• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy ◀ The Recruiters | Characters ▶


New Member

The world is changing. 

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]⦅ Long gone are the days of the average joe climbing to the top of a company, not while the young and the bright have started to bring forward supernatural gifts. Whether it be a flashy power like fire breathing or an intellectual skill, companies have been founded to sort the talented into a successful career where they can tower above the rest. Because the edge on the competition bears inevitable fruit, groups of equally talented people are trained and hired to hunt down and recruit others into the ranks. Tempted with a fat paycheck and an opportunity to travel, said groups are given a quota and the necessary tools to gather recruits. They are trained for a year or two before being sent into the field with a small group of peers. To avoid making a scene, employees are encouraged to blend into the scene of a potential recruit by getting a job at the same place, moving in next door, attending the same school, or flat out stalking if the need presents itself. By doing so, they can also gain an edge or selling point to get somebody on board. From there, they can either send the recruit back to the company to fill a suitable job, or hit the ground running by joining the pack (which is the case for any of your characters). [/SIZE]


The initial group of three are detailed below, and any additional characters will be discovered by this group. This means it may take some time for your character to be discovered, but it gives a chance for each character to get the spotlight/development before I change the plot to a different objective.


Once you’ve been accepted, I’ll message you when I need your character’s intro. From there, I’ll use my character’s abilities to lead the rest to them. We’ll have a chance to have some fun while our characters assume roles and try to blend in until the sales pitch is made. This setup allows for an open world, so I definitely encourage you to have fun with the setting. Because your character intro reflects how the next ark will go, each member of the RP will have a chance to somewhat lead the plot. OOC would definitely be a useful tool in that if people feel inclined to discuss the plot.


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Overall, this RP is designed to give the vibe of an urban fantasy, infusing detective work/realistic grit with the fantasy of powers and relaxed fun.[/SIZE] [SIZE=13.333333333333332px]⦆[/SIZE]


The Ringleader- TAKEN BY @Houndstooth

[SIZE=14.6667px]This character is a charismatic, outgoing man that has a passion for aiding the interests of others. Ultimately calls the shots within the group. Before his abilities emerged and he was offered a fat paycheck as a recruiter, he worked as a counselor at a small clinic. The need to understand and resolve people’s emotional issues is still with him to this day. Because he seems to hold everyone’s best interests in mind, those who’ve known him long have learned to be weary that the fault never lies on him. He can get away with murder because he presents it as being done for someone else. Regardless, his intentions are usually good, and he’s well loved by those around him. He was gifted with a pair of wings, increased strength, and an infectious personality. Thinks of the Firestarter as a sister and babies her from time to time, occasionally struck by something resembling a romantic feeling. Has been known to get into arguments with the Seer because of their contrasting personalities. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px](Note: if people don't feel comfortable playing this character because it's somewhat of a lead role, I can always double up and play him as well.)[/SIZE]


The Third- TAKEN BY @Ironrot

[SIZE=14.6667px]A sharp and intelligent girl that acts as the muscle if the situation turns violent. She was fresh out of high school when she was recruited and is the currently the youngest of the group. She tends to be blunt with her friends, which has got her far as long as they maintain thick skin. She only means it well, even if the truth hurts. Despite her being the main fighter of the group, she’s proficient with words, and was planning on an english major before she found she could coax fire from her hands. (Ironrot's putting a twist on the abilities, so an updated description is on its way.) She’s aware of the ringleader’s feelings and tend to be weary as a result. She’s close with the Seer and smokes bowls with him on their days off. [/SIZE]


His character sheet, along with intro, is posted towards the end of this post. Reading it could give some context to the RP if you're interested.


These are just some ideas, if you have your own, feel free to message me or write a post explaining your idea.

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Beast-Tamer- A character that can control animals to fight for them. Could start with a large attack dog and build a small army of critters. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Technician- A character whose ability allows them to manipulate electronics. Would probably enjoy snooping in other people’s business.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Kleptomaniac- A character who excels in sleight of hand and can turn temporarily invisible. Potentially a criminal or troublemaker.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Telekinetic-  A character who can move things with their mind. [/SIZE]



Name:[SIZE=14.6667px] Ivan Read[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Age:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] 23[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Gender:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Male[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Seer- He can interpret signs, dreams, and visions to lead him to a desired outcome. In most cases, the outcome is discovering the location of a potential recruit. Ivan has to focus on an outcome that is specific enough to make the signs readable. If the focus is vague, so are the clues. If he was to meditate on how to score a load of cash for example, it would be doable but challenging due to the numerous paths/actions that would lead him there. He might see himself robbing a bank or landing a successful job, but the onslaught of images would be difficult to sort through. However, if he had an image or belonging from a lead on a new recruit, it would be a straightforward premonition. Being secluded from necessary sensory distractions aid the process.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]The younger of two brothers, he grew up in a rural area a few miles from the west coast. While his older brother Gareth succeeded in physical, practical tasks like hunting and fishing, Ivan was more of a creative mind. From a young age, he adored art and the whimsical side of things (the later of which he outgrew in his teens). This was all good and well until his later years of middle and high school, where he struggled with a sense of uselessness at the hands of disinterest/inefficiency at practical skills like math. Despite the blow to his confidence, he found a ring of friends in the other art minded students, reaching strides in his happiness through their support. Like most good things, this reached an end as drama within the friend group brewed, with love triangles and hormones wreaking the once perfect balance. Ivan found himself as a pawn in the group’s attempts to gain some revenge on their ex-friends, and by the end of his last year in high school, he felt like he was living out a cheap soap opera. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Feeling victimized and betrayed by the experience, he disappointed his parents by using his college fund and scholarships to move a few states over and attend an expensive art school. The blazing party scene was the perfect match with his negative view on his fellow human race, where he enjoyed drinking himself sick and making fleeting connections with strangers and never seeing them again. Regardless, things were going okay again, and Ivan sculpted, painted, and sketched his way to solid grades and light recognition from his professors. A tad off the rails, he was completely shoved off the tracks when he began having frighteningly strong dreams and premonitions. With an overwhelming amount of deja vu occurring and visions popping from ripples in fountains, he was afraid he’d fried his brain on drugs and sought a doctor. He’d heard of people developing abilities, but it had always been something fantastical like sprouting wings or breathing fire, so it never occurred to him that his problems stemmed from the same seed. Frustrated at the seemingly lame serving of luck, but relieved to have answer, he dropped the art school and joined a group of recruits. Within the year, he had been assigned to his own recruitment group and was sent on missions due to quick progress and a knack for finding potential candidates. He’s been with the current starting group for 2 years. Ivan stays in contact with his parents and keeps the illusion that he’s away at college, lying about assignments and finals. The same goes for his older brother, although Gareth makes less of an attempt to stay in touch. [/SIZE]




[SIZE=14.6667px]Ivan exhibits the traits of an introvert, as time alone makes him feel recharged, and he takes time to adjust to new people. Because of his past luck with friends, he hold a negative outlook on his peer’s intentions and avoids group politics if at all possible. He uses the buffer of being weird or faded as an excuse to avoid effort in making connections. Although it isn’t necessarily a conscious act, he uses it to keep himself from being embarrassed or hurt about how he actually feels or thinks. For longer standing friends, it’s equally a matter of Ivan letting down his guard and them seeing straight through his shifty barriers. Thus, he keeps a fairly normal relationship with those in the starting group. Similarly, it’s worse for new people because Ivan doesn’t know how to present himself. He often suffers from a sense of disassociation, giving him a sense of watching everything through a TV, or that he forgets he actually exists as a physical person. For this reason, he feels like he’s a different person depending on the hour or mood, although this rarely shows from the outside.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Ivan tends to be more vague about his premonitions than he needs to be because he feel vulnerable about the nature of his power, that he doesn’t have any fighting capabilities. He can take the vagueness of his ability for granted in a power play of not explaining if his want for something is part of the premonition or just something he simply wants. If he wanted thai food, the rest of the group would have to weigh whether giving him what he wants would lead to a new recruit or just satisfy his craving for noodles. His traits aren’t entirely negative however, because he does love his fellow group members and cares for them despite the headache he can cause. He can also up the professionalism if it’s truly called for, tying down to be quiet and polite (as possible) on first meeting with a new recruit. After all, there was a reason he was given the job. Romantically, he isn’t concerned with dating as long as he’s sober, but he’s been known to fool around with anyone with a heartbeat after a few drinks. Despite this, if he were to date a group member, his preference would lean towards men. He rarely makes a point of telling people this because he doesn’t view it as a big deal. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]His possessions are fairly minimal, with an armful of clothes and a collection of crystals and runes making up the majority of what he owns. He loves the smell of peppermint, the stronger the better, and been known to keep peppermint oil on hand. Ivan favors jazz and ambient music to abrasive rock and has always been a morning person, often awake first and catching a few moments to himself before the day begins. [/SIZE]



(Note: I wrote as the other two initial characters to give an example. I won't normally do this, so don't worry if you're playing one of the two.)

Ivan rested lazily on the open back of a truck him and his merry band had rented the night before. He could catch the faint rumble of voices from the truck’s interior, lapsing in and out of comfortable silence. The years spent training tied them close, made them a team. It had reached the point where he rarely noticed their physical appearance and instead felt them as people. Every small cue and expression felt like sinking into an old leather chair, soothing and familiar. This was aided by the parasitic and competitive nature of the company they’d stemmed from, making heaps of cash but viewing their special employees as metaphorical milking cows. He was no different, but the free meals, housing, and extra expenses kept his mouth shut.

The frigid Alaskan waters lapped innocently on the other side of the freeway, the truck idling on a turnaround that continued on to become a quaint hiking trail. His breath fogged the air and ghosted across his vision as he surveyed the lush pines and fireweed that framed the trailhead. Flooded with peace, the dry and frozen air only added to the ambience as he tucked his hat further over his ears. They were kept to some semblance of a dress code (professional yet approachable) but factors like weather provided a convenient loophole. Aside from the woolen hat, he donned a well crafted parka coat with a fur lined hood with a dressy buttoned shirt beneath. Watching the waves, the ebbing patterns and contrasting light play made him feel vaguely ill as he subconsciously tapped into whether there was a message behind it all. It was easy enough for the human brain to tell itself stories about everything, even more so when the cracks in the sidewalk could have a meaning from his ability. He felt he lost hours at a time on off days, submerged in watching the way objects layered and textured, creating planes of geometry and symbolization. He was quick to build anxiety if he couldn’t sync with reality, but not in calm moments like these.

The previous day, they’d made a successful yet somehow disappointing recruit. A young girl working as a receptionist for a veterinary clinic proved to have superior memory, overall good but not exciting. The higher ups will love her, someone to manage a company and keep ends tied up. He felt like he’d just unknowingly sentenced her to a life of laboring in an office, one without the added bonus of working with animals. They had the option, when they found someone, to either send them back to the nearest headquarters for practical career training, or immediately begin learning by being adopted into the recruitment team. The later had yet to happen.

Sliding off the bed of the truck and hitching the back into place, he veered for the passenger side, giving a quick knock on the window before opening the door. Ivan was blasted by soggy warmth and the lint-y scent of old gloves as he leaned inside, waiting for (Third) to slide out of the seat so he could flip it forward and claim the back row.

“You get anything out there?” (Ringleader) asked in indication to Ivan’s waking acid trips, resting his chin on a relaxed hand as he peered backwards.

“No. Why?” he slighted, slipping off his hat, “you eager to ship off to the next place already? It’s not like we’re getting a board slapped with gold stars for working twice as much as we need. Or a raise for that matter.” He laughed, knowing they’d complained enough to be over the whole thing. Objecting was more like a motion they went through because it felt right, not that he was bitter at this point.

“I guess I am eager, but you can’t blame me after our last run-in. Who gets to say they get to document superpowers on the daily? I’m just itching to find something cool- something groundbreaking, y’know?” (Ringleader)’s voice grew charismatically while his posture remained relaxed, highlighting why his charming personality was selected to be the front man. “There’s no point in leaving until we have a lead, but keep an eye out. Not that you’re not already.” He offered, jutting the car into reverse.

“Mhhmm” Ivan agreed dismissively, watching (Third) roughly comb her hair with her fingers, her sharp features silhouetted by the pale dusk outside.  

“Either way,” (Third) commented with sigh, “tonight we need to hit up a grocery, or better still something premade. For the time being we need some food and some sleep, and we can decide what we want to do tomorrow.” (Ringleader) gave a quiet finger snap and a point in her direction to indicate his agreement, and pulled into the lane winding back into town.


After a blur of fast food (Ivan had a fuzzy period where he couldn’t remember what he ordered), he burritoed into bed, the sting of cold water from the sink fading on his face. (Ringleader) had taken the couch, ever the one to sacrifice for the team, and (Third) slept comfortably on the adjacent bed. It wasn’t, however, her faint snores that kept him awake. Rather, it was the nauseous sensation that was building behind his eyes. It felt as if he’d taken six shots of tequila on an empty stomach and finished it off with a truck to the face. Anticipating the imminent visionary dream, he curled on his side and focused on breathing until sleep crept over him.




From here, Ivan will have a vision of the first character to be discovered. I'll assign each character a number and use a random number generator to make sure everything's fair. I'll message you if your character is the next in line and you can get an intro posted at your leisure. Message me any questions you might have, I'd be happy to answer them.


@Cruor Flumine @xxlifexx @Sir Mayday @Ironrot @Demon

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Name: Marcus Stera

Age: 22

Gender: Male


Sneak Theif

Marcus's kleptomania materializes itself into his ability. On command, his very existence seems to fade from the world as he disappears from sight. Without a sound, he can easily move through crowded areas or empty ones too. Locks and pockets are no longer a problem with his feather touch. He can easily sense where the tumblers are in locks and pickpocket others with extreme ease. Small items left unattended may seem to disappear when he's around, thanks to his constant need to steal. But that's not to say he wont return it if he's friends with the person that the item belongs to just as easily as he took it.



Born an only child to a single mother struggling to keep up with both rent and her child, Marcus had a bit of a rough childhood. She did manage to get a job a big company and begin to make a greater income, but it was at the cost of leaving her child home alone for most of the time. He always knew he was never noticeable, and he was happy for that. However, this became more prevalent during his high school years. He had few friends during that time, most of which have already gone off and forgotten about him. Late into his high school years, he took to stealing, and that's when he powers became known to him. He had come, in time, to find a reliable fence to sell the goods he stole to. This money, sometimes reaching rather high prices, went half into the rent and half into his own savings. After he graduated, barely at that, he found that he had a good deal of cash saved up and stuffed under his bed. His mother knew about this amount, and when asked about it, he said he got a part-time job in the city. Naturally, she believed him. Even after getting a decent sized flat of his own did he continue to live his life stealing what he could. He even had a good alibi of working a part-time job, which he actually did end up getting to make it concrete.



There are many words to describe Marcus. Kind, laid back, even cheeky has been used at one point. He love's to pull harmless pranks from time to time just to get a kick. Whether it be nabbing a friends cell phone from right under their nose to tying their shoelaces together when their not looking, he's always there to provide a bit of comic relief when needed. When he's not pulling pranks or messing with others, he can normally be found reading a book or writing stories of any kind. He never really cared to get anything published, he just writes because he enjoys it.


Intro: (Eh, it's 4:30 in the morning, I'll get it done tomorrow XD)

Mr Shortcut






Name: Lucca 


Nickname: Luke, Lucas,  lover boy, Awesome sauce…. (Whatever you prefer)


Gender: Male


Age: 25


Race: Italian 


Sexuality: Pansexual


Ability: Teleportaion is what makes him Mr Shortcut. It allows him to move from one place to the other without occupying the space in between. Destination wise he is capable of moving from place to place as long as he sees where he’s going, if not, then he must of at least been there once or have some sort of full view[SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]image of it if he is to apparate there. When taking objects or people along with him it may affect his energy level, the larger the amount, the more energy lost. Though that said, on his own he is completely fine, and uses this to his advantage, teleportation providing him with agility to throw swift blows in a fight and much more easily avoiding some attacks. 



Appearance: Lucca has tanned olive skin, formed from the scorching sun during his outdoor activities and his family origin. The guys stands at a height of 6’3”, his body is upon average, not to bulky and not to skinny, though still built with a muscular frame and a strong jaw. Eyes are a warm chocolate that swirl with fearlessness, tattoos displayed here and there upon his body, and a single hoop earring on his right ear. A trimmed mustache and beard lays upon his face while dark brown locks naturally curled fall gorgeously just below his shoulder, often messily put in a bun or placed under a hat or a cozy beanie. Since no longer living in his home country his Italian accent is no longer present, though it will come up here and there as he is still capable of speaking his native language; but of course always owning that deep musky scent and his unforgettable smile.



Personality: With this guy it’s smiles all around, a wide eye toothy grin from ear to ear, that comes with a contagious and infectious laugh that spreads like wild fire; his colorful yet cheeky soul shines through and his unpredictability makes him all the more intriguing. Earning the name lover boy he clearly is quite the flirt, acting playful towards anyone and everyone that he comes across. He’s a true party animal, leaving no one bored on the dance floor creating a fun and upbeat atmosphere for everyone in the club. With this also comes his need for excitement, and the urge to take the risk and earn the reward, rule breaking is not uncommon with him, his devious nature coming into play when taking risks and often jumping the gun when he fails to see the bigger picture. Thankfully Lucca has never committed any major crime, but has never shied away from the opportunity to let out his inner recklessness. The man has been in a ton of relationships over the years, but is still on the lookout for that one special person. And while a partner in crime would be his ideal, someone who preferred a much more intimate relationship is all the more welcomed, as long as they enjoy the adventure, the journey, the excitement along with him.



History: As a young child Lucca was always poking his nose where it didn’t belong, curiosity getting the better of him in many situations, and filling him with mischief. For there was a time where he did not matter as much as the rest of his other eight siblings, while the mass number of kids in the house had made him a very sociable person and easily good when it came to starting conversations or doing group work, he found that little attention was brought his way. With his parents both working all day, and only his eldest sister watching over seven kids, a two year old baby included, it gave him quite a lot of time to explore the neighborhood and venture out. This was often done with his childhood friend Karen, the two were friends for life, and together they went out and investigated the world around them like any kids would.

Of course this came with its risks, as construction sites, abandon buildings and even neighborhood houses weren’t always open to having kids peeking around. Soon the two were on the edge of getting into trouble, and on one night out when the two had decided to hide in a shed from construction workers, Lucca had wished he and Karen were back home and in his room. And just like that it happened.


From then on it was Lucca and Karen’s secret as they went on into their teens and soon adult life. The two to remaining best friends, a brother and sister like relationship that they forever had.


  For now Karen and him both worked at a night club, serving drinks and partying, nothing could make him happier, as the night life exposing him to more and more people that he’s become close friends with over the years, not too worried about what the future could hold.


Intro: WIP

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Spencer Elizabeth Darcy











Spencer stands at about 5'6 . Her fair skin is covered with freckles that she honestly hates. She has emerald green eyes which she inherited from her mother.  She has natural red hair which surprisingly  her mother and father doesn't have since it skipped a generation on her father's side. She currently has no tattoos on her body due to the fact that she is afraid of needles. 





the ability to manipulate matters with her mind. She currently thrives to figure out what her true potentials are. When she uses to much of her energy it may cause her to faint. Her powers also depends on her emotions at the time and can be weakened by fear and stress.







Eidetic memory


meaning that she can remember an exceedingly large amount of information with extraordinary detail. This, however, only definitely applies to information gathered visually (especially things she's read, as implied with the word eidetic). Her ability to retain auditory information, however, has been rather inconsistent but has been able to perfectly recite speech she hears, even when it was in a completely different language of which she didn't speak a word of.

Deductive reasoning


Also learned from her father and textbooks of socialogy that she reads for entertainment. Upon meeting a person, she will often "scan" them, using elements of their appearance to arrive at astonishingly accurate conclusions about their past or personality. However, Spencer is not infallible, as she admits "there is always something" that she misses or misinterprets.


Close Quarters combat

Through years of experience (and likely a few close calls), she became a decent opponent at hand-to-hand CQC (close-quarters-combat) and, on more than one occasion, she was able to out-maneuver and defeat other experienced combatants. Most compare her fighting skills to a dance since she is graceful yet assertive all at once.


Spencer did not have the traditional family setting. Her mother was a medical doctor for the military whilst her father was a detective. Since she was young, her father tried to teach her the ways of law enforcement , in hopes that she would turn out a 'honorable' officer like him. during childhood and early teenhood, Spencer developed an adeptness and a fondness for police work. However, in her late teens,  she began hating her father, and consequently lost interest in becoming part of the police force since she did not want to follow her father's footsteps. Decided to pursue another passion which at the time was dance. Due to her mother's career, she would move frequently. Never having long lasting friends or a place to truly call home.

During school she would constantly get into fights to show off the new skills she learned either from her father or things she learned from TV. She had her fair share of wins and losses however she always succeeded into coercing her principle into giving her clemency for her actions. Outside of that she would always participate with the wrong crowd in an effort to find herself. 

Though she was a troubled youth, she was a very bright student. Graduating as Valedictorian in her class yet she never took the curriculum as a challenge nor wanted to be confined to it for a few more years. So she ventured off to explore on her own.

 After high school,  she had over 30 jobs, one of which included working in a candy store, and driving a weinermobile (claiming that she did it for the hot dogs.). She often took jobs just because they were fun, and then once she lost interest, she would quit, if she didn't lose her job first. However, Spencer often used her deduction to call in tips to the police anonymously for quick cash. 

Suddenly something strange started to happen. Things began to move, she focused hard enough. She didn't know if it was a mere coincidence  or if it was something more.  She keeps this matter to herself and is currently taking up a job as a waitress at a retro diner.

 Spencer is extremely brave, resourceful and practical. People in general fascinate her (Especially how idiotic they are); she enjoys connecting with people on a personal level and is quite extroverted. One quality that Spencer lacks entirely is tact, she often doesn't notice when her accurate deductions about other people's personal lives offend them. Her mind is very analytical, and she uses it to critique everything from work to relationships to food. 


 Perhaps Spencer's most noticeable trait is her proneness to boredom. She is constantly agitated by the lack of work, describing peace and quiet as "hateful". She will go to extreme lengths to keep herself occupied, and even turning to drugs in more extreme situations. Spencer has a major manipulative streak and will often take advantage of people in order to get her way. (Someone I don't know who), on the other hand, is sometimes subject to her many experiments. Spencer is also very sarcastic and has an erratic sense of humour.She is known to have very bad eating habits. She is often enjoying greasy, fattening, or otherwise unhealthy food, dismisses salads as "rabbit food".


she is always carrying a book, or multiple

Snorts when she  laughs too long.


Hums when she eats because she hates the sound of chewing.

regularly looks up at the sky, sun, or moon








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Still something of a work in progress. I'll finalize it before we start.







Vivian Teller, 20, Female


Ability - Gravity Manipulation

Vi can manipulate gravity at discrete points. This allows her to create and manipulate black, or white holes. She can control and power either phenomena within one foot of herself, moving, enlarging or collapsing them. Once outside this range she cannot affect them. White holes repel all mass from their centre. Over time they will slowly dissipate. They can be used to push objects, but doing so is difficult, like trying to push one magnet but using the like end of another. Black holes attract all mass to their centre. The more dangerous of the two, they build over time, growing larger.
Vi is not exempt from the effects of these. Thus, she can only allow them to be so strong while she is manipulating them. During combat, she often uses her power in brief pulses to emphasis her attacks. In more extreme circumstances she can use one of each phenomena to protect herself from a sustained effect, or even more so she can throw one away from herself. Her primary limitation here is that if she cannot reach a phenomena, she cannot control it and she cannot close it.

Personality (WIP)

Vivian is making up for spending her last 19 years as a meek bookworm. Not to say that she does not still read, but a recent influx of confidence has left her loud and boisterous. She speaks her mind, occasionally more than she should. Vivian is not technically smart, but she is exceedingly well read and has dabbled in philosophy. She likes any opportunity to show off her power and the strength it brings, and does not react well to being beaten.

History (WIP)

A few years ago, Vivian had trouble with motivation. Studies were hard, math was boring. An overly supportive family did little to help. She threw her self into what she enjoyed, predominantly reading and writing. Vivian began to become withdrawn and literature shifted from a hobby to an escape. She dove into all kinds; Fiction, epics, philosophy. Through her senior years, Vivian did little to maintain her relationships and had few friends and her grades dropped in anything that did not fit her interests.

She graduated, barely. Unsure of where to go next, Vivian was likely to spend her life behind a desk, screening calls. Luckily it was around this time that she developed her powers. Vivan started experimenting. At first it was blowing around the curtains and amusing herself by vacuuming the carpet. When she made the local news by opening a blackhole in her backyard three houses on her street changed family in the first week. People started offering her jobs. 'Come be a lab assistant.' 'Come work for our research team'. At the least, they thought her power was interesting, worth more than just physical labor. 

Vivian found her true calling when one recruiter became particularly pushy, grabbing her arm and pulling trying to pull her into a car to 'discuss her future'. Vivian threw him twelve feet through the air. The quiet girl had not stood up to someone like that before. She had spent years at highschool being teased and bullied and it felt good to relieve the chip on her shoulder. She called William Lockwood, the only recruiter to offer her a field position, that night. 
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Name: William Lockwood


Birthday: November 2nd


Starsign: Scorpio


Age: 26


Gender: Male



William can achieve flight thanks to the pair of powerful wings sprouting from his back. When fully extended, his wingspan is an impressive 15 feet. Due to the strength needed to carry his weight aloft for prolonged periods of time, the muscles in his wings are strong enough to knock people back or break bone if necessary. The skeletal flexibility of his wings is sufficient enough that he can fold his wings down against his torso and legs enough that they would create minimal bulging under clothing. 

Avian Physiology

Besides the wings jutting out of his back, Will shares a few other traits with birds of prey. To help keep him light enough to sustain flight, his bones are actually hollow and his metabolism is specially adapted to process incoming food more efficiently. This maintains his size and weight and means he has a low body fat percentage. His vision has improved drastically since the activation of his power, allowing him to pick out movement from long distances.

Aerial Adaptation

In order to achieve and maintain flight, Will has a greater proportion of muscle strength to mass than normal. As a result of this, Will possesses enhanced strength, endurance, agility, and flexibility. His eyes and lungs have specially adapted to operate against high velocity winds and his body is resistant to the cold, allowing him to handle reduced temperatures at high altitudes


Obviously, the pair of wings sprouting from William’s back are typically the first thing people are going to notice about him. His wings span 15 feet from tip to tip when fully extended with feathers that are a muddy mix of brown and red earth tones. He typically keeps his wings tucked in against his torso so as not to inadvertently knock someone over. In terms of height, Will stands at an average five foot eight while barefoot and carries himself with a relaxed posture. His skin bears a light tan from his constant exposure to the sun while traveling and is relatively blemish free as Will takes great pride in his appearance and exfoliates often. His hair is a deep chocolate brown and is kept short enough that he doesn’t have to worry about combing it or using any product. His eyes are a dark amber and when paired with his characteristic easy grin, give his features a warm and welcoming expression. Will’s face is oval shaped with a strong jawline, thick eyebrows and a roman nose. His physical mutations keep his body toned and compact enough not to create any unnecessary drag in flight. 

History: Born the only child to a upper middle class family in New England, Will was raised with every advantage at his disposal. HIs parents were caring if strict, they could afford to keep him fed, clothed, and educated and preferred to fund their son’s needs and wants themselves rather than risk his grades suffering from a part time job. As a result, Will did very well in school, having a large circle of friends and being on friendly terms with just about everyone else. He steered clear of the substance abuse scene, sticking to just a few drinks at parties and typically just making sure no one hurt themselves or others. His desire to help people and keep them safe eventually turned into an interest for social work and he set about mapping his life along those lines, applying to the appropriate schools and volunteering on the weekends. 

Transitioning into college was an easy adjustment for Will, his charismatic personality made him fast friends with his dorm mates and peers. He was a diligent student and greatly enjoyed his psychology and sociology classes, developing the rather irritating habit of psychoanalyzing his friends. This period in his life is filled with happy memories and he still keeps in contact with several of his old classmates. Eventually, he made it through to graduation, leaving campus with degree in hand and a few letters of recommendation from his professors. 

William ended up working at a small clinic in Boston as a counselor, specializing in helping troubled teens who had a habit of running away, substance abuse, getting into fights, or just general problems with authority. The pay was terrible, the hours were unforgiving, and more than one member of his groups took a swing at him but Will loved his job. He was happy to able to make a difference in someone’s life and took great pride in checking in on former clients and finding them leading productive lives. 

Of course, this was all before Will started growing wings. It started out as a dull ache in his back, a constant knot of tension nagging at him from between his shoulder blades. He didn’t think much of it at first, attributing it to stress or a pulled muscle. It wasn’t until he felt lumps on his back that he took the matter seriously and rushed himself to a doctor. It took them a few weeks to diagnose Will, superpowers not being the sort of thing you can typically test for. They informed him that what was happening wasn’t any cause for alarm, but given the nature of his troubles, they really had no idea what was going to happen from there on out, just that he was ‘transitioning’. It took just under six months for Will’s wings to grow in fully, during which he was unable to work from the agony of his body changing and the unsightly stumps of unformed wings jutting from his back leaving him too self conscious to be seen in public. He ended up moving back in with his parents during this time, riding out the worst of the pain with the drugs his doctor’s had prescribed. 

The experience left Will shaken, feeling like a stranger in his own body. He was prone to knocking into people and things with his wings and would fall over frequently, unaccustomed to the additional weight of his wings throwing him off balance. Worst of all was the stares that people had begun to give him, strangers on the street staring at him out of curiosity or fear. Suddenly, he was the center of attention for all the wrong reasons. Truthfully, Will may have become a recluse entirely at this point had it not been for a particularly dogged recruiter who convinced him his skills were still relevant and that his life was not over. 

Surrounded by other people with abilities, many of whom had had it much worse than he had was enough to restore Will to his former self. His confidence grew and he quickly built up a reputation for being an effective asset in the field with a strong mind for leadership. After about a year in the field, he was approached by the Company and they made him the offer to become team leader of his own band of Recruiters. 


If you’ll pardon the pun, William is a bit of a mother hen. He holds the safety and wellbeing of his team and the people they recruit above all else. He genuinely cares about everyone’s problems, no matter how small or how large and will do anything in his power to resolve them. He considers his teammates to be the siblings he never had growing up, having fallen into an easy rhythm with the two them. He has a tendency to give into the whims of (Third) so long as it doesn’t detract from their mission and while he bickers considerably with Ivan, he’s arguably the one Will frets over the most. With his teammates at his side, Will is able to maintain the appearance of cool confidence, as if he simply doesn’t have to worry about anything because the world will fall in line behind them. 

Will enjoys being in control of situations and doesn’t like surprises, he is an effective leader because he leaves little to chance and thinks all blame for any problems that arise land squarely on his shoulders. His training as a social worker has left him an understanding of people and how to handle them. He’s a master of the guilt trip and knows how to steer a conversation to get the answers he wants. 


William easily wins the title of most luggage within the group, always traveling with at least two suitcases of clothing. To be fair, this is mostly due to the fact that Will’s shirts need to be specially tailored to accommodate his wings and he can’t exactly pop into the local mall if his clothes get ruined. 

Hates the nicknames ‘Bill’ and ‘Billy’ and will not respond to them. 


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