• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Multiple Settings π•‹π•™π•– β„™π•£π•šπ•€π•ž Applications


daydreamer powered by caffeine
Roleplay Availability

  • You may fill out applications for as many roles as you wish. I would like a diverse variety of characters that best fit the roles of the group. I plan on accepting no more than two character applications per person so no one is stretching themselves thin. DM me if you have any questions/ideas you want to discuss! When there's enough interest, I'll post a potential CS deadline. Happy brainstorming!

    some espionage info for funsies
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  • 07fa5f1a2203d93713bbf23ee0f5575e.gif


    - Name: Kaliya Alejandra Chevalier (Kal, Kali, her brother calls her Kitty to annoy her)
    - Age: 22
    - Role: Red/The Hothead
    - Code Name: Rose
    - Gender/Pronouns: female, she/her
    - Sexuality: bisexual
    - Face Claim: Ana De Armas
    - Appearance: long brown hair, green-brown eyes, 5'4", rose and thorns tattooed up her spine

    - Personality: Kal likes to be at the center of social settings, preferring to leap into the fray as a distraction while her brother watches from the shadows. But those who misinterpret her outgoing demeanor and confident flirting as ditziness underestimate her. She's witty and quick on her feet, a challenging combatant to anyone unfortunate enough to stumble into her way. Her adoptive parents' high expectations and intense training cause her to hold herself to high standards.
    - Strengths: confident, fun-loving, flirty/romantic/passionate
    - Skills:
    - Languages: From a young age her adoptive parents made sure Kal was fluent in French, English, Spanish, Mandarin, Hindi, Portuguese, Russian, and many other languages. They knew this would serve her well as an international covert agent.
    - Combat: Kal underwent extensive combat training and conditioning growing up because her adoptive parents believed fighting is an essential skill in espionage. Her strengths lie in an acrobatic combat style called Capoeira. She struggles more with long range combat.
    - Charisma/Seduction: Kal learned early on in her career as a covert agent that the ability to get up close and personal with a target is a very valuable skill. She puts time and effort into curating looks that stun and entice targets.
    - Weaknesses: sometimes rash/intense, bold to a fault, has yet to adjust to working with a team, slightly arrogant about her skills, short-tempered/impatient when it comes to things not going according to plan, gets bored easily, her brother (she'll protect him with her life), heights

    - Background: The Chevalier family is well-known within the espionage community. Louis and Marceline Chevalier adopted orphans Alejandra and Aaron and gave them new names as well as a new life. Kaliya sees her adoption as a blessing and idolizes Louis and Marceline for their skills and accomplishments.
    Kal has taken on a handful of assignments from the French agency her adoptive parents originated from. She started out with Wet jobs before working her way up to being an Agent-of-Influence (earning the code name 'Rose' for her dangerous nature hidden by beauty). Now she's proud to be a candidate for the Prism program.

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  • Jaemin "Jay" Yun

    # Orange

    # Song Kang

    β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

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Click Tabs on Left + Possible Scroll
  • Ashryn Titheia
    The Parent
    Nicknames & Codename
    Ryn, Ash & Topaz Wraith
    25 years old
    Gender & Sexuality
    Female (she/her) & Bisexual
    100 lbs
    Lawful Neutral
Background Artist: Google
Character Faceclaim: Jessica Green
Setting Artist 1: Google
Skills Source: Google
Setting Artist 2: Google
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  • basics

    Hikari Koharu


    Kylie Cantrall

    full name

    Hikari Koharu

    nicknames & codename



    23 years old

    Role & Color

    The Energetic Knowitall & Yellow

    date of birth


β™‘design by natasha., coded by uxieβ™‘

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Applications for Orange & Green

-Name: Samuel Richard Jenkins (Sam)
- Age (19-24): 22 Years
- Role: Orange - The Risk-taker
- Code Name:
- Gender:
- Sexuality: Asexual
- Appearance: Sam is about 5’8 with brown hair that almost has a hue of red or orange in the sunlight. His hair is disheveled and always a mess, often covering his attentive brown eyes.
He has a smaller build, yet he’s lithe and strong and able to back up his words. Or, lead on a chase that ends with you wondering how in the world he got away.
-Face Claim:
- Personality: He’s a disarming person, easy to talk to, and he’s always giving you his full attention. Sam is still wildly independent, and while he listens, it becomes clear that you can’t be certain he’s actually taking the information with value. He values his own ideals above all else. Once he’s got a thought it in his head, he goes for it, full force. He’s an all in or all out type of guy, there’s no in between.
- Strengths (3-4): Charismatic, Determined, Independent
- Skills:
Navigation - Sam always spent his time wandering and exploring, naturally picking up the skill to pay attention remember how to get from place to place. This skill was further strengthened by training with his family. He was often given ambiguous directions that led to him have to figure out his own way to get to and from locations.
Communication - He’s great at both talking and listening, able to relay things with great detail and efficiency. He was often given tasks with extensive detail and only verbally, sometimes to be passed on to other people. He is also great at twisting words.
Agility - Sam has always been running, jumping, and vaulting over things as a child, and once he was given actual training and real experience he’s only taken it to the next level.
- Weaknesses (4-5): Reckless, Impulsive, Disingenuous, Stubborn
- Background: Sam grew up in a large household where many of the children went about their business unnoticed and uncared for. He was always the kid that the other children would point out and go screaming to one of their current caretakers. β€œSammy’s climbing on the roof again!”
It was never just mindless self-destruction, he always had a reason for his escapades.
Unbeknownst to many of the children, the large Jenkins family ran an underground smuggling ring, transferring anything from information to exotic pets and drugs. Given Sam’s nature to explore and ability to talk and smile his way out of trouble, he was quickly brought in and taught the basics. His specific job was to gather blackmail on various customers, and information for others. He’s in absolute awe of being considered.

- Name: Cameron James (Cam)
- Age (19-24): 20
- Role: Green - The Healer
- Code Name:
- Gender/Pronouns:
Male He/Him
- Sexuality: Asexual
- Appearance: Cameron is a short young man with brown hair and brown almost golden eyes. He’s naturally light footed and almost average looking, he just kind of blends into the surroundings.
- Personality: Cam is the sort of person who you’d go to with an injury in hopes he wouldn’t ask pointless questions. He’s not very comfortable around people and often feels out of place. He’s proud of what he does and goes about his business without complaint. But the prospect of what he could know and be better at is very enticing. He often looks to everyone else wishing he had what they did. He can also come off as a little childish.
- Strengths (3): Curious, Resourceful, Reliable
- Skills:
First-Aid: He spent a lot of time studying and learning how to take care of simple injuries. He knows how to use unconventional items from his time as a child in the wilderness.
Tracking and Stealth: Cam knows how to track wild animals from things they’ve left behind, and he’s been able to transfer that knowledge to humans. He uses many of the same tactics to sneak up behind humans, though he’s more used to doing so with critters. He’s able to blend into the surroundings and go unnoticed fairly easily.
Observation: He has a sharp attention to detail and things in the terrain and his surroundings. Though, these days he’s more likely to be distracted by a bird than be paying proper attention to the people.
- Weaknesses (4-5): Jealousy, Childish, Distractible, Distant
- Background: Cameron’s father was a strange, paranoid man. His mother left the two of them early on, and his father brought his young son away from society to raise him far from β€˜prying eyes’. The old man had a certain fear of pigeons…
Nonetheless, Cam was given a full and proper education of how to survive off the land. His father also fearing ever entering any sort of medical facility, he also taught the boy all sorts of different first-aid. As Cam grew older, he started frequenting small unimportant towns to pick up supplies and food, usually without being noticed, and usually without paying for anything.
Cam’s father became increasingly more paranoid, believing β€˜the governments’ were watching him. So, in order to try and ease his father’s worries, Cam used his tracking and observational skills to make his way deeper into larger cities. His curiosity drove him further and further, though he was messy and without proper training. He never found any proof of his father being watched, but he didn’t exactly find proof against it either. He didn’t find much of anything at all, really, just a strange β€˜prism thingy’. His father thinks it’s a plot to kill the two of them, but Cam’s starting to wonder if maybe it’s time to move on and get out on his own. Cam is curious and nervous about what this consideration means.

I'm a fighter

Name & Alias

Miriana (Miri), Black Shadow (shadow)

Age & Role

20 years old, Black/The Fighter

Gender/pronouns, Sexuality

Female (She/her), Unclear


August 19th


Face Claim

Katya Sitak


163 cm

Hair & eyes

Has long layered straight ginger hair with light hazel eyes.


Has a light fair complexion. Covered in light freckles, most freckles on the line over her nose and cheeks. Has a slim body, with a slightly athletic build to it.

dist. features

Has a scar along her spine and a small scar on the right side of her jaw. Her voice as a bit of a French accent to it.

body modifications

Has multiple ear piercings and a septum piercing. Has a small hummingbird tattoo on the right side of her neck, just behind her ear.

Seize the Power




Don’t mention your move before you make a move.

Strong, brave, skilled, badass. All things to describe Miriana Dupont. She was a fighter that's for sure. She was more than just those things though. There was a deeper part to her. Her whole life she's been put through so much. She keeps her past to herself a lot. What she's been through has caused her to be reserved. She's the type of person who doesn't trust easily, it takes time for her to open up. When she's not opened up, she can come off as cold. It was nothing personal to anyone, it was just a habit. When she did open up, she was a very chill friendly person. She's very caring and protect of the ones she loves. She risks her life for the people who mean so much to her.

In her free time, she was a party person, someone who likes to have fun. She liked going out, she liked pretending to be someone else. Almost like a spy on unofficial business. Most of the time she was flirty and seductive, getting what she wanted and having guys practically falling for her. It was something she picked up growing up. She was trained from a young age, going undercover, so she learned to act, to pretend. It was how she was good at hiding what she was feeling and lying. Miriana was good at many things. From a young age, the organization that raised and trained her taught her many things. Like multiple styles of fighting and martial arts, Long and short shooting range with a sniper type shot, and knife throwing/fighting. The organization trained her to be a weapon. It was never something she liked but it was useful now. She refuses to ever speak or name the organization to anyone. There was only two or three people who she trusted with knowing.

Miriana has been through a lot. Sometimes it takes a major toll on her. She's able to get through it though. She has the people she calls family that help her with anything. They make her stronger. Miriana was a very persistent person, she never left anything unfinished whether it was a mission or a regular task. She's very hopeful and tries to look at the bright side of things. She's also merciful a lot of the time, she doesn't forgive but she will show mercy to people. Deep down she has a good heart, but there's also another side to her. A darker side. One where she is hurting and held a lot of hate. She was vengeful, sometimes she wants vengeance and won't stop until it's done. There was an angry part of her, one that's reminded of all the things bad people had put her through because of that, she was bound to explode. Sometimes the aim of that explosion with aim as any target no matter who they were. There are many times when it has. There's a part of her that's sad and worried. Sad and worried for her younger brother. She had no clue where he was or if he was still alive. He was one of her main weaknesses; she dedicated her free time to finding him. Her main weakness was the people she calls family getting hurt or dying. If she's not able to protect them, it'll break her.


Partying | Combat | Sunsets | Music | Dancing | Coding | Reading | Getting dressed up | Going to fancy events | Going undercover | The ocean | Beaches | Cities | Singing | playing guitar | Taking pictures | Traveling | Hanging out with her family/friends


People with bad morals | The quiet | THE 'Organization' | Her parents | Seeing loved ones hurt | Summer | Messiness | Hates spiders | The color yellow | Ignorance | Lasers


Picks her names and stares off when she's nervous or worried | Doesn't sleep a lot | Subconscious judgmental stare at times | Messes/fixes her hair when she's flirting | Clenches her hand in a fist when she's scared



Early Life

Miriana Dupont was the miracle child of Beau and Aime Dupont. Before Miri was born, it was said her mother could never have children. Miri was never meant to be born but one day, there she was. A beautiful baby to come. Mirianas parents loved her very much, she was their pride and joy. They were a very wealthy family in Paris, very well known. Miriana loved her parents as much as they loved her, but she felt lonely. Her parents were always gone for 'work', and she was always watched by a nanny. She was always a well-behaved, polite, well-mannered child. She was very elegant and spoiled. At the age of 5, her parents brough home a little boy. He was 3 years old and scared. The whole thing confused little Miriana. Her parents never answered her questions, so she grew to accept her new brother, Lison. The older they got, the closer and more comfortable they grew. Miriana no longer was lonely, and Lison was no longer scared. They became each other's very best friend.

At the age of ten, men in black came crashing through the windows and doors as the family had dinner. It scared her to her core. She watched as her parents fought the men until they got ahold of her and her brother. They were taken into another room, and she clung to her brother. She will never forget seeing the guns pointed at her and her brother. It felt like hours that they waited for her parents. When they finally did come all the hope she had, vanished. She was young but she could tell by the looks on their faces, they weren't there to save them from the bad men. When one man grabbed her brother she yelled, another man grabbing her and picking her up. She yelled, screamed and thrashed around trying to get free. All she remembers was screaming for her parents and brother before getting knocked out.

Miriana had hate for her parents. Hate that they would just give her and her brother to bad men. That was the last time she saw any of them. She was brought to a facility in the middle of nowhere. It was the place she called 'The Organization'. It was an institution full of girls varying different ages. Miriana was just a scared little girl but that quickly changed the longer she stayed there. They brainwashed her, trained her to be their soldier like the rest. Ranking them based on progress and skill. Made them learn and train to do the dirty work. The older she got, the better she got. She was their top subject. Even though these people brainwashed Miri, she still hated them. They put her through so much pain. They treated her like a test subject. They put a subject code embedded along her spin. She was their property.


It wasn't until she was older that she realized she needed to go. It wasn't until after all they put her through and made her put other people through, was she done. So, she did. At the age of 17 she made them give her a mission- and then she went rogue. She was on the run; she was hiding from them in plain sight. She was smarter than them, better. She was always one step ahead and she's been doing it for 3 years.


Aime Dupont

A beautiful Parisian woman. Has auburn ginger hair, light freckles on her nose and cheeks. Has a fair complexion and natural blush. She's a very elegant type of woman. Loves the expensive things, fancy dinners, fancy parties, and classical music. Speaks lightly and sweetly. Betrayed her children. Sold everything she owned, took all the money out of the bank and dropped off the face of the earth. Status: M.I.A


Beau Dupont

A respectable, wealthy man. Very charming and knows he has good looks. Has dark blondish hair, blue eyes, and a short beard. Very stylish and business elegant. Has a charming smile. Loves traveling, money, liquor. Very confident when speaking, very hardworking. Betrayed his children. Became broke, losing everything. Joined the wrong people and went on the run. Got caught by the opposite side. Status: Imprisoned


Lison Dupont

Has a bright smile. Has light brownish hair, a light complexion, freckles, and green eyes. Laugh was so sweet and innocent. Got taken. Bad men took him somewhere undisclosed. Last seen 10 years ago. Identity not found. Status: Unknown








β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

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