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Fantasy The Reliquary [Characters]



Weewoo weewoo

Hello there! As outlined in the main thread, when a human is chosen to become a tracer they will one day walk through a doorway and find themselves suddenly transported to the reliquary. Afterward, they will be recruited by an individual named the Loremaster. More details regarding the Loremaster can be found within the ‘other’ tab above.

The Loremaster will form a contract with that human, in order to ensure their allegiance with the Reliquary. This contract usually just offers money, in the form of Marks—a type of coin. Otherwise, they may offer knowledge, power, or practically anything your character may desire. If you wish to go for a darker route, the Loremaster is not above blackmailing or endangering loved ones to ensure compliance. Your character's contract is up to you.

For nonhuman tracers, you are more-so in a form of servitude. You have been determined to have a greater capacity for reason than usual ASCs and so you have been given this role rather than eternal imprisonment within the vaults. You have ASC—127 implanted somewhere on your person as a sort of safeguard. Read the details of ASC—127 on the ‘other’ tab for more information.




Origin: Country of origin. Or first appearance.

Race: Human or ASC

Physical Appearance: Drawn faceclaim or description. If you use an image put it on top of the CS instead. You can choose to do both if you want. If you just use an image, remove this section.

Owned ASC: All human tracers have a copy of ASC—125, all non-human have a copy of ASC—127. Otherwise you may create your own. Nothing stronger than Lucifugous to start! Separate each entry by commas. To create your own, head to the ASC list under the “other” tab. Non-human ASCs should include themselves in this list as well.

Personality: Bullet point traits with a blurb about how they apply to the character or descriptive paragraph(s).

Reverie: Either a backstory or a short story based on your character. You are free to make up towns, cities, cultures, organizations or anything that helps you. For non-humans, remember you were captured at some point by Tracers. You can describe the encounter here or forgo it. (300 word minimum)

Contract: Why did you become a tracer? Money, power, curiosity? If non-human, remove this section.

Talents: What are you good at?

Doping: Do you utilize ASC—50 to enhance your body? Yes or no, skip again for non-humans.

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Name: Edward "Eddie" Gears

Age: 24

Height: 5 feet

Weight: 197 lbs

Origin: Elpis

Race: Human


Eddie is a technopath able to manipulate machinery and "Scan" every part for weakness and possibilities to be reused

-Optimistic: Eddie is very eager despite his circumstances and will often see the glass as half full
-Eccentric: Eddie is obsessed with his work to prove himself. He doesn’t risk human lives but is obsessive
-Reckless: Eddie will take risks in order to get the job done even experimenting on himself when he has no choice. But he will never experiment on other humans

Eddie was born in the city of Gatlon. His family was revered artisans with Eddie being predicted by the oracle to be the family's best inventor. His parents paid for the best training and left him the most money in their wills. Ronan his older brother was jealous and plotted with a street gang. They stole all of the family's money and burned down the home. Eddie was the sole survivor and fell under poverty. He spent several years as a squire for an arrogant knight and serf to his household until he escaped. His goal is to get revenge on his brother and bring honor to his family name.

Assassin's Blade: A blade that can be used as a magical focus and folds into a dagger.
Automatic Crossbow: Fires at a high rate of fire with specialized and enchanted arrow's
Explosives: Using a compound he has named BOOM JUICE he has made powerful and expensive explosives
Contract: Curiosity, Money

Talents: Range weaponry, forging weapons, Alchemy, and inventing.
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Name: Arthus Pendragon

Age: Appears to be around 13 years of age, but actually much older.

Height: 4' 10"

Weight: 100 lbs

Origin: Kronos (Korinthos)

Race: Human

Owned ASC:
  • ASC—125 (Halo)
  • ASC—8 (Excalibur)
  • Friends over Foes:
    • He will never raise his weapon against an unarmed opponent.
    • He will always accept an honest plea of surrender
    • If given the opportunity, he will always attempt to diffuse a violent or potentially violent situation with 'face' rather than immediately using force.
  • Honest to a Fault: He will never tell a lie
  • Adheres the Old Code:
    "Inside the table's circle,
    Under the sacred sword.
    A knight must vow to follow
    The code that is unending,
    Unending as the table—
    A ring by honor bound.

    A knight is sworn to valor,
    His heart knows only virtue,
    His blade defends the helpless,
    His might upholds the weak,
    His word speaks only truth,
    His wrath undoes the wicked.

    The right can never die,
    If one man still recalls.
    The words are not forgot,
    If one voice speaks them clear.
    The code forever shines,
    If one heart holds it bright."

Reverie: Most everyone in Kronos knows the Legend/Myth of the infamous King Arthur; the Queen-killer; the Great Betrayer, or so they think they know it. The truth is that his name was Arthus and he was no king; he was a Knight of the Old Code. His weapon Excalibur was an ASC. Arthur never died nor was he brought to Avalon or the High Heavens; he was brought to the Reliquary to serve as a Tracer.

Arthus was born in Korinthos, presently known as the nation of Kronus, before Judicantism was established as the predominant faith in the land and during a time when many dangerous sentient ASCs roamed unchecked by the Reliquary. These sentient ASCs sometimes ruled entire nations as self proclaimed Gods or were revered as entities sent as messengers by the Gods, e.g., The Lady of the Lake, Nimuë. It was Nimuë that taught Arthus the Old Code.

Korinthos (Kronos) was gripped with chaos as warring clans fought for superiority over one another. As per usual, it was the common-folk that suffered most. Arthus and his family were simple farmers caught between the battling clans. In defense of the home they built for their family and what little food they had stored to ride out the coming winter, Uther and Elaine, the father and mother of Arthus were slain. The clan responsible for murdering Arthur's parents were slain on the battlefield by a rival clan known as Clan Avallonis. Consequently, he and his twin sister Morrigan were 'adopted' into Avallonis.

Two years had passed; Arthus was useless as a swordsman and quite a bit smaller than most boys his age so he was relegated to working as a gong farmer. Morrigan on the other hand became a capable healer. It was around this time that both Arthus and Morrigan were visited in their dreams by Nimuë. The dream gave portents of an end to the chaos in the land. This dream was experienced by all in Korinthos. Within that dream was a lake; in front of the lake was a stone; and in that stone was a sword.

Long story short, none who had attempted to pull the sword from the stone were successful save for Arthus, and he pulled it out by accident as he tripped over some rubble, grabbing onto the swords hilt to brace his fall -Morrigan was next to him when it happened. They never intended to even touch the sword; their intent was to fetch fresh water from the lake. Shorty after, they were met by Nimuë, the Lady of the Lake. She gave Arthus a quest, a quest to unite the people of Korinthos under one banner.

Initially, Arthus cast the sword aside; shirked from his calling, fearing that the burden placed on his shoulders was too heavy to bear. In an effort to lighten that load, Nimuë spread that burden onto both Morrigan's and Arthus's shoulders. Arthus would wield the blade Excalibur and Morrigan was gifted with keen insight.

News of a young gong farmer pulling the sword from the stone and his astute twin sister spread like wildfire. Clan after clan was absorbed under Avallonis through the challenge of single combat -this was Morrigan's idea. The old leaders of those clans were not deposed, but would stay in control so long as they gave their word to adhere to the tenants of the Old Code. Naturally, this was another one of Morrigan's ideas.

One particular clan known as the Clan Jotun was led by a cruel yet beautiful red-eyed giantess with horns on her head. Her name was Titania. With one swing of her massive club, Titania could fell a dozen men, yet she was unable to pull the sword from the stone. She had been one of the first to try.

Unfortunately, Morrigan was unable to coax the stubborn giantess into single combat with Arthus. This was to be the beginning of a long and bloody campaign.

Morrigan had grown into a fine young lady but Arthas stayed the same. The war between Avallonis and Jotun still raged on. For the first time in years, Arthus bested Titania on the battlefield. He offered her the chance to surrender and to tell her warriors to stand down. She did not yield. When Arthus asked why she would not surrender, Titania said it was because it was fate for one of them to die. Arthus was caught off guard by her statement. Titania capitalized on that opportunity, swatting him off of her chest. Arthus tumbled and ricocheted off the ground like a rag-doll, landing prone on his back several-hundred feet away from where he was standing. Upon seeing what happened to her brother, Morrigan immediately gave the order to fall back. Titania gave the order to fall back as well, unexpectedly.

Judas, Arthus's childhood friend, fought off several of Titania's warriors to get to Arthus's motionless body. He threw the unconscious Arthus onto his steed and rode to camp with haste. Avallonian scouts were certain that the Jotun warriors were rallying their forces for another attack. With Arthus wounded or dead, now was a good a time a any to press the advantage.

Morrigan called for a full retreat, but Arthus disobeyed her orders for the first time ever despite experiencing difficulty standing. "So long as I can stand; I can still fight. And so long as I can fight; I will not be defeated," were Arthus's brave words before he marched onto the battlefield alone; however, at Morrigan's behest he left without Excalibur for fear that it may fall into the hands of the enemy. To this day, Arthus still does not understand the full extent of Excalibur's abilities. In any case, even without Excalibur in his hands, Arthus's bond with his ASC granted him superhuman speed and strength. Regardless, it was a futile attempt at chivalry as he quickly found himself prone on the ground looking up at Titania.

"It was rightly enjoyable playing with you, really it was, but too many people have been hurt... If only one of us can survive as you say, then promise me this at least: unite the people of Kornithos under one banner to finally bring peace to this land." With nothing more to say, Arthus shut his eyes and waited for the end to come, but it never did. When he opened his eyes, the giantess was gone. Standing above Arthus was a young girl no taller than himself. The girl had uncanny likeness to Titania because she was Titania. What transpired afterwards was the beginnings of a united Korinthos. It was around this time that Morrigan finally revealed to Arthus that she never was bestowed with a special gift from Nimuë save for having a stupid brother with a pure heart.

A year later, Morrigan became the Queen of Korinthos and her husband, Judas was King only in name -Judas did not posess any real authority. While Arthus and Titania were away quelling minor uprisings along the borders of Korinthos, Morrgian was busy with affairs of statecraft. The concept of kings and queens; hereditary rule, was unsavory to her. It was not a future she envisioned for Korninthos. She believed the people should choose their leader or leaders; and the Knights of the Old Code ultimately should serve the people, not those who were chosen to lead...

In closing, Arthus lived long enough to become the villain; framed by his most trusted associates, Judas, for a crime he did not commit. To this day, no one in Kronos thinks to name any of their children Arthur or any of its derivatives.

Contract: Arthus felt that becoming a Tracer was his calling. He has known Sir Loremaster for quite some time and counts him as a dear friend. In fact, Arthus has several nicknames for Loremaster: Sir Owlsworth; Sir Hoots-a-lot; Sir Knows-it-owl (his favorite).

Talents: Horsemanship, Melee combat (sword, spear, dagger & unarmed combat), Warfare, Keep-up.

Doping: No, drugs are bad.

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Name: Ricotta Bonne (simply called Rico)
Age: 25
Height: 5'5
Weight: 120 lbs
Origin: Atacama
Race: Human

Owned ASC: ASC-125 (Halo), ASC-857 (Chatterblade), ASC-302 (Seven Steps Shoes), ASC-555 (Baker's gloves)

  • Cheerful - Rico always tried to enjoy whatever she's facing. Sometimes this makes her looks like she doesn't take things seriously but one of her motto is 'life might be ugly sometimes, but it doesn't have to be miserable. Contact Rico for citation.'
  • Mischievous - A bit of playful troublemaking is healthy for life. That's what she learned after growing up in an orphanage from judicant missionaries. Also, she's a bit of an attention seeker
  • Resourceful - Quick-witted and perceptive of her surrounding. Rico is capable of improvising strategy or even adapt her behaviors to blend in with her surrounding.
  • Thrill-seeker - Not something that she would ever admit, but she does keeps getting attracted to dangerous jobs like being a mercenaries, thief and now, supernatural containment. Also has a tendency to get into shitty relationship
  • Money grubber - The almighty mark is callliiiing!! Also, she has bad financial managing capability.
Once upon a time Rico had a normal life, probably. Her father was a blacksmith and her mother was a seamstres, probably. They weren't rich, but they're happy living together, probably. Her father was even able to buy a cheap but very decent house, probably. Rico had never sure about this part of her memory. As far as she remembers she had a normal family and the next second both of her parents were gone, her house was gone and she was thrown into the orphanage by a stranger. Gradually those memories fades and becames like a dream for her. Yet, it was a dream that she refuses to forget.

Life in the orphanage wasn't that bad. She quickly became the big sister figure for the rest of the kid, but the memories of that dream keep haunting her. She knew her life wasn't supposed to be like this. So one day she decided to left the orphanage in order to discover her past life. It's just she didn't know where to start, and she didn't know what to do, and no one had a clue. Before she realizes she fell into the life of a thief, stealing stuffs from other people just so she could survive on the street. She forgot her purpose, money and survival becames her main goal.

Things went downhill from that point. After switching from job to job her career led her to join a dubious group called Quicksand, which is actually a thief guild. She knew she shouldn't be doing this, she could imagine the disappointed faces of the priests if they knew what she had become. But she was too deep into the quicksand to get out. She had some debts to some unsavory people and she knew too much for the higher ups to let go of her. When she was invited to became a tracer, she saw it as an opportunity to free herself from her past life.​

Contract: mooneey, Rico managed to haggle for more salary.

Talents: riding, acting, swordplay, stealing, acrobat

Doping: Yes, Rico snorted the red dust
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Age/ In human years, Howden is around 24, or at least in his mid-twenties.

Height/ 6' 3"
Weight/ 86lb

Location of Origin/ ASC-242, located in a secret grove that is heavily guarded by Reliquary personnel.
Race/ Gourdian

Owned ASC/ Howden himself is ASC-242-B, 'Brother' to ASC-242-A, Commonly takes 250-B or 250-D with him on missions, as well as one half of 250-H and three layers of 250-F.


  • Social: Unlike many other Tracers, Howden is one who enjoys interacting with the locals and understanding the evironments around an anomaly. While he isn't extremely extroverted, as in approachinv everyone he can all the time, he's able to interface with many with his conversational visage.
  • Curious: Howden is more likely to ask the how than the why, especially with new things in his life. Understanding is a key aspect of his character, and he will always try to get at least one of his many questions answered whenever he has them.
  • Anti-hostile: While not what one would call a 'vine-hugger', Howden isn't all that keen on situations that could be solved without injury if at all possible. The fact that memories are malleable in this world is a plus for him, since that means less people will come under fire for the dangerous aspects of anomalies, and the people who would want them.
  • Thorough: When he has a job to do, he usually finished it completely, and with a flourish if he can. From retrieving a material to Tracing an anomaly, he always does his best no matter what.
  • Jolly: The only word to truly describe Howden's attitude. Cheerful would make it seem like he's happy and that's that, but Jolly has a curiosity within it, an intrigue of mischievousness that sometimes pops up in Howden's actions.

Reverie/ There was a time when Howden knows he didn't have the sentience that all Gourdians once had, when he was but one smiling pumpkin in a living patch of vegetables before the Great Elevation occurred, and the Village was formed. For the longest time (in his own perception), Howden lived a quiet life as one of the townspeople of the Gourdfolk, living with his younger brother Krow in their small humble home. But it was the outburst of their guardian, Irving, which stirred Howden's wonder of the outside world. He had never left, and several of his Folk did not ever wish to leave, fearful of what danger may present itself due to Irving's disappearance. Howden spoke with one of the Reliquary guards, then another, all about what lay beyond the entrance. His interest was piqued, and he began a plan to leave the village. He was discovered by his brother, but surprisingly Krow wished to come along, despite not having the proper abilities that the Reliquary may be looking for. It was only a few months after they made this decision, that Howden and Krow found themselves walking onto the shadow of the Loremaster instead of their home.
Contract/ Due to Howden's already-interest in the Reliquary, it wasn't difficult to broker a contract as a Tracer. For his services, Howden is given a monthly pay, Krow is allowed employment at the Reliquary without being a Tracer himself, and they are granted complete access to the libraries.

Appearance/ Described in Howden's ASC file, with his outfit variations seen above.


  • Affinity to plants​
  • Affinity to extreme colds​
  • Cannot sweat, instead has a subtle rancid smell​
  • Confidence, which can go a long way when in a sticky situation and lying is involved​
  • Diplomacy​
  • Social dialect, able to adapt quickly to the local dialect and sound natural​
  • Fascination and enjoyment of literature, any kind​
  • Uncanny ability to remember where he's been in the past hour or so, including directions and obstacles​
Doping/ Due to his body chemistry (being lighter and agile, able to grow/heal injuries quicker than humans, not having blood), Howden doesn't see the need for any red dust consumption

Under a full stuffy set of armor and coverings is rough bristled chestnut skin. A scar runs across the side of his face so faintly that many people wouldn't notice at first glance.

Name: Alcanos

Age: 24

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 150 lbs, 195 lbs with ASC—768-A

Origin: Agataj, Atacama

Race: Human

Owned ASC:
  • ASC—125
  • ASC—267-B
  • Worship of the Forge-Father: Although he doesn’t mention it often amongst foreigners, his faith in the Forge-Father is a driving force in many of his decisions as he strives to be seen as a noble, honorable person. His faith tends to manifest in a more materialistic form, believing that the more metal one has on his person and the greater the quality and craftsmanship of the metal, the stronger its protective properties are.
  • Nerve-wrecked: Despite his physique and his heritage suggesting a more confident, laidback approach to life, his worries about unseen dangers lurking about probably send his blood pressure up to prehypertension. In fact ever since he set foot in the reliquary, he’s had a looming anxiety that felt like he could get stricken down by incomprehensible forces at any given amount. As such, he’s been reluctant to remove his armor outside of his own household and inn rooms.
  • Artisan: He aspires to master his expertise in any task he faces, especially with its related to metalworking. The moments when he’s left to focus on embroidering symbols are some of the only times he'd let himself relax.
  • Soft-spoken: He remains conscious of his voice as he tries to speak loud enough to be legible, though he does end up muttering when he isn't sure of his words. Otherwise, his voice rarely goes higher than a yell. The usual expectations stem from frustration in troublesome fights and witnessing an act of theft, in which those cases bring out a loud, boisterous bark of wrath.

“How far our brotherhood has come.”

Flames from a bonfire flicker in the midst of an Atacaman Night. Quiet chatters amongst the small caravan silenced as sand crunches beneath leather boots. Alcanos watched as intending as the rest of his brethren, lowering his rations of meat and wine as a man clad in armor stands.

“We were once mere children. Praying for riches, working for the strength to deter thieves from stealing what was rightfully ours. But, as we grew over the years of delivering justice to evil men, we realize there was more to the villainy than we initially thought. The reasons for many of their actions were not solely conjured by hatred or malice. It was built from the negligence of our leaders and ourselves, those who cling to their possessions without a care for those who possess a greater need. By sharing our wealth with those less fortunate than us, we work our way onward to true peace.” Several affirmations radiate from the group with heads nods and claps. Guilt washes over Alcanos.

“Now, we escort my daughter across Atacama so that she may grow further in her education, further than we’ve come along in delivering joy to the world.” His brother hugs Alcano's niece with a single arm, to which she leans her head close in response. An ‘aww’ from one of the men causes the entire gang to break out in smiles and laughter. The tension from Alcano's shoulders leaves his system in hushed chuffs.

“...To know that the Forge-Father has brought us all together... All I wish for now is that we’ll have safe travels to Elpis and that she will be safe during her time there. May the Forge-Father shield us from evil and guide us all to wisdom."

Alcanos grew up in a family of 7 in the middle of Agataj. Everyone had to do their part to keep the family sustainable, so Alcanos often went grocery shopping with his brother. And as they were walking through the marketplace one day, Alcanos was nearly killed by a thief's stray arrow. After that day, the two swore that would grow strong enough to drive out criminals. However they realized that what often caused thievery was often caused by a lack of stability. Once they reached 20, they soon created their own guild and dubbed theirselves paladins, warriors with the goal to protect and provide rather then conquer and eliminate.

Their first major expedition was to escort a caravan to Elpis and having completed the trek successfully they wanted to celebrate. Believing that nothing would be able to stop them now, Alcanos walked through the inn doors to join up with his brothers. That's when he first entered the reliquary. He's told his family that he would be working as an apprentice in Elpis since then, but his ties with the brotherhood weakened since he wasn't able to work as a paladin anymore.

Contract: For Alcanos, the scope of distress jumped from criminals and corrupt overlords to eldritch monstrosities that could rip people apart when it feels like it. He needed to help keep his- no, everyone’s families safe from deaths no one should ever have to face.

Talents: Jolting spears, axes, polearms, and swords into the chests of men and wooden chests, Embroidery, Ironsmithing

Doping: Yeah, dust technically has metal in it so it's good for you right?
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SCP thing Arii and Jet.png
Name: Ariiasqthylinh Auth Raa (Arii)

Age: 16

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 115lbs on their own, though closer to 200-250 combined with 564

Origin: Arii hails from an eastern continent made primarily of rocky mountains and coast. It's commonly known as Thryn, though the territory Arii comes from is more costal and is often referred to as Thrin instead.

Race: Human

Physical Appearance: Standing at a solidly average height, Arii appears to unremarkable, save, perhaps for their pathetic state of bulk. Often, they're compared to a bird in both how delicate they appear and their sudden, jerky way of moving. Their eyes are normally a brown-orange color, and their hair an appropriately shiny black with the front cropped to their jawline and the back always up in some sort of binding.

Owned ASC: 125 (Halo), 564 (Lamprey)

Personality: Arii is a fidgety, perpetually nervous thing that only knows what they want perhaps once a month, but will do just about anything to get it. They aren't openly confrontational, but their habit of planning for any scenario that comes into mind often means they have both the motive and the means to seek petty vengeance on perceived wrongs. They're stealthy and sly, and often find themself... not so much outsmarting as out-semantic-ing opponents. They spend more time observing than interacting, though they rarely find it important to hold their tongue on petty opinions.

They, ironically, have trouble keeping secrets from people they like, as once they enter a conversation, they don't often think too hard about what they're to say before it comes out.

Reverie: (Because my brain seems incapable of making a coherent backstory, you're getting sparknotes and a oneshot)
-Lived in Thrin until they were around nine, whereupon their family moved to Kronos.
-Arii's had Jet in the back of their mind for as long as they can remember, though he didn't become properly active until they hit their preteens.
-Honestly, Arii lived a fairly normal life despite this, though they had a natural inclination for questions, which got them in trouble occasionally.
-They ended up in the Reliquary after walking into a craft shop, having been apprenticing under a woodcarver for a number of years.

It was hard to tell which of them was speaking sometimes.

Jet didn't often spend time making responses—no—but he didn't have to for Arii to take his input. It was enough that he weighed in at the back of their mind, watching in not-quite silence with his own notions muddling about in theirs.

They didn't mind often. It was nice—kind of—to have someone watching their back.

It was not so nice when they were trying to find something T'nyak dropped in the river and Jet spent all his time insisting that they were going to die.

Arii snorted a cloud of bubbles as their fingers wrapped around the cold metal head of the throwing axe Nyak had so kindly lobbed into the river, ignoring the frantic fluttering of their heart and the branching indigo wrapping around their arms like vines to a tree. Instead, they focused on the blurry noise of the water washing past their ears and the chill down their back from the cooling of autumn.

Their heart burned in their chest, throwing itself at their ribs like a bird in a cage. They almost didn't notice it—it was barely a footnote in their thoughts as they mentally assured themself they had enough air to surface. It wasn't uncommon, after all—hardly a waking moment was spent without some form of chest pain or another—honestly, it would have been comforting had it not flooded their mind with cloud fluff.

They broke the surface not with a gasp, but with a short, curt huff, delighting in the plume of white that followed their breath even as they started shaking.

It was more at Jet's insistence than their own that they crawled up the rocky bank (decidedly not thinking about the texture of grinding pebbles under their hands), and even though they were already free from the blue demon that he thought water was, Jet hurried their steps back to shelter, a chiding rattle building in their throat that they hadn't made themself.

The noise remained all throughout delivering the axe back to its rightful owner, drying off, and bundling themself in front of the fire with a chunk of scrap wood and a chisel. It filled their chest and slipped between their teeth only occasionally. Arii found it echoing in their mind more often than not.

Only once they'd settled and started on their newest project—a chip-carved medallion—did they turn their attention back to the blue-purple still lacing the edges of their sleeves. "'M okay," they said to themself in some mixture between whisper and grumble.

Offense spiked up their back in a hair-raising manner, irritation grazing their spine like a too-hot cup. The vague notion of... ice? Snow—cold—bloomed under their tongue. They kept their face impassive. "'S not that cold. 'N there's a fire right here."

Jet's irritation faded marginally, the hard edges of annoyance melting to something softer. "I'd be okay on my own, y'know," Ariiasq snorted, shaving off a curled piece of wood and flicking it into the fire. "'M not stupid." They ignored the idea that they didn't know that, shoving it away as Jet rebutted with a feeling so common that they put words to it.

You're not alone.

"I'm not." They chipped away another character into the inside of the medallion, lamenting for only themself and Jet to hear that no matter what style they wrote his name in, it was always ugly. At his amusement, they took a moment to consider him.

"I still get to swim."

He acknowledged them with little more than a vague concept of understanding. They thought the twitching, jolting feeling that made them want to shake out their hands was worry, perhaps.

"Not in the cold."

He hesitated.

"Or in storms," they amended.

The worry eased—not much—just enough for them to raise a brow. Jet settled after a moment—though haltingly—going quiet as they turned back to their chisel. It didn't take more than a few minutes for an apology to bubble up from him, though Arii couldn't put the proper words to it if they were paid.

It was only right that they replied in turn. "I'm sorry for worrying you."

Contract: Arii became a Tracer—for the most part—by curiosity, though there was a smidgen of threat involved due to ASC 564.

Talents: Not stabbing themself with knives (granted they aren't particularly good at stabbing other people with knives, either), thinking in high-stress environments, worming their way out of sticky situations. Arii is also a strong swimmer, though Jet's fear of water makes such difficult. Due to this, they're fairly good at ignoring fear responses.

Doping: Absolutely not. They have no idea what it could do to Jet.

-Arii's got a small collection of scars on their hands from slipping while carving. Most are faded, though there are a few fresh ones.
-When Jet becomes active, blue-purple veins appear along Arii's neck, back, ribs, and limbs (in that order), and their eyes change when Jet's fully taken over.
-Jet's only started using he/him pronouns more recently after taking Arii as a host, because Arii started talking to him and the interactions snowballed.
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