[The Realms] The High Realm of Bronnland


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Nation Name: The High Realm of Bronnland (Short: Bronnland)

Flag: (Being designed currently)

Leader: High King Aldrick the Just, Righteous leader and unbeaten champion of Bronnland

Race: Dwarves

Ability 1, Mountainmen: Bonuses to settling mountains

Ability 2, In their blood: All new units recruited into the military start as Warriors, no training necessary.

Dwarves can sense magnetic fields, and can enhance this sense to allow them to know when they are underground or even what kind of metals are near.

Government: Monarchy, the king is chosen by the various "cavelords" in the realm.

Economic System: Barter (both goods, land and even dwarves).

Economic Tier: 3rd

Currency: The High Realm of Bronnland uses a special kind of barter economy (more in the culture section)

Nation Bonus: The Bronze gate: A great bronze gate which have protected the Dwarven capital of Nurathék for as long as can be remembered. Developed and existing cities gain defensive bonuses.

History: In the halls of our sacred capital and ancient mountainhome, home of the High King and his throne, where every dwarf, free or servant, can claim his heritage, we find the ancient scriptures. Carved by the kings of old. In these scriptures we can read a tale. A tale about the dwarves of the OLD! A tale which EVERY free dwarf should READ and REMEMBER! It is a tale about our PAST and about our FUTURE!

In this tale of old you will read about BRONN, HE WHO CAME OUT OF THE MOUNTAINS AND SLAYED THE DRAGON WHICH ONCE SLEPT IN THESE VERY HALLS! Once the dwarfkin were slaves under this dragon! But, the mountains, ancient and unchangeable by nature, awoke one day and the great peak Yunuzal split into what we know to day as the bones of Bronn. Out of this ancient peak came Bronn! He was like a dwarf never seen before! HE WAS THE PERFECTION OF OUR RACE! Now, some people say he was

immortal, but the scriptures clearly say that he was trained by the King of the Fallen in the very center of Earth itself! And who are we to question the scriptures of old? Bronn Mountainborn, as he is called, walked for many days to reach this hall where the dragon resided. and on the fourth day after his birth he used his very hammer to smash through the great bronzegate, which now has been reconstructed to defend us against our enemies. Only Bronn can break through the gate so unless he is awoken again in the case we have sinned, we have nothing to fear. Bronn broke through the gate and reached the hall were the dragon resided, after a fierce battle (I will develop this), Bronn freed the dwarves, expect those that had served the dragon freely. They, and all their descendants to come, had to work for the free dwarfs of Bronnland to repay their sins. Bronn was also made king and chose the first cavelords, those who had help Bronn fight against the dragons servants. And that, our friends is how The High Realm of Bronnland came to be, it is written in the scriptures and only a fool, or a blasphemer questions the scriptures of old. (I know it is crude, and I will develop it)

Culture: The Bronnlanders is a very religious people, some might even call them fanatic. Of course if you said that to them you could get executed (If you're lucky enough, or an important person you might just get banished) There are five social ranks in Bronnland: Slave, Freedwarf, Warrior, Cavelord and High King (can only be one of course). The slave system is relatively complex. According to the dwarven scriptures there were certain dwarves which fought for the dragon that once enslaved dwarfkin. When Bronn killed the dragon he removed all the rights from these dwarves and forced the to serve the other freed dwarves to pay for their sins. The thing is that these sins were so bad that all the descendants of these dwarves will also be slaves, these dwarves goes under a special name: Dragoncursed (because the "love" for the dragon (as the other dwarves see it) cursed them). Being a slave is also a punishment for various crimes, although that will not be inherited. Now, as a freedwarf you can do any profession, you can be a blacksmith, brewer, miner, construction worker (although the last two is mostly done by slaves) etc.

You can also deciede to be a soldier and then you will have the rank Warrior. The Cavelords are the dwarves that own a city, a fortress (a heim) or just a mine. The title of Cavelord can either be inherited or archieved by a freedwarf by accomplishing some great act in the name of Bronnland. There are currently 64 Cavelords. The High King is chosen by the ten most powerful cavelords. He doesn't have to be among the ten most powerful though, but he have to be a cavelord. The king then deciedes who should have the various offices in the realm. The Bronnland economony is 100% barter and any dwarf that is not a slave can trade slaves, goods and resources. Cavelords are also allowed to trade land. The Bronnlanders are famous blacksmith, and love ale just like any other dwarf. Their fanatic views make them suspicious towards outsiders but they are willing to create diplomatic relations and trade routes with other nations (If it is the wish of the king of course).

Major Cities:

Nurathék (Capital)





Bronn's hammer (Military Capital and home to the Bronn's Souls HQ)

Miner's tunnel (Industrial Capital)

Earth's Sun



(Settlements ending with -heim + Bronn's hammer are so called heims, military fortresses.)

Important Officials: ...working on it...

Nation goals: Make the Bronnlanders the might force in the northern mountains (Scandinavian mountain regions)

Population: 630,000 Dwarfs


15,000 Warriors

5,100 Adepts

700 Canoes

30 War Rafts

10 Seaboats

Unique unit: Bronn's Soul: This is a religious/military order in Bronnland. The parents of these dwarves (usually cavelords) hand over their children st a very early age to the Bronn's soul order. There they have to study the ancient scriptures and learn how to use the mighty warhammer, They don't have any armour because they see their hammer both as their shield and weapon, and indeed these dwarves can easily deflect arrows with their hammer.



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