The Realms Saviors [Inactive]


Latula submitted a new role play:

The Realms Saviors - They all need you

The Plot:
Once there was a man who died. He was a king, a hero king. He had two children. Twins in fact, a girl and a boy. He loved them dearly, but the male, Lucio, heir to the throne hated his father, for absolutely no apparent reason. However, the princess, Atani, second heir loved her father. Their mother was once a peasant and wasn't used to the royal life and she didn't know how to raise her daughter. So the father taught Atani how to fight like a male and rule like a male. When the king...
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Atani lay fast asleep in her bed. She was curled in a ball. Atani dreamt about Alcor, the knight she saw training in the courtyard yesterday. She then heard a gasp when she turned over. The gasp definitely wasn't from her. She opened her eyes and made sure that the person that gasped didn't see her eyes. It was an assassin. She had known they would come for her. But why so soon. She sprung out of her bed and headed towards her door. She swung it open. By then the assassin had already grabbed her shoulder. He threw her down and pulled out a knife. "Guards!" She screamed. The assassin pinned her to the ground with his hand on Atani's neck. He then decided to start choking her.
"Come on, Nicholas! I found this one place that looks beautiful in the moonlight," she explained while dragging her fiancé by the arm. He was looking at a bunch of flowers someone was selling. He grinned. "Okay, okay... Are you trying to rip off my arm?" He asked playfully. Victoria smirked. "Maybe..." They stopped next to an oil lamppost when they heard a scream off in the distance. "What was that?" Victoria asked.

Alcor rushed into the room grabbing hold of the attacker and tossing him aside. "Milady are you okay? He spoke while taking stance in case the attacker came at him. Glancing around he begin to form a plan on how to protect the queen. Unsheathing his sword he point the tip of the blade at the intruder.
"Kill him! Then Ill be okay." Atani said backing away. Then there was a ear splitting roar. The assassin smiled evily. "The Warlock Kings dragon is here. You all are dead." He squealed. He hopped out of the window. After that, there were multiple roars. Their army was coming. It was led by Dahaks spirit dragon. "Alcor, get everyone out of the city. Wait, even better, order someone to get them out of the city. You're coming with me." She said starting to tear up. This dragon literally brought sadness. "
"Come on, it was probably nothing," Nicholas said. Victoria looked in the direction that the scream came from, then followed Nicholas. They had only taken a few steps, when there was a loud roar. Nicholas looked up, seeing a dragon. Victoria screamed, jumping in her fiancé's open arms. "Nicholas! What do we do?" She yelled over the screaming that came from other people. "Find some help!" He paused to give her a quick kiss on the forehead. "Now go!" As Victoria ran off, he found a bow and a quiver of arrows someone was selling, and used them to start shooting at a small dragon.
"As you wish." He ran his blade through the man before following after his Queen. Taking notice of her tears he tilted his head with concern. "Milady are you alright?" He would have asked more but his training had taught him to always think of the job first and never let thing become personal.
"Yes, it's just the dragon." She said leading Alcor to the stables. She hadn't been there in a while, so it smelled worse than it usually did. "You can ride which ever horse you want. I suggest a fast one. We have to get out of here." She said softly. "Get all of the dragons out of their stables and order the guards to escort the people out. I seriously need you to do this for me." She said. Atani gazed into his eyes. (Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her)
Alcor gave a swift nod and turned to speak with another knight quickly. Turning back to Atani he offered a smile. "The order has been given Milady." He fell quiet as she glazed into his eyes. For reasons he could not explain he found himself attracted to her. Leaning into her his lips gently brushed against her's as he ligtly kissed her. Stepping back he frowned at his actions. Things had just gotten personal.
She hugged him. "I can tell what your thinking." She said softly feeling bad that he was feeling bad. "You've not broken the rules." Atani said. "You haven't because I wanted that to happen. It's not against the rules if I wanted it to happen." She smiled. Her smile quickly faded as a dragon rammed into the stables sending her flying across the room. ((I may be off for like five minutes in a while actually ten minutes I have to clean my room.. But that's in a while.)
Victoria ran as quickly as she could in her boots. Her feet ached, but she finally found a guard who was gathering people around. She looked around to see if she could spot Nicholas, and screamed when she saw that he was fighting a dragon... And losing.
Alcor gave a nod accepting what Atani had said. His heart filled with relief and he felt more affection now that he knew she had wanted that to happen. Opening his mouth to speak he found himself flying into a wall and sliding down to the ground. Quickly he got back to his feet and drew his sword turning to face his opponent. With a fierce look in his eyes he charged the beast.

Yuzu saw a a man fighting a dragon as she ran out of her house. She had left her parents to aid the other people. Looking closer at the man she noticed he wasn't winning. Grabbing her sword from her side she rushed to the man's aid slashing at the beast as she came in close enough to it. "Do you need a hand my good sir?" She called glancing over at him with concern.
There was a cracking noise. It was coming from above. She jolted her head up. The roof was imploding. She tried to move but she was stuck between rubble. The roof imploded on her. She screamed. (Sorry... I'm a lil lazy. Next post will be longer)
Hearing Atani's scream, Alcor, quickly ran to her and covered her from the falling roof with his own body. Using his blade he brushed away the rubble so she could escape while he held the ruins of the roof off of her. He knew he could not hold the rubble for to long and every second was precious. "Run Milady!" He told her as he looked down into her eyes. Sweat ran down his face as he strained to hold the weight of the rubble just a little bit longer.
Atani tackled him out of the way. She gasped as the roof collapsed behind her. "A-are you okay?" She asked sitting up. She couldn't lose him. Not now, when she needed him most. She looked at her ankle which had a gash in it. "Oh gross!" She said looking at the bloody cut. She dropped her head onto Alcor's chest and started to feel weak.
Alcor looked at her shocked by her actions. "Milady, you should not have saved me like that. Look there you got injured." He glanced at her ankle and sighed as he scooped her up into his arms and walked over to a horse. It was sleek black beauty. Mounting the horse he kept Atani in his arms the best he could as he gave the horse the command to run. "I shall bandage your wound once we are to safety Milady."
Nicholas was fighting the dragon with all his might. However, it wasn't enough. He was losing. He could faintly hear Victoria screaming at him, making him lose his balance, and fall. He felt like he was going to die before a lady came in and slashed at the dragon, asking if he needed help. "Yes, please. Thank you," he responded quickly, getting up and readying his sword.
Jaineer was walking by town, then he started hearing screams of people, seeing them running out of the town. Jaineer then saw the dragon and he knew that it was his chance to get rid of his rage built inside him. He sprinted quickly to the town climbing on top of a house and readying his bow. He started to aim at the dragon and thought about his parents which gave him more rage. He then drew back his bow, took a deep breath then released the bow string hitting the dragon right in the left wing.

Putting on my helmet and armour, I grabbed my sword and charged out to the stables. I rushed at the dragon, getting ready for a swing, as my yells were barely heard through the roars of the dragon. As I came close enough to swing, the bad thing happened. Using his mouth, he grabbed me and threw me high into the air. Somehow, my armour remained intact. His mouth lay open, as I fell.

I'm on a fast trip to the stomach of a dragon. 

As I fell, I thought my life was over. But then I struggled to stay alive. Thinking quickly, I pulled my helmet off, and looked at the top. The top had an arch that was extremely sharp. I threw my helmet at the dragon's tounge, and the dragon roared, closing it's mouth and looking down.

I landed on it's head with a painful scream. My EVERYTHING felt broken. I grabbed a hold of the dragon with one hand, then with my sword, I tried to pierce the dragon's eye.
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Atani looked down. "I just couldn't lose you!" She said back at Alcor. She looked back up to him. "Thats what you'd do for me." She added. Feeling weak she dropped her head. She had had enough for one day. Until a dragon hopped right infront of the horse and it started rearing up on its hind legs.

"Ahrgg!" Was the sound that came out my mouth, as after I pierced the eye of the dragon, I fell face forward onto the ground. My back felt broken, yet it still could be moved. I was a determined young lad, and I slowly stood up, wiping the blood from my nose, as I looked into the distance, seeing another dragon...

Attack the princess and a fellow knight! Anger and a sense of loyalty rushed through me, and I mounted a steed as quickly as my exhausted body could move. I was tired from my battle, that was sure.

I quickly rode off, having my horse gallop to the dragon, my golden looking eyes having tears. I was ready for my death, but was my mother? My father? Are they even alive? 

On the way to the dragon, I managed to regain my breath, and some of my strength. I let my horse gallop forward, and before it began attacking the princess and the knight, I yelled "Face me, you overgrown lizard!" Which it turned it's head towards me. I galloped forward, and with my sword, I tried to bring my sword fast on the dragon's eye. It managed to dodge, and my sword hit it's nose.

I had my horse turn around, as I locked eyes with the dragon. I took a deep breath, ready to fight, the tears from before still in on my eyes.
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Nicholas fought the dragon he was up against, stabbing it multiple times in its wing, legs, and tail. He somehow managed to get behind he. Grabbing onto its tail, he hauled himself into its back. Just as he was about to be flung off, he stabbed it in the back of the neck, effectively killing it. Sliding off the dragon's carcass, he thanked the girl who helped him, "thanks for helping me. I probably would have died."

Victoria had seen everything go down in the fight between Nicholas, some girl, and a dragon. Feeling happy, she ran away from the guard, not even taking in the dragon that was flying straight at her.
Yuzu gave the man a slight nod and tightened her grip on her sword. "Best be moving. There are more people in the town whom need help." She said starting to walk of in search of others whom would need her assistance. She would worry about how this had start or why later. For now she had to help the town folk.

Alcor gave a nod understanding how Atani felt. "Yes, guess so." His words died off as a dragon blocked the horses path. Quickly he got the horse under control and stirred it away from the dragon. If he could get away with out a fight he would do so. The Queen's safety was top on his list, not killing dragons.

I watched as they left, and I charged towards the dragon. With a yell, I sliced the underpart of it's neck, but as it smacks me off my horse. I killed another dragon, but at the cost of not being ABLE TO MOVE WITHOUT BEING HURT SO MUCH. I screamed a cry of pain, and I tried to lift my head up.

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