The Price of Peace


Retired M
The Concord

A place where hunters take up arms and protect the human existence all over the world from many species of mystic creatures from running amuck. The majority of the human population is completely ignorant of the creatures that run their everyday world. A lot of the creatures in the world hide in a human form and go through everyday life with the humans themselves. Some creatures hide in deep and unknown places and live how they please.

Occasionally these creatures expose themselves into the world and make a mess of things, cause human panic. That’s when the Concord steps in. They send Amity out to secure the safety of humans and solve the problem. If need be, destroy those who are making a mess if they do not cooperate.

To become a member of the Concord humans must go through a secret initiation that is life threatening. Humans will be put to sleep and tested by spirits that are unnamed and known as protectors of the veil around their city of Aria. If they survive, most new members are granted a renewed body. They have strength they have never known before, they think and see things faster, their senses are sharper, including hearing, smelling and touch If they do not pass the trials, they never wake up. The survivors are immediately placed into training to be shaped into powerful Amity.

When Amity are finished with their training they are partnered to another Amity, making them a permanent pair. They are to work together and never separate when on a mission. When their mission is complete they can report back and is sent on a small break before their next mission.

Concord’s Home Aria

Main base-

The Main base is the place where most Amity receive their orders. The base is consisted of 3 floors and several halls. Inside on the first floor is mostly class rooms and instructors where most of the new recruits are taught. On the second floor is where the five commanders of the Amity teams. On the third floor are the Council of elders who decide missions and the severity of them, handing them down to the Commanders to distribute to their Amity teams.

Central Hall-

Central Hall is quite a ways from the Main base. Several miles so most Amity take the bus that is meant only to take Amity from the Main base to the Central hall. In the Central hall is much like an airport. Amity are assigned to an area, they find the proper gate, sign in with the portal keeper, from the portal keeper they inform the Seer, if one, of the arrivals. Both Amity check in with their PIs and then the portal opens and is there for their use until the mission is complete and they no long need to be assigned to that portal. Most PIs have emergency buttons allowing for human

Amity Apartments-

Amity partners are to live together. The Amity Apartments are large building that has at least 30 stories and located close by in walking distance to the Main Base. Each apartment has two rooms, each a separate bathroom. When you leave the bed rooms there is a small kitchen, glass door, two seated dinning table and a long couch that has a TV with a coffee table in-between them. Through the glass door is to a balcony to the outside . Each bedroom has a full size bed, one desk and a bed side table. Amity are told they can put what every they want in there. They are allowed one pet as long as there are no complaints. At the bottom, there is a Lobby, and the second floor is a mess hall where all kind of foods are served.

Concord Hospital-

The Concord Hospital is located next door to the Central Hall. They are always on standby in case someone is to come through a portal hurt. Most Doctors from the Concords are Amity's who choose to become doctors by the Spirits rather than fighters, the spirits have never been wrong and has never graced the Concord with an incapable Doctor.

Amity Coliseums-

The Coliseum is a massive building built just after the Roman coliseum. For training, dueling and entertainment. Inside the Coliseum is several armories for the Amity to choose from. Most Amity can trade for better weapons or fix new ones by bringing back trinkets from missions or requested items for curtain smiths. Most recruits are seen here being trained is different skills so they best know what weapon will suit them on the battle field.

Concord Terminology

Portal Interface or Pie-

Looks very much like the smart phones of the current time. They are a bit more advanced and can communicate to the Concord through the veil that protects them. These deceives are standard to every Amity in The Concord. Each phone is connected to one Amity so that they are recognized when activating a portal. The Interface phone can also be used to track down portal opening to other creature’s realms. Because of the Smart phone look, the Amity started to just call it the PI Phone, and then the PI, and somewhere along the lines the name got smudged into Pie. Thus Pie had been a running joke in the Amity for years, “Your Pie is ringing.”Some choose not to indulge in the silly and stupid nick name and just call it a PI or by its longer original name.


There is several portals placed through safe houses around the world. Every portal around the world leads to the Central Hall inside Aria. Aria is located in the Veil, a place only people who have and Amity’s code can pass between the portals. Guest passes are permitted, but hard to get. Most portals, not all, lead to a safe house.

Safe Houses-

Safe houses is usual where a portal is placed for Amity or any Concord member to pass between the Veils. Most safe houses have a Seer and a portal in it. There are sometimes safe houses without a portal, but most always have a Seer. Occasionally safe houses are abandoning when a portal does not get used or the Seer dies and is unable to be replaced.


Most safe houses are guarded by Seers, or Amity who have grown old and retired, but still wish to be of help. Most Seers live in the house or place that the portal resides and holds constant help to Amity that go through such portals such as medical help, food and lodging and advice and connections.


Magic users are summoned when Amity have finished a job. They have Illusion magic, powers to make people forget or alter memory's, and they have the power to make people believe what they tell them. An example is if a building blew up and a bunch of werewolf bodies popped up everywhere, they have the power to make the illusion that it was like a animals shelter, and they could put a spell on the building to alter peoples memory of that one thing, they could convince cops that they are cops too and there is non need to worry because they are handling the situation.


The home of all the Amity and Concord. It is protected by the veil that sounds it, allowing nothing to get through without a PI or the Spirits permission. When someone other than an Amity in which the Spirit Guardians themselves approved trys to go through a portal will be killed, in less they are holding and PI of another Amity. All Amity do not need a PI to get through a portal to Aria, but are told to keep a PI so the Concord can keep track of them.


It is a sliver of energy that flows in a place very much unknown to the Concord. All that is known is that the Spirits live there and that they let them pass through their realm unharmed in exchange for keeping peace. The Veil connects the current world to Aria.

Spirit Guardians-

Mostly nameless, most of the Concord had given these mysterious being that protect their home and open the portals only to them. The Guardians only help the Concord by making the initiation for humans and turning them into super powered Amity. The Guardians seem to live in the veil and sometimes speak to Amity when they travel back and fourth from portal to portal.


There is a Liquid Ration and a Ration Bar that is mostly only eaten or drank in times of emergence to keep strength up or give a boost of energy. Every Amity owns some in their own kitchen. These are free so if they are in need of them, they just need ask. The Drink tastes sour while the Bar tastes like bark from a tree.


These are Envelops that are given to Amity letting them know they are going to be sent on a mission. Blue summonings means that the mission can be completed at the convenience of one day to get read and go to a briefing. Red envelops mean that is is an emergence and they need to get to a briefing as soon as possible, leaving for the mission as soon as the briefing is over. Red missions are mostly rescue missions, or missions requesting backup for a team.

Amity's Powers

When an Amity passes the tests giving to them by the Spirit Guardians they are grants a few powers.


Enchanted Speed, Strength, Sight, Hearing, and Smell.

Quick healing with minor injures, including dullness to minor pain.

Hardening of bones and muscles allowing more damage to be dealt then normal humans.

Immunity to both Vampirisum and Lycanthropy viruses.

Has protection against minor spells.

Those who are granted magic become Cleansers.


Venom from Vampires and Warewolves make Amity weak and lucid.

Amity must eat and drink more than natural to keep their strength up, missing a meal could prove to weaken them.

Mystical Races to Know


Werewolves, also known as Lycanthropes. Like Vampires, werewolves are actually humans that have contracted a disease from Demons which therefore resulted in their transformation and enhanced abilities, in their case, the ability to transform into wolves and have their inhuman strengths and powers. Shape shifting is where Werewolves have the ability to change into wolves. New werewolves change every time there is a full moon, whereas older werewolves master it and can change whenever they want. Although they feel different during the full moon. Werewolves also have the ability to partially change into wolves, like extending their claws and making their eyes look like wolves' eyes without fully transforming. Werewolf can turn others into Werewolf through bite, this is not controlled.


Blood feeding Children with enhanced speed and strength. Vampires need blood in order to survive, although feeding on humans is against the law because the vampires ca live on wild animal blood. Vampires and werewolves are known for their hate for each other and the Concord does not care so long as their war does not come in the harm or sight of humans. Vampires are weak to sunlight and they will die if their head is cut off or holy water is sprayed on them. Vampires can turn others into Vampires through bite, this is controlled. Vampires grown stronger the older they get, including their lust for blood, which is almost uncontrollable when first turned.

Fairy/Fey Folk

They have angel blood mixed with demon blood which makes them extremely cunning. The Fair Folk are also unable to lie. They might, however, tell what they believe is true, even if it is not. They may also expertly weave lies into sentences by using methods such as not telling the whole truth or letting others assume things. They are ruled by a Queen in a separate relem.


Known for their magic and smarts, for the most part most Wizard and Witches are helpful to the Concord. it is easiest for them than any other race to live among the humans as a normal person. Wizard and Witches are no people to mess with because their magic and spells are often powerful and they are perfectly capable of almost anything with the right spell.


The sworn enemy of the Concord. It is Kill on sight for these hideous creatures. Demons do nothing but spread evil across the land, tempting humans, spreading disease and killing for fun. There are several different kinds of Demons. Most have the power to disguise themselves and run around human society unnoticed. Demons are often ranked among the Concord. E-A, A being the most powerful and E being pretty weak. Most missions have to do with some random Demon outbreak in a city or town.

Fallen Angels

These are beautiful creatures hardly ever seen. Sadly, you only would be impressed by them until they open their mouths. Angels have a horrible reputation for thinking they are better than anyone else. Although they are often helpful, they are nothing but a pain to work with. There is always an exception to every rule, like a nice Angel, but most the time Angels have a race complex.

People to know

NPC Skelly








Name: Symon Maui

Age: 48

Gender: Male

Job: 1 of the 5 Commanders

Race: Human

History/Background: Has worked long with the Amity, and known for his great deeds in protecting people around the world. He has also been known for killing a level A demon by himself because it killed his partner. Although it really did not kill his partner, he did kill the demon by himself. Symon is always looking stressed and serious, but he is not unfair or mean.

Weapon of Choice: Bow’n Arrow

Name: Rotter Protence

Age: 59

Gender: Male

Job: Black Smith

Race: Human

History/Background: Rotter was born and raised in Aria, he never seeked to pass the test to be an Amity and found his life as a black smith enough for him. He is very good with his work and tries his best for most of the Amity, specially the younger generation.

Extra: Rotter usually asks for Amity to bring him metals and magic’s, special things from the human work in exchange for weapons. He trusts most Amity to keep their word if they say they will pay him back later.

Name: Terra Leftter

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Job: one of the Maids of the Amity Apartments

Race: Human

History/Background: Terra freely admits she has no stomach to kill or even wield a weapon, so she helps her best by taking care of Amity who can do what she can’t.

Extra: Terra is very cheery and usual helps in any way she can

Name: Bolder Chef (not his real last name, but he makes people call him that.)

ge: 43

Gender: Male

Job: Head Chef of the Amity Apartments


History/Background: Bolder was an Amity for a few years but learned the job was not for him, picking up something he loved,

Extra: He is a very good cook, kind of hard on his hand helpers but a good man.

Name: Dr. Ayren, Sara

Age: 44

Gender: Female

Job: Doctor at The Hospital

Race: Human

History/Background: When she went through her Amity test she was chosen to be a Doctor, at first she was pretty mad, but than quick realized that the Spirits made an amazing choice because she was very good at it.

Extra: She did not mind the guardians choice to make her a doctor

Name: Maroin Melone

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Job: Messenger or Portal User

Race: Human

History/Background: Maroin was born in Aria and got a part time job with the Base to deliver orders to Amity through the apartment till she herself went thought the test to become and Amity.

Extra: Maroin is mostly serious taking her job very seriously; She hopes Terrence is her partner.

Name: Terrence Loupen

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Job: Messenger or Portal User

Race: Human

History/Background: Terrence is also waiting for his time to take his test to be an Amity. He is happy and always looking at the best of things.

Extra: Terrence hopes Maroin will be his partner.

Other NPCs

Name: Pate

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Race: Level C Demon

History/Background: First seen when trying to kill Mia and Prentice for their blood to open a bigger portal to let an army come out. He is a poor planer.

Extra: He is like a Large Ravener with humans arms, he hides in a human’s skin who was once called ‘Mr Pate’

Assigned Teams

Team 43

Phoenix and Brooke

Team 32

Mia andPrentice

Team 39

Matthew and Cody

Current Episode

Episode 2 - Wizard's Secret

Matt and Cody were called to find and destroy a wizard that is said to be kidnapping young women around a city. (pg 3-?)

Completed Episode List

Episode 1 - The Light in the Dark

Pren and Mia are sent to investigate a claim of demons in a light house in New England, Marine. It was a Trap by a Level C demon to get Amity blood to open a long term portal. Mia and Prentice barely escaped with their lives, while the demon ran for the hills before reinforcement arrived. (Pg 1-3)

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Name: Brooke "Birdie" Turner


Gender: Female

Appearance: Brooke is a gorgeous, petite creature. A blonde, brown eyed girl with clear milky skin. Her hair is long and soft; her lips full and pale. She knows how pretty she is, and often uses it to her advantage. Despite this, she is in no way big-headed.



Shock value. She is tiny girl that packs a punch - and not just with her sarcasm.

Weaknesses: She has a wicked temper.

Personality: Brooke is a bit rebellious. She is rather rude and a bit shy during anyone's first meeting with her but if you give her a chance, she nothing a sweet girl. With a sarcastic side of course. And a few kinks. Once she sets her goals, all bets are off. She will do anything to achieve it, no mater the consequences. Brooke will always ignore her - or another's flaws. She usually jumps before looks and sees the glass as half-whatever. You half of something, don't you? Enjoy it!


Favored Weapon:

Name: Prentice Scott

Age: 25

Gender: Male


Being right, mostly. He also enjoys intelligent conversation and




Prentice believes himself to be one of, if not the, smartest Amities of his age group. He doesn't being mind called Pren, but he doesn't love it. His sister started it. She is also an Amity, but moves around a lot.


Favored Weapon: He will use what ever he can - mace, ax, sword, hammer - as he is very adaptable with melee weapons. Horrible with long range weapons. Favors his dagger.

Name: Cody Komorner



Appearance: Where his partner is light-haired and pale, Cody is darkly featured. Dark brown hair and coffee-colored eyes on top of tan skin. He has a lot of muscle and





Cody is a lion in a lamb costume. He looked like a great, nice guy - which he is sometimes - but then he opens his mouth and you take back every nice thing you might say about him. Cody can be rude. He never means to be - it's just how he talks. He is funny and cool at his best, but in his worst mood he is rude and unpleasant and blunt. Cody is loud and outgoing and fun...Most of the time. His glass is half full, but purely because it makes more sense to him that half empty.


Favored Weapon:
He likes his sword very much.
Name: Phoenix Donavon



Appearance: Phoenix has orange red hair that lays flat on his head. It falls a little past his cheek. He has freckles all along his noes and cheeks and soft light green eyes. He is not very tall an stands about 5'6. He is not as muscular as most guys his age, carrying the minimum of a 4 pack!

Likes: to make tea, draw, and listen to birds and watch the trees.

Dislikes: He does not like to fight, but he dose not like to talk either.

Strengths: He has a 6th sense, one were he can tell when something bad is about to happen.

Weaknesses: He has weak social skills, so he has a hard time fixing anything that is delicate.

Personality: Phoenix is quite and reserved. His social skills are not the best so it makes him seem like he is depressed. He has a very observant eye and tends to catch things most people cant. Although his aloof personality, he likes to make tea and draw in his down time. and he would never admit it, but he loves being physical with people, like hugs.

History/Background: Phoenix does not remember much about his childhood, if it is because he wants or really doesn't remember is unknown. He just remembers his trail into the Amity and starting his training.The only person he has told is his partner Brooke, also he has told her he feels like he has a 6th sense. Sometimes he feels like he knows when something bad is going to happen, and most the time it holds true. He feels like he can't tell anyone else and has swarn Brooke to tell no one else.

Favored Weapon: Phoenix uses martial arts and close combat. he favors knuckle blades.

Name: Mia Last Name Unknown



Appearance: Mia keeps her hair no longer than shoulders length and in a short braid to keep it out of her way. Her hair has many of the natural colors streaked through it. Blond, black, white, brown and red. When they go on undercover missions, she keeps her hair down, blending in as a hip teen. Her eyes are a Hazel color. Mia is tall an stands at 5'9. her arms are large from being practiced with a bow and pull the string back quick.

Likes: The Concord, Long Ranged weapons, Skilled fighters.

Dislikes: Vampires, Missing, people with bad attitude

Strengths: Mia can is good at finding information and talking with people.

Weaknesses: Mia has an extreme hatred for Vampires.

Personality: Mia can seem stubborn and hard headed but she has a hard working soul. She likes to work and is known for getting the job done to the best of her abilities. most of the time she does not care if the problem is solved by words or violence. She is good at gathering information and she is good at quelling the nobles or snobs of the underworld. She has a bit of pride but tries to swallow it often for the sake of the mission. Mia is kind hearted once you get past her ruff exterior. She likes to jokes and tend to only do it with the people she is closest too.

Mia was an abandon orphan at a small age and did anything it took for her to survive. She got mixed up with some vampires and thus meeting the Amity when she was released from their blood circle. She killed a Vampire when she was 16. When she took the test she passed and became a full fledged Amity around her 20s. She has a hatred for Vampires and wants nothing but to ride the world of them. She has no problem killing when is coming between her and someone else. Of course when the Amity took her in, it took her a while to really open up but she did and considered the Amity her family.

Favored Weapon:
Long ranged weapons. Mostly Bow an Arrow.

: Matthew or Matt Rogers

Age: 25


Appearance: Matt is a blond hair and blue eyed beautie. He has a big smile and he keeps his hair semi long and spikes it upward. He is fairly tall rounding at 6'4. He takes a lot of pride in his physical appearance and is always trying to look his best.

Likes: Making Cody mad, Winning, jokes, pretending to not care

Dislikes: Killing, Vegis.

Strengths: He is strong and trust worthy, you can always count on this guy to have your back. He always keeps his word

Weaknesses: Most of the time Matt refuses to kill, he gets night terrors for weeks if he does. Sometimes he pushes himself too hard because hes always competing and doesn't know when its time to stop.

Personality: Because of his Parents being a famous Amity team, he was always trying to be better, so hes always pushing himself and competing with others. He also has some joke to crack or game to play. He loved to constantly challenge his partner Cody. He does not like to kill and tries to avoid it as best as he can. He is very trust worthy and loyal and never goes back on his word.

History/Background: Both of his Parents were Amity and he was born and raised in Aria. When he hit 18 he went through the trail with the Spirits and passed.

Favored Weapon: Pole arms are favored for Matt. Like most Amity, he can also make do with his surrounding if needed.

Episode 1 - The Light in the Dark

Team 32 - Mia and Prentice

The door bell rang loudly around the apartment. Shuffling to get out of bed, Mia threw her blankets on the floor and lifted herself off the mattress. walking bare foot out of her bed room, she sighed and fixed her cloths. She wore simple a loose tank top and short pajama shorts, her hair lay messy and untamed on her head. She rubbed her eyes and opened the door sleepily, she was not sure if she was even awake yet. The hall way light of the apartment floor was bright compared to the darkness of the apartment room and it made Mia squint.

Standing in front of her was a young man, Terrence Loupen to be exact, a kid one year away from being able to take his Amity test. She knew him to work part time as a messenger, bringing mission summonings to Amity in their apartments. “A mission?” Mia asked in a mumbled voice. Terrence nodded, “Yes ma’am Mrs. Mia.” Mia grunted and held out her hand. When Terrence handed her a blue envelop he dipped his head and walked away, “Thanks…” she said groggily, closing the door and looked at the clock, 6:30. She was not a morning person… and she was not amused by this early mission. Most mission summonings were given to summon a team to a briefing, than they are giving one day to prepare after the briefing. It never takes Mia long to prepare for a mission, so she usually tries to leave the day of to get things done as quickly as possible.

When she has finished closing the door she leaned on the door way and closed her eyes and preceded to fall asleep again, holding the envelop between two fingers. She feel asleep in odd places often when it was early in the morning, so this was not unusual.
Prentice groaned an almost inaudible, "Could you get that?" before he remembered that Mia was in a different bedroom. He groaned and sat up in his bed, then heard a door close. He could only guess it was Mia, so he collapsed back on to his pillow. For a few minutes he lay there, trying to determine whether or not sleep was still possible. He was such a mess if he didn't get enough sleep. It soon became apparent that sitting up had ruined that very nice, very inviting idea. With a groan he got out of bed and peeled off his night clothes, replacing them with a plain tee shirt and dark jeans. He shuffled out of his bedroom to see if Mia had actually answered the door. He paused in his doorway, trying to decide how to play the light....With another groan he closed his eyes and walked to the door, opening them slowly. It did absolutely nothing and the light still burned. Mia must have answered - he found her slumped against the doorway sound asleep. He shook his head and walked up to her, plucking the blue envelope out of her hands.

Mmmm....Some Ravener demon infestation in a lighthouse somewhere...Great. Prentice hated Ravener demons. They were ugly and aggressive and were basically alligator-shaped blobs of legs, teeth and claws. Some had a brain, others didn't and it was impossible to tell until they actually used it. Stupid venomous demons were so hard to kill...And they were everywhere. How dare they spread so fast.

"Mia," Prentice snapped in a tired tone, putting the envelope down who-knows-where. He probably just let it fall to the floor. "It's time to get up, Mia....We have sh!t to do." Tired and mildly frustrated, he grabbed the envelope and dropped to his knees, then grabbed her shoulders and gave her one quick, jolting shake. "Get up or I'll get the spray bottle. We have a mission....Raveners."
“Spray bottle, really Prentice? Don’t be such an @ss hole…” Mia said with a groan, placing her hand on Prentice’s face and pushing him away from her. “Seriously… 6:30… we can sleep for like… 2 more hours…” She mumbled, as she retreated to her room to get dressed.

When she got in her room she took everything off effortlessly and then threw on dark green long sleeve leather-ish shirt and was slightly reinforced, and then over that a tank top of a pale yellow, soon after throwing on cargo pants that were dark green to go with her long sleeved shirt. Getting out the Amity cloak that every Amity gets, she put it over her shoulders and buckled it around her neck. She didn’t care if she did not match, because this was obviously not an undercover mission. Going to her bathroom she brushed her hair and then braided it into a sloppy braid. graving her quiver and bow, she placed them on her back, under her cloak so people wouldn’t see the weapon.

Quickly she made her bed, Mia fluffed her pillow and tucked the sheets in the corners. Sighing she walked back into the living room, closing her door. When she walked back deeper into the living quarters she took the envelope from where ever Prentice had placed it and began to read the contend. “Ravener… in a light house? England. Hmmm. Lets catch some breakfast before we go to the briefing.” She slide her hand over her head to smooth her hair, “you will be ready to leave today right? I rather not take the extra day, I just want to get this over with.” She asked, slipping on some shoes before she started to exit their room.
Prentice snorted. "Watch what you call me. You might hurt my feelings, some day Mia," he joked, using the same tone he usually used. Mia was so easy to mess with when she was tired. "I know you like to go as soon as possible. Besides - I'm already awake and am very selfish." He went in to the bathroom and shut the door, putting a generous amount of toothpaste on his brush. When his teeth were scrubbed and his mouth rinsed, he ran his fingers through his light hair. Once he was presentable, he went in to his bedroom and strapped his dagger to his waist. He knew they would be gone awhile and wasn't the laziest person ever, so he straightened up his bed, making it up in the end. Other than his somehow-always-just-used bed, his room was very neat. Prentice hated leaving messes. It bothered him.

Prentice shut the door to his bedroom and walked to the living area. He collapsed on the couch, dipping his head back. "I hate Raveners...." He straightened and released a breath. "Yeah, I could be ready by today...The sooner we cut down those pests, the better." He stood up and walked back to his room, grabbing his shoes from the corner and rushedly stuffing his feet in to them. "Let's go eat and hit PI - I'm already sick of those damn Raverners." While Prentice didn't hate anything as much as he knew Mia hate Vampires, Raveners were pretty close. It wasn't a passionate hatred in any way...It was more of a...Passionate intolerance.

(My muse ditched us.... Sorry!)
(You are fine!! I am just going to mossie us along!)

Just before they left, Mia ran back into the room and got her glove and arm guard for her bow and arrow. Closing her bedroom door again, she returned back to Prentice’s side. “Almost forgot.” She said as she locked the door to their apartment and stuck the key in her pocket.

Walking down stairs, in hopes of waking herself up, she thought about what she wanted for breakfast. She probably will get something with meat on it. Turns out when they got downstairs she ended up eating some pancakes with fresh fruit. It was so early that none of the teams they knew well were down stairs yet. Not that anyone would want to be up this early in the morning. Eating made Mia feel better, and more awake. Her change in mood was obvious because she no longer frowned or slouched.

After they were done, they wasted no time and started their journey to Main Base to receive their mission briefing. Both obviously egger to get done what was put before them. Mia and Prentice have a record for getting things done quickly, thoroughly, and quietly; rarely are they known for making a mistake or destroying anything. There has been a few misshapes with vampires, so those missions go to other teams, occasionally no one can take them, but mostly avoided.

When they reached the second floor, they knocked on the commander’s door and walked in and took a seat. Commander Symon Maui looked up from his always paper work filled desk and gave a small smile to the two. “I was not expecting for you two to be this early for your briefing, but than again you two are known for getting things done right away, let me go get your folder.” Symon got up from his desk and went through the cabinet and than pulled out a folder.

“Ok guys, there is nothing more to really tell you than what was on the summoning. There is a lighthouse in Marine, New England. The address is put in your Portal Interface’s, won’t be hard to find. The only strange thing about this mission is the human who is the owner, Mr….” Commander Maui paused and looked at the paper for a minute, “Mr. Pate... Mr. Pate had put in several complaints about creatures scurrying about his lighthouse. Well we have confirmed that these are in fact Raveners ‘scurrying about’. We will need to adjust him memories, but until the mission is over, like always, his memories will remain untouched. So far as I know, this is a search and destroy mission. If the mission changes unexpectedly, as you guys should know can, be sure to take care of the problem quickly and in the best manor possible until the danger passes. Address, portal number and area, including Seer name has been updating to your portal interfaces. Any questions?” Symon asked.

Mia waved her hand no and rose out of her chair to leave and catch the bus to the Central Hall, waiting for Prentice.
After Prentice ate his eggs and drank his coffee, he felt awake. Not, "Yeah, damn it mom, I'm up," awake, but refreshed-and-ready-to-go-and-not-about-to-fall-on-my-face awake. He noticed a change in Mia as she ate, as well. She was straighter and a lot more alert. When Mia was tired, someone could commit a murder in the same room as her and get away with it.

Prentice liked having such a clean, positive reputation. Sure, some of the younger Amity - and that one guy, Cody - judged them for being so punctual, but they just didn't understand that what they did really was as important as everyone made it seem. But actually getting a mission done not only gave him peace of mind and time to relax, it ensured safety. It was infuriating to a proud and punctual perfectionist like Prentice when people left a distress call hanging in the air. What is that? You call yourself Amity? Then get off your ass and banish some demons! Quit wasting time and just do it! Huh? Ya wimp.

As per usual, they wasted no time and scrambled to the Main Base. Symon Maui had made a point - this was actually rather early for them. Must be a new record.

Prentice listened carefully to the details. This Mister Pate will either be completely useless in helping them take care of the Raveners, or a useful tool. Prentice sucked in a breath and then let it out in a more-or-less content sigh. He shook his head and stood up. "Thank you; we'll be leaving now." He spun on his heel after Mia.

As they stood waiting for the bus, he turned to his partner. "It doesn't surprise me that demons found their way in to a sleepy place like Maine, but...Raveners? Does that seem a bit odd to you?"

(Oh my gosh..I suck DX I got....Well, I was grounded.)
(Good job! Grounded, I want to hear this story! Call me nosey xD

Since the site closed down the post kept getting longer and longer because It was up on my computer for 4 days!! xDDDD)

When they had stopped to wait for the bus, Prentice brought up the thought that
Raveners were odd. Mia thought the mission itself was just a normal mission, but when Prentice thinks something is off, something is probably off. She remembered there was a time when Prentice said things like that and she thought he was just a stupid kid, even thought he was only one year younger than her.

When Mia and Prentice were first paired together several years ago, they did not get a long at all, she honestly hated his guts. Their first mission was almost a failure because they could not work together. Mia was constantly doing her own thing and Prentice was trying to do his own thing. When the mission ended in their capture and near death experience for both of them, they knew it was a heart to heart or death. Both swallowed their pride and began to share, realizing they have more in common than not. After getting out alive and proving each other skills, things hung differently for them.

From there it seemed like neither doubted each other skill or will power. They both had extreme respect for the other; at least this is how Mia saw it. Mia came to realize that Prentice saw things she did not, weaknesses, strengths, opportunities. She thought she was smart, but Prentice was
smart. She was by no means stupid or incapable, the best she can describe it is that she was street smart, but Prentice was just… everything-she-was-not-smart. Although she laughed on the inside because she was pretty sure she was stronger than Prentice in most ways.

Prentice had saved her life on many occasions, she is sure she had done the same for him at least once. In all of her life, she never thought she was going to find someone she could trust. Since day one that she could remember the only person she ever looked out for and trusted was herself. She was the only person she could trust to keep herself alive or know what is best. Prentice is the first, and maybe the only person she trusts fully. Sure she trusts the Amity as a whole, and the Concord as a whole, but she is still cautious around them. Mia did not know if Prentice knew about her deep rooted trust issues, but if she had to guess he probably figured it out a long time ago.

Mia was so lost in thought, she did not answer for a long while. When the bus finally pulled up she turned to her partner and gave him a rare small smile, their past fresh on her mind, “Not really. But tell me when you figure it out Pren. I really don’t want to get eaten by Raveners today.” She joked.

When they got on the bus and sat down, Mia taking the window seat, she spoke again. “I think we should stop by the hospital before we go… get some antidotes to carry with us for their venom, two for each of us. I don’t want to get poisoned and not have any way to cure myself…” She said with dread coating her voice.
(I basically threw my sister in to a wall xD

look at this...Prentice is smarter than I am DX)

Prentice could tell that Mia was deep in thought about something or another, so he decided not to push for an answer. He did want to know what she was thinking about, though. It had better of been relevant to his question. Or at least the mission...Mia's mind wandered and explored at less-than-appropriate times.

As they boarded the bus, Prentice snorted at his partner. "You won't get eaten by a Ravener, Mia. Your meat's too tough." He wasn't one to joke around often and when he did it was usually with a straight face, based on fact and not very funny. This was one of those cases. "But, no, seriously. The real danger is that damn stinger....Anti-venom would be a good precaution. Nice call." He released a sigh and sat back. This was bothering him....Raveners were coldblooded demons. Why would they be in such a cold place like Maine? Wouldn't they die in such cold weather?

There it was....

That's what bothered Prentice.

This man should't
have a Ravener infestation. If a Ravener somehow found its way in to a lighthouse in Maine, the cold would kill it. Or drive it out. Period. But this man; this Pate; had been filing complaints for a while now. Why were they still in this building? And why would they choose such a secluded spot? And how come -

Prentice cursed. "Well, I figured out why it's bothering me, but I just have eight million more questions..." He looked at Mia. "Shouldn't the cold harm a Ravener? This lighthouse is in Maine...These things should have frozen to death by now." The only reason why they wouldn't be is if they found some sort of heat source...Nope. Raveners are as dumb as they look. The only way they would still be alive...Is if Pate was keeping the temperature high.

He snorted and threw his hands. "What the hell are we being called there for?! All the idiot has to do is dial down the damn thermostat!" He spun on Mia. "I mean - Honestly! He has a whole army of crocodile-scorpions in his light house, and he doesn't think to flush them out with he cold! What
is that? Does he know the difference between warm and cold blood? How dumb can one person get?!" Prentice took a breath and realized he was not only throwing his hands around, he was being rather loud. "Er...We should still probably get that antidote. They could have figured out the light produced heat. Sorry. My brain is on over-drive..."

Okay. He had the problem, why it had gotten it so out of hand, an escape route and a possible solution. Now all he had to do was figure out how they got there.
Mia raised and eye brow and just listened, everything making sense until Prentice said something about Pate turning down the thermostat to kill them. Now the idea itself was awesome, they wouldn’t have to lift a finger, only, “Prentice… Mister Pate is human. He doesn’t even know what Raveners are, so he wouldn’t even know to turn the stat down… but the rest of your rant is very reasonable.”

When the bus stopped they got off and continued onward to the hospital, getting a few anti venom antidotes and then leaving to the Central Hall. When they got into the building, Mia pulled out her PI and looked for their portal location. Leading the way she also glanced at the time, 8:00AM. She has been away for one and a half hours. Ridiculous. “You know, regardless we have to kill them anyway. Lets make a point to turn the thermostat down when we get into the building… the cold should be able to slow them down, making an easy fight. Oh and out seers name is Terra… She’s 57. We will let her know we will probably have no need to stay the night.” Mia finally finished.

Eventually they arrived to a gate. They gate keeper they had was someone Mia was not familiar with. Probably a new kid who just started the job. Giving the kid her PI and watching Prentice hand over his, the kid swiped them through a machine and pressed a few buttons. Going through the some safety procurers, ‘press the emergency button when we need help’ and ‘If you need to bring a guest be sure to send a request before bring them.’ Etc. etc.

After he was done, he handed back their PIs and they walked through the open portal. Going through the portal prepared for them, Mia glanced around her. Everyone saw something different when they go through portals; it’s like a dream that lasts for 5 seconds. Whenever Mia goes through a portal, she see pitch black darkness. Inside that darkness is beautiful blue light, they sorrel around the darkness as if they were casing each other.

As quick as it comes, it goes and Mia than sees a small shack like house. The temperature drops dramatically and she realized how cold it was here, or warm back home. “Whoa” she said in surprised, clasping her arms around her body.

Laughter came on the other side of the room and Mia saw a lady, “You must be Terra.” she said.

“Yes, and you must be Mia, you partner Prentice. Will you two be staying for a bit? Would you two like some coats?” Terra offer, just like all seers did.

“A coat will be nice honestly…” Mia said, shivering. When she was outfitted she told Terra they planned to be finished with the mission by the end of the day, so they hope they don’t have to stay. After that Terra gave them the best directions to their destination, waving them off as they went.
Prentice released a sigh. "Yeah...I know. It's just common sense where we're from." He looked at her and cracked a smile. "I guess I'm still a little tired." A lot of people would expect Prentice to get defensive and embarrassed when he was wrong. The actual outcome is quite the opposite. He loves his brain and he loves to use it, but he is aware that everyone makes mistakes. Sure - if Prentice made a mistake, it was usually a stupid one. An embarrassingly stupid mistake. But he has learned to shrug it off and move on.

"If it doesn't at least slow them down, it should drive them out," Prentice stated, deciding that it was a point worth making. He took one of the vials containing the antidote and stuffed it in to his pocket for good measure. If for some reason he and Mia were separated and he was stung, he wouldn't have anything to do but lay there and wait for Mia, who may or may not come, while the venom took him. He had heard stories of a lot of Amity who had died because they were stupid and let their partner take the anti-venom. Actually, he recalled his sister telling him that something like that almost happened to her and her partner....

After the kid at the gate took their PIs, they stepped through the portal. Prentice always saw a blackness. The blackness then faded to grey, and was eventually so white it hurt his eyes. It was as if someone had draped a tarp over something to cover a bright light and it slipped off.

When they stepped through to the other side, he was slapped by Jack Frost. The deviant ran his fingers along Prentice's spine. He groaned and let his teeth chatter. A laughter came from the thick air. It must have been their seer....Terra. She offered them coats.

"Oh, er, yes...Thank you." Prentice took the coat she offered and slipped his arms through it. He wasn't much warmer, but it certainly helped. He listened carefully to Terra's directions, thanked her, and lead Mia off in the direction of the lighthouse.

"Alright, Mia," Prentice started as they walked. He was warming up now. "Do you want to talk to Mister Pate first? I think we should figure out exactly how long this has been going on. I would like an estimate on how many there are, maybe give him a quick word of advice on how to avoid shit like this..."

(Whoo! One thousand posts!)
Mia huffed a bit as the cold kind of disappeared around her. The coat provided a lot of warmth for her, and walking was helping as well. Prentice was right though, there was no way some Raveners could live here. It was way too cold.

When Prentice asked who should talk to the Mr. Pate. Mia knew she probably should. Laughing at Pentice’s ending statement. They both knew once this was over Mr. Pate’s mind will be changed to believe he really did have a rat infestation. He won’t remember a thing about them or the Raveners.

While they walked Mia grew silent and her mind wondered again. For some reason the cold made Mia think about her past. About the cold nights she spent on the floor of Vampire’s warehouses. Mia shivered violently, not really from the cold, but more from fear. Mia remembered the first mission they went on that involved vampires. Prentice knew about her past and about her hate, but he did not realize how deep it ran until she killed a vampire for stepping a little out of line. She did get in trouble for the incident; she was suspended for a while, making Prentice suspended as well. The vampire deserved it, they all do. They try not to send them on missions with Vampires anymore, in less they need to die.

Mia scoffed and balled her fists a little, “I think I am rather ready to kill some Raveners.” Mia said out loud, just as they were arriving to a rather large light house. She would guess the thing was maybe 60 feet. So the house was maybe 6 stories high, with a possible basement down bellow. Next to the light house was a small house, a man sitting on the pouch shivering. He looked like he was shivering pretty hard. “I’ll talk to him.” Mia said as they slowly approached the man.

“Mister Pate?” Mia said as they were closing in on the man. The gentlemen was middle aged man, his hair was short and chopped close to his head. What was left of his hair was dark. He wares glasses and a large bulky cloak. He was still shivering rather violent wearing a coat much thicker than her own. Maybe it was just the Amity blood that helped keep her temperature normal.

When they finally got there he stood up, “You guys are the ones they told me they would send me right? The one that will take care of those… things.” Pate did not seem all that scared, just kind of peeved. “Yes Sir. Can you tell me how long they have been there?” Mia said, without skipping a beat.

“Yes… Kind of… I guess a few months. I tried to complain about them… but no one would listen, till one of you hooded people showed up and asked to look around, said they would send some exterminators in a few days. Please I just want them gone. They are horrific and just…no I have no idea how to describe them.” Pate was saying all this while waving his hands around. Mia had never really heard someone so calm when meeting demons. Mia threw a worried glance at Prentice to show she thought something was not adding up.

“One last question before we get to work. Where is your thermostat for the lighthouse?” Mia asked as she moved her attention back to Mr. Pate. “Ah, that is an odd question. It is down in the basement. I can show you. Most of those creatures stay at the top… I won’t go up there with you guys, but I can show you were the Thermostat is.” Pate said, starting to walk to the light house.

“Oh no, Mr Pate, you should stay here. We can find the stat ourselves.” Mia said, reaching out to stop the man. But he walked further to the house before she could reach him.

“No young lady, I insist. Let me at least do this for you two.” Pate said, opening the door way to the Light house and walking in.

Mia panicked immediately. Throwing off her jacket, Mia took out her bow and arrow and notched one, all while dashing for the door. Kicking open the door Mia held her bow at ready to shoot anything in site. Nothing.

“I already said they don’t hand around here miss.” Pate said, standing by a smaller stare case that went downward. She did not trust that they were or were not anywhere in the light house. She just knew they were here and they could kill.

“It’s clear Prentice… and it is hot in here…” Mia noticed almost immediately how hot it was in this building. She was already sweating. No wonder the Raveners were wondering just fine around here. Mia than watched Mr. Pate turn to start walking down the stairs, only to turn and cast a worried look at Prentice, her bow still at ready.
Stepping in to the building was like stepping in to a fire pit after taking an ice bath. Prentice grimaced and unzipped his coat, but kept it on so that the temperature after the thermostat was messed with wouldn't touch him. It was no wonder the Raveners thrived in this lighthouse....It was a sanctuary from the cold. Prentice's neck was coated with sweat.

The light-haired demon hunter decided to let his partner deal with this man, just as she wanted to. He wasn't sure if he could handle it without screaming something profane pertaining to the thermostat.

The man was on the steps, shivering violently. Hmm...Wouldn't this man be used to the weather, or at least know how to deal with it? Prentice was from New York. The cold was a shock, but it was nothing new. Pate was shaking like a leaf. It was a very small detail, and probably meant nothing, but it ate at Prentice the way Raveners in Maine had.

Mia panicked and rushed through, shedding her jacket and grabbing her bow in one swift movement. She knocked an arrow as she dashed to the door, bow ready, and kicked it open. Mia's bow was still ready, an arrow gleaming between her middle and ring finger, ready to take something, anything, down. But there was nothing.

Prentice released a sigh and shook his head. He drew his dagger and walked in behind her as Pate irately pointed out that he did, indeed, tell them that the Raveners were not around here. Prentice looked at him. "Extra precaution," he told the man, just to make sure Mia looked good and not crazy. "Very necessary when dealing with these things."

Prentice wondered if this was Pate's first time dealing with demons. This man was so calm....It unnerved him. No mortal should be so levelheaded when dealing with demons. Especially Raveners. Raveners were big and ugly and came complete with a venomous sting. Unless, of course, Pate was an all-together calm man....Nope. He should be hysterical.

He heard a creaking sound and swung his head to the right, dagger swinging towards the sound. He realized just as the knife found the wall that it was only Pate walking towards the steps, his feet pressing on the aging floor boards. Prentice drew his knife back and forced an embarrassed smile. "We can fix that. Just....More precautions."

Prentice walked down the stairs behind Mia, dagger ready. His eyes were on the walls and behind them. There was no way he was being ambushed by a demon today.

(Yay here comes the twister. This can result in there capture ((because they are needed alive)) or they could just kick butt and scare them off… it is all up to Prentice. Goo Pren goo!!)

Mia noticed just before they went down the stairs the Prentice has lashed out at a wall, he was just on edge as she was. Something was VERY wrong here and she had a feeling not even Prentice was prepared. She knew she did not have to worry about her back, because Prentice will watch it, and she will watch Pate and the front. “I had to take off my jackets because I accidentally put it over my bow… So I couldn’t get to my bow without taking off my jacket.” Mia felt like she had to explain to Prentice why she took her jacket off.

When they got downstairs, Mia felt like it was hard to breath because of how hot it was. She looked around the area, completely ready to attack anything to come out. The basement had a few tables with stuff on it, a dresser with mirrors on top of it. The ground was dirt instead of wood, and there was a chains on the wall, they looked like they were recently put there. “What the…”

Before Mia could completely ask the question, there was a loud screeching noise upstairs. Loud banging started to descend down the stairs. It sounded like a bunch of people scratching wooden walls. Mia was confused for a moment as to what was happening, what the noise was, but then it hit her, “Pren.. They are coming.” She knew she just told Prentice what he already knew but she felt the need to see it, Mia was absolutely stricken with fear, they were trapped down here, and it sounded like every Ravener was coming down the stairs at the same time.

Turning to Mister Pate to tell him to get him to safety Mia nearly dropped her bow. There in front of her was a Level C demon, and on the floor was the skin of what use to be a Mr. Pate. This was a Demon that looked much like the Raveners except he was much bigger and had several human arms among his long and dangerous claws.

She did the only thing she thought she could and that was to warn Prentice, “PREN IT’S A TRAP!”

Mr. Pate the demon swung one of his massive claws at Mia. Mia managed to pull her Bow up to take most of the damage but he flung her into the wall next to the stair well. She nearly hit Prentice, in fact Pate was trying to hit him, but luckily he missed. The impact took the air out of Mia’s lungs. Gasping for air Mia stung her bow again and let an arrow go at the demon, but he deflected it with one of his claws. The sound of all the Raveners coming down the stairs was only getting louder. This was a trap and they fell for it…
Mia explained why she took off her jacket....He smirked and shrugged his off when she finished. Prentice couldn't take the heat anymore. He was already covered in sweat. Stupid Pate had the temperature so high....

Prentice found his head snapping downwards. Dirt floor....That was a bit odd, but not uncommon. He assumed it was an unfinished basement and thought nothing more of it - until he saw the shackles on the wall. Prentice took a step back, not sure what exactly to make of that. There was no logical explanation that didn't have to do with torture or keeping prisoners. He knit his brow and took another step back, getting closer to the doors. Why would -

When the sound filled the air, he spun around, knife raised, ready for the Raveners. "Sir, these things can take a heavy toll. You should - Ah!" Just as Mia was screaming something about a trap, she crashed down next to him. His instinct took him to the floor as another hit came. It missed him. Prentice stood up, ready to head for the door and book it out of there when he felt something heavy knock in to him. His scream was cut off as the air escaped his lungs and his ribs found the floor first. He laid there for a moment coughing, absorbing the shock of what had happened.

His dagger was right next to him, so he grabbed it and forced himself up. His ribs ached, but the pain dissipated when he met the face of a Level C demon. It was a Ravener, but it was...Huge. Prentice cursed as he saw the skins of Pate lying on the ground a few feet from this demon. This was a trap.

Mia was distracting it....He felt awful leaving her against this thing, but he knew what he had to do. Prentice scrambled to reach the thermostat. Luckily, Pate really was an idiot and lead them to the actual controls. He turned the knob down until the screen read 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Once that was done, he spun around to be met with a Ravener's ugly leg connecting with his body in an impact hard enough to take one's head off.

When he woke up, his wrists were wrapped in an unwelcoming metal shackle. Prentice groaned. His ribs hurt like hell....He panicked and looked down, but couldn't see whether or not he was stung. A Ravener sting felt like someone had lighted the area on fire. After he remembered that, he calmed down. His ribs felt...Well, broken.

With another groan, he looked at his partner. Her head was on her shoulder and he could see a stinger in her neck. Prentice cursed out loud and reached for his vial of anti-venom. Pate's knife found his neck. Prentice's hand froze."Sorry, son. She's resting." He tightened Prentice's shackles.

Prentice gritted his teeth and looked around the room. The Level C demon was back in his human skins. More Raveners were gathered in the room, but not nearly as many as he would have expected. With a shimmer of hope, Prentice realized just how could it was. It was freezing. His teeth were chattering and he missed his coat. The majority of them must have fled...The remaining Raveners were shivering.

"Ah..." Prentice stuttered, his mind racing. He must have hit his head. It was pulsing with pain. "You tricked us." He decided to go with the innocent act.

"You were easy to trick," Pate growled. His eyes weren't human anymore.....They were black and empty. "And you look smart, boy. I was worried you wouldn't be easy to fool. How do your ribs feel?"

Like someone went over them with a steam roller. I'll be coughing up blood soon. "Hmm...Why are we still alive?"

"Because I need your blood flowing. And for that I need your heart to beat." He said this as if it was obvious.

"Why do you need our blood?"

The Raveners all hissed as if they were laughing. "So we can open the portal, of course. Stupid boy..Only the blood of an Amity will do the trick."

Mia watch Prentice scramble away out of the corner of her eye. He had a plan, and she just needed to survive. Mia loaded her bow again, getting up and trying to avoid Pate, but he approached her in a few gigantic steps. Mia was backed in a corner and she knew this was not going to end pretty. As she predicted, Pate wacked her good with his claw straight in her neck, from there, everything went black.

Mia could not make herself open her eyes. She could not make herself understand anything that was happening to her. She heard voices, one closer than the other. She moved her arms a little. She was not bounded. She moved her legs a little. Still not bounded. Opening her eyes slightly she saw a bit of Prentince’s shirt and Pate messing with metal around his arms. Prentice was bound and she was not. Pate must have just been putting them up in locks and chains.

Now if only her neck would stop burning everything would be fine. Oh boy did it burn, her whole body felt like it was over heating. She wondered if the thermostat was still on. Regardless the moment she saw the human face of Pate. Mia placed her hands onto the ground, turned her body around and lifter her foot up into a monster kick straight in Pate’s Jaw.

Looking in front of her, her bow was laying on the ground. She noted her arrows were still on her back. The Revenars all hissed and began to spring into action. Pate was still recovering from the hit to his jaw. Mia scooped the dagger Pate he dropped with her feet, pushing if towards Prentice. Mia than sprinted like a mad women for her bow.

Taking out an arrow, Mia jumped on top of the Revenars and stabbed one of them with the arrow head and rolled off it. She hit the ground hard in the roll and she felt slightly miss calculated where she would land. The burning on her neck increased and she was beginning to feel weakness in her limbed. But for her feeling so dang hot, the Revenars were moving extremely slowly.

When she got up she graved her bow and notched an arrow in it as quickly as she possibly could, exhaling and aiming at Prentice. At that moment she saw a cloud of white when she breathed out. No it was not hot in here anymore, it was freezing cold. Mia’s eyes widened at the sudden realization. This was meant for her extreme advantage. Pulling her bow further back, Mia let go of the string, and watched at the bow flew straight into the chain that bound Prentice.

Now Mia did not get crappy arrows, no Mia used high quality arrows. She made sure that if they got enough power behind them they can do some damage. She made sure they would remain in one peace even if placed under a ton of pleasure. They were not unbreakable, and they were not able to break anything, but they did do some damage. So when the Arrow struck Prentice’s Chain. There was a loud clink sound as the chain cracked and the arrow bounced off it a spun down to Prentice's side. Prentice should be able to yank the chain to break it now.

“FINISH HIM PREN!” Mia yelled.

She then turned around to stab another one of the venomous scum in the middle of the head with an arrow. Mia knew she could leave the level C demon up to Prentice; she would take care of the small fry. They had the advantage now, and boy were they all going to pay. Mia knew she was poisoned, and she knew she was going to suffer for this later, but because her body felt hot, she was completely immune to the cold right now. At least her brain thought she was, her body was probably freezing cold. Taking care of the other few Revenars around, Mia preformed several rolls and jumps, avoiding their stingers and claws and killing them easy. The cold was helping them so much, there rest of this mission was going to be easy pickings.
Mia wasn't tied up...Pate was stupider than Prentice had originally thought. He shivered and wished he could do something about the demons closing in on Mia...There was no way she could take the anti venom with all those Raveners on her tail. She barely had room to breathe.

Prentice felt useless. His ribs hurt, his head was swimming and his partner was up against a dozen demons with venom pumping through her body. Pate was just staring at Mia, looking rather upset about that kick to the jaw. When it looked like they were all overwhelming her, he turned back to Prentice. "Don't worry boy," he hissed, raising his knife. "She won't last ."

Pate didn't notice the knife sliding across the floor....Prentice slid it underneath his foot and stared Pate down. The advanced level demon in a lamb suit grabbed a bucket from the corner....A chill went up his spine when Prentice realized what it is for. He looked back at Mia nervously as Pate raised the bucket and knife to his wrist. He moved his hand over as much as he could without being noticed by the demon. When Mia's arrow found its target he left Pate no time to scratch his head as he threw a punch. The poor man's jaw just got no relief.

While the brain-dead demon stood confused, Prentice retrieved the knife from underneath his foot and raised it just in time to clash with Pate's. They went back and forth a while, the demon hunter allowing the demon no time to change its appearance. If Pate shed his human skins again....Prentice would probably die. There was no way he would last against a Level C demon wounded.

In a desperate attempt to keep the battle neutral at the least, Prentice threw another punch. He gathered his strength and ignored the pain as he drove his knife in to the demon's chest. Pate produced a breathy hiss and evaporated to fog. Prentice sheathed his knife and grabbed Mia, not even caring to look at what she was doing. He just ran. He only focused on basic tasks ahead of him...It was very, very likely he was going to pass out again.

Grab Mia. Check. Run up the stairs. Done. Open the door. Easy. Close the door to slow down any remaining demons. A little harder, but done. Get the hell out of the lighthouse. Gladly.....

After they were a few yards away from the entrance, he let go of Mia and found the floor. "Anti venom," he gasped at his partner between breaths. "
Now." Prentice groaned and dipped his head back, taking in air in large, breaking gulps. "He'll be back....We slowed him done. He'll be back. That mission was....Well, a disaster."
Mia bobbed and weaved around the demons, she felt like she was getting as slow as the rest of the Raveners. Things were no longer in her favor. She was beginning to get woozy, she felt like her conscious was fading. The next thing she knew, Prentice came flying at her and graved her. Mia stumbled to keep up, climbing the stairs. When they reached outside, Prentice dropped to the ground and hissed something about anti venom.

“Prentice, no we could still…” When she reached her bow out she noticed her hands were shaking. For the first time she realized she was having extreme tremors. The poison was far worse then she thought it was, this could possibly be fatal and Prentice was no longer able to fight. Yes, they needed to retreat.

Dropping her bow and fumbling around her pockets Mia opened up the anti-venom and placed the needle in her neck. She did not even feel it. Taking out the second bottle, Mia stabbed herself again, but this time she did so on her chest. Throwing both of the empty venom on the ground Mia took out her PI and dilled the number of Terra, their Seer. It rang for a few minutes till she heard her pick up.

“Hello?” She asked.

“This is Mia. Team 32. We have an emergency situation. We require immediate back up. Please send a message for a level C Ravener demon. We also need medical attention. One immediate attention, severer poisoning. The other has-“ Mia eyed Prentice for a few moments. “Broken ribs and possible puncture of internal organs. No blood yet so that is unconfirmed. That is all, we will try and hold off as long as we can. “

“Understood.” And then there was a ‘click’.

Mia than picked up her bow and loaded it. She leaned on the ground and aimed it at the door. She could barely hold the string, her body was shaking so bad. She did not feel cold, no she still felt extremely hot. In truth, she kind of felt great. Which was bad. “Yeah… this is going to be a close call. Lucky Pate had not gotten to locking me up yet.”

Mia knew this was just a waiting game now. Either Pate will come out here and try and get them, or he will wait. Either way he knows they will come to make a trap. Suddenly the top of the Lighthouse exploded with light. Mia watched the top of the tower until finally the light slowly pulsed to a stop.

“I think he opened one of those rinky dinky temp. portals. I think Pate just made his escape.” Mia said, lower her bow. Walking to where her jacket laid when she took it off in the beginning of all this, she brought it back to Prentice and placed it on his shoulders. “How are you feeling pal? Don’t be alarmed, but I feel fantastic right now.” Mia said, sitting next to Prentice. “Actually we both know we should be extremely alarmed. Just don’t let me fall asleep. Don’t cough up any blood either.”

They waited and it was about another half an hour until the another team showed up. Along with a medical team. This mission was over, and when the emergency care team gotten there, they had rushed Mia and Prentice both to the hospital. They had both narrowly escaped with their lives.

Mia was in the red for a few hours, but of course no stupid poison from a dumb demon was going to kill Mia. Mia recovered a lot faster than Prentice, him having broken ribs and all. Looks like their down time was going to be a few months this time around until Prentice recover fully.

After Mia had made a full recovery and Prentice was released from the hospital, not for missions yet though, they were asked to go get their statements of his the mission really went. Entering the major’s office he looked at them with a worried expression, “by the sound of the nose and notes I have received from doctors, you two made it out of there narrowly.”

Mia smiled, “Yeah. Prentice saved the day again. We probably would have been dead if not for him.” Mia never liked taking the credit for anything, not that she really did do anything this mission but free prentice. The rest was truly all on him.

“Regardless, you two sit down, start from the beginning. The other team found the area on the top of the tower meant to open a portal, but the level C demon was nowhere to be found. There were a few strangler demons however.” He said.

Mia just turned to Prentice, allowing for him to tell the story.
Prentice scowled at her, his expression telling her that she had better give or would forever face his wrath. Ah...Er, right after his ribs healed. He sighed as she took the anit-venom, relieved she was smart enough to actually listen to him. He stayed silent while she was on the phone, not bothering to listen to what she was saying. For some reason, his brain had shut off. There was a list of things to do in his head - Get Terra here, get out, see a doctor. Oh, and if he could make the screaming pain in his side go away, that would be awesome...

He watched Mia load her bow and aim it at the door. Prentice's expression tightened. He really didn't want to see Pate or any Raveners come through the door....He just wanted to crawl away and try in vein to null the pain in his side. A light burst from the top of the lighthouse, bathing everything in a bright, painfully white light. Prentice squinted and eventually closed his eyes until it passed, but it was too late. The headache was back. Mia had already guessed what had happened. Instead of answering her, he made a sort of groaning sound.

Prentice was relieved when Mia gave him her jacket. "Thanks," he croaked, and studied her face. "You-you're kidding right?" He sighed. "That's not good, Mia," he pointed out, wishing she hadn't told him that. He wanted to selfishly only worry about himself, but he now had to worry about his partner collapsing. "I won't if you won't..."

They made it without passing out or coughing up blood. Another team and a medical team showed up an eternity later. He was freezing, in pain and ready to curse someone out for sending them there without so much as - Ugh. Sometimes Prentice wondered if his standards were set too high.

Prentice cracked two ribs and broke another. They were all on the right side. The doctor told them the obvious - if he didn't have the strong bones of an Amity, his ribs would have no doubt shattered and found his heart or lungs. Mia probably wouldn't have made it if she wasn't Amity, either. This wasn't the first time they received wounds so bad, and something told him it wouldn't be the last.

Not only was his time in the hospital slow and boring, he had to comfort his sister every time she called. She was stuck in New York and couldn't fly down, and felt horrible about it. He kept telling her she didn't have to, that it was okay, he'd be fine, but she wouldn't have.

"Lucy, I'm feeling better - Really! I'll be fine!"

"Come on, Pren! Do you understand the danger you were in? You could have -"

"I feel my heart rate spiking."

"Oh, no! I'll hang up then! Love you!"

"Love you, too...."

Prentice was even sure poor Mia had to deal with Lucy. He loved his sister, but she tended to over react and bug every one about it. She worried about Mia, too, though they had never formally met. He wasn't sure How long harassed Mia, though....

Prentice was finally released from the hospital after a month or two, sporting a lovely and fashionable rib belt. He and Mia had to meet the major the day after he was released. Mia decided to make him look like a hero...Before he could say that if Mia hadn't been loose, he wouldn't have been able to do anything, the major sat them both down. Mia decided to let him tell the story. So, he released a sigh and started with his suspicions of Mister Pate he had in the beginning. His calm demeanor, the way he held himself...He told the story until he got to the point where he and Mia were waiting for help. He looked at Mia. "Am I missing anything?"
“Nope, that is all!” Mia said with a smile. Prentice manage to get every detail, she even got to hear some parts she was unconscious for. The Major nodded and wrote down everything as Prentice descried it. “Ok well, the doctors said to give you another month. After that if you get the all clear I will send you both off as soon as a mission opens up. If our level C demon Pate shows up, you guys will be the first on the case. You two get some rest now, good job as always.”

Mia got up and gently patted Prentice on the back, “yeah, let’s go home. I’ll bring something up from the kitchen.” Mia was just grateful she and Pren had made it through this mission, but she did know one thing, “Pate is going to have another things coming if he thinks he can scum around the world.” Mia said, squeezing Prentice’s shoulder gently as they walk back home.

End Episode 1

(Because Prentice did not kill him, he will be back! With another team or with Mia or Prentice later haha, You can add on an extra ending if you want or not. Regardless, On to the next team!)


Episode 2 – Wizard's Secret

Team 39 – Matthew and Cody

It was already mid afternoon, around 1pm. Matthew, or often called Matt, was in the bathroom fixing his hair in the usual spiked fashion that he loved. His partner Cody and him had gotten home from a mission a few nights ago and were expecting to get a rather nice break. It was a hard mission with a bunch of demon who thought they could overthrow a bunch of Fairy Folk. Cody could tell you how much of a pain in the butt it is to get into the fey’s realm.

After finishing his hair, Matt washed his face and left his bathroom to find a rather good looking outfit for the days expected lazy day. They still needed to take their German Sheppard, Chief, out for a walk. The poor dog missed them severally, he was so happy when him and Cody had gotten home from their mission, doing his funny dance. Matt's skin was going to be rubbed off to the bone by the amount of licking the dog did to him. Picking a light red tee shirt and some darker colored jeans, Matt picked up his PI and stuck it in his pocket just in case someone needed to reach him.

When he finally came out of his room Matt made a running jump for the couch and plopped on it next to their dog Chief. After that he rolled over and sat up enough to scratch the dog on his belly, “Who’s the man Chief? Who’s our man Chief? You are!” He said in a rather babyish voice as he riled the dog up some. He was not sure if Cody was going to come with him to take Chief for a walk, heck he might even take the dog to the dog park. “Hey, you want to go to the dog park? I bet you do!” Matt said with a laugh. Chief had rolled off the couch at this point and was practically dancing on the floor in excitement, he even started to bark a few times loudly.

“Ok ok, calm down some crazy! We aren't going just yet.” Matt said smiling at the child like excitement their dog was showing. Chief stopped his dancing to tilt his head in question, even as his tail wagged and he continued to pant from being riled up. Looking up at their door, Matt silently wondered where his partner was, was he still in bed or did he go out?
Cody wished he could get more sleep.

He was still exhausted by the mission he had come back from a few days ago...Ugh. Fairy Folk were high maintenance. Just getting to them was a mission and a half. It took a lot of -

Who's the man Chief? Who's our man Chief? You are!

Cody groaned and rolled over, squishing his own face with his pillow. This was his day to sleep in. To relax and watch some Marvel movie. Maybe even screw around with Matt for a bit. But the barking dog and the howling partner made it very hard to relax in the morning.

"Ma-a-a-a-a-a-att," Cody grumbled, raising his voice considerably, but was far too tired to yell, so he probably went unheard. "Shut u-u-u-u-up."

As he was about to really let Matt have it, his PI buzzed. he groaned and got out of bed, body weak and eyes fuzzy from getting up too fast, and


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