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Fantasy The Principle Journey - Settings/Locations

Shin Positron Laser

Guardian of the Old Ways



Time and Places



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The Principle Journey Locations

World: Elegos

The Planet has 2 moons rotating at very close angles. The closest moon is named Magellan. The second moon is named Ephinea. Their approximate size in the sky is shown in the picture under the RP title. Elegos also has an asteroid belt known as Hadiyah's Ring. It is visible during the day as a hazy light and large streak across the sky. During the night it lights up the sky. The width of the belt when looking at the sky is equivalent to the size of a fist when looked at from arms length. The Five Lands


The Northern Kingdoms Overview

The Northern kingdoms makeup many individual nations ruled by the aristocratic circles and monarchies. Two of the largest and most influential Kingdoms have been waging a 500 year old war between them. Surrounding nations were forced to align themselves or fear destruction. Out of the Five lands the Northern Kingdoms boast the greatest advancements in technology and science. The landscape is covered in snow many months of the year. Mountains and Valleys of ice and rock house the villages and nations. Vast plains of grass and deciduous and conifer forests separate these areas. ( This place is a cross between Medieval Europe/ Renaissance period with a little bit of Steam punk)

If you choose a character that originates from this corner of the world, your place of birth will be anywhere inside the KINGDOM OF WELWYN. You may choose any of the existing townships cities and other location within the area or create one of your own. Note: If you create your own it will be analyzed and approved to be listed on the locations section.




The Western Empire

The Western Empire is the largest of the lands in terms of land area, population and military force. Ruled by a line of divinely chosen Emperors and a council of wise men, peace resides over much of the land. And should rebellions ever arise they are quickly and quietly dealt with by the Emperors military forces. The lands of the Empire boasts the tallest mountains on Elegos, a mountain range that divides the mainland with tropical forests on one side and the Wong Fei Sea and Lahan desert on the other. A part of the Lahan desert as well as the large peninsula of Galahad are under the control of the Southern Republics. ( This land is similar to ancient Rome and ancient China combined )

If you choose a character that originates from this corner of the world, your place of birth will be anywhere inside YUAN PROVINCE. You may choose any of the existing townships cities and other location within the area or create one of your own. Note: If you create your own it will be analyzed and approved to be listed on the locations section.

The Western Empire In-depth




The Southern Republic

Republics scattered all over the land had long ago been united under a figure representing Theocratic rulership. This land of deserts and oasis’ care for a people steeped into their beliefs and devoted to their Divine and the representative. Though it may be one of the least developed areas of Elegos, its source of raw materials and natural resources make her a jewel to be coveted among the Kingdoms and the Empire. ( This place is like the middle East and Africa.)

If you choose a character that originates from this corner of the world, your place of birth will be anywhere inside the TERRITORY OF MAKAR. You may choose any of the existing townships cities and other location within the area or create one of your own. Note: If you create your own it will be analyzed and approved to be listed on the locations section.

The Southern Republic In-Depth




The Eastern Union

Hundreds of Islands make up this corner of the world. These Feudalistic areas united through the peoples and driven by principle has always been a land of relative peace. Thriving communities are found throughout its many islands. Its people have a profound understanding and respect for the master and retainer relationship. Because of the vast range between the islands, field types and weather of nearly every kind can be found within its borders.

If you choose a character that originates from this corner of the world, your place of birth will be anywhere inside the ASURAS ARCHIPELAGO . You may choose any of the existing townships cities and other location within the area or create one of your own. Note: If you create your own it will be analyzed and approved to be listed on the locations section.

The Eastern Union In-depth




The Ethereal Holyland

Not much is known about this part of the world. Sailors often pass by the waters that surround the area for it touches all of the other four lands in that way. Inquiry into the matter led to very interesting findings. A huge white wall nearly a kilometer in from the ocean surface to its top. It has a measured diameter of 500km. No one has ventured to learn anything further. The reason for this is that ancient historical documents, religious texts and other secular sources believe this place to be of a Holy nature. Considering this and certain ‘events’ of the past all who know of it stay clear.







Days in a year: 360 days

Months in a year: 12

Weeks in a year 52

Seasons in a year: 4

Spring Months:

Outset: 30 days

Lumi: 30 days

Ventis: 30 days

Summer Months:

Eausen: 30 days

Feusen: 30 days

Eclasen: 30 days

Autumn Months:

Ferra: 30 days

Conifera: 30 days

Terra: 30 days

Winter Months:

Glacial: 30 days

Nware: 30 days

Finallar: 30 days​
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Land: Northern Kingdoms

Composition: 5 Kingdoms on the continent of Altairea

Government: Autonomous Monarchies.

Population: 67,000,000

Spiritual Beliefs: Although not overly religious the people of the north have a profound sense of connection to the sacred beasts of the World of Elegos.

The Great Spirits Association: 1/20 persons. A reverence towards the many sacred beasts of Elegos.

Naturism: 1/50: Persons Fundemental teachings on the respect of the environment and nature.

The Keeper Society: 1/1000 persons. Worship and lifestyles reflecting the Keeper Races

The Order of the Way: 1/10000 persons. Principles founded on the respect of life, and the continued pursuit to better oneself.

Notable Organizations:

A.S.A.R.M. : Alchemic and Spirit Arte Research for Medicine

The Tri-Altairea Knight Orders ( Each Kingdom has an order of this kind. )

Each Kingdom has their own personal military. A unified continental army has appeared only once in History, 1014 C.Y.A.D. during the World Conquest of the Western Empire.

Personnel: 7,000,000 all Kingdoms combined

On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the greatest.

Army: 7

Navy: 5

Air Force: 8

Military Assets, personnel and Technologies:

The Tri-Altairea Knights:

Notable Areas:

Kingdom Of Welwyn:

St. Catherine’s Bay: A bay shared between two kingdoms.

Port City Victoria: Famous and bustling port city that connects the 4 lands

Lake Inverness: Northern Kingdoms 2nd largest lake.

Village of Inverness: A medium size town near the lake

Kensington Coast: Thousands of miles of elevated coastline.

Plains of Nohr: Ancient battle grounds and border to its neighboring Kingdom

Welwyn City: Largest City of Welwyn and home to the reigning Authority

Kingdom of Maxwell:

Plains of Nohr: Ancient battle grounds and border to its neighboring Kingdom

Norhad: border patrol town.

Lake Maxwell: A large lake in the middle of the land

Windemere: Small town by rivers junction

St. Catherines Bay: A bay shared between two kingdoms.

Maxwell City: Capital City of Maxwell Kingdom

Sherbrook Forest: Large Conifer Forest

Irdasis: A large River that borders the Sherbrook Forest

Kingdom of Adanaque:

Lilloet: A quaint transient Village of soldiers and refugees

Jergon River: Elegos’ Longest river

Jergon Lake: Largest lake of the North and passageway to the Meridian Ocean.

Argyle Range: Mountains known for many plateaus and grassy valleys

Valley of Orleans: Between the argyle range lies this valley passageway

Gladstone: Large City by Lake Jergon

Clarendon: Capital city of Adanaque

Kingdom of Lanark:

Jergon River: Elegos’ Longest river

Jergon Lake: Largest lake of the North and passageway to the Meridian Ocean.

Windsor Pass: Tallest mountains of the North wrought with Ice, Rock and snow.

Culloden Bay: A bay that borders 3 kingdoms and leads to Sequencia and Nordic

Lanark: Greatest City of the kingdom and home to its Ruler

Kingdom of Selkirk:

Semlin City: Great metropolis of the Kingdom

The Keltics Range: Very long range with medium size mountains

Owen woodland: Large conifer Forest
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Land: Western Empire

Composition: 7 Provinces scattered around the Meridia Continent and the Fostera Island Country

Government: Oligarchy Empire

Population: 152,000,000

Spiritual Beliefs: The Western Empire keeps close watch on the deep rooted beliefs of their far flung citizens. The most influential of beliefs stems from the Naturism. Even within the Capital province Naturism is a force of Nature.

Notable Organizations:

Each province has their proper military. Within each of these military's 1 out of every 3 soldiers doubles as a soldier for the Imperial Guard. The Imperial Guard serves as the direct military under the Emperor.

Personnel: 14,000,000 all provinces included.

On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the greatest.

Army: 9

Navy: 7

Air Force: 7

Military Assets, personnel and Technologies:

Notable Areas:

Zhou Province:

Wei Hai Port: Ferries to the Meridian Ocean Union Islands are located here

Qiu City: A City whose port is the only way to reach Lhasa Province

Nuan Village: A quaint little town which serves are the halfway point from Qiu city to the Tai Mt. Range

Tai Mt. Range: A string of mountains that divide the provinces of Zhou and Yuan.

Yuan Province:

Chu City: A transient fishing town with a large international port.

Sakya: The largest Island of this province and the only major island that is not inhabited by humans.

Qing Province:

Shennong Sea: A large body of water deep within the continent

Youchou, Suiren and Fu Xi Passages: Large straights that feed the Shennong Sea.

Youchou, Suiren and Fu Xi River cities: Military installations/ metropolis'/ ports

Fo Shan: A lonely Island with an Imperial Secret.

Liao Province:

Shennong Sea: A large body of water deep within the continent

Youchou, Suiren and Fu Xi Passages: Large straights that feed the Shennong Sea.

Youchou, Suiren and Fu Xi River cities: Military installations/ metropolis'/ ports

Zheng Chang Citadel: Capital City of the Empire

Bao Ruins: Former capital city of Yuan

Shantou: The natural mountain border

Wong Fei Sea: An enormous bay which connects the provinces of Xin, Ming and Liao

The Great Wall of Yen Li Chan: 1000km of wall divides the Empire from the Republic controlled peninsula

Min Province:

Lahan Desert: Elegos' largest desert which crosses from the Empire into Republic territory.

Dharan Lake: The Empire's largest lake.

Dharan town: A town of fisherman and treasure hunters

Wong Fei Sea: An enormous bay which connects the provinces of Xin, Ming and Liao

Xin Province:

Meng Bo Seaport: The Empires intercontinental transportation hub.

Fa shan: Military station city bordering the Great Divide.

Wong Fei Sea: An enormous bay which connects the provinces of Xin, Ming and Liao

Lahsa Province:

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Land: Southern Republic

Composition: 4 Territories on the Continent of Pangea and Meridia.
Government: Theocratic Republic
Population: 88,000,000
Spiritual Beliefs: The vast majority of the populace are followers of the Way, the Principal belief of the Order of the Way, a visible structured organization created to promote the Way.
Notable Organizations:
The Military force of the Republic is significantly smaller than all the other Lands. However like most of the people of the land, a large portion of the individuals are capable of using spirit energy.

Personnel: 5,000,000 altogether
On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the greatest.
Army: 7
Navy: 8
Air Force: 6
Military Assets, personnel and Technologies:
Notable Areas:

Territory of Qasim:

Umar Bridgeport: Thriving city equipped with Elegos longest bridge The Asma Asim.
Gawahir: Military installation along the 'Great Divide'
Yusra Jungle: Mystical jungle that borders the Lahan desert.
Strait of Isis: A passage that leads into Republic controlled waters
Hadiyan Sea: The sea that borders many territories.
Leila City: The City found on the other side of The Asma Asim
Anwar Point: Ancient temple.
Ridwan Point: A small citadel with a grand gate facing the ocean.

Territory of Makar:

Tahir forest: A vast dissidous forest wrought with wonders
The Sumayya's: A chain of peaks bountiful in minerals and precious stones
Basil Falls: A 300 km long and 2 km deep Seafall known to the ancient sailors as the end of the world.
Isra Strait: A passage of Water that is fed by the Hadiyan Sea.
Lake Ophir: A large lake
Uriel Point: A Place of pilgrimage among republicans
Yehiel Point: A citadel Monastery.
Loriel: A City where the WayMasters reside.

Territory of Sakina:
Almas : The southernmost town of Elegos.
Zahra Canyon: A large and deep crevice. In the moonlight the crevice twinkles with lights.

Territory of Galahad:

Geezla Fjord: An area that shares cliff of the Republic and cliffs of the Empire
Kamilah Bay: A bay that is constantly monitored by Empire and Republican land sea and air fleets
Jinan: Capital city of Galahad and heart of the peninsula, fortified to the Brim.
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Land: Eastern Union

Composition: Various Island nations scattered throughout the Sequencia Ocean

Government: Federation of Island Nations

Population: 55,000,000

Spiritual Beliefs: Worship of the Great Races of Old can be found throughout this land. While everyone may have a profound respect for all races the peoples of each island archipelago have their unique race they favor above the others.

Notable Organizations:

The Union's Army is much smaller in number and normally performs policing and security for towns and villages. It's Navy and Air Force however far exceed the other lands in the sheer number of combat vessels.

Personnel: 9,000,000 altogether

On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the greatest.

Army: 4

Navy: 9

Air Force: 7

Military Assets, personnel and Technologies:

Notable Areas:

Asuras Archipelago:

Nakago Island: This Islands Harbor serves as a rest stop to and from the North and South

Nagano Island: Home to the Eastern Union's Nagano Battle Group

Tetsu Island: The town houses the EU's Shipyards and the Umi Temple

Borokai Archipelago:

Ilocosur Island: Airship Hub for the EU

Lasao Island: Home to the EU's third battle group in junction with the second to form the Sequencia Ocean fleet

Viggano Island: Capital Island City

Palawa Island: Mining Island and houses the Impyerno Temple

Ildumar: Archipelago:

Lorraine Island: Home to EU's Airship Battle Group and Island Capital

Louisbourg: Fortress Island City famous for it's 100m tall wall's and myriad of canons.

Lavalin Island: A small floating island home to the Ciel Temple

San Ska Rae Archipelago:

Golgo'tha Island: Capital Island of the Union

Til-gath Island: This Island houses the Holy Temple

Sr'odon-lser Islands: Military Island dedicated to the home guard fleet.

Dakara Archipelago:

Shen Island: Island Capital. The majority of the island has been cultivated to provide food for the entire EU.

Gongmen Island: Home of the Sida Temple.
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