They have been close ever since they were children. He tries his best to be a great uncle to her kids as well, wanting to be a good example like Rana had been whenever he was younger.

Athena Roosevelt.

She was one of the first people who accepted Sรธren into polite society. He learned the best ways to converse with men and women, how to carry himself, and how to act collected despite the whispers he heard secondhand. Although he considers her a mentor, he also considers her to a dear friend.






Sรธren was given the gift of Animation well into his life. Although he hadn't known it at the time, his father's aunt had possessed the gift. She had passed when he was nineteen. It had been a bizarre, disorienting time when suddenly, he could shift water from a glass or lift his sister's origami cranes and make them fly. His strength with his powers is that he possesses great control over his abilities. He's able to concentrate on one particular item or several other specific items to animate. It's rather all light-hearted work; making a puppet dance or a flash of ribbons twirl for his sister's children. His weaknesses are he can't use his powers if he's distracted and he hasn't ever been able to master animating anything extremely heavy or bigger than himself.


Lord Laurence Adel, 67, Father. [deceased]
Heba Vonhra, 54, Mother. [alive]
Rana Vohra, 32, older sister. [alive]
Athena Roosevelt, 36, mentor. [alive]

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Finn Dolan
the dutiful
  • i
    full name
    Finn Takeshi Dolan
    date of birth
    December 25th, 1876
    Cis male
    played by
coded by natasha.
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Lord Stephen Rutledge โ€” The Arrogant

Title: The Duke of Caversham
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Why take sides?


sociable, energetic, charismatic, probably more sophisticated than the sophisticated himself, alec townsend. charming. witty. intelligent. everything a gentleman should be. manipulative and cunning, always focused on his own agenda โ€” that agenda being his endless collection of romantic conquests. he's an excellent friend to have by your side. dependable. loyal. honest. but when it comes to finding love, well, it's hard to believe he'll ever find the right one.

strenghts: has an undeniable grip on his emotions. hides his true feelings behind a gracious smile.

weaknesses: blondes.




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