[The Realms] Shadow Legion


Nation Name

Shadow Legion







-Ability 1, People of the Scourge: Can settle and thrives in the Scourge

-Ability 2, Rise from the Grave: Deceased enemies felled by you and allies not banished return as undead of their class before they fell

Undead characters are immune to negative energies, and while they can be felled, they will return from the dead unless they are destroyed by extreme natural elements or by positive energy (and whatever else might be able to banish undead.)



Economic System


Economic Tier

Decided by moderator



Nation Bonus

Corruption - Captured areas begin to rot from the presence of the dead , if occupied long enough by the Shadow Legion normal lands will turn into scourgelands. This is done not only to make them stronger and bolster their numbers but to make siege much much harder.


Its well known that many undead roam the scourgelands with little will. Mostly weak minded savages that will attack nearly anything that gets close to it. However over time activity in this particular area began to increase , the dead began to seem a bit more organized. Hunting parties that had often braved these lands were starting to get wiped out by large groups of undead that seemingly worked together. See this was very strange but for the most part it was ignored , and the living just choose to stop going into the lands. Little did they know that a new being had taken up residence there. That being's name was "Legion" over time the dark , necromatic energies built up there allowed this being to come into existence. Its still unknown if Legion is a unique undead , or something much , much darker. However he was the reason the undead were working together. He was the voice in the back of all of their minds. Normally undead are somewhat independant , however his powers allowed him to command them and as time went on he became stronger and the reach of his voice extended to many more of these creatures.

Over time the dead began to loose their individuality , become a part of the collection , becoming a part of legion. Slowly his grasp filtered out some of the stronger minded dead , who could fight his control and maintain their individuality. These beings were allowed to come into service of him , those that refused were erased from existence. In turn this ensured that most ended up serving his cause , and thus was born the Shadow Legion. The Dead of Legion started to investigate what exactly brought him about. They searched deeper into the origin of the scourgelands. Through their research they are yet unable to discover what created the already standing scourgelands , however they were able to find a process to replicate its effect. They called this corruption. Corruption is a process in which the living energy is taken out of the land itself , causing it to die. Then this "dead space" is born anew by necromatic energies being placed into it Via special buildings called "Corrupters". These are placed throughout the land and are what cause the land to become corrupt. Legion seized this oppertunity , and decided it was time to spread as far as he could , and in doing so he would extend his own reach.

However to accomplish this task he would need to fortify himself in , and raise an army. If he could manage that much then the world might kneel to him. However by now there was little sign of life coming into the scourge which meant no further growth in numbers. The time was not quite here. However he could force this to change. Undead began to venture from the scourge attacking cities in the night , taking away wives and children. After a time the living started to enter the lands once again in search of their loved ones. None would leave the same way again.

Slowly the corpses began to pile up. And as they re-animated themselves legion plunged himself into their minds , making sure to instill his will into those that would accept it. During this process anything that resisted him in any way was purged , this was not a time of mercy. In fact there would never be a time of mercy , no race , gender or age would be spared from his ill will. Legion was growing , and the larger it got , the faster it would spread....


The Shadow Legion is little more than a collective of weak minds following the strong minds. The weak minded dead loose any sense of self and begin only to operate with the Legion in mind. They give themselves to the Legion. The few that remain themselves are constantly driven forward , knowing that their cold and cruel master is always watching over their shoulder. This fear inspires them to new heights of combat. The dead know no fear and no pain. They known only to serve their master , and look to fill the hunger boiling deep down inside them.

Major Cities

Since the dead dont often make cities ive included places of interest here as well. As my empire expands more places of interest will be added.

1. Death's Gate - Capital City

2. Undopolis - The underground City

3. Shadows Breach - a small ghost town near the coast

4. The Black Tower - Less of a city and more of a large structure

5. Unliving Fortress - A town with a fort in the middle , the broken walls used to protect it.

6. Blackmist - Yet another coastal Ghost town.

7. Ruine - A swamp with the remains of a broken down old town.

8. The Black Temple - A Large ruined temple. Used to be Holy ground before corruption.

9. The Forum - A ancient library , many secrets are said to be held here.

10. Burial Grounds - large area of upturned ground , something was buried deep beneath these grounds.

Important Officials

Legion - Leader

Nation Goals

Currently wishs to see the extent of the spreading corruption , Wants to scourge 2 adjacent lands to expand.

Population Decided by moderator

Military Decided by moderator

Unique Units

-Black Legionnaire - Heavily armored undead unit. Often seen on the front lines these units come equipped with a longsword and a shield. The armour protects the flesh from damage making them extremely hard to immobilize and defeat. It doesnt take many of these in the ranks of an army to make it formidable.


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