the princes' servants (twi x mei)

twilight sparkle

Yaoi lover
Nichole was 16 years old and had caramel skin, short black hair to her shoulders,hazel eyes and glasses. the teen was with her sister and they were mages. one of the princes, Satoshi, was the one who called them to the castle. he was a very kind prince but there had been an attempt on his and his brother Haru's lives.
"nichole lets go before were late" kazehana a creamy peach skinned girl with light brown hair that falls down her back and grey vibrant slightly narrowed eyes said taking her hand
follow my lead nichole" she whisperd as she curtsied "hello your higness. i am kazehana and this is nichole" she said quietly
nichole curtsied as well and satoshi said"you may rise." haru looked away shyly away from the sisters. he and nichole were just as shy.
she decided to get on her tip toes and whisper in his ear: "i think this is a budding love we are wittnesing right now m'lord"
satoshi's blue eyes widened and he smiled moving his black hair away. "i agree." haru had tan skin, black hair and amber eyes. haru said"u-uh t-thank you for helping us..." his voice soft as he rubbed his arm shyly. nichole said"y-your welcome y-your majesty..."her voice just as soft as she rubbed her arm too.
"they are simply adorable prince satoshi" she said quietly "im sorry we will do the spell now" she said her grey eyes shining with happines her pink full lips stretchong into a smile.

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