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Fantasy The Quest For Anark's Treasure


Kell of Kells
For decades people have been telling the tale of a very deep and dangerous cave system filled with treasure and treachery. The stories have grown thin over the years as generations grow older. Everyone was beginning to think that Anark's Treasure was nothing more than a myth until an old wizard told a group of adventures exactly where to look. With that the group headed to the cave entrance deep in the Forbidden Forest. This is their story.
Angus wakes up outside of the Rusty Clucker still groggy from the ale he had the night before. He looks down and realizes he is wearing a bright pink tutu. "What the hell did I get myself into last night?" he thinks to himself trying to recall the events of the night before. "Fuck it I'm going back to bed." With that he falls back asleep right outside the tavern he fell asleep in front of a few ours before.
Hitomu sidestepped, clocking the thug in the back of his head. The rag wearing man collapsed to the ground, folding upon himself. The bandit's hand slowly uncureled, releasing the knife that was moments ago tightly gripped in his hand. Hitomu wiped the sweat from his brow. "Weakling!" He barked kicking the man in the chest, "Consider my next action a sign of mercy!" He growled extending his hand and preforming a simple spell, "AZARATH METRION SYTHOSE!!!" The mans neck instantly snapped, staining the green, flourishing grass a dark Crimson. "Good ridence." He sighed. Drawing his hand to his nose quickly as a stream of blood began to flow down his nose. He grunted annoyed, as he wiped it away. He continued to walk for a few more miles before coming across a small town, "A place to stay the night and resupply I suppose." He said walking past a drunk dwarf, "...What a waste of skills." He moaned walking across from the bar to the inn on the other side of the road.
Setzu appeared from the shadows and runs to a thugs unconscious body. Placing his hand over his body, the thugs body some how looked colder, as a black cloud was absorbed into his body. The shadows that followed him grew one in number, and using his shadowdancer abilities, Setzu manipulated the soul into the shadow realm. He followed the man into the inn. Wherever this guy was going was probably good to follow if you are in need of souls
"What happened here?" Angus said poking the cold corpse out in the street. "Better him than me I suppose." Angus heads down the street still in his tutu.
Hitomu handed a small sack of coins to the inn keeper, a punch he had found on the threif, the innkeeper's face looked grim when he saw blood was still dripping from the coins, "R-room a. down the hall and take a left...." The innkeeper said shakily. Hitomu nodded to the keeper and began to walk, he stopped abruptly at the feeling of someone watching him...something. He sniffed the air, and decided to keep going.
Matsu sitting on a rooftop watching Angus picks up a rock. He throws the rock at Angus from the roof. "Hey drunk your a disgrace to yourself and others. Get back to your home and stop being a drunkard." Yells Matsu from the roof.
"Hey asshole, what the hell is your problem?" the angry hungover dwarf yelled. "How about this?" the sad little dwarf pulled out his bagpipes from under his tutu and began to play. It seemed to play directly into the rude mans ears making him temporarily deaf.
Hitomu walked into his room and slung his pack into a small chest in the corner of the room, he pulled out a small piece of white chalk from his pocket, and began drawing small symbols on the walls and floors, he sensed a entity in the room watching him, and with these symbols the creature could not come in...at least not in its current form. He heard yelling from outside and strode outside with his staff drawn.
"I AM NOT A HOBIT YOU DIRTY ELVISH BASTARD. HEAD BACK TO THE NORTH POLE!" With all the effort it took to yell back at the elf on the roof Angus threw up and passed out.
Setzu examimed the man. Even though people were around him, he would have to leave the shadows... maybe they wouldn't know what he was doing... he pulled his hand over the body and started to take the soul.
"Er... nothing..." He continues to keep his hand over the man. His shadowblade appears in his hand leaving particles of darkness in the air.
"Someone help me over here!" Angus reaches for his bagpipes and smashed them directly into the head of the little creepy kid about to stab him.
Setzu deploys a soul in front of him, which takes the blow, sending shadows everywhere. He disappears into a shadow, "Damn, I really wanted that soul." He pulls a golden sword from the shadow realm and throws it near the old man. He leaves the shadows and apologizes. "Sorry, take this gift... It's just sometimes, I forget that I am still human, or I used to be..."
"Oh uhh.... Thanks I guess.... I'm Angus." Angus picks up the sword and tosses it around in his hands a little bit to get a feel for it. "Fine blade you got here, are you sure you just want to give it to me?"
"I have no use for a heavy sword like that. Being a shadowdancer, I am more accustomed to a lighter, but still strong, weapon. Oh and nice tutu." Setzu says laughing, something that isn't heard often.
Hitomu watched from afar he collapsed his staff and, slung it around fastening it to his back, "what a bunch of Imbiciles." He scolded, a drunkurd a goth, and a little elf, why don't you stop arguing and go back to the island of misfit toys why don't you." He barked striding back into the inn.
Setzu looked at the warrior. It was strange, that he had no idea who Setzu was, or he wouldn't casually insult him. He manipulated his souls back to the shadow realm, excluding two, one he absorbed through his hand. He felt his familiar feeling of immense strength surging through his veins, like a drug. The other he had absorb into his shadowblade, making it slightly more powerful.
Hitomu sighed, as he turned at the end of the hall and entered the musty room, he knelt down by the small chest and began rummaging through his belongings. He pulled out a large circular, leather canteen. Unscrewing the top he took a long drink. Setting it aside, he looked at his food supply, "Hmmm, the few clues I have about the treasure point me to this area, I know it's close I can feel it, but to be safe I should resupply on food." He said to himself. He closed the chest and locked it once again. Leaving the inn he saw the group of fools again, sneaking past them he continued to search for a local food vendor.
Matsu sees the man walk out from the inn. He stands up grinning and teleports in front of the man with his bow drawn. He points his arrow straight at the mans head. "Well hello there." Says Matsu.

Just as the town started to settle down again after the big argument that just took place, there was something in the distance that sounded like a very loud heartbeat. It kept thumping and thumping, getting louder and louder every passing second until there was a very low and deep horn. The world went silent for a good 30 seconds before a deafening war cry was heard all through the small town. "CHAARRRGGGEEEE!" the army of orcs screamed as they rushed the town. This was going to be a battle.
Setzu phased over to an orc stabbing his sword through it. He did this several times with blinding speed. He grabbed a long trap from the shadowplane, and deployed it on the field. He continues to phase in and out, back and forth, not being stopped. While in the shadow realm, he was hit and fell to the regular ground. An orc missed him with a club, by a millimeter. Setzu tried to shift worlds again but as he did he was hit again. "Oh shit, another shadowdancer."

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