The reality of fantasy

The Rogue Bro

The average magical guy
Only five members (besides me) are being accepted for arc one.

Arc one app:

Name: (before you fell in a coma)

Fantasy name: (the name you go by in the fantasy world)


Backstory: (what happened to your character in reality)


What kind of magic your character uses: (healing, elemental, combat, etc.)

What weapon your character uses: (can be anything from a staff to a spear, and a description or picture of it)

Color of the gems on your dagger: (relevant later in the plot)

Song that would describe your character: (while trying to be original, I came up with this concept to replace personality. Just try to find a song that would fit your character, and then explain it to me a bit)
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Arc one app:


Jamie Williams

Fantasy name:

Osmond Lace




Osmond was born in the splendid land of Ireland and lived there his entire existence. He had a rather nice family but he was without a father after the first seven years of his life when he abandoned his mother yelling sentences full of anger and irritation towards the women and Osmond. So much that nearing the end of the predicament the male threw hot coals into Osmonds eyes which weren't able to heal correctly making him blind. But they continued to live, and his mother found another man and they had four other children together before she passed as she was giving birth to his youngest sibling Susan. No one having known his mother as long as him he was easily the most troubled by the unexpected occurrence and found a sortve escape within the fiction books he'd find on his new fathers wooden shelves. Osmond felt as if he could somehow relate to those within the tales and would very often search for new tales having an obsession over fantasy then his reality.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.adcd9d0f68f0a948423f5cc9dcd77c52.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25160" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.adcd9d0f68f0a948423f5cc9dcd77c52.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(The Boy)

What kind of magic your character uses:

Small strings trail from the tips of his fingers, like a spiders web but he can wrap people up in it. And when he wishes it'll turn to wire and cut through flesh quite easily.

What weapon your character uses:

Rapier Sword disguised as a cane, appearance in the photo above.

Color of the gems on your dagger:

Royal Blue

Song that would describe your character:


I chose this because the lyrics are peaceful but hold a lot of depth to them like my character. As Osmond is very kind and caring to others and only wishes for everyone to be happy even at his expense. His blindness still fills him with a type of sorrow and sadness that makes him wish to not be forgotten or pitied.



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arc one app: Don't know what you mean.

Name: Conner McKinley

Fantasy name: Buras

Age: 20

Backstory: Conner was never able to connect with people in reality, didn't know what to say or was just to shy. But in the games he played, he had friends, and lots of them. He had friends from all over the world, he didn't understand a word they said but he still liked them. Eventually he spent less and less time in reality and just stayed online. But then he went into the coma, and now he is here.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-25_14-12-11.jpeg.b2d07c441f6095f66dd526b09e6d5952.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25165" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-25_14-12-11.jpeg.b2d07c441f6095f66dd526b09e6d5952.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

What kind of magic your character uses: Buffs, increase speed and strength mostly

What weapon your character uses: Ash'an'dari (Shown in appearance.)

Color of the gems on your dagger: Green.

Song that would describe your character: Buras is a man that believes luck is everything. He will often flip a coin if he has a hard choice to make. Rather easy going and a bit a trickster. (Sorry, couldn't think of a song.)



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I forgot to put in the age thing earlier, so all you need to do is fix that Skyfilms. And as for Beowulf, you just need to add a backstory and then your done.

Arc one app:

Name: Florence Allerton

Fantasy name: Cyprian

Age: 21

Backstory: Florence was always very mature for his age, always doing something productive. He would often sit alone in his room, spending hours on end reading. His number of friends was always fleeting, considering he would blow them off just to finish a book. At that point in his life, he had read so much that he began to realize that life was ultimately pointless. With little to no counseling about this, Florence began spiraling into depression. He would lock himself up in his room reading, trying to forget everything and immerse himself in a another world. The only reasons he would leave were for food and to get another book. But no matter how much he read, how much he tried to escape, he just couldn't forget the fact the everyone would meet their end.


What kind of magic your character uses: spiritual magic. This gives Cyprian the ability to converse and channel spirits. Although, due to his ability to channel spirits, he is easier to posess.

What weapon your character uses: (the sword in the picture)

Color of the gems on your dagger: a cloudy white

Song that would describe your character: Beautiful Cruel World (cover by Adrisaures, [media]

[/media] I put it here because Cyprian/ Florence was always so mature for his age, that he realized that everyone dies at one point or another, making everything sort of pointless. As well as the fact that as a child, your life is made so much easier by lies told to you like the fact that your pet bunny didn't go to the "bunny farm", he just died.
@The Rogue Bro

Oh my goodness I love that song and that is Adrisuarus correct? Wait I just saw that you put her title at the top well nvm....still good song.
Name: Freyja Gotthard

Fantasy name: Persephone Wolfe

Age: 19

Backstory: Freyja was born in an isolated part of Germany with her mother and two older brothers. Her mother was born into an older family religion which delved into the use of magick. Growing up freyja loved learning of her mothers heritage and so did her brother who was born 3 years before her. Her eldest brother however did not believe in his families beliefs. On freyjas 16th birthday freyja was suppose to inherit her mothers wand that was passed down to her from her mother and her mother before her. Her mother her taught her and her brother the ways for years and freyja seemed to be captured by it all and at times lost herself in it. Her eldest brother realized this early on and it only started with the verbal abuse. But on her birthday when she recieved her mothers gift her brother managed to steal it from her and hide it away from her. when he caught her snooping through his room he beat and abused her and tied her outside in the barn. She didnt want to tell anybody what was happening so she decided to hide herself in her room with the spell books her mother gave her and keep to herself. the abuse never stopped but she didnt want her family to be torn apart. Sometimes she wondered if she would ever find a spell that would help her situation.



What kind of magic your character uses: elemental

What weapon your character uses:

Color of the gems on your dagger: Garnet

Song that would describe your character: [media]

[/media] I chose this song for my character because its kind of like a description of her and her brothers relationship. the river describes his anger he keeps deep down and the savagery of his violence towards her. and the chorus is about her remembering the good days but those memories are being overwhelmed with the fear she feels daily. at the end the flow of the river is the magick she still feels deep down.
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Name: John Maskins

Fantasy name: Kono erel

Age: 19

Backstory: John lived in Oxford, England. He cut himself off from society, spending all day in his room watching anime and playing fantasy video games, and his grades were affected because of this. He was in a pit of despair and his only way out was fantasy. Then one day he was travelling in his mothers car (along with his mother). It was dark and it was raining, his mother didn't see the fence blocking a long fall down a hill until it was too late, she couldn't turn the car quickly enough because of the wet floor and so they went crashing through. John wasn't conscious for the car crashing to the ground and instantly killing his mother, no, the initial fall threw John into the back of the seat infront of him, it was probably his seatbelt which stopped him from flying through the window screen entirely.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/animevampirescarf.jpeg.3aac25d644ad559fb68041946eb7be6b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25177" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/animevampirescarf.jpeg.3aac25d644ad559fb68041946eb7be6b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

What kind of magic your character uses: John affectionately named his form of magic 'death magic'. It is a dark form of magic, circling around death mainly. It involves things like creating a gas cloud of death, necromancy and even sacrifice. Though simply similar to death can be involved, for example sleep.

What weapon your character uses: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/scythes.png.1a79ef5f690d2a44eb3fb48ad5a2f705.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25172" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/scythes.png.1a79ef5f690d2a44eb3fb48ad5a2f705.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He dual wields them

Color of the gems on your dagger: Black

Song that would describe your character: The world - Nightmare [media][/media]

I'm picking this song for it's darkness, and darkness of the main character this song introduces. Basically what I'm saying is Kono is a cold blooded killer who has a dark heart and will do anything to get his way, including murder. The only time he might even show a glimmer of compassion or remorse for one of his actions is for someone he loves.



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(if its ok, im adding one more female to my characters?)

Name: Scarlet Larsen

Fantasy name: Ember

Age: 20

Backstory: scarlet was raised in an orphanage till she was 12, her life there was lonely but she did have a few friends but they had been adopted way before she did. she was so happy when she was picked by a loving couple. they were both successful workers in a large building close to their home. all was well at first but as she got older they started becoming more preoccupied with work and didnt interact with her anymore. so they bought her a nice laptop to keep her occupied while they worked. soon they had another child and she had a younger sister named Alice. but her parents still had all their work to take care of them so Scarlet became Alices full time babysitter at the age of 18. but the world of her online games still kept her coming back for hours a day while Alice slept. and the coma came not to long after her 20th birthday.



What kind of magic your character uses: illusion magic, it is exactly what it sounds like, she can make fake copies of herself to use to get away from intense battle and can make herself look different and make people see things that aren't actually there.

What weapon your character uses:


Color of the gems on your dagger: a violet purple

Song that would describe your character: [media]

this song symbolizes how she feels her family let her go and to fend for herself to often and that now shes just better off being by herself and enjoying her time online. but also how she misses her sister and feels sick about leaving her behind and worrying if she is taken care of. and she also kept her more aggressive side to herself unless she was playing games where she could let it out.
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Yeah, you can have another character unless someone else applies in the next six hours. (Do you mind changing the weapon? It's a bit to futuristic, but you could use it for arc two.hint about the genre of next arc.)
[QUOTE="The Rogue Bro]Yeah, you can have another character unless someone else applies in the next six hours. (Do you mind changing the weapon? It's a bit to futuristic, but you could use it for arc two.hint about the genre of next arc.)

ok! ill fix it asap
Name: Coraline Bonadreian

Fantasy name: Mave White

Age: 18

Backstory: Coraline was a loner, tend to keep to herself and her sketch's. Her father left her and her mother was a heavy drinker, her mother not being able to work she had to step it. Her most recent job was at a local restaurant, where she was nearly fired from drifting off into her own world. She was always somewhere else, never on earth. Her drawings were of unseen lands, covered every wall. She struggles with money and has often had to go without meals to pay rent. She was bullied and they would often steal her drawings burning or destroying them. No friends to turn too she always stayed in her own realm.


What kind of magic your character uses: Inner Spirit (Basically it a form of magic that uses her Spirit animal as a guardian and her own energy to project as power, it more so aggressive)

What weapon your character uses: A long birch staff with a yellow orange jem at the top

Color of the gems on your dagger: Orange

Song that would describe your character: [media]

I choose this because she acts her happiest when really she broken inside. No one knows her father left and her mother doesn't work. She feels alone as if no one will ever understand her.
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Accepted, but do you mind changing the weapon? It's a bit out of place in this setting. That's it, the final application. Registration is now closed.
[QUOTE="The Rogue Bro]Accepted, but do you mind changing the weapon? It's a bit out of place in this setting. That's it, the final application. Registration is now closed.

Yeah totally, sorry about that my sister suggested it and she more so experienced with Fantasy.
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Yay! Quick question: you said that there's an encrusted dagger at my feet and a weapon of my choice. What if the weapon of my choice IS a dagger? Does it matter?
Not really. The dagger with the gems just has an important role in the plot later. Like very important. So yeah, your character could use a normal dagger for combat.
[QUOTE="The Rogue Bro]Not really. The dagger with the gems just has an important role in the plot later. Like very important. So yeah, your character could use a normal dagger for combat.

Are you still looking for 3 members? If so may I reserve a slot?
Orion said:
Are you still looking for 3 members? If so may I reserve a slot?
Sorry, but I'm not going to reserve slots. Normally I would allow reservation but because of there only being three slots left i don't think it we be fair to others.

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