The Real Monsters Are Humans... (Zombie RP)


One Thousand Club

The dead have risen and wreaked chaotic destruction on the world for 18 months now; 1 and a half hellish years that aged the country into its most primal state. The people are rebuilding hostile societies, run by the only people strong enough to take an infected child and murder them without batting an eye. However, outcasted small groups still travel around as they did when the plague first struck; these groups are put at a loss, forced to combat unknown thieves and the creatures that roam hungrily for their flesh. But it has been realized, that
the real monsters... Are the people themselves.

This Zombie Apocalypse RP focuses less on the raids and bloodthirsty beasts out for their meal- Instead, it primarily focuses on the characters and what limits they go to under the circumstances. This is meant to delve into humankinds' darker ambitions, and the lengths other people will go to in order to ensure their own wellbeing. I am open to accepting people, but I am picky and would prefer a SMALL group of very flexible, diverse, and involved RPers to help me with this; since I would like the stereotypical proper grammar, semi-literate qualities, and even though it doesn't have to be a daily obligation to respond I do expect different ideas and new possibilities and contributions. This is a rather haphazard put-together, but I think their is less to the presentation of the RP than just getting it started! :rolleyes::rolleyes:


- No Godmodding/Powerplay

- Maintain a balance between male and female characters, and everything in between

- Diversity is crucial!

- Proper grammar/spelling to the best of one's ability (I'm not asking much here, just basic English)

- Semi-Literate means minimum one paragraph per character

- As for characters, it is preferable that this is a small group (meaning there may be a higher number of characters per RPer- especially because it's an APOCALYPSE RP)


Character Form:

Full Name-

Nickname(s)- (if any)




Brief Background- (Both before and during the apocalypse)

Prominent Relationships- (Allies, family, friends, etc.)

Other- (Insert any quirks/fears/other things worth mentioning)

Looks- (Photo + written description with height/weight/general appearance/etc)


My Characters:

Full Name- Josephine Louise Adkins

Nickname(s)- Jo, Josie

Gender- Female

Age- 65


She purports to be gentle and goodnatured, but is really rude and conniving underneath. Manipulative, envious, cunning, and charismatic; Jo is easily someone who would be a survivor, a leader, and a 'mother' to anyone granted her love.

Brief Background- (Both before and during the apocalypse)

Prior to the apocalypse she was living in the deep south, evident from her heavy drawl and biased opinions. She managed to escape the countryside with only her old rifle, a few supplies, and a frying pan as her weapons. From this, it led her to becoming the established leader of several separate groups before she ended up co-owning a rapidly growing community outside an old farming community; meaning there was a generally plentiful abundance of food, and open tracks of land to easily spot walkers. Based on these outcomes she has developed a superiority complex, and her darker side has surfaced in the past two years more than ever. Already, she has murdered, trampled, and used people to reach her place in the hierarchy.

Prominent Relationships- (Allies, family, friends, etc.)

She is the co-owner of the community known by the name Burberry Parks (and rumored lover of the cruelhearted man in charge), other than that she is generally a lone wolf; despite her tendencies to either hate or latch on to childlike people who she feels 'need' her.

Other- (Insert any quirks/fears/other things worth mentioning) She is a seemingly amicable person, and can be quite hospitable and pleasant if you're on her good side- but when provoked, she doesn't hesitate to do anything in her power to benefit herself. She's greed-driven, vanity-obsessed, and hollowed from her past with unsuccessful marriages, childbirths, and business endeavors. She went from a promising young actress and model to a spite-stricken hag.

Looks- (Photo + written description with height/weight/general appearance/etc)

Jo stands at 5'7, and usually wears low heels of some sort to enhance her height. She weighs roughly 136 pounds, surprisingly low since the apocalypse began. Her hair is a light blonde and her skin slightly tanned from the sun. Her eyes are a deep brown. She tries to keep in relatively good spirits and hygiene, acting as a leader to everyone she can. Her body is in remarkably good shape after all these years, but she is still not in her prime and has saggy "old" skin and a weary face. You wouldn't guess she is as old as she is. Josie will usually do her hair (like first image) and at least some lipstick or eyemakeup. She's vain, blatantly vain. But if you catch her at the right moment, she can seem as weary and messy as the second image



Full Name- Christopher Dean Freeman

Nickname(s)- Chris

Gender- Male

Age- 44


A bit immature at times due to his naturally snark and impudent attitude, he seems to be a pessimist and has a certain humor to his miserable outlook on life. His arrogance comes more from his childhood, something that always got him by; it's more a confidence he forces outward to make up for his insecurities.

Brief Background- (Both before and during the apocalypse)

Before the apocalypse he was a business major, worked a day job and did part time mechanics at a car shop to make up for lost funds. His wife disappeared shortly after the outbreak, and he believes her to be dead- But doesn't doubt that any of her obsessive family members took her before she could tell him. She took care of him well, and he went downhill without her. Already a borderline alcoholic, insomniac, sufferer of chronic anxiety, Christopher's life took a turn for the worse. He was generally a 'lone wolf' and never settled in any communities, since he saw straight through their deceit.

Prominent Relationships- (Allies, family, friends, etc.)

Other- (Insert any quirks/fears/other things worth mentioning)

Borderline alcoholic suffering from chronic anxiety disorder, something that put him at a great loss; and while he claims he hated working with groups because of the people, it's partly because he was outed as weaker due to his problems. However, he is very intuitive and knows how to get by on his own; He's hotwired more cars than he can count, and actually lived in a large van for a substantial amount of time. He's also a weak swimmer.

He was just taken hostage by a currently unknown group, based on the fact he was living on their territory undocumented and taking their supplies before planning to elope; this was basically done by driving in and out of the general area and just sneaking in and out through a hole in the back wall. Chris never even spoke face-to-face with his captors, and only crept in after dark.

Looks- (Photo + written description with height/weight/general appearance/etc)

Chris stands at exactly 5'9, with a stocky frame; except his bones are generally small in comparison to a lot of these tougher men. His hair is so dark it's almost black, matching his eyes. His skin tone was very pale, but got darker from exposure as he roamed through the apocalypse. He weighs roughly 150 pounds, but it fluctuates these days with whether the week was a "good food week" or not.



Full Name- Audrey Jane Hendrick

Nickname(s)- Dee or A.J.

Gender- Female

Age- 24


Boyish, brave, protective, and fiercely loyal. The downside to her personality is that she's thick-skulled and stubborn, slightly aggressive and painfully rude. AJ can come off as confident and ignorant sometimes, but is usually masking her awkwardness with genuine intimacy and emotions. She's generally either someone you hate or love, but always respect for her intensity.

Brief Background- (Both before and during the apocalypse)

Before the apocalypse she was just living no-strings attached in the world, her home being a series of motels and bars. She isn't much for the past, always thinking in the present moment. During the apocalypse, she held a strong duration with a few groups here and there; and even settled down with a group in a diner for a good half a year. After they were overthrown, she moved on to greener grass; completely alone again. She lives in her car, which is completely stocked with all the weaponry and food she'd need. She's been like this for a little over a month, and it's worked out well enough.

Prominent Relationships- (Allies, family, friends, etc.)

The only relationship worth mentioning is the close bond she shares with her father, who was separated from her. Dee's initial plan was to drive out and find him, but she's been sidetracked from that.

Other- (Insert any quirks/fears/other things worth mentioning) She's rather hotheaded and irrational in the heat of her anger. She's a lesbian, who prefers no sexual affiliation with men anymore; after a long period of experimentation. Even though she'll drink whiskey, she can't stand drugs other than cigarettes- and even then, she's guilted into remembering her father's strong opinions against it. Also strangely enough, regarding her sexuality, she has an odd attraction to Asian women that she can't pinpoint the reason for.

Looks- (Photo + written description with height/weight/general appearance/etc)

She's roughly 5'5, with an athletic curvaceous body; weighing about 119 pounds. Honestly, if she cleaned herself up she could be one of the women put in magazines. Most of her bodily fat is concentrated in her thick muscular legs and wide hips. While her upper body is thinner, everything is condensed in her lower body. Her eyes are light hazel, her hair dirty-blonde, and she gets freckles in the sun as well as a soft tan. Her hair is voluminous and wavy, obnoxiously poofed up and out. She usually wears old flannel and denim shorts/jeans, accompanied with military-style boots. She dresses similar to her father, who was a military man. She is loaded to the max with weaponry in her trunk, and has a stash of unhealthy food in her car as well.



Full Name- Finely J. Graham


Gender- Male

Age- 19 (lies that he's older)


At first glance he appears to be a "bratty burnout kid", but he's far more complex than what meets the eye. Parental neglect has catalyzed Finn as "bad" and stuck in his own self-destruction. Although, it is not entirely based upon the neglect and violence of his father (which started only when he began acting out.) It really has its roots in not being good enough, and being kicked too much when he's down. He's impulsive, hedonistic, playfully childish, and always has an anxious expression plastered on his face. He's tried to grow up too fast, already technically 'moved out' at 16 and easily eligible for rehab at 17. Because of his age, he usually receives the short end of the stick and gets hurt more than not. He's almost always in motion, whether it's bouncing his leg or pacing.

Brief Background- (Both before and during the apocalypse)

Finn was raised by a family with a nice reputation, a middle-class suburban 'normal' family. Most of his outbursts and misbehavior can be blamed on his father's increasingly abusive demeanor towards him, which was supposedly a result of Finn's early teen-rebellion. Needless to say, his family isn't around anymore- Not that he lived with them much before the apocalypse anyways. During the apocalypse he hung around with his friends in the same clubs and drug dens as before, the only problem with this being people died all too often. He couldn't seem to manage settling in a group, and up until most of his friends died in a traumatic gory ambush he hasn't considered moving from the "homeboys" gang he was with. Now he's ambling with one other companion (
anyone?), his bag stashed with drugs and weapons, but no food and only a few canteens of water.

Prominent Relationships- (Allies, family, friends, etc.)

He has two friends who are still alive, but far from him. His parents are most likely deceased, as well as his younger sister. His only current ally is
one friend who wasn't separated in the flurry of terror.

Other- (Insert any quirks/fears/other things worth mentioning)

Has a slight New York accent, smokes to calm his nerves (if not anything worse), and seems to suffer from paranoia of sorts. However, this could just be a result of the trauma he's encountered or the drugs. He also never learned to swim. This is random, but important if he ever encountered a situation where he had to swim. He's also a surprisingly fast runner.

Looks- (Photo + written description with height/weight/general appearance/etc)

He's only 5'6 and a half, weighing about 132 pounds. His body is rather lithe; he resembles his mother closely, and is nearly the spitting image of her. His father, however, doesn't look like him even remotely. His father was large, wide-set, and hardwired. His mother; delicate, over-emotional, and a victim to her own compassion. Finn isn't in the best shape, he used to be a star-track runner in his early years of high school, but now he's lost a fraction of his weight and muscle. You could say he has "daddy issues." His eyes are a piercing blue, his hair a dirty blonde, and his skin pinkish. His body is scarred, pierced, and he has two tattoos (a celtic scorpion on his forearm, and another different tattoo near the nape of his neck.) His ears were unsuccessfully pierced, and you can see a slight indentation where they were sloppily botched at a party when he passed out. He also received a lip piercing, but there's no trace of that anymore.



@Pastaa @Surfergirlgh

((ignore that I rushed everything in the character forms, it's really choppy but I think my point gets across ^^))
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Full Name- Julie Rachel Florence

Nickname(s)- (if any) n/a

Gender- Female

Age- 22

Personality- Julie is still naive and not so sure about things. She is easily swayed from one opinion to another and it is hard for her to have a say in discussions for this reason. Julie is a quiet person but tends to hang around people. She is probably known (if she is remembered) for being forgotten. Her passiveness makes her seem like she is a push over (which she is). Her thought process can be slow at times and sometimes intellectual ideas have yet to get through her brain while her peers are continuing on.

Brief Background- Julie's early life was pretty easy. Her parents were loving towards each other and to her family, and towards Julie as well. They lived out in the country where no one could bother her. Her school life had been hard as she isn't the brightest at times. Julie was lucky she made it into a college.

Julie had been traveling to the northern part of the States before the breakout. Her life was just beginning. She had finally passed her entrance exams and had been excepted into a college of her choosing. Things were going swell; she had moved into an apartment in New York and had began to start her life. It was peaceful - her studying for school, working in her extra time.

While Julie was driving to school one day, she started seeing people running. They were sprinting, practically tackling each other to get away from something. She quickly turned around in her car and hit the gas. That's when she saw it. A thing leaning over a man, red goop all over it's front. Her brain easily put together it was a zombie.

Julie drove back to her apartment and gathered some things into a dufflebag. Some canned foods, water bottles, a few kitchen knives, toiletries, etc. She then headed back to her car and drove until her car's gas tank was empty and she had stopped running on fumes. Now she is travelling with Finn and is running out of supplies quickly.

Prominent Relationships- (Allies, family, friends, etc.) She's not sure about her family. The last time she talked to them was right before it all started. She met Finn after the breakout in New York.

Other- (Insert any quirks/fears/other things worth mentioning) Nah

Looks- (Photo + written description with height/weight/general appearance/etc)


Julie is short (5' 1") and slightly pudgy. Her hair is a darkish brown with a slight wave and her eyes are brown as well. She often wears dark clothes and a little necklace she constantly has with her. It is a reminder of her home and who she left behind.


Full Name- Roger Derek Cantor

Nickname(s)- (if any) Der-Bear

Gender- Male

Age- 33

Personality- Roger is just what his nickname suggests: a complete lovable carebear. He has a kind heart and is very open to others. He doesn't like to leave others out. At times he can be loud and over happy in situations, but it's a good thing to have when everyone is down in the dumps.

Brief Background- Roger was a cotton farmer in Georgia. He was a married man to a woman whom he loved with all his heart. They were planning to have children together and start a family.

The day that things started happening, he was trying to find his wife. They had just had a fight and he wanted to make up for it. Roger brought flowers into their barn and found her being attacked by the undead. He picked up a fire axe and killed the fiend. It was too late, though. His wife had already been scratched and the effects were already beginning to happen. They spent their last few minutes together listing the things they love most about each other. She died in Roger's arms.

Now, he travels with his dog Athena and his trusty fireaxe. He has yet to meet anyone on the road.

Prominent Relationships- (Allies, family, friends, etc.) Everyone he loves died (except for his dog)

Other- (Insert any quirks/fears/other things worth mentioning)


This is Athena, Roger's dog.

Roger also carries around a dogtag he had found while his wife and him were out fishing.

Looks- (Photo + written description with height/weight/general appearance/etc)


Roger is a tower compared to many others. He stands 6' 3" and has large, broad shoulders. He burns easily and freckles line his skin everywhere.

@Pastaa do you think Finn and Julie should have just met up by chance after they were both separated from their people? Because Finn came from a rough group of junkies and whatnot; and he just barely got away, separated from two of his living friends.


EDIT: I think that her car should've died and she saw a young man running all covered in blood and crap and sort've caught up to him, he probably tried to push her away at first but when he realized he ran in the complete opposite direction of his friends he partners up with her and they continue on their way by foot
Sorry will have mine done by the end of today... i have school :( ( 
Full Name- Storm River Jay

Gender- Female

Age- 26

Personality-Ruthless and cold are two words that seem to some up Storm perfectly. Before the apocalypse Storm was your everyday nice kid. Killing her parents changed her. A lot. She finds it hard to trust people and prefers to be on her own.As she hates having to look out for people. She is also very impulsive when thinking on the spot, but she can also be very tactical. Because of her cancer Storm tends to put her needs before her safety. Meaning she doesn't care about taking big risks. She is also bipolar and this, coupled with the apocalypse has meant that you rarely see her in a good mood. Secretly Storm loves to read and devours any books she can find. She loved reading apocalyptic books and this helped her some in the current situation. She also loves philosophy and poetry.

Brief Background- Storm and her parents like in an expensive house in central Chicago, life for Storm seemed as if it was going like every other person's, School, University, Job, Family etc Until the Cancer. Storm was diagnosed at the age of 19 with Secondary Lung cancer. Her sporting abilities were limited, she couldn't run or exert herself. Her lungs constantly needed to be 'drained'. She began to miss school, her friends drifted away and then altogether disappeared. When the apocalypse began Storm had come home after a period at the hospital for draining to find her parents had already been infected. When Storm entered the house she was trapped. She had read enough books to know what to do next. She had no choice but to kill her parents. So she did. And in that moment she changed forever. Gone was the old Storm, in her place was a cold killer. Since all her friends had abandoned her, Storm stayed in her house, as it contained the most resources. After an undead attack on her house, Storm moved into the park. Her main base is there at the moment but she tends to tag along with large groups, waiting for the right moment to take some of their supplies. At the moment she is following Burberry parks

Prominent Relationships- She killed her parents and all her friends are gone

Other- Storm often has periods of extreme breathlessness or when her lungs get filled with fluid. At times like this she wishes she had an alley. Instead she waits for it to pass before dragging herself to the hospital and plugging herself in like she watched some many doctors do before her. She fears the day when she has a real attack and there is nobody there.

Her favourite weapon is her Dads pistol and the large kitchen knife she keeps in a small sheath. However back at her base she also has some assorted weapons, ranging from a genuine medieval bow, to an axe


(Sorry it is big..)

Storm is tall, reaching 5'9" although she often wishes she was smaller, people think that she is beautiful although Stom is always looking in the mirror picking out the smallest imperfections. Her hair used to be long and wavy and she was incredibly proud of it. But chemo to that from her. Her face is usually dirty and scarred and as she prefers to wear short you can see scars crisscrossing up her thighs like a child's drawings. Her eyes are a deep blue and seem to hold a deep wisdom. Either that or you can see something deeper and perhaps evil. Her skin is a deep olive from her mother's side of the family however she inherited her high cheekbones from her father. She never wears makeup as she says that it takes too much time. But in storm's world everything takes up time. But when your body is a ticking bomb i guess it is true.

Just cause making apocalypse character is awesome...I'm going to play around with some before I make the RP itself (finally got 3 days off from everything!) @Pastaa

Full Name- Felicity P. Wiley

Nickname(s)- Fawn

Gender- F

Age- 27

Personality- Softspoken, aloof, sly, intelligent, street-smart, and genuine. The only downside to her introversion is that it makes her seem untrustworthy, despite being one of the most loyal people. She is very genuine, and prefers to flee than to fight- but that doesn't mean she can't defend herself. Since she is used to being a lone wolf, she can fight with the best- Except, she prefers not to. The only way to get her to fight is when there is literally no way around it, and even then- she hesitates.

Brief Background- (Both before and during the apocalypse)

Fawn's older brothers were involved in the street gang, and she was in a bad place before she even started high school. She didn't have much that contributed to her wellness, since she ended up having her oldest brother take custody of her due to family troubles. She's very thick-skinned because of this rough upbringing. During the apocalypse, she traveled with her brothers for a very long time. They were the brawn of the group, she eventually ended up on the higher-end of life; since they were so well prepared. However, as most things do, her good luck faded and she was cut away from her brothers. She is still hoping deep down to reconnect with at least one of them, but she doubts she'll ever see any of them again.

Prominent Relationships- (Allies, family, friends, etc.)

Older brothers: Leroy (Lee)- 31, Avery- 29, and Jerry- 46

- She is closest to Lee

- Gets along the best with Avery (since he's the most peaceful)

- Argues most with Jerry (since he is the "father-figure" of sorts in the family)

Other- (Insert any quirks/fears/other things worth mentioning)

------ (can't think of anything yet)

Looks- (Photo + written description with height/weight/general appearance/etc)

Unlike people would expect, she's a rather small-bodied individual. Her entire body is toned, tightly muscled, and lightly tattooed on one of her upper forearms. She only stands about 5'0, weighing in at a feeble 94 pounds. Her hips, waist, and shoulders are especially narrow; giving her a rather gentle physique and childlike exterior. Her face is pulled in an intense poker expression most of the time, not giving away any hints of her emotions. Her voice is a low growl, holding that street way of speaking; a bit raspy and harsh to listen to. Her skin is dark, but not dark enough to match her deep brown eyes. Her hair has been completely shaved off, and she continues to shave it so it doesn't grow into an untamed afro.



Full Name- Barnaby J. Tucker/Margaret E. Fay

Nickname(s)- Barney/Minnie

Gender- M/F

Age- 24/23

Personality- While Barnaby is a fuse waiting to go off, always riled up with tension and anger; Minnie is usually pretty aloof of trouble, even if she is loud as well. They are what you'd refer to as a ticking time bomb- Both unstable in different ways with no one but each other to look after. Minnie is a flighty, flirty, and needy young woman- she'll do anything in the name of love. Barnaby will not go to the extremes his fiancee does, but he still devotes himself to her entirely.

Brief Background- (Both before and during the apocalypse)

Neither Barnaby or Margaret expected to be a duo so reliant on each other, they met through friends at a club; and from there they were immediately infatuated by one another. After only seven months dating they moved in together, and from there fell madly in love. Barnaby was already lightly affiliated in robberies, since he was so broke, but Minnie didn't care. Once the world went to hell, their story unfurled. Barnaby had only just been arrested, and within the state prison the inmates planned an escape when zombies started roaming among the prisoners. They killed enough people to overwhelm the guards on their block- They wouldn't have escaped alive had Minnie not shot a man in the back of the head and driven the getaway car. From there, both of them drove around robbing more than anyone else, taking from the rich and poor alike. They killed to survive, but lost a lot of moral in doing so. In the two years the world was overtaken, they have set up many different connections and hideaways. They are sure to be caught for their misdemeanors someday.

Prominent Relationships- (Allies, family, friends, etc.)

Each other.

Other- (Insert any quirks/fears/other things worth mentioning)

Minnie is an excellent seamstress, she's stitched up more wounds than she can count in the past two years. Barnaby's hate is rooted in bad experience with jailtime spent for robbery.

Looks- (Photo + written description with height/weight/general appearance/etc)



Standing at 5'1 and weighing in at 119 pounds, Minnie has a rather stout physique. Her hips are wide, distinctly pear-shaped while her ribs are narrow. Her shoulders are broad for her body shape, giving her the illusion of being curvier. She has very light blonde hair with alluring green eyes and porcelain freckled skin. Her hair is naturally in obnoxious curls, so it's usually up in a sloppy bun or ponytail. She's not particularly muscular, like a lot of the survivors of the apocalypse.



He's roughly 5'7, with a stocky frame; Broad shoulders, slightly chubby torso, and muscular legs. He has dark hair and pale skin that burns awfully if he's in the sun too long. His eyes are a dark hazel that change with the sunlight exposure. He prefers to be clean shaven, but in this day and age he has stubble pretty much every day. His teeth are slightly yellowed from smoking, and his weight fluctuates between 145 and 155. He has more scars than Minnie, many from people and not zombies- and more from accidents than people.

Full Name-
Linda M. Fu

Nickname(s)- Lindy

Gender- F

Age- 5

Personality- Giggly, shy, and observant

Brief Background- (Both before and during the apocalypse)

Her parents died in the apocalypse, when she was a 3 year old. Since then, she's been able to travel with her 78 year old great-grandmother (a chubby 4'9 little Chinese woman who hardly speaks any English). She's still too young to really understand what's going on, and has been shielded from actual zombies for the most part of her life. She still has nightmares about it, however, and asks almost too frequently when her parents will come home.

Prominent Relationships- (Allies, family, friends, etc.)


Other- (Insert any quirks/fears/other things worth mentioning)


Looks- (Photo + written description with height/weight/general appearance/etc)



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