The Protagonist Plots


One Thousand Club
Hello there, I'm the Protagonist.

Let's start with the rules:

1. I play male (usually human) characters as my main. I can have secondary characters who are female or non-human, however.

2. I only do Straight romances...

3. I really prefer to have romance in this, also.

4. There is no fourth rule.

5. Violence is fine up until the point where you're describing scattered organs.

6. I do not like 'mundane' plots. That is to say, plots that are both about normal people and don't have any supernatural/fantasy/sci-fi elements.

7. I also prefer plots that aren't too far removed from where we are at. So like, I prefer modern fantasy and its ilk to straight up fantasy.

8. Oh, I also LOVE Human x Nonhuman plots.

And now on to plots! (I'm on the left)

A + means I'm particularly interested in the plot right now.

-The Hive [Former CIA x Alien]

Aliens have come to the Earth. They did not bring war, but peace. They offered to fix the Earth's problems. However, their idea of 'help' is to centralize everything, censor dissidents, and disarm humanity. Earth is now a giant public school, essentially.

My character is a former CIA operative who's trying to stay under the alien radar and collect intelligence about them.

Your character is an alien (of any occupation. I suggest she'd be the princess, however) who disagrees with the current agenda to oppress humans (or rather, that the current system is oppression at all).

One night, while you are sneaking out, you run into my character.

-GEAR [Corporate Sec X robot] ++

It's the future, and several sci-fi gadgets are now in existence. In particular, sapient AI.

However, this is causing quite a stir. Some folks don't like all this. There's a ton of civil unrest.

My character would be a security agent for GEAR, the largest Mega Corporation ever. You'd be his robot girlfriend.

-The Ghost, The Gunman, and the Grim [FBI Agent x Ghost] +

There's a small town in flyover country. It's not a horribly wealthy city any more, but there's one abandoned mansion. It used to belong to a very wealthy and attractive lady. They say a demon fell for her, and when she didn't love him back, he killed her. They say her ghost still haunts the place, unable to leave.

Anyone who's ever entered her house doesn't come out. Ever. There's some disturbances in town, connected to that house. The local authorities are too afraid to get anywhere near that house, however.

So, the FBI's taken over and sent a profiler in to investigate.

-The Culper Agency [Man in Black x Supernatural] +

There's a government agency which covers up supernatural things, and protects people from them.

The agency recruits both humans and supernatural beings together, and likes to pair them together as partners.

My character would be a rookie human agent, and yours would be a supernatural, like an angel or a fairy or a lamia a dryad or a centaur, ect.

-Mutagen [scientist x Hybrid]

My character's a recluse who lives on an island and does experiments. He accidentally releases a mutagen which turns animals into hybrids of various sorts. Your character would be a half-human hybrid who has a crush on him and tries to follow him around while he tries to contain the genetic disaster to his island.

-The Bottle [Human x Genie]

I don't really have a plot for this at the moment, but I'd like to do an RP about a guy who finds a genie and starts making wishes and hilarity ensues as the genie may or may not grant them as he wishes.

-Abductions and Marriage [Human x Alien]

My plot idea was that your character would be an alien in some position of moderate power. The alien society she lives in wants to have her to marry a human. They abduct a human (or otherwise persuade him to come aboard their ship), my character, to marry yours. I was thinking we'd have it so that your character would actually want the marriage, but mine is slightly reluctant at first.

One option would be to have them abduct him. Or we could have it so that the aliens have already contacted humanity, and then offered to take a human as a member of their crew. They take my character aboard their ship fly a few dozen light-years away, and then are like "Oh, by the way, we'd like you to marry one of us."

I'm not entirely sure as to why they want to abduct the human. I was thinking it might have to do with them wanting to create hybrid offspring or something (essentially, inverted racism: they think a human alien hybrid would be a superior organism to either).

-The Derelict: [Human x Robot]

My idea is sort of like Analogue: A hate story meets System Shock.

My character is a space explorer, who finds a derelict starship floating about in space. It was a generation starship, designed to sustain a society that it would dump a thousand years later onto a planet. However, within that thousand years, humanity developed FTL travel. My character walks onto the ship, and finds that all the people on it are dead, and is probably filled with monsters. However, he manages to activate a computer on board (your character) and they decide to try and restore the engines together, in order to haul it back to a dock where more research can be done.

-Small World [Human x Sapient Doll]

There's this odd, magical house where all sorts of odd things occur. Primarily, it causes dolls and such to come to life. My character is a human who comes near it, and is shrunken to about a twelfth his size. Your character is a doll who's been wanting to escape the house for some time. So, we team up to try and escape.

-Ink and Paper [Human x Cartoon]

I'm not yet sure what my plot yet will be, but the gist of it is a human and a 'cartoon' getting together.

-Lucidity [Dreamer x Dream character]

I've been playing some of the game Dream lately, and I've been enjoying it quite a bit. As such, I've decided I'd like to do an RP about dreaming. The main character is a man with a certain fascination with dreams, and so he begins lucid dreaming. Your character would be a dream projection, who acts more or less as a 'spirit guide' for him. We go through various trippy adventures.

-Alien Planet Survival: +

My plot's basically Far Cry meets Avatar. My character's a human who crash lands on an alien planet that's been taken over by evil space pirates. Your character would be an alien creature native to that planet. We're both off to defeat the pirates.

-Time Travel: +

My character is a time traveler from 20 minutes into the future, who gets stranded in a previous time period. Preferably, a very long time ago (Ice age to medieval, I was thinking). Your character is a lady native to the time period who teams up with my character, to go and fix his time machine.

I'd prefer to do the early ice age (with your character being a neandertal), if you don't mind. We can do nearly any time period if you like.

-The fountain of youth:

Your character is much younger than she looks. She was granted immortality in the early copper age, and has been alive ever since, keeping her existence a secret.

However, she meets my character, and she eventually decides to open up about her identity.

My plot idea's admittingly somewhat vague, so if you'd help me flesh it out some, that'd be great. One idea I had was having your character be a former Egyptian pharoah

-The Pilgrimage:

My character is a recently deceased soldier. Your character is an angel of death, who's job it is to get him to heaven. However, certain problems force us to have to do a few detours and well, it eventually becomes a big journey filled with lots of danger and excitement and whatnot.



-Bioshock: The New Rapture [sailor x Big Sister] +

Surprisingly, Rapture has survived in the last 50 years. Over time, it's been slowly recovering until it has regained something resembling civilization. It is no longer overrun with splicers, but it is still run by the Cult of Lamb, a very collectivist society. Recently, the Rapturians have become a bit more bold, and they've attacked an aircraft carrier (and succeeded). My character is a survivor of the attack, who managed to escape to Rapture. Your character is a Big Sister he meets. They decide to mutually team up to help escape Rapture together.


I don't really have a plot for this, other than that we'll go on a stereotypical zelda like adventure. I was thinking I'd play a human, and you'd be a zora, twili, or rito.


I was thinking I'd like to revisit the plot of Metroid Prime, with Samus Aran having an OC partner with her. However, this plot doesn't necessarily have to be romantic.

-Star Wars

I'd like to do a plot where I'm a human republic soldier and you're a twi'lek jedi. I was thinking we'd be off to go try and track down a particularly powerful sith lord so we can give his position to the council.


My character would be a digimon tamer, and you would be his digimon, and we'd go on an adventure together.

-Teen Titans (based more on the original show):

My plot idea is a new OC (played by me) joins the teen titans. Epicness ensues. You could be any one (or more) of the original titans.

-Star Trek:

Well, really I could probably go for a lot of things. I'm kind of interested in doing an OC x Seven of Nine plot, but really, I could go for just about anything.
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Ah, well, I was copy-pasting this off of another website with different rule, I neglected to edit it.

(I have read the rules, for the record) 
By the way, if anybody's interested, I'd be very interested in doing GEAR with somebody. 
Is it alright if I bump this?
Just thought I'd pop in to say that I pretty much love all of your non-fandom ideas. ^^ If you're itching to write one in particular, feel free to give me a shout.

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