The Purge [Inactive]


da bomb diggity
NessieAlways submitted a new role play:

The Purge - One night were all crime is legal.

If on one night every year, you could commit any crime without facing consequences, what would you do? In an America wracked by crime and overcrowded prisons, the government has sanctioned an annual 12-hour period in which any and all criminal activity-including murder-becomes legal. The police can't be called. Hospitals suspend help. It's one night when the citizenry regulates itself without thought of punishment.

By 2022, the United States under the New Founding Fathers of...
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NessieAlways updated @undercovernoob @BrownBear1 @Mika Rin

Before we begin.

*Don't go off on a 1x1

*Keep things interesting, don't just kill and kill and kill.

*Remember not to go into gory details...RPNs rules.

*I'll be watching over the RP and making stuff happen so if I say the door shut behind you. Then you better stay behind that door =)

*Please No Arguing over getting hit or killed. It's going to happen.

*If you're near death and want to continue living, you better write some amazing posts.

*Twist: The Gang can get killed as well. And you can switch sides while you RP if you ask!

*It will be helpful if you guys wrote down times =)

Umm I think that is it for now... I'll add stuff along just to keep things interesting!

Any who...


March 21/7:00 P.M/ River View Mall

This is not a test.

This is you're Emergency Broadcast System announcing the commencement of The Annual Purge Sanctioned by the U.S. Government.

Weapons of class 4 or lower have been authorized for use during the purge. All other weapons are restricted.

Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed.

Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours.

Police, fire, and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7 A.M. When the purge concludes.

Blessed be our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn.

May God be with you all.

*Siren goes off*


"LIBERTAD!" A heavily accented voice yelled passionately through the speakers of the large black heavily armored truck as he crashed through the gates of River View Maximum Security Prison. "GO NOW! BE FREE AND PURGE TO YOUR HEARTS CONTENT!"

The orange clad prisoners poured out of the prison courtyard out on to the streets, running straight toward town stomping over some prison guards along the way. Some were lucky enough to get weapons or vehicles. The unlucky ones were killed as soon as the riot started, maybe due to personal rivalries. But Reaper did not care for that. He was locked up in that hotel for two years. For him, River View was a walk in the park since day one, and freedom was his plan since day one.

Within the first 3 months of being inside, Reaper made name for himself and gained a following among the prisoners. Then a couple months later he gained the trust of a few prison guards, bribing them and of course being very friendly. They told him all the guard routes, the layout, and rooms in the prison. For this information he gave those guards enough enough money to travel for awhile, with help on the outside. He planned that on this fucked up, chaotic holiday the American pigs liked to call the Purge he would leave this place and head south of the border.

He smiled to himself in the truck as he drove on the road. He was a handsome young Mexican man. He was 5'8", about .5 the inch more than the average Mexican man. He was 165 pounds of pure muscle, almost a 15 pound gain from when he first entered the pen. He made sure to keep his fighting skills up to par, by sparring with his roommate some old former CIA dude who went crazy and shot a bunch of babies in Asia. He never learned his name, but hell he was probably over the Canadian border by now.

"Hahaha." He laughed to himself at the nice thought as he drove down the road, the town coming closer. He could here guns and screams getting louder and louder. He rubbed his long dark ponytail in thought as he approached town mostly wondering if anyone had an RPG. He was dressed in police riot uniform hoping to cause people to hesitate by instinct.

"The sun will be setting soon... my sweet Rosa." Reaper smiled down to the passenger seat, where a beautiful, sleek black machete was buckled in a resting. "Que dices? Oh you think we should have some practice while we are down here?" He looked back on the road. He was in town now... bullets rattled off the side of his armored truck and bullet proof window shield.

"Ay Dios." He said calmly as he squinted to see an extra sign at an intersection.

The sign read River View Mall.

"Mmm... Im hungry... Ive never been in American Store... I'll need some new clothes when we reach the border... and you want to taste flesh... what do you ay Rosa?" Reaper stepped on the gas and headed toward the mall. "Vamos Con Santa Maria." 
Ill be sure to put it on now
"Oh God, Oh God, don't f****** do this to me now!," Cassie practically shouted at the top of her lungs as she stamped her foot on the gas pedal out of both fear and frustration as she tried to start her car. She should have known better. She should have known better than to trust a car she'd bought off some online listing a week before the Purge. She should have simply trusted her gut and stayed home instead of coming in to work. The moment she woke up that morning, Cassie knew something was going to go wrong - she could feel it in her bones. Now she knew why.

Clenching her steering wheel with her manicured hands, Cassie briefly went through her possible options. Her apartment complex was across town and trying to get there on foot would be suicide. Then again, even if her car were to start now, the place would be locked down tight by now and there would be no way she could convince them to open up - not even for a minute to let her in. No matter how nice she was to her neighbors or how much they knew her, they were willing to sacrifice her life in order to keep theirs, and she couldn't quite blame them. There was always the nearby river, but after last year, it seemed that the river offered no real safe haven for everyone. She still remembered seeing all the blood running down it the morning after last year's Purge.

That only left one real option in her mind. Cassie turned and glanced at the emergency exit that led into the backroom of the bookstore. She shut the alarm off, kept the bar open, and locked it just like always; if she really wanted to, she could run back in and hole up there for the next twelve hours. Read books to pass the time in her office, maybe get some sleep and let it all blow over just like last time. Jesus, who was she kidding? Even when she was safe and sound in her apartment complex, she hadn't gotten any sleep that entire night as she heard hysterical cries and pleas for help and rampant violence occur out her window. How the hell was she going to fair any better in a dark, creepy store on the night when her world pretty much went insane?

Cassie shook out all her racing thoughts, there wasn't any time to argue, debate, or worry. Her car was the only one in the parking lot and it made her a sitting duck. Easy game for whoever was looking to get an early start on their blood-letting. Gathering her purse, badge, and keys, Cassie didn't even bother shutting her car door as she made a mad dash towards the emergency exit.

The moment she reached it, Cassie briefly fumbled with her keys as her hands began to shake from her shot nerves. She grew terrified at the thought that someone could just up and smash their car into her or simply pick her off with some hunting rifle or something. If someone were watching her, they most likely saw her as a simple little scared deer trying to get away and hide from the hunters. But for her sake, Cassie simply hoped that no one saw her enter the emergency exit that led back into the store she worked - let alone the mall.
Skylar stared at herself in her bathroom mirror, her reflection showing a young woman, soft brown hair neatly combed straight down, mascara applied lightly around her eyes, darkening them enough but not too much. She locked herself away all day. She had nothing to do so that meant she could spend all day on unnecessary thinks like makeup or clean the house multiple times. But not tonight. No, tonight was a special one indeed. Skylar slowly turned her head to her right and looked at the gasmask sitting on her counter next to the sink. She slowly reached out her hand then stopped, her fingertips barely touching it. "I-I can't. It's time but I just can't do this anymore."

She stumbled back, raising her hands to her temples. "I don't want to do this.."

Her body began to tremble slightly. Another nervous breakdown. But just before it could start, Skylar froze, and her eyes went wide as her breathing became irregular. She reached out, gripping the counter as she struggled to breath, all the while her thoughts racing in her mind.


Though it was too late. Just as quickly as it came, it stopped. Skylar began breathing normally again and she straightened. Her eyes narrowed, ones that were once warm and friendly now cold and unrecognizable. She picked up her gas mask with no hesitation, smiling wickedly as she put it on.

"Time's a wasting darling." she chuckled coldly.

She went downstairs, grabbing her dagger on the way out, the one specially reserved for the purge. After locking up for the night she left, getting into her car and driving off.

As she drove, her eyes would drift every now and then to the sides to view the purging around her. It had just started and people were already screaming, shooting, killing everyone for maybe personal reasons or just because. She focused her eyes back on the road and her eyebrows raised slightly as she saw a young man standing in front of her car, pointing a gun. She laughed, and pressed her foot on the gas pedal all the way, the car lurching forward as it sped towards him.

He fired off a few quick rounds. Some missed and some didn't though he just continued laughing as she was almost on him now.

Luckily for him he jumped out of the way. But Skylar paid no mind. She continued laughing, all the way, it only dying down as she continued driving. She usually killed in mass numbers out in the open. Risky and dangerous but most were too scared to approach her thinking she was a psychopath.

And maybe they were right.

As she drove further she slowed down, seeing a mall. She glanced at its direction, at first just to see if anyone were killing, then glanced again.

A car in the parking lot.

She read the name of the mall. River View.

She made no hesitation, spinning the car around, heading for the car parked there. She twisted the steering wheel at the last moment, coming to a screeching halt beside it.

And lucky her, the car was left wide open but nobody inside.

She glanced once more at the large mall in front of her.

And a sly grin crept on her face.
It seemed Reaper was south of the mall. He picked up speed and zoomed across the parking lot. There were people looting mostly in the mall, because people were taking clothes, tv's, and even foods and running out the entrance.

"VROOOOOOM-CRASH" He shattered the glass as drove in the Dillards. "Vamos my bella" He said as he pulled Rosalina out of the seat. When he jumped out his feet crunched under the sound of broken glass, but wait the glass was getting redder and redder. A blood puddle was forming. He went to the front to investigate, and found that had run over two people. One was already dead. The other was reaching out to Reaper for help, most likely thinking since he was in a policemans uniform he would help.

Reaper knelt down and examined the young mans body. In the background people were looting running and screaming, totally unconcerned that a man just crashed through the store killing two people. Well one was alive but still... his legs were long gone.

"Do you need help young man?" Reaper asked in his heavy accent. The young man nodded. He was a skater looking kid with the forehead hair. Blood was coming out of his mouth. "Then let me here you say... si rosa... can you say that for me."


"Haci, cmon you can do it man."

"S-si R-r-r-rosa- HUUUN"

Reaper stuck the young man with his machete and twisted and churned his organs all around.

"Muy bien... muy bien." He did this for while, and made the kid suffer before he was knocked out from shock. He then beheaded the young man who looked to be a teen.

"Howd that taste Rosa? He asked as he wiped her clean with the kids clothing... oh it wasnt to your liking i see. No matter. Well get more for you soon. For now though... lets get something to eat at the food court."

Reaper began strolling, whistling an old mexican folk song as he swing his machete back in forth...
*Other purgers have broken in through the Sears side of the mall and have begun to burn down every store from Sears to the Center Macy's. *

((Please move to the southern side of the mall. If you're already there disregard. -5 points for those who do not move.))
(I better write something then im on the opposite side!) 
Oh youre gonna send some obstacles my way as i move up?
(I'm actually closer to the other side nvm xD )

Skylar walked into the building, twisting the dagger around in her hand. She wasn't sure what side of the mall she was on but she heard purging people. And they were close. "S***" she muttered under breath. One, two or maybe even three? She could handle depending on what weapon they had. But this sounded like a mass group of them. She crept around the corner seeing they were burning down stores. She cursed. She hadn't expected any purging to happen down here yet here she was stuck with a whole lot. Would they try and kill her too or help her? No matter, whatever the case she would end up putting her dagger in their backs either way. Skylar turned on her heel, running off into a nearby store and ducking behind shelves as she crept through it, until she got to the counter, hiding behind that instead. She hated to run like a coward but her goal wasn't only to kill but not to be killed. She crouched hidden in the darkness, her dagger gripped firmly in her hand. If anyone were to creep on the counter she would simply pop out and slit their throat. If it was more that one person she had two options. Run or try and kill all of them. As said before running away wasn't her thing so she just crouched, waiting for the opportunity to strike.
Stephen sits and watches the Purge going on around him. So far he's just been walking down the street many people not paying attention to him. Then he sees it, the place where his victims will be located, River View Mall.

He starts running towards the mall dodging stray bullets and swinging weapons. He arrives at the entrance that he believed to be right next to Dillards. He starts walking around noticing a lot of purgers along with more prisoners than usual. "Some idiot must have let them loose" He says to himself as he ducks under the nearby swing of an aluminum baseball bat, and that quickly counter attacks the fellow by punching him in the face with his left hand and stabbing him with his knife in the chest. "Let's see if there is any good loot here" Stephen starts walking towards the food market.
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((Character Chandler Cameron "CC"has just said he can not continue...feel free to kill him off =)

Make it interesting please!))
Chewing on a Subway sandwich, bloody Rosa in hand, Reaper made sure he knew where the forever 21 was.

"Slice!" He cut open a crazed womans head. She tried to attack him with an axe. "Stupid puta." He said with a mouthful.

He slowly walked, unknowingly passing by skylar and her hiding spot.

As he makes his way to the book nook because he wanted an electronic copy of his favorite novela for the long ride. He sees stephen far ahead of him entering the store. He marks notice of this.

"Oh... its on fire.... ay que pena... well! time to go clothes shopping!"

He makes his way back, but at the entrance of the Forever 21 there are guys in orange uniform. Prisoners. 4 of them. They were armed. With shotguns... They looked like skin heads.

"Crap...." He looks around and heads into an appliance store.... He hid because, those were definitely not friends of his in prison. He took their alpha male rep from them when he first arrived there. Theyd happily shoot them.

"Think... think...
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Cassie choked and desperately tried to suck in air as she dragged herself out of her beloved bookstore. While she knew that in the next few months, they'd just replace everything as if nothing happened, she was hurt that everything she worked hard to maintain would most likely turn to ash. However, there wasn't any time to grieve for the loss of her books and her store as a whole. If she didn't crawl out from under all the suffocating smoke saturating this part of the mall, she'd die of smoke inhalation before anything else. Then again, there were certainly worse ways to die during the purge.

Feeling her heels gradually be dragged off her feet as she crawled across the carpet and through the neat and orderly aisles of books, Cassie saw the large steel shutter and shattered glass doors that separated her from the purgers. Luckily, the psychos outside hadn't made it to her shop and cut it open in the time that she hid in her office and tried to keep herself from totally panicking. But now she was going to have to open up the heavy gate keeping her away and safe from the purgers looking to kill anyone and everyone they saw.

Once she made it over to the heavy shutter, Cassie fumbled for her keys once again before she shoved her key inside the lock mechanism holding it down and used all her strength to lift it open so she could roll under. However, as she dug her fingers underneath the gate, Cassie's eyes grew wide as she felt shards of glass tear into the flesh of her slender fingers and embed themselves into her knuckles. Cringing from the burning and stinging sensation she felt in her eyes, lungs, and fingers, Cassie gathered all the strength she could to lift the fence and ignore the pain she felt as she rolled over and subsequently stood on the crushed and shattered glass sprinkling the tiled floor. Shards stuck to her grey hoody and some had worked their way into the bottoms of her feet. Nearly crying out in pain, she wearily climbed to her feet and began running/staggering barefoot out from the bookstore entrance and away from the raging inferno behind her.

Little did she know, that she attracted the attention of some skinheads a few stores up who were looting a small pharmacy. One raised a shotgun in her direction and it felt as though Cassie's heart stopped beating within her ribcage. The breath had been sucked out of her lungs as she stared at the barrel aimed in her direction--she briefly wondered what it'd feel like to have buckshot tear through you. It certainly must have hurt worse than having glass embedded in your hands, wrists, and feet. Just as she was about to flinch and expect a loud boom to end her life, another skinhead lowered his friend's weapon. He could see the man's lips moving as she ran past them, but she couldn't make out what was being said beyond all the shouting, screaming, and gunshots.

The only thing she heard as she ran into the warzone that was now Macy's was "Run little rabbit, run!"

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