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Fantasy The Realms of Arda


Hello! Season's greetings! Welcome to a Lord of the Rings roleplay centered on the course of the Second Age of Arda and into the Third Age. The roleplay takes place in the years before the Downfall of Numenor and the changing of the world. Were the hubris and envy of the proud Numenorean race led to the Valar, the Great Spirits and Custodians of the World, to lay down their government and call upon The One, Eru Iluvatar, to action. And in a single wrathful storm which saw the sinking of once great and proud Numenor. The One reshaped the world into a globe and removed the Undying Lands of Aman and the blessed realm of Valinor from the circles of the world. This is where our story begins in an alternate timeline. Set before the forging of the Rings of Power and the encroaching darkness over Numenor may be lifted in time to save it. Only time will tell.

The roleplay starts in the year 1593 of the Second Age. Nearly 1500 years before the Downfall of Numenor and only a few years before the Forging of the One Ring. But the Roleplay is not just focused on them. All of Arda is open for play and the numerous Numenorean colonies to the South of Gondor are open. As is Harad, Khand, Rhun, and the East. While the Dwarves of Khazad-Dum dwell in their riches and the Elves abide in their realms as lingering memories of the glory of the Elder Days. But restlessness has returned to Mordor and some fear that the evil of Morgoth's servants stir once again.

The roleplay is a faction-based roleplay and as such characters can be created as leisure to suit the narrative and help drive events along. But it is by no means a character centric roleplay. Rather, the characters offer lenses into viewing events and storylines rather than telling it from strictly their point-of-view. In a way the roleplay is more similar in style to the Silmarillion as an alternative historical timeline than a role-playing-game. Players will select either an existing Kingdom or create their own, especially for players wanting to make a fresh or homebrew take on lands outside of the established corner of Middle-Earth that the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings takes place. Time as a result will be rather fluid and divided between the pace set by the DM in that each of their posts will clearly denote the 'Main Timeframe' which will keep progressing at a roughly similar pace. Allowing role-players to constantly move their own timeframes forward but also allow individuals to spend time fleshing out particular scenes or events which will impact the story later. Immediate or latent.

The Second Age

The Second Age of the world began after the defeat of Morgoth Bauglir, the evil Vala that had marred the world and poisoned the Two Trees of Valinor with the help of the monstrous spider Ungoliant, by the Host of the Valar led by Eonwe. Where, after a long journey and begged by Earendil the Mariner, the armies of Valinor traveled to Beleriand just in the moment of Morgoth's triumph over the Noldor, Sindar, and Edain. In a great conflict known as the War of Wrath the Host of the Valar fought against the vast armies of Morgoth. Armies of Elves and the last of the Edain, thirty-five thousand strong, fought side by side while Earendil, the Maiar, and the Great Eagles of Manwe fought the Balrogs and Dragons of Morgoth. A war which broke the world and sundered the lands of Beleriand but ended in the defeat of Morgoth. Toppling the great smoke capped peaks of Thangorodrim and laying the deepest pits of Angband, Morgoth's fortress in the far North of Middle Earth, bare. The Dark Lord was dragged and forth and thrust into the Void beyond the Doors of Night. Banished from the circles of the world until the fabled Dagor Dagorath, the Final Battle, which will lead to the renewal of the world and the redemption of all Elves, Dwarves, and Men.

For their valiant efforts in aiding the Valar's cause and their steadfast alliance with the Elves. The Edain, those loyal houses of Men, were given a new land to dwell in. Raised by the Valar and beautified by the Maiar. The Isle of Elenna, Numenor, Star-Isle, was risen from the depths of the Sea for them to dwell. The Edain departed on a great fleet led by Elros Tar-Minyatur, brother of Elrond, sons of Earendil and Elwing, to this land which was bountiful and free of illness or plague. But not only was the land bountiful for the Numenoreans also benefited from a more personal gift. Granted long life at least thrice that of other Men. Thus, the Numenoreans were granted the boon to not only live for centuries but also choose the time of their death. Spared from senility and advanced aging they would pass unto death without decay of body or mind. There the Edain, now the Numenoreans, dwelt in isolation save for Elven ships coming to trade and visit them for six centuries. Their only mandate levied against them being the Ban of the Valar, that they may not sail so far West as to be out of sight of their own shores.

Only during the reign of Tar-Meneldur, fifth King of Numenor, did his people begin to journey East back to Middle-Earth. Where is people becoming swiftly famed mariners and explorers. So much so that his successor, Tar-Aldarion, became known as 'The Mariner' and founded the Guild of Venturers to explore Middle-Earth. Then, half a millennia later, during the reign of Tar-Aldarion's great-grandson, Tar-Surion, the Elves conceived the idea of forging the Rings of Power to halt the decay of their realms and preserve the memory of the Elder Days of the First Age in Middle-Earth. This would have ramifications for Tar-Surion's successor, the second Ruling Queen of Numenor Tar-Telperien, when in 1500 the Rings of Power are forged by the great elven Smiths of Eregion led by Celebrimbor. Their smithing and crafting of these artifacts at first greatly aided by a being known as Annatar. Then in 1590 Celebrimbor forged the Three Rings. His crowning achievements and most powerful Rings of Power then forged. To be worn by great elf-lords and grant them the power to slow the decay of their realms to a near stand-still and in so doing preserve the memory of the Elder Days. But the Elven Smiths may have been deceived, for another Ring may be forged in the fires of Mount Doom...

The Shadow Falling on Numenor

Tar-Telperien respects the ban and indeed her nephew, son of her brother Isilmo, Minastir loves the Eldar it is more out of envy than genuine affection. A sentiment growing among the nobility of Numenor and beginning to sprout its dark influence in the hearts of the people. Some seeking to not go to Middle-Earth as teachers and wise men but as conquerors and settlers. While others speak of forsaking the friendship with the Eldar and try to achieve immortality themselves. As such in the interim the Numenoreans have taken to founding great cities overlooked by towering citadels such as Umbar, Pharazain, and many others.
But not all were such and a vocal minority of the Numenorean's have remained faithful to the old friendship of the Elves and the beliefs of their ancestors.


Factions do have some governing mechanics that more or less serve to facilitate tradeoffs and also just some realities that various races face. These are pretty much to help govern narrative growth or decline rather than be crunch.

Population: While normal Humans procreate more or less at realistic rates for the ancient and medieval era they are surpassed by Orcs who can breed much quicker. Typically, twice as fast if really necessary unless they are Orcs of closer breeding stock to Men or Elves like Uruks. Then they breed at a closer factor to Humans at 2%. As such Orc and Goblin populations could expect growth rates of 4-6% percent per year depending on the strength of malignant forces in a region (presence of Ringwraith rulers, Sauron, and so forth). Versus a human net growth of about 2%. Numenoreans have a slower growth rate at 1% while Dwarves and Elves can only grow during periods of Peace. With Dwarves growing at 0.50% and Elves at 0.25%.

Numenorean Lineage: When playing a Numenorean faction or possessing a Numenorean population there will be a breakdown of pureblood, dominant blood, mixed, or weak blood. This simulates the amount of Dunedain who have Numenorean ancestry capable of giving them long life and the physical and mental feats the aforementioned gifted race of the Edain achieved. Pureblooded Numenoreans would be relatively rare in Eriador and in Gondor at 15% and 10% of the population, but possibly up to a third of the population in such places as Umbar or Pharazain. Dominant will be next and be primarily among noble families that have married into the local Human populations of Middle-Earth yet still predominantly Numenorean traits. This is mostly seen in Gondor and the Numenorean Dominions to the South with at most 5% of the population. Mixed and Weak can be pretty nebulous and would be the vast majority of the population that isn't 100% Middle-Earth native groups.

Pureblooded Numenoreans can expect still live, though rare, to be over 400 years old (Tar-Telperien OTL lived to 411). Dominant blooded and still could be called Dunedain may still reach over 250 years of age and stronger, taller, and more perceptive of mind than lesser Men. Mixed may still reach over 120 years of Age and retain health and vigor over the age of 100 before they show their age. Weak blooded Dunedain, more Middle-Men than Numenorean, may expect to at least reach the age of 80.

Creation of Magical Artifacts: Players may create magical artifacts that serve a narrative purpose and cleared by the Operators. The main caveat is that magical artifacts should follow Tolkein's rule or themes on magic or at least close to it.

Army Sizes: Given the relative technological advancement in some nations armies can logistically range from a typical medieval field army of 5000-6000 to over 30,000 or more. With on occasion great hosts of 80,000+ being fielded. However, these do put economic stressors on a nation and should only be done out of great need. As heavy losses for such a large force could take years to decades of IC time to replace (or centuries for Dwarves and Elves). However, Elven and Dwarven populations can bring more of their total population to bear given they have a significantly larger portion of their population as adults at any given time. Dwarves due to their longer lifespan and Elves due to effectively having no elderly may field upwards of 35% of their population under normal circumstances when mobilized for war.

Arda & the world of Ambar

Larger Map

The Faction Template
Name of Realm:
Realm Leader(s):
Notable Individuals:
Political Organization:
Administrative Organization:
Territory Claim/Borders:
Population Breakdown:
Military Breakdown:

Name of Realm: Lindon (S/N. “Land of Music”; Q. Lindónë) & Eregion
Realm Leader(s): Gil-Galad, High King of the Noldor (High King of the High Elves)

Ereinion Gil-Galad
Notable Individuals: Cirdan the Shipwright, Elrond Peredhel, Glorfindel, Celebrimbor of the Gwaith-i-Mirdain
Capital: Mithlond
Political Organization: The High King holds executive, legislative, and judicial power. But often delegates specific areas like the refuge of Imladris to local lords.
Administrative Organization: The Realm of Lindon is divided up into the provinces of Forlindon, Harlindon, Rhonlindon, and Siragale, with smaller more regional territories such as Elvaedhorian, Dor Leithan, Dor Lelven, and Duneriador held by lesser lords who hold Gil-Galad as their liege. The isle of Tol Fuin and the isle of Himring is considered nominally apart of Lindon. The Realm of Eregion is lorded over by Celebrimbor and in fief to Gil-Galad.
Territory Claim/Borders: The territory of Lindon is demarcated mainly by the River Lhun (Lune) then south to the Emyn Bereid before hugging the Southern Ered Luin to the Sea.

Population Breakdown:
-Noldor: 440,000
-Sindar: 670,000
-Nandor: 97,000
-Middle Men 79,000 (namely along the Lhune and subsidiary rivers as fisherfolk, townsfolk, and herdsmen)
Military Breakdown: The Army of Lindon is primarily comprised of Elves that have trained to use the bow, spear, and sword. Able to raise up to 35% of its population due to the fact the Elvish Realm has little issue feeding itself and the Eldar themselves physiologically require less to sustain them. The Host able to be mustered by Gil-Galad ranges from 80,000 to 120,000 for large campaigns though a greater number can be achieved if time is available.
History: The Realm of Gil-Galad is the last realm of the Noldor in Middle-Earth. The realm of Lindon & Eregion is populated by those Noldorin survivors of Beleriand who did not take ship into the West and led by Gil-Galad, son of Fingon of Hithlum, and grandson of Fingolfin son of Finwe. Seventh High King of the Noldor.

Lindon as a result boasts the only major population of Noldor and a major Sindar population. A significant Nandor minority also exists in the forests of Harlindon and Forlindon.
Symbol: A Perrunun on a Blue background.

Additional Maps

Westlands and Near South







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