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Fantasy The Principle Journey : COMBAT SYSTEMS DICE/ ARTES/ STATS

Shin Positron Laser

Guardian of the Old Ways

This thread will explain the Various Combat Systems that are a part of the Roleplay.

Player Status Board

How to use Dice

How to use Artes

How Engagement Scenarios work

How to purchase Upgrades
Player Status Board.

Players who wish to take part in the combat systems may be interested in keeping a PLAYER STATUS BOARD for their personal benefit.
A players Status board will include the following aspects: HP ( Health Points ) SE ( Spirit Energy ) and CCA ( Character Combat Actions ) and Items

HP, SE and CCA are consumable resources during combat.

Health Points
HP will increase or decrease during combat by various means.
HP is often displayed like this: HP 6/6
When OCs take damage to their HP, players can choose how that damage is presented in the roleplay.
e.g.: When a player loses -1HP from an arrow, players can describe where the arrow hit, how much blood is lost, is it a scratch or did it pierce through etc.
When a players HP reaches ( 0 ) That player can no longer perform any combat actions.
Players can however continue to post in the IC thread.
Players OCs do not die when HP reaches ( 0 )
HP is fully restored generally during timeskips

Spirit Energy
Spirit Energy is the supernatural energy force that exists in all things.
SE determines the use of Artes and their strength.
SE is often displayed like this: SE 100/100
All artes have predetermined values that represent their strength.
Using an Arte will consume SE during combat.
When the SE reaches ( 0 ) players can no longer use Artes.
In addition, Dice pool is cut in Half with ( 0 ) SE
SE is generally fully replenished during timeskips

Character Combat Actions
CCA determines how many actions your character can perform in a single RP post.
CCA will encompass generally 3 types of actions. Dice / Artes / Special
CCA is often displayed like this : CCA: 20/20
1 CCA is required per dice. More HERE
Use the predetermined values of Artes in the Character Sheet to see how much CCA each artes costs.
Special conditions will usually show up in Engagement Scenarios:
e.g. : Cut a tree down. Condition: Use Must use a total of 5 CCA
CCA is restored to the maximum at every post a player makes.

Players can set Items such as Ammunition, potions, stat boosting attire prior to combat.
All players initially have 1 Item slot. More slots can be purchased HERE
When Items are consumed, they should disappear from the Player Status Board or Marked as USED
How to Use DICE

In Combat, there are 3 kinds of Dice. ATK ( attack ) / DEF ( defense ) / EVA ( evasion )
As long as a player has the required CCA. There are usually no limits to the amount of Dice one can use.
Using different dice Types is also available for the player.

Name: Attack (ATK)
Description: ATK DICE allows your character to successfully use (1) attack against an opponent.
Dice Roll:
Roll (1) D6 with a result of 3 or higher to attack
Requirements: Please follow the guidelines of the Combat Dice Thread
CCA: 1 to use 1 die

Name: Defend (DEF)
Description: DEF DICE allows your character to successfully defend against (1) attack.
Dice Roll:
ATK DICE: Roll (1) D6 with a result of 3 or higher to defend
Requirements: Please follow the guidelines of the Combat Dice Thread
CCA: 1 to use 1 die

Name: Evade (EVA)
Description: EVA DICE allows your character to successfully evade (1) attack
Dice Roll:
ATK DICE : Roll (1) D6 with a result of 4 and under to evade
Requirements: Please follow the guidelines of the Combat Dice Thread
CCA: 1 to use 1 die
How to Use ARTES

To use Artes, players must consume the following resources; CCA and SE
Use the predetermined values found in your CS to facilitate your combat experience.
When an Arte clashes with another Arte, the higher level usually wins.
Different arte types however can be the exclusion to this general fact.
For more on Arte Types in greater details see HERE under Tab Arte Type
Using Firearms

FireArms Dice Mechanics.
Description: This Section is for the use of FireArms in the Roleplay and how to use them.

Ammunition: All Ammunitions for all types ( shotgun, rifle, pistol, machine gun ) are subject to the following conditions
- Limited Load: Fully loaded, firearms have a max of 5 rounds. Reloading is instant.
e.g.: OC requires the right amount of CCA and ATK dice to shoot all 5 rounds.
- Unlimited OoC ammunition: Players can purchase an unlimited amount of ammunition in-game
- Limited Supply: OC's can only carry a limited replenishing supply per combat engagement. 10 rounds
e.g. : if a roleplay chapter has 3 Engagement Scenarios, each scenario, OC's can reload fully. However if during an Engagement you use up all the ammunition it is exhausted until the E.S. is complete.
- Price: 10 Rounds = 2 token points

Combat and Dice: Dice rolls, damage and conditions of use are all the same despite different firearms or ammunitions
- Firearms cannot be EVADED or ATTACKED.
- Only DEF Dice or Artes can respond to firearm fire.
- Rolls are similar to ATK dice. 3 and Above for HITS
- Every hit does -2HP as opposed to -1HP for normal ATK dice.
- Missed Rolls count as Ammunition wasted.
e.g. : Player roll 5,5,2,6,1 = 3 HITS or -6 HP dmg / and 5 rounds used

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