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Finished [The Republic - Paizu Mountains] In The Hall of the Monkey King - (PT 1)


Monster, Mundane
Languages: Common (...)
Current Temperament: Bloodlusted

Goal: Gain strength, overturn the world, establish Savage Justice
Point Boosters: None
Wanted or Criminal Titles: None
Buddy Skills, Masterwork Skills and Complex Assets: None

| Develius Develius | Kikimura Kikimura | Maverick Six Maverick Six | Rev IX Rev IX | WolfsRainNight WolfsRainNight |


Ever the domain of mortals, it brought together countless souls. The miasma of hatred dimmed for some. For others, there was never an alternative. Bloodshed gave rise to yet more conflict, and the cycle remained unbroken ever since. Violence and arrogance intermingled as one. They became inseparable. Pride relented under rage. Rage shriveled into pride. Over and over again. Rules and regulations piled over the other. Justice became muted against the folly of the world around it. The very nature of mortality against the ending of the light, a darkness they themselves created only to be swallowed whole by the consequences.

Kong lived for war. It was never the sense of it like mortals, like the small folk. He was enamored with the act of it. The results were inconsequential. The reasons were inconsequential. All he ever needed to know was the pulsating thrumming of a thousand feet marching to an unknown doom. The drums behind him much like the heartbeat within him were distant memories, only necessary for the percussion of the great and horrifying noise around him.

He exhaled sharply through his nostrils, a great gushing heat from within him rising from the vapor he created. He rubbed his face as he rounded the corner of the mountainside. Shame for attacking the mighty edifice of nature's resolve burned within him. Tears beaded on his face, yet he felt nothing of sadness or melancholy. He grumbled with a profound unrest. Whosoever snuck out beyond his sight were not to be troubled. He had done enough. But the calling of inevitable war thrust him forward, made his legs move as if propelled by the wind itself.

He moved out into plain view of the simian-folk and their encampment. They wouldn't have any reason not to look upon him. They wouldn't have any reason to notice anyone other than him, especially when he slammed his warclub against the ground in a swift and decisive motion. He taunted them. He dared them to come fight. It was the most barbaric and primitive notion he had for them. They did not deserve words.

He did not deserve to do anything else.

He inhaled sharply through his teeth.

What came next was a show of brute force. Once he would catch their attention, he would slam his empty fist against his broad chest. The thunder of flesh upon flesh was not unique to the gorilla-folk before him. He challenged that one in particular to battle, yet any number would suffice. He roared and snarled, approaching the camp like a lumbering titan. The storm in his chest and the back of his mind did not abate. A stream of drool leaked from the corner of his mouth.

His legs picked up momentum all on their own. They carried him closer, his mind fading into a haze of a beautiful and wild sea. He felt the sting of the tsunami crashing around him. The wind howled. The thunder shattered the sky.

He swung his warclub.


It was a double-handed baseball swing, aimed right for the gorilla-folk and any part of his body that he put in the way of the calamitous strike. It didn't matter what happened during the melee. Nothing mattered... except for the raging cyclone of war Kong desired to share with these petty bandits and their pathetic belief of "justice".

1/3 - charged into position

2/3 - used an attack:
  • "Savage Dominion" - Kong lets loose a massive double-handed blow with his warclub as if he's swinging a baseball bat, the effects of which shatters most anything in its path (Fighting Style [Natural Disaster] E, Warclub C, Breaker F, CD 1)

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Lenara "Len" Allstadt

Interaction: Develius Develius Kikimura Kikimura Mephisto Mephisto WolfsRainNight WolfsRainNight Rev IX Rev IX
Titles: Human, Squire, Rotia Nobility Bastard F
Language Key: Common | [Terran]
Goal: Obtain Rank in local Adventurer Guild (Republic)
Point Boosters: None
Wanted or Criminal Titles: None
Buddy Skills, Masterwork Skills and Complex Assets: None


The Clearing

Lenara's eyes went up to the blue sky.

"I hope you're watching, father." Her heart was pounding. Her breathing was growing tense. And her hand clutched tightly to her sword.

Looking at Karmilla -- Len motioned to the monkey crossbow men briefly with her fingers. She then looked towards the rest of her group, smiled and offered a thumbs up. Her eyes looked towards the monkeys. And soon she made her decision to attack the one who was nearest.

Len might have been noticeable at first as she ran up to the largest and perhaps most dangerous member of the group. For a moment -- it might have seemed like she was but the only one present and the tip of the spear. However, a set of heavier footsteps came forward to attack her target. It seemed that she wasn't going to be the only one who's idea it was to attack the Gorilla. Indeed, had it not been for Kong -- she'd have been attacking him all alone.

instead however, Len merely smiled and said.

"Right behind you Kong!" She took a deep breath.

The sword she held in her hands began to glow before -


The strange sword of steel and scales began to ignite as if roaring to life. She did her best to stay out of Kong's way as she sent her blade forward. The technique of her slash flowed from her thoughts and soon became reality.

Blade of Calamity Style: Molten Slash!

With a sloppy stance, the blade ignited further -- a jetstream coming from behind it as Len guided the sword into it's a opponent. The blade threatened to bite into the gorilla as he was slashed -- further igniting him immediately with blood boiling flames and continuing to ignite him for a time, seeking to burn the Gorilla alive in tandem with Kong's smashing. [Molten Slash]

The enormous blade carried itself in a circle -- and Len sought to gently guide the powerful blade in spinning strike. [Molten Slash] The powerful blade's swing carries her into a moment's near stumble, before she catches her balance. A smile remains on her face as her brow furrows.

Actions: 3/3

HP: 3/3 (D Grade Speed)
Armor: 2/2 (E Grade Light)

1. Movement Len runs to the Gorilla with Kong

2. Molten Slash - Fighting Style : Calamity Blade F, Blight [Fire] F, continuing [Fire] F, Energize F - Send forth a slash with blade ablaze. Coats enemy with a strange venom that continues to burn for a little while. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown (Base Effectiveness = STR E + WPN F + ABLTY F = 4 + 1 Combo = 5)

3. Molten Slash - Fighting Style : Calamity Blade F, Blight [Fire] F, Continuing [Fire] F, Energize F - Send forth a slash with blade ablaze. Coats enemy with a strange venom that continues to burn for a little while. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown (+1 Action 2)

F - 0 Post Remaining

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Samantha Nag'hagalgrim

As much as Sam wanted their own ranged combatant to launch the initial strike, something seemed to delay her. And now Kong and Lenara we're rushing forward. So much for strategy.

No use crying over spilled milk, it was time to get to work.

The muscle brain and the energetic rookie rushed at the ape likely to be their targets' leader, and seeing as their own shooter didn't act, she took it upon herself to go for that one.

Full speed forward. Samantha rushed towards the bandit between her and her prey. Swinging her scythe with authority, in an attempt to launch said ape towards the crossbow wielder and make him lose balance at the very least, only to then bring her scythe forward again against the crossbow wielder.


1 - Head for the ape group
2 - Use [Hook Slingblade] on snow baboon, trying to launch him onto crossbow ape
3 - Use [Root Clipper] on crossbow ape


E - 1/1 x
F - 1/x

- Root Clipper - Fighting Style [Astral Executioner][Scythe] F, Area F, Athletics F, Energized F - A quick strike performable from a variety of angles. Able to cover small areas - F grade - 3 uses per turn
- Hook Slingblade - Fighting Style [Astral Executioner][Scythe] E, Area F, Knockback F, Athletics F, Superstrength F - A powerful physical strike able to send bodies flying - E grade - 1 turn cooldown
Karmilla Kerberos
Karmilla tipped her hat, a sly grin playing on her sun-kissed face as the chaos broke loose. "Weeeelp, reckon 'tis high time I join the fray," she drawled, her southern accent as thick as the dust kicked up by Kong's charge.

She took a confident step out of the shadows, her double-barreled shotgun gleaming under the light. "Let’s see how y’all like a lil’ taste o’ southern hospitality." Taking aim at the closest chimp warrior to Kong and Lenara, she pulled the trigger twice in quick succession
(double barreled-- one action IF this is unallowed, assume she pulled the trigger once and shot two pallets, one from each barrel). The roar of the shotgun was as loud as thunder, sending pellets flying toward the enemy, aiming to disorient or take them out of the fight entirely.

With the shotgun’s chambers empty, Karmilla smoothly holstered it and whipped out her revolver with practiced ease. "Ain’t no runnin’ from this, darlin’," she cooed, spitting out the grass strand caught between her lips and firing off one quick shot toward the crossbow-wielding baboon, hoping to disrupt his focus before he could retaliate.

As the gunfire echoed through the clearing, Karmilla slung her revolver back into its holster and reached for her katana. Her sultry smirk never wavered as she strode forward, her blade gleaming ominously.


Seductive Gun Play - [Fighting Style Hells Barrel] [Seduction F] - With seductive movements and glances Karmilla aims to catch her opponent when distracted with a well-timed shot - F Grade.
Effectiveness: Precision E + Shotgun F + Ability F = 4)

Seductive Gun Play - [Fighting Style Hells Barrel] [Seduction F] - With seductive movements and glances Karmilla aims to catch her opponent when distracted with a well-timed shot - F Grade.
Effectiveness: Precision E + Shotgun F + Ability F = 4)

3. movement. (getting closer)



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Paizu Mountains - Main Trail
| Maverick Six Maverick Six [Lenara Alstadt] | Mephisto Mephisto [Kong] | Rev IX Rev IX [Samantha Nag'hagalgrim] Kikimura Kikimura [Karmilla Kerberos] | WolfsRainNight WolfsRainNight [Astraea Nox] |

As Kong began beating his chest in a show of primal strength, it would prove loud enough to alert the simianfolk. Their playful banter halted suddenly as they looked over to see a mighty thunderous entity charging at them with bloodlust in his eyes and a possy of his own to boot! The apes hollered in alarm as the scarred chimpanzee began barking out orders in bestial. ">OOK-TOA! OOK-TOA! WOGAHN TEN HO KACH-OOOOOOOOOOGH!<" he bellowed as he rose with a gnarly blood-soaked axe at his side. Everyone prepared for battle, except for the hairless baboon who scurried behind the carriage for cover.

The gorillafolk nearest to the hulking Kong was startled by his sudden appearance. Just as he reached over for his hammer he'd be just too slow to feel himself get slammed by a mighty warclub. His strength and armor were able to cushion a good portion of the mighty blow, but it nearly succeeded in shattering his chest piece all together and sent him back a good five feet. By now it was barely hanging on with a great dent on his right pec. The gorilla snarled as he gripped his hammer and readied to throw down.

Yet Lenara followed Kong close behind and activated her fiery blade to strike at the gorilla with a dazzling spinning strike. The first strike would hit true, though only barely, as it slashed the ape's right arm. The gorilla grunted through the sheering fiery pain which began infecting his body before narrowly dodging the second strike. Then with a roar he swung his war hammer at Lenara in an attempt to push her back before unleashing a powerful overhead strike at the mighty Kong.

Darting through the fray, Samantha was light on her feet as she darted towards the swift snow macaque atop the carriage. The monkey's red-face seemed to grow redder with fury as it bared its canines with an audible hiss, reaching to dual wield a pair of ornate daggers. As the scythe swung at the macaque, the snow-furred monkey swiftly dodged by leaping over the initial strike with a surprising burst of agility by tucking his legs in. Though the hit failed to hit the macaque, the baboon would tumble back by the anticipation, narrowly missing getting slashed by Sam's second attack before loosing his grip and falling off the carriage. Meanwhile, the snow macaque then retaliated by lunging at Samantha with both daggers followed up with another quick slash with one of them.

The chimps howled madly as they rose their axes, already beginning to charge at Karmilla who'd been advancing steadily with a confident suave. The one closest to Karmila would get close but unfortunately find himself smitten both by her charm and by the wrath of her double-barrels. With a thunderous bang, they'd strike with the force of lightning. The two bullets punched holes through the chimp's torso as it utterly crumpled to the ground with a ghastly exhale. This chimp warrior was most certainly dead. The other was briefly taken aback by this sudden act but it wouldn't falter for long before continuing his advance and took a swing at her with his axe just before she'd would be able to shoot the fallen baboon crossbowman.

Speaking of whom, the furred baboon was roughed up by the fall but wasn't out of the fight. Quickly getting back on his feet, he glanced over at Kong's rampage before firing a bolt at him. Unfortunately, that first shot would miss. Quickly he reloaded his crossbow and fires again, this time striking Kong's shoulder with a lucky shot. [Kong takes -1 HP]

Seeing the danger Karmila presented, the scarred chimp glared at her with a sadistic smile. With a chimp already harassing her, it was a prime opportunity for him to take out what would be an annoying thorn in their side. Gripping his axe, he proceeded to light the axe blade from the blazing campfire before advancing towards Karmilla's position. Then he proceeded to join his fellow chimp underling and take a swing at Karmila with his now flaming axe, cackling loudly as he did.

For the moment, Asterea was still out of harms way... though now she could clearly see the chimps harassing the gunslinger from her position.

GorillaFolk Warrior:
  1. Dodges Lenara's second [Molten Slash].
  2. Swings his hammer at Lenara.
  3. Follows up with an overhead strike at Kong. [SuperStrength F]
Snow Macaque Rogue:
  1. Dodges Sam's [Hook Slingblade F] strike. [Fast E]
  2. Lunges at Sam with both blades.
  3. Follows up with a singular slash.
Chimp Warrior 1: [Dead]
  1. Charges at Karmila.
  2. Gets shot & dies.
Chimp Warrior 2:
  1. Charges at Karmila.
  2. Hesitates after Karmila's attacks; continues charging.
  3. Swings axe at Karmila.
  1. Lights his axe on fire via campfire.
  2. Advances over to Karmila.
  3. Swings flaming axe at Karmila. [Fire Blight F]
Baboon Crossbowman
  1. Fires Crossbow bolt at Kong (misses).
  2. Reloads.
  3. Fires Crossbow bolt at Kong (hit).
Hairless Baboon:
  1. Runs For Cover.
  2. Hides behind carriage.
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Lenara "Len" Allstadt

Interaction: Develius Develius Kikimura Kikimura Mephisto Mephisto WolfsRainNight WolfsRainNight Rev IX Rev IX
Titles: Human, Squire, Rotia Nobility Bastard F
Language Key: Common | [Terran]
Goal: Obtain Rank in local Adventurer Guild (Republic)
Point Boosters: None
Wanted or Criminal Titles: None
Buddy Skills, Masterwork Skills and Complex Assets: None


The Clearing

The battle moved fast and furious, with many moving parts. Chimps screamed and hollered. Gunshots went off. And she could hear the swish swish of a scythe off in the distance ,yet she could only really pay attention to what was right in front.

"Calamity Blade Style....." Words of incantations were spoken as the Gorilla turned to swing on her. All the while, Lenara raised her blade aloft. Word and action aligned to guide omnipresent magic to a specific purpose and form. Within a fraction of a second, LEnara.

"ERUPTION!" With that, her attack was unleashed. The sword lit the blade before driving itself forward into the target like a rocket.


The blade would slice vertically down onto the ape-like an artillery round. The moment the blade hit the ground, the ground would rumble and tremble for a moment before exploding catastrophically into magma. A ten-foot wide and deep crater would form beneath the Gorilla's feet as the ground was violently ripped away. [Eruption]

Hungering for more, the calamity blade would continue to swing. And Len would gently guide the bloodthirsty and blazing blade into its foe, carrying the two in two circles -- blazing slashes carrying with them in circles, seeking to continuously keep the ape on fire. While Kong had the force, Lenara seemed keen on keeping the fire, supporting him. [Molten Slash x2]

Just as she predicted, however, the crossbow ape seemed to be a threat. At the moment, she didn't see fit to run over to it. However, that could change soon if nobody moves to address it. The last thing the party needed was that thing sniping anyone else....

Actions: 3/3

HP: 3/3 (D Grade Speed)
Armor: 2/2 (E Grade Light)

1. Eruption - Fighting Style : Calamity Blade F, Blight [Fire] F, Continuing [Fire] F, Energize F, Magic F, Quake (A) - Slam the Sword into the ground and rip it up, creating a destructive eruption of molten material. Makes a 10x10 Foot Crater in Front Lenara. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown (Base Effectiveness = STR E + WPN F + ABLTY F = 4 + 2 Combo = 6) (Counterattack)(Team up)

2. Molten Slash - Fighting Style : Calamity Blade F, Blight [Fire] F, continuing [Fire] F, Energize F - Send forth a slash with blade ablaze. Coats enemy with a strange venom that continues to burn for a little while. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown (Base Effectiveness = STR E + WPN F + ABLTY F = 4) (Counterattack) (+1 Action 1)

3. Molten Slash - Fighting Style : Calamity Blade F, Blight [Fire] F, continuing [Fire] F, Energize F - Send forth a slash with blade ablaze. Coats enemy with a strange venom that continues to burn for a little while. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown (See above) (Counterattack) (+1 Action 1)

F - 0 Post Remaining

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Titles: Monster, Mundane
Languages: Common (...)
Current Temperament: Bloodlusted

Goal: Gain strength, overturn the world, establish Savage Justice
Point Boosters: None
Wanted or Criminal Titles: None
Buddy Skills, Masterwork Skills and Complex Assets: None

| Develius Develius | Kikimura Kikimura | Maverick Six Maverick Six | Rev IX Rev IX | WolfsRainNight WolfsRainNight |

Kong felt the bolt pierce his shoulder. It stuck into his leathery skin and the hardened flesh underneath, but the beast did not relent. Blood squirted from the wound, but he didn't seem to care. He whipped his warclub into position, aiming to hit the gorilla-man square in the cracked breastplate and shatter every rib he had.


He wouldn't even attempt to dodge the hammer being swung at his head. The gorilla left his torso wide open by lifting his weapon into position to strike. The ferocity of the combat did not dull Kong's senses. He knew very well the sound of gunfire, and the squeal of a dead beast hurtling towards the ground. His eyes widened.

Lenara was already moving towards the crossbow ape. The gorilla was obviously Kong's chosen enemy. He snarled at the sheer convenience of it all.

"Oi," he growled towards the gorilla, not nearly done with fighting him yet.

"What kind of warrior are you - or are you a coward?" he spat out a mouthful of blood that coincided with the blow to his cranium that he refused to dodge.

"Keep fighting me, if you're strong enough!!"

His fighting style of [Natural Disaster] harmonized well with how he fought. He gave no quarter and expected none. If these bandits wanted to get out of this alive, they'd need to do something about his calamitous presence. For now, he utilized the remainder of his control of the fight to unleash two more attacks: [Raging Calamity] and a [Meteor Impale]. Though the only thing that really changed about his attacks were their direction and the application of force, the devastating effects were not to be trifled with in the slightest.

  1. "Thunder Crash" - Kong swings a one-handed attack while using his massive arm as a whip; the resulting strike is so mighty that the air cracks with a vicious bellow of thunder (Fighting Style [Natural Disaster] E, Warclub C, Breaker F, CD 1) - Grade E
  2. "Raging Calamity" - Though this is simply a downward "slash" with his warclub, Kong's strength is such that the resulting shockwave spills out across the ground instead (Fighting Style [Natural Disaster] E, Warclub C, Quake F, CD 1) - Grade E
  3. "Meteor Impale" - Kong uses his warclub in much the same fashion as a fencing blade, slamming the bludgeoning force forward with terrifying efficiency (Fighting Style [Natural Disaster] E, Warclub C, Breaker F, CD 1) - Grade E
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Samantha Nag'hagalgrim

Samantha narrowed her eyes when her first target managed to evade her completely, and her second - and prioritized - target snuck further away. Bummer. Now she would need to rely on the others to cover her while he dealt with the dagger-wielding apekin.

Said enemy wasn't slow to attack back. And with no choice but to answer, Samantha locked in on him.

Samantha took a step sideways, and made a vertical twirl of her scythe, targeting the arms of her opponent. Aiming to overpower the initial lunge with it. Then she twirled the blade back to her side and into a wide horizontal slash, taking advantage of the range advantage. To finalize, she tried to grapple the scythe's blade on the beastkin's neck then pulled back with authority in an attempt to behead him.


1,2 & 3 - Root Clipper - Fighting Style [Astral Executioner][Scythe] F, Area F, Athletics F, Energized F - A quick strike performable from a variety of angles. Able to cover small areas - F grade - 3 uses per turn


E - 0/1 x
F - 3/x
Karmilla Kerberos


Karmilla's smirk only deepened as the two chimps closed in, their howls mixing with the chaotic symphony of battle around her.

"Well now," she drawled, shifting her weight to her back foot, "if that’s all yall got, this is gonna be quicker than a rattlesnake’s kiss."

As the axe swung toward her, she twisted her body into a graceful spin, the wind catching her short cloak as it flared out dramatically. Her katana flashed upward, catching the axe’s edge in a perfectly timed parry. (NOTE: This is posted as if she managed to parry-- obviously if she doesn't its up to the DM) Sparks flew as steel met steel, the flaming axe forced off course in a screech of defiance. Karmilla pushed off with a quick hop, her movements fluid and deliberate, landing with feline precision just outside her enemy’s reach.

"Aww, look at y’all, standin' around like a bunch o’ flea-bitten circus rejects." she teased, a sly grin on her lips as her sharp gaze locked on her opponents.

In one seamless motion, she launched herself forward, her katana a streak of golden fury. Using her momentum, she flew forwards, her sword held to her left side, preparing a perfect arch slicing across the leaders' torso.

"Come on now, sweethearts," she purred, the fire in her eyes matching the one on the leader’s axe, "show me somethin’ worth rememberin’." She said courteously, tipping her hat.

1. Fighting Style [Hells Blade // Swords] - F : Parry.
2. Move.
3. Fighting Style [Hells Blade // Swords] - F : Attack.


| Develius Develius | Maverick Six Maverick Six | Rev IX Rev IX | WolfsRainNight WolfsRainNight | Mephisto Mephisto



Paizu Mountains - Main Trail
| Maverick Six Maverick Six [Lenara Alstadt] | Mephisto Mephisto [Kong] | Rev IX Rev IX [Samantha Nag'hagalgrim] Kikimura Kikimura [Karmilla Kerberos] | WolfsRainNight WolfsRainNight [Astraea Nox] |

IMPORTANT NOTE: E-Grade abilities have a cooldown of +1 posting cycles per use, which also increased by +1 the higher the ability grade. Given Kong had used an E-Grade attack in his previous post and without having [Energized E] to detract the +1 post cooldown, he'd be unable to use any E-Grade attack or actions until his next posting cycle (only one E+ grade can be used per round). As a result, all of his hits for this round will be calculated as F-Grade. He will be ready to use another E-Grade attack this round should he wish.

With Kong not choosing the dodge out of the way, he'd instead attempted to counter the gorilla's strike with a blow of his own. However the gorilla would strike first as his warhammer slammed on top of his head. For most mortals such a blow would've been fatal. However while the giant man's sheer size and hulking physique allowed him to tank the blow with little effort, he'd not come out unscathed. The hit produced deep painful-looking pruplish bruise from atop his cranium, with trickles of blood slowly oozing from his mouth. It was an absolute miracle that his skull didn't completely cave in on itself. [Kong takes -3 HP]. The gorilla gritted his teeth upon seeing his foe still standing, who still craved for more of a challenge coming from him. Snarling he reeled back in preparation for another hit... not realizing he left himself wide open.

Lenara would take the opportunity to strike as she unleashed an overhead strike down towards his chest. Her fiery blade effortlessly cut through the ape's battered armor like butter, even being able to make a nasty slash against the ape's exposed belly. But before he'd do anything else the ground beneath him erupted into an explosion of magma and molten rock.

"<HRAAAAAAAAAAGH!>" The gorillafolk howled in a furious rage of agony as he felt his feet sizzle beneath him along bits of his skin and fur being burnt by the explosion. However, this was what sealed its fate as both Kong and Lenara absolutely pulverized him with a fury of powerful blows. Lenara continued to coat him with several more fiery strikes that cut deep into his skin while Kong continued bludgeoning him with his warclub which fractured his chest and sternum. Succumbing to his wounds, the gorillafolk dropped his hammer and collapsed onto the ground with a heavy thump... bleeding and scorching to death.

Samantha's sudden lunge caught the snow macaque off guard as he yipped in surprise. Her quick side-step parry with ger vertical slash was enough to just overpower the ape and push him back. The ape's eyes widened as he lurched back just to see the scythe thrust up inches from slashing against his arms, let alone severing them completely. Before he could recover properly, he'd screech loudly as the horizontal strike slashed at him... almost seeming to overreach as the blade came behind him and his neck colliding with the scythe's handle. His unfamiliarity with the assassin's elegant weaponry and unorthodox movements was causing him to slip up... though thinking she missed he let out another screech as he was about to thrust himself at her face-

Then Samantha pulled and the scythe's blade connected with his neck... swiftly decapitating him on the spot. His headless body fell onto the carriage before sliding off to the ground, his head falling not far from his lifeless corpse.

With an elegant spin Karmilla traded her revolvers for an elegant weapon of a more civilized age. Her shiny katana clashed against the Scar-Chimp's flaming axe with an echoing clang, sending sparks as metal screeched against metal. The scarred ape smiled devilishly as he attempted to press his strength against her, being both mildly entertained and believing the second ape would take advantage of her distraction. But right before the other chimp could get a strike in, Karmila pushed off against the Scar-Chimp and leapt back just in time. The chimp's strike missed as he staggered past his leader.

Scar-Chimp snarled at the woman's mocking response as he bared his fangs. But before he could commit to a following strike, Karmilla would make the next move as she quickly followed up with another lunging strike to his chest. But just before she'd get into striking range, her attack would be interrupted by someone thrusting themselves into her. The second chimp had bounced back from his initial blunder to counter her strike with a decisive dropkick. The force would push Karmila away, before she tumbled on the ground against the cliff wall. She had a few bruises from hitting the ground, however she wouldn't suffer any notable injuries from tumbling while the chimp warrior struggled to get himself back up. He began hooting at the Scar-Chimp humorlessly as if looking for his approval...

The Scar Chimp simply scoffed at him.

With Karmila seemingly cornered, the leader would begin to approach her ominously with his flaming axe, almost as if ignoring the rest of the fight around him. "Humans... tricky... but... apes... stronger!" he'd growl to Karmilla in common. It was clear that common wasn't his first language, being slow and broken, but he could still understand and communicate in basic terms. His foot would then stomp on her chest, as if attempting to pin her to the wall before raising his fiery axe and ready what they believed to be the final blow.

Meanwhile, having just witnessed the deaths of both the gorilla and snow macaque companions, the crossbow baboon was beginning to doubt their capabilities of actually winning this fight. He reloaded his crossbow in quick order before firing at Samantha. Unfortunately it whiffed, speeding past Samantha's face by mere inches. "<Kad-ë-vif!>" the baboon cursed in bestial as he bolted away from the scene in a tactical retreat.

GorillaFolk Warrior: [Dead]

Snow Macaque Rogue: [Dead]

Chimp Warrior 2:

  1. Counters Karmila's attack via dropkicking them.
  2. *Staggered*
  3. Gets Up.
  1. Moves towards Karmila.
  2. Plants foot on Karmila to try and pin her to wall/ground.
  3. Attempts to swing flaming axe down on Karmila.
Baboon Crossbowman
  1. Reloads Crossbow
  2. Fires Crossbow at Samantha.
  3. Begins retreating.
Hairless Baboon:
  1. Continues Hiding
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Lenara "Len" Allstadt

Interaction: Develius Develius Kikimura Kikimura Mephisto Mephisto WolfsRainNight WolfsRainNight Rev IX Rev IX
Titles: Human, Squire, Rotia Nobility Bastard F
Language Key: Common | [Terran]
Goal: Obtain Rank in local Adventurer Guild (Republic)
Point Boosters: None
Wanted or Criminal Titles: None
Buddy Skills, Masterwork Skills and Complex Assets: None


The Clearing

The floor yawned open from her strike and welcomed the ape into it with fire.

Lenara winced visibly. She wasn't used to her enemies howling in pain from being slain and while this wasn't the first time she'd taken a life, it was perhaps the first time she'd taken the life of something who wasn't really a monster but who was a person. A bad person and yet a person none the less. Her eyes watched as Kong continued to relentlessly pummel him, staring at him with both a healthy mix of respect and fear for the power of his strikes. Had he not been here, she likely wouldn't have gotten the chance to do this. Yet she couldn't help but feel concerned as he'd taken lot of damage.

However, closing her eyes and thinking of her allies, she steeled herself against the cries of fallen foes.

Her eyes turned right to the troublesome crossbow chimp. And her mind, he was next. However, the battle was going the other's way. Thus, she could see as the chimp began to run. At the top of her lungs, Lenara shouted

"STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM!!" She said like some type of city guard before she bolted after him.

Her combat stance had become a sprinting stance. Sword was reversed in hand and held backwards, the blade behind her. Lenara took on a lean and panted as she sprinted towards the crossbowmen. [Movement] As the environment unfolded, Lenara would seek to prove herself nimble at any turn -- moving with the determination to get over anything in her way. She'd hop, climb and move nimbly -- allowing nothing to slow her down. [Onward!]

A hand reached forward, as she sought reach out to the chimp, grab a handful of fur and then promptly tackle him to the ground, leveraging the additional weight of her armor to do so. [Other] Lenara however...seemed to forget how far this might bring her from the party. But at the moment, she seemed to pay little attention to anything save for the target.

Actions: 3/3

HP: 3/3 (D Grade Speed)
Armor: 2/2 (E Grade Light)

1. Movement -
Lenara runs after the crossbowman

2. Onward! - Climbing F, Acrobatics F - Lenara runs forward and tries to clear whatever is in her way. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

3. Attack - Tries to tackle the crossbow ape ground.
(STR E + Light Armor F) (?)

F - 0 Post Remaining

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Samantha Nag'hagalgrim

Samantha didn't have much of a chance to celebrate her victory, as her very first target was trying to flee.

"Oh no, ye ain't!"

The scholar exclaimed. But, encouraged by Lenara's energetic sprint, she decided to leave the chase to her. Instead, she hopped off the carriage, and faced the frightful simianfolk. "Easy there, I just wanna talk." With a mildly unsettling smile, she flicked her scythe. Launching the blood on its blade in a straight line right at the feet of the baboon. "You'll behave, right?"

Titles: Monster, Mundane
Languages: Common (...)
Current Temperament: Bloodlusted

Goal: Gain strength, overturn the world, establish Savage Justice
Point Boosters: None
Wanted or Criminal Titles: None
Buddy Skills, Masterwork Skills and Complex Assets: None

| Develius Develius | Kikimura Kikimura | Maverick Six Maverick Six | Rev IX Rev IX | WolfsRainNight WolfsRainNight |

Kong watched as his opponent fell down to the ground in a mangled heap. Lenara was already moving to their next target. She screamed at the top of her lungs, crying out for law and order in a situation that lost its basis in reality long ago. It was bedlam. The battle turned into pure anarchy. He didn't care. He watched as the gorilla-folk collapsed, the light draining from his eyes.

He felt nothing.

He sighed as his stomach growled. He impaled the earth with his club and removed the ape's breastplate. He took hold of the arm, piercing the skin under the pit with his fingers, and ripped the torso open. He instinctively clawed towards the ribs, snapping four from their resting place against the spine before bursting the skull apart with a series of well-placed hammer blows from his fist. He slurped the meat and fatty protein away, chewing without uttering a word, and caught sight of the Scarred Chimp if but for a brief second of time within the maelstrom of carnage. His eyes held nothing. No remorse, no joy, just the savage satisfaction of hunger. He continued by reaching deep into the gorilla-kin's barrel chest.

He grasped the heart and tore it free, eating it raw as the meaty organ squirted its last blossoms of blood across Kong's face. He consumed the entire thing in just a few gulps of half-chewed viscera. He roared as ape-blood flung from his beard. It was a challenge to any and all who still tried to fight. He wanted more. He needed more. He removed his weapon from its sheath of cracked stone and upturned dirt.

Kong's legs carried his instinctively towards the nearest threat. The Scarred Chimp was indeed that threat, the alpha of the pack. He charged with reckless abandon, his eyes glazed over with his instinct for war.

By the end of his primal lunge in the next phase of combat, he was already swinging his warclub at the Scarred Chimp.


  • Light snack + some intimidation action
  • Charge
  • "Savage Dominion" - Kong lets loose a massive double-handed blow with his warclub as if he's swinging a baseball bat, the effects of which shatters most anything in its path (Fighting Style [Natural Disaster] E, Warclub C, Breaker F, CD 1) - Grade E
Karmilla Kerberos
Pinned against the cold stone, Karmilla let out a low chuckle, looking up at the Scarred Chimp with hooded eyes, unfazed by his brutish taunt. The weight of his foot pressed against her chest, but instead of fear, there was amusement dancing in the shine of her eyes.

"Darlin', what is ape but a cheap imitation of human that wasn't smart enough to evolve? I bet ya'll can't even appreciate the beauty of these~"

Karmilla teased, a cautious smirk plastered on her face as she was clearly insinuating at her chest, her body tensing just as the flaming axe reached its peak. Timing was everything.

The moment the Scarred Chimp began his downward swing, Karmilla twisted sharply to the side, bringing both knees to her chest and using the momentum to kick off his leg with a powerful shove. The force sent her rolling out from under him, dust kicking up around her as she tumbled across the rocky terrain.

As soon as her boots hit solid ground, she sprang back up like a coiled viper, flipping her katana back into her grasp. With a flick of her wrist, she adjusted her hat, her grin never faltering.

"Gotta be quicker than that, sugar."

Just then, a thunderous roar shook the battlefield. Karmilla’s keen eyes flicked past her opponent—Kong was already barreling toward them, warclub raised like the hand of a wrathful god.

She smirked. Oh, darlin’, you done messed up now.

With a graceful pivot, she backed off just enough to let Kong’s savage attack come crashing down—and the second that warclub hit, Karmilla would be right there, ready to follow up.

1. Twist to the side and bring knees up to chest. (Movement)
2. Kick off the ape, sending herself backwards with the momentum (Attack)
3. Pivot to the side, giving Kong breadth of way for his attack to not hit her as collateral. (Movement)


| @ Develius Develius | @ Maverick Six Maverick Six | @ Rev IX Rev IX | @ WolfsRainNight WolfsRainNight | @ Mephisto Mephisto




Paizu Mountains - Main Trail
| Maverick Six Maverick Six [Lenara Alstadt] | Mephisto Mephisto [Kong] | Rev IX Rev IX [Samantha Nag'hagalgrim] Kikimura Kikimura [Karmilla Kerberos] | WolfsRainNight WolfsRainNight [Astraea Nox] |

For the briefest of moments, it seemed like the scarred chimp's eyes were lured by Karmila's gesture towards her twin... barrels. Even so his attention returned to the stakes at hand as his flaming axe thrusted down onto Karmilla. Yet that briefest of hesitation would be in the sly n' nimble gunslinger's favor, as she quickly rolled out of the attack just in the nick of time before kicking off the chimp's legs. The axe hit against solid stone, sending sparks cackling out from the impact as the ape was shoved back a good few feet. The chimp snarled as he turned to face Karmila with his rugged teeth grinning in rage. "FILTHY... WRETCH!" he cursed as he seemed poised to retaliate.

Yet his curse was masked against the roaring rage of an angry Kong tumbling towards him, still believing that he was the one bellowing in rage. It wasn't until he felt the ground below him quake did he realize his unfortunate predicament. "What is...?" Turning around he'd find himself looking at a giant of a man with blood and dirt splattered across his face. With sheer terror in his eyes he scrambled to process what to do next. But by the time he thought about raising his flaming axe in retaliation, it was simply too late. Kong's mighty war club descended upon him with terrifying power and punted him across the battlefield to his left. His side took the brute of the impact, his ribs shattering at the point of impact. He was flung several feet as his body was limp as a ragdoll before finally skidding onto the ground broken and lifeless.

The remaining chimp warrior had watched the whole scene play out in real time from the sidelines, his face contorted into horror and awe with a quivered lip. He stared at the corpse of their leader before glancing at both Karmila and Kong. He was more than "scared shitless" at this point. He backed away with worried hoots as he struggled to figure out what to do next. Though it wasn't until he turned to the right where he realized that he was standing next to yet a FIFTH member to the raid, that being the figure of Astraea. The ape hollered in utter surprise, dropping his axe out of sheer fear of what she might do before galloping away towards the cliffside. Upon reaching it he'd attempt to quickly descend the mountain... the fate of whether he succeeded or not remaining a mystery.

Meanwhile, the crossbow baboon flinched upon hearing Lenara's valiant cry for him to stop as if a city guard was commanding for his obedience. He turned to see her rapidly approaching him with haste, climbing over the carriage and swiftly moving against all obstacles standing in her way. Even Samantha appeared to come after him for a moment, her scythe raised like the grim reaper that she was. Between his fight or flight stance the baboon decided to go for one last shot of defiance. One last chance to get away from these savages.

His tail wraps around his last crossbow bolt before quickly reloading his weapon. The baboon aimed his sights at the girl's speedy approach and fired within just a few short meters. While Lenara's [Acrobatics F] allowed her to hop and skip through the obstacles placed before her, she was already too close to her target. The bolt skimmed through the air with a sharp whistle for a moment before lodging into Lenara's side with a THUNK. Thankfully, her light armor would tank most of the blow and avoid causing significant damage, but the force of the impact would halt her momentum and potentially force her on her back [Lenara's Light Armor takes -1 Damage]. The baboon seemed monetarily stunned by his successful effort, but he wouldn't have time to celebrate before skidaddling out of there. By the time Lenara would recover, he was long gone.


Believing Lenara had the situation under control, Samantha diverted her attention to the hairless baboon cowardly hiding by the carriage. As she landed in front of him, the hairless ape whimpered before curling into a ball with his arms wrapped around his head. "OOOOOOKH! Please-don't-hurt-me! Please-don't-hurt-me!" he muttered pathetically at the scary woman's unsettling smile, expecting the worst. Though while the woman's intentions weren't to hurt him, his eyes widened in fear upon seeing the drop of blood of one of its fellow apes drench the ground with a dark-red spot. "Me... will... behave! Me... won't... do... nothing! J-Just don't... hurt me! Please!"

Chimp Warrior 2: [Out of Scene]
  1. Backs away.
  2. Retreats [Drops Axe]
  3. -
Scar-Chimp: [Dead]
  1. Gets punted like a Baseball.
  2. -
  3. -
Baboon Crossbowman: [Out of Scene]
  1. Reloads Crossbow
  2. Fires Crossbow at Samantha.
  3. Retreats.
Hairless Baboon:
  1. Agrees to cooperate with terrorists.
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Titles: Monster, Mundane
Languages: Common (...)
Current Temperament: Simmering

Goal: Gain strength, overturn the world, establish Savage Justice
Point Boosters: None
Wanted or Criminal Titles: None
Buddy Skills, Masterwork Skills and Complex Assets: None

| Develius Develius | Kikimura Kikimura | Maverick Six Maverick Six | Rev IX Rev IX | WolfsRainNight WolfsRainNight |

The gigantic warrior exhaled slowly, staring at the Scarred Chimp's unmoving body as it crashed against the rocky crag on the opposite side of the valley. He wanted the creature to stand up. He wanted him to charge at him. He wanted the blood pooling from the crack in his skull to be a minor wound. But alas, the beast-folk did not stir again. He was dead, as was the gorilla Kong slew and consumed. He stood and walked over towards the Scarred Chimp, ignoring the torment of the hairless ape exposing his belly to the others. He was pathetic, bullied and abused, a pariah to his species.

Kong would deal with him in due time. For now, he had a ritualistic meal to engage in. He lifted the Scarred Chimp by a lifeless leg, gripping the torso with his other hand. He ripped the femur out of its socket, cracking the skin with a deluge of red ichor. He consumed what meat he found to be delectable. His stomach panged with hunger just as his skull ached from the hammer blow. Blood seeped into his left eye, coating his vision in a half-crimson sheet. Yet he could still see through it. He ate greedily, chewing the ape's flesh and cracking his bones for the marrow. He pried open the skull for the fatty brains and finished by peeling the cheek meat away with his bare teeth.

By the end, the Scarred Chimp was mere carrion, and Kong approached the group once more. His mouth and chest were both slathered in ape blood.

"Bring him," he instructed of the hairless thing.

He didn't say much else before standing next to the carriage, but he felt a suitable amount of pity for the creature. The bald beast-kin was weak, that much was certain. Though he preached the dominion of the strong, he could not deny that he despised seeing the weak abused for the sake of such an ideology.


Lenara "Len" Allstadt

Interaction: Develius Develius Kikimura Kikimura Mephisto Mephisto WolfsRainNight WolfsRainNight Rev IX Rev IX
Titles: Human, Squire, Rotia Nobility Bastard F
Language Key: Common | [Terran]
Goal: Obtain Rank in local Adventurer Guild (Republic)
Point Boosters: None
Wanted or Criminal Titles: None
Buddy Skills, Masterwork Skills and Complex Assets: None


The Clearing

"EEEEP!" Lenara yipped preemptively as she was shot.

Her breath became rapidly. Her eyes flickered up and down. Up at the chimp. Then back where she was shot. Then back at the chimp. Then back where she was shot. Her sword was held defensively in front of herself only for the ape to open up distance and then move out of sight.

Looking down, she saw that there was an arrow stick in her clothes. Right around center mass. Yet as she tapped it tenatively, she realized it was stuck beneath the maile armor underneath her shirt. The bolt hadn't done any harm to her and merely damaged her armor. Jolting up, she searched the area for signs of the chimp -- her sword remaining held in front of her.

But there was no one there.

Turning red, she became flush at how she'd hesitated when struck. Reaching down, she pull on the crossbow bolt until it broke off in her armor -- before walking back. Consumed in her own thoughts. Her teeth grit.

This was a day of many firsts. This was perhaps the first time someone who was meaning to kill her ever did land a hit on her. Usually, there were others around her to do so. But right now, it was just her....

She returned to the group, jogging towards where others seemed to be gathering.. But her distant gaze became more focused as she saw the chimp. Kong was approaching and she could see that strangely enough, he was...eating the chimp. There was nothing technically illegal about that. They were all criminals and dead. Yet she couldn't help but look at him with a feeling a bit conflcited about it. She felt half tempted to run over to shield the baboon from him for a second. However, soon it seemed like his intentions weren't to bring the surrendering foe harm.

"I remember you. You're the one I said to spare!" It seemed like she was right about that.

"I couldn't speak your language but I could tell they were making fun of you, I think." Looking a moment at Samantha, she saw a prime opportunity. Lenara placed her hands and her sword meekly behind her back. And she took a few steps in front of the woman so that her more threatening visage wouldn't be heard.

"If you help us out, maybe we can put a good word in for at the village! If not, well, you can go on living where you want!" She said, trying to lay out her case and deal with the monkey. Both asking him for cooperation and offering him possibilities in which he walks out of this alive. [Let's Talk!] From behind her back, something appears. It seems to be a dumpling. A humble offering. She tried to be as unoffensive as possible.

"I can't speak for anyone else." She says, glancing back towards Samantha and Kong. As Kong mentioned to bring him, her smile returned.. "But I don't have any desire to hurt anyone. But I feel a strong need to help out the undeserving. And I think that might include you...." She said, awaiting his answer.

"I don't have any chains but I have a feeling you'll behave if you come with us." If the baboon agreed, Len would return to Karmilla's carriage.

Actions: 3/3

HP: 3/3 (D Grade Speed)
Armor: 1/2 (E Grade Light)

1. Movement -
Lenara runs after the crossbowman

2. Let's Talk! - Persuasion F, Etiquette F - Lenara speaks with someone in some attempts to appeal to rationale, emotion, and cultural custom to get someone to see her perspective. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown [Question the Chimp and try to get him to cooperate

3. Other -
Lenara offers the hairless ape a pork dumpling.

F - 0 Post Remaining

Samantha Nag'hagalgrim

Samantha's eyebrow raised in answer to the ape's pleas. She glanced around, checking on the status of her surroundings. The smell of gore and burnt flesh lingered in the air, not much noise. It was over. "I said I wouldn't. Just stay there until..." She fell silent as Lenara rushed in to play nicer than her with the ape. "I'll leave you to it."

With the baboon being now looked by someone else, Samantha decided to rummage through the abandoned carriage. Seeing if the inside of it held something of use.


Note: Due to IRL issues, players WolfsRainNight WolfsRainNight [Astraea Nox], Mephisto Mephisto [Kong], and Kikimura Kikimura [Karmilla Kerberos] have decided to drop the RP respectively, having notifying me of their decisions on Discord. This leaves only two players remaining, being Maverick Six Maverick Six [Lenara Alstadt] and Rev IX Rev IX [Samantha Nag'hagalgrim]. While both are committed to continue with theoverall RP story, the GM deems the current number of players being too few to continue with this current session. As a result, this thread will be up for partial grading and will be divided into two parts, with the next part continuing in a new thread with the remaining cast plus new players to fill in the missing slots.


Paizu Mountains ---> Garagol Village
| Maverick Six Maverick Six [Lenara Alstadt] | Rev IX Rev IX [Samantha Nag'hagalgrim] |
~| Kikimura Kikimura | [Karmilla Kerberos] | Mephisto Mephisto [Kong] | WolfsRainNight WolfsRainNight [Astraea Nox] | ~

The hairless baboon whimpered as Samantha left to inspect the carriage in exchange for Lenara to take over the negotiations. The young woman's bright emerald eyes and peppy attitude instantly made him a little less jittery then he was compared with Samantha's more cold and harsh expression. Still he remained cautious and was seemed to be taken aback by the fact he was being purposely spared from the rest of the ape's fates.

"Wh... Why...?" he asked innocently with a hint of skepticism. When she mentioned about the other apes, the baboon's head slumped down as he curled into a ball. "M-Me... not... like... them." he mumbled sadly in slow rusty common, "Me... runt-of-group. Me... weak. They... tease me... lots... awful... teasing..." Being close to him now, it was clear he had been through a lot of abuse, no less thanks to the dozens of scars and bruises that were seen scattered across his body. He began to whimper and sputter inaudibly as he rocked his body back and forth as if despairing over his current situation. "H-He... won't be... happy... about this..."

Though as Lenara asked if he wanted to come to the village under the grace of good will, or the chance to live free, the ape's muttering quickly ceased. Taking a moment to think, his dark eyes shifted towards Lenara looking hopeful yet hesitant. "Will... they... accept... me...?" he asked curiously, "Will... they... not... hurt me... for... who I... am?" He then took a moment to look under the carriage and towards the folks nearby... alongside the other dead apes. Though his fears were magnified by the mighty Kong feasted on the flesh and marrow of one of the chimps. And then, as if he overheard the group, he turned and commanded they bring the poor ape to him. The baboon gasped before continuing to remain hidden, shaking and shivering at what he had witnessed. "W-Will... big man... eat... me?!" the baboon chattered nervously trying everything to gain his cool.

Despite this, Lenara would have the patience to sit down and convince him to tag along with them. They wouldn't hurt him either... and he would be free from whatever hell he had to put up with his original troop. The woman seemed genuine... and even her teammates didn't seem terribly opposed by her decision. Slowly yet surely he'd make his decision. He looked up at Lenara and gives a brief nod. "I... I will... go." he addressed while he got to his feet, "Better then... returning... to them..." He then gave a respectful bow at Lenara. "T-Thank you...!" he graciously said before slowly trudging along with her back to the cart.

Meanwhile Samantha made her way onto the stolen blue carriage and entered inside. Before her was a considerable bounty of various fruits and vegetables of many kinds - ranging from hearty cabbages, large spear-tipped carrots, a pile of golden wheat, and a wide selection of plums, strawberries, blueberries and others. It must've came across a village fairly somewhat recently. Tthere were also stashes of daggers, spears and clubs, alongside a quiver of crossbow bolts and up to 250 in gold and silver rykes sprinkled in for good measure. Yet in the far back there was also a small chest which when opened would reveal a stash of six health potions. Four of which were minor vials while two were greater rounded flasks of warm-red ichor juggling within.

And last, but not least, she'd notice what looked to be a worn-down map on the floor. Upon opening it it would reveal itself to be another map of the Paizu Mountains, only with a lot more red "ink" and containing several important-looking circles of interest.

Overall, quite a considerable haul and more than a substantial reward for their current efforts.

A Temporary Setback

Yet while both Lenara and Samantha were dealing with the spoils, Kong's senses suddenly alerted him to something outside their current parameters. Nobody would know exactly what he was thinking nor what he'd sensed, but after ripping off a piece of flesh stretched off a chimp's rib he'd drop his morsel and hauling himself towards that intoxicating scent without a word. Kong leapt off the cliff face with reckless abandon, plunging his hand into the cliffside to control his descent as he surfed down the face of the mountain. In mere moments he was gone... embarking on a new objective of his own choosing.

As Karmilla brushed herself off and went over to inspect her carriage, she'd come across a concerning sight. Looking underneath it, she'd find that the rear axle was showing signs of significant ware and tear. It wasn't clear if it had been due to the rough terrain or over a prolonged exposure over its life time, but it would be dangerous to continue forth without repairs. Yet while there were talks about using the blue carriage as a replacement, it would be Asterea who'd help make the final decision. Feeling that she wasn't up to the quest after all, she requested that they return to Garagol Village and that she'll take the next boat back to Ryke.

With three out of the remaining five party members choosing to leave, as well as suffering from a damaged carriage, the group had no choice but to head back to Garagol Village. Packing whatever they could from the other carriage, they'd gradually and carefully make their way down the Paizu Mountain path. Upon reaching the village in the later part of the afternoon, the party would explain to village elder Copernicus about what had happened. While admittedly a little disappointed with the out come, the old capri understood their situation perfectly and allowed for them to take the next boat home or stay here for a night.

Still, their initial trek wasn't all for naught. Not only did the party bring back some stolen loot, but the hairless baboon - who'd reveal his name to be "Chacha" - would unveil some valuable information regarding the location of the ape hideout and the leader of the apes. He told of an old rusted monastery located just off the main east-bound road as the ape hideout, ruled by someone refered as "The Monkey King". While he said no more regarding this mysterious leader, it was clear he deeply resented him and how he treated his other ape kind... especially to those who tried to oppose his "tyranny". This confession was more than enough to lend the baboon as not only an honorary guest, but he was also given the opportunity to guide future expeditions to find their hideout. While hesitant at first, Chacha would ultimately agree to it.

And while Karmilla and Asterea would take their leave, both Lenara Alstadt and Samantha Nag'hagalgrim would find themselves staying a night (or more) in Garagol Village... waiting for the guild to send a few new adventurers to hopefully pick off where they'd started.

To Be Continued...
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