The Reclamation


God of Storytellers
In what is probably a stupendously stupid move, I am considering running an Infernal/Akuma game. Based on, of course, everyone's new favorite book.

This will, most likely, stretch me beyond all bounds of sanity considering I'm STing two other games on myth-weavers, but hey, who likes a sane Storyteller anyways?

The problem is, of course, that there are only 50 Infernal Exaltations, and the presence of four or five of the Green Sun Princes means major, major power movements.

Therefore, I am thinking of that each will make an Infernal and an Akuma, and only one will be playable at a time. Experience will be tracked separately, and over time XP will be awarded to the parts of the group that aren't currently being run.

Akuma will be created with the Urge of 'Serve the Althing Infernal as I am commanded.' This has come about as the Yozi realize that their freewilled Infernals need a larger support structure, and thus newly Invested akuma are being given a very open ended Urges that give the Infernal Exalted a powerful set of servants.

And gives wiggleroom to give the Akuma some freewill.

Thoughts? Interest?

Oh dear.

The sheer joy of playing either a Defiler or Lunar Akuma would indeed be succulent.
May I recommend having an Infernal and an Akuma pc being made by each player, so as to hav them be swappable when said Infernal is not on a mission.
That's a very good idea, thank Haku.

To make a point in the fact that people will have two characters. No group sent out to do the will of the Yozi will ever have more than three Infernals in it.

Which means at least two people will be playing their akuma. If, at the end of a story, an akuma player wants to play his Infernal in the next story, he is garunteed a slot, unless there were more than three akuma players in the last story.

There must be at least one Infernal player per story.

PCs who are 'stabled' so to speak will gain XP equal to the amount of time they languish per the rules, or 2/3 of the XP gained by the active PCs. Whichever is higher.
I can provide Infernals to all. Just contact me via AIM.

I'm...somewhat interested. I'm not sure how much I like Infernals. On one hand, they're awesome. On the other hand, it takes really clever construction to make them viable, and I'm not a clever character-builder. As far as Akuma, well, that always seemed silly to me. Why spend time building up Infernal powers when you have Exalted power? Mortal and DB Akuma make sense, but anything else is odd to me. But I guess a DB Akuma would work. The access to the same Charms would really prevent much of a power imbalance.
A lunar akuma to gain access to the Solar circle of Sorcery.

A solar because he believes the Yozi are the true rulers of creation, or because he needed the power to attain a goal, yet now is still under the will of the Yozi.

Definitely interested. I'll be putting in a Fiend, as well as some sort of Sidereal for my Akuma.

Looking forward to this so very, very much.

Edit: Just as a note, how much "wiggle-room" is there for the Akuma? I enjoy the idea and all, but playing an automaton might get rather frustrating.
Been browsing the various Artifacts and Charms pretty much at random... Is it just me, or is the Green Iron Heart incredibly good? I mean... +4 Strength and Stamina? Seriously?
+4 Stamina doesn't do terribly much unless you're a Lunar, and +4 Strength is tolerable. If it added that much to Dexterity, it'd be too much.
If you play a Sidereal akuma, you are known to be an akuma with the Five Score Fellowship.

And they will want their exaltation back.

Just FYI, WhiteKnight.
They can come down to Malfeas and try 8)

I enjoy a challenge, though, and Sidereals are the one exalted type I've always wanted to try but never gotten the opportunity. So let's see if I can make something interesting that will be able to survive getting jumped by Sidereal Masters.

I'm working on the Fiend first, then I'll get down to the Akuma. I'm going for a seductive, manipulative Fiend. I'm putting a thread up in the Phylactery, and I'll post a link once it's done.

Edit: I've heard that Sidereal Martial Arts are really, really good, and I get the feeling this might be a pretty potent combo. But I'm not really all that familiar with Exalted, so I probably wouldn't be able to Min-Max even if I were so inclined. Just a note.
I'm thinking a Lunar Akuma who was chosen to be a Full Moon and is convinced that he should've been a No-Moon...thus, She Who Lives in Her Name.

...And then either a Malfean or Cecylnian GSP.
Please do not put character sheets in the womb until you've been approved for the game.

Drop them in the character creation thread instead.

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