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Fantasy The quest for Elfen blades


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Long ago in a world of heroes and monsters, Malafak the Dark wizard conquered all...
For over one thousand years Malafak used dark magic to enslave monsters into his armies,
For over one thousand years Malafak ruled cruelly over humanity using his monsters to keep the world in line,
For over one thousand years Malafak searched for the Elves, cursing and killing any unlucky enough to meet his evil gaze...

The world of Karma was changed forever. The time this evil wizard ruled were referred to as the Dark age of Fak, during these dark times humans tried and failed to fight back. Monsters grew in numbers, size, viciousness.
Most frightening of all? the Dark wizard was able to decimate the Elves.

Although its been hundreds of years since Malafak perished,
(unknown to all if it was a hero who slain this evil or if evil got old and slipped getting into the bath...)
The people of Karma still live in fear of monsters.

There is one thing that changed though, Karma is once again entering the age of heroes!
Evil could not stamp out the righteous drive that has potential to spark and flare inside ones soul,
Evil could not drown humanity in monsters, though they try humans forever fight to survive,
Evil could not comprehend the power inside the Cursed blades of Elfen...

You are a hero. A hero is a person who fights (alone or with other heros) monsters for gold, recognition and that warm fuzzy feeling one gets from slaying a fierce monster.
On what seemed like a regular hunt and kill quest involving multiple heros all hired by the town, a larger than life Orc bursts through the Forrest slicing full chunks of nature from his path. As the trees fall to ashes at his feet every hero nearby is pierced with a cry for help...

It was a magical voice, though it was pained and terrified. It was the orc's sword that seemed to speak...
A sword whose form was uniquely exquisite, beautiful and burning with a fire no human has seen in their lifetime.
The blade seemed alive, the blade wants your help, this monster is wielding a magic sword and needs to be stopped immediately.
Medieval fantasy about slaying monsters with magic weapons made from the souls of elves
Will start the rp once I have three characters ready and accepted.
Like all medieval fantasies I make soft magic is the go here and I can explain more on the cs page or answer questions here
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