The rebel and the knight (1x1 with SplendaWeReGoingDown)


New Member
Name: Vincent Sheridan

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Looks: Vince (3 links- V, in, ce - until I can figure out a few more)

Personality: Vincent is not your typical prince. He is introverted, someone who enjoys exploring the woods after nightfall alone instead of attending any of the lavish balls that are thrown in the castle. Despite being the oldest of his siblings, he doesn't want the throne; he would rather have his younger brother, Antonio, take the crown because he believes that his sibling would be a better ruler. His parents would describe him as rebellious; he rarely attends his lessons, and is more often trying to sneak out of the castle gates than anything else.


Mother- Lucille Sheridan, 42, not very close, but still friendly

Father- Marcus Sheridan, 45, slightly bitter for forcing him to act as a prince, but admires him as a king and a father

Brother- Antonio Sheridan, 14, very close and dear to Vincent (who tries to act as a good role model and keeps him out of trouble; basically, trying to turn him into everything Vince is not)

Sister- Vanessa Sheridan, almost 17, kind of a love-hate relationship, but they are close and friendly overall

Friend- Alexander Blakesley, 21, knight who acts as Vincent's sparring partner and confidant, they've been friends since the royal family took him in as a squire at a young age
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