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Fantasy The Reveal of Magic


The shopkeeper
All Player characters are normal Humans, living a normal life.

You could be a housewife, a chef or a soldier. It doesn't matter once the war breakes out.
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Name: Henry Jumal

Age: 35

Orientation: Gay



Occupation: Veterinarian

Background: Henry was born in New Hampshire, into a middle class family. He lived a mild life full of good friends and enjoyable family. Animals had always fascinated Henry, and luckily his family wanted many pets. Birds, dogs, rabbits and cats all lived in his house together. Henry would care for them and loved them all. Eventually he decided to become a veterinarian and started studying for this career. It was a long and difficult experience to become a vet, but he eventually did it.

An opportunity arose for him to work in New York and Henry took it. After a few years he became a well liked small animal vet. However, he was not as successful to the point of living in luxury like some veterinarians. Henry was happy nonetheless, but did want more excitement in his life. Years passed and this want would finally be met when the coordinates in the sky appeared. Henry would take the day off and head to the supposed coordinates in New York.

Magic: To be revealed.
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Backstory:He is a rather quiet guy who is normally keeping to himself. He is currently working in a small bookstore, though he doesn't know why he is always within the mist of his imagination. He normally feels like in that part of his mind he is most powerful. Leading to how he became as an adult. He was originally from Tokyo as a child but moved to London to where he works now. He often finds himself wondering about the book store he is in to find key things about the country his parents were raised in. He was often left alone to his own tools, leading up to his near perfect craftsmanship. Just about a month ago he found his own place to work and live at the same time. As a small business owner he sells his own works of arts and some things that kids and adults would like the same. Like wooden figures that he has made himself. Even doing commissions to keep himself afloat.

Occupation: Crafter and manager.

Magic: Unknown

Name: Jasmine Heart

Age: 22

gender: Female


occupation: Nypd

bio: Jasmine from child hood aspired to become a police officer. and when she grew up to be nypd detective . She is one of the most respectable officer in the corps. ( Sorry for the extremely short bio but I was thinking that more about my character will be revealed as we role-play
Name: Aletta Wilkinshire

Gender: female

Age: 19 years old

Description: dirty blonde hair, grey-green eyes, 5'4"

enthusiastic young reporter

very into her job

thinks the world is hers to change and influence but in a positive way not a "I'm going to take over the world" kind of way

Pet: Rolo, an albino ferret because why not?!

Lives: in a small apartment crammed with notebooks and art pieces in New York City

*may add more later
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Name: Zzyc (pronounced Zeke)

Age: 20

Gender: fluid

Appearance: Like they ate twelve hipsters for lunch and washed them down with a scene kid.

(piercings, gauges, tattoos, a wardrobe of wild fashion statements, incredibly rainbow hair, wearing a special toolbelt to hold his arsenal of makeup, scissors and accessories)

Background: International blend (immediate family members have parts of Korean, Irish, Egyptian, Hawaiian and Peruvian in them).

Occupation: Freelance hairstylist and makeup artist

What's their Deal: They come from an international family, and have never known a steady home. This was alright for awhile until it was obvious that having little to no stability wasn't helping parts of their development that sorely needed it. So their parents left them under the care of a close friend in the Southwest in America, and Zzyc was fortunate enough to be allowed to explore their artistic creativity to its fullest. They bounced around one beauty school to the next, picking up skills fast but never staying long enough to get certified or graduate. Now they make a name for themselves in the jobs they do as they wander about, searching for the next interesting thing.

Name: Angel Sanchez

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Well-Known Reporter and Talk Show Host

Background: Angel is a Cali girl all day. Angel was born in Los Angeles two a loving pair of parents. They raised her to be kind, sweet, and caring, but don't let anybody take advantage of you and have conviction. Both of her fathers were extremely caring but the kids at school weren't. Angel would get bullied often, but her dads told her not be a push over and when she had enough she showed the bullies she had enough. Angel's dads decided the best way to teach her discipline was to enroll her into a martial arts class. Angel graduated from High School,non-honors, and went on to major in journalism in college and graduated Summa Cum Laude and went straight into the industry.

Magic: Unknown ATM
Name: Nicholas Doward

Age: 31 years old

Sex: Male

Occupation: Captain of a Special Operations Group named Task Force 74

Hometown: St.Louis, Missouri


(Note: He doesn't normally wear the mask into battle. Under that mask is a Caucasian man with short, dark brown shaggy hair and dark blue eyes.)

Sexuality: Straight

Bio: After losing his family in a tragic fire at the age of seven, Nicholas Aaron Doward sought refuge with his Grandfather, Andrew Doward Sr., a late Pacific World War Two and Early Vietnamese War marine veteran. Nicholas would spend much of his early childhood being trained by his grandfather in the ways of a soldier. Lessons included basic weapons and CQC, structure of weapons and how to classify and dismantle them, firing techniques, advanced gun and CQC, and tactical maneuvers.

However, whenever the young Doward boy grew to be eighteen, the old barn in which he stayed in with his grandfather was suddenly attacked by the feared Japanese mafia known as the Yakuza, who had a large price on Andrew Doward's head after he personally killed five of the early Yakuza's top members during the Okinawa invasion of 1945. The two were taken, forcibly smuggled into Japan where Nicholas and his poor, old grandfather would endure months of endless torture by the Japanese gang.

Eventually, Nicholas had to watch Andrew Doward Sr.'s throat be slashed past the jugular... Right in front of his face. At this point, Nicholas swore a dark and sadiatic vengeance on the Yakuza gang, which eventually gave him the courage to start a riot within the Yakuza-owned prison he was kept, break into an armory of confiscated weapons, shoot down many of the prison guards without hesitation, and burst into a Yakuza commander (Who was the warden of the prison.)'s office, emptying an entire M4 clip into the Yakuza commander's head before he could even grasp the butt of his revolver.

With freedom at hand, Nicholas Doward spent his two years in Japan hunting down key Yakuza targets, personally raiding their drug shipments, destroying their factories, and assassinating their own leaders. At this point, the Japanese mafia was at their own financial depression from Nich's raids, and would've dissolved if the boy didn't think that they've already learned their lessons about pain and suffering and simply got himself a passport, transporting him back to the States in order to start a new life with better-fitting opportunities for him.

"What was that opportunity?"you may ask? Joining the damn marines of course! That's right, at the age of twenty-one, Nicholas joined the Marine Corps for eight straight years, even assissting the Navy SEALS and Green Berets at times. Throughout those years, Nicholas had shown the entire United States Armed Forces his skills in close and medium range combat, tactical advantages over the enemy, supreme accuracy with assault rifles and handguns, his own discovered gift of strategy and discovering the weakpoints in enemy lines and individuals.

In his years in the Marines, the now twenty-eight year old soldier had been in a long-term friendship with a large, muscular heavy gunner named Valard Richardson. The two had fought in battles together, never once separating from each other on the battlefield unless absolutely necessary. Both of them would share ideas about battle strategies, even coming up with plans they themselves could not think alone. Eventually, the two decided to take things a bit further... Create their own Special Forces group.

Long story short, lots of controversial meetings later, blahblahblah... Task Force 74 was created shortly after all of the... Stuff vaguely mentioned. The group consists of highly intelligent, battle-ready soldiers who can change the tide of battle in mere hours. The members start with the leader, Nicholas Doward (Assaut Weapons, CQC, Strategic planning), Doward Richardson (Heavy Gunner, Tank, durability.), Jonathan Matthews (Long-Range sniper, weaknesses in armor, Silent Ops, trained by Nicholas Doward in the past.), and Tyler Anderson (Eyes in the Sky, Former Jet Permormer, technician.)

Together, the group fights the true battles in war: Corruption, tyranny, all that shit you see in G.I. Joe or just about any Military movie about corrupt organizations!

(As you can probably tell, bios really aren't my specialty. *Hands you a painkiller* Here, it should soothe the cringes.)

Attitude: Nicholas is mainly an on-point kind of guy. When on a mission, he will focus directly on said mission until he finds something more important to him. While he may sound and act like a total commanding douche, Nicholas is actually very light-hearted and kind. He cares about the well-being of his comrades in battle, and the safety of civilians. Not to mention he has a strong sense of honor... And a soft spot for dogs and cats (Will even go out of his way in a mission to rescue one.)

Abilities: Dead-Eye marksman when dealing with assault rifles, and especially handguns.

CQC, knowing how to dodge and endure hits, assault with his own moves, and even risk getting hit fatally just to land a blow on the enemy. In other words, he is vigilant.

Magic: Nicholas Doward will not be using any kinds of magic in the Roleplay. Instead, he will use the magic of BULLETS!!

Main weapon: The M1911, World War Two Model.


While his current favorite weapon is the M1 Garand, Nicholas keeps this classic pistol close to heart, as it is the pistol his grandfather used in the days he was in the marines.

Now, Nicholas does and will be using an assault rifle. Problem is... He doesn't restrict himself to just one specific rifle. Surely he might use the M4 a lot, but he could decide to bring out a SCAR-L, or even a damn M1 Garand if he ever felt like it!
Name: Peter

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Appearance: Somewhat tall caucasian with short black hair. Has a light beard most of the time. Likes to dress in the colors associated with his given element (black with light blue accents) and usually has his insignia somwhere on his body.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/ice.png.8a2d938a68e358071da86ca2122acf76.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96189" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/ice.png.8a2d938a68e358071da86ca2122acf76.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background: Peter grew up in a undisclosed suburban area in Europe. He with some friend that he knew since grade school discovered an ancient ruin underneath their Hometown and got their magic at that place. The Temple later turned out to locate and follow whoever was destined to become the next Guardian and can freely move underground. The group had several hardships on their way but he prefers to not talk about that time to much.

Occupation: Guardian of Ice and the current leader of the group.

Magic: Has enough raw energy to power half of the US but can only use it to cast Ice spells.



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