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Multiple Settings The Rejects (1 x 1 search of leftovers)


The Ashen One

Hey everyone !

Welcome in, I've decided to test something out, here and there we all pitch plots, pairings and ideas that don't make it all the way to an RP
So I thought why not make a thread of my ideas which weren't my partners cup of tea to see if it might get a chance with someone else.
Why not give them another chance before throwing them in the dumpster and setting them on fire never to be seen again ~

P.S. just trying to give the rejects a chance, no ill will toward those who weren't feeling them 💜

Now then, a couple details for you before shooting me a message professing your interest.
I'm in my early thirties so i personally only feel comfortable with 20 + RP partners ~
While i prefer Female mains and MxF i do enjoy adding side/supporting characters of all genders and sexualities.
Some things I'm hoping to try out more are doubling up and FxF roleplays
While i roleplay primarily here on RPN in messages i like using discord for plotting and will share mine once we reach a certain point.
I appreciate you sharing a sample with me as I think its a great way for both of us to see if we mesh up well and will enjoy writing.
If you think we mesh well but don't see a REJECT plot you like give me a poke and i can direct you to my other searches.
I'd say that's about it but if i missed something feel free to ask.
P.S. I will try to rotate out REJECTS as they happen , though honestly I'll be aiming for less rejects and more accepts 💜



Fake villain x Real Villain
Adventure themed childhood friends recovering from war. The idea is that He went to war and became what they king needed him to be a violent monster who didn't stop till the battle was over. While it helped to win the war and his fellow men thought him a hero when the battles ended people began to see things differently. The scars upon him told the stories of unbridled violence without mercy. He found doors slammed and windows shut with every town he passed through. The very people he'd protected wouldn't even look at him much less speak. In a last effort to feel as himself again he returned home. Only to receive the same, that was until he felt a hand touch his own. She'd come to tell him welcome home but upon realizing just how much the war still weighed on him she realized the two had a lot more in common than expected. As the war had waged she'd hid away from battle, when trouble found her she did whatever it took to survive, including the act of aiding the enemy. While everyone could see his crimes no one had ever spotted hers. They both needed redemption and she decided they would find it through efforts to prove they were truly good people who'd simply done the wrong things. After some convincing they were off on a journey about the kingdom doing odd jobs to restore his honor all whilst she might finally feel like a savior rather than a villain (( could use some work but i do think the overall idea is clear))


Warrior x Blacksmith
She had always seen potential in him, even since the day he stumbled into the shop begging for scraps made into armor for the contents of a bag that could fit into her palm. It hadn't been nearly enough to cover her work but she'd given it to him anyway admiring how determined he was to be a hero. Supporting someone with such spirit wasn't something she imagined would hurt her in the long run. But she had laughed when he insisted he'd send more work her way when his name was famed within the guilds. He's only joking she'd thought, but within the coming year two had appeared claiming she'd come recommended. The following it was twenty, until the third year where she struggled to find a customer on the books who hadn't been sent by her would be hero. Accept that now he had in fact become THE Hero of the kingdom. Having seen how grand he'd become the found herself inspired to attempt the same. Leaving behind the family workshop to light a forge of her own elsewhere. When the hero hears of this he insists on accompanying his friend till she finds her new home. All whilst sabotaging any selection because he begins to realize her place is on the road with him having adventures. What I'm hoping to mix into this plot is a bit of comedy romance as in he had initially chased fame to impress her and in the end it goes over her head and she's now thinking in order to stand a chance amongst all his fans she's got to impress him building a name for herself in a new place without his help.


K Idol x Foreign Bodyguard
The K Idol had quick rise to the top and didn't wise up to face the new influx of fans including the sasaeng that came with it. At first it was cute with little notes left in the mailbox, then it became creepy when he started to notice things from his dressing rooms getting sold online. But then it got dangerous when he could swear things from inside his home were disappearing. But he had a body guard and security so no one was actually going to get too close right ? well it turned out that guard was a Sasaeng who'd gone for the long con just so they could get nice and close to their obsession. They outed themselves when they'd left on the flash to take a picture of the idol sleeping. Thereafter the Idol was livid and insisted they might as well be better off going it alone than with a guard , but the agency insisted they shouldn't. The two met in the middle electing to bring on a foreign body guard who hadn't heard a single k pop song in their entire life. She of course didn't know what she was getting into before arriving to work the first day. Taking out a guy in a ski mask was one thing, but a scream girl at an autograph session was another. With this one I'm hoping for their to be an enemies to lovers type scenario involving culture clashes. I also think an arc of the body guard helping the start prep for their mandatory service might be interesting to play out via time skips.


The Dragon x The Princess
a dragon finds himself captured by a king and forced to do the kings bidding. Magically bound with a necklace to follow orders.
When he isn't flying about defending the kings claim to the throne he finds himself mistreated in his big iron cage.
Sometimes witnessing even the hounds receiving better treatment.
Over many years he grows grumpy and bitter toward those he sees plotting to escape and end the kings line.
For a little while he began to worry he'd never get the chance to fufill his plan as the food grew less and less as the king had won his wars and no longer needed him.
But then she appeared. A strange young woman who'd bring him food and ask for stories in exchange of what he'd seen beyond the royal city.
Her curiosity knew no limits, a mind nearly as bright as her smile.
He found himself rather fond of her and it was nearly enough to divert him from his plan to escape.
The day finally game when the necklace wore down and shattered freeing him from the kings control.
He waited for the right time listening to the guards talk of the kings festival set to take place in a fortnight
Upon the day he broke out and took flight toward the castle. Just in time to see the kings procession during the parade.
Descending he drew in breathe to let the king feel all the pain he'd suffered, but then he stopped.
There she stood with a crown upon her head, his savior was the daughter of his oppressor and now before her father with arms spread wide trying to protect him.
He hesitated worried what would happen if he slayed her father, but as the guards neared his mind was made up.
She would be better off without such an evil man in her life. swatting her aside with a whip of the tail he blew a great force of fire killing the king.

The ideas below are mainly for OC's id like to pair with other ocs or cannon from the universe

In season 2 there was a little mention of the united states via the featheringtons. I somewhat wanted to explore this more and somewhat mash the fandom up with a pocahontas feel.
This would be done via a female native American inheriting an estate in London. Hearing of the ton she's married into is one thing, but interacting with its members after claiming her late husbands estate is another.
While the guidance of her servants has gotten her somewhere outside of the season now that its in full swing she's shaky at best.
Having lost the connection to her own people by marrying an Englishman she's desperate to find her place in a world thats completely new to her.
Toto we're not in the frontier anymore ~


The idea came to me from a personal experience of my own as a tall gal who always stuck out in school especially after moving. The idea is that the school has exchange students coming in for the year. After struggling for a while to connect with people in her new home an idea hits her. Why not try using something familiar to get the ball rolling, back home in Brazil volleyball was her love, maybe there would be someone here in Japan whose got that same love for the sport .She initially tries to join the girls team so she has at but the size difference is noticeable and she finds more complaints than praise when she joins them during the summer training camp. Refusing to give up after she's pushed off the team she decides that if she can't kick it with the girls she just might be better of playing with the boys. Arriving to school when the semester begins she goes by a nickname , wears nothing but bulky sweaters and forces her voice a bit lower with hopes she'll pass just long enough to where they can look past everything that's wrong and see whats right .( p.s. may have realized this isn't all too different from sk8 infinity but oh well )

Demon Slayer

Another series I've seen some seasons of but haven't caught up with fully. Because of that I'm not sure if this would be an AU plot or more of a prequal setting. Feel free to give your input on the matter.
I'm wanting to toy around with the development of the nichirin swords. My lore idea is that at first demon slayer swords could barely scratch a demon and their only means for killing one was having the endurance and ability to combat them till the sun arrived.
The Ubuyashiki clan came to realize that while this method worked it wasn't sustainable, so they began to fund a small selection of black smiths in hopes of a break through.
As luck would have it, a father and daughter duo began to make head way as their blades could cut a demon deeper than anything that had seen before.
But misfortune was soon at hand as one of the wounded demons saw just enough to muzan to retaliate and remove the threat.
The father was killed but the daughter who'd trained alongside him survived, as the only one who knew the craft she was sure to be target again. A demon slayer was dispatched to retrieve her.
During their journey he has been tasked with convincing her to continue her efforts so that the demon slayers might finally obtain a sword strong enough to kill a demon and matched to their skill.

Bungo Stray Dogs
(Trigger Warning ~ Suicide)

Unlike the others this one would be oc x cannon featuring Dazai. I am not fully caught up with the series but fill in blanks using the wikia. None the less i think this concept could work.
So the idea is for a young woman to say yes and genuinely mean it when Dazai does the usual of requesting to commit dual suicide. As she had previously already been contemplating it.
Which catches him off guard but rather than simply accept he insists that she must first have a life worth living before its worth losing otherwise it just won't work.
While I'm aware the premise is rather dark i think we can have it be comedic as well between the two of them pulling one another back and forth between a preference between life and death.
All whilst working together at the Agency on mysteries and crimes. While this needs a little work i figured if someone is interested we can polish it up together.
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More coming soon, but in the mean time you're welcome to pitch me some of your reject plots if you don't see one of mine that appeals to you.
Can't guarantee i can make it happen but I'm happy to check it out.

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