[The Realms] Athehja (WIP)


Prissy Little
Nation Name




(Yes, it's kinda crude and simple, but they are bronze age people.)


Hjîsail Ailathî



“The Dehjasî, then, are a peculiar kind – Perhaps the most peculiar of all. Where the elves and dwarves can, at times, seem but exaggerations of human characteristics, these creatures are almost entirely alien. Though they know not of our customs or laws, this pales in comparison to their bizarre bodies. Their skin knows not hair, but is shielded by fine scales, thin as cloth and providing less protection, some raised to the point of resembling scales. Their legs are large and muscled, but awkward, allowing them to give chase fast enough to catch any human, and some horses too, but tiring them out fast, letting he who is running get away, if only he can get a head start. One must be careful angering them too, for not only do they run like wildcats, but their great legs allow them to soar through the air, letting them close the distance and wreak havoc upon a man with little warning. Their toes are webbed, and one is well advised to be as watchful of them in water as on land, for they take to it like wolves to the steppes.

Their chests, too, are formidable, containing lungs resembling the bellows of a great dwarven smithy, letting them stay beneath the waters of their pools several times longer than a man, and on the stomach, the females have a peculiar pouch. Here, they carry their young, letting them experience the world from their earliest day, a window wide open to the world, sealing only when the female submerges herself in a stream or pool.

Though they see as well as any man, and their ears are wide open to the sounds of the world, they suffer from a peculiar malaise: All as one, they have no sense of smell, and would not be able to tell a cheese from a piece of wood without first sinking their teeth into it, or letting their long tongues run over it. They make up for this with their peculiar ability to seemingly sense the presence of the living nearby, with them reacting to everyone and everything stepping within a few feet – Even when they should, by right, be unable to see or hear them. Perhaps due to this, they are seemingly comforted by the presence of others of their kind, and, enmities aside, tend to clump together when gathered. Curiously, this ability is amplified when they are submerged, which might explain their fondness for lying around in still waters, seemingly without a care in the world.”

- From 'The Canals in the Jungle', the edited memoirs an early human ambassador to the Athehja nation.

Ability 1, Swampy:

Bonuses to settling boggy terrain

Ability 2


Decentralized Theocratic/Oligarchic:

Each city is ruled by a council consisting of representatives of noble families, one of which is elected as the governor. This person then, in turn, represents the city in the Eidaihj Atheda. The governor also possesses two additional votes in the city council, and as such, all in all, makes the family to which he or she belongs much more powerful. In addition to the city proper, the councils also theoretically function as the penultimate authority over the surrounding lands, second only to the Hjîsail, though in practise, they are often left to self-governance, with attention only being paid when taxes are late, or if some other such problem should arise.

Eidaihj Atheda, the Synod of Probity, is lead by the Hjîsail, the head of the Athehja Church. It is not a council in the same manner as those governing the cities, but consists solely of the Hjîsail, who has the final authority on any matter, and his advisers, who are able to offer him valuable insight. While he could, theoretically, do solely as it pleases him, it is seen as a sign of divine grace for the Hjîsail to pay attention to the advice and concerns of those under him.

Economic System

Virtually all trade in Athehja is carried out by bartering. Markets exist in all towns and cities, with the villages making do with fairs and personal exchanges. As with all bartering economies, however, certain objects are used as near-universally accepted payment – Precious metals are, as always, popular with the merchants, as is livestock in most rural areas.

Economic Tier

Decided by moderator


Precious metals are often used between merchants, with bartering being a close second. Recently, the Eidaihj Atheda has started minting coins of rose gold, though these are only allowed to be used by legally sanctioned traders.

Nation Bonus

1 custom bonus that allows your country to stand out from all the others. If you have a Mixed race (3 or more) you will have two of these. These bonuses must be approved first.


In the early days of the world, the Dehjasî were scattered. Still young and confused, they could not bear the weight of their task, but instead merely glided through the waters of the world. Nothing was done, for the people of creation were content to simply watch from amidst their stagnant pools.

One, however, was not so easily pacified. From the southernmost lands, where the marshes and the woods give way to hostile seas, at the foot of the great mountains, one rose up – A leader of the people. He bade them unite, and under his banner, the people grew strong. They wrought the pathways of the earth and let the waters flow, and he taught them the Way of the Field and the Pond. Thus, the people prospered, and thus the people rose to their task.

Yet things were not to remain so. The fire-setter was scouring through the world, and he found the land of the people. So angered was he, that he let loose a terrible plague, not of the flesh but of the mind. In these days, the leader had long since passed on, to fight for the creator in another world, and though his teachings lived on, the people did not have his strength. They fell prey to this disease, became corrupted; twisted and warped by the fire-setter to such a degree that they could no longer tell right from wrong. The land fell into disarray and kin fought against kin. The cities of the people grew envious of one another, and struggled for control of the lands given to them by the creator. The very firmament of society was breaking down.

For years, chaos reigned, until one day, a new leader came. He was the scion of the leader of the past, and would usher the people into a new age of glory. He would be careful, directing the cities into a bountiful union under his guidance. Having learnt the lessons from the past, he set down laws governing the ways of the people, forever shielding them from the evils of Aiap-Peshan. Thus, he became the first of the Hjîsail, guardian and advisor to the people, the one blessed with the presence of Sîlaip and the foe of the fire-setter. Since that day, Atheja has thrived – Under the divine guidance of the Hjîsail and the Eidaihj Atheda, they shall never falter, but will remain a beacon of hope and salvation in a world balancing on the edge of oblivion.


Also very important. Give all the cultural details you can think of. Give us at least a solid paragraph.

Religious beliefs

Athehja mythology states that the creator god, Sîlaip, first created the world with the wish to make a haven for all things living. He made the green grasses, the skittering monkeys, the fierce tigers and the snapping crocodile. He made the pheasant, which is good for eating, and the buffalo that pulls the wagons. Most importantly, he made the Tehjasî, and to them he gave the world. Life was good.

Yet Aiap-Peshan, the fire-setter, would not let this be. He had watched the world for a long time, and was envious. Where Sîlaip could create, he could only destroy, so in his vainglory, he unleashed his terrors upon the world. He warped the sun, the glorious light-bringer, to scorch the earth and slay those upon it, and he let loose plague and sickness to haunt the old and the weak. So determined, was he, to bring down the paradise that he could not possess.

What he did not expect, however, was how Sîlaip would react. He made the plants to offer shelter, letting them shield the fragile life from the heat; he made the waters to cool and soothe. When that wasn't enough, he gave the beasts the strength to withstand the heat, letting them fight on and thrive in spite of the fire-setter's efforts. Finally, he took the Dehjasî and gave them their wits, with which they'd save themselves, and in the end, help their creator to defeat the evil that threatened the world. This is how the Dehjasî were born, and how they shall live – As champions of good, bearers of wisdom, agents of benevolence and salvation in an age that threatens the very core of existence.

That is their task.

Major Cities

List ten. Players might adopt your cities and roleplay them in detail.

Important Officials

List as few or as many as you want. Have them be available for play or keep it private, that's up to you.

Nation Goals

Give us what you think your country's immediate goal will be based around everything you're written. In the end your nation goal is written by the Moderator, but we'll consider any thoughts you might have.


Decided by moderator


Decided by moderator

Unique Unit

A unique soldier or piece of equipment that helps your military stand out. Keep in mind that, with a few exceptions, most unique units will require previous training.


List your allies, deals, and enemies


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