despite despite despite
I have my character sheet for my oc ready, so use that as a example and a helper for how to do it! Have fun with this, and try and be as detailed as possible!
Gender Identity:
Astrological Sign:
- (insert image of your oc!)
please only use drawings, and not real life people as a reference! I suggest using the site picrew. It's an awesome doll maker website, with tons of character makers you can use, and it super fun, and easy to make your oc with the right one you want!) Or you can just describe them, I want you to do both, so a image and a description as well
- Height (invalid or valid based on height..)
- Body features (skin tone, hair, nose, eyes, etc)
- Details (piercings, tattoos, etc) -
- Clothing styles (hell yeah)
Personality: (I want to leave their personality in the air, so as the rp goes we can get to know them better! So this is just a fun simple get to know format.)
- Likes
- Dislikes
- Favorite vine
- Least favorite vine
- Do they like milk?
- Thoughts on chuck-e-cheese?
- What kind of phone do they have (choose very carefully)
Biography: (don’t have to go into detail just whatever you want to share)
- Where they grew up
- Do they speak any other languages?
- Family?
- Relationships?
- Something they regret doing in middle school..
Work: (can do more than one)
- Instruments they play:
- Are they a performer?
- Bartender?
- Bouncer?
Bounty hunter:
- Are they an apprentice, working just for the bar, operations management, undercover, law enforcement, or luring preparations?
- Skills / can they kick ass, use a weapon, know any fighting styles?
Gender Identity:
Astrological Sign:
- (insert image of your oc!)
please only use drawings, and not real life people as a reference! I suggest using the site picrew. It's an awesome doll maker website, with tons of character makers you can use, and it super fun, and easy to make your oc with the right one you want!) Or you can just describe them, I want you to do both, so a image and a description as well
- Height (invalid or valid based on height..)
- Body features (skin tone, hair, nose, eyes, etc)
- Details (piercings, tattoos, etc) -
- Clothing styles (hell yeah)
Personality: (I want to leave their personality in the air, so as the rp goes we can get to know them better! So this is just a fun simple get to know format.)
- Likes
- Dislikes
- Favorite vine
- Least favorite vine
- Do they like milk?
- Thoughts on chuck-e-cheese?
- What kind of phone do they have (choose very carefully)
Biography: (don’t have to go into detail just whatever you want to share)
- Where they grew up
- Do they speak any other languages?
- Family?
- Relationships?
- Something they regret doing in middle school..
Work: (can do more than one)
- Instruments they play:
- Are they a performer?
- Bartender?
- Bouncer?
Bounty hunter:
- Are they an apprentice, working just for the bar, operations management, undercover, law enforcement, or luring preparations?
- Skills / can they kick ass, use a weapon, know any fighting styles?