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Fantasy The Reclaiming: Rebooted


Certfied Dog Petter

Signature Saying:

Full Name:



Astrological Sign:

(Add a description below please if it is a picture.)

Short History: (Two to Three Paragraphs)

Personality: (Three to Five Traits)

Flaws: (At least Two)

Likes: (At least Five)

Dislikes: (At least Five)

Powers/Abilities: (One strong, One Weak)

Species: (Optional)

Bounty Reward: (Optional: Please make a WANTED HEADLINE at the top of you're character sheet if there is a bounty on yours. Thank you!)

Extra Information:


The Characters Sheets are up! Once I get the locations tab approved, I will be working on that. Then the RP will begin!
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"No one rides a centaur"

Full name: tyrtyr Mallo

Nickname: Tyr

Age: 35

Astrological sign: Capricious

Appearance: Lower half built like a beautifully blended draft horse and quarter horse. His upper half is about the size of a tall human counter part, except for pointed ears. Has shoulder length hair held back by a leather cord. Decently muscled.

History: Centaurs are a nomadic people, ranging from the planes and into the woods to some extent. They are also a rather proud race, their noble bearing showing what they think of themselves. Tyr was no different.

As a foal, he was forced to stay with the herd, never leaving its safety. Yet, always, he would stare after the hunters and warriors that left to protect and feed the herd. Always, he wanted to be like them. To go out and be strong. So, he trained.

Until he came of age, he trained. Practicing with the bow, sword, even the lance. Always he either pushed himself or was pushed to greater things. While he was training, elders would speak of heros in legends. Exposing him to true perfection in their actions, subtly saying he could be like them some day.

Then, finally, the day came where he was to prove himself. Most chose to race, others to hunt wolves or the biggest buck. But not Tyr. He pledged to take down a fully grown male dire bear. Like most would expect, it is an extremely large bear, with a short temper. And he brought one back. Bristiling with arrows, and quiver empty, Tyr said ge resorted to strangeling the beast to finally kill it. Of course he said the bear was already half weak from blood loss, but that did not matter. He was now a man, and allowed to let his hair grow out and held back to show he was a man.

Yet shortly after, Tyr ran into some trouble with the cheiftan over his daughter. Badda bing badda boom, he was ejected from the herd.

Personality: Putting it simple, overly proud of what he is. Strong willed, or stubborn. Is extremely loyal after you have earned it. Demands respect and will return it in kind.

Flaws: Overly proud. Head strong. Spiteful of how his cheiftan ejected him from the herd, which reflects sometimes into his speech and action.

Like: His bow & two swords and his weapons in general (spear, lance, club. He is essentially a walking armory). Other centaurs. Himself to be honest.

Dislike: Other races that think so highly of themselves. Being treated like a beast of burden.

Power/Abilities: Well, he's part horse, so there is that. Also good with bow and arrow, amazingly accurate even while moving. Above average in his sword skills.

Species: Centaur

Bounty: None.

Other: Heterosexual. Just in case.
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"I forgot innocence when I learned my own sister tried to kill me." -Lithe Tila Alexandrosa

Full Name: Lithe Tila Alexandrosa

Nickname: Lithe

Age: 19

Astrological Sign: Virgo


Lithe was born with teal colored hair, and green eyes. She has ivory skin, there her birthmark is on the back of her palm. She is 5'2, and weighs a 135 lbs, she has a few beauty marks, but in places that are always covered up.

She prefers easier moving clothes, and hates complicated dresses that are for her formal wear. She wears a silvery armor, but it is quite easy to move around in. She wears trousers, which is quite nontraditional in her society that is full of formal women. While she is in her formal wear, her hair is normally pinned back with a long train for a gown. When it is her normal wear, she wears a tunic, work boots, and a satchel.

Short History:
(Two to Three Paragraphs)

Lithe was born to a Royal lineage, one that lead from thousands of years. Her Royal lineage is traced back to Ireka, the central Kingdom, where she is the youngest daughter of The Sovereign. She was born to a Mother, one that had died when Lithe was young. Believing her sisters are more fit as they are the eldest for the throne. The Sovereign had neglected his daughers, as for what he would be the best for his Kingdom's peace. Lithe was thrown to the side, but was raised by the Staff, and her Grandmere, the previous Sovereign. Her Grandmere raised her in the finest arts, and teaching her appropriate literature. Lithe believed that she was the inferior sister, for being told her life that she would never claim the throne. Grandmere believed that the girl would become the Sovereign of Ireka, because of how unorthodox she was to the rules of Ireka. Lithe then lived in peace as she learned with her Grandmere. Grandmere although had spoken to the Sovereign. Informing of her choice who would inherit the throne, as it was tradition for the Grandparent to decide. She chose Lithe, as she had a soft love for her Kingdom. Her Eldest sister, Ophelia, had overheard and began to dabble in the Dark Arts. At the Winter Solstice, it was to be announced who would become the next Sovereign.

Lithe was waiting patiently as they were about to announce who would become Sovereign of Ireka. Her other sister, Nevra, was then tricked into deception of being sick, for her food was poisoned and fell into a deep sleep. The ball had begun, and Lithe was about to announced as the Sovereign, it was when Demons were summoned and began to destroy the Palace. Many of the threats to the Throne were then murdered, as Lithe escaped the disaster. She found out that her own sister had plotted to murder her. Lithe watched as Ophelia began to play as if she wasn't involved, and resumed the throne as her sisters were no longer there to steal their rightful place. Lithe escaped to the cities, and began trying to plot to reclaim her throne.

Lithe is now wanted as a criminal by the Royal Guards, to bring her back to Ophelia and be eliminated. Lithe is preparing to reclaim the Kingdom, save Minevra, and defeat Ophelia. Ophelia has claimed control and is growing power hungry every minute. Not a soul in the Kingdoms know that Lithe is alive, as she plans to make her comeback. Lithe knows that the only ones that could save her is the building Rebellion against Ophelia's rule, and with the help of the Kingdoms of Tai-Ming and Sinari, while perhaps making a few allies.

(Three to Five Traits)













Flaws: (At least Two)

-Hot tempered

-Believes that she has to do this alone.


Likes: (At least Five)

-The smell of Lavender

-Fixing others hair


-The smell of sweets

-The sound of Birds

Dislikes: (At least Five)

-Being buried in bugs

-Being treated like a Child

-Formal wear

-Nosey people


Powers/Abilities: (One strong, One Weak)

Lithe knows how to fight with two swords, training herself in the Art, along with a few healing tactics.

Species: Human

Bounty Reward: 1,000,000 gold coins.

Extra Information:


-Used to sneak out from the Palace
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Beowulf said:
"No one rides a centaur"
Full name: tyrtyr Mallo

Nickname: Tyr

Age: 35

Astrological sign: Capricious

Appearance: Lower half built like a beautifully blended draft horse and quarter horse. His upper half is about the size of a tall human counter part, except for pointed ears. Has shoulder length hair held back by a leather cord. Decently muscled.

History: Centaurs are a nomadic people, ranging from the planes and into the woods to some extent. They are also a rather proud race, their noble bearing showing what they think of themselves. Tyr was no different.

As a foal, he was forced to stay with the herd, never leaving its safety. Yet, always, he would stare after the hunters and warriors that left to protect and feed the herd. Always, he wanted to be like them. To go out and be strong. So, he trained.

Until he came of age, he trained. Practicing with the bow, sword, even the lance. Always he either pushed himself or was pushed to greater things. While he was training, elders would speak of heros in legends. Exposing him to true perfection in their actions, subtly saying he could be like them some day.

Then, finally, the day came where he was to prove himself. Most chose to race, others to hunt wolves or the biggest buck. But not Tyr. He pledged to take down a fully grown male dire bear. Like most would expect, it is an extremely large bear, with a short temper. And he brought one back. Bristiling with arrows, and quiver empty, Tyr said ge resorted to strangeling the beast to finally kill it. Of course he said the bear was already half weak from blood loss, but that did not matter. He was now a man, and allowed to let his hair grow out and held back to show he was a man.

Yet shortly after, Tyr ran into some trouble with the cheiftan over his daughter. Badda bing badda boom, he was ejected from the herd.

Personality: Putting it simple, overly proud of what he is. Strong willed, or stubborn. Is extremely loyal after you have earned it. Demands respect and will return it in kind.

Flaws: Overly proud. Head strong. Spiteful of how his cheiftan ejected him from the herd, which reflects sometimes into his speech and action.

Like: His bow & two swords and his weapons in general (spear, lance, club. He is essentially a walking armory). Other centaurs. Himself to be honest.

Dislike: Other races that think so highly of themselves. Being treated like a beast of burden.

Power/Abilities: Well, he's part horse, so there is that. Also good with bow and arrow, amazingly accurate even while moving. Above average in his sword skills.

Species: Centaur

Bounty: None.

Other: Heterosexual. Just in case.
Accepted. Good luck on your second character! So why not? I think that I'll make the character of Ophelia.
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"Stand behind me."

Full Name:
Buras, that's the only name he'll give.

Nickname: The Heart of the North.

Age: 27

Astrological Sign: Torus

Appearance: Buras is a large man, both in height and body structure. He towers over even the tallest man by his head and shoulders. His strength is reflected in the pronounced muscles across his body, making him a formidable figure. With blue eyes and short black hair, and mustache for that matter, his gaze pierces any who would dare get in the way of what he believes in.

Short History: Buras is from the far north, where snow is constantly on the ground. Here, strength was favored over much, and that trait wasn't in short supply. When he was born, he was heralded as the next great leader of their people, his size an indication of what was to come. In his early years, he was lauded with gifts of furs and food, the clan wanting their prodigy to grow up as big and strong as possible. And he did not disappoint, soon he was towering over children his own age, and with no signs of slowing down they knew he was to be much taller.

Yet in this society that praised those with strength, his mother was different. A foreigner that had come home with her new husband after an expedition. She was not expected to last long, but she managed to get along as if she were born there. Alongside the teachings of strength Buras got from society, his mother taught him compassion. He was taught to not use his strength to harm others, to only use it to help others. To that extent, he did not get into many fights. And the ones he was in he only participated in either because of a festival where it was all in good nature or in self defense. Each time he found himself the victor, but he did not see it that way.

Soon, his strength was put to the test. One day, some children went exploring the nearby caves with her friends, their imagination no doubt making it a grand adventure. But one wrong foot, a careless wave of the hand, even a raised voice, could all spell disaster for the children. And that is what happened, a disaster. Boulders cascaded down the mountain side and covered the entrance. Even with the whole village working, they would not get those children out before they died.

Buras, however, did not see it that way. It was a foregone conclusion that he would get those children out. And so, working for two days and a night, he slowly uncovered the mouth of the cave. Mostly by himself, and in the harsh cold that area was known for, he casually moved rocks that would take two or three men to move. And at the setting of the sun on the second day, he uncovered a hole large enough to fit his arm into, and pulled out the children.

His feat of strength quickly spread from clan to clan, and more and more people challenged him to a fight. When they were turned down, they called him a coward. Eventually, his own clan saw him as an outcast, a coward. A strong man only in body, not wanting to prove himself against others. Him rescuing the children was soon dismissed as a one off thing. But throughout it all, his family knew what he was doing.

Yet no one can stand that sort of exile, where you are surrounded by everyone you ever knew yet not able to talk to them, forever. And so, he made plans to set out. The night he was to leave, a note already written and on the table, his father stopped him. "Look by the wood shed. I have a final gift for you." was all he said before going to his room.

Doing as his father asked, he finds a marvelously crafted tower shield, taller then even he. He had no sword, he refused to use one, but this massive shield would be his weapon. Now with a his shield on his arm, he set out to make a name for himself the only way he knew how, by protecting others. And he swore he would return to his village, for his mother and father and siblings he would return.

Personality: A caring soul with a heart of gold. He will give up his own life before letting anything happen to those he's protecting. A big softie, with enough pressure he will likely easily change his mind to just about anything.

Flaws: He won't even kill the most dastardly person unless he absolutely has to. Won't quickly resort to violence.

Likes: His shield, better memories, a thank you for what he's done, a good meal can never go wrong, and admittedly little fluffy things.

Dislikes: Sour and bitter things (people included), people who are always gloomy and down, being called a coward for what he does, failing at his task, people taking what they have for granted.

Powers/Abilities: Immense Strength. Rather durable compared to others.

Species: Just a very tall and strong human.

Bounty Reward: N/A

Extra Information: Heterosexual. And I'll be honest, if you've played League of Legends, Braum was the inspiration for this. Not the name though, I've been using that name for two years and only started playing league at the end of last year.
"Power doesn't corrupt people, people corrupt power." -Ophelia Maja Alexandrosa

Full Name:
Ophelia Maja Alexandrosa



Astrological Sign:


While gorgeous and non-threatening looking. Ophelia is exactly the opposite of her appearance. Ophelia is born with a darker blue hair color than Lithe. Ophelia wears very glamorous items, such as lace, ruffles or anything to come off as innocent. Her blue eyes can manipulate many into performing her tasks. Her skin is fair.

Ophelia can be found in gowns, that illuminate the color of her hair. Her beauty is her advantage. She wears cloaks as if to protect her virtue from men. Ophelia takes advantage of their Mother's looks. Keeping her hair down as wave cascades. Along with her gowns, they're very simple. Only a few will ever see her without her cloak. She wears ballet flats as a way to represent her grace.

Short History: (Two to Three Paragraphs)

Ophelia was raised as the Eldest. Following her Father's exact footsteps in order to impress their Grandmere. Grandmere although had ignored her for the sake of Lithe who was left in the dust. Ophelia instead, forced herself into her Father's work as his lapdog. She seduced her way through without giving any chastity. This had led to the many of Kingdom's accomplishments which gave Ophelia an upper hand on her younger sisters. Or so she thought. During the Selection of the Sovereign, she had worn her prettiest gowns to showcase her becoming the Sovereign. Yet, the eldest was overshadowed by the youngest as Grandmere had picked Lithe. Lithe seemed in surprise herself, but something then had snapped in Ophelia.

Ophelia had destroyed her room in anger. As no servant was ever allowed to enter a royal Chamber. The next few days, she sulked in anger. Cutting comments at Lithe whenever possible. Ophelia then was gifted the Lexicon of Spells. It had every spell possible to unleash havoc on whoever was chosen. Ophelia had decided that this was possible for her to win her the throne of the Sovereign. Later on that night, she unleashed the spell. Only to be followed by Lithe who had discovered her dirty secret. Ophelia then lead the hunt for her sister in disguise. Minevra although, she feels guilty for putting her in a deep sleep. But not enough to wake her up for the Selection of the Sovereign. As the other heirs to the throne were killed, except Lithe, she is now ready for the Coronation of the Sovereign which will happen on the Winter Lining of the Three Moons.

The hunt was then started for Lithe to be captured and murdered. Ophelia has no regard for Lithe, after the festering jealousy of the youngest daughter. Now, she hopes to control her new servants of the Dark to her doing. These servants will now hunt down Lithe, or whomever will grant her to Ophelia. She's placed a high bounty on Lithe, and is ready to rule. She will stop at nothing to become Sovereign.

Personality: (Three to Five Traits)






Flaws: (At least Two)

-Jealousy of those who garner more attention than her.


Likes: (At least Five)


-Frilly gowns


-Kingdom of Ireka's well-being


Dislikes: (At least Five)

-Threats to the Throne

-Nosey people

-Not getting her way



Powers/Abilities: (One strong, One Weak)

Ophelia has the beginning power of the Dark Arts, but has the power of seduction.

Species: Human

Extra Information:

Sister to Lithe, Minevra

-Granddaughter of Sovereign Liliantha Maya Alexandrosa

-Daughter to Sovereign William Draco Alexandrosa
Wanted For: Treason, Runaway, Graffiti, Possible Rebellion Member

Signature Saying: "You don't always get the family you want or the friends you need, deal with it"

Full Name
: Bewilder Plantae Monty

: Leafy (I'll come up with a better one later)


Astrological Sign
: Libra


Having a love for very natural and autumn pallet of colors, Bewilder generally sticks to loose outfits and natural looking outfits which fuels his aspiration to collect all the types of flora in the world. A small print is on the back of the majority of his clothing due to his mother having a symbol on her work next to her signature. It is a broken star in between the four seasons. He also customized a sword's saya to hold his magical staff, however he rarely resorts to it and prefers simply casting basic magic with his own energy.

Short History: He'd been a runaway since he was young having to deal with parents who were generally never home, as his mother was an aspiring artist and his father part of the kingdoms castle guard in the high class Opulent. He'd lived almost alone in the large and mansion-like place often wandering the halls and reading from the massive library. Sharing his mothers love for sculpting except in the form of dye he often would pick flowers and roots pouring them in water and vinegar along with other things in order to make different colors. Eventually around the age of his 11 birthday he decided to runaway, only seeing his parents for about an hour and having to remind them It was his birthday. On his final day in the residence of his parents house he decided to write a letter and placed it in their bedroom, him leaving with nothing but a few of his dyes in containers, memories of his times, the bare necessities', and pictures of all of his family together for the first and only time.

Dear mother and father, I seek the life of the outside world as I've been desolated here all alone, as all my brothers and sisters have left me to live there own lives. I can no longer deal with you being away as often as you are, not even my few friends can help me get rid of the loneliness inside of me that prolongs. I'm hoping you forgive me and accept this is what I feel I must do, as I don't wish to become part of the royal guard like you father want me to and wish to choose my own destiny.

Farewell, and thank you for everything


He soon left to set of on life outside of the kingdom but found himself trapped within the walls as most flights only led to the other districts and him being too young to buy tickets alone. He'd brought a few books about magic and how it worked and began to take interest in them. Now hoping to learn the arts of magic, he began to study intensively on the magic of father earth, life, which he soon began to practice on by getting a spot after sneaking in on a airship going to the creatures district. In the teachers district he got a job farm boy and began to use his magic to try and influence the earth into producing a betted harvest along with learning how to plant seeds, which he never would've learned in his sheltered high class job.

As he was practicing magic he found a book about dark magic, he was told not to read or even touch it but disobeyed the farmer soon gaining a small amount of corruption similar to the current Sovereign.He earned a blind spot causing it to black out his vision in the top-right corner of his eye, that would activate when near people who'd dabbled in the dark arts and would actually let him detect curses such. He eventually stumbled upon the city and decided to attend the announcement on the winter solstice in which he'd detected the sister's evil magic raising the demons. When he attempted to foolishly alert some of the guards he was declared a traitor for 'falsely' accusing Ophelia as she was the sister of the to-be Sovereign. He was put up for execution and ironically it was by the guard who found him, his father he was able to use his magic to escape after learning basic plant summoning magic and created noxious flowers. Immediately after he was on the run from many of the guards and even a few vicious demons as if he was able to reveal them the Sovereigns rule would be destroyed. He was soon cornered but luckily after a bickering between the guards and the demons he was saved, apparently by someone of the rebellion who told him of the kingdoms of Tai-Yung and Sinari and how they ware plotting a revolt against Ophelia along with possible members gathering in the creature district. Bewilder had then decided to find other members of the rebellion hopefully learning and improving his magic on the way.

:(Three to Five Traits)






Flaws: (At least Two)

Disorganized; His notebook of spells and generally everything he owns tends to be disorganized.

Insecure; While he is slightly judgmental he takes almost everything to heart especially insults.

Large blind-spot

Likes: (At least Five)


Collecting plants and bones



The sun

Dislikes: (At least Five)


Graffiti artist

Seasonal Winter

Scavengers & Hunters


: (One strong, One Weak)

Has a low-proficient control over nature, can sense dark magic

Species: Human Druid

Extra Information: Bisexual, Disowned by mother and father

Bounty Reward:4,500 gold coins
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The best stories are the ones we write for ourselves

Full Name: Dakran Tesarus, the Chronicler

Nickname: Tarn

Age: 42

Astrological Sign: Gemini


Tarn plays the part of the traveler convincingly, with his heavy, fur clothes and walking staff. He is only slightly above average height for a human male, and is somewhat thin, though his baggy clothes hide this fact. He usually wears leather armor with fur inside, so as to brave the weather of whatever place he happens to be visiting at the time. His cloths typically have highlights of red, to signify him as a fire-mage. His skin is pale, and his hair is thin and black, reaching down to his shoulders. He constantly has a forlorn look on his face, as if he is imagining the end of the world.

Short History: Tarn is a chronicler, a traveler of the world, recording all significant events and history of Ireka. He was the son of a troubadour and a cook of a traveling group of entertainers. When he was a young boy, he journeyed with the band of performers, where he was mentored in fire magic by one of the entertainers. Tarn proved to be very gifted in this endeavor, and he would continue to perfect his magic along with the group as they traveled around Ireka. In his travels, he was awed by the various locations, towns, cities, and castles the group stopped at. He felt that is was his calling to explore the vast land and chronicle its many happenings in hopes of one day writing a book of the many people, places, and events of the land of Ireka. When he was 15, he parted ways with the entertaining troupe and began to foray out on his own and travel.

And thus, Tarn began traveling throughout Ireka, chronicling many great legends and stories of heroism, many of which he was able to experience firsthand. He ventured far and wide, through all matter of weather and landscape, seeking out the greatest stories he could find for his magnum opus: The Complete History of Ireka. He has recently taken special notice of the king's daughters and their schemes and bids for power. He wishes to add their story to his book, and has begun seeking out the youngest, in order to find the truth of what has been going on in the palace.

Personality: Tarn ideals heroism and greatly admires heroic behaviors in others, though he himself is much more reserved and would prefer to watch and record rather than directly participate. His travels have made him wise and knowledgable of the various people and places of Ireka and he acts towards others with a mentor-like disposition. However, he sees the world itself superficially outside of the scope of heroics and heroism. He would much rather watch a great battle take place than experience nature and he has a hard time judging someone outside of his perceived heroism. If someone does not fit into his heroic ideology, he will have a hard time accepting them as someone worth respecting.

Flaws: Tarn's greatest flaws are his inability to judge someone outside of how they stack up the heroic ideal and his desire to come out of an experience with a good story rather than work for the good of the people. These lead him to put his own entertainment before the good of others and incite conflicts that could have been avoided.


Legendary creatures







Weak people


Organized Religion

An anticlimactic ending


He has moderate experience in the Art of Fire and can manipulate and control fire with a fair amount of skill. He can control heat for cooking and boiling water, or use his power to make fireballs and small explosions.

As a result of his travel experience, Tarn has also developed a great amount of survival skills and is adept at hunting, trapping, foraging, and crafting useful objects out of scratch.


Extra Information: Heterosexual
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dragonsfire said:
Wanted For: Treason, Runaway, Graffiti, Possible Rebellion Member
Signature Saying
: "Your happiest moments always come during your darkest times"

Full Name
: Bewilder Monty

: Leafy (I'll come up with a better one later)


Astrological Sign
: Libra


Having a very natural and autumn pallet of colors Bewilder generally sticks to loose and leafy looing colors resembling his aspiration to collect all the types of flowers in the world. On the back of his clothing all have his mothers designer symbol the four elements and a broken star in the middle with shards all over. He customized a sword's saya to actually hold his magical staff but he rarely resorts to that and prefers simply casting basic magic with his own energy so the weapon is often hidden as a part of his clothing as it matches most of his outfits. (sorry I'm bad with appearance and I got lazy)

Short History: He'd been a runaway since he was young having to deal with parents who were generally never home as his mother was an aspiring artist and father part of the kingdoms guard. He'd lived almost alone in the large and mansion-like place and sharing his mothers love for art except in the form of sculpting. On his final day when his parents were both out he wrote a note and placed it in their bedroom and left.

Dear mother and father I seek the life of the outside world as I've been trapped here all alone as all my brothers and sisters have left me and I can no longer deal with you being away as often as you are, not even my friends can help me get rid of the loneliness inside of me that prolongs. I'm hoping you forgive me and accept this is what I feel I must do, as I don't wish to become part of the royal guard like you father and wish to choose my own destiny.

Love, Bewilder

He soon went away hoping to learn the arts of magic and began to study intensively on the magic of father earth, life along with corrupting a small part of his former self earning a large blind spot that would activate when near people who'd dabbled in the dark arts and would actually let him see curses. He eventually stumbled upon the city and actually decided to attend the announcement on the winter solstice in which he'd detected the sister's evil magic raising the demons. As he attempted to foolishly tell one of the guards he not only had the bounty of a runaway but was considered worthy of treason since he accused the sister of the to-be Sovereign. He was put up for execution and ironically it was by the guard who found his, his father he was able to use his magic to escape after learning basic plant summoning magic and created noxious flowers. After that he was on the run from many of the guards and even a few demons until he was saved by a mysterious man who told him of the kingdoms of Tai-Yung and Sinari and how he was plotting a rebellion against Ophelia. Bewilder then decided to find other members of the rebellion hopefully learning and improving his magic on the way.

:(Three to Five Traits)





Flaws: (At least Two)



Large blind-spot

Likes: (At least Five)


Collecting plants and bones




Dislikes: (At least Five)



Seasonal Winter

Scavengers & Hunters


: (One strong, One Weak)

Has a proficient control over nature, can sense dark magic

Species: Human Druid

Extra Information: Bisexual

Bounty Reward:4,000
Accepted. :) he's pretty cool.

[QUOTE="Orion Pax]
The best stories are the ones we write for ourselves
Full Name: Dakran Tesarus, the Chronicler

Nickname: Tarn

Age: 42

Astrological Sign: Gemini


Tarn plays the part of the traveler convincingly, with his heavy, fur clothes and walking staff. He is only slightly above average height for a human male, and is somewhat thin, though his baggy clothes hide this fact. He usually wears leather armor with fur inside, so as to brave the weather of whatever place he happens to be visiting at the time. His cloths typically have highlights of red, to signify him as a fire-mage. His skin is pale, and his hair is thin and black, reaching down to his shoulders. He constantly has a forlorn look on his face, as if he is imagining the end of the world.

Short History: Tarn is a chronicler, a traveler of the world, recording all significant events and history of Ireka. He was the son of a troubadour and a cook of a traveling group of entertainers. When he was a young boy, he journeyed with the band of performers, where he was mentored in fire magic by one of the entertainers. Tarn proved to be very gifted in this endeavor, and he would continue to perfect his magic along with the group as they traveled around Ireka. In his travels, he was awed by the various locations, towns, cities, and castles the group stopped at. He felt that is was his calling to explore the vast land and chronicle its many happenings in hopes of one day writing a book of the many people, places, and events of the land of Ireka. When he was 15, he parted ways with the entertaining troupe and began to foray out on his own and travel.

And thus, Tarn began traveling throughout Ireka, chronicling many great legends and stories of heroism, many of which he was able to experience firsthand. He ventured far and wide, through all matter of weather and landscape, seeking out the greatest stories he could find for his magnum opus: The Complete History of Ireka. He has recently taken special notice of the king's daughters and their schemes and bids for power. He wishes to add their story to his book, and has begun seeking out the youngest, in order to find the truth of what has been going on in the palace.

Personality: Tarn ideals heroism and greatly admires heroic behaviors in others, though he himself is much more reserved and would prefer to watch and record rather than directly participate. His travels have made him wise and knowledgable of the various people and places of Ireka and he acts towards others with a mentor-like disposition. However, he sees the world itself superficially outside of the scope of heroics and heroism. He would much rather watch a great battle take place than experience nature and he has a hard time judging someone outside of his perceived heroism. If someone does not fit into his heroic ideology, he will have a hard time accepting them as someone worth respecting.

Flaws: Tarn's greatest flaws are his inability to judge someone outside of how they stack up the heroic ideal and his desire to come out of an experience with a good story rather than work for the good of the people. These lead him to put his own entertainment before the good of others and incite conflicts that could have been avoided.


Legendary creatures







Weak people


Organized Religion

An anticlimactic ending


He has moderate experience in the Art of Fire and can manipulate and control fire with a fair amount of skill. He can control heat for cooking and boiling water, or use his power to make fireballs and small explosions.

As a result of his travel experience, Tarn has also developed a great amount of survival skills and is adept at hunting, trapping, foraging, and crafting useful objects out of scratch.


Extra Information: Heterosexual

Accepted. :D
WANTED: Burglary, Pickpocketing, threatning others with armed weapons.

Signature Saying: "I used to think it was always cold. Then I knew it was just me."

Full Name: Kynerith Lorain Petrova

Nickname: Kyne

Age: 19

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Myne has bright, deep blue outstanding eyes, which are one of her biggest compliments, they are very unique and pretty. Her pale soft skin helps her eyes being shown and also compliment them. She has kept, long white wavy hair which go down to her hips. She's stands to 5'6 and has a skinny, petite figure. She has link rosy cheeks and a blue symbol on her forhead, with large thin elven ears that visibly poke out.

Short History: Ice eleven came rarely, and we're very resistant to cold and secretive. They did not like being found. And for some reason had an odd dislike of humans. Fearing they would judge them or use them for thier powers. Ice elves lived high in the mountains. Often hidden. They worshiped Mother sky and Father Earth like gods, and had their own secret society, hidden from the rest of the world, few humans even knew they existed. Those that did know they existed, thought they had found a differant land or been wiped out completly. It was like they weren't even there.

Kyne was born with a strong gift of magic, and as a child didn't know how to control it. One day, when she was &, she had accidently frozen her big brother as they were playing. Killing him. The ice elves thought her a monster and traitor and cast her out.

Maybe it was the rejection of the cold. But it changed her. Living on her own. When she got to the bottem of the mountains it was a whole new world. In a bad and good way. She took on many disguises, she went from a young girl on the streets that begged, to pickpocketing at 11, then to robbing people at night when she was 16. Then to jumping rooftop to rooftop breaking in houses at the dead of night and robbing them dry at 17. And she was never caught. Nobody even knew her identity. Only that she was female.

Personality: Kyne used to be a curious, naive little girl, she was playful and sarcastic and nouns and happy. But ever since she was sent away. She's been cold, personal and quiet and a liar. And only looks out for herself. And gets very sensitive and angry when people try and get close to her, but when they do, she acts just like his she did when she was little.


Hot tempered




Night time

The moon

Being alone





Ice elves

Gaurds/ government

Father Earth + Mother Sky


Being weakend

Showing weakness


She has compete manipulation of ice powers. She can do anything with ice, to giving someone frostbite then to shooting ice out of her hand, to create snow storms, etc.

Living in the streets, she has developed a silver tongue and is very stealthy and nimble.

Species: Ice elf

Bounty Reward: 9,000,00
DarknessSpirit said:
WANTED: Burglary, Pickpocketing, threatning others with armed weapons.
Signature Saying: "I used to think it was always cold. Then I knew it was just me."

Full Name: Kynerith Lorain Petrova

Nickname: Kyne

Age: 19

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Myne has bright, deep blue outstanding eyes, which are one of her biggest compliments, they are very unique and pretty. Her pale soft skin helps her eyes being shown and also compliment them. She has kept, long white wavy hair which go down to her hips. She's stands to 5'6 and has a skinny, petite figure. She has link rosy cheeks and a blue symbol on her forhead, with large thin elven ears that visibly poke out.

Short History: Ice eleven came rarely, and we're very resistant to cold and secretive. They did not like being found. And for some reason had an odd dislike of humans. Fearing they would judge them or use them for thier powers. Ice elves lived high in the mountains. Often hidden. They worshiped Mother sky and Father Earth like gods, and had their own secret society, hidden from the rest of the world, few humans even knew they existed. Those that did know they existed, thought they had found a differant land or been wiped out completly. It was like they weren't even there.

Kyne was born with a strong gift of magic, and as a child didn't know how to control it. One day, when she was &, she had accidently frozen her big brother as they were playing. Killing him. The ice elves thought her a monster and traitor and cast her out.

Maybe it was the rejection of the cold. But it changed her. Living on her own. When she got to the bottem of the mountains it was a whole new world. In a bad and good way. She took on many disguises, she went from a young girl on the streets that begged, to pickpocketing at 11, then to robbing people at night when she was 16. Then to jumping rooftop to rooftop breaking in houses at the dead of night and robbing them dry at 17. And she was never caught. Nobody even knew her identity. Only that she was female.

Personality: Kyne used to be a curious, naive little girl, she was playful and sarcastic and nouns and happy. But ever since she was sent away. She's been cold, personal and quiet and a liar. And only looks out for herself. And gets very sensitive and angry when people try and get close to her, but when they do, she acts just like his she did when she was little.


Hot tempered




Night time

The moon

Being alone





Ice elves

Gaurds/ government

Father Earth + Mother Sky


Being weakend

Showing weakness


She has compete manipulation of ice powers. She can do anything with ice, to giving someone frostbite then to shooting ice out of her hand, to create snow storms, etc.

Living in the streets, she has developed a silver tongue and is very stealthy and nimble.

Species: Ice elf

Bounty Reward: 9,000,00
Accepted! Sorry it took so long! Tightened braces really do take me out of commission. Haha.

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